MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02239 0253 hBNEi HD28 .M414 i SB ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SOVEREIGN DEBT BUYBACKS CAN BARGAINING COSTS Julio J. Rotemberg Working Paper #2082-88 October 1988 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 SOVEREIGN DEBT BUYBACKS CAN BARGAINING COSTS Julio J. Rotemberg Working Paper #2082-88 October 1988 Sovereign Debt Buybacks Can * Lower Bargaining Costs Julio J. Rotemberg Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER current version: October 24, 1988 Abstract I develop two models in which debt repurchases by highly indebted sovereign nations are advantageous for when all parties. The models are based on the idea that sovereign debts are large, bargaining costs are large. Creditors spend resources convincing the debtor that they are tough stake. Also, the sanctions when they have more which are sometimes triggered when bargaining produce an agreement are larger when debts are more larger. at fails to For both these reasons buybacks, which reduce the face value of the outstanding debt, can be beneficial. The resulting equilibria are constrained Pareto dize buybacks increase overall welfare I also argue that consistent with *I wish to Bulow and Rogoff my Optima. But, donors who subsi- more than donors who make direct gifts. (1988) 's empirical evidence on buybacks is models. thank David Scharfstein and Ken Froot for helpful conversations and the National Science and Sloan Foundations for research support. MAssACHusEffrMmDrT OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES Sovereign Debt Buybacks Can Lower Bargaining Costs Julio J. Rotemberg Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER Highly indebted countries and their creditor banks have experimented with numerous approaches to ameliorate the the country repurchase its below par, countries pay "LDC Debt debt at less its One Crisis". rather popular approach is to have current market price. Since the debt currently trades than they would if repurchase, or "buyback", recognizes that the debts are very unlikely to be paid in Bulow and Rogoff Several authors (Huizinga and Sachs (1987), Krugman The they actually honored their debts. full. (1988), Froot (1988), (1988)) have noted that other schemes are closely related to buybacks. For example, "debt/equity swaps" allow investors to purchase local currency with foreign debt that they obtain in the secondary market. This their local currency in hard currency and use the hard currency to buy back the debt. We would obviously An like to know why these schemes arise and additional reason for studying these schemes effect. equivalent to letting investors pay for is is that These data can help disentangle the empirical of the debt crisis. In a thought provoking paper, who benefits from them. we now have some data on validity of various theoretical Bulow and Rogoff (1988) their models show that the March 1988 debt repurchase of Bolivia raised the secondary market's price of Bolivia's debt substantially. much It rose so that the secondary market's valuation of outstanding debt was almost unchanged by the buyback. Bulow and Rogoff (1988) 's explanation Why is then did Bolivian officials do this? that Bolivian officials were misguided or unpatriotic. Stated differently, there exist models of rational optimizing governments which are inconsistent with the facts. To make this point with some generality, consider situations where buybacks affect only the flows of real activity in either. Ceish flows, these The sum payments between countries.^ They do not borrowers and lenders apply the same discoimt factor to future If purely redistributive (or financial) buybacks cannot benefit of the welfare effects on lenders welfare improvement is all parties sums rates offset presumably exceed those of would imply that the by borrower to zero. So, these matched by a reduction Borrower countries are probably constrained their discount rates affect lenders' benefit in in the all concerned. models imply that the borrower welfare. amount they can borrow. Thus, Such a difference their lenders. from purely financial buybacks is in discount more than This occurs because buybacks increase current payments from losses. the borrower while, at best, reducing future payments. Bulow and Rogoff (1988) argue that, in the case of sovereign debts, only the lenders to benefit from purely financial buybacks. whose repayment depends only on the outstanding debt have a very small By Sovereign debts are those debtor with reprisals and not Therefore, buyback induced reductions in the face value of the on borrower net worth. deal for borrowers. ability to threaten the we should expect effect on future repayments. This makes them a bad contrast, in the case of corporate debts the creditor can dissolve the debtor and keep the net worth. Thus, buybacks are financed with cash which really belongs to creditors. In this case, creditors lose from repurchases. Both of these are negotiated and stories if, assume that buybacks take place as in Bulow and Rogoff in the open market. (1986), negotiation is If buybacks costless, purely financial buybacks change nobody's welfare. The evidence that buybacks make lenders better is thus inconsistent with Bulow and Rogoff (1986). they do, that countries are rational pursuers of their It is now off unrealistic to maintain, as self interest and that debts have only redistributive effects. For buybacks to improve everybody's welfare, they must have real consequences. Acharya and Diwan (1988), Froot (1988), Helpman (1987), Krugman (1988) and Sachs (1988) have formally studied one particular real effect of buybacks. Their effect relies on 'Dooley (1988) provides an example of such a model. ^See Eaton, Gersoviti and StigliU (1986) and the literature cited therein. moral hazard.