West Virginia Board of Education and the West Virginia

West Virginia Board of Education
and the West Virginia
Pre-K Continuous Quality Improvement Advisory Board
Curriculum Recommended for
West Virginia Universal Pre-K Classrooms
Adoption Period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2019
The West Virginia Board of Education is authorized to review and approve the primary
instructional resources (print and electronic) used in West Virginia public schools. In fulfilling
this task, the West Virginia Board of Education establishes advisory and review committees
comprised of teachers and other educational specialists who have expertise in the subject
areas being considered.
The West Virginia Instructional Materials Review Committee, in cooperation with the West
Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee, performs an extensive evaluation of
instructional materials and programs submitted for review and conducts official hearings with
publishers. The Official State Multiple List of Instructional Materials K-12 provides information
for schools to use in the selection of instructional materials. The Official State Multiple List
contains the listings of approved curriculum frameworks around which Universal Pre-K
Centers must be organized.
The West Virginia Department of Education acknowledges the contributions of the members
of the Instructional Materials Advisory Committee and the Instructional Materials Review
Committee who participated in the review, analysis, deliberation, recommendation, and
approval process. The support of counties, higher education, the publishers and their
respective representatives is deeply appreciated.
Connie Bowers
Lubeck Elementary
Wood County
Heather Brooks
Neale Elementary
Wood County
Loretta Compton
Central Community Action
Gilmer, Harrison, Lewis &
Ritchie Counties
Amy Graham
Pre-K Special Needs Itinerant Teacher
Mason County Schools
Jayme Herron
Youth Health Services Child Care
Randolph County
Kimberly D. Kehrer
Special Education Director
Pleasants County
Barbara Laugh
Harrisville Elementary
Pleasants County
Laura Littleton
Early Education Station Child Care
Mason County
Mary Olson
South Western Community Action
Cabell, Lincoln, Wayne,
Mason Counties
Tamara Raines
Walton Elementary
Roane County
Pam Smith
Buffalo Elementary
Putnam County
Cassandra Pratt
Instructional Materials Advisory Committee Member
West Virginia Board of Education
West Virginia Pre-K CQI Advisory Board
Curriculum Framework Recommended for West Virginia Universal Pre-K Centers
Universal Pre-K
Adoption Period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2019
Authority for Adoption of Universal Pre-K Curriculum
Based on WVBE Policy 2525
West Virginia’s Universal Access to a Quality Early Education System (2525)
§126-28-10. Curriculum and Assessment.
10.1. Only comprehensive curricula systems and comprehensive assessment systems
that are included on the approved list shall be used by WV Pre-K classrooms, including
classrooms that serve children with identified special needs. The West Virginia Pre-K Early
Childhood Assessment System, utilizing the Early Learning Scale, is a performance-based,
authentic assessment system which will be implemented with all children enrolled in WV PreK programs, as per WVBE Policy 2520.15.
10.2. Selection and use of supplemental materials/curricula enhancement, that
address core content areas such as language and literacy acquisition or numeracy, must be
based on scientifically based research and support the philosophy and techniques of the
comprehensive curriculum and the requirements of this section. Guidance provided by the
WVDE will provide local county collaborative early childhood teams assistance in
collaborative, local decision making processes pertaining to supplemental materials/curricula
enhancement. Instructional practices such as worksheets, extended periods of sitting, seat
work at desks or tables, flashcards, prescribed sequence of content, content areas taught in
isolation, requiring all children to be working on the same skill, lack of individualization, or a
high level of teacher directed instruction are not allowed as a part of the supplemental
10.3. Comprehensive curricula systems will be approved following a process similar to
the process established by the WVDE, including preschool special education, for adoption of
instructional materials. The approval process will include review and recommendations from
local early childhood stakeholders across systems and the WVDE Pre-K Continuous Quality
Improvement Advisory Council.
All instructional materials are sold initially through Column 1 (wholesale) and Column 2 (retail) prices.
Exchange prices (Columns 3 or 4) shall extend through one entire school year, either following the
date of initial purchase or the date of complete use. Proof of exchange required. Vendor’s options
Column 1
Lowest net wholesale price to boards of education and responsible dealers.*
Column 2
Retail price to patrons after not exceeding 15% has been added to new wholesale price.
Column 3
Lowest net exchange price to boards of education and responsible dealers
Column 4
Retail exchange price to patrons when not exceeding 10% has been added to net exchange price.
Column 5
Additional equipment and materials necessary for the success of instruction, as determined by the vendor
1. Prices and items submitted for bids are subject to further verification due to the vastness of this
state multiple list. In the event any discrepancy exits, the original bid submitted by the vendor would
determine any inquiry.
2. On last page of each series bid, the following will be included:
NOTE: Some of the following information may not pertain to Pre-K Materials. Student editions and
supplemental materials are not adopted. This adoption is for a framework around which curriculum
will be organized.
Teacher’s Editions will be furnished free upon request, one per teacher for each 25 pupil editions purchased, first year of
implementation. Additional Teacher’s Editions may be purchased at a cost indicated on this bid.
Free normal shipments to counties/schools (check one) ____ Direct from Vendor ____ State Approved Depository.
"All materials produced after August 18, 2006, must comply with the National Instructional Materials Accessibility
Standard (NIMAS), as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and must be submitted to the
National Instructional Materials Accessibility Center (NIMAC) in NIMAS format. This requirement does not apply to
material produced prior to August 19, 2006." Permission to translate into Braille, Large Type Editions, Audio Recordings,
etc., will be filed with the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, Kentucky, within 30 days of doption by the
West Virginia Board of Education. Specify no charge as N/C.
The definition of “textbook” includes books; instructional materials, as used therein, means systems
of instructional materials, or combinations of books and supplementary materials which convey
information to the pupil; learning technologies, including, but not limited to, applications using
computer software, computer assisted instruction, interactive videodisc; other computer courseware
and magnetic media.
Primary Source Materials
The West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee reviews and recommends primary
source materials to deliver Content Standards and Objectives.
Chapter 18, Article 2A, Section 8 of the Code provides: “No textbook, instructional materials, or
learning technologies shall be used in public elementary or secondary school in West Virginia as the
primary source to deliver the instructional goals and objectives for state required courses unless it has
been approved and listed on the state multiple list by the West Virginia Board of Education, except as
otherwise provided for in” [the waiver process].
Section 5 of the cited legal reference further provides: “The county board of education shall, upon
recommendation of the county superintendent with the aid of a committee of teachers and not later
than the first day of May of the year following that in which the multiple list for the group was made
and approved, select from the state multiple list one or more items to
deliver instruction…”
Supplementary Source Materials
Supplementary materials have either been bid by the vendor or determined by the West Virginia
Instructional Materials Advisory Committee to be support material to accompany an approved
primary source materials. Supplementary materials do not have to be reviewed or recommended for
classroom use. Their presence in this document is solely for gaining a price advantage and assuring
availability for the adoption period; however, several vendors submitted their materials for full
Free or Loaned Programs
Vendors were required to file on their bid(s) all free items that will be given away to any/all counties
upon adoption/purchase. Only teacher’s edition/manual/guide that accompanies student
instructional materials can be both bid and given away, as declared on the vendor’s bid.
NOTE: Primary Source Instructional Materials are those teaching materials placed in the
elementary and secondary schools in West Virginia that are used as the primary source of
instruction. The primary source instructional materials listed in this publication have been
reviewed and judged to meet the generic, general, and specific criteria assuring that the
Content Standards and Objectives for Mathematics, Family and Consumer Sciences, and
Agricultural Education are delivered.