E-Research Implementation Committee Meeting 308 Library July 31, 2013, 3:30 p.m. Attending:

E-Research Implementation Committee Meeting
308 Library
July 31, 2013, 3:30 p.m.
Attending: Sarah Williams (chair), Christie Wiley, Harriett Green, Susan Braxton, Bethany
Anderson, Beth Sandore Namachchivaya, Karen Hogenboom, Laila Hussein (recorder)
The meeting agenda:
• Informational item about the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (5 minutes)
• Debrief from and next steps for organizing Research Data Services Interest Group (10
• Discussion of proposals for campus Research Data Service (45 minutes), Beth shared
with the committee a print out of her presentation
(Laila) suggested that the committee can use the Digital Humanities Summer Institute
workshops to recruit and educate more people at the library.
(Harriett) talked about her experience as she attended the Summer Institute many times and
recommended it as a place where people can go to learn and develop their skills in the data
management fields.
(Sarah Williams) talked about the meeting that was initialed by the eResearch Implementation
Committee that Karen and Bethany organized on July 30th at 3 :30 pm. Sarah talked about the
success of the organization and the speakers (Bill Mischo, Sarah Shreeves and Harriett Green).
Everyone in the room agreed that the meeting was well organized .
(Sarah Williams) also talked about how we can organize more events like the last one that took
place on July 30th. She is going to send an email to the committee members ask for volunteers to
organize more events and the majority of the committee members agreed that the organizer of
the coming events should organize the events semester by semester and it should be one event
each month.
Proposals for campus Research Data Service:
Beth Sandore made a presentation about the Research Data Service Proposal. She explained the
history and background of the Campus Data Stewardship Committee in 2010 in the office of
Provost, chaired by University Librarian Paula Kaufman.
After giving a background about the project, she identified the links between the proposed
Research Data Service and needs expressed by researchers in the Chancellor’s Visioning Future
Excellence strategic planning process, as well as in the campus IT governance strategic planning.
She addressed the issue of increasing federal agency requirements (such as NSF and NIH.) that
are increasingly requiring researchers to submit a research data management plan with their grant
proposals. She explained that the university and researchers are responsible for stewarding and
preserving the data that they produced from their research and both funders are requiring that the
data be publicly accessible.
She explained that the Research Data Service is proposed to be a program that serves the
campus, and is managed by the library in partnership with CITES, the OVCR, and NCSA. She
also mentioned that most probably that the Research Data Service will be part of the Scholarly
Commons unit in the library. CITES and NCSA will manage the campus storage, networking
and manage the cyber infrastructure. The Library
In conclusion Beth talked about the fact that there will be need for communication and training
and consultation and the library will be the headquarter of the research data organization and it
will provide service and support for the campus.