December Revised L I DS-P-1523 1985 August 1986 Relaxation Methods for Network Flow Problems with Convex Arc Costs* by Dimitri Bertsekast P. Patrick A. Paul Hosseint Tseng Abstract We consider the standard single commodity network flow problem with both linear and strictly convex nondifferentiable arc costs. are strictly convex Seidel of For the case where all we study the convergence of type relaxation computation. method that is well We then extend this the arc costs are linear. relaxation method for problem proposed in possibly Bertsekas a dual Gauss- suited for parallel method to the case where some As a special the linear arc costs case we recover minimum cost network flow El] and Bertsekas and Tseng *Work supported by the National NSF-ECS-821'7668. Science Foundation a under [21. grant 1"-'he authors are with the Laboratory for- Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 0.21 39. 1. Introduction Consider a directed graph with set of nodes N and set of arcs A. We will write j '(i,k) to denote that the head and nodes of arc i are i and k respectively. tail The network incidence matrix is denoted by E and has elements eij given by if i is the head node of arc j I e. . = -1 if i is the tail otherwise. L node of arc j (1) We denote by xj the flow of arc i, and by d i the deficit of node i which is defined by e.-.x, d j In words d i V iENj is the balance of flow outgoing coming into i. from i, and flow The vectors with coordinates xj and d i are denoted x and d respectively. d (2) EA Thus equation (2) is written as = Ex. (3) In what follows the association of particular- deficit vectors and flow vectors via Each arc f jR .i (-':', cost subject i ±+::.]. (3) should be clear from the context. has associated with it a cost function We consider the problem of minimizing total to a conservation of flow costraint at each node minimize = f(y) f j'A subject to xEC (4) where C is the circulation subspace f.di=O , , C= iEN} = {x.'=O}.. - (5) We make the following assumptions on f j: Assumption A: Each function f is convex, lower semicontinuous, and there exists at least one feasible solution for problem i.e. (4), the effective domain of f dom(f) {Tf xr and the circulation Assump(tionB: B ( +,,)} subspace C have a nonempty intersection. The conjugate convex function of each fj defined by (1t is real 3. = sup{t . . x valued, ie. AssuLmption follows that -, the set 3 (x.)} (6) 3 < gj(tij)<+, for all tj ER, of points ), which (possibly +,:,'- or - i1e. f B implies that f j(xj) dom(f is -> jj a nonempty interval --x' for all where fj is the right we denote w::) by c] real and ji valued, It denoted and left and Pj respectively, endpoints of -4- C: . = .3 j We call supf{ . i 3 inf{xj = cj and respectively. that in ( x X+ is pe easily for every tj there (6), : (x)<+',:}. fj Qj the It < +,: is and lower capacity seen that Assumptions some x jEdom(+j) bounds attaining of fj A and B imply the supremum and furthermore i m f .x .) + It follows that the cost function of and therefore (4) has bounded level (using also the lower semicontinuity of f) sets, there exists at least one optimal flow vector. Assumptions A and B are satisfied for example if fj is of the form f if NfA . X. () where j, %j alrd fj In this Qjcj otherwise cj are given upper is a and lower bounds on the flow of arc real valued convex function on -the real case gj(tj) is linear for jtjj lij and cj 1. :) . xj£ line R, large enough with slopes as tj approaches -|: and +,, respectively (see Figure fj(xj) gi i(tj) slope fj(NI I I; Ii~i slope fj(c) X , C. slope cj Problem Rockafellar theory (4) is called the optimal [3]. distribution probem in The same reference develops in detail a duality (a refinement of what can be obtained from Fenchel's duality theorem) involving the dual minimize g(t) problem g.(t.) .j subject to g A t.C1 where t is the vector with coordinates tj, orthogonal and C complement of C. We call the tension subspace. From jEA, and C is the tj the tension of the arc (1)-(3) tEC if and only if there exist scalars pi, and ieN, i (5) we have that called prices such that or V j7EA with -=pFi -p> tj i ' (i kl:: (9) equivalently t where ET p is ( 10 ETp is the transpose the vector with problem (8) can of the network coordinates also be written PiiEN. incidence matrix E, 'Therefore the dual and minimize q(p) subject to no constraints on p where q is the dual q(p) functional (p-Pi i g j~(i As shown in (12 Ik) E3]3 p. 349, Assumption A guarantees that there is no duality gap in the sense that the primal are opposites (in optimal costs of each other- An important fact that and dual for the purposes of the present paper is view of Assumption B above) the dual problem (11) is is unconstrained optimization problem. If each function fj strictly convex, is also differentiable p. 253) the dual functional ([43, and as a result unconstrained smooth optimization methods can be applied for solution. gradient of the dual fj an This is particularly so since the cost can be easily calculated. is strictly convex, for every tension vector t Indeed, when there exists a unique flow vector x such that X -arga. max x. . -f (z )} V jEA (13) Zj and it can be shown tj C4, p.2183 that xj is the gradient of gj at ).' From = (12) we see that (1), derivatives of the dual 3aqi;pi ) for a given price vector p the partial functional q are given by VV i N. (t) e.. Equivalently (14) jEA. V 9g(t )¥ (15)) 8g(p)p (2)), the partial derivative _eqals (cf. the deficit of node i when the arc flowsx ,., i are the uniqge scalars defined by (13). The differentiability is convex. strictly of the dual motivates a Gauss-Seidel type of whereby, given a price vector p, flows xj = Vgj(tj), (negative) deficit, j:A, one calculates chooses a node and decreases where the corresponding partial . i Pi up to functional it whereby carried lends itself minimization coordinates is Indeed can be done in and analyzed in becomes zero. the One then repeats the procedure iteratively. but also because this the point q along algorithm above is attractive not only because of computation, algorithm with positive 8q/api derivative cost the corresponding (increases) (This amounts to minimizing the dual coordinate pi ) cost when the primal naturally along an asynchronous 15J. its simplicity to distributed different price out simultaneously Bertsekas and El Baz The by several format processors. as described Simulations of a synchronous remarkable , parallel method speedup Gauss-Seidel optimization in require for level the dual cost sets have shown time. (1.2) convergence on the cost (see the same constant Even computation type [19] relaxation methods for unconstrained conve'xity assumption its this have been studied extensively they typically of of E 10 something minimized for a like as well a node prices level strict as boundedness counterexample). always has unbounded to all However 1[6-[10. Unfortunately sets since adding leaves the cost unchanged. if we remove this degree of freedom by restricting the price of some special space), the dual node to be zero (i.e. passing to a quotient cost may still have unbounded level not strictly convex when the functions fj as in the important special constraints. problem (7) where they imply capacity solution of the dual also shown assuming tlhe dual has an optimal we actually require that