^ They argue that the fall in raises the country's incentive to invest. This occurs because the country gets to keep a larger fraction of the investment's return. very large rates of return but there it The investments available to the debtor have no mechanism, other than debt reduction, to induce Once they the country to undertake them. make is nominal debt outstanding induced by buybacks possible for the country to pay are undertaken however, their high returns more per unit of outstanding debt. Therefore, reductions in the face value of debt tend to increase payments on the debt that remains outstanding. Lenders get more money, borrowers get some of the surplus from the valuable investments and everybody benefits. In this paper I model a second real effect of buybacks. As Sachs and Huizinga (1986) argue informally, debt repurchases can lower bargaining costs. They do so in because smaller debts lead to are many ways information. to some in With less which bargaining is wasteful. They stem from the imperfection of perfect information (as in Rubinstein (1982)) bargaining simply leads division of the total pie. would only be capital gains and contrast, models wasteful bargaining between country and banks. There There are no resources spent on the dividing such bargaining were in fact typical, one would not expect protracted debt By my we itself. crisis. If There losses as, over time, bargaining positions change. see very valuable resources spent as the countries and the banks seek agreements. First, individuals with important responsibilities such as running countries or banks devote much time to LDC debt negotiations. Second, individuals engage in actions which are costly to the coalition of country and banks as a whole to demonstrate their bargaining power. Third, the failure to reach agreement as the participants act tough sometimes leads to costly sanctions. These bargaining costs are closely related to those explored (1983), Sobel in Fudenberg and Tirole and Takahashi (1983) and Admati and Perry (1987). This theoretical lit- erature has principally focused on model with alternating offers where temporary failure to reach agreement is costly because the future is discounted. Delay to reach agreement ^See Atkeson (1988) for an infinite horiron rather tan a finite horiion model of sovereign debt with moral hazard. Atkeis conducted at such a level of generality that ideas such as "buybacks" have no simple analytical counterpart. Nonetheless, buybacks could well be going on behind the payment flows predicted by his model. son's analysis emerges in equilibrium and constitutes the only cost of bargaining.^ In practice, bargain- employ tools other than delay to demonstrate ing parties also the cost of failing to reach agreement at any given time is their resolve. Moreover, more severe than the often simple postponement of agreement. Failure to reach agreement often triggers aggressive added realism retaliation. For The thus focus on these other costs of bargaining. I empirical relevance of these bargaining costs the trade of Brazil was severely disrupted during hard to demonstrate how expensive certainly cost Brazil and its 1987 debt moratorium. Banks tried its debt increases. This I many The are splitting a smaller pie. Chest-beating loses situations where bargaining Such negotiation and posturing (which the level of debt The form of sanction is is appeal. I have in mind how committed they are to a good outcome. then becomes privately falls. US For instance, laws. This many debt contracts with highly means that US courts level of these seizures could depend on the will enforce seizures level of debt. Another the disruption of a country's access to trade credit. This disruption actually not easy for banks to enforce. is Individual banks would like to deviate from this sanction and offer trade credit unilaterally for a fee. Banks keep each other in check when they have more at stake, When its socially unproductive) level of the debt. indebted nations are subject to assets. of are that the sanctions which are often triggered by imperfect infor- mation may depend on the on foreign some how tough they accompanied by costly negotiations. In these negotiations is the actors spend resources to demonstrate is that ministers and bank first is resources demonstrating when they The second reason This disruption argue that the costs of bargaining increase as the true for two reasons. is presidents are less likely to spend as less attractive as not to repay. for Brazil bankers some resources. In the models presented below level of would be it For example, readily apparent. is i.e will presumably try harder to when the debt is the bargaining costs increase as the level of debt increases, there bigger. is an obvious (1985) to Admati and Perry (1987). Saloner (1987) He shows that predatory actions by firms can be used to demonstrate that one is willing to pay little for the purchase of one's competitor. This rationalises predation in situations where the two parties are negotiating the terms of a horizontal merger. *Not * all models of this type exhibit costly delay. One paper which shows how bargaining *See Sachs and Huiiinga (1987). ^New York Times, February 22, 1988. Compare Gul and Sonnenschein costs can take unexpected guises is . Buybacks are a mechanism which allows these reduc- benefit to reducing the extant debt. Under tions. plausible conditions the social benefits from the debt reduction are shared by both banks and debtor countries. Therefore both find some buybacks The debtor when they gains because there The arise, are less costly. posturing and because the disagreements, less costly is creditor gains because posturing some money up well and because he it is perfectly consistent for both to benefit even receives in their interest. front. The key is costly for result of the paper him is as that though buybacks increase the secondary market price of debt substantially. I also show that, unless they are able to modify the institutions of bargaining, gov- ernments cannot generally produce Pareto improvements. Nonetheless, governments who wish to help the parties involved have a role tearing sum it transfers. This intervention Of tive up produces a higher amount of is is some desirable because it reduces bargaining costs. mechanism of the debt. In this regard it is of debt reduction. is worthwhile as well. By contrast, in my One worth pointing out that, hazard models, buybacks are often worthwhile for lenders only ness do lump recipient welfare per unit spent than course, buybacks are far from the only to forgive debt repurcheises. Buying up the debt and in if alternain moral outright debt forgive- models, lenders always lose from outright forgiveness. On the mechanism of choice. The key require is the other hand, perhaps only certain special features of the model little feature of buybacks that coordination and bargaining. The I want to make buybacks emphasize is that they countries can enter a market where debt traded anonymously. Therefore, the costs of bargaining and negotiation are avoided. In other words, buybacks are attractive exactly where other methods for reaching agreement are costly. If it were possible to bargain The paper proceeds posturing. In Section as follows. 2, I costlessly, In Section buybacks would be dominated. 1, I extend this model while present a model of negotiation and in Section 3 I study costly sanctions. Section 4 concludes with a comparison of these models to the moral hazard models of equilibriimi buybacks. *See Krugman (1988) for the circumstancee under which this equhralence holds. When the buy back is financed, as in Froot (1988) with funds not previously recoverable by creditors, the equivalence breaks down. Creditors can then benefit from buybacks even where forgiveness would be detrimental to their interests. 