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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Information and Decisi-on Systems Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 11. Program Code No. 5T10 CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 1400 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia 22209 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & AOORESS(if PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS REPORT DATE . September 1984 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 5 different from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of this report) Office of Naval Research Information Systems Program Code 437 UNCLASSIFIED - is-. DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE Arlington, Virginia 22217 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, if different from Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse eide if necessary and identify by block number) 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side if neceseary and identify by block number) We consider the use of error correction codes of rate r on top of pseudonoise (PN) sequence coding for code division multiple accessing of the spread spectrum channel. The channel is found to have a maximum throughput of 0.72 and 0.36 based on the evaluation of channel capacity and cutoff rate, respectively. More generally, these two values are derived for given bandwidth expanding n/4 versus n/N where n is the length of the PN sequence and N is the number of simultaneous users. It is found that to achieve the maximum throughput, n should be small. This implies that coding schemes with short PN sequences and low rate codes are DD I JAN73 1473 EDITION OF I NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE ; .- SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) 20. (Continued) recommended and analyzed for their error rate and decoding complexity. ·. r SECURITY ~~*C~r~cll~-.· :ll~~i rr·._~~~-r LL~~L·L_~-;-L...;-lr---'·. · · - r iiir.· ·· --.-- --- ~~ CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) - - - -.---- · ·.--.. ·l·-- _~~~~i~lji;L~irliiu~L~~i.._C..iL---_---.... IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. SAC-2, NO. 4, JULY 1984 482 Throughput Analysis for Code Division Multiple Accessing of the Spread Spectrum Channel JOSEPH Y. N. HUI, MEMBER, IEEE Abstract -We consider the use of error correction codes of rate r on top of pseudonoise (PN) sequence coding for code division multiple accessing of the spread spectrum channel. The channel is found to have a maximum throughput of 0.72 and 0.36 based on the evaluation of channel capacity and cutoff rate, respectively. More generally, these two values are derived for given bandwidth expanding n/r versus n/N where n is the length of the PN sequence and N is the number of simultaneous users. It is found that to achieve the maximum throughput, n should be small. This implies that coding schemes with short PN sequences and low rate codes are superior in terms of throughput or antijam capability. The extreme case of n = 1 corresponds to using a very low rate code with no PN sequence coding. Convolutional codes are recommended and analyzed for their error rate and decoding complexitycij C' _ I. A similar result using a different model is derived by Viterbi and reported in [6]. Section III gives an analysis for function of the constraint length and rate of the convolutional code, as well as the length of the PN sequence. II. MODELING Let N be the number of active users. Each user i, i N, is assigned an n bit PN sequence { c 1 })n 1, E {( 1}. A chip is defined as an interval of length d. The PN sequence carrier is the function INTRODUCTION ODE division multiple accessing [1], [6] is attractive First, a large number of users may subscribe to such a system while system performance (error rate) depends only on the number of simultaneous users. The channel degrades gracefully as the number of active users increases. Second, each user may transmit asynchronously and no scheduling of the channel is required. This uniformity makes entry of new subscribers easy. For such systems, the signal of the other active users becomes interference (having statistics that are approximately Gaussian) to a receiver. To reduce the effect of this interference, each user redundantly encodes its message and spreads the coded signal over a large spectral bandwidth. The obvious question then, is how many users (each with fixed data rate) may transmit simultaneously andsreliably for a given spectral bandwidth? Is there a capacity analogous'to the e -1 throughput of the slotted ALOHA system? Before answering this question, Section I describes the coding scheme and subsequently models the channel. A Gaussian approximation is used in the process. Section II then evaluates the total capacity and cutoff rate for the active users. For convolutional codes and sequential decoding, it is shown that the maximum throughput is (log 2 e)/4 = 0.36. Manuscript received July 28, 1983; revised February 8, 1984. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant NSF/ECS 78-19880 and the Advanced Project Agency under Grant ONR-N00014-75-C1183. The author is with Bell Communications Research, Murray Hill, NJ 07974. cij s(t - jd) c(t) = j= for mobile communication for the following reasons. in which s(t) equals 1 if 0 < t < d, and 0 elsewhere. Each user encodes the binary (0 or 1) data stream ( ... ui,_lui,u ...} ) into the antipodal (1 or -1) code stream { ... x;, _l-x,o0x, ... }. The rate of encoding is r ( <1). A coding scheme using a convolutional code is shown in Fig. 1. The signal sent by each user' is 0o E x;,kci(t- knd + Di) k=-oo xi(t) -/Ai in which Pi is the power for the ith transmitter, and Di is the delay for the ith user, which is randomly distributed in [0, nd]. The channel output is N y(t) = Xi(t). The ith receiver first acquires synchronization with the ith transmitter by estimating Di, which we assume can be estimated accurately by some means. Demodulation is performed by match filtering and the values 'Viterbi's derivation considers BPSK with a random phase cos G, for each user. Consequently, the results for sum-capacity and sum-cutoff rates (1.44 and 0.72, respectively) are twice that of our model. 0733-8716/84/0700-0482$01.00 ©1984 IEEE -_5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~483 1, HUI: CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESSING __... M . _ ui,-_ Yj Xj RATE t/V CONVOLUTIONALENCODER . Yink~d2 P E . .- J _-Di X, X-1/2 X , i VARIANCE .- PNtE-_ EEO [ us-Dj+(k~l~iy(t) + knd -I -- - MEAN:- 2nPid/Noj are obtained. The y, k's are subsequently quantized. We assume either hard quantization or no quantization. . . shall _ 1,2 it follows readily that the random variable y, k has mean The channel (actually the channel plus quantizer) can be by the channel transition diagram in Fig. 2 and and variance armodeled 2 'E((yk .: -ik) - Fig. 2. The binary input Gaussanoutput channentizd. We are2 /Xik = m) =1 or = 1. Since y, is the sum of a large number of for m random variables, the statistics of yk are approximately Gaussian by the law of large numbers. Hence, by defining Fig. 3 for the cases of no quantization and hard quantiza- tion, respectively. Fig. 2 is essentially a binary input Gaussian output ch=annel, whereas Fig. 3 is a binary symwith crossover probability p metric channel (BSactually 2 and m Q(ra2nPd/N, in whichg. Q(z) =f|e-x2/2dx/ .-Noi/2= EPjd _ k _2im) FConsider the case of no coding on top of the PN sequence The xk =1 if U,, k=1 and xX, k -1 if u, O)-equal * ~~(i.e., Assuming 3. Fig. of BSC the therefore is channel noise one-sided equivalent of interpretation the has which 3 spectral density [5], and dropping the subscript k we have power for all users, the bit error probability is upper bounded by the approximation the uestion of whether specifically designed PN sequences by There issian than PN higher capacity achieveThea are code [2]) may (such as the Gold~~~(i.sequences answer is no due to the randomly.that generated Q(n2nP/d/Noi) = Q(vn /(N-1) ) one-sided The proof of this statemvalent noise asynchronism of the transmitters. from a coding theorem for the asynchronous multiple access channel [3]. upper 1 if i, k bound is shown in Fig. 4. It is readily seen that the throughput has to be reduced substantially for tolerable kS may not be independent for different k 's. This dependence, The, sphowever, s weak and diminishes as the number of users becomes large. conclusion that cding this dependence for achieving lower error probability or higherityate Exploiting .: should be used on top of PN sequence coding to achieve a throughput requires a more sophisticated decoding agorithm. We restrict PN ourselves to simple decoder structures. The issue of channel capacity withan rror probability. lower bitt error lower [3. in[3]. treated in is treated decoder is the decoder of the structures of the structures on the restnrictions on restrictions 3 484 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMUqNICATIONS, VOL. SAC-2, NO. 4, JULY 1984 x;i pi t \Gaussian \ 1- ji and H is the binary entropy function. For the binary input output channel, we have [4] / APX Ro,i =1-log P pi0 ·o (/2nPj·id/ Ci = log2e nN 0 (1 + e -nPd/No,I) 2 P'(y) og 2 Pi(y) dy -f in which pi(y)= (p l(y)+ Fig. 3. The binary symmetric channel. o - 21 and / P p ( = -y)P(Yi=y/xi = m) (-[Yi - =exp 10 o- 3- Pl(y))/2 m/2nPd/Noi]/2)/2/. We shall assume henceforth that the transmitting power is equal for all users. Define / = n /N, the ratio of the length of the PN sequence to the total number of active users. Summing over the N users and normalizing by n, the number of chips in a code symbol xi, the sum of the capacity and cutoff rate (in bits/chip) for the BSC is / N RT(Ao- - I()N R.,i = t0-4 cL N C T (.i) = n C (1 -1°g2 (1 + V4p(1- p) =-'(1- H(p)) in which 1o-5 - p = Q(Vn/(N-1) ) = Q(31/22) for large N. For the binary input Gaussian channel [4], ~10-6 _ /~ RT'(B) = CT(O) =- 1 p-:-l og- 2 (1+ e+gg)) 1( - log 27e - P(y)log2 P(y) dy) in which 0 Fig. 4. .