the minimization done only approximately. relaxed order. Furthermore The only requirement infinitely often. in that it of the primal Convergence of the corresponding price vector sequence to some optimal ar-bitr-ary (Section 2) a flow sequence generated by the Gauss- method to the unique optimal solution (4). is are nondifferentiable One contribution of the present paper is to show convergence of Seidel case sets and requires a This result rather improves on a result by FPang Ciottle and Pang [12J) solution. (11) For this nodes can be relaxed is is along coordinait-es that each is new and unconventional r11] problem be in node is is remarkable method of proof. It (see also an earlier paper by which asserts convergence of the flow vector with sequence convex minimization convergence vector sequence; problem where the primal the linear constraints structure. The paper by Cottle convergence to a dual problem c.arried optimal with qai.tadratic assumption and out. described of the form (rather than just requires arc places a it not be need need a network solution not have [12) asserts subsequlrene for' a transportation but also uses a nondegeneracy costs in the way relaxation i.s strengthened in is our analysis as have proposed methods that and work with minimization along directions cope with situations not possible. linear arc costs. involving where They a]. low line several minimizing along Computational coordinates a single exrperimentation coordinate shows that in terms of time some of the best primal simplex and primal dual The second objective 3 a to with standard these methods are very promising and outperform avai lable. to are conceptually related benchmark problems and a code named RELAX [1],[2] computation strictly and Bertsekas and HoweverE Bertsekas [1], 6auss-,eedel Section to a applies cost is not differentiable, and the Gauss--Seidel method breaks down. is on above. convex, the dual [2] exact cost function and PFang restriction This result however When some of the arc cost functions fj are not Tseng (7) along each coordinate and contains no assertion and separable, is Pang's result as we assume). of the price more general gj and strongly convex fj differentiable, strictly that under the assumption new relaxation of method that this paper in is codes curr'ently to propose in some sense bridges the gap between the strictly descr-ibed earlier, We show that nonlinear (convex) other this method nonlinrear, algorithm for works with both arc cost linear and above. network To our knowledge the only problems with both linear and possibly nondifferentiable, arc costs is R'ockafellar's fortified descent roughly the linear method arc costs, and contains as special cases both methods described klnown arc cost Gauss-Seidel and the Bertsekas-Tserng version. relaxation convex method (f31, Ch. 9). Our algorithm relates i.n same way to the Bertsekas-Tseng relax.-ation Rockafellar's relates to the classical The last section of computatio-nal primal-dual method, as method. the paper provides results of experimentation with codes relaxation algorithms proposed. implementing both of the -i - 2. The Relaxation Method for Strictly In this section will Convex Arc Costs in addition to Assumrptions A and B, there be a standing assumption that each fj is strictly convex. Two important consequences of this assumption are that the optimal flow vector is unique, and that the conjugate functions .'iire differentiable (in addition to being real valued by Assumption [4, p. B). 218]) Vg (tj) Furthermore with tj f . where = arg max .., Vgj(tj) t st +j<(xj) way we define (see also [3] and that we have for alltj is {t x .- f .(x .). f+ . and f+(xj) (see Fig. for xj in 2.1). the (16 the unique scalar the Complementary fj at xj usual indeed it is easily verified Slackness xj satisfying together (CS) condition ) (17) denote the left and right derivatives These derivatives are defined interior of dom (fi) When -, of in the < Qj - cj ._.. slope fj(x-) groph of fi pe f) -cslope f-(x. - xj I~~~~~~~~~tC 1 ,~ When j cj .im ij = cj when Vgj(tj) define f(), f+(c) -= -,ox fj(ci e. .Vg .ijEA +t:. = Note ET'p, i (t.) j We by V iEN . and denote by d(p) the vector with coordinates d i (p). Note that the definition of d is identical in except (2), - is continuous and monotonically nondecreasing. (p) where t = we define fj(.j) the deficit functions di d n ) ,i. < +,, we define f(c .) that f+((i i li=m f+ to that given that here we have used the strict convexity of fj to express flow and deficit as functions of the dual price vector. the relation above In view of the form of the dual functionalt yields . (p) Sirnce d i (p) = ... is a partial function we have that d i V iEN. derivative of a differentiable convex is continuous and monotonically nondecreasing_ in the coordi nate i We now define the one sketched with positive decreased q(p). in a Gauss-Seidel Section (negative) (increased) More formally, fixed scalar 1 whereby at deficit ds( p ) each is we initially choose (0,1). similar iteration chosen with the aim of decreasing &:in the interval the relaxation type of algorithm to a node s and ps is the dual cost a price vector p, and a Then we execute repeatedly iteration described below. --14- Relaxation Iteration d. (p) If for Strictly V iEN = Convex. Arc Costs then STOP. Else Set Choose any node s. p = d (p) If p - If p If p. < 0, then increase ps so that 0, > (--I do nothig. then decrease p 5 The only assumption nodes are chosen C: relaxation iteration The 0 2< ds(p) i0 7" ds(p) we make regarding is for relaxation Every node in Ass!4.:t.Jmtion so that N is an infinite the order in as the node s chosen is well of which in the times. in defined the sense that To see this suppose every step in -the iteration is exi.ecutable. that >6. the following: number relaxation iteration Sp. - 0, > and there does not exist a A<-t:such that ds(p-+Ae 8p, where definition lim d e5 denotes of d, the s-th kj, and cj, coordinate it is easily e Si S.. S +L -, A (p+Ae ) Then using the seen that es c. O.. _ 6 > 0 s sj which implies that the flow deficit vector. s) of node s is positive for any flow x within the upper and lower arc capacity bounds and contradticts the ex.istence of a feasible flow (Ass.umption A). < analogous ar-gument can be made for the case where p 0. An In order to obtain our convergence result we must show that -the sequence of flow vectors generated by the relaxation -15- algorithm approaches the circulation subspace C (given by use is as follows: The line of argument that we will lower bouCnd the amount of per improvement in the dual iteration by a positive quantity. We will (5)). We will.1 functional q then show that if the sequence of flow vectors do not approach the circulation subspace9 the quantity itself constant which implies that the optimal T-. This will value of primal dual functional has a contradict the finiteness of the optimal cost. We will denote the price vector generated at the rth iteration by pr rth can be lower bounded by a positive , r iteration by sr 0 1,2... and the node operated on at the 1 r 2 To simplify notation we will t.. denote ET r r r We denote by .r the vector with coordinates following from the CS condition symmetry ?radient of the dual cost jo at tr~ thie primal cost f~ at ,.. network we will positively For any oriented in Y}, and Y jrzA. (16) or while tr directed use Y+ to denote the set ~, of Note the jr is the (17): is a subgradient of cycle Y of the arcs {j to denote Y-Yf AIj is We first three preliminary results: Prposi ti on 2.1 dSr (pr) . 