HD28 .MA14 M5.l37f Devwey ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT NEW EVIDENCE ON THE NATURE OF SIZE RELATED ANOMALIES IN STOCK PRICES by Terry A. Marsh*** Philip -^rown* Allan W. Kleidon** //1379-82 November 1982 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 NEW EVIDENCE ON THE NATURE OF SIZE RELATED ANOMALIES IN STOCK PRICES by Terry A. Marsh*** Philip fir own* Allan W. Kleidon** #1379-82 November 1982 NEW EVIDENCE ON THE NATURE OF SIZE RELATED ANOMALIES IN STOCK PRICES by Philip Brown* Allan W. Kleldon»» Terry A. Marsh*** *Universlty of Western Australia •*Univer3lty of Chicago •**Massachusetts Institute of Technology Last Revised: Forthoomlng: March 1982 Journal of Financial Economics We are 'indebted to Craig Ansley for assistance with stochastic Eugene Fame, Michael Gibbons, John estimation procedures; to Petor Dodd Gould, Drucc Grundy, Jon Ina'^rsoll, Bob Korajczyk, Richard Leftwlch, Merton Miller, Richard Rubaok, Myron Scholes and Arnold Zellner for helpful comments; to Marc Relnganum for furnishing data used in his doctoral thesis; and to the Center for Research in Security Prices at the University of Chicaeo for access to their data files and for financial assistance. , 0745337 I. ABSTRACT Thl8 paper Is concerned returns reported by Banz small the with (1981) and the Reinganum (1981). CAPM. We find that the size stock in They showed that than those predicted by firms have tended to yield returns greater traditional anomalies size-related effect is linear In the logarithm of size, but reject the hypothesis that the ex ante excess return attributable to size is stable through time. Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model (SURM) and alternative estimators of the size effect. effect, studied. we find that the estimates are Due We a briefly analyze the two-step procedure as two to the Instability of the sensitive to the time period -1- DUCTION INTRO .1^ ^B _. 1 . - There . . evidence i3 that excess returns excess that returns common on earned be time over by Basu (1977) and Relnganum (1981) ranking securities on certain variables. report can stocks are function of the ranks of their earnings-price (E/P) decreasing monotone a Banz (1981) ratios. shows that rankings based on firm size can be used to earn excess returns, and Relngonum (1981, returns 'abnormal' 20) shows further that market value effects, one p. for controlling "after could detect not an independent E/P effect." The size effect has manifested example, Beta In the Dead?" Institutional Investor well-publicized article, Michaud Richard "Instead of using the beta model, such factor as Itself beyond academic" circles. capitalization. I would It's Bache of is (1980, p. quoted as "passive management related return." to class of "small Expansion Fund" of small .Market .. firm growth considered stocks," (1980) program, provides another illustration. follows: The in American It set up firm stocks . firm stocks typical growth The Street Week the Wall Indeed, the implications of the anomaly for "small firm growth stocks" are especially interesting. small "Is probably like to use one other National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago went a step further. a 29) For As they allegedly earn positive excess returns; while the stock has a low. not ratio, high, E/P that their and (presumably) negative, not positive oxooaa roturnn. Banz and Relnganum with misspeciflcation used assess excess to also Ball (1978)]. in conclude both the capital returns However, in rather evidence is asset pricing model. (CAPH) than with market consistent benchmark inefficiency [see common with the examples Just cited, they -2- distribution of the effect, or the size encv. » ^^^af exp ..Pd Size that the eXDCCteu assume Implicitly examined. over the periods t.nt °'' • Bl« «^^-^MQftl. ""'^"' ^^ . long iontj oe to be . f«H constructed mean nrp^ents presenva 1c^ 15) p. ^t^^u monthly small in r*»turns returna firms andH on ,hnrt short „3,Mtrage" "aroitragc in Banz example. For portfolios »~ firms over large iarg the 4„m- ^ He of 2.99 over .vv, a « r..norted reported t-statistic with time over average excess returns have t-statistics the nine subpcriods of two only But , , the total period. strategy po ..3,,,,,,,e" portfolio subperiods the arbitrage two in and greater than 2.0. attributes the 16) p. (1981. Banz ess returns. yields negative excess in nortfollo concentration oH by hv porttoix caused diversification 1, to a lack of ..... .. „e „„,,„, -„ ..p."- ... ... ^^^^^ .t >3t acoo... ...t ... or other the years effect .... ..U. o. „.3 ,„. ...,. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^„^,„„ in while to U U,eU „U..c.ne.t.„. sta.UU. ..e3tuat. a. ...ct t. . value, "Unou dUtrlDutlon. stationary .U.P,0 ..turns o.tain. in ... .^r. na, a n..at.. The reversed. is .^^ ...ct. Issue of the o. tn. 3U. .no„aU pot.ntu. .xp.3n3t.on3 .portant.,. a3 oiw i<i itself itseU described properly, the anomaly is If evaluated more readily insofar Regression nrocedure as M H 1 Model to is measurement (SURM) measure. and ,ize size a n.d concerned. two-step effects clieot and we use a generalized find that Seemingly least they are Unrelated squares (GLS) ,,„.i,tically statistically -3- l„,igniflc.