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 Error probability versus throughput with no error correction code. · CAPACITY AND CUTOFF RATES *II. The capacity of a channel is the upper bound on the rate of reliable communication. The cutoff rate is the value of the random coding exponent function with p = 1 [4]. When sequential decoding is used, the cutoff rate is the maximum rate of communication over the channel with a bounded' average number of computations for decoding an information bit. For the BSC of Fig. 3, the cutoff rate and capacity (in bits/code symbol, i.e., xi) are derived in [4], giving Ro 1-log 2 (I + V4p 1(1- p-)) jl+24igi~) Ci = 1- H(p) 0R,1i=l-iog, in which P(y)=(P 1 (y)+P_(y))/2 and Pr(y) = exp(-Iy - m,8/2] 2/ 2 )/ v2 . These four functions of P are shown in Fig. 5. All four functions are observed to be monotonically decreasing in i3. It can be readily shown that all four converge to the function 1/f for large values of P. Asymptotic evaluation of these functions for vanishing values of fB gives RT- 1 e = 0.2296 CT= C - 1log2 e =0.4592 for the BSC, and 4log 10R-2 e = 0.3607 'pi = p1 =Q(V~2nP~~d/N 01) J C 1 19 CT'= 2 log 2e = 0.7213 -MI: CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESSING 485 10-4 .7 v=2 IC - X 5 Fig; RT 5. v/3 Capa~tyancutoffrat10-5 V25 4·V V= 6 GAUSSIAN OUTPUT .4 10-6 CHANNEL 2 g. 6. .4 .6 .18 . Upper bound on Pb versus hroughpu for = 10. ut ohard quantreaton reduces the capacity byl a factor of decreases the sum of the capacity and cutoff rate. The lesson is that we should use very low rate encoders and This upper bound on Pb versus S, the degree of congestion short Phard sequences so that i can be made small. The of the channel, is shown in Fig. 6 foi k 10 and v from 2 sma/2 4].) value Iest ofteworthy is achieved for n 1 which corresponds to 10. The result shows that using a large gives far to using a very low rate code with no Pn sequence coding. superior error probaility for given k. Consequently, using rate canbehowntobeaa smallcb also improves the antijam capability of a user. By C fr . n PROBABILITsANll DECODING setting to zero the denominator of the upper bound on Pa- result fCOMLEXIsts that using long PN sequences lessonis section studies the upper bound on error proebabilitshortas a function of complexity. For constraint length k and rate 1/v convolutional codes, the ensemble average of expected number of bit errors for an error event starting at a given time [4] is upper bounded by ThisPb c2 ti/[l-2-(tRj-T)]2 -2-andrate 2 -(R code )-) j expected number (+e-/2)/2 /-2((1+ o f'bit 2 e/2S)/2)"] (I) Theklast equality follows from The s= 1/(N/n) . (1/2v)l/=1/ -). This value of S versus v is given in Fig. 7 together with the correspondingre value of =1/(Su)). It is observed that a large v (consequently, a small increases thegvalue u) of S. A value of v around 5 would give a value of S close to the -maximum Rn I From the bound on Pb in (1) the error probability is decreasing at S rate that is xpn1vential in nkR(f ee)/N. Itt is noteworthy that is the number of chips for the output errorsfon a transition of the trellis. Consider the use of Viterbi deding, for which decoding complexity is measured by k (the trellis therefore has 2 k-1 states), for fixed no and N. Consider changing the value of (Since =S.n/N oand nt would imply implder and a larger is fixed, a smaller would a smaller nn and IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. SAC-2, NO. 4, JULY 1984 486 MaX s (ABITS/CHIP) v P 3 i.066 .3 3 4 0.766 .326 5 0. 599 .334 6 0.493 .339 7 0. 