0j We have for al r such that pr+1 f pr [i.e. show -16- r+i qrp r1 'v . -[f. j3g A ] r f.( ]3 r . .) Pr o-of: (6), holding Fix, an index (12) q) (p and ' i}) if r (16) t 0. > , -] line minimization > r -X. )t ] ] r with equality r+l x. , i2,U... 0 Eds(pr+ is used s D enote s = and A (18) 1)-J P = Fro Ps we have .pxr (t f j(x - ], s. V r- -T[her-efor-e q Pr,) r+1 (pr)-q(p r _ r r x .- f t r xr.- f A EA (18) Ad folloP1~7ws Pr- Oos i t in 1 S0 FPr-o(of: n8We first J t.f(x J The str-ict -f r) (X ) . -. }r.+ ( J . J r+1 (rX :. r+[ J ; rf} i .] r+ 1 "3 S3 r )r .ani ]-(x i)] . Axr+ f. . ; s-h .] EAi S3.3 E con~vexity at every we use line if = sequence note that r+1 X. J (and d[(r+l)_ from the 222 3] I f .. .x .3i>j Sine ' i Jj E Et. (x) EfSx 3r+1 . ._ r+1 . )- is ofC f- and the fac.t. botnded. iteration the deficit l -17- does not ~ i N increase, Id i" |i i.e. (ptr+1 )I ) t| i 2 N (This follows from the fac:t itself I that a flow change on an arc reflects in a change of the deficit of its head node and an opposite deficit change in the deficit of r of node s cannot increase in iteration). an arc i chosen for relaxation absolute Suppose is it follows subsequence if necessary) such that\.v J + +,:,for all is bounded. r .1 j.Y + r .3 = o, and also tr e tr Jw Y+ t a we hnave for all Jrr r Then there + + must exist as r- +:, rFR. that there exists a directed cycle Y .3 + xIr j We now argue by (passing into another and . Since by the CS condition (i7) r)t .] Furthermore the at the rth iteration is unboundedi .xr.' bounded node. value or change sign during that and a subsequence R such that {d(pr)} i, $ rFR. its tail It follows that {d(pr)} J contradiction. Since r t i.( + -,)'for all FjY as r - f++ (' r ) - ( x< r *f r) ' tr jiY This is aimplies contradiction rj : -:.: f+ i 0: jE -y a +,.>implies fj().') since vr 4. -(x.. The next result is remarkable in that it while D-. +.-+:,: shows that under a mild restriction on the way the relaxation iteration is carried out (which is sequence of urnusual in price vectors approaches the dual Vg practice), optimal the set The result depends on the monotonicity manner-, functions very easy to satisfy typically in an of the ,. Given pERIIN, Pr-oposition 2.:: let s be a node and let Fp denote a dual price vector obtained by applying the relaxation iteration node s. to p using (p) if d if d (p) Assume in addition that p 0 then d[p 5 mi npip - - largest and all iENi Yf(p-p) ] .> 0 tV < C0, that optimal dual p (19) Assumption to assuming + > 0, so that c' (19a) 0. (19b) 5 Then for all. kEN, Note: Cp + C.(p-p)] > 0 then d is chosen P, (smallest) is * when ds(p) chosen <- price vectors p maxp i-P > 0 [d greater (less) (p) i . 03 or we have i(N}0) is equal equivalent to the minimizing point of the dual cast along the sth coordinate the dual cost {Pr+aes t ::.>ci F'Proof: has a unique is automatically minimizing point satisfied if along the line dual vector p. price vector Let pK and consider k be such that an pk-Pk = max{Pi- We have p ,: P -k - > Pi-p - Vgj - is P iP. p1: Pi ) p. by # k ((k,i) j (-P (p g ' i-P (i .k). function, we have that i) _pi-k) - clk d (P* The desired defined F ,Vj i k a nondecreasing VgjI~i-3 (i-~k) p= V i V j k-Pi -_ ) Vgj. Thus dk( 1. P , pPji p1..-i have It . price i-EN i Since from p. Fix an optimal arbitrary p starting assertion Assume that (20) ds(p) holds 0:. if ds(p) Consider = 0 since the vector then we p ,@ r Pi if S .Ps Then we have + s-p i 0 s P1 li eT ma'{pi-pi = max{i-p iN' f i - max-p N nd by the preceding argument we have ds(F) 2_ 0. assumption while at the same time p (19), and Pi = Pi is we have similar for all i #s. when d s (p) Therefore, using The assertion (20) follows. The proof > 0. Q.E.D. Note that Proposition 2.3 implies among other things that, if (19) is satisfied at all generated by the relax'ation p c::an show that proposition shows relaxation a) 2' .4: method that bounded. {pr} must converge x.* is C) lim C(pr)i( r "p":, Let {pr,,'r} be a sequence convex vector. the unique optimal generated arc costs. if we the We are by the Then: (21) 0. -f price vector to that r -i+ where Furthermore result. method for strictly lim d(pr) is the sequence {pr} accumulates at an optimal now ready to show our main Proposition iterations, flow vector. n p q(p).* If condition d) (19) is satisfied at each problem has an optimal dual l im p r + p iteration, and the solution, then * (23) r- +|:' where p Proof: is some optimal. price vector. We first show that a) lim d (pr) r r- .:0 s Indeed = 0. (24) if this is not so there must exist subsequence R such that i> Idz (pr) ! for all of generality we assume that d< (pr) > .(Ppr)j I ~ an e. > 0 and a rER. Without loss E for all rER. Since Idr (Pr+i)I we have that at the rth iteration some old A where arc incident to node sr must change its flow by at least A = (l1-) x/|A. By passing to a subsequence if necessary we assume that this happens for the same arc j* that -.r+ l (Proposition · ,-i-.',*r:R A, for all rER. 2.2) Proposition 2.1 we have rER, and Using the boundedness of {-.xr> we may also assume that converges to some xj. for all Using the subsequence the convexity of fj and pr - q(p q(p r+l. p ) r+.)- _f .( r f.*(x .*) J .iJ .3 J L '*+A_ f ._ f .*r Takinq the limit lim f *(>, '*) r ; J~') f . as r + i _ f .*(x.*) .] .j3 r at.. Or r .+6f f.(x .) f .() .+) f. -6) ) x ., rER and using the facts x, , x. andr (in view of the upper semicontinuity of .3 we obtain J.3 lim r-+1 t r-- t r * . - J*l l q(Pr) - q(p )r+ ] f .*.'*+x .*(+.) ..( *s) - r zR,- >- i This implies that because from lim q(pr) = r +',:*. (6) and (12) But this is not possible -x, we have q(p) > - f .( for all . p j EA and xEC. Therefore We now show be the set of (24) is proved by contradiction. (21). indices r loss of generality that (24)]. For every rER that i - sr . not chosen for Choose any i EN. Tak: e any such > 2:. di let Then during that (pr) r' d i (pr) £ for all be the first iterations relaxation while its r, deficit r E > 0 and ai Assume with i witthout = sr index with r' r+1 5 .. .r'-1 decreases let [cf. > r node i from such is R than 2_ greater iterat.ions than the the total amount o:f deficit of ad has negative deficit of the neighbor nonpositive the nodes of after than 2r. will follows value d is and the deficit of it that 0. follows by at least r b) d. (pr) r For r all r i the the of (pr) i is it > 0 a neighbor of absolute deficit must the set R of Since E: > 0 is i in ds(pr) ) and therefore and arcs j we he d the -d iterations i (pr) } r, decrease by more indices r arbitrary (pr)J. CS remain the total Similarly we can show that nd will 2 mi dur-ing that s r -~O) lim inf i increase This shows that > 2E cannot be infinite. lim sup d i (pr) absolute the deficit Since all . by an decreased that for any of for which be dec:rreased the total It s, the iteration, iteration. r'r... j, r these must be matched by decreases of the deficits absol.ute defi c:it durirng is -for relax at i on d 5 (p)r) the iteration during () 0> 0 from a positive must be that the node s chosen duringi as noted earlier- Next observe .r'-l3 say r 3 by a