1. Costly Negotiation I consider a collection of lenders and a sovereign borrower. borrower implies that, as Stiglitz (1986), much in at all It is and punish the debtor. ability to on the borrowers' resources. have debts exceeding even one year's GNP. if sovereignty of the of the literature surveyed in Eaton, Gersovitz repayments depend only on the creditors Repayments do not depend The Problem debtors thus reasonable to suppose as I rarely do that, they wished, they could easily repay their entire obligation. The borrower has value of D. previously incurred a debt whose face value has a present discounted This means that there more than D. More collecting borrower and this precisely, the lenders have some permit the lender to if inflict D the borrower has not paid US in full. whether to engage borrower the option of not engaging this courts condone Otherwise they do not relationship between lender and borrower has three stages. buyback some debt, on the pain. of period 1 the borrower decides in any buyback in if buybacks at he so desires. At the beginning all. If I thus give the he does decide to becomes public knowledge at the beginning of period a secondary market for the debtor's claims opens. this, ability to inflict pain the reason the borrower pays back. However, the is this giving of pain only The an outside agent which prevents the lenders from is depends on whether buybacks will take place. By The 1. After price q for the debt generally using this timing convention, consider the losses to debtors from buybacks considered by Dooley (1988) and I explicitly Bulow and Rogoff (1988). 1° Bargaining starts in the second period. Bargaining involves negotiations between the lenders as well as negotiations between the lenders and the borrower. get under way the lenders discover how tough they this relatively late resolution of uncertainty. Therefore, individual creditors cannot start trying to coordinate their actions. 'We know how tough The second There are several reasons are. One reason As these negotiations is that there are many for lenders. lenders are collectively until they re«ison the toughness of each individual would otherwise have a model of extortion. Pure extortionists are limited only by the available resources of the victim or by the desire to induce the victim to keep producing resources. '"If, by contrast, the debtor were allowed to make secret, unforeseen, buybacks he would obtain the debt at a lower price. Such secret buybacks would lead to a redistribution of income from lenders to borrowers. Of course, for secret buybacks to have this feature they must not always occur in equilibrium. 6 lender evolves randomly over time. If the date of bargaining known with bargaining strength of the lenders cannot be is set in advance, the actual certainty before this date. In the second period the lenders have the opportunity to convince the borrower that they are tough. To act tough one must spend resources har2issing the borrower. In practice, some trade and the US credit flows must be disrupted. This aggressive behavior courts because, at this stage the borrower is not in full tolerated by is compliance with the terms of the loan. one of two types. Tough lenders need to spend In period 2 lenders can be of sources than soft lenders to is instill less re- a given degree of pain. Therefore the level of harassment a useful signal of the lender's true ability. As a tough lenders result, in equilibrivmi, the harass more than the soft lenders. Bargaining continues in the third period. To keep the at this point, lenders collectively issue a take-it-or-leave- analysis simple it offer to the I assume borrower. that, If the borrower does not pay the amount demanded the lenders unleash their collective punishment power. For this theory to make sense, the lenders must be willing to mete out Subgame these punishments ex post. perfection of this type and Rogoff (1986), these punishments are simple trade worthwhile for the lenders even if is guaranteed seizures. the seized goods are worth if, Bulow as in Such trade seizures are much more to the debtor than to the creditor. While the punishments I consider here can be interpreted as seizures, that in practice other forms of punishment are employed as well. are punishing a debtor to disrupt There are two reasons lenders. ^^ This for this. its The commitment tends first is that the commitment likely much who as possible. to sanctions helps the to soften the position of this particular borrower. Such who become very angry when little. The second reason in is expect lenders trade and financial relations as a commitment can probably be ensured by hiring individuals the debtor pays I it is that lenders often have other debtors. There is some benefit having a reputation for toughness with these other borrowers. Penalizing a particular "Just like commitment to jail criminals helps the innocent. 7 may borrower help establish this reputation with others. Of course, lenders differ in their exposures to different debtors. Also the conditions of debtors vary. As a result, reputation not perfectly transferable. This is is why the reason period two harassment is helpful to the lenders. Whether the punishments are seizures of tradeable goods or whether they are extensive, borrowers are unlikely to inflict To much damage, cripple a country, lenders it is know initially how much damage lenders can must know a great deal about the country's helpful to impede its more To inflict. vulnerabilities. access to trade credit. This requires that lenders be able to prevent other financial institutions from transacting with the debtor. Tough lenders have both the requisite knowledge and resolve. It is for this the disruption of trade and financial flows required by period two harassment reason that is relatively costless for these lenders. The which they make in period payments P. fourth is borrower has four components. The utility of the the The first period. third is The second is the disutility from the pain lenders offer. This loss equals Lt where r equals s or Tough utility can be written lenders find it B t N suffered in period The 2. the borrower does not accept the if depending on whether the lenders easier to retaliate so Lt exceeds Lg. Total borrower as: U = -e[b + P + N + where the expectation I the buy back payment the present discounted value of third the loss from the punishment after period 3 are soft or tough. first is E is L^ (1) taken over the subjective distribution of types. In equation (1), assume that the borrower is indifferent between paying one dollar dollar of present discounted value in period 3. This is standard if in period one and one payments are discounted at the borrower's opportunity cost of funds. The pain A^ is a function of the effort to define the functions of pain N . This is which give the is the