„t .ubperlcd m over January maignlfioant size perlc. to ,967 effect, flnC Ov,r the -poaltlve- but 1979. J.n. -967, to January a December ,975. We Is. small flms have negative excess that positive excess returns. returns and large firms have However. Banx (,98,) t-statistlc period ,966-,975 with a negative slxe effect over the subperiod. we find a In addition, over the ,973-1979 of ,.55. results These seemingly contradictory Significantly negative size effect. of th. size of our finding of instability .r. not surprising in light reports a effect. existence some explanations of their If size effects are not constant, can be-ruled out. If themselves. others small firm need stocks modifying, are and expected to still earn others positive suggest excess stocks, commission costs in trading those returns because of differential large less diversification service than or because they tend to provide every period. premium should be positive in firms, then the expected return terms of non-trading induced explanation of size effects in results. not consistent with our estimated beta coefficients is Roll's (1981) biases m of the unclear whether a modified version AS we discuss in Section 5. it is non-trading across in the pattern of explanation which allowed instability results. firms would be consistent with the There appears to be • a of both small and seasonal affecting the returns by Kelm with the "January effect" reported large firms, which is consistent effect, the taking account of a January after even" However, (1981). Although excess returns are remains. instability in the size effect unstable 1950's. since 1926. the phenomenon is most pronounced since the late . -u- the estimation procedures and Alternative alternative vh. the dlsouaa ^^^^ T,:.o:->if,slen In Section 2. we estimation procedures . nt., the alternative .,^,. evaluates ^,, Section unstable slope. those over anomaly ..„H« and size of the magnitude the on ^^'^^^^ 4^^and presents evidence Some assumption. reasonable . KP A to be a appears Which statlonarlty periods ^ Sectlo . ar,,.<,nslde^ anomaly size the of ^^^^^^^ potential explanations ^ m ^ given in Section 6. brief summary is . M rrlfoVolVY' AND SAM PLE 2. 2 -' -'"""•• „i sni^! ,ii 'fscJcnoo :fo;, . :.i o«- e,- »ir . Size Anomaly The CAPM and the ^uo b^lL'T'sd nao Is: premla written in terms of risk model market ^^^^^^^^^^ The well-known 1 ^ht' ''FtV= .« Whore R n^^ ^M^V «i/ it - "Ft^ ^ V, • - -.axi R "Mt on the rate of return c - t; f < «n tl nnrlod t. perloa on asset 1 in the rate of return '.v;.j.P.«oq od bluoris mulmsiQ muJs-; , a s .-. -.M,,.,. f>,* the ao;i ui fiRUP h-i.-. , .«h period portfolio of assets in market port 2jni:ioXi;yor. aJ£>d disturbance term; security specific '''"/^''^^Kskless Y^^J '^f'"'^ rate in period t;,.,,,,,^ b6J\ ^^ ,^^^^^.,. ^^- , , espsld nx ^^^^^^^ ^^. "Ft a N . E constant; an arbitrary « total number of assets; operators, covariance and variance e.ecVation. are and Var and Where E. Cov Of ^ linearity properties justified by the .espectiv;.. .uatlon multivariate normal , cms multlvaT^^ate studcnt-t) ror (or multivaria Chapter returns [Fama (1976. 0. E (f,,. c^,) = 0. s / t. oM 2)] of asset Joint distribution assumption E (e nr bv the direct or by r K^^>^ - -5- The Sharpe-Llntner2 CAPM implies that a a is an "excess return", i.e., *< If there is a size anomaly relative to the Sharpe-Llntner CAPM, 0. will be related to for size least at asset 1. some hypothesis obviously provides no clue as CAPM as The null a excess the relation between to <»j returns and size. Benz's work (1979, on Merton's Klein Bawa and negative (1977) services model consumer return large very for positive excess returns for very small the that appropriate (market) value. form a is Relnganum (1981) the former whereas firms model declining reports similar result. a implies work implies function nonlinear a based implies latter the His empirical firms. 3 information model of the end that argues Banz (1977). excess implies two possible functional forms 1981) equity of However, the dlBtribution of market value of equity across the securities they studied which may at least in part account for the is extremely positively skewed reported non-linearities. Further, for Relnganum does not always adjust risk differences across size-ranked portfolios. Rather thnn form the size of .estimate firm 1, the prior speoifiontion for the relation between a we use the cross-sectional CRSP daily pattern of (beta) average excess return file excess returns and *. 5 for to ten portfolios ranked on size. 2.2 Data Our (1981) in primary which sample a consists of the size-related 566 anomaly is firms studied reported. The by Relnganum sample turn, a subset of 577 companies analyzed by Latane and Jones (1977). reason size for using anomaly, and this sample Relnganum is has is, in The that it has proven informative about the generously supplied us with his data. Since all 566 firms were required to have complete quarterly data from June -6- 1967 to December 1975, Relnganum extended survivorship bias is possible. a the series for eight quarters from the fourth quarter of 1975, and we have further extended it to the fourth quarter of 1979. o.-»" Of the 566 firms in exlstenoe at December Dooember (Relnganum' 1977 196 and sample) 3 through December our primary focus Is on size, firm incomplete data as at December 31. Table 1979 tabulates 1 through Since 1979. 5'Sis • r,- ':9--^'-;'-vi 535 survived 1975. ST. for bnfi reasons the Tor each size decile where size Is defined as market value of equity at December 1975. Assuming a combination of two iistedf firms is more likely to result in the exchange's delisting the stock of the smaller than of the larger, surprising that 45 is not it of. of the 62 mergers and acquisitions resulted in the disappearance of firms When we consider firms below the median smaller than the median firm size. there is no obvious relation between size and the Incompleteness of size, '''•" '. j£-:> data (except possibly that due to bankruptcy). ""^"'A of feature including all of Reinganura' the a., de.ta, 3,et is that 3rV,. are not In smallest 98 of CRSP the relative file because they were not traded on the NYSE. the 98 had returns on th^. CR3P construct monthly returns. NYSE listed companies. informative about a It Da^lly Jleturns file the stocks, 566 monthly price All but three of which were used to Because the latter file contains both AMEX and la that likely Relnganum's size-related anomaly than firm stociks traded on the NYSE. ,• ^^^j a data set more Is set confined to the larger y Table 2 reports Spearman's rank order correlation coefficients between size (as measured by market value of equity) at June 1967, size at December 1975, leverage at December 1975 (with equity market values) and total assets in December assets and book value of debt and equity measured at both 1966 and