amount that note that the total To see this 2.2. r+1., y r, decreased td1 increase at any iteration Proposition iterations We claim F. deficit more than 2E. cannot proof to lower 0. ti we have the CS condition for which d we obtain i (pt ) -24- - r r J .3 ]3 ++ i25 r ] If Y is any cycle we have / 5 j Let + = ).L jE < J (25) so from -2 t. t - i- j Y r 0 t ]-- J we obtain ' _ .y j. f y y + r (Ox ) < 3 o3 j 1 L y i J - - semicontinuity of f i ( y Ey Then .From (26), fj (fj), 3 j fx. 5< + .i E Y 0 flow ([33, unique optimal Ch. 8), flow x'- bounded we obtain xr j (cf. (upper) cycles Y' f(-x .) JEY while from part a) we have :-C, optimal and the lower we have for all r. j) - > {xr}ER be a subsequence converging to some x Proposition 2.2) ' c) r ) < - Z. JEg-Y ] This implies that v is an and therefore must be equal Since, by Proposition 2 2 ,r a x* For every arc i for which j cj there are three to the i1s (26 1i *tj,.r 2) , is bounded. :j ] . lirainf t -.,< r and x,. .3 = -. : lim inf r -:,:, tr . rr- r> ) + ] C 3 j- B i xj ] ' r _R * C, E and trt 'v' 3 j and therefore {tr R is bounded. .t... tr* j.= the limit above r of arcs j such that ) ( q r _,.., .. s; jiEr Sinc:e x for all = cj we must have x * where B is a set f(x +,:,:. R such that subsequence (sice (since tr lim sup tr rx,:,, m is easily seen that we can construct a -fact it j:E-A and > xi while for an arc .j with .j Using this . r :. -,, .> sup t im l r :., -. . = for * L r jEeB j E is bounded = i0) We have jEB we obtain by taking + lirn f (:) q(pr) O Z . r .0) f(x*) + q (p) desir-ed d) !: 0. and (12) This together with the relation above show the Crp By Proposition 2.3, converging have for all (r rr It follows using part b), (f+) _ .,R -. that for all f where x* is the optimal together with x * optimal conclusion Let {p let t vector p*, and r,. R be a ETp* We dual () r , V and the lower (upper) semicontinuity of jEA t. (x different bounded. jEA r+ ) . is J to a < f- .' be dual (6) result. subsequence fj p using hand we have for all On the other . .),i flow vector. Therefore t* satisfies the complementary slackness conditions and must Proposition optimal follows. price 2 3n shows that vectors as limit 4prj cannot have two points and the U E. D, . PThe Relaxation Arc Costs Method for Mixed Linear We first introduce some terminology. point b We will dom(f j) is a breakpoint of fj if that the dual functional q, as given by and Strictly (b) : f (12), piecewise either linear or strictly convexlinear piece (breakpoint) of the primal corresponds to a break:pointA'of Fig. f(b). Note is separable and is Roughly speaking each fj cost function gj (see :3_. 1.). Assumption D' f j(xj) > -,:,x and that every feasible primal guarantees fj (x ) < +,: xjEdom(fj). solution is regularly feasible, and (together with Assumptions A and B) that the dual problem has an optimal solution (L31, pu 3.60), we say that XcERH I and pERINI satisfy Slackness f-or all (C31, Ch. 8)? Assumption D implies In the terminology of O, say that a cost function the dual Convex For a given E > _-Cpn (c-CS for short) if _-+ r. where t s = E p. bounds, called + f . <- t. *t- For a < f (x.*) <i given p, + (27) V i A (27) defines upper and lower E-bounds. on the flow vector: n-) kQ min Then x and p satisfying t. .- E c EE E-CS is m ax|fj() equivalent + $tt to j EAi (2,i gj(tj) /' fj(x.j) )We/ T .. ei ~_..~ Xj t slope tj r I~~~c~ I. Qc j3 we were t V jEA ETp graph of (29) For a given the subdifferential 3. 2-3. . mapping of fj as shown Intuition suggests that if subspace C, c and c ETp. we can obtain tj, x and p satisy p should be near optimal. x E-CS, and is from the the from in Figures in the circulation E is small, then both x and later This idea will be made precise when we explore the near optimality properties of the solution generated by a relaxation The definition of algorithm E-CS is related that to the uses the notion of c-subgradient introduced in nondifferentiable optimization to the fortified descent method, however and upper bounds j idea as well on ixj . lower given by )+E j9 and (28) as 'The latter for a given p and t = EpT ,p uses different (tj+-t)j( particularly E3J. method of Rockafellar inaf A>O Our bounds of E13J in E-CS. seem simpler when some of sup A>O for it. -g -(t )-.A) A implementation purposes the cost functions fj are linear within their effective domain. For a given x within the E-bounds, node i as in we define the deficit of (2) and say that a sequence of nodes {nl n .. . a flow aumrit4 ng tp if £ k forms fj (xj) Graph of fj Xj ge E,~ r A cjEuX E 3.c , d < 0, *. d n > 0, tk >g.j .. x and : . if c. ] i if j ]mlnm) ~ (nm+n , mn{,-1} ' (n , mE{1r,...,k-1} Let xj cj - if j'(nmnm+) if x- j'(rim ° nn ) We will call min mi {-d dn ni- , c d j k the capaci i~y of the path. The relaxation algorithm of this section uses the labeling method of Ford and Fulk:erson C14] for finding flow augmenting paths, and for augmenting flow along them. For a given tension vector tEC and any subset of nodes S, we define CE (S,t) by C (S,t) = E- .- E jc[l; ,N\S] ] where we use the notation 3 jE [NSS] c [S,N\S] = {j j"(i ,k7 We also define the u= (iS i ES,k cS INt-vector -1 ) 1 if if E[N\SS] {iJ = k) (i 0:i, C (S,t) : iES i ES that for any 0 implies that u(S) is a dual descent direction at p, where p is any price vector satisfying ETp = t. the direction ~q'~~~ q'(p;u(S)) Ic-·q q at p u(S) defined by q' (p; u (S)co where This derivative of follows from the fact that the directional in kESi}. u(S) by The importance of these notions is due to the fact E i qS, (p;p+u(S)) lim j = E 16\SSe -q (p) - 0 L 4 \ e-< c. A are the E-bounds corresponding making use of the fact _j <r , C (St),im > 0Q Q to E=O and we are for all We now describe the relaxat i on algorithm. iterative and uses the z-CS idea. The scalar E >_. The algorithm is E_ is kept fixed throughout the algorithm. have a dual iteration we price vector p and a flow vector x satisfying all . cj for At the beginning of each j.A. If x.C then we terminate. in which case a flow augmentation is performed to bring x "closer" to C; descent direction, this direction is performed. :E = 0, effective domain, in which case a dual or to descent along When each fj is linear within its and all problem data is integer-, the algorithm coincides with the relaxation method of [1],[C2. each fj is the exact strictly line convex previous section Relaxat i on 3tt version of the algorithm of the (6 = 0). Iteration 0.__DiGiven p and fx. satisfying Q and d be the corresponding S3te__1 When E = 0 the algorithm coincides with and minimization j Otherwise we use labeling to either find a flow augmentation path, -find a dual < ~Q tPick a node s such that • Else set all unscanned. Give the label ! c_ tension ds > terminate. xj 0. If for j, all and deficit let t vectors. no such node ex'ists and nodes to be unlabeled 0 to node s. Set S ={0} and go to Step 2. t:::2:e L22- Choose a labeled butt unscanned node k. Set S *- SuL{k}. and go to Step 3m S~tep) 3 Scan the label of label unlabeled k to all j-'(k,m) and to for j'(m,k). the node kF:as follows: nodes m such that j the < cj for xj .> g unlabeled nodes m such that all If Give Ce(S,t) if for any of the nodes m then go to Step 4. > . 