HD28 .M414 Dewey -7ss.*MST ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT OF FOREIGN OPERATIONS UNDER FLOATING EXCHANGE RATES David WP 1393 - 83 J Sharp DECEMBER 1982 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 r,-^ PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT OF FOREICn OPERATIONS UNDER FLOATING EXCHANGE RATES David WP 1393 - 83 J Sharp DECEMBER 1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the support and advice of my like to record my thanks would advisers, Professors Donald Lessard and Richard Robinson; to Professor and for the helpful comments of the 'outside reader'; Brownell. Peter David Sherman and of my fellow students of International Professor H. I also record Management; Bruce Kogut's advice was especially helpful. Center for the of Director Bavishi, my appreciation to Professor Vinod University of Research, Financial Transnational Accounting and facilities and processing Connecticut, for generously providing data making data available for thii. study. I They Working papers are a series of manuscripts in their draft form. are not intended for circulation or distribution except as indicated by or For that reason, working papers may not be reproduced the authors. author. the of consent distributed without the written I .... FEB f^Pnr '^ i^oj ~n "OBJECTIVES OF TRANSLATION To provide information that is generally compatible with the economic effects of a rate change on an enterprise's cash flows and equity a. To present the consolidated financial statements of an enterprise in conformity with US generally accepted accounting principles. ..." b. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 52 Foreign Currency Translation, December 1981. 07452J- INTRODUCTION One of the problems facing the managers of corporations overseas with subsidiaries which distinguish them from their uninational colleagues is that proportion large a corporate of different monetary jurisdictions; earn income denominated in specifically, published For the purpose of accounting statements, by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) required devised to translate these statements into local currency (LC) In December 1981, foreign currency i.e. US dollars. , (FAS 52), which Accounting for the Translation replaced of an Foreign 52: earlier Currency as rules have to , accounting (FC) the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. Translation subsidiaries foreign different currencies. preparing consolidated quarterly be activity is undertaken within Foreign issued Currency statement FAS Transactions 8: and Foreign Currency Financial Statements. FAS 8 had previously been issued in 1976 in order to replace variety of acceptable methods of accounting for foreign income with one uniform standard. The historic-rate translation method of FAS 8 treated foreign income as if it had occurred in dollars. all the It also required that translation gains and losses be recorded in current income, thereby producing net income figures which i. were as uncontrollably volatile as exchange rates ii. included large foreign currency gains and losses which bore relationship to so-called economic" "real effects of no foreign exchange movements. As soon as the business community recognised the reported pressure earnings, effects 8 from "economic reality", but because managers had the income was different little (To be sure, submissions from the business community couched in terms of the lack of credibility which FAS the accounting the profession, and the were profession (1). We will unbiased income numbers which had 8 the a see that FAS 8 interaction FAS community generally produced high variance, while FAS 52 produces a bias created of historic cost accounting rules and differential inflation between domestic and overseas currencies. of had brought upon unrealistic nature of net income relatively stable income figures, but at the expense of by over frequently FAS 52 has therefore been welcomed by the business figures.) and control of unpredictable exchange rates on reported earnings. effect huge on was brought to bear on FASB to revise the not so much, one suspects, because FAS standard; FAS 8 of The avowed intent to represent economic reality is likely to endow translated 52 dollar income figures with high credibility, and lead to their increased use as a basis for management performance. FAS 52 from a For this reason, we evaluate performance measurement and control perspective. out that the bias in net income is potentially large, control systems are already external accounting largely requirements, based on decisions .and It since internal translation concerning rules for resource allocation across national boundaries may be made incorrectly after adoption of FAS 52. turns the This paper is in four main understanding current sections. of first, the In behavior of foreign exchange rates. the show that exchange rates, inflation and interest rates linked exchange foreign in review we markets. of this, literature on the accounting treatment of foreign exchange is and generally found is not be to consistent with We inseparably are light the In the the reviewed, economic the literature. The second section critically examines the practice operations foreign as required accounting principles (GAAP). basis performance for by We do measurement, accounting by developing (ROD prepared cost (HC) convention of US GAAP and FAS 52. FAS We 8. show would remove this bias. different significantly The short run to This bias was effects from those of FAS not present 8, of FAS 52, while not are found to misrepresent Again, we find that an appropriate possible if accounting statements are inflation-adjusted. is The requirement of GAAP to state nominal under the historic that an inflation-adjusted accounting standard foreign exchange gains and losses. treatment long-run of in foreign exchange markets, and are found to cause a bias to net income and return on investment under normative a against which FAS 52 is compared. The long-run effects of FAS 52 are examined in the context expectations for and US generally accepted FAS 52 this of value, inconsistent monetary assets and liabilities at not discounted net present value, is shown also to lead treatment of otherwise identical transactions in different currencies. In the third section, we test whether control systems in use in US designed are multinationals such in encourage they that way a non-optimal decisions, and whether managers are aware of this. that reward corporations systems in encourage potentially find high number of multinational disturbingly a We but behavior, non-optimal there appears to be some awareness of the problem. the discusses section The final need objective more for reported accounts, and the importance of the role of the accounting profession in setting such standards. FAS 8 was historic-cost oriented standard; a by translating at historic exchange rates, foreign accounting statements were dollar statements produced all-current translation inseparable from under method of the three with historic cost convention. FAS 52, however, US The conceptually is inflation-adjusted accounting, and cannot be expected to produce sensible information otherwise.. including consistent of committee the FAS 52 has few critics, of seven who drafted it. (FAS 52, a Their criticism (that FAS 52 is an unacceptably large departure from the HC principles of GAAP) it seems to me, is misguided; it should p. 15). be directed instead at the much greater problem of the relevance of US GAAP, and specifically historic cost accounting. THE ECONOMIC EMVIROHMENT OF INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING - A REVIEW * In this section, rates in a we review the literature on the floating-rate world such as has behavior been the of exchange case since Smithsonian parities were abandoned in 1973. following the find V/e fundamental relationships: In the long i. run, purchasing pov;er parity (a goods market model) and the International Fisher Effect together suggest between differential inflation, relationships interest rates, and diffrential exchange rate movements. ii. In the short run, exchange rates behave like financial assets an efficient market, with the result that expectations play the in dominant role in determining short-run exchange rate movements. It would seem reasonable then that accounting rules for translating into dollars economic activity which is measured in foreign built be on foundation a which recognises currency should fundamental these relationships. An exchange rate is simply the price of foreign local currency. Like any other hand, the in terms of price, it is determined in a market which may be more or less free of controls and one currency imperfections. On the exchange rates of centrally planned economies are fixed entirely by government fiat, while on the other, exchange rates between the US dollar and, for example, major European currencies are determined in large, well-organised markets free from controls, in which publicly available information correspond (2). closely rapidly is to a disseminated, and which therefore semi-strong form efficient securities market We consider here only the efficient-market case, tnough we mention briefly the important implications of inefficiency. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) has enjoyed a long and successful Briefly, PPP states that as the long-run determinant of exchange rates. exchange tend to move in such a way that the relative purchasing rates power of all currencies is unchanged; movements v;ill term was The subsequent (1976). might that is, exchange nominal rate be in proportion to relative inflation. first coined literature is by Cassel summarised in (1915), Balassa tend exactly (1964) and Officer exchange rates towards PPP (owing to relative differences in productivity in traded and non-traded sectors technologically-advanced voluminous the and They also point out that there are reasons why not history and between the high-income Such low-income countries, for example). reservations notwithstanding, this paper takes Krugman's (1978) point of view: "Few international economists would deny that parity holds in some sufficiently long run..." The analysis that follows is based on the view that 'ideal' situation, and that deviations aberrations which, although they are rates, nevertheless distort from obviously translated rates, power PPP represents PPP are short-term accounting statements are translated at actual exchange purchasing an temporary equilibrium statements, since and not at some hypothetical rate based on ex post differential inflation. What are these short-term deviations? Krugman's next sentence: "But most [international economistsj would probably be skeptical of any assertion that PPP holds in the short run." Since the ending of Smithsonian rates have highly been parities February in exchange 1973, volatile, and more or less unpredictable. that respect, they behave, not as prices of goods and services, prices exchange manner, but as The primary determinant of price movements of financial assets. essentially is therefore expectations, and as information arrives in random In should rates also move in a random manner. a rates exchange Giddy and Dufey (1975) showed between major currencies was not significantly different from a number a of that random walk or martingale. demonstrating importance the of behavior the Frenkel (1981) information (i.e. of took movements exchange in interest rates movements unanticipated and He showed news). that a strong relationship existed between unanticipated further this ( a rate variable which was expected to capture the effect of 'news' very quickly). Dornbusch (1980) elegantly proposes explains an that the asset model exchange of exchange the immediately rate which high volatility of exchange rates arises because changed expectations about future interest rates cause rates to overshoot and the inflation long-run equilibrium rate, and only slowly to return to it. However, there also exists exchange the rate and a strong relationship betv;een forward rate in the short run; between these rates is determined by the powerful the spot tne difference covered arbitrage differential risk-free interest rates in different transaction between currencies. The forward rate thus always represents that exchange rate which can guaranteed be hedging by in forward markets. forward rate an unbiased predictor of the spot rate? above assumed that But is the Giddy Dufey and and found that this submartingale model of it was, exchange rate behavior was also statistically significant, and in that martingale the submartingale and models fact, virtually produced identical results. It is not clear that the forv/ard rate is an unbiased spot future Hodrick Henriksson by have (1980) inefficiency flows market security with theoretical reasons why such reviewed a and exchange (i.e. movements risk premium should exist Lessard demonstrated and existence market efficiency. to outperform the market. A rather the validity pragmatic Levich (1981, Lessard (1982) have both found that some outperform market either of or a small risk premium, but in common with all studies of efficiency is whether, ex post, so-called experts able thoroughly is Empirically, Hansen and (1982). the were rates) literature on The (3). this type, it is not possible to test separately model the rate, since holders of FC financial assets would require a risk premium if the expected cash correlated of predictor at of market of test the forecasting were 1982), and Henriksson and forecasters can consistently market over the period studied for some currencies, but the by and large, the major currency markets are indeed at least weak-form efficient most of the time. The link between International the Fisher long-run Effect and (IFE), the short-run which is made via the states that the difference between the current spot rate and the expected value of the future spot 10 equals the difference in interest rates. rate Giddy (1977) showed that less this relationship held quite well for one-year interest rates, but so for very short-term rates. states that nominal the Furthermore, the (domestic) Fisher Effect rate interest of interest plus the rate of inflation. for the dollar, US expectations short well. If term capital the real rate of equals Fama (1975) showed that, at least interest rates incorporate inflation markets are integrated, perfectly expected real interest rates should be equal for all currencies. To summarise so far, we see a relationship between rates and interest rates. to follow FPP, adjustments but in In the long run, the expectations in short are run, exchange rate movements tend they are highly volatile as simultaneously incorporated rates, and forv;ard and spot exchange rates. interest exchange inflation, the absence of In deviations from PPP, expected real interest rates in all currencies equal. future Forward spot rates rates, into are are probably the best estimates of the expected albeit poor ones. interest covered Finally, arbitrage ensures that the difference in nominal riskless interest rates is exactly reflected in the difference between the forward and the spot rate. V The literature on the application of international two operations is of financial background have concentrated this theory types. on the to Those accounting for who write from a relevance hedging; of Logue and Oldfield (1977) for example clearly view hedging as a zero-NPV transaction, and therefore irrelevant as far as the value of the firm is concerned, though they also take the view that accounting performance 11 Giddy (1976) (at that tine under FAS 8) did not matter. clarifies the distinction between hedging and speculation, but he does not discuss the accounting misleading treatment of discuss the appropriate measure of exposure; article insightful but descriptive Other financial writers hedging. Dufey (1972) points out of accounting exposure, for since none a existed brief a of importance the cash-flow exposure but was unable to relate this to in standard specific at that time. Few writers have specifically examined the impact of accounting practice foreign income measurement. analysis clearest Fredrikson's (1968) must surely rank as the the confusion created by accounting practice for of foreign exchange transaction losses, in spite of the fact had no standard to which to refer; accounting on subsequent developments in the theory of that he too nor was he able to use accounting inflation. for Aliber and Stickney (1973) present an empirical analysis of the validity of PPP and International the incorporate their findings accounting (again, a into Fisher Effect, specific were not able to implications for reported standard did not exist at the time). Those writing from an accounting perspective on frequently but emphasised the the other have hand, effect of exchange rate movements without a complete consideration Contrary to most of the polemic generated by FAS 8, Mueller (1976) took the view that FAS he also standard. 8 recognised of the behavior of those exchange rates. was no better or worse than any other standard, that the but real need was for an inflation-adjusted Shank (1976) pointed out that one result of FAS 3 would be that reported earnings would be more volatile than had formerly been the case (though Rodriguez (1977) was unable to verify this empirically). 12 Shank's view was confirmed when the parity of subsequently wildly against other (especially European) currencies. fluctuated Curran example for dollar the accounting (1981) treatment Alleman and The (1932).) inconsistent transaction gains and losses, and the similar of which treatment of the results of the translation process (both of discussed below) Folks Evans, (1974), inflation and Jilling and (1978), The interrelationship of exchange discussed been has are divert many writers' attention from the to Choi and Bavishi (1982), Czechowicz, rates continue Prindl issues; real (See in of terms the but without reference to exchange rate behavior, by Lorensen and Rosenfield (197^), "restate-translate translate-restate vs. controversy", while Choi (1977) recognises that under an inflation-adjusted accounting standard, the issue is trivial; which indeed it is, but only if PPP holds. v This paper seeks multinational to present accounting comprehensive a practice in relevant accounting rules and principles the US. critique We now of current examine the . ACCOUNTING FOR THE RESULTS OF FOREIGN SUBSIDIARIES 1 . Background Annual audited accounts are published by corporations in order to convey information to shareholders; and accountability. the main reasons for this are Audited statements are the means stewardship by which 13 shareholders are assured that directors (and by implication, employees) performing are fiduciary their duties correctly. objective is to disclose specific information prescribed by defined set of rules, US GAAP, which originally evolved in the need arose. the consistency and accounting these three and a problems compromise of between fourth principle, that of relevance, but the advent of accounting multinational objectivity, rules: There have always been conservatism. one-country Three well-known fundamental principles lie behind financial formal strictly a a The had to be adapted to a multinational environment as have but context, other all has made the problem acute. specific statement (which purports In addition to be consistent GAAP, FAS 52 is with the more general guidelines of GAAP) of how to account for foreign operations. become a Since 1971, international the to environment economic has stable, less predictable and arguably less well understood less while multinational corporations have spread their operations throughout the world. wonder, Small then, accounting that multinational for operations has experienced such growing pains. A further problem confounding the operations is that measurement the same corporation. maximise dividend between issues, at the same time, repatriation, and subsidiaries foreign within or parent to cannot lightly be autonomous completely or system, objectives consolidate share, with no immediate expectation of dividends serious of A subsidiary may be part of a tightly-controlled, worldwide integrated self-sufficient; results the strategic view of overseas subsidiaries varies from one corporation to another, and even highly of at might be and to and build market all. These are dismissed, but they are also 14 applicable