Logistics Management
BUSML 3380
Fall 2012, Term 2
BUS M&L 3380 (30417), Logistics Management
Wednesday – Schoenbaum Rm #105, 6:30 PM to 9:15 PM
Prerequisites: Econ 2001.01 (200), or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 780.
Concepts and methods used to plan and manage logistics activities in a business environment. Understanding of the components of logistics management and tradeoffs required to manage the integrated flow of goods through the supply chain..
David Widdifield
Fisher Hall, Room #510
(614) 292-2757 (office)
Email: widdifield_2@fisher.osu.edu
Class Website: https://carmen.osu.edu
O ffice Hours: By Appointment.
Contemporary Logistics Management, 10 th Edition, Murphy and Wood, (Prentice Hall,
2010); ISBN 13 978-0-13-611077-0, Retail $207.05 (OSU Bookstore; www.ohiostate.bkstore.com
), $159.31 (Amazon; www.amazon.com
Course lecture materials will include PowerPoint slides, industry journal articles, and text questions. Class materials will be made available on Carmen for downloading prior to class.
To provide an understanding of the key logistics concepts and the issues affecting the movement and storage of goods. Particular emphasis will be placed on providing a broad and general exposure to business logistics. This will include the development of a basic understanding of the concepts and techniques important to analyzing business logistics problems. The course will also examine how the various logistics activities are related to each other and other functional areas within a business.
Finally, the course strives to develop management and control techniques/skills that are critical in the area of logistics.
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This course will be conducted using a combination of class lecture, guest speakers and text quizzes. The lecture will cover the assigned text chapter, including a comparison of text material to current trends in the industry. With the class meeting once a week, attendance is mandatory as having read the assigned text readings.
Students may be called upon to discuss assigned topics and concepts. In addition, students are encouraged to actively participate in the class discussion as well.
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Grades will be based upon performance on the following:
Chapter Quizzes
Class Attendance/Participation
Final Exam
Guest Speaker Attendance
BUSML 3380
Chapter Quizzes. Prior to the text chapter lecture and discussion, I will give a short quiz consisting of 10 multiple choice questions
from our assigned chapter ( see page
6 ). On the day of the chapter quiz students will receive a quiz and accompanying
scantron sheet. All students will have 30 minutes to complete the quiz. All quizzes will need to be returned to the instructors along with the scantron sheet conclusion of the quiz. Any scantron sheet submitted without a student quiz will automatically receive a grade of “0”. Students failing to take a chapter quiz on the scheduled date will not be able to make-up the quiz unless approved by the instructor at least 8 hours prior to the quiz date or in the event of extraordinary situations. Student minor illnesses, schedule conflicts, tardiness, unscheduled vacations do not constitute extraordinary situations to be considered for making up the quiz. If you feel there is a need to take a chapter quiz early or the day after the scheduled date, please notify the instructors via email by 24 hours prior to the quiz date. Quizzes will count for 180 points toward your final grade.
Class Participation. Due to the nature of the class meeting schedule, attendance is critical to the student’s success in the class and knowledge transfer. Therefore the participation grade will be based on your attendance to each class meeting. At the beginning of each class session, a student attendance roster will be available for students to sign. At the conclusion of the class, the student attendance sheet will be collected by the instructors for scoring. Class participation will account for 70 points towards your final grade.
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Final Exam. One final comprehensive exam will be given during the course consisting of 50 multiple choice questions drawn from the text readings. Questions may contain text material which was not emphasized during the lectures but contained within the selected chapter. A pre-exam review and study guide form will be provided to the class one week prior to the exam; additionally the study guide will be posted to the class Carmen site for downloading. The in-class review session and study guide will focus on the text material included in the final exam. Students failing to take the final exam on the scheduled date will not be able to make-up the exam except for extraordinary situations. Student minor illnesses, schedule conflicts, tardiness, unscheduled vacations do not constitute extraordinary situations to be considered for making up the final exam. If you feel there is a need to take the final exam the week prior or the day after the scheduled date, please notify the instructors via email by 7/10. At the beginning on the final exam session students will receive a test and accompanying scantron sheet to complete for the final exam. All tests will need to be returned to the instructors along with the scantron sheet conclusion of the final exam. Any scantron sheet submitted without a student test will automatically receive a grade of “0”. The final exam will account for 100 points towards your final grade.
