Questions and Example Problems from Chapter 6 Question1 If youpressanapplecrateagainsta wall sohardthatthecratecannotslidedownthewall, what is thedirectionof (a)thestaticfrictionalforcefronthecratefromthewall andft) thenomral forceFNonthecratefromthewall. Ifyou increase yourpush,whathappens to (c)f,, (d) Fn,and (e)"6.'*? -4|II n r-Jl "---vl II (") "r\ +lavrd 1 | L.-B\o -1-=:_-_ Dr<!9 C =.g ,*,ffi)i'-A^,*G) -.': ' z t\ td ))ry4 t-l Problem 1 / t-) l= ' te) ryw A personpusheshorizontallywith a force of220 N on a 55 kg crateto moveit acrossa level floor. The coefficientof kinetic friction is 0.35.What is the magnitudeof (a) the frictional force and (b) the crate'sacceleration? d\ f- + 1 Xr'=rr)Q' =6 F='rroN J yrr? \ - ng =o ---rrT\--rc,s l=(ssrc516q,so,,/s)= _g O.56nftt rq problem 2 55 Fg A 2.5 kg block is initially at rest on a horizontalsurface.A 6.0N horizontalforce anda vertical force .P areappliedto the block asshownin the figure below The coefficientsof friction for the block and surfacearep6= 0.40 and |rr = 0.25.Determinethe magnitudeanddiregtionofthe frictional force actingon the block if the magnitudeof F is 1a;S.0N, O) 10N, and(c) 12N. C"oru e: /,1 t XFr= fQav=o W .fu $ f',*,* 2 6.on.r) : c-o. ;'4 blt\n'-\*4 ( €,,,."o t.oror *,,J +tDf'^' A J'*;rL +"^h,a ( fo={n,y1) ,i\* P- -?=o --+ n[1= rrrg- P = (r.soFs) (*fr,) - | ---+ = ll"SN _p "f\ (") \= (.b) \= aa.SAr -l.oru = l{o.b.D frr*rry=u,I " - (,,oo b.btr = (;= 6.6r\) = /?.snl f,,*^a.f.Sn)-ion-r =l, tf\ = (0"+'7 irv-st; = 5.r A) f,,*^*=l,rf1=10"+ = 3.r,ro __+ f" = S.6n'lF"&-0"+f f,<=rroq)= (D.rc)(11-5ru) Problen 3 A loadedpenguinsledweighing 80 N restson a planeinclined at 20" to the horizontal(seethe figure belovr).Betweenthe sledandthe plane,the coefficientof staticfriction is 0.25,andthe coefficientof kinetic friction is 0.15.(a) What is the minimum magnitudeof the force F, parallelto the plane,that wiil preventthe sledfrom slippingdown the plane?@) What is the minimum magnitudeF that will startthe sledmoving up the plane?(c) What valueof F is requiredto movethe sledup the planeat constantvelocity? -) W4/ VZa )>' V;*& I'n -.... r P'"J uAlA /+.^-{-,{ tr.ra'.^1l9u *l-^ \r^N'Yh +"'^t /Arq ,: .,i -rA fr,.* --':-=:- lt \lrF Y/ =A'Y\ I- / \ \/'_x 4a\ Xf,/=foqy=o ol) * rg c.64O =o = tF-=frra^=9 trn f.-hga,rrDO=o *m3a41e ^ i" \r\3''d4o (") '\ - -t""'o/ \,,' ,.x |\\r.xa rv ztr \\, fqt coag 1xl a,;::-l-"' if) : ts=6"n)i*ao- (o,as)(rs,rt) W ,n,o*tu"A.,e f.,ror=/-{r4) :Fy=rro,=o --) T'l =ter-oa$= ?s.AN =c) tF*-Ntax ---r F- fr-mr1a,v.'",O F = mga,arog+1rff1 = (SbN).iJr"oAo.+ 1o.ts)(f s ,N) =@ 4,u, aut ra ruraw;v.6 4t7}u p!p,"a) < ,n-'n* ,,'a^),/.,.;^t;'&W" .l( p-- m3^'he- fs'= mgi't"9-lf H\e,\ ft +iv"n dtd"\ Iat pl,^^At\,.,*b " frl \-"F e6t/\ rrt' &vntt"n . ,c LO= r",? 21,\^ b' PIA^I) -r ' A"+W 'r Nf-', u n /.t't, 19, 4AAn'J d'") }'^4 fii fs f*"b N-h)t 0ll tu ))d a"J p"..,',bA,'',qfiu r"a;Lg) P*\ 4^;'h^ b pU'r,,a nl = roX@O. ?5"3N :tr) = reoy=o -----1 fn=rlonl Xf-= N\o,r=o----+ ,E- r.rgl,,r.,&-f,.