MONITORING OF ACCOUNTABILITY NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM & SNACK PROGRAM UNDER NSLP-(S-NSLP) 1. Name of School . County/SFA 2. School’s current enrollment Average Daily Attendance . Today’s attendance . . . 3. School’s average daily participation, (Average Daily Participation) School’s attendance factor . . 4. Number of students currently eligible for free, reduced price meals. Free . Reduced 5. The policy statement was implemented as approved. Yes . No 6. The counting system yielded an accurate count of lunches by category served to students. Yes No Total (students). Program Adults meals served to students . Today’s lunch count: Free Reduced , Non-Program Adults Paid . , Number of non-reimbursable . 7. The system for recording and reporting lunches served by category was correct. Yes No 8. Lunch counts by category for the previous month were reasonable compared to lunch counts for the review day. Yes No 9. Prior to submission of a claim, attendance adjusted eligibles by category were compared to daily meal counts at the school. (Edit Checks) Yes No . If no, explain 10. Required food items/components were available to all students participating in the NSLP. Yes No 11. Lunches claimed for reimbursement contained the required food items, and quantities. Yes 12. Lunches met nutrient analysis goals for the day (Option A). Yes No No Monitoring of Accountability Page 2 13. Production records, local recipes, standardized recipes, menus, manufacturer’s nutrition fact sheets, CN Labels, etc. were available to determine nutrient analysis of meals. Yes No 14. A variety of low fat fluid milk was available throughout the serving period(s) on all serving lines. Yes No . If no, explain. 15. The school’s HACCP plan, as developed, was being followed, and was up-to-date. Yes _______ No_______. 16. Offer vs. serve was properly implemented (if applicable)? Yes No 17. Procedures have been established to receive complaints alleging discrimination. Yes No 18. Correct procedures were in place for counting, recording, receipting, reporting and depositing food service money daily. Yes No 19. Was corrective action taken at this school? Yes No . Will a follow-up visit be made within 45 days to ensure noncompliance(s) had been corrected? Yes No . Date planned to return . (Document and file the results of the follow-up visit). 20. Daily snack counts for the “At Risk” or “Traditional” snack program under NSLP(S-NSLP) were accurately counted. Yes No 21. The meal pattern was met for the S-NSLP as evidenced by Production Records. Yes No 22. Correct procedures were in place for counting, recording, receipting, and reporting money received in the Snack Program. Yes No 23. Attendance records were maintained for the Snack Program. Yes Reviewer’s Signature No Date_______________ SFA’s MUST monitor each site by February 1 and maintain documentation of on-site monitoring visits. To ensure the school implements corrective action, conduct a follow-up review within 45 days. Maintain documentation of the follow-up review(s). WVDE-ADM-40 2006-2007