0 then go to Step 5. Else labeled from k we have dm < 0 Else go to Step 2. Step 4 (Flow Augmentation A flow augmenting Step) path has been the node m (with dm < 0) in l.abels starting from m. Increase in the flow of Let by tracing p be the capacity of by p the flow of all the arcs on the path the direction from m to s, decrease by other arcs on the path. all at Step 3 and ends The path can be constructed oriented jp Update the vector d and return. deficit (Dual 5E- identified at the node s. path. Lt e found which starts Descent Determine Step) X* such that q (p + .u(S)) min {q (p+Xu (S) )} A >0 Set p 4. p + Update x and update the bounds .*Lu(S) to maintain the E-C condition Qj and PE_ rcj. xj _ cj and return. Val iditr and Finite Termination of the Relaxation We will show that, under Assumption D, all Iteration steps in the Relax' at i on Iteration are executable and that the iteration terminates in Steps 0, 1, a finite number and 3 are trivially of operations. ex:ecutable. Step 2 is e->ecutable on its first pass since the node s unscanned. 'To show that it remains executable passes we only need to verify that each Step 3 there always exists 2, if all certainly is labeled but on subsequent time we go to Step 2 from a labeled but unscanned labeled nodes are also scanned we have node. In Step i S' )~~, d. i ,. = d Z J ECSN\S] j i - D.; L Z j EEN\SS] - .j~ESN\S] _ L sc therefore in deficits we obtain the previous branched to Step 5 rather since the rule for c = C C that other labeled nodes CE(S,t) . 0i and pass through Step 3 we would than to Step 2o labeling ensures Step 4 is Step 5 is executable since CE(Srt) descent direction at p, minimizing stepsize that along X. lim > 0 implies that u(S) is a In that case the convexity of q q'p+( Xu(S); ::1 u(S)) .0 > X ' 0 . Then it can be easily seen that either i.e. achieving the minimum X that i(S)) is possible. and we can show that there exists a stepsize the direction u(S). q' (p +.Xu(S) executable To see this assume the contrary, there does not exist implies have that a flow augmenting path exists from node m to node s, so a flow augmentation dual (S t) jW [N\SS] Since node s has positive deficit and all have nonnegative J 0 a jEEN\SS] jE[S,N\S] in which case Assumption A is Cdom(f) violated C. p.- -- ::, for some j~E[SNf//S ) (Dj the proof number finite of operations increased or fj To terminates in a we cannot loop between we note that since the number of often for +: (cj) D is violated. iterationr the relaxation that Step 2 and Step 3 infinitely nodes is or' - some j[CN\SS] in which case Assumption complete empty], jE N\S.,S] j_[SN\S] and either ft C is scanned Step 3. by one each time we visit We ne::xt show that the relaxation algorithm, when applied in conjunction with an easily implementable labeling rule, terminates divided into in a finite number of that the number of dual descent 'loneby arguing that the optimal the number of dual involves showing successive dual descent that dual steps is choosing an appropriate steps is not is steps the number of descent part The first two separate parts. The proof iterations. cost involves showing This is infinite. The second part flow augmentations labeling scheme This for -:: if necessarily is infinite. finite. may be is between done by the relaxation algorithm and showing that finite under the number of flow augmentatiorns is the chosen scheme. two schemes: For this purpose we will propose breadth-first search and arc discrimination. We first show that the stepsize in each dual bounded from below by E. descent step is Indeed our definition of c-CS was motivated primarily from this fact. P'roposition 3.1 greater than Proof: The stepsize in each dual Assumption BE S denote the subset other direction words, the dual --1 c 0 if = p + = ETp' . and t' is subdifferentiabie everywhere. by the relaxation descent direction u is In given by ( . Now consider Eu Then = t. - E .J if jES,N\S -j = t.j + if j EN\S,S] t- otherwise so that iteration. i ES t' ] t to the dual if iES and S satisfies CE(S4t) p' q(p) of nodes corresponding generated I 1 is x. Under descent descent step p' given by =r min q ~f' _ -£) t C = M C iE }= min - -f I rtj J |C , ti ) i j ma{T~lf _ ": t for all jc[SN\Sl. for .JE1\N\S,3 " maxif(~, tZ < all Therefore C 1 _ += q' (p'u Since q is convex, q' (p;u) descent step is < 0 and q' (p+Eu;u) < 0 .E cx[ ] 0 f or al1 q' (p +ay;tqu) - C E(S greater than t) < 0. imply that the stepsize in a dual Therefore Q.E.D. _. We will now use PFroposition 3.1 to prove that the number of dual descent is a first steps is step in Proprosition 3.2 relaxation The following result necessarily finite. this direction. Let pr denote the price vector generated by the algorithm Then .just before the rth dual descent step, for each rE{03 1. 2n..n} q(pr )_q (p r.+.I :>(, j. jECS rN\S .j:EE[N\ \S rS where we define r or If C 8j )-1 ::_ 3 , .- j rj i j Tt rt or 32] + tr=g-(trE · )j r r ifsNS je[S , N\S r if EES S3 9 -r (t r iff jE[S S N\Sr and Sr denotes the node subset corresponding to the descent direction at the rth dual Proof: j t dti Fromf ) = a r ti the definition rr 3(t3 r ] and] X+r we have that 3 j- -sct r .r (Xr the definition tW~gu <t' ) i < of i3ji.(t3= 3) )j. 9 def teth g (t r ) = Xtf From descent step. r ~) = of j p-)-f3 i3 . r w fflc>pt ) r r NS\.S qp r -q (p-+l r that ) (tr 'S ]( r I we have that r r+.(S Combining the above three sets of equalities obtainr r I jECN\S 3l.. r r r -L_)-g +[g and from Proposition ste we have that r EES V V j_[N\S r S r ,r(tr+E)-f .(r) Sr and u(Sr) q, je. and inequalities we --37- r IJELS r j j- - J J J J J j J r ,r N\S N\S' I o rS [NS' J I ,-r Sr Si nce r ri 1 ', jECS jEr,\.- jE[1r -q_ (where ri 1h r the last + jEEN\S NSr Cr+ Lu(Sr) (P jES jSS j LAJSr)) strict > inequality [r 3 S follows from Proposition 3.1) -38- the left side of (32) from the convexity of is We will of vector, dual r For each j ~. r . *t... I.:: r ,:,:, + tr subsequence generality bounded, or (One descent infinite. We denote the price dual descent c for some Q> is bounded subsequence then R (33), that, <+'x., unbounded. for each arc jsA, construct if tr, . ( p and such a collection is {t'} isN is , crp (:;~:) . >..) (;54) Consider a loss of either We now partition (L.1) and the )<:'. . Without subsets NO, N 1 ,...,NL cx f .3.(c f -, tends to o, or tends to -). +: step by p r' (34) trivially hold. r} -,.t R is such that r r P )} i is by the and the flow vector generated for' R t~ ~ some ~ ~ subsequence ~~~~~~. r the we show the following property of of nonempty way to is the rth First suppose a collection {(P vector, algorithm at sequence. If follows Suppose that by contradiction. descent steps .r respectively. r (32) fj.Q.E.D. argue the tension relaxation {t side of finite. ProCof: number The right Under Assumption D the number of dual Proposition 3.3: steps follows. N such into that kENp to consider a graph identical is to the original except that all bounded are discarded, and all i such that {tr- arcs R reversed in their directed cycle is zero we see that this graph is acyclic. set N 0 orientation. is the set of nodes outgoing arcs. incident For a { j- {k A+ - A a similarly after -ra :: )'. i E N kE 'T all arcs N .T-: a A is aA a 'T T k: E N }. 