type of the lenders. level of effort It is convenient needed by type r to obtain the level given by: A= The function / A and T fr[N) strictly increasing in the = S,t. harassment N. For any given N, fr 8 (2) is larger when T equal to s than is (which I lenders who write as /|) is when it equal to is when strictly higher t. More importantly, the derivative -4^ This captures the idea that those r equals s. are tough from period 3 on are likely to find harassment in period 2 relatively inexpensive. These are the lenders In the period 1 who find secondary market, q it the price of any debt instrument whose dis- is counted face value equals one. The buyback, means that the outstanding nominal debt easy to coordinate and police each other. if it after the occurs, takes place at this price. This buyback, jD, is given by: b = D--. (3) 9 Lenders act competitively this price to it is impossible to change and keeping the debt. selling his If q. market. They perceive that through their individual actions. As a result they must be indifferent between selling at q By in this claim on a single unit of present value, a lender gets a utility equals he keeps the debt, he shares harassment costs. I assume that in the payments from the debtor his share of both is equal to his share of the claims outstanding. Thiis, the claim on a unit of present value gives a lender claim a period 2 utility equal sell his where E The feature of (4) is who W must equal that lenders and borrowers use the q. same discount future payments which equal one dollar of present discounted value at the borrower's opportunity cost of funds also equal lender's discount rate. units, is My chooses not to to: takes expectations over types. In equilibrium, One important as well as in the if when discounted one dollar when discounted at the notation, where everything actually easiest to understand rate. is denominated one pretends that the future isn't in discounted discounted at all. '^This simplifies the analysis without affecting the qualitative conclusions. Since borrowers have limited access to capita] markets we expect them to discount the future more heavily. This would imply that future payments which give a disutility of P to the borrower give a smaller utility to the lenders. This large discounting of future payments by the borrower reduces the attractiveness of buybacks from his point of view. Nonetheless, there are still parameter configurations for which buybacks benefit all parties. Equal discounting by both parties rationalises my assumption that the debts are fully settled after one round of bargaining. With equal discounting there is no reason to defer payments further. If borrowers discount the future more heavily, equilibrium payments to lenders might well accrue more slowly over time. This would rationaliEe the protracted nature of debt crises. 9 To analyze game, this borrower believes that the lender expects to lose any offer crZ/3 + (l — Suppose that, start with the last period. I <7)Lt is if soft in period 3, with probability o. This means that the borrower he turns down the lenders' offer. As a result he accepts which involves a payment such that P <oLs^{\-a)Lt. The lenders, knowing In period this, will there 2, now is a clcissic is soft. will pay at most ^lLs + (1 — (5) amount which makes ask for the signaling game. rassment acts as a signal of the lenders type. borrower the A*)I't If where hold with equality. (5) In this game neither type harasses the borrower, the /z is the prior probability that the lender There are now two cases to consider depending on whether equal to \iLs + — (1 //)!/(. the level of ha- D is smaller than or In the former case, neither type gains by signaling since they recoup the entire face value of the debt any event. Thus, in in this case, the equilibrium has no harcLssment and the period 3 payments equal D. Suppose instead that have been deleted, D exceeds /zLs + (l — fj.)Lt. lack of harassment cannot be Then, once dominated strategies an equilibrium. Tough lenders would deviate by inflicting an A^ such that: mm{D, Lt) where e is = fiLs + (1 - fi)Lt a small positive number. After deviating in this payment equal to inm{D,Lt). accede to their request. is fs{N) As a If - e manner they would demand a the borrower recognizes these deviators as tough, he will result, tough lenders gain from the deviation since ft{N) smaller than fs{N). Moreover, borrowers would rationally recognize these deviators as tough. After all, soft lenders would lose from this deviation even if it led the borrower to subsequently view them as tough and pay them inm{D,Lt). As shown by Cho and Kreps unique equilibrium and that inflict A^* it (1987) arguments of this type establish that there is a separates the types. At this equilibrium the tough lenders such that: mm{D,Lt)-fs{N*)=L,. "See Spence (1974). '*See Cho and Kreps (1987). 10 (6) Equation (6) implies the borrower. receiving At is I that soft lenders are indifferent between harassing and not harassing assume they leave him alone. Tough lenders strictly gain by harassing and m\n{D,Lt) instead of Lg. changes in the extant face value of the debt matter as long as this equilibrium, D smaller than or equal than Lt. In this case: Equation (7) dN* 1 db /;3 (7) captures the basic reason for buybacks in this model. A reduction in the outstanding debt lowers the amount the tough can collect without affecting the amount the soft can collect. This makes imitation of the tough's behavior by the soft The equilibrium level of harassment is such that it just deters the soft less attractive. from imitating the tough. Therefore, reductions in the attractiveness of imitation reduce the equilibrium level of harassment. Equation (7) collect the face value of the All that is necessary is derived under the strong assumption that tough lenders is debt in full. In the that there exist some next section, I show how states of nature in this can be relaxed. which tough lenders collect the entire face value of the debt. The advantage of debt reductions given in (7) is reflected in the secondary price of debt. Using (4), the secondary value of the debt market is: qb = ti{D-ft{N*)] + {l-,x)Ls where The is to I have substituted simplest way D for payments to tough lenders and Ls how of understanding compute the change qD, the in (8) for those to the soft. the secondary market responds to changes in total D market value of secondary debt: m=,^D^=,i^. dD dD (9) f's Since both /x and f'-f ',, * are positive value of debt increases although it and increases less by than one, the total secondary market less than the face value. The increase value implies that lenders would lose from unilaterally destroying some in of their claims on the borrower. Such forgiveness amounts to a reduction in D. *^This result distinguishes this model from Krugman (1988) where lenders benefit from buybacks only when they also benefit from forgiveness. Forgiveness is potentially valuable in his model because it alleviates moral hazard. On the other hand, buybacks are more valuable in my model because I assume that the debtor's ability to pay is not impaired by the buyback. 