4^' S (LIBRARIES o/ TSC^V ^ O^y Cewe HD28 .M414 no- 35/6 ' Pooled Testing for HIV Prevalence Estimation: E^loiting the Dilution Effect Stefanos A. Zenios Lawrence M. Wein #3810-95-MSA March 1995 POOLED TESTING FOR HIV PREVALENCE ESTIMATION: EXPLOITING THE DILUTION EFFECT Stefanos A. Zenios Operations Research Center, M.I.T and Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. Abstract We study pooled (or group) testing as a method rather than testing each sample individually, this pool and then tests the pool. their dichotomization estimating the prevalence of HIV; method combines various samples into a Existing pooled testing procedures estimate the prevalence using dichotomous test outcomes. However, and for may ehminate we develop a parametric procedure that HIV test outcomes are inherently continuous, useful information. utilizes the To overcome this problem, continuous outcomes. This procedure employs a hierarchical pooUng model and estimates the prevalence using the likelihood equation. The likelihood equation is solved using an iterative algorithm, and a simulation study shows that our procedure yields very accurate estimates for a fraction of the cost of existing procedures. March 1995 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 3 1995 LIBRARIES Introduction 1 Estimation of the prevalence of AIDS epidemic and HIV important is for evaluating the current status of the planning effective intervention programs. However, precise estimates are very difficult to obtain because HIV infection not associated with any clinical symptoms. is Because the interval between the infection time and the onset of the AIDS is very long, the total number of AIDS symptoms clinical on the cases does not provide information recent incidence of HIV. Consequently, population surveys are the primary of mode HIV of prevalence estimation. This method screens an unbiased population sample using an antibody ELISA, and estimates the prevalence from the number method has its and Day can occur that results 1988). Also, the number must give their prior consent, an underestimation of the prevalence in of tests is such as of positive tests. However, even this limitations. Because participants in a siurvey self-selection bias test, (Gill, Adler frequently limited by financial constraints that adversely affect the accuracy of the estimates. One bias is possible way pooled testing. The rationale behind pooled testing that a pool is formed from the blood of ten single antibody test. that to improve the accuracy of the estimates all If the prevalence ten samples will be raxely contain HIV more than one test provides nearly the achieves almost the is (for infected individual. same information same accuracy then there Moreover, even self-selection simple and intuitive: suppose example) individuals and sufficiently small negative. is and reduce the if is is a high probability the pool is positive, Under these conditions, a as ten individual tests, tested with a it will single pooled and the pooling method as individual testing but for significantly lower cost. Furthermore, the pooling procedure preserves the anonymity of the participating individuals, and therefore can reduce the In his seminal paper, self-selection bias (Gastwirth and Hammich Dorfman (1943) showed how pooled testing, 1989). which is called group testing in the statistical literature literature, Group can be employed to testing (see Sobel testing in the environmental statistics efficiently detect the defective was researched aggressively on the topic exists and composite members in the subsequent years and a and Groll 1958 and Johnson, Kotz and Wu of a population. large literature now 1991 and references therein). Group testing has also been used to estimate the proportion of the defective of a population and (e.g., Sobel and Elassoff 1975, Chen and Swallow 1989 and Lovison, Gore Patil 1994). However, these studies Motivated by the Gastwirth and members HIV assume that tests have no misclassification errors. prevalence estimation problem, Tu, Litvak and Pagano (1994) and Hammich procedures for imperfect provide tests. new insights into pooled testing by developing poohng Nevertheless, existing studies suffer from two shortcomings. they assume that pooling does not affect the sensitivity and specificity of the First, However, if the group size is large, some positive sera may be test. by negative excessively diluted sera and become undetectable in the pool. Failure to explicitly capture this dilution effect may result in prevalence underestimation. Second, they assume that the test results are binary (i.e., infected or non- infected), even though the outcomes of optical density readings, are inherently continuous. To implement ELISA, known as the their poohng procedures, they adopt the dichotomous classification of the test outcomes dictated by the test kit manufacturers; this classification, in addition to ehminating useful information, is specifically designed for individual testing. The purpose two shortcomings. of this paper to propose a parametric procedure that overcomes these Our procedure employs the Zenios (1995), which effect is is described in Section and the continuous nature 2, hierarcfiical and pooling model of Wein and explicitly captures of the test outcomes. This model is both the dilution used in Section 3 to develop an iterative estimation algorithm that utilizes the continuous optical density readings. To implement the algorithm, expressed in