to large diversified domestic here focussed is specifically corporations. attention Our those problems which are currency- on related, and multinational in content. A study of accounting-based control systems for use in overseas with raises operations two problems which do not have exact counterparts in the purely domestic case. the corporations US which The first problem, is subject of detailed discussion in this paper, is that the reporting system should correctly identify a cost item both by nature (an "foreign labelled exchange loss" should exclusively be the result of unforeseen exchange rate movements, for example) and by which issue: expense in its simplest form raises the centralisation / responsibility , decentralisation function if exposure management is to be a centralised treasury - the most common and most efficient organisation - then the speculative component (unforeseen) of foreign exchange gain loss has to be or attributed to the treasury function, whose responsibility it is to hedge the company's overall foreign currency exposure against such losses. (It is true that the treasury may also be responsible for taking speculative positions where they have access exchange gain or loss, meanwhile, should operating better imperfect or controlled markets.) to, management, so into conventional accounting knowledge or The expected component of attributed be of, to subsidiary that they are motivated to incorporate those operating expectations unforeseen decisions. As will be seen, the treatment of foreign exchange gains and losses does not enable this important distinction between the expected and unexpected gain or loss to be made. the 15 briefly The second problem is more subtle, and is discussed only here. The fact that exchange rates and relative prices (among other variables) do (i.e. a that the standard against which performance is judged means change changed be also should budget) An appropriate control system then changes in the business environment. is one measures which given standard, against actual uncontrollable reflect to particular a uncontrollable state of the world. Suppose These two problems can be illustrated by an example. currency of foreign the subsidiary depreciates by more than would be required to maintain purchasing power parity. movement plausible entirely is announced government unemployment increase and output. Such result A the subsidiary. to control of the subsidiary in this paper. rates have moved in overseas (and, for an A to certainly will income, even to reduce be is that 1 attributed the way, in lower subsidiary fully result These are the result of problem unexpected the if incorporates local inflation into its prices. discuss elected The currency depreciation, outside the manager, operating dollar translated newly problem of likely exchange gains or losses may arise which are incorrectly a policy monetary rate exchange an example, for if, expansionary an the that 2 issues we is that since exchange competitiveness of the matter, domestic) operations has changed, so that that the assumptions upon which the budget was based have become invalid (Lessard (1982)). anticipated correctly, Control systems then should not only separate and surprise elements of exchange losses, and allocate them but should 'over-depreciation' of also recognise foreign that currency as (in a result this of exanple) the , the ) 16 subsidiary has operating overseas standard . more become competitive manager should world in judged be markets, against and the revised a (U Even though published accounting information does not claim to represent a true picture of the economic performance of the two are closely related. prepared under a nevertheless entity, an Furthermore, the accounting information is well-understood set of professional rules. natural then that published accounts should have only It is widespread acquired credibility, and that managers - the stewards of the shareholders assets rightly should be concerned that the only objective (and published) measure of their performance appear as favorable as possible. It can be argued that they can develop their own separate the economic performance measures of true for internal use, or that they at least use local currency accounts for evaluation purposes. Research by Czechowicz, Choi and Bavishi (1982) does not support this view; US dollar perspective, a translated under published-accounting rules, is most commonly used (5). An accounting standard for financial reporting could their which defined rules were that fixed assets GAAP. The 1975, FASB which had values and essential features of and inventories were translated at the exchange rate on the date of their acquisition asset In objective to measure foreign subsidiary activity as if it had been conducted in dollars under US FAS 8 8 operations overseas be based on one of several conflicting objectives. issued the controversial Statement No. as of depreciation on a (thereby showing those constant basis, just as they would have been in the US under GAAP), while liabilities and current monetary 17 and expenses average rate for the period. appropriate FAS of resulting Revenues rate). (the current aspect at the exchange rate on the balance sheet date translated were assets 8 that was this translation from ( 8 an figure balancing "plug" infelicitously known as gain or loss) be included in consolidated net income. FAS at By far the most controversial inevitable the translated were a translation The results of US financed by translation were that i. for a typical subsidiary located outside equity and dollar, a foreign the debt, whose currency devalued relative to the large "translation gain" arose, and conversely, when dollar weakened, a the loss arose. this gain or loss, recorded within net income, could swamp all ii. operating other income and thereby seriously distort the measurement of the true income of the entity. iii. actually although the extent to which these gains and losses corresponded to real economic gains exchange rate movements was unclear to and many losses arising from they were managers, nevertheless concerned about them, and were tempted to take hedging positions in order to reduce the volatility of reported earnings. iv. because depreciation and cost of goods sold were translated at the historic rate, they appear exactly as if they had been in the US. located These expense items were therefore understated by the same amount that an identical US expense would have been; i.e., . 18 foreign translated rather than foreign, inflation. US, A income statements were biased by the effect of relevant second, regrettably but show we (as later) less controversial, item within consolidated net income is "transaction gains This arises when or loss". is monetary FC-denominated asset or liability a created in LC books at one date, and is extinguished at after the exchange rate has changed. later date a between The difference the book or asset (valued at the spot rate at the date of creation) and the debt amount of LC needed to extinguish it at the spot rate settlement is treated as a on date the of gain or loss in the current transaction period In December required 1981, FAS 8 was replaced with FAS 52. year, but may be introduced earlier (and into the 1981 accounts). it many firms have chosen to information provide economic effects of equity, while a generally rate change on an to The purpose of FAS 52 is very objective different from that of its predecessor, since its stated main is is all published statements starting with the 1983 financial for incorporate standard The new compatible with enterprise's expected the cash flows and presenting consolidated statements in conformity with US GAAP (p. 3) The mechanics of FAS 52 may be summarised as follows. liabilities are translated at the current rate. including depreciation, are translated at an for the period, assets All and Revenues and expenses, appropriate average but the "plug" number is taken directly to a rate reserve. 19 and so does not form part of the period's net income. gains and losses is unchanged from FAS transaction of the treatment of gains and losses arising from hedging of range 8, a The treatment of except in respect carefully defined transactions, which may be deferred instead of being reported in income. An additional feature of FAS 52 is that translation is to be made dollars into this subsidiary; from functional "functional the currency currency" the of simply the currency of the is primary economic environment in which the entity operates which (p. 25), typically, but not necessarily, the currency of the country in which is the subsidiary is located. records accounting It should be noted kept in are a in passing that v;here currency which is not the functional currency, the translation is in two stages: i. remeasurement from the currency of the books to the functional currency ii. translation from the functional currency to the US dollar. The remeasurement process practice currency is based historic on similar to the former FAS very into dollars) is and , the it follows dollar, 8 therefore exchange rates (in requirements for translation that where the functional and subsidiary books are maintained in local currency, FAS 52 accounting results are substantially identical to those which would have been produced under FAS This paper difference is not concerned with 8. the theoretical issues of the between accounting and economic measures of income, nor with . 