4 18 .342 8 0.363 I .344 Fig. 7. Maximum throughput for rate 1/v code. sequence synchronization. In practice, a synchronization signal can be sent on top of the coded signal for easy code synchronization. Priorities among the users can be set up by the authorization of transmitting power levels for the users. Using a higher transmitting power, a user may choose to increase its data rate or decrease its error rate. The analysis in this paper can be carried further to show that the capacity for each user is directly proportional to its transmitting power. Fading, due to distance and poor weather conditions, can also cause variations of signal power and result in dramatically deteriorated system performance. The system, in order to operate reliably in most conditions, would have to include a power margin that reduces the total throughput of the system. Also, power monitoring for fairness is difficult in practice. v.) Due to the fact that Ro(#) is maximized by small V. CONCLUSION values of /,, the complexity k is minimized for small values of P at a fixed error probability. Using small a, however, may require a decoder complexIt has been suggested [5] that CDMA for the spread ity larger than that reflected by the value of k due to two spectrum channel should operate at a throughput of about reasons. First, decoding can be performed in units of code 10 percent for reasonable error performance. The analysis symbols since circuits on a chip are available for demod- in this paper gives a maximum throughput of 36 percent ulating the entire PN sequence carrier (which is considered based on the cutoff rate. In practice, the throughput would as a code symbol in the channel transition diagram). A have to be reduced for a smaller decoding complexity small /3 would require a large v, the number of code achieving a tolerable bit error rate. We have shown that a symbols on each transition of the trellis. Second, the use of throughp:ut of 20 percent is feasible in practice. small /i requires finer quantization for decoding since the channel (Fig. 2) becomes more noisy. The 'merging of the four functions in Fig. 5 in fact shows that rough quantiza-EFERENCES tion may be used with little effect on Ro or CT for large 3 [1] J. P. Costas, "Poisson, Shannon, and the radio amateur," Proc. IRE, vol. 47, pp. 2058-2068, Dec. 1959. Since user interference is severe in such a system, using a long constraint length code is crucial for low error proba- spectrum "Optimal binary sequences forIT-13, spreadpp. [21 R. Gold, ing," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 619-621,multiplex1967. [3] J.Y. Hui, "Fundamental issues of multiple accessing," Ph.D. disser- bility. Unfortunately, Viterbi decoding is too complex to irplement for constraint lengths beyond 10. We suggest tation, Massachusetts Inst. Technol., Cambridge, MA, 1983. implement for constraint lengths beyond 10. We suggest [4] A. J. Viterbi and J. K. Omura, Principles of Digital Communication and Coding. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1979. searching for good convolutional codes to decrease error probability and increase total throughput. (Our previous [5] R. L. Pickholtz, D. L. Schilling, and L. B. Milstein, "Theory of spread-spectrum communications-A tutorial," IEEE Trans. Cornmun., vol. COM-30, pp. 855-884, May 1982. bound on Pb is a random coding bound for an ensemble of radio, "Spread codes chosen at random.) A directory of good encoders [6] O. Veh.Yue, Technol., vol.spectrumnmobile VT-32, no. 1, FEeb. 1983.1977-1982," IEEE Trants. would be built up from which each subscriber would choose an encoder. The maximum size of the directory, which determines the number of subscribers for the system, Joseph Y. N. Hui (S'82-M'83) was born in Hong depends on the density of good codes times the volume of Kong on July 12, 1957. He received the S.B., S.M., E.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical enthe code space. We believe that searching for good congineering from the Massachusetts Institute of volutional encoders [4] is a better and more tractable way Technology, Cambridge, in 1981, 1981, 1982, and i to improve code orthogonality than trying to design PN 1983, respectively. sequences with good autocorrelation and low cross correlaHe joined Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, in October 1983 as a Designee for Bell Comtion, which is difficult due to code asynchronism. munications Research, where he is now a MemA long PN sequence may also make synchronization at ber of the Technical Staff of the Communicathe receiver easier to achieve. It should be noted that two tions Principle Group. He has also worked at the synchronizations have to be performed, namely the syn- Comsat Laboratories on data encryption, joint coding and modulation, chronization of the PN sequence carrier and the synchroni- zation of the convolutional encoder, up to the code symbols. For the case of n =l1, there is no need for PN and on-board processing under the Massachusetts Institute of Technology cooperative program. His current interests include information and communication theory, algorithmic complexity, data compression, and mobile radio.