closed form. that is Section necessary to calculate a quantity that cannot be We overcome this problem by developing an asymptotic expansion described in Section which 5, An 4. upper bound on the asymptotic variance is derived in used in Section 6 to determine the sample size and the pool size that is balance the tradeoff between the testing cost and the accuracy of the estimate. eflPectively A it is Monte Caxlo simulation study estimation procedure. The is carried out in Section 7 to assess the performance of our results indicate that the parametric procedure can achieve more accurate estimates and atteiin significant cost savings relative to existing poohng procedures. Concluding remarks appear The 2 ELISA in Section 8. Hierarchical detects HIV ' ' PooHng Model antibodies in the blood of infected individuals and then translates the antibody concentration into a continuous quantity, known as the optical density (OD) reading. To capture the continuity hierarchical statistical model. ified at the first level, concentration is of the OD readings, we describe this mechanism as a two-level The probabihty density of the antibody concentration and the conditional density of the determined at the second level. The OD is spec- reading given the antibody dilution effect is captured by assuming that the antibody concentration in a pool equals the average of the individual concentrations. Readers are referred to our companion paper (Wein and Zenios) scription of the hierarchical model. In that paper, the hierarchical dilution series data we briefly and pooled OD Let p denote the ual blood samples. a detailed de- model was validated on testing data using a generalized linear model. In this section, summarize our hierarchical model and show how to use density of pooled for it to derive the probability readings. unknown HIV prevalence and The pool's OD consider a pool consisting of m individ- reading and antibody concentration are defined by X^"^'' and y^"*', respectively. and TTy (y;p), so as to fall and 7 are nuisance parameters that appear where hierarchical model. Without between The model's These random variables have probability densities fx{x;p,4>,^) and loss of generahty, we assume that the the density first level specifies T^Y {y) m—k and define = tt*^*^'"'* k_''\ tt*^ * be the conditional density of Ky Let 'K+iy) and iV'^P)- of the model 7r_(j/) and non-infected be the individuals, the convolution operator. * is Let pool consists of k infected and = m7r*^''"^Hmy) (1) t [fjA^-prM^'^'Hy)- (2) states that vrr(y;p) The model's second where V*'"^ given that the n^y'^'^Hy) first level OD reading is normalized Then non-infected individuals. and the second level of the 1. probability density for the antibody concentration of infected respectively, in the = level specifies the conditional density of the OD reading given the antibody concentration: f{x-An\y) where the nuisance parameters and (3), the density of X^"") (j) = ' , ,. e ^^^l^ and 7 depend upon the ^i test kit (3) , employed. By equations (2) is fP{x-p,<f>n) = t (7)P'(1 -Pr"'/?'"''(x;</.,7), (4) where /j?''"\x;0,7) To complete the and 7, and the = r T^'f'"'\y)f{x;<t>n\y)dy. description of the model, densities 7r_ and 7r+. it remains to determine the parameters Because our goal 4 (5) is to estimate p, we assume that these quantities can be obtained from an off-line analysis of historical data, and that the unknown parameter only Subsection It is of the worth noting that our model not only captures the dilution OD readings, but first level different, ELISA: within sample (due to measurement of the model captinres the (3), discussed in and the continuity two sources (f) and between sample. errors) variability. The second and level of the same sample to variability. remainder of this paper we suppress the notational 7; for example, we use f{x\y) instead of f{x; 0, 7|y). Algorithm Iterative In this section, effect allows repeated measurements from the readability, in the dependence on the parameters The between sample and hence captmes the within sample To improve 3 is also consistent with empirical evidence that identify is model, in particular equation be estimation of these quantities off-line 7.2. of variability in The The is p. we develop an algorithm to estimate the prevalence of HIV. This by deriving the likehhood equation from the probability density function (4), done is and then iteratively solving this equation. Suppose that we n independent pools where Xj of size denotes the likelihood function collect OD blood samples from m, and then nm individuals, test the pools. reading of the ith pool. The raw data Equation to form them together pool are (4) implies x= (xi, . . . , Xn), that the overall is ^(^;p) = n (e {^)pHi - P)'"-V?''"V.)) To obtain the maximum likehhood estimate (m.l.e.) a log L(x;p) dp ^ p of ^ p, we • (6) solve the likelihood equation ^^^ convenient to define Tk{x;p), the conditional probability that a pool contains k infected It is individuals given that its OD is x, Tki^W) — — i T V / \P) • Er=o(7Hi-p)'"-vi^''"^w After some tedious but straightforward algebra, equation (7) reduces to n 1 P Because m im — !