11 That the increase market value in very surprising since the face value more surprising is is is smaller than the increase in face value only paid off with probability that the total market value This possibility arises because may harassment are almost equally costly to both types. As a waste most of the increased collections mechanism, the model can in the What perhaps is well respond very little to changes in can be arbitrarily close to f'g /x. not is Then, marginal f[. result, D. increzises in even tough lenders must form of increased harassment. Through this easily account for the rather small reduction in the market's valuation of Bolivian debt in the wake of the buyback. Having determined how the change in q. Using and (8) total market value of debt responds, If (1 _ D\ dD two reasons D terms of obtained from when D reason is for q to fall (10). The first rises. a reason for q to rise. thereby making them dition for q to fall is and this (6) (10) f's ^ J f's and the properties of the function /. is fall. costly. The second On is two the other hand, the third term in (10) gives less important. on q first that the increase in debt increases increased debt spreads the costs of harassment over effect ^ There are These two reasons are represented by the The While the overall the that soft lenders always collect the same, so payments to the soft per unit of outstanding debt equilibriimi harassment ^ ^ tA\ D - f^)h D\ D is now compute (9): ^ where the inequality I is ambiguous, it follows from more units (ll) that a sufficient con- that: .^ < ^. (12) _ It is worth reiterating that Otherwise, small increases in D this analysis only applies do not raise the amount means that the equilibrium harassment does not change. when D is smaller than L^. collected by the tough. This In turn, this implies that the secondary market price of the existing debt remains the same. We now come to the than or equal to L^. If first stage of the game. I assume for the moment the country decides to abstain from buybacks, (8) 12 D with D that is smaller equal to D gives the secondary market value of the debt. denote this value by I q. Equation (6) gives the equilibrium level of harassment. Suppose the country does decide value of debt off. I now falls. If (12) is some to repurchcise debt. met, the secondary price of debt One focus on the borrower. issue monopsonistically in the market for his which own arises debt. is himself to the amount of resources B the lenders are better whether the borrower can act the secondary price of debt as independent of the buyback's stitutional arrangements of the secondary market. rises so he acts competitively, he perceives If Whether competitive or monopsonistic behavior Then, the outstanding is size. more realistic depends on the Suppose the borrower cannot cormnit he spends on repurchasing debt. Suppose further that lenders simultaneously announce a price at which they are willing to on the secondary market. In (4). Since they all announce in- equilibriimi, all lenders this price, the he wants at this price. He thus acts as announce a q which sell their is claims equal to W in borrower can indeed purchase as much debt as if: db \ (^^) lB=-qSuppose instead that, before the lenders announce the price for their claims, the borrower can commit himself to an expenditure B. This commitment induces monopsonistic behavior. Now when B the borrower realizes that the change in the outstanding face value of the debt changes is given by differentiating db dB For very small buybacks, (13) and (14). D is -1 (14) q.^D-b)^ essentially equal to D so there Whether small buybacks are worthwhile reduces the borrower gains by buying a small answer to (3): this question I first amount is no difference between to the question of of his debt at the price q. whether To compute the rewrite (1) as: U = -B - ii{b ^ N"^ Differentiating this expression with respect to 13 B a.t [\ - D— ^i)Ls. D: (15) The expression increjise their effort large -i gives the of pain the borrower suffers when by one unit. This amount can be arbitrarily large. enough that the expression One can amount (16) is Here the costs of harassment are so large bargaining occurs under As a full when for the soft that essentially needed by the tough to separate themselves. In ^i. can easily be It positive. interpret bargaining under full information as occurring zero so, from (8), q exceeds soft lenders N* is information. This simply reproduces the result of is essentially Bulow and my results. small buybacks are worthwhile, borrowers often choose interior solutions where the debt outstanding continues to trade at a discount. because higher levels of B The interior optima tend to exist correspond to higher secondary market prices. Whether (13) or (14) applies, higher values of q make additional debt repurchases less attractive. an interior solution, the best buyback borrower for the db The LHS infinite. always negative when is Rogoff (1988) and helps highlight the importance of imperfect information for When is no harassment this full information case result the expression in (16) f'g is Assuming such that dN*\ ( of (17) gives the borrower's benefit from an additional unit spent on the out- standing debt. That benefit must, at an optimum equal the cost. The benefit consists of two parts. in D LHS First, the reduces harassment. of (17) fall when ^ borrower pays B less with probability The second order conditions increases. This condition is as in (14) than is when he —35 J5, is smaller for this . Second, the reduction optimum met because the q lowers the absolute value of both the expressions (13) For any positive level of /x, when and require that the resulting increase in (14). the borrower acts monopsonistically acts competitively. This implies that the equilibrium level of bigger in the latter case. When B the borrower acts monopsonistically, he reduces his secondary market purchases so that he benefits from a lower price. Equation (17) applies lutions are also possible. when These debt that the outstanding debt D < Ls the borrower pays D is the borrower chooses an interior solution. Extremal soarise when the borrower chooses to buyback so paid with probability one. to both types in period 3. So, 14 If much buybacks are so large that no signaling is necessary and there is no equilibrium harassment. As a result, q one. Reduction in buybacks from this is On point increzise equilibrium harassment and so might be strictly undesirable. hand, further To gain a borrower buybacks have no increzises in effect on