December are taken from book 1975. the and Total Compustat -7- annual tape, and market value of equity from monthly CRSP price files (checked against the Compustat tape).' Table shows 2 high degree of stability in market a value of equity rankings over the period June 1957 to December 1975, the strong correlation between total assets and market value of equity, and the stability in asset ranking from 1966 to 1975. The high degree of stability and correlation among the alternative size measures suggest that our results are not likely size variable used, nor to the use of a to be sensitive to the particular constant size measure discussed in Section 2.3 through time. The results other In Table 2 are below, 5 Linearity of the Size Effect We turn now to size. To avoid the the form of the possible relation between survivorship bias securities on market value of equity at average daily excess return for security s econd to trading day in 1976) daily excess returns tape. magnitude, relative to December 29, Table standard 3 of the 1976, and 1975 1978, using the 1976 CRSP summary of the securities' rank we estimate from January 6, contains a error, until the (the (beta) sign and excess returns While it is not at all clear how t-statistics are to .across size deciles. be interpreted in the estimation procedure, each December excess returns and context of CRSP's population and Q its excess return one conclusion is reasonably certain: does not appear to be powered by small stocks alone. the anomaly All of the largest 56 firms studied had negative excess returns, on average, from January 1976 to December 1978. To test whether these results are sample specific, the experiment was repea.tcd for the population of all stocks for which market values of equity were available as at the first day of the CRSP daily returns tape (July 2, -8- which ony exoeaa returns were available. for and 1962) Although it appears that the monotone effect in also presented In Table 3- Reinganum the example, In is the longer covered period larger this by. effect the specific, sample not sample over attenuated results are The clearly is For sample. although 10. 8t of the t-statistics in Reinganum's sample exceed 2 absolute value, 5.2% in this category for the expanded are only there sample. Both deciles size across effect monotonic apparently the and the of attenuation over the longer sample period are also shown by the values the average dally excess return Table In Again, 3. the main difference average between the results appears to be that the absolute values of the largest firms are greater in the excess returns for both the smallest and These results foreshadow Section sub-period. which shows that although 3 the excess returns are linear in log size, the slope of the linear relation Consequently, changes' sign through time. the effect measured over a long period during which the slope changes sign will be attenuated relative to a sub-period In which the sign is constant. Finally, linearity the using here graphically, most perhaps is formed portfolios ten when apparent from a illustrated cross-sectional ranking of the sample securities in ascending order of size which we will use in most of the later results. dully oxcosa calculated as returns the moan for Figure Reinganum's size of all 1 although the (here .portfolio) relation between and snmp]rt firms natural logarithm of portfolio size, and (c) that shows scatter plots of average excess In (•) size each size decile. return and portfolio decile, log size or size decile Is used. the The plots imply untransformed size may be non-linear, an approximately linear exists when either (b) size firm relation Further the results -9- are very aimilar for size log Indicating -that mere size size decile. and the anomaly as size per se. ranking may contain as much information about the with our analysis of monthly data on In either case, we proceed return and log size. assumption of a linear relation between excess 2.4 Test Structure a in log size, If we assume linearity of the excess return generalized to include ^^^it - ^01 * = «Ft^ a 12 (constant) \h ^%t ' Vt^ * 5^ and Yq., S T). 5 a may be size measure: measure of size for asset ^'^ ^ ^i 1 where (1) 1 \t * s .... N; t B 1, 1, ...t T applicable to the period (1. T) parameters. Y^i are scalar will be assumed constant for any asset over any time period (1, 1 returns and 5^ is cross sectional, Since the relation between excess it is not possible to estimate a separate cross sectional and y^^ information can be Incorporated can be considered aopflrntoly for obtnlned by (soy) 0L3. oaoh asset in a The for each asset. two ways. and an 1. Then In n second step y^^ estimate Yq and common First. -^ Y^ (1) oan be onn be estimated from the cross sectional regression: \-\^h\'\ ' = ' " a common Y^ and Alternately, since S^ varies across equations, "'. Y^ may Unrelated Regression Model (SURM) be estimated directly using the Seemingly as follows: -10- >, -11- In the error term c. In this case t, . 'it = where Is v. and V. l.i.d. for t 7 c.. would be autocorrelated SURM model (1), cross-sectionally random with E (c.. Only firm size is allowed aa oommon fixed e. ) =0, identification, effects firm-specific estimated by firm-specific y estimated there if will are . fixed be impounded estimation (cross-sectionally) of (5) fl, where X e the SURM by identical is 1) is second specified step (3) as estimation than other and (5). and any 1^4 Yq Subject to CO. could size effects random . equation of a be other than Rj,)' in ( (5) i_ in or (5). by (1) equation can be written 1?;)]"^ and n Since the souroe of the . error of a., with a covariance matrix each equation to element of [(\_ covariance matrix of the disturbances ? (3) in The covariance matrix (1, Likewise, (1980)]. regressors are Identical estimation of (1). X effects the in e.