> m —— ^ ^(m - - P ^ i=l A:=0 12T=o'''k{^'^P) n 1 kTk{x,\p) k)Tk{xi;p) = 0. (9) i=l fc=0 expression (9) simplifies to the self-consistency equation n nmp = m ^^A;rfc(x,;j9). (10) i=l k=0 Intuitively, the left side of (10) is the side is expected number of infected individuals and the right the conditional expected number of infected individuals, given the data. Motivated by (10), we propose the following iterative algorithm, where e denotes the desired tolerance level: Step 1. Start Step 2. the procedure with an initial estimate p^°\ Obtain improved estimates by taking n 1 771 p(3+i)^_L^^fcr,(xr,p(^)). Step 3. Terminate To prove if |p**+^^ — P^^^\ < e; otherwise, return to Step that the algorithm converges, (EM) algorithm (see we show that it is (11) 2. an Expectation-Maximization Dempster, Laird and Rubin 1977). The EM algorithm is applicable whenever the raw data can be viewed as incomplete observations from a "complete" data and the maximum hkelihood estimates for the complete data the complete data set consists of both the observable number A. of infected individuals in the pooled samples. OD The set, set are easily obtainable. Here, readings, and the unobservable details are described in Appendix Analytical Approximation 4 The algorithm for A; = 0, . . , . of Section 3 requires the computation of the conditional probabihties Tk{x; m. Since we have been unable Monte Carlo simulation is employed to obtain these probabilities in closed form, in Subsection 7.3 to estimate these probabilities. analytical approximation to these probabilities which assumes large pool procedure, and size much sizes, is less is approximation is An derived in this section; this approximation, computationally intensive than the simulation used in Section 6 to derive is <j)) eflFective derived in Subsection 4.1, and is samphng employed designs. The large pool and in Subsections 4.2 4.3, respectively, to calculate asymptotic expansions for the probability densities defined in equa- tions (4) is and (5). A discussion of the appropriateness of the large group size approximation deferred to Subsection 4.4. A 4.1 Let Large Pool Size Approximation yt*^'"*) denote the conditional antibody concentration given that the pool consists of k infected and m — converges in distribution to a normal random variable as respectively, the let we prove k non-infected individuals; in this subsection, mean antibody A;, m ^ oo. Let /i+ and that /x_ yt*^-'"' denote, concentrations of infected and non- infected individuals, and a+ and a_ be the respective standard deviations. In addition, define fi{p) — piJ.+ + (1 — p)//_. Proposition 1 Let k,m ^^ oo, such that y^(y(fc,m) Proof: Let Y^^ and Y~, distributed (iid) random i — _ 1,2, ^(^)) .. . k/m -^ s. Then, ^ pj ^Q^ ^^2 denote infinite ^ (1 _ ^yj^ sequences of independent, identically variables with respective densities n+{y) and 7r_(y). The definition of y^*^'*") implies y(fe,m) If we _ ^1 + . . + Vfc +Yi + . . + y^_fc define (13) and As m increases, the value of the integrand in (18) depends more and more completely on the values of y in the neighborhood of ^(r). Hence, around we replace f{x\y) by = /(a:|A.(r)) Taylor expansion + o(2/-Mr))'^(x|/x(r)) + O(|y-//(r)|^). + (y-Mr))^(x|M0) |(x|M0)4(.-Mr))^g' substitute (19) into (18), then (16) implies that E{Y^'''"'^ -n{r)) ^{r)f its /i(r), /(x|t/) If we = '•'^++^^-'')'^- + 0{m-^) f^^''-\x) The and E{Y^'''"'^ = fixHr)) + calculation of ^-^ is - (//(r)))^ + (l^-0^- ^^i = = 0{m-^), (19) E{Y^''-'^^ - 0{m-^). Thus, we have |/(^|^(,)) + 0(^-2). required to complete the derivation. (20) This calculation was performed using the symbolic differentiation of a computer algebra system (Maple V) and the expression 4.3 is given in Appendix B. Approximating fxi^w) The methodology fx i^'^P)^ which Central Limit of Subsection 4.2 can also be used to derive an asymptotic expansion for defined in is Theorem (4). Let cr(p) = Jp(^+ + (1 ~ p)^'- + p(l ~ p)(a*+ ~ A*-)^- The implies that y/^{Y(^) - ^{p)) ^ N {0,a^{p)) as m ^ oo. (21) Repeating the intermediate steps of Subsection 4.2 yields /r (x;p) = fixHp)) + ^0(^Im(p)) + 0{m-'). This expression is (22) used in Section 5 to derive an upper bound for the asymptotic variance of the m.l.e. as the number of pools n — > oo. Objective To Estimate the Prevalence p. Known Parameters Raw Data {xi, . . . ,Xn} OD ' readings from pools of size m Approximations dy2 = fk{x;p) (T)p''(i-p)"'-*/x'"''w The Algorithm Step Start the procedure with initial estimate 1 p'°'. Step 2 Step 3 Terminate if \p'-^'^^^ — p'^^l < otherwise, return to Step Figure 4.4 1: The estimation algorithm 2. the proposed estimate. Discussion of the Approximation The asymptotic representation for fx ment the estimation algorithm will for e; i^) can be used to approximate Tk{x;p) and imple- (see Figvue 1). However, it is expected that the algorithm converge to a fixed point that will be different from the m.l.e. To distinguish this fixed point from the m.l.e., we call it the proposed estimate and denote it by can show that the difference between the proposed estimate and the however, the proof is omitted here and can be found positive Wein and Zenios and HIV negative size is (20), we of Oim^"^)] approximation, we note that the display a large separation between individuals. m.l.e. Using in Zenios (1995). Regarding the appropriateness of the large group empirical results in p. OD readings for HIV Consequently, our parametric procedure can adopt very large pool sizes without significant loss of information, thereby partially justifying our 10 large group size approximation. However, the accuracy of the asymptotic expansion (20) depends on the rate that y('"'+ and Y^'^^' converge to normal random variables mean Following the conventional rule-of-thumb (the sample approximately normal for n > we conclude