WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 1. Percentage of schools that require physical education for students in any of grades 6 through 12. 100.0 100.0 NA 100.0 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 1 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 2. Percentage of schools in which students can be exempted from taking required physical education for one grading period or longer for each of the following reasons.* 20.5 a. 10.5 Enrollment in other courses (e.g., math or science) 7.2 13.7 3.9 1.9 0.0 2.5 b. Participation in school sports c. Participation in school activities other than sports (e.g., band, chorus, or JROTC) 0.0 d. Participation in community sports activities 2.0 0.9 0.0 1.2 e. Participation in community service activities 1.7 0.9 0.0 1.1 7.4 10.7 8.6 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Among those schools that require physical education for students in any of grades 6 through 12. Page 2 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 2. Percentage of schools in which students can be exempted from taking a required physical education course for one grading period or longer for each of the following reasons.* f. 11.1 13.1 Religious reasons 0.0 11.3 g. h. 50.4 Long-term physical or medical disability 64.7 15.1 55.5 23.1 Cognitive disability 11.4 0.0 14.6 i. Achievement of positive, passing, or high physical fitness test scores j. Participation in vocational training 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 1.7 0.9 0.0 1.1 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Among those schools that require physical education for students in any of grades 6 through 12. Page 3 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 2N. Percentage of schools that do not allow exemptions from required physical education for participation in other activities (e.g., interscholastic sports, band, chorus, other academic classes).* † 79.5 84.1 92.8 83.2 0 20 40 60 High Schools Middle Schools Junior/Senior High Schools *Among those schools that require physical education for students in any of grades 6 through 12. †Responses to questions 2a through 2e, 2i, and 2j are all “no.” 80 100 All Schools Page 4 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 3. Percentage of schools that follow any national, state, or district physical education standards. 98.0 100.0 NA 99.3 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 5 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 4. Percentage of schools in which the school's standards for physical education address the following outcomes. 94.1 a. b. Competence in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities 98.8 100.0 97.3 Understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities 96.1 98.8 100.0 97.9 96.1 c. 100.0 Regular participation in physical activity 100.0 98.6 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 6 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 4. Percentage of schools in which the school's standards for physical education address the following outcomes. 94.3 d. Achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of physical fitness 99.1 92.8 96.9 96.1 e. 98.8 Responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings 92.8 97.3 96.1 f. 100.0 Value for physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression, and/or social interaction 92.8 98.0 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 7 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 4N. Percentage of schools that address all 6 standards for physical education.* 92.4 97.9 92.8 95.5 0 High Schools *Responses to question 4 a through f are all "yes." 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 8 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 5. Percentage of schools in which teachers use the following resources when planning to teach or teaching physical education classes. a. b. c. 94.1 93.8 Any state-developed curricula for physical education NA 93.1 58.8 Any district-developed curricula for physical education 63.2 NA 59.6 72.1 72.0 Any school-developed curricula for physical education NA 70.6 d. e. 47.2 Any commercially developed curricula for physical education 54.9 NA 53.4 79.1 Internet resources, such as PE Central or the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Teacher's Toolbox 90.5 NA 87.3 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 9 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 6. Percentage of schools that have a written curriculum for physical education. 86.5 78.1 NA 82.3 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 10 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 7. Percentage of schools in which the physical education curriculum includes the following components.* 100.0 a. Learning objectives or benchmarks 98.8 100.0 99.4 93.3 b. 97.3 Lesson plans or learning activities 100.0 96.0 91.3 c. 98.8 Plans or tools for assessing or evaluating students in physical education 100.0 96.1 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Among those schools that have a written curriculum for physical education. Page 11 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 7N. Percentage of schools with a curriculum that includes learning objectives or benchmarks, lesson plans or learning activities, and plans or tools for assessing or evaluating students in physical education.*† 91.3 96.1 100.0 94.7 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools *Among those schools that have a written curriculum for physical education. †Responses to question 7 a through c are all "yes." 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 12 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 8. Percentage of schools that have ever used a curriculum analysis tool such as the Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT) to assess one or more physical education curricula. 17.2 14.7 NA 15.0 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 13 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 9. Percentage of schools in which the following best describes the typical student-to-teacher ratio in physical education classes. a. 9.0 8.1 19 or fewer students per teacher NA 9.0 b. 52.4 20 to 29 students per teacher 75.5 NA 67.4 c. 33.0 30 to 39 students per teacher 13.6 NA 19.9 d. 40 to 49 students per teacher e. 50 or more students per teacher 5.7 1.9 NA 3.1 0.0 1.0 NA 0.5 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 14 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 9N. Percentage of schools in which the typical student-to-teacher ratio in physical education classes is higher than 29 students per teacher.