ExamI Physics221,FaLt2007 1. A book is at rest on a desk top. Which of the following forces forms a Newton's third law pair with the book's weight? A) The normal force of the table on the book B) The force of the book on the table ;Q The gravitational force of the earth on the book ( D)The gravitationalforce of the book on the earth YI None of the above Utru$f \.{) ft*db]f,r>n+-0 T?r.tf t1 lD .|"n* on tML rr i, \ ao*r"t\^ *Y 2. A 65 kg studentis standingin a high speedelevatoras it acceleratesupward with a: 15 m/s2.What is the magnitudeof the normal force that the floor of the elevator exertson the student? A) 338N B) 637N c) e75N D) r274N @t612N N ) - cn$ : N J = on f 6r I i A f,c\ 3\ = t6tzN) Qortl^ M4. Physics221Fall2007ExamI 3. Threeblocksarearrangedon a horizontal,frictionlesstableasshownbelow.If a forceof 20.0N to the right is appliedto the left mass,whatis the horizontalforceon the far right mass? A) 0.606N ,@D.82N tf,z.q:N D) r2.2N E) None of the above t\^4- ^U-b\a- fc>t **p+* j ,D\) c,6( */r- 6s t\- 34 H'ct E , n * . ( 3 ob)[o- et r,/*) (8LN) into S.I.unitsis: 4. Thespeed150feetlhour (ft/h)converted /|\ I A) 4.16 x l0-2 ff/s B) 5.00 x l0-' in/s C\ 45.7 mlh ,ta. nnelevl onJ eecs"'"A . ( D)rl.27xl0-- m/s E) 0.762m/min rr)+ ry t+""f (h lz io I iq \eD ccn 36ros = | 2)xto-2 -/s Physics221Fall2007ExamI is shownbelow. Theobjectstartsat restat x - 0 and/ : 0. 5. An object'sacceleration Whatis theobject'spositionat timet:3.0 s? '(Al+.sm a* (m/sz) BJ9.0m C ) 1 2 . 5m D)15m E)25m ^--(l o CI.i .1r J t/l l I I I I I t r \ f - : ' . L + \ " d t= o )r r (s) 5.0 * + 1 +d t = Jo L j_ 2_ Jo rE r' ) < : X e - + l , f d t - rr ) O +' - b " xF.on) i 6 Jo., ry * T V.5 nn 6 . How long doesthe mass,initially at rest at the top of the incline, take to slide down the frictionless,inclined plane shown below? fN f b t-Ti i t'f< l l * l 5 . 0 0m A) 0.84s B) l.0l s s C )1 . 1 1 D ) 1 . 3 3s s ftrD.47 d-- I 2 ^'- ?KlnQ= 562*lru t " nnsslq0 cs-,-b., t, G h:! q t - 1 - ? -- - ocreler:fiar dA/r\-a-ff. F iA \iY a' c6\€/eC .t t "l% d = i*o\-LR'a5'q) m = 6' lcn ss)?f Phvsics221Fall2007 Exam I 7. Two balls are shot toward eachother at the sametime, t : 0 s, off of two identical tablesthatarel00m apart.Letbatl#l hitthegroundatttandball #zhittheground att2. If the initial velocity of ball #1 is (Z.Otdr)iandthe initial velocityof ball #2is (-+.0 tdr)i , what is the ratio of tftz? Ignore friction and air resistanceor drag. &zu-*n vl -?} -&*re** I -Tt"a--[i."e- A)4:l B)2:l to1t* L-s4i.*-t 'D^s- nftairs"^ Fa,rh + 9t',i E)1:4 ur d^*;-+eJ a1 : Gn* ^J !.st' i,. flr.r brrre t*, t{t1^, br " tz 8. A flatbedtruck is carryinga 50.0kg box. Boththetruck andbox areat restat a stop light. Whenthe light turnsgreen,what is the maximumaccelerationthat the truck canhavethatavoidshavingthebox slip if tttROiPOandpy:0.150? +r o <- A) 0.98mlsz B) I .47mlsz rf;,il3iyfr 1': cYla- +' mlsz YYYYY+.qo C UsN): I ,Ltsnff h I ' rnc\ Qrywx= f.? = 2,7+-"'l- Phvsics221Fall2007Exam1 9. A particlemovesalongthepathshownbelowwith constantspeed,passingpoint A thatpoints first andpoi$frlast. At whichpoint doestheparticlehavean acceleration to theright?(!l Q,=oFt A,B,C, (*H'u1t[' F"f^) . ^ ?-n+J 4a^nra lte-u .er'k; 4 , a)J\fftr L af {4 €tc 10. A massis tied to string and undergoesuniform circular motion on a frictionless, horizontal table. The string will break if its tensionexceeds100 N. Which of the following statementsis true if the massis 10 kg and the period of the motion is 1.0 s? 