that 15), infected individuals in the pool, k, satisfy 15 < A; < of n the pool size if random iid m in (15). variables is and the number of m — 15, then the normal approximations should be sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. The < condition ^ m — 15 is apt to hold for large pool may be practical for other statistical applications, than 15 for HIV Although sizes. we would expect k to be A; much prevalence studies. Approximation (15) would hold for small k if > 15 smaller TT+{y) was approximately normal; however, this does not appear to be the case (see Figure 7 of Wein and we do not have a persuasive Zenios). In conclusion, large group size approximation developed in study described in Section 5 on the Asymptotic Variance This section contains a derivation, which and is based on the information inequality, of an upper from X^"^\ which an unbiased estimate of Since Var(p), which is = of the proposed estimate. Let /i^'"^(p) /i(p) denote, respectively, the Fisher's information single observation performs well in the computational this section 7. An Upper Bound bound on the variance justification for (15); nevertheless, the /x*'"'(p), is the OD E{X^'^^\p), about /i^'"'(p) and let /i(^('")(p)) and p contained in reading of a pool of size m. Because X^'"^ the Cramer- Rao lower bound the asymptotic variance of p as n — > a is implies that oo, equals l/(n/i(p)), it follows that ^-(^'"'Iri, V„tf) < 11 (24) Let us first calculate = /x('")(p) Equation //('"'(p). Prom + x/(x|Mp))cix jf (22), we have ^ x^(x|Mp))cix ^ + 0(m-2). (25) (3) implies ,7 xj{x\y)dx=-^ / (26) y and difl^erentiating twice under the integral sign yields Thus, substituting (26) and (27) into (25) gives l + Mf))^ 2m + {l V ^ (/i(p)n' ; ; Differentiating (28) yields '"' dp ^^(P) / 7(7 ^ 2m\ (7 + (7 where ^4 + (/X(p))^)2 + 1) (A^(P))'""^ - (1 = (1 1)^ (M(P))'^-' + 1)(7 + 2) /x_ - //+, - 2) (/x(p))^^-^ (1 + (m(p))')' a^ - a'i - V.r(X(-)M + (40 - For brevity of notation, the coefficient of ^ 6)7 let + + (7 - 4) (m(p))'^-' (i + (Mp))^)^ + 27^) - (47^ n^. 1) (/^(p))""\ ^ - ^t and C = 1)^(m(p))^-^ - (7 + - cr^^+ 1)(7 ^ + 2) o-^^_ , (/i(p))'^-' + /i+/i?. - C , (29) /i+A*-- for Vax(X^'"'|p) leads to (/^(P))' ,. + 7(7 - (;,(p))^)^ - (/x(p))'^-' B= + (47^ Carrying out a similar analysis (2 47^ (/^(P))'""' ^ ^'(P) f '/'(7-l)(Mp)r^ {MY'-' + h be the first in (29). Similarly, let v term (7 2)(0 - 2 + 27)(/^(p))^^-^ >^ in the right side of equation (29) be the 12 - first term .3Q. and in the right side of (30), / and be w be the coefficient of — Substituting (29) and (30) into (24) and omitting terms of in (30). 0{m~^), we have the upper bound Var(p) +— ^ V < n (h^ We 1 —a + 0{m-'). (31) + ^) conclude this section with a brief discussion of confidence intervals. confidence interval for p The Wald's is p±^M=, (32) \/nh{p) where Za/2 is the upper a/2 quantile of the standard normal density. form expression °dpi for /i(p) instead. is not available, Although the (e.g., to use the observed information details are omitted, the resulting confidence intervals were tested in the computational study practical use we could attempt Because a closed in Section 7, and were not the actual covering probabihty for the 95% sufficiently reliable for confidence interval was roughly 85%). Alternatively, we could construct confidence intervals that use the upper bound However, this gives a covering probability that 6 roughly 99%. Designing Efficient Procedures To conduct a population survey the is (31). number of pools that adopts the algorithm of Figure n and the group size m. An cost with the acciuracy of the resulting estimate. efficient The 1, we must first specify design must balance the testing design problem that arises in practice can be posed as one of the following two constrained optimization problems: either choose n and m to achieve a prespecffied variance at minimum cost, or choose n and m to minimize the variance of the estimate subject to a prespecified budget constraint. These two problems are closely related (more about that later), and for concreteness problem. 13 we will address the former Let mate is A denote the prespecified variance threshold. Since the true variance of the esti- not available in closed form, we employ the upper bound of the asymptotic variance derived in (31) as a smrrogate. Oiu resulting design will be conservative, in that the actual Of variance will be less than or equal to A. upper bound on the variance course, the is a function of the prevalence, which must be estimated at the design stage. We assume that the cost of testing a pool of size m is (see Behets et al. 1988 for a detailed discussion) = {' ^, '!"":; if m > 1, [ em + f C('-) where and m e and / are positive constants. (33) The design problem is to choose positive integers to minimize nC{m) — > subject to n (34) "^ -, . -A(/^^ + It is possible to solve this integer this is n , (35) . f) programming problem using exhaustive cumbersome and time consuming. we obtain a Instead, search. However, closed form solution to the non-integer relaxation of this problem. Proposition 2 // ation of (34)- (35) {wh? - — 2hlv){fh'^ 2ehl) > 0, then the solution to the non-integer relax- IS (_r,,. 0, n* ^^ = , / {wh'2-2hlv){fh^ -2ehl) \ ^, ^^ ,^' ?; -I- A(/.