harassment. further insight into these extremal points, who acts competitively (13) in (17) extremal values of B I study the conditions under which would choose to lower are worthwhile the other D until q is one. Using (7) and if: or f'siO) If (18) is I have studied buybacks assuming that D is smaller than or equal to For larger values of the debt, small buybacks do not change the amount paid in the third period and so leave harassment unaffected. Thus, small buybacks do not borrower. Nonetheless, even for such large debts, and jumping The Lg, (18) not satisfied, borrowers shy away from these extrema. Until now, Li. < YZT- is to a point level of B which which is is satisfies (17) or, in the desirable. may be worth having a large buyback either extremal or satisfies (17). an equilibrium when borrowers buy debt this equilibrium it extremal case, that which equates freely. The remaining question At the monopsonistic equilibrium the borrower to purchasing an additional unit of debt while the lenders are strictly better monopsonistic equilibrium a very small increase for in repurchases even slightly larger buybacks, simply mandating a change in is the borrower. Thus the equilibriima whether By agents. all could be made is we do not is whether indifferent off. So, at the Pareto improving. Yet, repurchases does not lead and hurting consider changes in institutions and ask simply better off by using the existing institutions differently. lump sum such redistributions are possible, optimality reigns The reasons and constrained Pareto optimal in a certain sense. This contrast, unconstrained Pareto optimality allows If is D is to Pareto improvements. Further buybacks raise q thereby benefitting lenders optimality obtains as long as benefit the when harassment that both lenders and borrowers care equally about 15 redistributions across disappears. money and they both lose from harassment. down written until Unconstrained Pareto optimality thus requires that the debt be harassment ceases being worthwhile. Yet, unless (18) holds, the equi- librium level of harassment is positive. Hence, buybacks are usually smaller than those dictated by unconstrained Pareto optimality. While while, this argument suggests that buybacks beyond the equilibrium transfers. However, the actors essence of my analysis private self interest. problem Of This argument practical implications are unclear. its It is will relies on level are costless worth- lump-sum presumably bargain over these redistributions. The that, as they bargain, they find socially costly actions in their may simply be impossible to orchestrate a solution to the bargaining at negligible cost. course, if outsiders wish to transfer resources to the lenders and the borrower, they can improve the welfare of both. Moreover, by subsidizing buybacks outsiders can improve borrower and lender welfare by more than by simply giving them resources. To take an extreme example, suppose a donor pays the face value of the debt The donor then annuls the claims on the borrower. The Lenders gain D{1 costs. Using — q). (8) this in full to the lenders. cost of this intervention is D. Borrowers gain their expected payments as well as the punishment sum equals: Dq + + ,,{N* ft{N*)). Therefore, this intervention nets borrowers and lenders put together: D + n{N* + ft{N*)). By contrast, if the donor had simply distributed D, and this didn't affect bargaining ability So borrower and lenders put neither side would deviate from the original equilibrium. together would only gain D. Giving the donation through intervention in the secondary n{N* + loan market thus produces an extra gain of One rically. difficulty Many with this analysis donors would like to is that it ft{N*)]. treats borrower and lender welfare symmet- help borrowing nations for political reasons. donors do not care about lender welfare, . it is 16- hard to see why If these they should intervene in the secondary debt market. Perhaps, such interventions are warranted mechanisms Such an analysis for taxing the lenders. While the model of model of the this section size of sovereign debts. is D is Lg given that both sides have the same discount it this paper. can also be interpreted as a then the amount that banks loan to sovereign borrowers. This interpretation raises a puzzle. exceeds there are other beyond the scope of is a model of buybacks, The equilibrium if Why rates would the equilibrium D and that such debts create bargaining costs? The answer once again, that the equilibrium is, Even when the borrowers take up debts. They to pile On soft. q as given, they not unconstrained Pareto optimal. is may have a socially inefficient incentive realize that increased indebtedness does not raise payments to the average, the payments on an additional unit of debt tend to be smaller than From a purely financial viewpoint, additional debt is q. thus attractive. This must of course be weighted against the additional bargaining costs. However, since the lenders bear some of the bargaining costs, the borrower my In any event, may accumulate assumption on borrowers' opportunities for changing appropriate for buybacks than for debt accumulation. market socially excessive debts. I assume that there is are more an anonymous debt and that borrowers are allowed to participate. This seems for this D realistic for buybacks. In the case of loan origination, on the other hand, the institutions are rather different. Loans to nations tends to originate through large consortia. These consortia have numerous mechanisms for preventing new borrowers from excessive increases in debt. They can pressure potential Loan origination best understood as a different bargaining is lenders, they can pressure the borrowers themselves. game which occurs before the one studied here. One peculiar feature of the loans to nations optimism surroimding default is loomed their origination. in the horizon. who are highly indebted today and high the Lenders seemed unaware that the possibility of Perhaps the lenders were irrational. A different possibility that the debts would have been manageable without the world recession, low prices is interest rates of the early 1980's. 'See Guttentag and Herring (1985). 17 commodity In other words, the level of debt was When such that no bargaining was anticipated. rose, it became obvious that lenders known payments by the countries resistance to to be soft would collect little. The bargaining considered here ensued. 