Accounting and MIS 624 Advanced Accounting

Accounting and MIS 624
Advanced Accounting
Summer, 2009
Office Hours:
David E. Wallin []
Fisher 446
4:00pm – 5:20 pm T H
Advanced Accounting Custom Published
This four-credit-hour course involves “[a]ccounting for business enterprises
emphasizing business combinations, consolidated financial reporting, foreign currency
transactions and statement translation . . .” This course requires far more than
memorization of accounting techniques; it requires creative thinking. Students must not
only learn the techniques presented both in the text and in class, they must combine them
to solve new problems. The exams are designed as not just a measurement tool, but also a
learning experience. Most exam problems will be a new challenge not previously seen in
class or homework. However, a thorough knowledge of homework material is as essential
here as in any other class in accounting.
ATTENDANCE: Attendance is required for each of the exams. Attendance at other times is
at the student’s discretion. It should be noted that regular attendance is essential for
optimal performance, and the student is responsible for all material covered in class.
HOMEWORK: Homework should be prepared prior to class. It will not be collected or
graded. Regular and thorough preparation and review of homework is an essential part of
exam preparation. The student is responsible for all material in assigned homework.
GRADING: Grades will be determined solely from exam performance. No re-taking of exams
of “extra credit” exists. The exams will be 120, 160, and 100 points, for Exam I, Exam II,
and the Final Exam, respectively. Exam I and Exam II will be held during the regular
class meeting time. Students failing to take an exam at the scheduled time will receive a
zero grade for that exam. In rare and unusual cases (as determined by the instructor),
special arrangements may be offered to a student judged to have a valid time conflict,
illness, or emergency. This in no way binds the instructor to similar arrangements with
other students. The same standards apply to all students regardless of graduation status.
Scoring changes for the first two exams will be considered only during the one-week period
following the return of that exam. Scoring changes for the final exam or a change in the
course grade will be considered until 1 Oct 2009. Because of the storage requirement
involved, graded course material not retrieved by the student prior to 1 Mar 2010 will be
subject to destruction.
At the end of the quarter, the instructor will translate points into a final grade. The
translation will always have the following characteristics. Students who score the same
number of (total) points as you will receive the same grade as you. Those scoring more
points will the get the same or a higher grade. Those scoring fewer points will get the same
or lower grade. The grade assigned will reflect your performance relative to others and
without regard to the percentage of total points earned.
The ex ante approximate translation of points to grade is:
C or less
Class Standing
Top 30 %
Next 10%
Next 10%
Next 30%
Next 5%
Next 5%
Lowest 10%
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. It is the policy of this
instructor to pursue the most severe penalties available in cases of academic dishonesty.
WITHDRAWAL/INCOMPLETES: Students may withdraw from this class and receive a
withdrawal grade through the last withdrawal date as determined by the University. This
does not apply to individuals found guilty of academic dishonesty. A grade of “I” will be
given only in extreme and unusual cases when nonacademic emergencies exist. The
decision of the instructor is final in the determination of whether the conditions warrant an
PRIVACY/UPDATES: The student is entitled to complete privacy with regard to class grades.
The instructor will share grade/performance information only with the student and
authorized University personnel. To insure privacy, no student-specific grade information
can be given out by phone or to anyone other than the student. Grade information and
course updates will be emailed to your “” account. You are responsible for such
emailed information.
CLASS PROCEDURES: Accounting has, as does any academic area, some level of cultural
bias. For example, the text can be viewed as having a perspective that reflects capitalism
as its main theme. Since accounting could be regarding as being more race-, gender-, and
cultural-neutral than most academic disciplines, topics of this sort will not be a formal part
of course content or examinations. Yet, should a student believe an important topic in
advanced financial accounting is not being addressed through some inappropriate cultural
or other bias, the student is encouraged to suggest such coverage be included where
appropriate by informing the instructor. Students having special needs should contact the
Office of Disability Services.
PRIOR EXAMS: Copies of most exams from prior quarters (there are some missing Exam
IIIs) are at the website. They in now way constrain the topic coverage, question
style/format, or relative weighting of topics for your exams. Anything in the assigned
material is “fair game.”
Accounting and MIS 624
Advanced Accounting
22 June M
Course Overview
24 W
Intercompany Investments
26 F 29 M
Creating Subs and Mergers
Problem I from Summer
2003 and Summer 2004
1 July W 6 M
Consolidated Statements:
E3.7 P3.4
8 W 10 F
Consolidated Statements:
P4.1 P4.2 P4.4 (use
corrected numbers on
13 July M
EXAM I: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 (plus)
15 W 17 F
Purchase Method: Partially Owned HW5 (in pdf), P5.3, P5.6
20 M 22 W
Intercompany Transfers: Inventory Problem III from Exam
2 from Sum03 and
Sum04 plus P6.1
24 F
Intercompany Transfers: Other
Problem IV from Exam
2 from Sum04, Sum05,
Aut04, and Aut05
Push Down Method (?)
Problem I from Exam 2
from Sum03, Sum04,
and Aut04
27 M
EXAM II: Chapters 5, 6 (plus)
29 July W
31 F
Translation of Foreign Currencies
Problems I and II from
Exam 3 from Sum03,
Sum04, and Aut04
Foreign Currency Statements
Problem III from Exam
3 from Sum03 and
FINAL EXAM: Foreign Currency Issues
7 Aug
Regular Classroom