^ , (37) . + ^) The proof involves a standard Lagrangian argument and elementary Similarly, we can to minimize the upper solve the second optimization problem, bound (36) , which of the asymptotic variance subject to 14 calculus, is and is to choose omitted. m and n nC{m) < B, where B is the prespecified available budget. The solution to the integer relaxation of this problem is given by (36) and n* Notice that the pool size in (36) and the imposed budget = is constraint. It can cost per unit information (i.e., + —^. em* f , ^ (38) independent of the specified variance threshold be shown that this pool cost times variance). size also Although the design employs an upper bound on the asymptotic variance and is minimizes the in Proposition 2 clearly suboptimal, this result should provide a useful back-of-the-envelope calculation. Simulation Study 7 The results from a Monte Carlo simulation study are reported in this section. The purpose of this study 1. How 2. What is to address the following questions: accurate are the approximations of Section 4? is the value of employing the continuous dichotomous test results? necessary to exphcitly incorporate the dilution effect into our analysis? 3. Is it 4. What The OD readings rather than the traditional are the expected benefits from pooled testing? first question to the exact m.l.e. is addressed by comparing the proposed parametric estimator (p.p.e) To answer question 2, we develop a class of binary the best binary estimator to the exact m.l.e. To address question estimators, 3, we compare the to two other binary estimators, one that explicitly captures the dilution effect ignores it. We also consider individual testing in order to provide 15 and compare p.p.e. and one that an answer to question 4. To obtain meaningful from the simulation study, we employ real data. The data results are described in Subsection 7.1 and are used in Subsection 7.2 to estimate the parameters of the simulation model. The various estimators are defined in Subsection 7.3, the results of the simulation study are reported in Subsection 7.4 and a hypothetical application is described in Subsection 7.5. Data 7.1 We employ two data sets that were collected and tested by the National Reference Laboratory The NRLl data of Australia (NRL). and 3000 HIV and the cutoff set consists of positive sera. The classifying the test OD serum to produce a set consists of the OD outcomes as positive or negative was The NRL2 data 0.05. readings from 10 infected sera, diluted sequentially to a fixed negative series of 10 two-fold dilutions, to the two data sets, we note negative sera were tested using a commercially available test kit, with ratios samples were tested in duplicate using 10 different test Finally, HIV readings for 4000 that and the all test kit in NRLl individual samples in 1 kits. : 16, 1 No 32, : . , . . 1 : 8192. individuals are common not one of the 10 kits used in is NRLl The NRL2. were diluted according to the test kit manufacturer's instructions before being tested. 7.2 The Simulation Model The simulation model randomly generates antibody levels and OD readings for both individ- ual and pooled samples via the hierarchical model defined in Section we specify the model parameters The parameters (f) and 7 are and solely estimated from dilution series data by and Zenios carry out this 7, and the densities 7r+(y) dependent on the fitting the 2. and test kit In this subsection, i^-iy). employed, and can be data to a generalized linear model; Wein procedure for the 10 different test kits in NRL2. The ten estimated 16 values for 7 (one the value for 7 for each test kit) ranged from 0.09 to dilution series data for the test kit employed in the model. and averaged 0.54. Evidently, highly dependent on the test kit employed. Unfortunately, is used to estimate 1.11, 7r+(j/) and 7r_(y). Sensitivity analysis in NRLl data Wein and Zenios shows that 7 which set, = For simplicity, we use the value 7 = we do not have the data set is 1.0 in the simulation 0.54 and 7 = 1.0 yield qualitatively similar results. We and and the employ the parameter Zenios, and readers are densities TT+{y) (f) and = and 7r_(y) that are referred to that paper for details; here summary. Rather than estimate obtain the estimate densities 7r+(t/) in used in Wein we provide only a brief a manner similar to the estimation of 7, Wein and Zenios 0.0088 as a by-product of estimating 7r_(y) from the 7r_(y) are difficult to obtain NRLl data. because the antibody concentration is The not an observable quantity. Moreover, these densities are population dependent and may vary if the epidemic is nonstationary. However, densities can safely be assumed every time a population survey if the epidemic to be constant, is is progressing slowly, then these and hence do not have to be re-estimated conducted. Using a combination of exploratory data analysis and the 7r_(j/) from the 4000 OD readings for negative individuals in HIV algorithm to estimate NRLl, Wein and Zenios is due nearly sample variability and contains almost no between sample variability. conclude that the variabihty of entirely to within OD HIV EM readings for negative individuals Consequently, for TT-{y) we use the degenerate density with mean //_ = 0.0086 and cr_ = 0.0. Exploratory data analysis in Wein and Zenios suggests that the within sample variability is substantially larger than the between sample variabihty for HIV and they make the simplifying assumption that the within sample infected individuals. Thus, X\Y = E{X\Y) positive individuals, variability for infected individuals, 17 is zero for and combining this 0.08 r u C 01 g. 0.04 .. 