=O f = mguno+r rO = ( tors)-"r0".r (o./s)(?6.3N) ,E= 39N Problem4 (Problemfrom Exam I - Spring2002) In the figure below, two blocks areconnectedover a frictionless,masslesspuiley. The weight of block A is 50 N andthe coefficientof staticfiiction betweenblock A andthe incline is 0.20.The angled of the incline is 30.0o.What is the maximumandminimum massthat block B canhave suchthat both blocksremainstationary? frui ly.rl, A /.4-'1 W ro<^a"6 /J.i+^*A /4\t" N"il-re A. +r=f,,.\^,, ft""J{rre & V" )^,.g^\, 't-Qruar g ',7 T-Do=6 I -1-= I,B ) ure ( r ) 1- V-"* p+l},,A: \-, f- a) =o )_,Fy=h l5 u)p9 taO )j F* - tf)A* =D -; we'ote ol : tDq ceoQ -, l-- r-D,\,5.r^lO-f, = O o c4ao = ( sor.l).a;q:o. o"1\l" tDF = 33-ZN -/ P. ---.--\ 1.f\ - 33.?Nl / 1'x",/r' ^{rYur.n M(qh^'aA1 -b!4wA\ B ",rr\ }rArv" /h-{l',.ru #,^j rnB=. - 3-t) Ys ll.r\ A p ,a, b* hl,<^*". XR= T a tclo.r=5 -f* T= wo-A,tnO-f, + l^)B= trAi)^t0 LDqg'.r o Wa rzaD f,-dAar.rb :o T= uon,a;;'..'O-l,lr1) -1.t. (w*r.cO) \___, Lds = (56N) o,.3o.o"- ([so N) ta:]o.o- _) 1 " . 3N t\o= 0"/o t <t' I L'3^/r."on1r'--, = i Fru l.?l1s Problem5 Block B in the figure below weighs71I N. The coefficientof staticfriction betweenblock and tableis 0.25; assumethat the cord betweenB andthe knot is horizontal.Find the maximum weight of block A for which the systemwill be stationary. uo^qht Xp bA&\ A ^."r,a^a ) F; ltW. B},l ^r b* rv+r'4totruM, *o ft= fr,"^* = /l"ff) $.,.ra nIAt\ )n"4"f\"j" $Z € tF, =nay=o r^A ' ^n nn '1\ -tl" =O ----r'Y')'r.rD ------')) = ?ll N +===- !F-=fo^* =6 -[G :" -r \= f, = !"1) --r JD., 3".-" o1,& g.,l : -Wy = \= (o.ts)(r,rr.r) t? rN Tq Ta-0)qo l*<aae (=lDo*=o luLo" O -T, = o Jr = f,/r-n l?rN <&30 .. ----J T1 = Ao551 Xtrr-Mar=6 7" -Al^q O -@A=o Ua= lo3N -+ _.F. trft-- I aA/Vn fJ = (xosN) -axn36" Problem6 Supposetlle coefEcientof staticfriction betweenthe roadandthe tires on a car is 0.60 andthe car hasno negativelift. What speedwill put the car on the vergeof sliding asit roundsa level curveof 30.5m radius? / +{ / I I ln / p[+! l'.J[ I \ {+ \ \v \ L XF-=Ir)Ax ( | Ts l.D=f,)g Fr = ftt ov -o ) o-'"h" ') N'\u.tti -l.n - = mz 4 f.--. (,7,) 1 -a,Yvtl c-Dl '14o-'"Je,w 4 W^u f" - |s,,n*x , = f-\, dI\ v='l )^srz ,u/.? V: 'l (o.t".1Qo,v-)(7.2o.1r1 = Problem7 t{9 As shownin the figure below, a I .34 kg ball is connectedby meansof two masslessstringsto a vertical,rotatingrod. The stringsaretied to the rod andaretaut. The tensionin the upperstring is 35 N. (a) Draw the free-bodydiagramfor the ba1l.What are(b) the tensionin the lower string, (c) the net force on the ball, and(d) the speedof the ball? lra.rt D.t5rn -[ = 35nl t-| - -:- .. lrr'L4frti | uh l.lrr.t ,J Ia4 I f DJ I t)'vt I =ma)'o --T. l^ O - ll.d-t"n 6) = (35n:)-Urn3o-o'JL^\ (.) Ma=6 = -i-l v f'\ t7 -& O--1 *4,,\le ?,zoof 5') J^ = 9.?N JO" )r;^, Xtrv=o.,;l. ^A+e1*";"Jr^^*yl=- -J,.-o-oDtTico.O (:.tN) .or3o'-----+Xtrr=3?.tN=Fq ttr^ = (:sN)tr,:3o"+ v =6,4 nf5