'A (A)fhe radiusof the circle hasto be lessthan 0.25 m. B) The radius of the circle has to be greaterthan 0.25 m. C) The radiusof the circle hasto be lessthan 0.50 m. D) The radius of the circle has to be greaterthan 0.50 m. E) Sincethe massis moving with a constantspeed,the radius of the circle can be anysize. n r T f a - (\,7(nbd T,\'S I -l cnq. =o'7 fii=o-l pe'\Dl\t \uON lG ff"j = J o Physics221Fall2007Exam1 of 2.0m/s2as ll. A workeris loweringa 100kg masswith a downwardacceleration ropeat thepoint indicatedby the shownbelow.Whatis thetensionin themassless asterisk(*)? I ^f / ! d j q3--l = nno\ T= (e -a) cr1 :BbN A ) 1 1 8N 0 N e80 A) @780 N D) 4e0N E) 3e0N Physics 221FalI2007 Exam1 12. Ariver of width 200m runsfrom thenorthto the southwith a currentof 2.0 m/s. If you canswimwith a speedof 4.0 m/s (with respecttothe water),whatanglefrom the eastshouldyou point if you wantto swimdirectlyacrossthe river? A) 27' 91" D) 60" rl- | u rt* , st,tDG, Z.o 3 Qt.y$ +o () . & " V) icre(eaAsl- 13. A particle, moving with constantacceleration,coversthe distancebetweentwo points that are 200 m apartin 5.0 s. If its speedat the secondpoint is 50 m / s, what was its speedat the first point? A) 20 m/s X=Ko+,Tol + V+omts *JD cn = /@o*r' D) 50 m/s E) 80 m/s 'G I r t 1- zo' (s *)-F L*(a os) u-. 'G+ o* 5C = T, t o @ ?rro= 50 -- 5i\-J\)O \)o K --Q-) {-| e \ t-- 5a- O,(5.O t) o,' 5D- \G a,=, _E__ 25D = 5'S"| +/ce-$"\ l-' fo = %o ,YlI Physics22lFall2007 ExamI of a force. Whichpoint (or points)is a 14.Thesketchbelowshowsthex-dependence stableequilibrium point(s)? tut bnu\^/.'F= S k - a & t q -q,) o Tr<o TDo s t<o F><> + ? e \ .^iaBr, A)A (F)n Vc D)D E) bothB andD arestableequilibriumpoints. 15.Whatis theanglebetweenvectorI - 3i + 4j - 2k andthex axis? J A) 37" bzz: ,^ Y: -l A"i GD D) 61o E) 65o - CS) rI tEll \--- a f-r- lVl * + * + * = 56" O f u t . t tR[r btu "dlh Physics221Fall2007ExamI of its velocityis 5.0 uniformcircularmotion.Themagnitude 16.Aparticleundergoes is 10m/s2.Whatis the radiusof the m/sandthe magnitudeof its radialacceleration circle? A) 0.4m B) 0 . 5m 2 . 0m 2 . 5m 2 . 8m G a q p: u-z w t \r1\o o4"/j1" 17. Water comesout of a gardenhoseat 10 m/s. The hose,whose end is horizontal and 1.5 m abovethe ground, is aimed atavertical wall located2.0 m away. At what distancefrom the baseof the wall doesthe water hit the wall? 2 . 0m A) 0.2m B) 0.4m c) 0 . 7m l.l m 1 . 3m 6 1 r l I la l.5cn 7 ; 2 0 s'rt +o Xo + \tr"t : cY1 D *f,)+ + ['O l- 4tL Z J . f= c,Zs 2 p) {c,a'f: t Lfq Z I ann 10 Physics221Fall2007Exam1 from rest.When 18.A 1.0kg box is placedon a 2}-mhighpointon a hill andreleased the bottomof the slope,its speedis 10m/s.Determinethe work done thebox reaches by friction. A) -s0 J B) -96 J \ t D) -196I E) It cannotbe determined because flr.is not given. €*f 3 m3l^ € b"ttbrn 5-o t/.,t4r&rr,, s AE nrbh: -FF6tl !-u"- 19. A ball tossedvertically into the air takes2.0 s to come back to the original position. How high doesthe ball go (aboveits initial position)?Ignore friction and drag. @;+.q,.n B/r.sm c)15m D)20m E)25m A0 I I i l:i I li t i, a , o , \ t t\: c> lvlax h.ue1,ltl",1" -.) l,oJ f" WI tb ft* +"p n t)e : .{,r J;t - |lt' 1 d o * ,( qa?4(ror) (ro')- Lr,s}y = C,1'{e,8?) rOr)z= n Physics221Fall2007Exam1 20' Apendulummadeof a light stringanda smallbob is releasedfrom theposition wherethe stringmakesan angleof 30owith respectto the vertical.Right at the bottomof the bob'strajectory,the stringsnaps.Whichof the followini diagrams correctlydepictsthe velocityof thebobanaifre forcesactingon it rigft afterthe stringsnaps? $:}{ot l \ i x) riu'ltqn&$'l-) F nr*,nF tz"1\€"f tc Tt*( cr tttirn *^l*.bq 4 t a cUcle-, +t c.