41 In I I M I II f*m 'M ' I I in I I I I I I NI I I I K^ I I A. M I I I in CO 00 <j\ fS Antibody Concentration Figure with equation (3) 2: The density iT+{y) used in the simulation model. we obtain Y= Since our estimate for 7 is one, if we , • • let Xi, NRLl the 3000 infected individuals in the the empirical density of (yr^) X\Y ^l-X\YJ , ( . , . . data i-xToo )' a; 3000 set, (39) denote the observed OD then the density TT+iy) '^^^^ density is displayed in readings for is Figure ease of reference, the parameters of the simulation model are provided in Table 7.3 specified 2. by For 1. Estimation Procedures In this subsection, we describe the procedures that are considered in this simulation study: the proposed parametric estimator, a numerical procedure for the exact m.l.e., three distinct binary estimators that employ binary test results rather than continuous individual testing. 18 OD readings, and = 0.0086 /x+ = 3.79 cr_ = 0.00 cr+ = 4.00 = 0.0088 7 = 1.00 /i_ (t) Table 1: The parameters of the simulation model. Parametric Estimators. The proposed parametric estimator employs the algorithm with the estimates in Figure 1 Proposition are e = 2. 0.04 The and / derived pool size Table in 1. The employs the pool p.p.e. size given cost parameters are obtained from the field study of Behets et = m* 1.35; details < p < for may be found 1. in Notice that Wein and m* > 80 al., by and Zenios. Figure 2 displays the p for < The 0.22. hierarchical pooling model was vahdated on pools of size at most 80 in Wein and Zenios and, in fact, 80 appears to be the largest pool size reported in ihe literature (Gaboon- Young 1992). Consequently, we do not consider pool sizes larger than 80. To derive the exact we use the algorithm m.l.e., in Figure 1 with f^ {x; (f)) replaced by a lookup table representation of the density. The table entries are obtained from a simulated data set as follows. For each value of k and m, a sample of 3000 pools that each consist of k infected 7r+(t/) and and m—k The 7r_(y). representation is is is generated from the antibody densities readings are generated using the density in in the estimation algorithm in Figure approximately equal to the parametric estimator the p.p.e. OD is obtained from the empirical density of the simulated When embedded an estimate that non-infected individuals (t.p.e.), to be compared. and The Binary Estimators: To it m.l.e. We 1, (3), OD and the table readings. these representations produce call this estimator the theoreticai provides the benchmark to which the performance of t.p.e. also uses the pool sizes shown in Figure 2. assess the value of employing continuous 19 OD readings rather than traditional binary test results, we also consider the following class of procedures: test pools of size m, classify each pool outcome as M, and estimate the prevalence from the Sp(m, u) denote the the total number and sensitivity of positive pools. -—1 ^" ~ and the asymptotic variance of p = Var(p) where f{m,u,p) information = [1 — (1 HIV number total The prevalence estimate — p)'"]Se(m,M) + (1 who were m (i.e., there minimized the u equal to 0.05, = and It ' (41) . Also, the cost per unit {be{m,u) +bp[m,u) bimary estimators that are based on is (s.b.e), no dilution 0.05 under individual first which effect), m= first estima- is determined by the test manufacturer. (42); recall that the sensitivity The pool size pool size derived The simple binary estimator was proposed by Tu the cutoff for the testing; these The m, Se(m, u) and Sp(m, u) represent the this quantity. 1) to derive 1)'' (40). and that the cutoff u to derive equations (40)-(41). is — assumes that that Se(m, u) and Sp{m,u) are chosen to minimize the cost per unit information (with ^ ' — p)'"(l — Sp(m, u)). under individual testing, as reported by the in Section 5 also set be is the simple binary estimator specificity et al. A; is Se{Tn,u) — k/n \ f l,Se(m,M) + Sp(m,«)-lj test manufacturer. Consequently, for all is and is not a function of m cutoff Let Se(m, u) and of positive pools. - P)'-'" /';-"'^''^-/'"';"'*;" ^(1 nm^ (Se(m,u) + Sp(m,u) — 1)^ We consider three different and OD specificity for this class of pooling procedures, m'^ tor, called negative or positive using the n NRLl To implement data, this procedure, we and use Monte Carlo simulation very precise estimates of the sensitivity and specificity two estimates are substituted into equations perform the computations described above. 20 (42) and (40) to Optimal Group Size 20 I I I I I 0.1 I I 0.2 I I 0.3 I I 0.4 I I 0.5 I 0.6 I I I 0.7 I I 0.8 I 0.9 I I 1 Prevalence Figure The other two binary 3: The derived pool size m*. estimators exphcitly incorporate the dilution effect, and hence are expected to outperform the simple binary estimator. cutoff u and pool we show how minimize for size m; the estimators' differentiating characteristics will these two parameters are calculated. (42). Both estimators use the same As with the However, the quantities Se(m, u) and Sp(m, u) s.b.e., u and be defined OD after m are chosen to in (42) are difficult to estimate a testing procedure that deviates from the manufacturer's instructions; therefore, we develop approximate closed form expressions for these quantities in order to find the cost- minimizing values of u and m. These expressions are obtained from the simplified pooling model of Wein and concentration with mean Zenios. This model assumes that the OD reading X and the antibody Y are related via In ( y^) — 7 ln(y)+e, where e is a Gaussian random variable zero and variance a^. Proposition asymptotic approximation for the 1 and the simplified pooling model lead to an probabiUty density of In {-[ZxW^)^ where 21 X^*^-'"' is the OD conditional reading for a pool of rn given that it contains k infected individuals. This approximation can be used to derive the expressions: Se(m,u) u-7ln(^//+ + = l-(l-p)' ,2 1 (l-^K) kal + {m-k)cri (43) Sp(m, ^.) =$ 'u — 7ln(/x_) ^:^^:^ (44) . 