Guest Speaker Attendance. During the course, we will have the opportunity to host
4 senior level supply chain managers from leading companies in the Columbus area.
They will provide critical insights to the importance of logistics from a corporate perspective as well as current or emerging industry trends in business, employment, and technology. The objective of these events is to provide the student with a practitioner’s perspective of logistics within her/his business, customers, and market. Attendance is mandatory for all students as these events provide timely and unique information about the logistics industry. Due to this, there is no make-up assignment for students missing a guest speaker. On days we host a guest speaker, the student attendance roster will be used to mark individual attendance of the class and speaker. At the conclusion of the class, the student attendance sheet will be collected by the instructors for guest speaker and participation scoring. Guest speaker attendance will account for 160 points towards your final grade.
You are expected to approach this course with the same level of professionalism you would be required exhibit in the workforce. To ensure success in the classroom for our guest speakers, instructors, and students, there are 5 general classroom instructions we must all follow;
Adverse Weather – during class it may be necessary for us to take shelter due to weather conditions. In the event of a weather-related warning is issued and we need to evacuate the classroom, please follow the emergency signs to the shelter area and remain there until the warning has expired.
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Attendance Sign-in Procedure – students who may not have signed the attendance sheet prior to the start of class will an opportunity to do so at the end of class. This will help reduce unnecessary distractions within the class.
Class Arrival Procedure – it is important that you arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of class to allow time needed to get seated and prepare for the session, this is especially important on the days we host a guest speaker, administer a quiz, or on the final exam. Additionally, electronic devices (cell phones, laptops PCs, net/notebook PCs, etc) need to be set to vibrate or turned off during class.
Class Break Periods – we will take one 10 minute breaks during the lecture.
These will be scheduled in advance on the class daily agenda, the agenda will be uploaded to Carmen 12-24 hrs prior to class. In addition, if you need to take a break, please feel free to do so during the course of discussion.
Lecture Material Access – ensure that you have a copy of the lecture presentation slides printed from our Carmen site and textbook with you for each class session.
The grading scale is guaranteed. You will receive no less than the letter grade listed within the appropriate class point total ranges.
494-510 points
474-493 points
449-473 points
429-448 points
413-428 points
399-412 points
383-411 points
367-410 points
347-409 points
326-408 points
0-325 points
All tests, written exercises, and papers are to be your own work.
A cademic integrity is essential to maintaining an environment that fosters excellence in teaching, research, and other educational and scholarly activities. Thus, the Ohio State
University and the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) expect that all students have read and understand the University’s Code of Student Conduct, and that all
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BUSML 3380 students will complete all academic and scholarly assignments with fairness and honesty. Students must recognize that failure to follow the rules and guidelines established in the University’s Code of Student Conduct and this syllabus may constitute
“Academic Misconduct.” The Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct (Section
3335-23-04) defines academic misconduct as: “Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University, or subvert the educational process.” Examples of academic misconduct include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, collusion
(unauthorized collaboration), copying the work of another student, and possession of unauthorized materials during an examination. Ignorance of the University’s Code of
Student Conduct is never considered an “excuse” for academic misconduct, so I recommend that you review the Code of Student Conduct and, specifically, the sections dealing with academic misconduct.
If I suspect that a student has committed academic misconduct in this course, I am obligated by University Rules to report my suspicions to the Committee on Academic
Misconduct. If COAM determines that you have violated the University’s Code of
Student Conduct (i.e., committed academic misconduct), the sanctions for the misconduct could include a failing grade in this course and suspension or dismissal from the University.
