28 t414 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ON THE CO>G'LEXITY OF FOUR POLYHEDRAL SET CONTAINMENT PROBLEMS by Robert M. Freund and James B. Orlin Sloan W.P. No. 1527-84 January 1984 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ON THE COMPLEXITY OF FOUR POLYHEDRAL SET CONTAINMENT PROBLEMS by Robert M. Freund and James B. Orlin Sloan W.P. No. 1527-84 January 1984 L Abstract A nonempty closed convex polyhedron X = {x:Ax<b}, where (A,b) , is called an H-cell, or in where (U,V) are given, in which case The problems of determining if Xcy, where an H-cell and Y is a closed solid ball, X X is a closed solid ball and Y (ii) X is an H-cell and Y (i) X is is a W-cell, is a W-cell, are all shown to be NP-complete, essentially verifying a conjecture of Eaves and Freund. Furthermore, the problem of determining whether an integer point lies in a W-cell is shown to be NP-complete, demonstrating that regardless of the repre- sentation of X X This note discusses the computational complexity of certain set containment problems. or (iii) can be represented either as are given, in which case the form X = {x:x=UA+Vp ,EX .=l,X>0,yr-0} is called a W-cell. X as an H-cell or W-cell, this integer containment problem is NP-complete. 0749548 ,. 1. Introduction and Preliminaries A nonempty closed convex polyhedron can be represented either in X the form X = {x:Ax<b}, where (A,b) are given, in which case an H-cell (H for halfspaces) , are given, in which case (U,V) X is called or in the form X ={x :x=UX+VtJ ,EA .=1,X >0,y >0} where X is called a W-cell (W for weighting of points) The computational complexity of many problems related to polyhedra depend on the polyhedral representation as an H-cell or a W-cell. a linear program, which can be stated as maximize is a polyhedron. If X For example, consider subject c x xeX, where X is an H-cell, this is the usual linear program, whose solution time, while polynomial, is by no means negligible. However, if X is represented as a W-cell, the linear programming problem becomes trivial. As another example, consider the problem of testing if where X is a polyhedron. If X xeX for a given x, is an H-cell, the problem is trivial, whereas if X is a W-cell, the problem reduces to solving a linear program. This note discusses the complexity of two types of problems. problem is the set containment problem (SCP) X (resp. Y) is a cell , that of determining if , t . 2 (x-c)<r }, in which case There are nine forms of SCP corresponding to a particular form of SCP will be denoted Y is a B-cell. , In Eaves and Frexind linear program for the six forms (HH) e .g. [ (WH) , by (W,B) , , where ] , (BH) , (WW) , (WB) showing that these problems are solvable in polynomial time. also conjectured that the forms (HW) , (BW) 1 , X and Y X is a W-cell SCP is shown to be solvable as a 1 , (resp. Y) X For notational convenience, each being given as an H-cell, W-cell, or B-cell. and XcY, where defined to be either a polyhedron (an H-cell or a W-cell) or a closed solid ball of the form {x: (x-c) is called a B-cell The first , and (BB) , thus Eaves and Freund and (HB) are "intractable." In , Section 2 of this article, we show that these three forms of SCP are NP-complete, thus essentially confirming the conjecture. Section problem (ICP) that of finding an integer point in a given polyhedron , is a W-cell. X case that addresses the computational complexity of the integer containm ent 3 Karp 3 [ corresponding ICP is NP-complete. when showed that when ] is an H-cell, the X Herein, it is shown that ICP is NP-complete is a W-cell. X The notation used is standard. The Euclidean norm of xeR be n-dimensional Euclidean space. Let R is represented by the dimension is clear from the context. mxn