'a2 In (43)-(44), we to estimate a^ TT+{y) is 7 equal set and modify obtained. The to 1, //+ and use the approach in Subsection 7.1 of and a+ so that a conservative estimate resulting estimates are a = 0.42, ^+ = Wein and Zenios for the left tail of 2.732 and a+ = 1.3032. The approximations (43) and (44) are substituted into equations (41) and (42) in steps 2 and 3, respectively, of the following algorithm: Step 1. Set Step 2. m= 1. Use steepest descent to obtain a cutoff u{m) that achieves a local minimum of Var(p). Step 3. If F{Tn,u{m)) and return Upon > F{m — l,u{m — to Step 1)) or m > 80, stop; otherwise, set m <— m+ 1 2. termination, this algorithm gives a locally optimal procedure that satisfies the con- straint m < 80. Table 2 displays the resulting pool sizes and cutoffs for the seven prevalence values that are considered in the simulation study of the next subsection. Notice that the binary estimate p in (40) m is a function of Se(m, u) and Sp(m, u), where and u are derived from the three-step algorithm described above. Our two binary mators differ by how they approximate Se(m, u) and Sp(m, 22 u) in (40). esti- The proposed binary 0.1 parametric estimator to the theoretical binary estimator, and finally we compare the the p.b.e., the s.b.e. Experiment and the individual estimator. 1: A sample of 80,000 antibody concentrations + probability mixture pK^{y) n = 1000 pools of size density (3). The p.p.e. m = (1 80, — p)7r_(y). The OD and the generated from the simulated blood samples are divided into readings are generated using the conditional and the experiment The simulation model was implemented For the p.p.e. is and the theoretical parametric estimator are obtained under seven different scenarios of varying prevalence, scenario. p.p.e., p, the estimator mean rbias(p) repeated 400 times for every on a Sun Sparc Station 20. E{p\p) and the estimator variance Var(p|p) are We obtained from the simulation experiment. in C, is = compute the also relative bias l:i3M^ (45) P the relative variance error \^Y""H - Var(pb) = — revar(p) ^^ (46) P and the mean squared mined for the theoretical The is error (mse), E[{p p)'^\p]. parametric estimate results are given in Table unbiased. In contrast, the p.p.e. The — 3. is Not The analogous p. surprisingly, the theoretical parametric estimator biased, and tends to understate the true prevalence. relative bias decreases as the prevalence increases. positive, which confirms that Experiment for the 2: Once quantities are also deter- (31) provides Also, the relative variance error is an upper bound on Vax(p|p). again, 80,000 (different) simulated blood samples are generated seven scenarios in Table 2. The blood samples axe divided into pools of size 80 to obtain the theoretical parametric estimator. In addition, the same blood samples are divided into pool sizes given in Table 2 to derive the theoretical binary estimator. 24 Prevalence Confidence Intervals pool contains more than one infected individual; pools that contain more than one infected individual hide information on the true prevalence. In contrast, the theoretical parametric estimator has the flexibility to employ substantially larger pool sizes because the total number of infected individuals in each pool from the OD then the optimal group parametric procedure size for is the binary estimator exactly 80; recall that is still infer is low because and the group we have introduced the same achieve the when the prevalence close to 80, can reading. Therefore, the parametric estimator can adopt a substantially larger pool size and variance as the binary procedure. This situation changes it size for the m 80. restriction < Hence, the upper bound restricts the flexibihty of the parametric procedure and forces behave like it to the binary procedure. This experiment confirms our intuition that the continuous OD readings can be used to produce very precise estimates. Unfortunately, the estimators in this experiment are hard to employ in practice. In the next experiment several approximations. that the bias is offset we use more practical estimators that contain Although these estimators are expected to be biased, we by their high efficiency, will see and the procedures that utihze the hierarchical pooling model produce very precise estimates. Experiment for the 3: Once again, 80,000 (different) simulated blood samples are generated seven scenarios in Table 2. The blood samples are divided into pools of size 80 to obtain the proposed parametric estimator. The same blood samples are also divided into the pool sizes given in Table 2 to derive the proposed binaxy estimator. In addition, these blood samples are divided into the pool sizes dictated by the simple binary procedure in order to derive the s.b.e. Finally, the samples are also tested individually to calculate the individual estimator. Table 5 gives the mean squared error (mse) for the four estimators. We observe that the mse for the simple and individual estimators are from 4 to 40 times larger than the mse 27 P(X102) Confidence Intervals p(xl02) 0.1 p.p.e. (xlO^) p.b.e. (xlO^) Relative Relative Efficiency Cost Efficiency A mator and the proposed paxametric estimator. if individual testing is budget constraint is adopted, at most 1000 samples can be tested. employ the procedure that will give the smallest = Individual estimator: Here n (not shown), the variance The objective is to mse. 1000 and expected to be 6.2 x is imposed such that, m= 10""*. 