If you have any questions about the above policy or what constitutes academic misconduct in this course, please contact me.
Other sources of information on academic misconduct (integrity) to which you can refer include:
The Committee on Academic Misconduct web pages
( http://oaa.osu.edu/coam.html
Ten Suggestions for Preserving Academic Integrity
( http://oaa.osu.edu/coamtensuggestions.html
Eight Cardinal Rules of Academic Integrity
( http://www.northwestern.edu/provost/students/integrity/rules.html
If you have a disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA), which requires classroom accommodation or auxiliary aids, please inform me of your needs during the first week of class so that I can take appropriate action.
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The schedule, policies, and assignments contained in this course syllabus or on the course website are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances, class progress, or by mutual agreement between the instructor and the students.
Any electronic recording of the lecture or presentations is not authorized without the instructors’ approval.
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During the fall semester, you will have 2 opportunities to earn 10 extra credit points and expand your industry knowledge. The 1 st opportunity involves subscription to 2 of the
trade journals listed on page 7 of this syllabus. Select the journals you are interested in
and email me the subscription confirmation messages or web pages (5 points per subscription). When sending the confirmation messages, be sure to enter in the subject line “ML 3380 Extra Credit Subscription”. 2 nd option, attend a minimum of 2 meetings of one of the student supply chain organizations such as BOMS, TLA, PSMA or a professional supply chain organization (APICS, CSCMP, WERC, etc) during the semester
(5 points per meeting attended). All extra credit is due by 11/14.
Note: I may revise this schedule based on my work schedule, to accommodate class progress, provide a more indepth focus, or to take advantage of additional guest speakers should the opportunity arise. We will attempt to stay as close to the below schedule as possible, quiz/final exam dates will not be altered.
10/17 section a Course Overview, Syllabus, & Introduction Course Syllabus & Welcome Slide Deck
10/17 section b Overview of Logistics (pt 1) CH 1
10/24 section a
10/24 section b
CH 1
CH 5
Quiz #1
10/31 section a
10/31 section b
11/7 section a
Overview of Logistics (pt2)
The Supply Chain Management Concept
Guest Speaker: TBA
Demand Management, Order
Management, and Customer Service (pt 1)
Demand Management, Order
Management, and Customer Service (pt 2)
CH 6
CH 7
CH 7
CH 7
Quiz #2
Quiz #3
Quiz #4
11/7 section b
11/14 section a
Inventory Management (pt 1)
Inventory Management (pt 2)
Guest Speaker: TBA
CH 8
CH 8
11/14 section b Distribution Center, Warehouse, and Plant
Location (pt 1)
Extra Credit Due
11/21 section a & b section Distribution Center, Warehouse, and Plant
Location (pt 2)
11/28 section a
Guest Speaker: TBA
Warehouse Management
11/28 section b
Guest Speaker: TBA
International Logistics
Final Exam (Comprehensive)
CH 9
CH 9
CH 10
CH 12
CH 14
Quiz #5
Quiz #6
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Bureau of Transportation Statistics Governmental Agency www.bts.gov
U.S. Department of Transportation Governmental Agency www.dot.gov
American Society of Transportation and Logistics (AST&L)
APICS The Association for Operations Management
Professional Organization www.astl.org
Professional Organization http://www.apics.org/default.htm
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) Professional Organization http://www.cscmp.org
Institute of Supply Management Professional Organization http://www.ism.ws
Reverse Logistics Association
American Shipper
Professional Organization http://www.rltinc.com
Trade Journal http://www.americanshipper.com/asdaily
Canadian Transportation & Logistics
DC Velocity
Inbound Logistics
Industry Week
Internet Retailer
Logistics Management
Logistics Today
Retailing Today
Supply Chain Brain
Supply Chain Management Review
Supply Chain Digest
Transport Topics
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal
Trade Journal http://www.ctl.ca
http://www.internetretailer.com/home http://www.logisticsmgmt.com
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