'T T2a ' cut in N } a the network: and + j a - -F::, + ,r' r RK r:ER i belongs to some A. j belongs to some A-. if and only if if and only if Consider any fixed positive scalar that +for all li Fr9,,:r E R - A. Equation (35) implies a r 9 ,n (t -- A) = c + a ~~~~~~~~~~~Si ncc~~Aa Since The of this acyclic graph having no It.. t are we define the following arc sets: ) |i ji i Then each set . in the acyclic graph have been discarded etc.). ,2,... ,i_ =- - Since the sum of tensions along a The set N 1 is obtained to N0 R arcs i such that {tr l ii m r + i t ri.A) .4:,:. r- R (36) r+ c ~' (p r 9 - +tr-U) " a ~) + - i-r + J (t r+A) jEA A- j a where u. is given by -. 0. () it follows from lim r'~:-:, r ER Let q iE .T>_a N otherwise (36) that (pr+tu;u) - - c. + jEA + + Z j EA [9 denote the right hand side quantity in that 68 = 0 (37), We will argue Clearly we cannot have 68 > 50 since this would imply that there does not exist a primal cannot have 8 large (37) <:C0 since then feasible solution. We also (37) implies that for r sufficiently -41- q (p This is r r +tu1)U q (pr) + A8 not possible since A can be chosen while q(pr) is possibility that c+3 nonincreasing .j E:Aa It > --Aa ] = . cj, V .j ~ This implies This leaves the only L 1 ... a for every jS a . . (33) and Now we will the dual -k a = ,£, follows that .v feasible = flow vector jA j (34). bound from below the amount of cost per dual length is which atl than the rth improvement descent step by a positive dual Consider e. we denote by I. Also direction cost more we have , a = 1 ....IL a Proposition 3.1 assu;res us that at each dual step large 8 = 0 or + a with r. arbitrarily let descent constant. descent step the E1/4 the interval u r denote step. the dual z, subsequence for all aEI (33), ) R such 3/4 El descent We have that the dual is decreasing on the line segment connecting tr and t r It follows from in +i . (34), and Assumption D that there e:xists a that for r sufficiently large, r'_ER, we have -- 42- r r rrr. r }Yj ' . >. c .vgj(tr+AV)v + =izfs JEJ r ~EJ. J r.. - v F g(t+Av .. S + ++ r where we define J+ - ' t:. .ci rER ] jj {tr } 3 rER and vr - ETlr . We consider case In (p of derivative I. some subinterval Ir of +Au;u L .vr c =sj J where v r 3:R+R- by 8(A) case In I of v. ]i3 J in the interval I. (i) q(pr+Aur) at least is of 8(A) In case distinct assumes more than 2fAt length Ir derivative the right (i) values distinct I follows that q' (pr+Aur;ur) over q -:: r;ER De-fine a fixed rER. the interval values in r ji I'] .atr.. ). two case5s. the right ,: -, bounded) Consider assumes at most 2fA in is q ( p +Au (A) (ii) - for linear E/4fA| and A it is linear of the form + (38) b jEJ_ 3j = ETur and bj denotes some breakpoint of fj. This C):5 4 r implies that. for each jcJO such that vj gj(t: +Avr) A in is linear with slope bj for J f 0, # O• helthe dual functional For each Ir ijEJ, ·tr37rER is bounded and therefore the number of distinct linear length i pieces of gj of E/41Af encountered during the course of This together with the fact the algorithm is finite. that vr chosen .from a finite set imply that q' (pr+Aur;ur) (cf. only assume one of Ir . a finite set of It follows that cost in case set of &E/41Ai This implies that case indexes r need only must a case (i) can occur for only a finite (ii). vr such that jEcJ( In cost tends to -,x,)and we case (ii) for each # 0 and the right the function h(A) defined by h(A) = g(tr +Av) three distinct 1 or -1 (. it follows that either tr-+' 3j -FA) for at least two points to a g t r +1 and either sufficiently that tr: + that > tr large. l > tr Since .jE% 'the limit if point tj. + assumes at least > t'r+ E and A< in I or least two points AJ (trt-A1 ) for subsequence A of Since v tj Without E for rt- E or trl all rER that subsequence Passing for all loss of generality are is .trjr_ fixed interval L such that Then it equals either g (t..+A) tj+ 1 it < g- _ t7-_ I. is rER and Passing the same j that we will sufficiently are assume large. bounded and therefore to a subsequence . .t'rfixed converges to that t. int3rval L such r < A2 in necessary we can assume that + rER there derivative I. values in the interval gJftj-/Ar~ 2 dual where 6 is some positive (for otherwise the dual to consider can the subinterval (i) we can bound the amount of improvement from below by scalar. values over (38)) is if follows hias a necessary we assume that there exists a -44-- [t :t r L +tr 4 'p (3.9) r sufficiently large r¥ER V and < rl for at least two distinct points rtl and 'Then a1nd [gj(a) 3 We then define gJ(q2 ) g(l 2 1= a r-12 in L. + -= 1 2 ) gj < and g(ql) r-2 92 belcong to the interval gj _ (b) ] where a,b are the left and the right end points of L and they satisfy respectively. s'l .( < Then f or g + 3 <' (1 f and r sufficiently large, rsFlR, r (tr .) : '1 . .J 2 :, <- g we obtain (cf. (39)) r .i that (4.1) (t+E.) 3 It follows from Proposition 3.2 that for all rF-R (40) ~..,)...... ) sufficientiy large -45- q (p r r+11 r -- )-q (p (g(tr (gg - +))+)) ).f jj ] + - ff (t r f ) + r + (g ( + (g r (t + (tr 2gj ) - if f where the second of From fj. constant, per dual part of unchanged the max bounded from below by a positive It when of flow augmentations Since the nodes may result data, descent in is successive solve finitely will Fulkerson issue in as capacity ( 15], p. choice of Here we propose two such schemes: labeled so with breadth- In practice, the data is being stored on a finite precision machine, and therefore finite convergence is assured even if labeling arbt! i tr-ar i iy, Breadth-first 126) of flow augmentations, labeling is necessary to deal first search and arc discrimination. always rational, the steps, E-bounds taken number an infinite Assumption involves between an arbitrary irrational, cost E-bounds remain labeling algorithm used a more specific scheme for irrational dual was shown by Ford and the data contradicting termination proof our finite flow problem withthe given constraints that, is successive whether the is effect between that the Therefore the dual finite. is descent steps and the convexity positive. cost tends to -'', the number showing that is descent and the dual The second dual (42) (41) ) fj we obtain and the convexity of (40) improvement . i(42 f follows from inequality hand side of right - (jS search is a well-known scheme used in is done -46- It ] was shown it flow augmentations are labeled a holds if fact requires is proof, of labeling When search, descent augmenting of them). repeat infinitely pEP is saturated at the upper (sink) Consider the path, flow augmentations cannot become a sink or paths must repeat in We say that of the direction (lower) bound, a path prP. some arc of (source) After of augmenting the flow of arcs on finite paths that a path the arc is is oriented from the of p. a flow augmentation p will become Ap denote the set flow an arc belonging to p if and the are only a there and the arc of p to the sink is vice versa) (since all of flow Let P be the set often. a node with positive paths are simple and therefore number is of sources and sinks must become while the set flow augmenting we call simplicity, a source and a deficit (since a source flow augmentations of For Since the number of a after infinite, source is not successive dual between the number that assume a sink. set of our knowledge done by breadth-first is flow augmentations node with negative fixed This iteration. and to and obtain a contradiction. deficit is labeled finite. infinite p. deficit the literature. We will F'roof of