* 38.6 16.4 NA 23.6 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Response to question 9 is c, d,or e. NA = Not available Page 15 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 10. Percentage of schools in which students with disabilities participate in the following types of physical education. 0.0 a. b. Our school does not have any students with long-term physical, medical, or cognitive disabilities 10.9 NA 6.7 42.1 43.7 Students with disabilities participate in regular physical education only NA 44.0 7.4 c. 1.9 NA 4.4 Students with disabilities participate in adapted physical education only (i.e., separate from regular physical education) 50.5 d. 43.6 Students with disabilities participate in both adapted and regular physical education NA 44.9 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 16 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 11. Percentage of schools that offer any physical education courses that are taught in the following ways. 3.7 a. Online only 0.0 NA 1.9 3.7 b. 1.9 Partially online and partially inperson NA 2.4 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 17 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 12. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following activities in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. a. 73.6 69.9 Aerobics (e.g., step or low impact) NA 71.1 b. 82.8 Badminton 71.0 NA 77.0 c. 100.0 Baseball, softball, or whiffleball 95.5 NA 97.5 d. 100.0 96.7 Basketball NA 98.1 e. 58.3 Bowling 52.0 NA 54.3 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 18 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 12. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following activities in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. f. Canoeing or kayaking g. Cardiovascular exercise machines (e.g., rowers, stair climbers, treadmills, or stationary bikes) h. 2.0 0.9 NA 1.2 47.7 28.3 NA 37.3 13.5 13.1 Climbing walls NA 12.8 i. j. 79.3 77.9 Dance (e.g., ballroom, folk, jazz, or square dance) NA 79.0 11.3 Dodgeball or bombardment 23.8 NA 18.6 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 19 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 12. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following activities in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. 92.6 k. 87.2 Football (e.g., touch or flag football) NA 90.2 l. 86.5 Frisbee, Frisbee golf, or ultimate Frisbee 81.5 NA 84.2 39.7 m. Golf 24.0 NA 31.4 n. 22.9 Hiking, backpacking, or orienteering 14.7 NA 17.6 o. 58.3 Hockey (e.g., field, floor, roller, or ice hockey) 65.3 NA 63.8 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 20 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 12. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following activities in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. p. 94.6 90.7 Kickball NA 91.6 q. Martial arts r. Non-stationary bicycling 2.0 3.3 NA 2.6 11.8 2.9 NA 7.0 s. t. 68.4 Racquet sports other than tennis (e.g., racquetball, squash, or paddleball) 44.1 NA 54.8 96.3 98.8 Running or jogging NA 98.0 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 21 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 12. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following activities in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. u. 90.7 87.9 Soccer NA 89.3 v. 9.8 Skating (e.g., roller, in-line, or ice skating, or skateboarding) 3.1 NA 5.2 62.9 63.8 w. Student-designed games NA 64.7 x. 7.9 6.2 Swimming NA 6.9 y. 57.1 Tennis 28.0 NA 39.7 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 22 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 12. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following activities in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. z. 45.3 49.2 Track and field NA 48.2 100.0 97.9 aa. Volleyball NA 98.8 96.3 99.1 bb. Walking NA 96.9 81.5 cc. Weight training 36.8 NA 57.9 41.6 dd. Yoga 23.3 NA 29.7 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 23 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 12TEAM. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught team sports in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12.* 100.0 100.0 NA 100.0 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Responses to at least one of questions 12c, 12d, 12k, 12o, 12p, 12u, or 12aa is "yes." NA = Not available Page 24 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 12REC. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught individual sports and recreation activities in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12.* 100.0 98.8 NA 99.3 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Responses to at least one of questions 12b, 12e, 12f, 12h, 12i, 12l through 12n, 12q, 12s, 12v, or 12x through 12z is "yes." NA = Not available Page 25 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 12FIT. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught fitness and lifetime activities in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12.* 100.0 100.0 NA 100.0 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Responses to at least one of questions 12a, 12g, 12r, 12t, 12x, 12y, or 12bb through 12dd is "yes." NA = Not available Page 26 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 13. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following topics in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. a. b. c. 96.5 95.7 Physical, psychological, or social benefits of physical activity NA 95.7 Health-related fitness (i.e., cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition) 98.3 99.1 NA 98.9 100.0 Phases of a workout (i.e., warm-up, workout, and cool down) 95.7 NA 96.9 d. e. 90.8 90.9 How much physical activity is enough (i.e., determining frequency, intensity, time, and type of physical activity) NA 91.0 83.2 Developing an individualized physical activity plan 60.6 NA 69.8 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 27 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 13. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following topics in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. 76.0 f. g. h. 61.0 Monitoring progress toward reaching goals in an individualized physical activity plan NA 68.2 77.5 Overcoming barriers to physical activity 82.2 NA 81.4 84.8 86.2 Opportunities for physical activity in the community NA 86.2 i. j. 94.3 96.0 Preventing injury during physical activity NA 95.7 73.8 74.8 Weather-related safety (e.g., avoiding heat stroke, hypothermia, and sunburn while physically active) NA 76.0 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 28 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 13. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following topics in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. 77.5 k. l. 61.0 Dangers of using performanceenhancing drugs (e.g., steroids) NA 69.4 81.6 81.7 The difference between physical activity, exercise, and fitness NA 82.6 92.8 m. The difference between moderate and vigorous physical activity 88.6 NA 91.1 n. o. 81.4 84.3 The role of physical activity in reducing risk for chronic diseases (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis) NA 84.0 90.6 88.1 Skill-related fitness (i.e., agility, power, balance, speed, and coordination) NA 90.0 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 29 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 13. Percentage of schools in which teachers taught each of the following topics in a physical education class for students in any of grades 6 through 12. p. q. 79.6 76.9 Mechanics of movement (e.g., the role of muscles in movement, force absorption, or throwing mechanisms) NA 79.1 86.6 89.8 Setting goals for physical activity participation NA 88.8 69.9 r. s. 62.9 How to find valid information, services, and products related to physical activity and fitness NA 67.3 74.0 75.0 Balancing food intake and physical activity NA 76.2 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 30 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 14. Percentage of schools in which teachers typically allocate the following percent of time in a physical education class for students to be physically active. a. Teachers in this school do not allocate a specific percent of time for students to be physically active b. 0 to 24% 7.2 2.9 NA 4.7 2.0 9.0 NA 6.4 c. 25 to 49% d. 50 to 74% 2.0 3.1 NA 2.4 28.2 24.0 NA 25.5 e. 60.7 61.0 75 to 100% NA 60.9 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 31 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 15. Percentage of schools in which teachers use the following technology when teaching physical education. 54.6 a. Computers 56.8 NA 58.3 22.7 b. 16.7 Video cameras NA 20.6 44.6 c. 30.6 Web-based data collection and reporting system NA 36.9 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 32 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 15. Percentage of schools in which teachers use the following technology when teaching physical education. 75.1 d. Follow-along videos or DVDs 69.6 NA 71.5 49.3 e. 60.3 Physical activity monitoring devices (e.g., pedometers or heart rate monitors) NA 57.1 75.7 f. 88.1 Active gaming (e.g., Wii Fit or Dance Dance Revolution) NA 82.8 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 33 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 16. Percentage of schools that collect information on student weight status using body mass index or other methods as part of physical education. 82.8 68.9 NA 75.1 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 34 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 17. Percentage of schools in which teachers use each of the following criteria to assess students in physical education. 83.8 a. 74.6 Attendance NA 77.4 b. c. 100.0 Wearing appropriate clothing for physical activity 83.4 NA 90.0 100.0 98.1 Level of participation NA 98.9 d. 79.1 77.6 Attitude NA 78.8 e. 85.3 Knowledge tests 65.5 NA 74.1 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 35 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 17. Percentage of schools in which teachers use each of the following criteria to assess students in physical education. f. 71.9 72.4 Movement skills performance tests NA 73.3 g. 92.5 Physical fitness tests 86.2 NA 88.9 h. 30.5 34.5 Level of physical activity outside of physical education class, as measured by physical activity logs, pedometers, or other measures NA 32.1 32.3 i. 26.1 Quality of student's individualized physical activity plan NA 28.7 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 36 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 18. Percentage of schools that consider grades for physical education the same as those from other subject areas when determining grade point average, honor roll status, or other indicators of academic standing. 100.0 80.5 NA 89.0 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 37 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 19. Percentage of schools that use the following fitness tests to test students' fitness levels. a. Our school does not use fitness tests b. Fitnessgram 0.0 0.0 NA 0.0 94.3 93.4 NA 93.7 c. d. 3.9 4.5 The Physical Fitness Test, from the President's Challenge NA Other fitness test 1.7 2.1 NA 2.4 3.9 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 38 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 20. Percentage of schools that compare students' fitness test scores to each of the following.* a. b. National, state, or local criterionreferenced standards (standards considered to be consistent with good health for the student's age and gender) 85.5 86.7 76.6 85.4 74.4 National, state, or local normative standards (standards relative to the performance of children in a reference group) 67.9 76.6 70.9 44.9 c. 67.9 The students' prior fitness test scores 46.4 58.0 39.3 d. 45.8 The students' fitness goals 54.3 44.2 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Among those schools that test students' fitness levels. Page 39 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 21. Percentage of schools in which physical education teachers schedule time during physical education class for students to practice for the fitness tests.