^^ (1) in in e (v^ V^) Finally, a more general SURM model (4) can . size in the model [e.g., Baltagl Since the = E t / a in cross-sectional fixed effect. a aeourity-specific time-varying effects will be in be e^^) have been ruled out. y. they are ruled out by the assumption E(e.. Any , Then even wi th by assuming non-autocorrelated disturbances Thus, 3. i^ '^ ••• time-dependent error component. (orthogonal) the , *^=^' 'if assumed cross sectionally random but time-Invariant element an is an * ^'i could be written as: we use GLS regression estimated from £ n^^ in OLS as the in the the residuals of the first step regressions in (1). The results this from those of the SURM (H) , and two-step procedure are virtually identical we present only the latter. to However, the two- step procedure is comparable with the SURM only if GLS (not GLS) regression Is applied in the second step. We provide OLS second step results for com- -12- m at lea.t ond pa.i3on. Tor tM. result. application^^ the .i,.peoirication errors in the second step. severely understated standard 2.5 Preliminary Estimates Th. two-3tep prooedur. (1) t.. tl„e »arle. (3) return, monthly of and the =nd for SURH (*) »=re applied portfolio, of ten all to po»ibl. June 1979 (150 oo»p.nlea fro» January 1967 to „.„ber, of the aa„pl. of 566 the ,toc.a aocordlng to were forced by ranging „onth3>. The ten portfolios containing the 1967. portfolio one „.r.et value of equity at June 30. the S.»M for («) OLS for equation (3) and ,„euest atoc.3. The r.euU, for .onth • period January to ,967 ,979. June flr=t la the The different perloda." are given In Table « for The full ,50 Subperlod, I motion taUe. prior to bias in the Relnganum sa»ple aocount of the potential survivorship Finally, sine, at the end of ,975. •„76 by breaking the overall period over long e^„ of («> .ay be untenable .tatlonarity In (at least) the »onth subperlods of period into the three 50 periods, we brea. the total detects a statistically algnlfloant The 3UR« procedure Subperiod, 11. June ,979. (including the period May ,975 to negative size effect only for January Over the earlier subperlod ,979). the period January ,976 to Juno „67 to fecenber positive, ,975. the point estimates though only a two-step procedure of using the size OLS In effect the are T, second step shows It to bo significant. The results of Table comparison of the results ! r.ls. with two those Interesting reported by questions. Banz (,98,. First, a Table ,) corresponds to ,966-,975 which most closely reveals that over the subperlod reports a negative size to December ,975. he ,967 January subperlod „„. procedure yield. By contrast, our SU«H -,.55. effect with e t-st,ti,tlo of -13- positive, but insignificant, point estimates for the subperiod January 1967 to December Is 1975. significant. actually t-statistlc (overstated) The Second, point though OLS in this subperiod for estimates the in period January 1967 to December 1975 are positive, those for the approximate two subperiod breakdown January February 1971 and March 1971 to April This loose analysis serves only to underscore are both negative. 1975 to 1967 general impression that the subperlods in Table >i are "different". a We now consider the possible instability of the size effect in more detail. 3. STATIONARITY OF THE EXCESS RETURNS 3.1 The Techniques and Estimates Two techniques were used here to study the statlonarity properties of the expected size effect premium discount. or One recursive the Is residuals technique associated with Brown, Durbin and Evans (1975) and the other is a Kalman filtering Since the results were technique. similar, only those from the Kalman filtering technique are discussed in detail. The Kalman filter technique requires speolflcation of the stochastic process generating the ex here are generated 18 under ante the excess return series that assumption a The {*iJf« follows a results random walk. I.e., "it = -i.t-i*"it "it '-'-' ^^'^ V ^^^ We return to this stochastic process assumption later, noting only at this point that diagnostic checks suggest it is sufficiently well Conditional on the specified process, the technique estimates a specified. time series of stochastic coefficients which has been filtered from the noise or error term as in signal extraction. It also tests whether the resulting series -lU- ia stochastic or reflects Just a constant The results indicate that the assumption of a non-stochastic parameter. 150 month period over the around variation sampling <», most seriously violated for the smallest and is A largest portfolios; that the excess returns firm) six portfolios arc positively correlated and tenth Inrgast (the portfolios; firm) of the {"^j^J 19 (smaller as are those of the ninth , that first returns excess the of the first six portfolios ore negatively correlated with those of the ninth and tenth; and that the excess returns of the seventh and eighth portfolios are fact best described as a not well specified by the random walk, but are in constant Jensen Black, ranked on and over a the Soholes and those with P., residual variances time month 150 (1972)] higher a (1). in period. have B. tend to l^.^l in have higher Since higher to be are errors standard firms tend ) [e.g. portfolios when smaller "extracts" a component of (1), we likewise find higher standard errors of (a.^} The above correlation estimates for (5.^) for small firms. writers Previous that found firms, ^ and since the Kalman Filter estimate [a. th e residual 20 and (o..) would also be consistent with high oovorianoes between the residuals of adjacent Black, Jensen and Soholes (1972) portfolios. Figure a., superimposes the time series of the estimated excess returns 2 for portfolios month 1 January period smallest (comprising the smallest firms), portfolio firm 5 displays others. 