West Virginia Board of Education and West Virginia Department of Education Strategic Plan MASTER COPY 2007-2010 SUMMARY PAGE Goal 4 DRAFT GOAL GOAL 4: All students shall be educated in school systems that operate and deliver services efficiently and effectively. OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES Objectives 4.1 Increase equity of access to use of Educational Technology. PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE SUBMISSION RESPONSIBILITY ANNUAL PROGRES SUMMARY 4.1.a Annual increase in percentage of 9-12 WV schools that have met the 1:3 computer to student ratio recommended by CRFR. Brenda Williams 95 schools have not met t 1:3 ratio; 32 have met the ratio 4.1.b Annual increase in percentage of K-8 WV schools that have met the 1:5 computer to student ratio recommended by CRFR. Brenda Williams 282 schools have not met 1:5 ratio; 332 have met th ratio. 4.1.c Annual increase in classrooms that have data projectors (component of every presentation station.) Brenda Williams 2005 - 19,910 classrooms 2,749 data projectors; 200 19,707 classrooms and 3,7 projectors 4.1.d Increase in the number of TIS trained and credentialed specialists serving schools. Brenda Williams The number of teachers tr each year as technology integration specialists has increased from 25 in 2005 to a total of 226 in 2006-2 4.1.e Administer a pilot 8th grade technology assessment in Spring 2008. Brenda Williams Not available until 2008 4.1.f Annual increase in the enrollment and the number of virtual school courses. Brenda Williams Enrollment in virtual cou has increased from 1,28 2006 to 1,554 in 2007. cumulative number of approved virtual school courses in 233. 4.2 Increase the percentage of school systems that report sufficient staff to meet 21st Century curriculum and instruction as defined in Policies 2510 & 2419. 4.2.a Develop and administer a survey to determine sufficient staff to implement Policy 2510 & 2419 (Baseline Year 2008). Jorea Marple/Lynn Boyer Not available until 2008 4.2.b Annual increase in the number of counties reporting sufficient staff to meet Policy 2510 & 2419 requirements. Jorea Marple/Lynn Boyer Not available until 2008 Pam Cain Base-line 2007 (Base-line 2008) 4.3 Increase the percentage of school buildings where spaces are designed to support 21st Century teaching & learning. 4.3 Reduce the number of violations in the School Building Authority's school facilities review. 4.4 Reduce accidents and injuries in the workplace. 4.4 Reduce Workers Compensation injuries and premiums to Brick Street and BRIM (adjusted for inflation). 622 violations in 165 facilities. We are analyzing data f our baseline year and h discovered that this bas year information may n to be modified due to a change in the facilities evaluation form. Also, during our facilites revie we are requiring a coun staff personnel to meet with us to immediately resolve minor issues. Pam Cain Base-line 2007. Insurance cost $18,787,382. Workers Comp $24,124,094 We have had several conversation and two meetings with BRIM an Brick Street to develop strategy for bringing th reduction process to the superintendents in their RESA meetings. The focus of these meetings will br centered around immed action that reduces cos while evolving long rang plans. We anticipate th work to begin in Januar 4.5 Increase county transportation systems' efficiency and effectiveness. 4.6 Increase School Breakfast and Lunch Program participation. 4.5.a Develop a transportation efficiency rating for counties (Base-line 2007). Pam Cain Baseline data has been accumulated and a comparative efficiency r for 2007 data will be compared to baseline to review counties transportation efficiency 4.5.b Annual increase in the number of counties with an acceptable transportation efficiency rating. Pam Cain The efficiency rating wi provided to counties an provide direction as to h efficiency can be improv 4.6 Annual increase in the percentage of students participating in the School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. Pam Cain From 2005 to 2006 brea participation increased and lunch participation increased .22%. Objectives 4.1 Assistive Devices RESA VII will provide technical assistance in the school improvement process as requested by counties. 4.1.1 Make available an assistive device lending library to personnel working with students with disabilities requiring assistance for speech/language impairments, hearing impairments, visual impairments, occupational and physical therapy. (R7) 4.1 Assistive Devices Documented lending requests. Strategies Assistive Devices Provide counties with a trial period of use for assistive devices for students with disabilities prior to purchase. (R-7) C-1 Center for Professional Development O-1 OEPA D-1 Superintendent R-1 RESA I D-2 Division of Curriculum & Instruction R-2 RESA II 4.1 Assistive Devices 4.1 Lesa Hines Assistive devices- Our program continues to provide counties with th opportunity to try devic prior to purchase. The d show we are making progress but are still ve much involved in loanin materials during summe programs and camps fo 2007-08 school year. D-3 Division of Student Support Services R-3 RESA III D-4 Division of Adult & Technical Education R-4 RESA IV D-5 Division of 21st Century Schools R-5 RESA V R-6 RESA VI R-7 RESA VII R-8 RESA VIII