20 manner the arguments over the most appropriate should be modified in order to show "current cost" or "current accounts income. net purchasing power" The problem the discussion which follows is that rate which run indicator which of of the rate of inflation implied in to use is also sidestepped; inflation long conventional which by satisfies PPP in the We will accept that accounts prepared under GAAP in the (6). absence of inflation represent an "unbiased" measure of net income (even though we know that the principle of conservatism will in fact generally lower than the reported income figure) As used cost' accounting refers to the tangible assets are recorded at the time of whereby method accounting 'historic paper, this in acquisition at cost, and expensed (either as depreciation cost or of goods sold) without any adjustment being made for the fact that: - the purchasing power of the numeraire (currency) of the it is expense has been reduced by inflation - the replacement cost of the asset at differs from the cost at the acquisition time (for whatever expensed reason; inflation is only one of many possible reasons) V The two adjustments restatement inflation accounting of which above historic are represent cost presently standard FAS 33 (7). the accounting used in two approaches statements the to experimental to adjust the for inflation Two separate adjustments to net income are required to be shown in footnotes; a general price level adjustment 21 (GPLA) based on the CPI, and price indices of the firms' I a current cost adjustment income to be overstated. for inflation (i.e. inflation an In this paper, this bias can be completely removed by adjustment GPLA causes adjustment I take the view that comprehensive appropriate, any or CCA), though in general, of course, these two methods will produce different However, on specific assets. will show below that the absence of operating based (CCA) adjusted income. net since the long run movement of exchange rates reflects changes in relative purchasing power, the it is GPLA (rather than the CCA) adjustment of FAS 33 which is conceptually more consistent with expected long run exchange rate movements. Before v;e measures, discuss it the accounting useful is treatment of specific performance set out two desiderata of any performance to measure to be used across currencies: First, the currency, measure that is, should the be unbiased measure with respect to functional should not consistently overstate or understate performance in any one currency. Second, the measure, when applied to reasonable a foreign subsidiary, should be a measure of economic performance, that is, the application of FAS 52 and GAAP to the measurement of foreign performance should produce an indicator which is no worse a misrepresentation of and the economic reality results of managerial decisions than the corresponding measure of domestic activity. 22 The two variables economic performance the are rate potentially which of inflation the and reported distort exchange rate. No discussion of accounting for foreign operations can make any sense until three basic facts are addressed: i. in the long run, nominal relative purchasing power, i.e. ii. iii. exchange rate movements reflect inflation historic cost accounting assumes that inflation does not exist in the short run, exchange rates highly are volatile and deviate substantially from PPP (8). The bias to reported net income caused by inflation can be separated into three elements: i. Costs (in particular, depreciation and cost of goods sold) revenues and in the same income statement are not measured in the same numeraire (units of purchasing power) ii. Non-interest-bearing assets and liabilities (i.e., monetary working capital) lose purchasing power, and therefore create or loss which is not captured by the accounts iii. Interest-bearing monetary assets same effect, expense. (The though this accounting may be treatment offset is gain show the . liabilities and a by interest income or nevertheless incorrect. 23 since of so-called interest expense is effectively repayment most of capital, and interest income the maintenance of capital. Vie The now separately examine the consequences of the first two items. reason the omission of the third is not that it is inconsequsntial for (indeed, the effect of debt on real taxes paid has arguably the greatest impact on real corporate performance) are made invariably measures. effects are not incorporated into subsidiary performance any effects financing case, decisions financing corporate level, and therefore financing the at but because , separable easily are In operating from performance, and amenable to independent analysis. In section belov/, 2 depreciation and examine we cost goods of sold income (9). section In accounting misunderstood numbers transaction and translation demonstrate the inconsistency accounting treatment appropriate one. multinational return activity to a- of GAAP tv.'o foreign hypothetical its accounts other in that activities, In the course of this, cost historic and complexity US located level, country's functional currency for the purposes of FAS 52. a we the in a diversity and more of we concentrate on the corporation in and maligned and working capital, and suggest tractable a those to "losses" (10). investment on comprising self-contained corporate entities, one located reporting in dollars, the preparing unique monetary of examine we In order to reduce the comparative results of identical, 3, of mismeasurement the two most commonly used on measures of foreign subsidiary performance: net of effect the foreign currency, two in the US and country, which is and its 24 2. The Measurement of Operating Performance As is well known, KC accounting overstates net income because: 1. relative depreciation expense is understated the to current cost of the asset ii. replacement cost of goods sold is understated relative to the cost at the time of sale. Return on investment is further overstated in only not that is the is not numerator overstated, but the denominator is understated: i. book value of fixed assets is at lower historic cost inventories are understated relative to current cost. ii. The really troublesome feature of HC accounting that is it possible to predict the amount of this inflation bias on net income from the HC accounting statements; ^0% inflation might result in net income being overstated by 5% in one firm and 50^ in another; the age of individual assets of each firm. a reduction of 50? is typical, and in some cases, net income has been reduced to 1979. It on Empirically, the adjustments shown in the published footnotes have been large; The experimental inflation accounting depends it standard FAS 33 a was loss. issued in requires that the effects of inflation on net income be shown 25 in the footnotes FAS 33 of the annual reports. is still experimental; An important point accountants and analysts are only slowly beginning to understand the significance of the adjustments. that facts The they are controversial, experimental, reduce profit substantially, that two published versions of an inflation adjustment (GPLA CCA) and very different adjusted net income, and that they are only produce can that is footnotes all conspire to render the credibility inflation-adjusted of accounts very low. We now examine scenarios number of inflation/exchange rate a which in our simple two-country corporation might prepare its accounts, and their impact on reported earnings. 1: PPP HOLDS AT ALL TIMES, WITH HC ACCOUNTING IN BOTH COUNTRIES Under the historic cost principles of inflation causes income be to GAAP overstated incorporated the in accounting statements, and the greater the inflation, distortion. However, the movement foreign of the currency greater the Consider the extreme the case inflation is positive, while domestic inflation is zero. Domestic HC accounts are unbiased, while foreign profits in the overstated, and this overstatement is present to translated FAS 52, of the exchange rates may in some cases partially compensate for this effect. where into accounts, because the a are reduced extent in the translation accurately reflects the reduced purchasing power of the foreign profits, but for the HC-induced distortion. LC cannot compensate 26 In general, it can be shown (Appendix A) that for all positive values of inflation, foreign HC income translated exchange rate is using overstated unambiguously appropriate an relative measured in end-of-period purchasing power, but may to average real income understated be or overstated relative to the US HC accounts. For identical entities, the HC results can be summarised: ^f < ^d ^f > ^d Foreign Income overstated Foreign Income understated where I. is foreign inflation, and I, is domestic (i.e. US) inflation. Thus in those countries where inflation is greater than that of (but highly not inflationary, appear to do better than versa. It should be their noted see US scenario 3), foreign subsidiaries identical that the this US counterparts, result does not and vice hold if a comparison is being made between non-similar entities. 2: AS ABOVE, BUT PPP HOLDS ONLY IN THE LONG RUN 1 This is the real world situation at present, where still the "accepted principle". bias is costs are All we can say now is that the expected as stated above, but that actual reported performance may turn out to be understated or overstated, depending on rates historic prevailing during the period. the actual exchange Furthermore, since actual exchange rates are typically very volatile, the variance around the expected bias 27 will be large. determine Worse whether still, it is not even possible ex post to net income is over- or understated without knowledge of its sensitivity to inflation adjustments. For identical entities, the HC results can be summarised: ^f < ^d . 