1. From the results of experiment 3 Because the individual estimator is unbiased, this coincides with the mse. Proposed binary estimator: From Table n constraint 1.00 X = ^^^I'^^^^o) 10-^ and the mse is ~ ^65. From Table - (0.04636 0.05)2 ^ Proposed parametric estimator: Here " = i.35+aM(80) 5.72 x ^ 220. From Table 10-^ and the mse is ;^ - O.OS)^ + m = 20, the variance qO x 10"^ = and to is satisfy the (/lOO^f§P)^ 2.30 x budget »^ = 10"^ m = 80, and to satisfy the budget constraint the variance 6, (0.04832 6, 2, is expected to be 5.72 x 10"^ = {VTOO^^^f 5«^ = 8.54 x 10"^ Hence, the proposed parametric estimator has the smallest mse and is the preferred procedm-e. Concluding Remarks 8 We have developed a parametric procedure to estimate the prevalence of samples. Our approach is novel in that prevalence directly from the continuous ically for the HIV it OD estimation problem but is HIV from pooled captures the dilution effect and estimates the readings. This procedmre was developed specif- applicable whenever liquids or gases are pooled together and tested for estimation purposes; many apphcations can be found in industrial or environmental quality control. The procedure was tested on simulated data that were generated from actual blood samples, and the results indicate that more efficient it is more accurate and roughly an order-of-magnitude than existing binary pooling procedures. As expected, the benefits from 30 this procedure axe larger when the prevalence that exphcitly accounts for the dilution high. is parametric estimator was several times more binary setting than in the continuous in OD also derived a new binary procedure When the prevalence is above 5% our proposed effect. However, the approximations embedded We efficient than the proposed binary estimator. our procedures appear to more accurate in the setting, and when the prevalence below is 1% the proposed binary procedure performs better than proposed parametric procedure. In conclusion, the numerical results provide strong evidence supporting the adoption of our parametric pooled testing procedures for population surveys prevalence. The next when the procedure step is is aimed at estimating HIV to determine whether the conclusions of this paper are confirmed tested on real data. Acknowledgement This research is supported by National Science Foundation grant DDM-9057297 and Ameri- can Foundations for AIDS Research (AmFAR) grant 02100-15-RG. to Elizabeth Deix for providing the data, and The authors are grateful John Karon and Glenn Satten for helpful discussions. Appendix A Convergence Proof In this appendix, we show that the estimation algorithm in Section 3 Maximization (EM) algorithm. Let us define the unobserved vector z Zi is the number of infected individuals in pool observations from the complete data set (x, z). 31 i, = is an Expectation- (zi, . . . , 2„), where and view the raw data x as the incomplete Hence, the complete log-likelihood is given by (47) 1=1 fc=0 The expectation EM step of the E[l{z, it = algorithm calculates E /c(x, z;p)|x,p'''' . Because k)\x;p^'^]=Tk{x,;p^'^), (48) follows from equation (47) that m n E [/e(x, z;p)|x,p(^)] = ^^ rfc(x.;p(^)) r log p'(i-pr-N+iog(/r^(a:.)) t=l *:=0 (49) The maximization step updates p^'^ p(^+i) The function E /c(x, z;p)|x,p^*M = using arg maXpE" [/c(x,z;p)|x,p'is) is concave in p, and hence (50) p(*+i^ is the unique solution to the first-order optimality condition dE /c(x,z;p)|x,p'^^ = (51) 0, dp which, after some algebra, gives nm The (52) 1=1 fc=0 equivalence of (52) and (11) estabhshes that the iterative procedure To prove that the algorithm converges to a fixed point, Theorem 2 (Dempster et al.): If the we need the is the EM algorithm. following fact. incomplete log-likelihood is bounded from above and /e(x,z;p(^+i))|x,p(^)] for some scalar A and all p'-^^ , -E [/,(x,z;p(^))|x,p(^^] then the sequence 32 p^^^ > X{p^'^'^ - p^'^f converges to some p* in [0, 1] (53) To show that L(x;p) is bounded from above our problem, we define in M = sup{max(7r+(?/), 7r_(?/))}. y Then 7r*<''''">(T/) < M'" and from (1), 7r?'''"^(y) < mM"^. Thus, follows it from (6) that L(x;p)<[mM"']". To estabhsh we use (53), (54) (49) to obtain ^[/,(x,z;p(^+i))|x,pW] -^[Ze(x,z;p(^')|x,pW; = m n X:E^^(^«;P^'^) + (m - (A:logp<^^^) A;)log(l -p(^+^))) - t=l fc=0 m n ^ ^r,(x.;p(^)) (fclogp^ + (m - A;) log(l - p^)) . (55) i=l fc=0 Since X!r=i I^fcLo ^'^fc(^i;p'^^) = nrnp^^"*"^', the right side of (55) reduces to nm ['''""'°8(3 + ('-^'"""°«(t^))To complete the convergence Lemma 1 For all G {x,y) /i'(x) = which is e 2/ (0, 1) we need the following lemma. [0, 1]^, xlog Proof: Fix proof, (^^' (£j + - (1 x)log = and define h{x) (^-^] >{x- xlog (^) + (1 = ^r^ - 2 > - (57) yf. a:)log [^) - (x - yf. Setting gives satisfied hy x minimized when x X log — [ = y. Also, h"{x) Because h{y) y. j + (1 - x) log = 0, it 0. Therefore, h{x) is convex and is follows that (^^) >{x- y? 33 for all x e (0, 1). (59) Because y is arbitrary, relation (59) holds for every to the closed interval Lemma E 1 and [0, 1] j/ in (0, 1). 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