in the X Let Q matrices and n-vectors, respectively. || x j| , . Q Let e = (l,l,l,...l) where be the set of rational Define {a,b} ={xeR : x =a or b,j=l,...n} J 2. Three NP-complete Cases of the Set Containment Problem . Consider the following version of the integer containment problem: Given (ICPl) A : e q"^" that satisfies Air^e? Question: Is there a tt€{-1,1} This classical integer linear inequalities problem is NP-complete, even if restricted to be (HB) , : (A,b,c ,r^)e Question (HW) Is : Xj^Y, (q'"'"^ (HW) ,q"',q" ,Q^) where X={xeR'^ Ax<b} and Y ={xeR : Given: (A,b,U,V)e(Q"^^",Q"',Q^^ Question (BW) , can be stated formally as: Given Given : (c Question : , r^ ,U, V) e (Q^" Is X^Y, whf^rc X={x'^r'^: : , (x-c) ^(x-c) <r ]? and Y={xeR":x=UX+Vy ,Q^ ,0""* ,0"""^) Y={ xgR" x=UA +Vy : .Q-^^P) Is X^Y, where X={xeR" :Ax<b} : is as there is an elementary transformation from the number parti- The three set containment problems of interest, foinns (HB) tion problem. and (BW) 2, m o^'X =l , ( A x-c) , y>0} (x-c)<r ? } and , e*^X=l ,X ,y>0}? — . Note that problems (HB) this for the problem (HB) (HW) , , and (BW) are all elements of NP. X^Y, then there exists either an note that if , v of X, or else there exists an extreme point extreme ray an element of B. then there If the fr>rmer is true, consisting of rows of A, and an index j To see x of X that is not a submatrix of M of A i;; such that v is the unique solution to The size required to record v then is polynomially bounded in Mv=0, v.7^0. siibvector d of e, and the size of x is polynomially bounded in the size of A. - The test that d for some sxibmatrix M of A and If the latter is true, x=M the size of A. (x-c) 2 t (x-c) >r is obviously polynomially bounded in the size of A as well. is an element of NP, To see that problem (HW) The test that v^{y :y=UX ,X>0} or the test that there exists x or v as above. x^ is equivalent to solving a linear program, which is polynomially bounded in the data (v,U) or (x,U,v) Finally, if for a giv^jn instance of (BW) Y has no interior in IR than r 2 . hyperplane containing this facet to th*; If the former is true, then the system irU=ae This test is polynomial in the data (U,V) tTt^O. Then, either suppose that X^Y. , or there is an (n-1) -facet of x such that the shortest , Euclidean distance from polynomial in this data. U' first note that if X^Y has a solution and the size of ir will be the latter is true, there exists a submatrix rf consisting of columns of , irV=0 , larger c is V and a submatrix U, consisting of columns of V, such that the hyperplane containing the facet in question is determined by a solution Z={x| IT (u,a) .x=a} . to irU'=ae, TrV'=0, ttt^O, The size of the unique solution polynomially bounded in the data (U,V) from c to / la—IT- c is given by*/-^^ zr- » rr • class NP. th<' to the above system is and the shortest Euclidean distance , - data (a,iT,c,r 2 ) — a—iT-c -'—z IT IT - polynomially bounded in , (tt,cx) The test that I Z where the hyperplane in question is _ • > r 2 . , is also IT and so problem (BW) is in the , Also note that if X^Y , then it follows from the convexity of separating hyperplane theorem that there exists x^X, and (i) y<a for all yeY, and (ii) IT tt 'x it, and a Y such that a >o. Our main result in this section is the following: THEOREM 1. The set containment ]iroblems (HB) (HW) , , and (BW) are NP-complete. Before proceeding to the proofs, we define a few more terms and we state an elementary property concerning linear programs defined over the rationals. For each matrix A, let P(A) ={x:Ax<e, -e<x<e} . Thus the integer contairiment problem ICPl can be stated as follows: Does P(A)n{-l,l} For a given rational matrix A, we will let r.ax(A) =(t)? denote the maximum absolute value of a niimerator or denominator of a component of (The numerator and divisor max(2/ll,-14/2) )=14. For two sets S,T, e.g. have a common divisor..) be the infinium of the distance between d(S,T) let can A; In the proofs, we will use the the two sets, where the supremum norm is used. following elementary lemma. LEMMA PROOF. 