ENTE NAZIONALE DELLA CINOFILIA ITALIANA Federation Cynologique Internationale REGISTRATION FORM FOR TEAMS OF IV WORLD RESCUE DOG CHAMPIONSHIP PLANNED FROM 21 TO 24 OF AUGUST 2014 COUNTRY PATICIPANT : _____________________________ (country name) The undersigned : ________________________________________________________________ as CAPTAIN/TEAM LEADER Address: Mail address: WITH FOLLOWS ASKS The registration of the Team to the IV WORLD RESCUE DOG CHAMPIONCHIP L’iscrizione della Squadra al CAMPIONATO DEL MONDO for the following Discipline/Speciality: SEARCH FOR MISSING IN SURFACE SEARCH IN RUBBLE SEARCH ON TRACK TOP ( surface-rubble-track ) Composed by: Conductor Name Dog Breed Date of Birth Gender Rule note IN FORCE IN FORCE IN FORCE RESERVE Declares to have read the rules in force for the World Championship for Teams of rescue dogs drafted by the FCI. Declares that he has paid the registration fee of € 300.00 by sending it to: ENCI (Ente Nazionale Cinofilia Italiana) – Viale Corsica, 2 – 20137 MILANO UBI - BANCA POPOLARE DI BERGAMO Date ____________________ IBAN : IT 05 K 05428 01602 000 000 00 2007 BIC : BEPOIT21 _________________________________ (sign) Be sent no later than June 30, 2014 By e-mail to:info@lapiota.it-info@wcrescuedog2014.com and cc/ bruno@piccinelli.eu Organizing Committee : Nucleo Cinofilo da Soccorso “LA PIOTA” Sezione ANA VALSUSA info@lapiota.it