9) a The there existed to 1967 although with different portfolio 21 is June 1979. repeated variance. for The basic each Portfolio 10 5 and whose returns are negatively correlat and • 150 shown by the through 6, pattern portfolio ^ 10 over the to 2 a lesser degree vlth Portfolios 1 and time series pattern which is somewhat of a mirror image of the plots a suggest that from say January 1969 to December 1973 relatively stable positive relation between excess return . -15- felatively stable 1979 there was a fro. January 197^ to June and Size, and return and size. negative relation between excess 3.2 Nonstationarity Statistical Significance of the establish TO the that expected excess returns . size to attributed be integrated with requires significance tests to effects are nonstationary of which use the T.o tests are conducted, both the preceding analysis. Ansley. program VPAR written by Craig first test is based on •me the of variance (portfolio) u,, in For N. 1=1 (6) of statistic formed by taking the ratio a ' variance the to the large of In e^. each for (1) portfolio, this statistic is firm asymptotically normal terms of the statistics 2.23 which is significant In For the small firm portfolio level. ^^ distribution at the conventional 5% ends of the size range Thus for portfolios at both the statistic is 2.01. hypothesis that the would reject at the 51. level the a sampling theorist excess* return around series lS,l^ is merely variation a The constant «,. relatively small firm portfolio where the rejection is interesting for the the series (e^)^ (i.e.. noise) increases large variance of the disturbance Further, as one would expect. a^. difficulty of extracting the variation la}, for smallest and the . the difference largest firms portfolios of the between the returns of the is not constant time, through with test a statistic of 2.20.^^ If. An equivalent in a above given zero large firms, for a test is subpericd. (say) small given the lower firms confidence by the and conclusion (ba.ed on a Intervals for {a,,} confidence Interval for upper interval below the Joint Bonferonni {a^,} zero were for Interval) would be and significantly positive for small firms that. ex ante excess returns wore • firms. Significantly negative for large Alternatively, the bands switching . -16- , , .„te „ro V' wo.l. totcU. ..low zero to for «ce»= returns, 'V-' i... .. '^"^^':J:,\T!:.t bna - ' ,„„„,,„„ t.n.3 Hron from pnor..^^.^ zero above region a viciioiJR.iv.'-on 8^69119 s-ia datri. zero after that *a „oe« „„ J-e to „H-an. 1979. January ^o ,9. tbe out prev.oualy. ,.te. ^^",; <3, the or m ^^o • to =, . ^^ eat.ate ^^^^ t. which interval, luring an „,„,.ber' 190V January ^,^,^,^ only vaUa over per.o. Oan.ar, -;- ^^ a reasonably e.ea3 r.u.a ^e. ^ ".^^.r- er..t la „ , subperloda .9,9. June It SURH C) SUBH the t.a <„ However, .Ut.onary-<aU.u. .„, over t.e P.. size portrouo, .anKe. by portfoU a ., returns earnod nf' 'i'; the pa ^^^ ^^^ ^^,^ are ^'-.a' «^rlable i variable coefficient size the including ,n,orporating =»^ows which Figur^.^^a^ 1975. u to December .067 ^o ., 19of a January ^^^ results showed ec ^^ e aUe^ . poaltlve an. negative perioda of both . IT ^ . , — .lgninoa-..lUve eneot while the S.. ^^ ^^ "" = ^^^ ^ ^=>"-'""-^^'"::o;T:25;S-o^-^- — waa negative ,. that the errect ,„„, ^„^ which a atatlonar, ,9V9 .ur.ng <- -° ' '«-^-- .„bpprl„.a whUh Subperloda") are have given ^ -^ "'"""rrZtt -^' - ^^ ^^^^^^ negatlve,,Ue,_err^t ' ^""" a "''"°t: atatlonary al.e In Table , along er e rt e < he .r.tha two ..re.eter.lne. with ,th^^^OU ^^^^^ ^^^ -17- comparison. period SURM shows The t-statlstlc (the for positive strong a coefficient slope the opposite effect in the latter period (t(Y effect size Y Is 3.11) and the Note that while the is -3.17). ) first the in positive effect clearly shows up more strongly than in the Subperiods I-II of Table results. does so 1, the The economic 25% 1973 small annum, per 25 also holds this for the OLS significance of the phenomenon can be seen from the firms over large excess returns earned by small to December effect; negative firms had while from From January 1969 firms. ante negative excess returns of about ex January June igY'J'to they had 1979 ex ante M were positive excess returns of more than 25X per annum. estimates The generated after "pro-teat" estimates ore Table in stationarlty tests to "pick" using those Consequently, Subperiods Predetermined the for the subperiods. since biased the sample period was selected after soarohlng through the data, and the Predetermined Subperiods section Table of instability of these effects. ^ not is fully Information about constant. However, that problems of (econometric) 5. evidence of further no the Also, the procedure in this section of Table efficient. parameters contains ^ procedure efficient An (other procedure than would Y which ) would assumed are to the be and unresolved which implies a formidable pose "pool" identification and diagnostics. POTFNTIAL EXPLANATIONS OF THE STOCHASTIC "SIZE EFFECTS" We stable appear note first premium for to explanation be of that small any firms is at best inconsistent size explanation of size effects estlmntcd bota coefficients. with in It the terms Incomplete. simple of effects 27 version non-trading is certainly true The results also of Roll's induced (1981) biases that the Kalman in filter -18- would pick up any autocorrelation In the market model residuals Induced by non-trading, firms but the predicted is explanation Roll's sufficient oould instability constant of a be to in sign generalized be the attributable return ante "excess" ex pattern non-trading of Presumably results our fit to magnitude. and small (say) to allowing by across firms, but there are still at least three factors which weigh against the explanation. First, the size effoot.'i show up both in daily excess returns computed using Second, the results Scholes and Williams (1977) betas and in monthly data. hold when the large firm portfolio is related to the value-weighted market where Index recursive residuals reported) (not autocorrelation substantial should problem non-trading the which not do would minimal. be occur general in Finally, the exhibit the estimated If the unstable because of this hypothesized instability in non-trading. We now discuss some potential stochastic explain a First, can apparent the the beta were 28 explanations that are consistent with a zero-beta factor of the Black (1972) model excess return relative Sharpe-Lintner model? the to Suppose (1) is replaced by the unrestricted market model = ^t If the holds, "l * ^iM ^^Mt ^=^ * '^it Sharpe-Lintner CAPM holds, a' it = (1 - 0' In ) E(R,,^) «' lu where = t = ": (1 - H:(R,J 6' IM ) R_^ r ••• If the will- be an instead the Sharpe-Lintner model artificially induced "excess return" of If it were the case that small one and vice versa only change sign for the Black model return on an lX, 1.x, asset whose return is orthogonal to that of the market Index. model holds but ^7) "f t expected the is ; 1' imposed on (8) is ( If the 1 - ^.'