1. - If P(A)n{-l,l}" = <^, Let z*= d(P(A) ,{-1,1}'^) z*(y)= d(P(A) ,{y}) z*=min (z* (y) :ye z*(y)= minimum z subject to ; { then d(P - ^"^^ (2max(A) ^^ ( {-1 , l}'^) > (x.-y.) >^0 j = l,,..,n t^j-yj) j =i , (A) , and then -1, 1} ), and , z + xeP(A) ->-0 ,n -1 ) nl ) . . We now claim that z* (y)> (2inax(A) be a point in X* y To see this, let . and without loss of generality , is an extreme point of the feasible region of the above x* Therefore linear program. program and of minimum distance to P(A) we may assume that for any Ye{-l,l} (nl)) x* = B where f is a row basis of the linear B is a vector of O's and I's of the right-hand side components f corresponding to denominator of B and B can be written as B . C is an integral matrix. is det(C). Because -1 a denominator for B B = d where C Because B - n^ d^max(A) is a common d -1 = dC -1 -, = ° /adj (C) j^^ (r^\ I and 2 , , , ,— , n +1, , max(C) ^ (max (A) ) , we obtain , dct(C)<max(C)"n: < {max(A)'^ Thus this bound on det provides a bound on (C) PROOF THAT let e = d(P(A) ,{-l,l} AeQ . Let Suppose first that -e<x<e d(x,{-l,l}'^)<e conclude that nl . , = (2max(A) (n"^+ n.') Note that . A. be an instance of ICPl, and Y = {yeP^ry^y and let Then XcY. x* < n-e} Consider the . XcY. || x || < for any n-e<n and thus xeP(A) . and . 2max(A) < which is polynomial in the size of , A Let . X = P (A) X^ Conversely, suppose that Since M(A) let of determining if (HB) (j) , IS NP-COMPLETE [M(A)]" n'. H . 3 (HB) P(A) n{-l,l}'^ = ) is 0(n log(l+max(A)) M(A) instance of max(A) which is a denominator for any component of , Henceforth, for each the size of = "^"^)'^n: x x>n-c , t^ xeP(A) it follows that It follows that P (A) n{-l ,1}^^ Let . ()) . d(P S (A) be selected so that |x.|>l-e ,{-1 1}") <e , , for each j x^ and thus and thus by Lemma 1, we . PROOF THAT (H,W) Let NP-COMPLETE. IS " Y={y:.>: |y.|<n-e}. - -1 e= [M(A)] . I and let X=P(A), Let polynomially represented as the W-cell U= (n-e) [ I , (n-c) (-1) ] J I XcY P(A) n{-l ,1} = <n-e and thus and let Note that may be Y of determining if (H,W) XcY. must satisfy xe.P(A) Then any . , {y :y=UA ,A>0,e X=l} by letting Now consider the instance . Suppose first that eIx be an instance of ICPl A (}) ^ Suppose next that XjzTJ Let . be chosen so that xeY E|x,|>n-E -e<x<e , l-e<[x it follows that and thus j=l,...,n for each <1 | Since . 3 J j_ d(x,{-l,l} ) Se P(A)n {-1,1}" / that d(P Therefore . PROOF THAT (B,W) IS NP-COMPLETE Let X={xeR'^: ||x II •) that X^ Thus if XcY , , such that uniquely given by t it ,X 12 ,X and so >_0,e X yeY' veP and let (p , v/y P(A) n{-l,l}"= - x=(n-e) loss of generality that -1/2 1 1 1|tt x=(n-e) can be Y . X X by TTeP(A). . To show that 1 1 || XjcY. n{-l,l} veX. and so Also note We conclude in this case that • 4). X^ In this case there exists . Moreover the value of . (A) v v=(n-e) - x>l (A)} = M(A) e tlt2t3 =1} +e +e 3 ,X of determining if Note first that . Next consider the case that 7r6P(A) we conclude 1 and use linear programming duality to show that y'fTi' ||v||>l X ueP :7r^y<l for all —t 3 2 P (A) n{ -1, l}"?^ 11^11" v V v=(n-e) . Y={yeR" Consider the instance of (BW) v=(n-e)~ and thus by Lemma , by premultiplying any Y'cY Suppose first that Let <e be an instance of ICPl and let A 1 one can ass\ame that y'<Y ) Y'={y:y=X -X +A represented as the W-cell YcY' Let . and let ^<l/(n-e)} (It is easy to see that ,{-1,1} S . 