deficit nodes with positive all the case for the relaxation 4 Proposition 3.4 steps tihe number We now show that the same conclusion a nontrivial in the number if node with positive as is reported finite initially. single initially, is In queue. search, irst under breadth-f that, [161 using a FIFO implemented can be easily saturated p that in using p as the direction become saturated of in -47- Ap is clearly nonempty. the direction of p infinitely often. will show, by induction, that Ap is empty when breadth-first search is done and thus obtain initializati on: from the sink rPiroof: This saturated, it kth For all t pEFP, a contradiction. every acEA is must remain Indtuctive_3. saturated that, Suppose every asAp, is denote by s and t from then on. for- all p. there e;xists a respectively, and an arc a subpath pi the subpath p1 this Figure (cf. It follows that generated path p some arc of of p' generated p node t' F"rom are is done by arcs on the labeled before that must be saturated that node t). This arc Since the number of arcs on pi is the is generated p' that during the iteration before a less than that of before the iteration p sink we 3. 4) a and t would have been would be labeled k, Suppose must be a the number of the subpath (otherwise must then belong to Apt. strictly less than just at .for all Ap such that (see Figure 3.4) must be strictly node t'). p. Since the labeling implies that path node t that, there (otherwise during the iteration as the flow augmenting the direction in the arcs on p between the direction of p. search, it is whose source and After a becomes saturated, t. the inductive hypothesis, breadth--fir-st every aEAp We will show pEP, f low augment i ng path p' to unsaturate in pEP, k+1 arcs away from the sink of Then k arcs away from unsaturated least one arc away if the arc on p incident to t is true since the contrizar-y is at of p. least [k arcs away from the sink of p.FP, We inductive hypothesis is Since the inductive hypothesis holds for all contradicted. :i and the in t! s t! s p, a P1 Pt .:'-' of arcs on each flow augmenting path number follows that Ap is empty for all is at most IN1-l, it p and the desired contradiction is obtained. E. D. In the arc discrimination scheme, the order in which nodes are labeled and scanned is given by the following simple rule: Each labeled but unscanned node records whether it is connected to an unlabeled neighbor by an arc whose flow is strictly between the lower and upper bounds. A node with such a neighbor is scanned first. The proof [171. of finite co vergence under this scheme is given in The implementation of the arc discrimination scheme requires more global information than breadth-first search. However, when the rel ax ation algorithm both positive descent and steps, beneficial in is the case of can still not known if F'roposition of this extended to operate on nodes between successive dual which had been shown to be computationrally di:scrimination It negative deficit is section cost be shown this is problems, to yield finite also true of and 3.A. show that -.3 terminates Since the algorithm have zero value, linear after the final convergence. breadth-first search. the relax'ation a finite only terminates arc number of when all algorithm iterations. the node deficits flow vector' x must belong to C. .:-CS is maintained at all iterations of the algorithm, that price x and the final dual We next show that generated optimal by the relaxation cost by taking vector we can bring must satisfy the cost of algorithm arbitrarilly E sufficiently small. it Since: i follows E-CS also. the solution close to the The main part of the argunment Propositio = n satisfy is 3. 5: CS. : O Proof-: embodied If Let t + Since = ETp. . t"- j ! E - ~ and let ~ and p such that xj f .(.) Hence ( .-. ' )f. (' .) I' p satisfy tt) an arc i + and then q(p) p CfJi j )i Take the nex't proposition. Let x and p satisfy E-CS, ,,EC f (x) in CS we have jiA. _ j. < Then by convex'ity of f () f j ( Hence f J (' .) + g (t .) 2 .3 (x - j - xjj awhiere j j ) (f. j E: + (x .) J - t . J3 < J J .'gt the second inequality follows from E:-CS. is similarly obtained when xj + x .t so oj,we have This inequ.ality f j (. ) + g. (t.) From the definition x .tJ <• j I i V j EA.n of gj we also have V jEA. + g (t.) f.(:. () ,jAl we By combining these two inequlalities. and adding over all xL. IZ ,EF4 J - Since xEC f EH ' 3 ( we have [ 3 x . 3 t . E t j j = j3 En 1x-) J 0 and the result 3 + x t1] * n j Aj 3 fol lows. _ .i E. D. From Ftroposition 3.5 we can obtain a simple bound on the the solution suboptimality of and cj< for all +<:,: Cor,;ollary +:,: for all i0 . 3.5 Let > . in the special case where s Z -f j iA. x and j A, then f (x ) + q(p) p satisfy :< E-CS. (c.-..) jEA , -,< If xZC j ~- .c : -51.- the general For Proposition :;.6 vector pair such that Proof: First .s(E) not C all Let is bounded x j (s n) jEYY By ). + ,+ > t -+ ( ) jEY which )) x ( E) satisfy 0 as ,E -i remains cycle Y and a for all je Y + jSY+ contradicts jEY (43). where i.(.) all {E sn } -, t.( t . (f sE ) .J n f .(I) t > 0 that such - j(n ) .* ' for = f or all j .Y - s.) t EP(g ) we have n = Therefore - ;(E) is is some vector satisfying (: E) for all jY(43) for for' all all n n 0 Now we will show that:j(sE)-x.j(E) - 0, . for sC (E) If large, and Since t(s j x P liim jY for all - as *E .- 0. bounded sequence and for n sufficiently S, t.(E .. (E; ) .. ¥.+ n C .S B3 all " s-CS and C), then si nce .+ for' = E p(En) where t(En) j . as denote any flow and price and p(S) + q (p( ssumption 'f . r) .(E) a directed exists This implies that t(e x and p(E) we show that =r +,. 1im x (s) Then f* ( s)E) i x (E)EC. there case we have: is bounded bounded fj(i(sr)) as E for all -4 <. t.(i 0. jEA as ) f ) j( 4 all i EA. from above. bounded ( ) for +'-: bounded as If If cj below. This then Ij (E)-xj (f) e certain to solve the problem first gap evaluate f(<.(E:)) + q(p(:)) decide whether and are f:inite, cj estimate on the quality E. is in Proposition must be to achieve a i(:), turn implies that completes our proof Unfortunately view of for of for tell bounded fr'om IjA as E If x.() by Corollary 3.5, solution, however e We need on the basis and dual 0. Q.E.D. us how small E to obtain the solution (W) is bounded near optimality. some guess E needs to be decreased. all is t Proposition 3.5. 3.6 does not primal -.j(E) .j(E) is bounded degree of between we can, trivially we have that bounded is we can argue that Si milarly, Therefore in j ( _) is +:: then by Asseumption B we have f = ~ .43*+,:. Since xj( E) from above whichl- from above. :,: then c< of and the and then the bounds obtain an apri or i j Computational 4. Eer i mentat Two experimental on linear benchmark convex code, named MNREL.AX strictly convex Fortran named NRELAX, code, method for strictly code N1ETGEN cost) Section in to the linear (see [1,r mix.ed linear' and system. using the public domain "standard" In a modified benchmark in their co ding of under our standard identical cost the arcs as efficiency 0 against the very efficient [2]) cost form whereby a quadratic cost of some or all order" to test linear We tested code. thiese problems either- form or with E = The second Both codes were written can be obtained using this discussed below. 2. 