^^(^(R.J In Zt , Black there - R-..). ft firms had an average ^.^ substantially above large firms, across slzo groups If the artificial (E(R^) - Rp) excess return can changes sign through -19- But tlme. must E(R_) mean-varianoe efficient Macbeth study, (1973) negative greater be portfolio equal or six R_ to - Rf) In the ante ex Fame and (insignificantly) was subperiods (January the If boundary l3 concave. estimate of (E(L) the only one of the for than to 1961 June 1968) which they examined. sampling error The enormous. the In implied by such January period positive ftxoons roturnn of small 1979 per month or 2Q% per onnum firms earned (and henoe, by Rp exceeded R_ where R_ is the point estimate of Z(B.y^)) this explanation, The estimated ,'',06t Juno to 197^^ factor explanation is zero-beta a for B.^, in period this are and 1.15 1.10 small for and . large For the zero-beta explanation to account for firm portfolios respectively. the 2.06J per month actual difference for five years, R_ must have exceeded the true E(R January 1969 ) December to per annum (actual As a Section 3 of al 39.09J per month or 51'<2t per annum. by S,|. further where chock, ],i\Q very similar the subperiod over R_ la Ii3% and 0.9'<)« repeated we excess of E(R-) implied the wna replacod by the a appears are 1973 the For to a' that recursive residuals analysis in in of The time series behavior (8). a , which implies that the nonstationarity of the excess expected return is not very sensitive to the particular version of the CAPM used. that the observed and Soholes sl'/e (1972) Thus, even though it seems possible effect might somehow be related to the Black, Jensen finding of positive (negative) alphas for low (high) beta stocks, the connection is far from clear. Another possibility is thnt the CAPM holds with respect to stocks, but that the stock betas are not constant through time because of an option effect of debt [see, for example, Galai and Masulis (1976)].. Since size is strongly negatively related to debt-equity ratios, 29 several specifications . -20- of returns. However, allowance an for a stochastic "excess" expected nonatatlonary generate will non-constancy beta the each for » size portfolio does not seem to remove the apparent size effect In the expected excess return a.. with several different models of °^^ ^. We experimented but none had much of an Gibbons (1980, nonstatlonarlty "does not seem The . robustness is consistent with concludes who 79), p. a Impact on the 'causing' be to parameter apparent that rejection of the CAPM ." restriction Alternatively, the selection of the market proxy might account for our results [Roll (1977)]. Suppose the Sharpe-Lintner model holds when applied portfolio of all assets M» to the value-weighted market use, denoted Then, . of convexity strict given efficient the can It R_. be [Roll shown (1977. the set, Implied by the CAPM based on M, that is, a^/(1 - ^^^) observed the proxy we efficient frontier but it differs from M» the also on is M, and , of "Rp" will differ from the , TJS)] p. value that the post ex r regression fitted using proxy M will be: where B,„_ ZM" the is beta generated by the regression of the returns on the zero-beta asset which is with respect first term on the right hand (1). If firms, 6,,, in any ex exceeds one for to M, on smnll If ob.'iervable, to evaluate. explain the true market H* side constitutes a "spurious intercept" small firms and less than one is for The . <^^ in large post variability of this spurious Intercept will again be in The spurious intercept will opposite dlrootlona for .imeU and Ifirwo firms. bo the the common oUmont & l;t .Miniill . Unfortunately so the Importance of the mnrkct proxy error But excesss in (9) P^,^, is not is difficult the order of magnitude of this proxy error required to returns is the same as that of the zero-beta error . •-21- implausibly high. oonsldered above, I.e., Addlfionally, our results imply more than ex post variability of the spurious intercept in (9). alternative is that the atoohaatlo expected excess return is A flrml symptomatic of the explanation X(t) follows (say) The V. where as a omitted is is a catch-all, in we consider a the Since CAPM. the concrete few suppose the traditional CAPM omits a state variable from First, intertemporal denoted misspeciflcation underlying an misspeciflcation examples. 30 asset capital a function of pricing model time. Through mean reverting (elastic) term related term contributes to to a in tho size time If the Merton state (1973)f variable random walk with central tendancy CAPM might be of the ranking. of (ICAPM) [E^(X(t)) form - w] 6 j< [E^(X(t)) 0, - V] this omitted nonstationary expected excess return which Is related to si ze Our conc.luftfonM with rfflpnct to tho nniiBtntlonnrlcy of the size effects do not appear sensitive to the exact form of the stochastic process. 31 For example, we have evidence of a lag twelve factor in the diagnostics from the random walk fit for the small firm portfolio. The seasonal factor appears to be robust with respect to choice of the market index, and consistent with the evidence of a "January effect" reported by Keim (1981). If a dummy variable for January is included in our Kalman filter, it is significant for both small and large firms and both value-weighted and -22- In Indicea.