2. An Random Repayments Extension: The model of section 1 has the advantage of simplicity. The correct in this section. first weakness is It has two weaknesses which that third period payments depend only on the coordinating capabilities of the lender. They do not depend on the of the borrower. The second weakness random characteristics that the range of initial debts is buybacks are desirable appears somewhat I restricted. D for which For debts below Lg buybacks are unnecessary. For debts above Lt they are not locally useful. In this section reprisals autarky unknown is is initially beginning of period leave-it offer. offer entails assume that the I period in 2. ability of the For instance, the borrower's ability to do well under random. This bargaining position of the borrower 3. if P the borrower would suffer a loss of L gives the probability that L from revealed at the their take-it-or- the reprisals, the such that: P= 2, this level is becomes known just before the lenders make It Therefore, a payment As of period borrower to tolerate third period is L m\n{L,D) unknown. What is below L if is known is that the density function Ht{L) the lender's type support \L^,Lt]- To capture the idea that is r. soft lenders are less This density function has capable of punishment, I assume that: Ls and <Lt that, wherever the supports overlap: Hs{L)>Ht{L). As a result of these assumptions the lenders in period 2, do not know the payment they will receive. 18 who know their own type, Their welfare continues to be given by the expected value of payments. Similarly the borrowers, by L in equilibrium, care With these who never incur the penalties given about the expected value of their payments. provisos, equations (l)-(4) remain valid in this modified model. principal difference is that pooling of types without harassment is now ruled out whenever: D>L,. If the debt exceeds the smallest amount that a The (19) soft lender can ever expect to get then tough lenders find signaling worthwhile. If the debt supports an equilibrium with signaling, small buybacks are worthwhile as long as two additional conditions are met. The harassment very costly. The second the payments to the tough. soft find imitation of the applied only tough Lt exceeded if Only Z), less they first is that borrowers find increased is that reductions in the face value of the debt reduce in the presence of such payment reductions will the worthwhile. Whereas before such payment reductions now apply whenever: D<Lt. In other words, payments than the value of their more 3. fall if reprisal. there is (20) any state of nature in which the tough collect less Conditions (19) and (20) appear substantially weaker and plausible than the corresponding conditions of the original model. Costly Reprisals In sections 1 and 2 I have assumed that the lenders can discover the borrower's relevant characteristics costlessly. As a result, their take-it- or-leave-it offers extracted all the surplus at no further social cost. In practical situations, can learn so much so easily. it is unlikely that the borrowers Ascertaining the borrower's ability to sustain punishment probably no easier than ascertaining the lenders ability to mete One way of capturing these difficulties is it is out. to consider borrower posturing as well. Borrower governments would then show how tough they are by ruining their countries with resolve. Their electorate would show how tough they are by choosing obstinate and 19 otherwise undesirable rulers. to those of sections little Instead, ter. I and 1 do not pursue such niodels here because they would add 2. look at a different consequence of uncertainty about the borrower's charac- I This uncertainty leads to costly reprisals when the borrower turns out to be tougher than expected. Formally, borrowers decline this are not meant I offer. Such declines trigger sanctions. Unlike harassment, sanctions to extract concessions As discussed from this particular in Section 1, these sanctions borrower. have three seizures of tradeables, the sanctions help the lenders recoup ment and to further disruption of trade Finally, these additional disruptions Whether punishments follow some Commit- of their losses. financial flows also serves to soften the borrower. enhance the lenders reputation with other borrowers. from commitment ability, from the desire to when collect some- the outstanding debt as fair. Also, gaining a reputation for punishing large debtors probably cutback may they consist of Tough punishments probably convey a stronger reputation when people regard higher. them When roles. thing or from reputational concerns they are likely to increase is Tough allow the lenders to issue a take-it-or-leave-it offer. in large borrowing. This well allow lenders who is precisely what the banks promotes a desire. Finally, the US Courts hold larger unpaid debts to seize more assets and punish the borrower more severely. My model of costly punishments both sections the utility of is the borrower rule out the harassment costs very similar to that of sections is given by N. This harassment is (1). specifies a borrower L is payment P. is q. In period 2, lenders In period 3, the offer is and make a take-itnar-leave either accepted or it it is offer. now no buyback This rejected in simply I is as before, borrowers can 1, As 2. Unlike earlier sections unnecessary because there uncertainty about lender's ability to punish. In period debt at the market price 1 offer and the punished. I assume that, from the perspective of a random all agents in periods 1 and 2, the punishment variable related to the level of debt. In period three, however, the borrower knows L. The assumption of symmetric information about L game considerably simplifies the analysis. Without such 20 in the early stages of the late revelation of the true L one would have to worry about borrowers signaling their L via the buybacks they engage As of periods 1 and 2, let h{L,D). The support of p.d.f. ^ tiff punishments, When is H{L, D) be the density function this distribution Their optimal P [L, L with associated Because increases I/]. exceeds L. Any offer thus majcimizes offer P is know that borrowers will turn down with thus turned -R- change in consider changes in D. R offers 1 — H. (21) interior solution, the equilibrium offer satisfies: Expected borrower welfare from period 2 on now down expected period 3 revenue R: l-H{P,b)- I raise probability R = P\1-H{P,D)]. Assuming an D in negative. crafting their period 2 offers, lenders whose payment is of in.