28 at controlling the rate) , we can look forward to a reported net income figure which is unbiased, but very unpredictable indeed. At the present time, FASB is preparing an amendment to its standard inflation accounting, FAS 52 (10). currency the present standard is incompatible with therefore appropriate to examine the implications of It is an accounting standard foreign since which integrates interrelated the translation and worldwide inflation, the problems facing the design and implementation vjill 4: of of in the hope that such a standard AND WORLDWIDE ACCOUNTS ARE INFLATION ADJUSTED The results can be stated easily. results the asset/equity translated remain values, at Performance measures through translation. unbiased restated to adjust for translated accounts are therefore inflation, local Furthermore, terms. the accounts, distinction accounting standard produces needed) just and as easily (in the B) . Foreign be and in between made. absolute highly Finally, unbiased results regardless of whether inflation is higher in the US or overseas; handled addition, unbiased, both for the purposes of inflationary economies and others does not need to an In the current exchange rate, are exactly equivalent to the measuring performance relative to domestic economic unbiased, are domestic assets restated for domestic inflation (Appendix such issues eventually be overcome. PPP HOLDS AT ALL TIMES, and for unlikely indeed deflation is event that this should be 29 5: AS No. 4, BUT PPP HOLDS ONLY IN THE LONG RUN This situation corresponds to the real world with accounting which recognise the reality of inflation. principles Since both domestic and foreign accounts are unbiased, all that matters is whether movement of the exchange rate has compensated for relative loss of purchasing power. This is readily ascertained simply by comparing the average differential inflation with the average change in exchange rates used to restate and translate the foreign currency accounts. These are the only possibilities: Appreciation < 30 result of the movement in exchange rates, the value of the firm measured in dollars is reduced. Accounting identifies two types of such loss: Transaction losses i. liabilities or assets recorded in the books currency which arise for , denominated are at example time the in contractual when foreign currency, a acquisition of domestic in the spot exchange rate, and subsequently extinguished at at a different rate. ii. Translation adjustments , which arise only in the consolidation since net income is translated process; at exchange average an rate, all assets and liabilities at the current rate, and equity is at a historic rate, a translated the dollar balance sheet balance; known as a loss, while a cr. 'plug' number is required to make if the plug is dr., a gains related and losses. of a is This assets. (though in unlikely that a is arise from a and lower (under FAS 52) as firm the changed has cannot be are value dollar a translation yet it suffered any economic loss which has Second, real operating gains competitiveness are losses are typically buried within changes in gross volumes, losses and reserve, not through the income statement), reduced shareholders' equity. which recorded foreign An example of this occurs foreign currency depreciates, resulting in fixed 'loss' gains First, generated which may have no economic meaning. when is is a gain(ll). There are two general problems with the accounting treatment of currency it determined accurately. and losses not identified; margins Also and excluded such sales are 31 off-balance-sheet obligations not losses which recognised arise from fixed liabilities as contractual FC under GAAP order (e.g. backlog, contracts). Transaction losses are misleading because the objectivity requirement of HC accounting requires monetary assets and liabilities to be historic cost. dollar A receivable due, say, recorded at its nominal, not discounted, value. effect of inflation is invisible. Since the actual number asset FC recorded at the spot rate on the transaction date. loss defined is between the rate on gain be The exchange gain or No distinction is actual amount received and the expected amount to be the transaction date) the or appropriate If the FC amount is booked at . the forward rate on the transaction date, however, then FC-related liability or received (which is the contracted amount translated at forward contracted, the difference between this and the dollar amount as subsequently received at the later settlement date. made number Not so with the foreign currency GAAP require that the nominal receivable. at three months is in of dollars subsequently received is the same as the the valued the accounting loss includes only the unexpected component, while the expected component would automatically be included where it belongs - in operating margins. \. The problem arises because GAAP do purchasing power of monetary inflation between currencies reflected in is not assets recognise and expected the change liabilities. (in the long the in Differential run) to be the movement of exchange rates, and is thereby recognised by the accounting system not as an inflationary gain or loss, but as a 32 exchange loss. foreign behavior, In practice, though, currency movements short-run and v/e must consider short-run determined are by not expected inflation, but by interest rates (even though, according to the Fisher Effect, these are determined by expected inflation in any case). A strict interpretation of the expected foreign exchange loss is that it is the foregone differential interest income on the foreign an interest from paradoxically be nominal receivable in uncertainty with currency a Let it hedging does not reduce foreign exchange gains and rather it guarantees that the gain or loss value defined above. the a is the reduced loss of lower nominal (but the same real) interest rate. a clearly: stated losses; holding gain exchange foreign expected Likewise, receivable. v/ill be the expected The expected loss is unchanged by hedging; around which loss that is it is by appropriate reduced hedging, and of course increased by inappropriate hedging. In perfect markets, hedging involves only trivial transaction costs the apparent cost that appears in the accounting system as real terms); a exchange transactions loss was actually incurred at the time foreign the decision was made to grant credit in presumably domestic (in marketing a operating inflation into cost (Fredrikson) management foreign a and is So in just the same way as . incorporate should currency, expected domestic pricing decisions such that the desired real revenue is actually achieved at the time of final payment, should so foreign management incorporate expectations about foreign inflation (or strictly foregone speaking, interest). incorporate the total amount measure of subsidiary of It is therefore transaction gains inappropriate and management operating performance. losses in to a The expected 33 part of the gain or loss is marketing expense resulting strictly a from foregone interest (but implicitly the loss of purchasing power for which nominal the interest when a only and are rightfully the responsibility of , follows that any decision not to It also the treasury function. hedge, hedge, is always speculation against the collective selectively to and should be , they are truly speculative (or the position is unhedged; result of unforeseen exposure) or compensation) been Unforeseen gains and losses on the other hand identified as such. arise have would information of the foreign exchange market; unfortunately, GAAP do not managers to separate the effects of prudence from the effects of enable speculation. To be consistent, it follows that domestic receivables and payables, and the corresponding revenue and expense items, should also to reflect be discounted loss of purchasing power of the receivable between the the date of recognition of the revenue and the subsequent collection of receivable. payment Since delay incorporated normal (i.e., into to the purchasing terms of pov/er trade) a reduction marketing in treasury function. value Any additional collection function) of control receivable (in any currency) is separated component (based on interest rates and forward exchange expected collection sale, the department This suggests an internal control system in . which the inflationary loss in purchasing power resulting accounts been have should the delay, however, is the responsibility of the credit (the during the expected price in the first place, the foregone interest the for this period is correctly attributable of loss the the period) from holding into an expected rates for the and residual gains and losses which arise 3M from undue delays in collection and unhedged unexpected consider the movements in where an exchange rates and interest rates. At this point, it is appropriate to market exchange situation not semi-strong efficient, either because the firm is has better information than the foreign exchange market, the .is thin, or government restrictions on the mobility of capital create very arbitrage opportunities for corporations which have in market place exploit to and undertake such In function treasury reasonable that the situation them. However, without the separation of measurement of success the expected component of a of situation, a might transactions transaction speculative and loss of purchasing power which NPV. returns, speculation is misleading. gain arises the of positive expected loss or accounting, since it is simply inflation-adjusted is entirely it advantage take with expected such infrastructure the from a has a The place in part of the gain or holding net a monetary position. Translation losses are more obviously misunderstood. frequently monetary assets in so; it is a a A firm misleading, only holds and therefore non interest- bearing period of inflation because it cannot necessary part of doing business. less avoid doing Conversely, monetary liabilities are held to the greatest extent practicable in order to gain purchasing power (or tax advantages). assets usually in order to But the firm holds non-monetary derive cash flows from their future use. This is equally true of inventory and fixed assets. (An exception would be where an asset is held for speculative reasons; its nominal value 35 would expected to increase faster than the rate of inflation). be true currency-related gain related loss or assets such to is The not determined at all by their cost as shown in the accounts, but instead by the dollar present net are flows costs competitors' (whether structure cash Such generate. expected to of the future cash flows that they are value function a prices and of market sensitive to are exchange rate movements, for example), and are more correctly designated operating exposure of of analysis a business sensitivity the debt) operating exposure. is rule sheet balance so-called against any So . unit of is its translation accounting perspective, definition) it is impossible to state whether the In general, "operating exposure". exposure Likewise, an (from an of assets long by is which encourages the netting of (essentially defined above equals the assets non-monetary "non-monetary- asset" true inventory exposure is really incorporated in the exposure of the expected sales revenue to any without revenues and exposure short meaningless in general, and can only make sense if the exposure