HW4. Problems are for practice only (submission not needed). Solutions will be posted next Monday (April 14, 2003) 1. Problem 9 (page 337 of the textbook): Let G(V,E) be any connected undirected graph. A bridge of G is defined to be an edge of G which when removed from G, will make it disconnected. Present an O(|E|) time algorithm to find all the bridges of G. 2. Problem 10 (page 337 of the textbook): Let S(V,T) be any DFS tree for a given connected undirected graph G(V,E). Prove that a leaf of S cannot be an articulation point of G. 3. It is easy to see that for any graph G, both DFS and BFS will take almost the same amount of time. However, the space requirement may be considerably different. (a) Give an example of an n-vertex graph for which the depth of recursion of DFS starting from a particular vertex v is n-1 whereas the queue of BFS has at most one vertex at any given time if BFS is started from the same vertex v. (b) Give an example of an n-vertex graph for which the queue of BFS has n-1 vertices at one time whereas the depth of recursion of DFS is at most one. Both searches are started from the same vertex. 4. Suppose you are given n men and n women and two n x n arrays P and Q such that P(i,j) is the preference of man i for woman j and Q(i,j) is the preference of woman i for man j. Give an algorithm that finds a pairing of men and women such that the sum of the product of the preferences is maximized. (∑P(i,j)Q(i,j)). Give idea of the algorithm, worst time complexity and proof of correctness. 5. Let F={Sj} be a finite family of sets. TF is an exact cover of F iff T is a cover of F and the sets in T are pairwise disjoint. Show that the chromatic number decision problem reduces to the problem of determining whether F has an exact cover. 6. Prove or disprove that the following decision problem NP-complete. Instance: Positive integers a1…an, b. Question: Are there non-negative integers x1…xn such n that ai xi b ? i 1 7. Given an integer m x n matrix A and an integer m x 1 vector b, the 0-1 integer programming problem asks whether there is an integer n X 1 vector x with elements in the set {0,1} such that Ax <= B. Prove that the integer programming is NP-Complete. 8. UF students have a range of talents like singing, playing, dramatics etc. Many students are multi-talented, and each student has at least one talent. Devise an algorithm to make a list of t talents such that if all the students who have any one of those t talents are asked to show up, all the UF students will be eligible to come. Is your algorithm NP-complete? 9. In the pro-wrestling world, there is either friendliness or hatred between any two wrestlers. Vince McMahon, the fight promoter, plans to have the biggest multiwrestler fight show by putting x such wrestlers together in the ring so that no two wrestlers in the ring like each other. Design an algorithm to help Vince to choose x such wrestlers. Is your algorithm NP-complete? 10. In Gotham city, Batman’s arch-enemy Joker plans to destroy Batman’s dream project – the flyover system. The flyover system is a road network above the ground, where each intersection is supported using a pillar from ground (intersections are defined as points where two or more roads meet, or any dead end). Joker plans to target the pillars since once an intersection is destroyed, all road segments connected to that intersection are destroyed. Since joker has limited explosives, he will like to select a set of pillars to minimize the number of explosives are used. Design an efficient algorithm to help Joker minimize the number of pillars to be targeted. Is your algorithm NP-complete? Is your algorithm NP-hard?