^^ ecually-weightcd .arket all significant Instability case., allowing for the January dummy variable. in the .ize effect remains after repeated We the HYSE from takes possible to are and 1978, to shown speculate on tho with here but unexpected inflation effects. only Importance this On from AMEX firms all confirmed, are here associated procedures using stochastic estimation magnitude the on Which 1926 reported resulta the later the period, the other hond It is effect of variables size example, for . effect L.U.a-4^5€^. the since on T^e 1973. nonstaj^lonary^ size the for to 1963 firms all expected and the data set of NYSE-iLMEX post-1950's sequence of realizations over the returns constitutes only one of a number "relatively unique" realizations period m Which there may be provide the data sot may simply not If .o of highly colimear variable.. . the source of the size effect. enough degrees of freedom to pinpoint « 6. SUMMARY Wc believe that there are three related anomalies in .tuck returns. between excess returns and of size. The transform distribution of firm size. new here results relation First, we have shown that the firm size oan be regarded is important Second, we because have shovm as linear in the log of skewness that the constant through time. returns attributable to size are not shown can that different estimation methodolosles conclusions about the size effects. ^ZE^ size- concerning lead ex in the ante excess Third, we have to different . FOOTNOTES By "excess return" we mean ths extent to which the rate of return deviates from that predicted by the trac'itional capital asset pricing model (CAPM). 2 In (1972) Section 5. we examine whether our results are affected if the Black CAPM is considered ra'^her than the Shnrpo-Lintnor version. 'Banz (1979, ^93'^) does net work with Black (1972) version of the CAPM. (1) directly since he uses the L See Danz (1979, p. 12) and Figure 1 below. 5 For construction details, see Center for Research in Security Prices Briefly, all available securities are ranked into ten portfolios (1980). according to their Scholes-Williams (1977) betas calculated on daily returns. A security's day by day excess return is then calculated as the raw return less the equally weighted average return for that day for the portfolio into which the security is ranked. Note that this method is excess return and a between relation potentially biased against finding any variable such as size that is correlated with beta since the mean daily return for each portfolio is taken out of these excess returns. • The companies had 35 quarters of complete data for earnings, dividends, and prices from June 1967 through December 1975 on a quarterly For Compustat tape. All companies had fiscal years ending on December 31. The numbers the analysis in this paper 566 of the 577 companies were used. differ because ten companies were not contained on the CRSP dally master and return tapes and because Reinganum was unable to find the earnings announcements for one multinational company, Unilever Ltd. 563 of the 566 are in the CRSP daily excess returns file, 9 of the 563 have no excess return data since January 6, 1976. Itowever although o In fact, AMEX/NYSE fipns are "large" relative to the size (market value of equity) that many appear to have in mind when discussing small firms. If one really wished to focus on transaction/information costs, OTC stocks would seem more appropriate all else equal. [See for example, '»Drexel Burnham Aide Seeks Bargains Among Snail Firms That Others Shun," The Wall Street Journal Tuesday, June 12, 1979, p.6]. , q Note for example the overall ratio of negative to non-negative averages in Table 3. As a check, the excess returns for all securities on the excess returns tape for this period were also -alculated; there were the a>'2rage for all 952635 negative and 826958 non-negative averages, ar. securities for this period was close to zero (O.OOOOH i ; Since many earnings announcements after December 1975, we also examined with similar results. would be made in the three months excess returns from April 1976 on 2 f . -2'\- The size and return variables for each portfolio are equally The results for the weighted averages of the component securities. expanded sample are virtually identical to those in Figure 1. 1 incorporates only one It Is important to understand that (2) particular size effect variable, albeit the one which has been the focus of It is possible that size attention in the studies mentioned earlier.rankings given in (?) by the average size over time, could be "priced", as could temporal deviations of firm size around this mean. , A common y o£ y, must be imposed to allow estimation, although in If a common ge both pnrnmatora need not be common across all assets. o«norol nocpsaary is to la imposed, of avoid singularity In the equality two y^. Y must be restricted to allow any regroasor matrix, and at least onO more y degrees of freedom in a orooy seotlonal regression such as (3)« 11 Although this specification is formally necessary to achieve consistency between the two-step GLS and SURM estimation, It does not seem overly restrictive since the CAPM as a null hypothesis also rules out any cross sectionally random but time-invariant component of a... 15 As discussed In footnote 13- In a related application, Fama (1976, p. 336) notes that the parameters obtained in Fama and MacBeth (1973), by cross sectional OLS portfolio betas, have regression of portfolio returns on (estimated) Gauss-Markov minimum variance properties only if the cross-sectional error terms are i .1 .d . Estimation of CD is lty''t'He full information maximum likelihood (FIML) procedure of TSP using the Gauas method [see Hall and Hall (1979)]. ^fi^tf' 18 All recursive residual results are available on request. The Kalman filter results arc obtained using programs written by Craig F. Ansley which are described In Ansley (1979) (1980), • IQ Under the assumption thot a. follows a random walk, the "correlations" of the [a. are not defined. However, the stationary first differences of the {a.,.r for the first six size portfolios are also highly mutually correlated (.96 >^ p 2. '85, where p = the correlation coefficient), and strongly negatively correlated with those of portfolio 10 (-.57 > P >. For portfolio 9, the IS..) are e.itimated as close to constant, and -.7'!). the first dlfforenooa i\re not siRnl ioantly correlated with those of the other portfolios. ] 20 Note that given the positive correlation amongst the returns of the first six size-ranked portfolios, there must be scxne negative correlation between one or more of them and the remaining four portfolios, or between the returns on the remaining four (since excess returns must sum crosssectlonally to zero). The cross-sectional constraint does not imply, however, the particular cross-sectional correlation pattern observed here. . -25- 2lKote that the estimate o^^^^-^^J %. ' n BlL\^. Jensen and 10 is portfolios i = 1 They ^^lll\°l%l^^,'llJ,-^,^^^^^ average of Scholes (1972. p. 109). 