*-tr&rl..r*") A c d t2 Physics22lFall2007 Exam1 r V '-"\ \(c-he'{a^^' n. A{,2.0kg)block slides at constantspeeddown an incline that makes an angle of 30o What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and *ihrtdnorizontal. theincline? A) 0.22 }tr 0.50 l0 @)0.s8 D1 0.87 E) 0, becausethe speedis constant. \^ Crupf*r.t sp*J => Q=C ^tr'nQ o +*= =o X,: U : c\ncusfg- \ ) r! Pu [n' N=+ gr : NLttrnS F. N; ryts?P = farg = o.TE 22. Aturntable rotatesat 30 rpm (revolutionsper minute) at t:0. Due to friction with the surfaceunderneathit, it slows down and stopsin 4.0 s. How many turns did it completein this time? A\ \{)1.0tums B) 1.3turns C) 2.0turns D) 2.2 turns E) 3.1turns t nnt,"l ?pryry frtn 6os lCeV = LDo : /,lV ne/ /LA : ()%F qt O = ql+'F+ Av:tl.,t+ / \ o { ( q 0 t /) C{:_o,ltdlr" l*r' =(?\L{'+ + *(-onF Y"os)' X+or) = 6 ?s,ad. l*ur* .- ffiaJ -- | O tulw' r3 Physics 221Fall2007ExamI 23.Thegraphbelowshowsthe potentialenergyof a forceasa functionof x. Potentialenergy \ \ I (- l\ 11 / o 7 / \ lsquare:lJxlm / \ / + + <c I / \ \ il \ f s - / \ 7 ; / x , / \ ^/ / F( c \ Rank the x componentof the force (including signs!) associatedwith this potential at p o i n t xs : - 2 m ) x - - l m a n d x : 5 m A) I;(-1 m) < F*(1m): F,(5 m) B) I1(-l m) < F,(1m) < F,(5 m) C) 4(-l m) < F*(5 m) < F.(2m) DJ r;(5 m) < F"(1m) < F,(-l m) ,@)None of the above. V R..,ro FGZ)) o trGr)-*., r(u\ tr(-4 d *s)(o t4 Physics221Fall2007ExamI ropethatmakesan 24.A l0-kg blockis pulledalonga horizontalfloorby amassless angleof 35oabovethe horizontal.Thetensionin theropeis 100N. Whatis the magnitudeof the normal force by the floor on thg block? a\ 'RI\T A l 9 IN qU)41 c) 57N D)e8N 4? tlL l| v T r-h t | L-4,x I r __r-"-* t- * E) 120N \, ,: C N t-l-rrng *5 =C A- i) n U. on5- ldnD = c+-r t) 25. Two blocks of massesm and3m arc connectedthrougha massless,ideal stringthat goesthrough an ideal, masslesspulley in the arrangementshown below. There is no friction betweenthe blocks and the surfaces.Determinethe tension in the string.- N ^)l*s B) mg a / t aN^ " r l ffi c)l*s D)I*s $.0" @u*r I ft.?o" 3"b e.n$ T = d'ilO.- 3^3en? - )T3oftot.=' (fcno* 4]: I nSq +?b1 *A +*a t5 Phvsics221Fall2007ExamI The a springwith k:2000 N/m andis thenreleased. 26.A 1.0-kgblockcompresses blockthenslidesalonga frictionlesstrackandinto a circularloop of radius R:50 cm (seefigure).Atthe top of the loop,the normalforce onthe blockbythe track has a magnitudeequal to twice the weight of the block. How much was the spring compressedat the beginning? A) 5.0cm B) l0 cm @r13cm DI zg.Ei 32cm tot I Cslele>\6-bf. = 3qR J -1 +l'J a rn-sz { *t-r ' V i-L l r \ - | z. ttx I,L*- Ycnr{L ------.,J fn ,f; \) = ?sng, bo r^s,Th = t 1 l / K a ; B \)q\<t L 5*ot + "n3zRl ,* cn ?nn3lt x=\W = oBcn t [cKK_ l- 27. A200 gmassis attachedto a spring(k:30 N/m) that is compressed10 cm from its equilibrium position. If the coefficient of friction betweenthe massand the table is Itrc:0.50, what is the velocity of the masswhen the spring has expandedby 5.0 cm by 5.0 cm)? (i.e. when the spring is only compressed 'o x . : - 1 0 c m x^: -5.0 cm /{0.61 m/s (i'\*z B)X.80m/s \@ x: 0 €1-- bWl= 'y(wO #)(or'f C) l.l m/s ='c.151 D) 1.2 mls E) Noneof the above ^ l l ) = te avxz + !-cnsL (l . 7 \ - a [o o,B"T-+ c>'l\r-)l I I \-xr\ l , t t c n l ' - O " ' o Y q l M\ 3 €z-q - v u f a , U c , o a * t+ o ' l f L - o ' 1 5 \r a e.-6D*.fs * ouovl t6