inventory; or costs thumb of long measure of generated be from that inventory exposure which incorporates the cost of inventory (or the cost of any other fixed asset for that matter) is simply falling foul of the well- Inventory and fixed assets are sunk costs; a value for reality than the book value of Disclosure "sunk cost fallacy". to be sure, we have to state them for accounting purposes, but we must not be led into thinking that the book value of ^. known . a a foreign asset has domestic one. any more economic 36 Operating exposure can only be very approximately measured, both ex ante (the financial perspective) Balance sheets also and ex post have "translation plug number". to balance, sheet. In in a reserves the of section it would the reasonable seem currency-by-currency statement of operating exposure; to even a qualitative footnote that exposure was long, short, or immaterial be a the interests of better management decision-making (not to mention adequacy of disclosure) require be always will there so However, it is misleading to label it "gain" or "loss", and its correct place is balance perspective). accounting (the would an enormous step in the direction of better shareholder information. Shank and Shamis (1979) have suggested that transaction gains and losses be disaggregated disaggregation by currency, major between distinguish would but a more additional useful expected unexpected and amounts, ideally with the expected portion reported along with income loss. and expense, The remainder, as interest part of the monetary/purchasing power gain or which is exchange movements, then is truly the a result of unexpected unhedged, foreign exchange loss. In the fully hedged firm, its value would be zero (hedges of operating exposure would be netted (but disclosed) against the corresponding revenue items); actual value truly is the ex post cost or gain of speculation. THE RESEARCH 1. Introduction The purpose of this study is to verify; its 37 i. multinational that shareholder maximising systems control rather wealth, with consistent are than accounting profit or some other measure of managers' utility; ii. that they if inconsistent, are managers this perceive inconsistency; that iii. if with it; dissatisfied inconsistency, this perceive managers they are alternatively they are satisfied with their performance measures and are therefore unlikely to change them. Managers maximise shareholders' wealth by undertaking once-for-all decision; by rather, it is an on-going process retention and new capital injection. profit expectation uncertain of their behalf Now foreign investment is not simply transactions. non-negative-NPV on future flows cash of a expansion To the extent that the is colored by actual experience of similar cash flows from existing investments, unprofitable investments may be undertaken those in countries where performance is biased upwards relative to the US or other and profitable ones rejected where m.easured At the very least performance downwards. dysfunctional. A performance evaluation subsidiaries, performence evaluation system measured systems is biased will be should therefore be unbiased. This study uses data which was originally collected in practice of corporations. overseas performance evaluation in a study of the large multinational We investigate the appropriateness of control systems (as 38 describe the respondents relative implications of the change from FAS measurement, dysfunctionality firms' their of individual awareness of the to FAS 52 on operating performance 8 respondents whether finally, and approach normative the to We also test respondents' above. described them) were systems control of the they have aware where (perhaps unknowingly) reported its potential existence. 2. Sample and Methodology This study uses data collected in a postal questionnaire survey of large multinational corporations, supplemented with 1980. interviews, some during The survey was carried out for Business International Corporation I have used the raw survey data at the Center for Transnational Accounting and by I. Czechowicz, below. University Research, Financial Three companies; eighty-eight sources of Bavishi. (292) form the For this study, of Connecticut, to test the hypotheses questionnaires hundred from US multinationals potential Choi and V. F. were sent to US sample under investigation. Since non-response bias are not known, the results may distribution of the sample studied here is given below: Fortune rank (summer 1980) 1-100 201 non-US were returned, of which the sixty-four not be generalisable to all large multinational corporations. 101 and - 200 - 300 unknown Number in sample 30 21 12 1 The size ^Q was sample The diversified widely some with industries, among Fifty-six of preponderance towards the chemical industry (seven firms). the sixty-four individual respondents were Manager/Director of Financial Planning or Analysis, CFO. Financial Controller, Assistant Controller and title; similar six rest the of had general international responsibility. 3. Hypotheses and Results The control systems of the sixty-four large sample studied here are HC oriented. inflation adjustment while respondents was US multinationals in the Only one respondent stated that an made to the measure of overseas performance, were not calculated at all, and 28 respondents did not answer the question. This is 35 not inconsistent that stated adjustments inflation answers to another question in which it was with valuation, stated that HC was used in 51 firms for fixed asset firms inventory for valuation for the denominator in SOA and similar indicators. the caution which must be purposes It does and 44 of calculating the however illustrate exercised in drawing conclusions from any questionnaire- based data of this nature. At the time of the survey, FA3 8 was the required standard, accounting but the first draft of what was later to become FAS 52 had recently been issued. (The major difference between this draft and the final version of FAS 52 was that the first version contained no provision inflationary economies.) to FAS 8 accounting rules; for highly Answers to the questionnaire therefore relate however, it should be recalled that uo FAS i. 8 accounts are prepared under the historic cost convention, and therefore incorporate same the underlying of bias any HC accounts arising The inflation bias in foreign reported income is that 11. from US inflation, not foreign inflation higher much The variance of reported earnings was typically iii. than under FAS 52, and no exchange-related gains or losses could be deferred. One of the few things that could be said in favour since it preserved foreign a accounts aside, bias the net due income was Under item? of depreciation liability, FAS foreign 8, dollar to inflation 8 in Translation sold. goods respect of gains it the is debt. Since gain "translation What of the this is a monetary nominal correspondingly visible of course) by the high . In depend if foreign inflation is greater than in the US, foreign subsidiaries would show in the the or purchasing power parity considerations would lead us strict relative inflation; (while and result of the appreciation or to the conclusion that the perceived expected gain or loss would on that was unbiased relative to historic cost net Income of the domestic corporation. loss" FAS dollar perspective, it also preserved in translated depreciation expense and cost of losses of high long interest term a translation gain expense would be much less practice though the PPP effect would be masked volatility of the actual exchange rate, so that virtually none of the trend would be visible. m HYPOTHESIS Ka) A firm may use a performance evaluation system which faults and advantages) , or it may use any other method appropriate for We have seen that FAS 8 produced unbiased own particular business. its the on for external reporting (with its embedded required method translation based is while (though highly variable income figures, FAS 52 income will be We have no a priori reason to expect managers whose firms have biased. 'home-grown' translation methods to make changes to them as result a of the introduction of FAS 52 (unless perhaps accounting numbers per se are a management objective) . The real is that those performance issue evaluation systems which are based on external translation methods have be changed; to not just because the external method has changed, but because the new translation historic cost rules, will produces method biased income under and historic cost income is invariably the basis for performance evaluation. HYPOTHESIS 1(a): internal for Firms which used a FAS 8 basis translating for reporting should anticipate altering that basis upon implementation of FAS 52. Respondents were asked whether the translation method used for internal evaluation differed from that used for external reporting by the parent. Another question asked whether the proposed changes to FAS any affect on how the company evaluates or plans operations. in Table 1 to 8 evaluate would have overseas The analysis of the 59 responses to the questions is shown below: 42 External and internal translation methods are the same different Would affect performance evaluation The proposed change to FAS 8 Would have little effect 19 (44%) 7 (44?) 24 (56%) 9 (56?) 43 (73?) 