7/°/^; j^^;/;,;;^^'. since the portfolios. for size ^'-.t^-^^^^.^j;^: ,,Tiud ud^ th^int;rrnediate n our walk assumption. i;%nTi';risTuU°;c°onsrstent With our rando. their Ve ^h. least for the case of a results by Garbado (1977) -"?- -,^\,n°^a^;:;tTtr Uhf:s:ut^°) P °^ that the a „,ai - «"Sgest ^^,^^ ,,, likelihood ratio te=t '^'^ coefficient,, aaZ^ [J'^^^^^'ZlZ hypothesis of constancy of ^he ^^^^^ hypothesis approximation as the Pagan (1980) establishes thirty-one ^"^^^VrV/f size °"%^; increases, even with a sample Variance ratio (in a ^^Jf .^"Jy and -^P,\° consistency stochastic the h^d' onJ; when the standardized form) but '^^^ f^l^t.^~. identified. coefficient version of (1) is . ^.^^tf ^ omitted. when the seasonal dummy is two ^'T.o..h constancy over tnese less be induced bias (squared) mlBht from result estimators ul.lch would period. partltionlne of the overall f ^Slnce the period January .969 t^n"e7feft"ls'^r?p?icated'\rerr the size effect to an'd' ^'^';„'°J,^"',f,',rean" "^=" ^''^^/"'^tl^^tlon (pre-test) ^^-^^ ^^f ^ .^^s co'nf/r.ed the Uncf o'/ tM of d'au" apparent a finer i Tl'f swltoHlns in data. found using monthly unra^iUa; example might assist ^^0^ econometrics If the null Some introductory J°'^l\, ''riods. ^^^'''°°^' and l^^fwar^^ prebetween parameters changes in ^^^ parameters are v^th^p^^^^^^^^^^ ^Sn Intermediation. could be reduced by financial . .Jt-nrvatr^f t%r:aT:::e-:i^\^.irdrtinr arrib^i: beta the ran. °-»; ^"^^.-"^^Lr^au";" M^Pie'Trarsform and the <''="-'-°'"\ "''„,, (size) equity of ,alue 'jV" 'of the relation is (T/S^lfhaye .1=0 e^a^med the "Table . .l.es ::airiror;r;ifst"''c;;rlst\e-::dr^r debt-equity ratios. relation between size and -26- 1 However, one logical possibility is that ex ante shifts in the relation between the true index and (say) the NYSE index Induce (ex ante) shifts in ^2.H»' •3 1 Monte Carlo experiments (with a sample size as small as 35), Cooley and Prescott (1973) also found that the random walk intercept model is robust, in terms of mean square forecast error, to specifications of the The alternatives considered were a model intercept's stochastic process. with a small probability of a large change in the intercept in each period, and a model with a constant change in the intercept each period. In ^ The January dummy variable coefficient, its t-statlstic, and the test Btatlatlc for inHtablllcy in tlu; size effect with the January dummy, and the test statistic for infltnblllty In Che size effect without the January dutar.y, rcBpcctlvely, arc -0.11, -3,12, 2.31, 2.23 for the large-firm portfolio and valuc-welnlited m/irkut liidox; -0.037, -A. 85, 1.93, 1.70 for the large firm portfolio and i.M|nnUy-woliihtuii market Index; 0.100, 7.60, 2.47, 2.01 for the omall-flrm portfolio and value-weightod index; 0.053, 5.96, 1.84 and 0.37 (10~^) for tlie Bmall-firm portfolio and equally-weighted Index; 0.111, 7.46, 2.48, and 2.20 for the difference between small and large firm portfolios and value-weighted Index; and 0.090, 6.76, 2.27 and 1.80 for the difference between small and large portfolios and the equally-weighted index. : 33 Indeed, case of the small-firm portfolio and the equallyindex, the instability in the size effect becomes statistically significant only after the January effect is included. weighted in market the . -27- REFERENCES (Graduate Unpublished manuscript Anoley, C. 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H 0) fici J^ .6 41 4J CTl a) .2A leoIieMBCfe on) r~ r-( U • TO a O O •• o^ VJ 0) -H 01 r-l •^ ^i a H o O 4) ui •^^-^ § a (0 Cl x: 00 TO 4) l-i •'-' x: <u ce; ji f 41 U <U V) 00 I I -9 vO r^ I < I • X 4) bO J^ Vi (a ^ n) I 5m O 3 60'*-' w o d o pg u "> TO u o O -rl U -rl 4) 00 U (0 ir\ o <yf vo d •—• I v£> -rl U 3 4) o" 4) .-I 01 U r^ r^ O ^rs yO t^ <X><y^<=>^ t-( t .Is 8 J m CM •9 H Table CUB.lflcaclon for each .Ir.« docUo.^^ 3 of: (I) The stoclc In the Rolng.nu. ..u-pl for thelt average daily returns. ii.' REINCANUM January 1976 - Dacombar TOTAL ALL STOCKS SAMPLE 197.8 July 1962 - Deceober 1978 V /able RoHull" of |ior( fxl lo llio l(.'liir..iiiiiin .liiiiii \')l''i Diifcmlior rci'i .'I'lIiMi tlio >Atu^' .inj \'>l'i liM . of moiitlily rxi'nm rcliiniH on furnud liy illvlilliu-, |iiirtfiil Ivoi l«'n H.niM'K-'- 4- lufi) il.M.-IU'ii, "iiv.T (I) llio llic lop.arlttim of tlio h I/.i--riM\ki'd ihtIi'iJ .Iniui/iry (It) tin- imliiui l.iilii January \')U\ to Mul'iiurli'ilii, ,in<l J.iiuury 1^74 to Juno I^IH ovur wliUh proUmlnjtry tests to be conatmu. ). In ii'v'ii iinJ tho nlza uffoct .Model for OLSi O^ - Yq + Yj^S^ + n^ 1 - 1,...,10 (3) whore R^ S. market Index " VaIuc •• log flzo of portfolio wclp.liccd 1 . Hodel for SL'RMi «^tt- • nvcrnno »tock(i IS'i? to V "Yq* VVVc'^Vi^St <4) hewed « 5 J. I 55 * ^7 111 1 if. a * =J .1 (t n s* • 5 •Sir-!e ' 1 J - w t It • > 58* J2^ III 3 .... I U'ii ^ ft I ' , « J S 3 J --J a Ja " -•5 • r .. flRurc 2 Tim* (orlri of, rink adjuntcil rxccHH rulnrnii C^. • utLiiitnl K% rantxm wilka (or <ht'\t> t lie ) for pvirtfolloa 1, ], and 10 1967 lo June 1979 I'crloJ .Kinuury ''lt*''lM'^a-^c>*'u («) "it " °i.t-i*"u E(u|^) - al Ktjj.u^^) • U*k Adjunied for »n t,T - 1,...,T, (1) 1 " 1,5,10 7849 U05:Sf *S '.. Date Due W^ 7,W Lib-26-67 HD28.M414 no.l379- 82 Marsh. Terry 74533,7. ,. 3 A/New D^BKS TDfiO evidence on the nat 00.142875 0D2 153 TflT