4) (A) -1 tt IMI whenever t • xeX tt^O . . which maximizes . xeX it tx and . is Thus we may assume without It follows that IttII = ^=-n^-n (n-e) ^ 1-6 <|tt.|<1 -e^TtSe, for d(P(A), {-1, !}")<£ 3 . j (n-e)^ > ||tt|| tt^x 1 1 it 1 , 1 and thus = l,...,n and thus |1it|J d(Tr,{-l,l} ^ > n-e. S ince We conclude that )<r.. and thus by Lemma 1, P(A)n[ -1, l}"7^0. D The Complexity of Finding an Integer Element of a Polyhedron . (see for example Garey and Johnson It is well known [2 ] ) that the problem of determining whether there is an integer point in an H-cell is In this section we show an analogous result for integral NP-complete. Consider containment in a w-cell. Given ICP2: ^nxk, Q (U e ) Is there an integral n-vector Question: X={xeiR'^ The problem THEOREM 2. PROOF. Note first that demonstrate that Input e^X=l, A>0}? is NP-complete. ICP2 ICP2eNP since if ireX is integral, then we can ICP2 is NP-complete, we carry out a transformation from 0-1 knapsack problem. Integers . where by solving a linear program in polynomial time- ireX To show that the following x=XJX, : TreX, a, , . . . a , , b n Question Is there a vector . such that ye (0,11 a.y. = b? ^ i=l ^ T, The above problem is known to be NP-complete. Suppose that a, , . . . , a , b is an instance of the above knapsack problem. We transform this instance into a problem in modular arithmetic as follows: Are there vectors \,s satisfying: n ( Z a.X. - bX (la) is integral, ,t) J=l is integral (n+l)X. (2n)~ (X.+s.-X ,,) 3 n+1 ST + ... + S +X, + 1 n 1 ...+X 2 s,X>0 _LT n+1 for j=l, is integral '^ = 1 . . . , n+1, for i=l,...,n, (lb) (Ic) (Id) (le) . . First note that - (la) 2n+l colunms each of which is a special case of ICP2 in which (le) in i'i Suppose first that n+1 = l/(n+l) ye'O, and let s .=l/(n+l) -X (n+l/2n)X Since 0<X X ^, n+i ,, n+1 . Finally, let (1) If we subtract each of the n of constraint (Id) from (2n . X,s satisfy Suppose next that X,s satisfy (1). constraints of (Ic) , we obtain the constraint -l/2n is integral ,^1, we conclude from n+1 (If) (If). that = l/(n+l) We conclude from (Ig) if and only (1) is feasible for the knapsack problem. l} It is easy to verify that . has knapsack problem. for j=l,...,n Let A.=y./(n+l) X thf' U |R We claim that there is a feasible solution to system if there is a solution to , (Ig) .md (Id) that (Ic) , X.4S. = l/(n+l) for j=l,..., n (Ih) and by (Ih) and (lb) we conclude that X . = From or l/(n+l) (Ig) , (li) for j = l,..., (li). n and (la) we conclude that y=(y ,..., y ) is feasible for the knapsack problem, where y.=(n+l)X., j=l,..., n, completing the proof. D Summary. In certain cases, the representation of a polyhedron as an H-cell or a W-cell drastically affects the computational complexity of the underlying problem. For the set containment problem, involving polyhedra and/or closed solid balls, the problem is solvable as a linear program and hence is , (W,B) , and (B,B) This note shows that the remaining three cases (H,B), (H,W) , and (B,W) are polynomial, for the cases (H,H), (B,H), (W,H) , (W,W) , see [1] NP-complete. As regarding the determination of an integer point in a given polyhedron, this note has shown that the problem is NP-complete, irrespective of the representation of the polyhedron as an H-cell or a W-cell. , References [1] Eaves, B.C., and R.M. Freund, "Optimal Scaling of Balls and Polyhedra" M athematical Prograimning 23 (1982), 138-147. [2] Garey, M.R. and D.S. Johnson, Compu ters and Intractibilit y and Co., San Francisco, 1979. [3] Karp, R.M., "Reducibility among Combinatorial Problems", in R.E. Miller and J.W. Thatcher (eds.) Complexity of Computer C omputations Plenum Press, New York, 1972. , W.H. Freeman , ^Ok 022 Date Due NOV. 2 FEB17U94 Lib-26-67 ^^SEMENT Mil LIBRAflltS TDflO QOD 17b 5D3