^^ from an increase in D From Ph{P, b) is 0. (22) is: Lh{L,D)dL. (23) application of the envelope theorem to (21) the is: dR_ db~ Since this expression = dH db' positive, revenues increase when creditors acquire a tool which raises penalties. Differentiation of (22) gives the change in P: Ih V + P— dP + ^^) The term multiplying dP must be condition is met ^ \dD + P-^ dDj d£> = 24 0. ^ ' positive for the second order conditions to hold. This as long as the density does not increase dramatically with L. If one ignores *^Such signaling could never be sufficient to induce full separation of types. If lenders could perfectly infer L from the repurchase of debt, they would extract payments equal to L. There would be no punishments in equilibrium. The trouble is that all borrowers would then pretend to be that type whose total payments are lowest. For a rather different model where the extent of buybacks does produce complete separjition of types see Acharya and model where the extent of buybacks can distinguish borrowers with 21 Diwan (1988). different discount rates. They focus on a moral haeard dD the derivative of the density h with respect to D, the term multiplying seems plausible, the offered payment this case, as Ignoring ^ dD for any given P. This D raises the benefit contrast, increases in h induced by increeises in more concerned about the large increases \n h as D rises are negative. In rises as the threat increases. the only consequence of an increase in agreement goes up lenders P is is that the probability of it from a small increase D have the opposite effect. in P. By They make the decline in agreements induced by rises in P. Reasonable needed for this second effect to dominate. Is a positive —^ even reasonable? dD D Increases in h for big L's. equilibriimi P lower H. This means The question is that they tend to lower h for small L's and raise of whether h tends to rise or high or small. to It is difficult make an fall with D thiis depends whether a priori judgment on this question. Given Bulow and Rogoff (1988) 's evidence, a relevant question is how q responds. Since lenders must be indifferent between keeping and selling their claims at the price qD must the market value of the debt q, equal expected revenues R. Therefore the change in q is given by: The expression in (25) first price of the claims tends to claims. On dD' first effect now come welfare q dD D negative while the second fall is positive. On the one hand the dominates because the increase in D increases revenues. For revenues is minor. In the presence of buybacks period to first period buybacks. 1 lender simply: is 1 ' because a given revenue must be distributed over more B+ Period PdH DdD the other hand the increased threat from the larger small =^, the I is dq borrower welfare is / J other words it (26) Lh{L,D)dL. (27) instead: -B-RThe expression under R. Li the integral sign captures the cost of equilibrium punishments. In captures the social cost of disagreement. Ignoring this expression, (26) and 22 (27) are symmetric and buybacks have only redistributive consequences. make agents better off only by reducing the social cost of disagreement. all A small buyback raises B from zero to dB. Equations ^. small buybacks reduce the outstanding debt by —^ d(B + R) -5-— = dB Expression (28) is + 1 B+R is therefore: that (28 dD More D generally, the only effect of Lenders therefore gain, and falls. B + R rises, q rises. As discussed above, these increases not too pronoimced. of D on the distribution of L I if in demonstrate that ^. proportional to expression (25). is The change (14) PdH q buybacks from the perspective of the lenders and (13) Buybacks can in q occur as long as the effect is The derivative of (27) with respect to include two terms. The first is the fall in B gives the benefits to borrowers. B+R first made by term is Jl Q q An positive in the normaJ case. it —\^ depends on ' dD . seems reasonable to suppose that they lower h only over these small values of L, is it is is: (29) dD increase in B lenders and thereby reduce the costs of disagreements. ambiguous sign because this The second fP Ldh{L,D) rLdHL^^^ Ph{P,D)dP dD q The given by (28). These benefits tends to lower the offer The second term has an However, since increases in D lower H , it for small values of L. Since the integral is likely to fall as well. The economic interpretation of the following. Reductions in outstanding debt reduce the typical punishment. This means that the probability associated with punishments below the cutoff P tends to rise. and also This raises the costs of potential disagreement. Only if the expression (29) larger than (28), are small buybacks are It is is positive, which remains a distinct buybacks worthwhile. Even when socially worthwhile, they tempting to interpret may (29) is possibility, positive so that small not occur in equilibrium. this result as well as the related one in Section 1 as sug- gesting that outside agents should promote buybacks. This does not follow agents are purely self interested. transfers which are necessary to gaining costs. On As is before, it is make everybody if these outside probably impossible to implement the better off without also incurring bar- the other hand buyback subsidies remain a tool of choice for donors. 23 A donor who destroys the whole debt to the integral in (27) over 4. after purchasing it at face value produces a gain equal and above the cost of the program. Conclusions Economists find interest. It tempting to attribute himian and institutional behavior to it self- therefore important to understand whether the currently popular debt is repurchases can be attributed to rational motives. This paper has emphasized that purchases can help lower bargaining cost. This benefit is re- complementary to the saving in agency costs emphasized by Acharya and Diwan (1988), Froot (1988), Helpman (1987), Krugmaji (1988) and Sachs (1988). Both these savings accrue because there information. Perhaps it would be more accurate is imperfect to say that they accrue because contracts are imperfect. In the moral hazard context, for instance, observe the investments of the borrowers. What it is doesn't really matter whether lenders essential that borrower and lender be is unable to write enforceable contracts which stipulate payments as a function of investment. Similarly, in my model of section 1, it is essential that borrower and lenders are unable to write contracts with payments as a function of the level of harassment. One difficulty with the agency-theoretic approach macroeconomic variables such as investment demands on the macroeconomic do seem is that contracts contingent on feasible. policies of borrowers. The IMF makes very probably curtail investment since tight monetary policies and cutbacks are standard. This presents a challenge to agency based models trying to improve the debt suffer The main in the role in public investment one believes the IMF is from the same problem. Perhaps contracts contingent on harassment are feasible. However, what if requirements crisis. Perhaps the bargaining models presented here contractually IMF Overall, the specific it appears difficult to specify sorts of behavior constitute costly harassment. difference between the moral hazard models and the bargaining models they leave for outside donors. In my bargaining models, it makes sense is for the donors to spend their resources pushing buybacks. This rationalizes the actual behavior of governments. 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