11-750 and were compiled and run under the Tthere are 40 [183. codes with some of RtELAX Section 3. problems were generated problems that was added implements the relaxation problems of problems of on a VAX The test MNRELAX problems and implements the method for VMS version 3.6 operating (linear the methods of the paper variations. The first in on codes implementing were developed and tested nonlinear i we tested linear cost code conditions on the first .:30 NETGEN benchmark problems. The two codes are close to being mathematically equivalent uses floating appear point arithmetic. to indicate that There were two issues cost problems but MNRELAX on linear The results MNRELAX is coded fairly that we wanted to shown in Table 1 efficiently. clarify through the ex peri ment at i on a) The effect b) The relative of the parameter efficiency E on the performance of MNREL.AX.X of NRELAX versus MtiNRELAX with optimal Problem # of # of MNRELAX Nodes Arcs e = 0 1 200 1300 5.13 2.33 2 3 200 20 1500 2000 6.33 4.86 4 2.50 2.52 200 2200 7.74 5_ 200 2900 6.83 RELAX 3.32 3.33 6 300 3150 12.85 5.04 7 300 4500 13.46 7.50 8 9 300 300 5155 6075 10 300 14.54 17.38 6300 14.39 5.15 7.73 11 400 1500 4.71 1.64 12 13 400 400 2250 3000 5.81 6.27 1.89 2.58 14 15 400 400 3750 4500 7.79 9.64 2.87 4.41 16 400 1306 9.06 3.77 17 400 2443 8.87 3.87 18 1-9 20 400 400 400 1306 8.98 4.00 2443 8.81 3.74 1416 9.82 5.04 400 400 400 24 25 2836 1416 2836 400 400 1382 2676 10.36 9.08 13.80 5.21 4.69 6.19 26 400 1382 3.73 1.86 27 28 400 10U0 2676 29W0 6.41 2.17 3.51 5.83 29 30 1000 1000 3400 4400 19.15 25.62 6.84 13.53 21 22 23 Table 1 : [ _ 4.73 7.15 6.19 2.41 3.23 Times for NETGEN benchmark problems. MNRELAX uses e = 0. Times in this and subsequent tables are in secs on a VAX 11750. All codes are written in Fortran and compiled under VMS version 3.6. -54- choice ot the parameter A large number of E it is the iterations is except it appears with large E the Proposition appears way to operate MNRELAX is with and NIRELAX somewhat Table increases with intervals defined by the F.- a and all because of that -= 0 arc costs are mathematically faster The reason ,. large number of direction flow can be found. : leads also to inaccurate solutions it E = 0 E for such problems the time are needed before a descent thatz a large value of When that and as a result 3.5), (cf. - 0 and terminate nodes becomes sufficiently Indeed in "difficuit' when the deficit of all that augmentations some very with bounds become larger, Givenr for all for MtNRELAX to terminate probably problems. best to operate MNRELAX close to zero. required convex experiments some of which are presented Table 2 and 3 showed that problems on strictly for most problems or with E very are strictly equivalen:t. more efficient small. convex, However coding the best MNRELAX NRELAX as shown is in 3. Finally in Table 4 we show results obtained on some "difficult" problems with strictly convex arc costs. problems were constructed These by choosing the quadratic cost efficients of some arcs to be very small relative to others as described in Table 4. This is similar to a situation in nonlinear- unconstrained minimization where the Hessian matrilx the cost function has some eigenvalues that are very small relative MNRELA..X with to otlher eigenvalUes. with nonzero E=: 0. E- For- this class of problems can outperform both NRELAX and MNREL.AX This is not surprising in. view of the coordinate of Probl em # # of Nodes # of Arcs MNRELAX E> 0 MNRELAX s= 0 Sign. digits of Accuracy 1 200 1300 30.79 11.49 6 2 3 4 5 200 200 200 200 1500 2000 2200 2900 40.66 34.48 32.05 50.43 11.73 9.31 f11.60 28.14 6 7 6 5 6 300 3150 74.10 26.01 6 7 9 10 300 300 300 300 4500 5155 6075 6300 140.70 116.06 96.59 94.71 48.64 76.35 49.25 36.43 6 6 6 6 11 400 1500 263.14 26.35 4 12 14 400 400 400 2250 3000 3750 31.86 (5)36.25 79.88 15 400 4500 180.93 240.76 4 36.80 146.69 (3)42.23 4 4 4 2 16 400 1306 144.08 (7)86.40 3 17 18 -19 20 400 400 400 400 2443 1306 2443 1416 261.91 294.88 108.04 214.99 (7)47.31 53.71 37.54 (7)68.17 5 4 5 3 21 400 2836 37.24 (7)18.43 4 400 400 400 2836 1382 2676 34.56 66.58 167.53 (7)18.09 (5)45.87 (6)22.73 4 3 5 8 23 -24 25 Table 2: Times for NETGEN benchmark problems modified so that 50% of the arcs have an additional quadratic cost with coefficient from the range [5,10]. Numbers in parentheses where present indicate significant digits of accuracy of the answer. In MNRELAX e is kept constant during the solution of each problem. #of Nodes #of Arcs MNRELAX e> 0 MNRELAX e= 0 1 200 2 20 3 2 4 200 5 200 1300 1500 2000 2200 2900 22.63 .37 17.97 6 7 8 10 300 300 300 300 300 3150 4500 5155 6075 6300 113.75 85.26 95.11 70.48 (6)99.69 11 12 13 14 400 400 400 400 1500 2250 73000 3750 4500 (7)43.19 (6)39.56 16 17 18 19 20 400 400 400 400 400 1306 2443 1306 2443 1416 65.86 60.62 84.26 60.56 108.49 21 22 23 400 400 400 400 400 2836 1416 2836 1382 2676 62.78 95.91 43.41 59.83 53.57 Probl em # 9 15 25 4 Table 3 : NRELAX Sign. digits of accuracy 10.80 19.12 11.51m 20.77 12.04 25.38 17.22 32.37 21.44 7 7 8 7 6 57.95 50.49 70.08 69.44 69.33 40.23 37.77 49.38 48.04 41.41 7 6 8 34.37 33.31 34.62 3.66 (6)34.97 35.32 64.90 42.53 14.67 12.98 18.34 20.86 24.95 6 5 5 5 5 54.19 46.20 72.41 46.18 72.11 21.54 21.89 48.97 6 6 7 6 7 38.79 55.25 33.21 65.35 42.06 38.69 42.03 6 7 z0.70 6 7 7 19.33 37.87 34.82 20.80 38.70 42.47 37.88 77 5 Times for NETGEN benchmark problems modified so that all arcs have an additional quadratic cost with coefficient from the range [5,101. Numbers in parentheses where present indicate significant digits of accuracy of the answer. In MNRELAX e is kept constant during solution of each problem. Problem # # of Nodes # of Arcs 1 200 1300 .0001 5 200 2900 .001 7 300 400 400 4500 1500 15 4500 16 400 1306 18 400 1306 .001 24 400 1382 11 MNRELAX >0 Small quad coeff. MNRELAX £ > 0 NRELAX (4)52.98 (3)58.00 (5 227.93 (2)27.16 .0001 301.03 .0001 4' 111.36 .01 361.71 (2)131.10 .001 (3)287.13 .001 M (2)50.15 (2218.24 (3)1957.70 (2)350.97 (3-188.7 4417.83 2)321.76 (2)46.21 (2)134.51 Table 4: Times for NETGEN benchmark problems modified so that all arcs have an additional quadratic term. In 50% of the arcs the quadratic cost coefficient was small as indicated. In the other 50% of the arcs the quadratic cost coefficient was from the range [5,10]. Numbers in parentheses where present indicate significant digits of accuracy of the answer. In MNRELAX E is progressively decreased during solution of each problem. -55- descent found most efficient with a where primal St:i. ll it several factor of and d.tual E of methods of We do not to do some problems. paper are not very k-;now however of a better specified Aup to the point accuracy. E was not easy to initial experimentation The conclusion suitable that we to termination then the process by a value for of MNRELAX one whereby we start is operate MNRELAX values differ these difficult this The version 10) and repeat the proper- starting was necessary NRELAX. these problems for moderate value of reduce E by a and of interpretation for such alter-native. is idetermine with that the problemsn -56- References [1:] Bertsek.:as, . F'. , "A Unified FrameworkC for Primal-dual Methods in Minimum Cost Network Flow Problems", Mathematical 1985. :. 2, Noa 2, 125-145, jpp. Proframmin , Vol [2] Bertsekas, D. 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