16 (27?) on perf. evaln. Total TABLE 59 1 We note first that as many as 43 (73%) of the respondents stated that their firms used the same method of translation for internal evaluation as FAS 8 that as change. required for external reporting. more Of concern though many as 56% of those 43 respondents did not perceive Coincidentally, among those other alternative translation firms which a need is to developed had measures, the same proportion expected to make changes upon implementation of FAS 52. This is perhaps less than the most likely candidate for an at first might alternative method historic for appear, would be since the substitution the translation of inventory, of surprising current rate for (though we have no means of verifying this), which would also need to be changed under FAS 52. It could be argued survey, that the proposed FAS 52 had only recently been made public. , at the First, the companies 'of the Hence, the respondents may not have had time to to consider thoroughly its implications. observations. time in the We make two sample were some of the largest and presumably most sophisticated anywhere. We are entitled to 13 expect the respondents proposals. Second, FAS was almost universally earnings. This alone least at 8 had to have conversant with the been been in effect four years at the time, and disliked its for highly impact erratic on should have been sufficient encouragement for a multinational to modify internal evaluation systems had they so wished. HYPOTHESES Kb) and (c) A control fictitious system should discourage inappropriate hedging for the hedging it should perspective at therefore not create exposures by local managers (since an of exposure at the local level might disappear the corporate level) , in the overall portfolio The inclusion of translation and transaction gains and losses in managers' evaluation encourages them hedge such a loss. In addition, currency gains and losses. the a true measure of However, even though we have no information inclusion of cash flow exposure into performance measurement (since no questions were asked on this subject), we can state inclusion to we have already noted the fallacy of accounting measures of transaction gains and losses as about of exposure (since this would increase the variance of earnings while incurring transaction costs); incentives the of that the transaction and translation gains and losses, as measured by GAAP rules, is dysfunctional. HYPOTHESES Kb) and 1(c): gains Transaction (b) and translation (c) and losses are not included in the performance evaluation of the overseas subsidiary manager. 4M Respondents were asked whether transaction were losses incorporated unit; transaction losses were here, since there is an separated intercompany into 2 below. Translation gains/losses Transaction gains/losses 35(55%) 24(385^) TABLE 2 Source: Czechowicz, Choi, and Bavishi, page components accounting foreign of incorporate numbers exchange loss. expected gain or loss is typically component. categories. hedging The percentages expected exists It small We see, therefore, that decisions (excluded The number of firms which include such gains and losses is shown in Table these and responsibility for them) and of ambiguity gains/losses with third parties. Both gains performance measure of the overseas the in translation and in a the large expected and unexpected will be recalled that the relative are 166, to the therefore potential zero for unexpected in both inappropriate proportion of the respondents' companies. HYPOTHESIS 2(a) The second issue is whether managers perceive the inadequacy of existing control systems in respect of foreign therefore the need to change them. A exchange risk management, and fundamental issue is that the true 45 exposure of firm is not a function of the accounting system which the The change from FAS measures it. to FA3 52 should therefore affect in 8 no way the concern that managers may have for foreign exchange gains and losses. Managers recognise that the change from FAS HYPOTHESIS 2(a): 8 to FAS 52 will have no impact on the exposure of the firm. Respondents were replacement of asked FAS 8 would gains and losses unnecessary. that this indicating more kindly, make thought that proposed the management concern over translation Thirteen (20!^) of the respondents agreed the case, (Czechowicz, Choi and Bavishi, p. 167) thereby was a they whether lack of understanding of the nature of exposure, or perhaps a concern for accounting numbers. HYPOTHESES 2(b) and 2(c) It was stated earlier that there are indeed sound pragmatic reasons managers should show concern what for economic fundamentals of the business. av/are of the is published, as well as the However, if managers and truly are misleading nature of such accounting measures, then they should recognise that the inclusion of accounting measures gains why losses into measured of currency performance should lead to increased incidence of overseas managers making decisions not in the interest of the firm's shareholders. HYPOTHESES 2(b) and (c): In those corporations where foreign H6 exchange gains and arising losses from translation (c) are included in managers' respondents report will transactions performance (b) and evaluation, higher incidence of decisions taken by a overseas managers which are not in the best interest of the firm as whole. a they Respondents were asked v/hether had found that performance the evaluation system encouraged overseas managers to take action not in the best interest of the company as action v;ere increase action. they a whole. disposal of cited in the question, viz. reported Table thought 3 ROI , and taking Two specific examples of such expensive useful the control decisions by subsidiary managers. system did to or unnecessary hedging below shows the number of respondents who that assets encourage stated that inappropriate M7 even when the possible outcome (i.e. unnecessary hedging) pointed is out in the question. HYPOTHESES 3(a) and 3(b) The binary (yes/no) nature of the answer to the question above leaves no of room for judgement by the respondent on the overall suitability control system. A further question asked for a rating, on a the three point scale, of the performance evaluation system. HYPOTHESES 3(a) and foreign exchange (b): Respondents transaction (a) and from companies translation (b) losses are included in performance evaluation sliould show which in gains and lower a level of satisfaction with the performance evaluation system. Respondents were asked to express on three-point scale a overall their satisfaction with the way the system evaluated overseas managers. the alternatives were "very satisfied" , "moderately satisfied" and "not satisfied", the problem of the small numbers in Table As an approximate measure of the satisfaction level 3 may be -1 for each "very satisfied" response, for "not satisfied". a an value for "moderately satisfied" and However, owing to the unreliability of the data (in particular, non-response bias), significance would have any meaning. below. avoided. in each column, index of satisfaction for the group was calculated by assigning +1 Since I do not think that a formal test of The results are shown in Table 1 48 49 50 on question the validity of any data such as these which are based aggregation of subsidiary activity, when in practice subsidiaries all process probably product by product and subsidiary by interesting the of most aggregation the and products may be so diverse that causes the subsidiary data to be lost. generally HC-oriented, and systems control that towards the requirements of the FASB and the are internationally operating We have seen that large US corporations SEC, are largely geared requirements may be inconsistent with economic reality. such though even As many as half of the large multinationals have adopted FAS 52 for their 1931 accounts, This rapturous welcome is two years before they were required to do so. less a reflection of the merits of FAS 52, but rather demerits of its predecessor FAS FAS 52 is a a result of the 8. current-cost oriented approach to translation, and in a world of reasonably stable exchange rates moving in response to PPP, and with an sitandard reasons. inflation-adjusted achieved which First, its an all-current incorporates in the use movement of the volatile in the exchange short balance sheets. incorporates two objectives. It fails for a two rate for translation automatically long run the expected inflation adjustment in the (that on the date of the foreign stated standard, it would indeed be are prepared under the HC convention, while accounts of the accounting rate. Second, exchange are rates highly run, and in effect, a somewhat arbitrary value financial year end) An exchange rate used elements: the differential is used to translate for translation actually inflation since the 51 previous statements, and random a element which causes income to be understated or overstated relative to that change in relative purchasing We have shown that only with inflation-adjusted accounts will it power. be possible to identify the direction of that bias. With accounts unpredictable prepared under distortion of reward performance nations across resources unlikely are A change of emphasis is needed economically consistent manner. maintain integrity the of accounts published from an must Reported accounts achieved in auditing adjusted be for inflation. an the the impeccably is actually but in to misleading. This been has many other countries, and in spite of the complexity of the issues, it should also be accounts perspective, in spawned has "supplementary statements" which shed more light on what objective 'an The necessity accounting profession from objectivity towards relevance. to is commonly used performance managers income, allocate and most there As long as an inflation-adjusted standard reported into convention, HC two the measures, net income and ROI. is not incorporated the in US the possible For too. prepare to the objective, verifiable to be credible, the adjustments accounts themselves, not footnotes, must be changed. As long as HC remains the basis of reported accounts, and the alternative inflation-adjusted net income remains only in the footnotes, it will lack credibility not only among its importantly among the managers of the firm, those resources and are rewarded on the readers, who but allocate basis of the results. most scarce Inflation adjusted accounting will never achieve respectability, nor managers make 52 efficient decisions, until the financial press, securities analysts shareholders use inflation-adjusted information as and historic cost statements are relegated matter of course, a obscurity the to and of the footnotes. This study has reported shown numbers. once again that managers are It is right that they should be so. function of audited accounts would be failing if they concerned with The stewardship otherwise. did But the role of the public accounting profession, and the rules it makes for the preparation of audited accounts, is not limited to the sense of prevention of defalcation of assets; those rules also decision-makers in the allocation of shareholders' resources. function surely rightfully the strongest be part case a duty opportunity. That this of the definition of good stewardship is that inflation-adjusted annual accounts. has guide can be made for relevant, The accounting profession therefore to implement inflation-adjusted accounting at the earliest 53 FOOTNOTES 1. See for example, the comments of of any the accounting 8' 'big firms. 