Report Rubric

Name ________________________________________________________________
Date ________________________
Report Rubric
Driving Question
3 points
The report is easy to
follow and understand.
There is clear focus and
organization. The
student used his/her
own words.
Paragraphs have main
ideas, provide details,
and are neatly written.
There is no evidence of
There are limited
grammatical errors.
Rules for correct use of
capital letters,
punctuation, and
spelling have been
followed. There is
sentence variety with
descriptive adjectives.
All parts of the driving
question are clearly
answered. Ideas are
supported with specific
details. Many of the
words from the question
are restated to help the
reader see the answers.
A neat illustration that
was created by the
student is included and
helps answer the
driving question. Colors
choices were
appropriate and could
be explained by the
A variety of resources
were used:
3 books,
2 websites, and
1 interview
Resources were written
on a bibliography page
and placed at the end of
the report.
Some parts are
unorganized or difficult
to follow. Paragraphs
lack main ideas and
details. Too much of
the report has been
copied or not written in
the student’s own
There are some
grammatical mistakes.
There are few errors in
punctuation, spelling,
and capitalizing letters.
There is not enough
sentence variety; some
sentences are choppy
or incomplete.
Only part of the driving
question is answered.
Not enough details are
given to support ideas.
Too few words from the
driving question are
restated as main idea
The drawing is untidy
and does not support
the research paper.
Color selections could
not be explained by the
student. Or, someone
other than the student
made the drawing.
Only part of the
resources required
have been used. The
bibliography was not
written on a separate
sheet of paper or
placed at the end of the
The report is
unorganized, difficult to
understand, and the
writing is not legible.
It’s hard to tell where
sentences begin and
end. There are several
grammatical errors. The
sentences are not
correctly written.
The driving question is
not answered. Most of
the report is about
something that was not
assigned as research.
The drawing is messy,
and did not appear to
take much time to
create. It has nothing to
do with the topic of the
There is no bibliography
page and/or there is
little proof that research
was done.
1 point
2 points
Directions: Hand write a 2 to 3 page research report that answers the driving question- How will the disappearance of honey bees
affect me, my town, and local beekeepers, and what can be done to help the honey bees? Include 1 colorful drawing or illustration
that you created to help answer the driving question; place it after the report. Include a bibliography (a page listing internet sources
and book titles) after the drawing.
Created by Lee Anne Burton, NBCT, modified by RAnglin