2. hypothesis, Under the efficient market cannot prices market, semi-strong form available efficient information, predicted be in a from prices market, and in a past efficient v;eak-form performance, incorporate all in a publicly strong-form efficient market, prices incorporate all information. 3. The problem here is that a defined with respect (systematic) risk premium to a particular securities market. that could be the US market, a has be to Conceptually consumption-weighted market, or even the world market. M, This contingency approach in a budgeting context is of the 'flexible budgeting' technique. a function of volume sold, generalisation a Budgeted revenues and costs which in turn is a function (uncontrollable) relative price movements of inputs and outputs by deviations from purchasing power parity. are of created For the firm dealing with a highly differentiated product in one country, the latter effect could be small. even) However, for any firm, (not necessarily with overseas operations dealing in a more price-sensitive, internationally competitive environment, the relative prices of currencies has considerable impact 51 on expected profitability. A contingent budget in such circumstances is very appropriate basis for a 5. study The by a control system. Czechowicz et found these results for US Macharzina and A. or Current Purchasing Power Accounts? An al. multinationals: Currency perspective 6. Budgeting ROI US dollar 55? an local currency both currencies 3^% 13% ^5% For discussion a Coenenberg, of Current ' this Cost issue, see K. Internationally-based Assessment of Reporting International Journal of Accounting 15 Spring 1981. 7. Changing and FAS 33: Prices' FASB Statement 33 on Financial . Financial Reporting and Changing Prices, September 1979, and its proposed am.endments vis a vis FAS 52 incorporated in an Exposure Draft of December 1981. 8. It is therefore quite remarkable that FASB should suggest in their proposed amendment to FAS 33 that where an index of foreign inflation is not available, and opposite purchasing an alternative may be "to assume that there is a direct relationship power of a between (a) the change in the relative functional currency and the US dollar and (b) the 55 change in the exchange rate for those currencies" i.e. that holds PPP the short run, thereby imparting the volatility of exchange rates to in relative inflation. The Czechowicz et al 9. a number study ascertained the relative importance . of measures of performance on score was 1.5 for budget net income score was for 1.8 scale of a actual, vs. 1 to 4. the of The highest second highest (The next most important measure, return on ROI. sales, scored 2.2). Of course, there could equally well be gains; 10. be no doubt that the concern of managers 'gain' 12. for a a cr. to maximise translation adjustment simplicity, we use the term 'loss' for , can gains. or Bobbins and Stobaugh (1973) p. 120. Although FAS 52 correctly calls this 11. loss 31 there other than professional currency dealers is to minimise losses rather than See Rodriguez (1979) p. however, for a dr. , not adjustment and adjustment. FASB recognised the problem of inefficient decision-making in their introduction to FAS 33. However, they probably underestimate the extent of the credibility embedded in HC statements. 56 REFERENCES Aliber, R. and C. Stickney, 1975. 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Currency Foreign of Accountancy 147 APPENDIX A Consider an overseas company v.'ith a depreciation expense D units of local currency, with book value of assets A at thj start of the accounting period when the spot exchange rate is S (direct quote, the identical U3 company therefore has an dollar price of FC) The Assume also that cost of goods identical depreciation expense $ D.S value except for the lag induced by the sold maintains its real inventory valuation process, and all other revenues and expenses maintain their real value. . . 1. GPLA Inflation Adjustments Translation of revenues and expenses takes place temporally, i.e. foreign income (revenue less expense) is recognised in dollars at the same time that GAAP recognise the local income in local currency. The current cost For simplicity, consider the case of linear inflation. inflation to date. at the time the expense is recorded has to reflect The pattern of depreciation expense therefore approximates to D(l + I) Clearly, if the average inflation factor which appears to have been applied to the HC inflation expense D is (1 + i) this is half of the overall inflation (1 + I) during the period. , At the end of the accounting period, all expenses are required be to stated in terms of period-end purchasing power. The depreciation expense must be stated in purchasing power after inflation I, and is therefore D(1 + I). We may derive the relationship between (1 + i) and (1 +1) in two ways: Exact method: restate each sub-poriod's expense and sum them Suppose we divide the accounting period into a large number (n) of short sub-periods. Let inflation to date in sub-period j be i., and the HC depreciation expense for sub-period j be d (where d. = D). Tlie depreciation expense as recorded in each sub-period is therefore d (1 + iJ in terms of sub-period j purchasing power. At the end of the accounting period, each has to be restated to end of period purchasing power by a factor corresponding to the inflation I - i which took place between the sub-period and the end of the accounting period, i.e., the restated expense is . . ) d d.(1 (Note. = + I this inflation. (1 + )(1 i + T - i ) which approximates to d.(1 + I) if I, i. << 1. derivation does not require the assumption of linear - i.) + li. Approximate method: use average rates of inflation for whole the period. The HC depreciation expense D for the period had been adjusted by an average inflation factor (1 + i) applied to the whole period expense: This can be restated to the expense appears therefore as D(1 + i) end-of-year purchasing power by adjusting again by the same factor adjusted The (1 + i) expense is therefore = Since I = 2i and if i << 1, then D(1 + i)(1 + i) D(1 + 2i + i ). this restated expense is D(1 + I) as before. . . Translation 2. Let I be the domestic, i.e. US, inflation rate, and I„ be the foreign inflation rate. Then i, and i- are the corresponding apparent inflation rates defined in above applicable to revenues and expenses in the domestic and foreign unit respectively. 1 In the absence of inflation, the translated depreciation expense = which is by definition numerically equal to the depreciation expense of the US entity. $ DS If PPP holds and there is foreign inflation but no domestic inflation, the average exchange rate is S /(I + i^) Under foreign HC accounting, the depreciation expense is D, but is translated to $ D.S /(I + i„). . o f Since the corresponding domestic expense is $ D.S the effect of translation process is to understate the expense by a factor 1/(1 + and therefore to overstate foreign income. the , i ), In the general case of inflation in both countries, the average exchange rate applicable to the translation of revenue items is 3^(1 ^ i^)/(1 . ip so that the translated expense becomes $ D.S (1 + ij)/(1 + if) which would typically, but erroneously be compared to the domestic item $ DS thereby o corresponding . ' understating foreign income relative to US HC income if i,>i d f overstating foreign income relative to US HC income if i,<i d f Consider now the case where full inflation adjustments are incorporated. The inflation adjustment is in two parts: i. Recording the expense at the time it is incurred at the then-current purchasing power. ii. Restating the expense at the end of the year into units of year-end . purchasing power. The implication behind using an average exchange rate for translation of foreign inco:ne is that at the time the foreign revenue is recognised, it in At this point is measured after adjusting for foreign inflation. it is implicitly recognised as dollar revenue, so that on any time, subsequent date, that dollar-denominated revenue should be restated to reflect the changed purchasing power of its dollar numeraire. Consider first the simpler case where the only inflation The current cost expense in foreign currency is D(1 + is overseas. i^), which translated at the average exchange rate S /(I + i.) becomes o 1 which is exactly analogous to the US expense. Since there is no $ D.S domestic inflation, this is also the expense in year-end purchasing power , In the more general S case, the average exchange rate, as before, is + ij)/(1 + if). The foreign inflation-adjusted expense is D(1 + i„) which translates to D.S which is once again exactly the same as the domestic (1 + i,), $ d o. depreciation expense. (1 , ' , , . The adjustment factor to convert expenses to year-end purchasing is (1 + ij) so in year-end purchasing power, this becomes which equals $ D.S (1 + I,), $ D.S (1 + i.) power , o o d d Thus HC alv/ays understates the expense and overstates income relative to real income, since (1 + i,)/(1 + i^) < (1 + I.) for all i, and i^ > 0. d f d d f Finally, since the direction of adjustment for COGS is the same as the depreciation, but to a lesser degree, analogous reasoning and a similar result applies. APPENDIX B Using the terminology of Appendix A, the book value of foreign assets at in dollars $A.S and the start of the year in local currency is A, Excluding the current year depreciation charge, the book value restated for local inflation at the end of the year is A(l + I„). The end of year exchange rate (PPP holds) is S (1 + I.)/(1 + If.) which gives a translated book value $ A(1 + I ) X S (1 + Id)/(1 + If.) = $ A.S^CI + I^) which is the restated book value of the corresponding year-end US purchasing power. VS^B U28Vf U3 asset .in BKSt*^ ate Due Lib-26-67 H028.M4I4 3 no. ^OflO 1393- 83 OOE 1^4 ibT