* 94.3 95.7 100.0 95.6 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Among those schools that test students' fitness levels. Page 40 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 22. Percentage of schools that provide students with an explanation of what their fitness test scores mean.* 90.4 94.8 84.9 92.4 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Among those schools that test students' fitness levels. Page 41 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 23. Percentage of schools that offer opportunities for all students to participate in intramural sports programs or physical activity clubs. 50.7 56.1 NA 53.5 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 42 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 24. Percentage of schools that offer any of the following intramural sports or physical activity clubs to students. 9.4 a. 29.2 Baseball, softball, or whiffleball 7.9 20.4 b. 39.2 Basketball 47.5 39.8 43.9 c. Cardiovascular fitness d. Dance (e.g., ballroom, folk, jazz, or square dance) e. Football (e.g., touch or flag football) 20.7 24.2 24.0 23.0 11.3 18.3 16.1 15.7 19.0 26.4 16.1 22.9 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 43 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 24. Percentage of schools that offer any of the following intramural sports or physical activity clubs to students. 22.7 f. g. 14.5 Frisbee, Frisbee golf, or ultimate Frisbee 0.0 16.2 1.7 Hiking, backpacking, or orienteering 5.0 0.0 3.4 h. Martial arts i. Rock climbing j. Running or jogging 1.7 2.1 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.5 18.9 30.6 24.0 25.9 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 44 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 24. Percentage of schools that offer any of the following intramural sports or physical activity clubs to students. 11.1 k. 26.6 Soccer 7.9 19.6 l. 2.0 2.4 0.0 2.0 Swimming, diving, or water polo 5.9 m. Tennis 10.0 0.0 7.7 n. 24.4 Volleyball 36.1 23.7 30.9 o. 26.4 Walking 31.6 23.7 29.1 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 45 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 24. Percentage of schools that offer any of the following intramural sports or physical activity clubs to students. 24.5 p. Weight training 19.5 15.8 21.0 5.7 q. 3.1 Yoga 0.0 3.7 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 46 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 25. Percentage of schools in which one person oversees and coordinates all physical activity programming before, during, and after the school day. 41.5 45.8 NA 43.7 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 47 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 26. Percentage of schools in which the following person oversees and coordinates all physical activity programming.* 59.1 a. 77.2 Physical education teacher NA 69.9 b. Activities director c. Athletic director 0.0 0.0 NA 0.0 4.2 4.2 NA 5.4 d. 23.1 School administrator 6.7 NA 11.7 e. 13.6 11.9 Other school staff NA 13.0 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Among those schools that have one person who oversees and coordinates all physical activity programming. NA = Not available Page 48 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 27. Percentage of schools in which the major emphasis of the lead physical education teacher's professional preparation was on the following. 64.1 a. Health and physical education combined 67.9 NA 64.8 35.9 b. 29.7 Physical education NA 33.8 0.0 c. 0.0 Health education NA 0.0 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 49 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 27. Percentage of schools in which the major emphasis of the lead physical education teacher's professional preparation was on the following. 0.0 d. Other education degree 1.2 NA 0.7 0.0 e. 1.2 Kinesiology, exercise science, or exercise physiology NA 0.7 0.0 f. 0.0 Other NA 0.0 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 50 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 27N. Percentage of schools in which the major emphasis of the professional preparation of the lead physical education teacher was health and physical education combined, physical education, or kinesiology, exercise science, or exercise physiology.* 100.0 98.8 NA 99.3 0 High Schools 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools *Response to question 27 was a, b, or e. NA = Not available Page 51 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 28. Percentage of schools in which the lead physical education teacher is certified, licensed or endorsed by the state to teach physical education in middle school or high school. 100.0 97.6 NA 98.7 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 52 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 29. Percentage of schools in which the lead physical education teacher received professional development on each of the following topics during the past two years. a. b. c. d. Methods to increase the amount of class time students are engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity 50.7 52.0 NA 51.7 49.5 52.5 Using technology such as computers or video cameras for physical education NA 51.6 37.7 Using physical activity monitoring devices, such as pedometers or heart rate monitors for physical education 43.7 NA 42.4 60.6 Administering or using fitness tests 71.9 NA 68.4 e. 20.9 Helping students develop individualized physical activity plans 27.5 NA 24.9 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 53 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 29. Percentage of schools in which the lead physical education teacher received professional development on each of the following topics during the past two years. 19.4 f. g. h. 28.2 Teaching physical education to students with long-term physical, medical, or cognitive disabilities NA 24.1 49.5 51.8 Teaching individual or paired activities or sports NA 50.4 51.2 50.1 Teaching team or group activities or sports NA 50.1 i. j. 45.3 48.0 Teaching movement skills and concepts NA 46.9 37.4 Assessing or evaluating student performance in physical education 51.5 NA 46.8 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 54 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 29. Percentage of schools in which the lead physical education teacher received professional development on each of the following topics during the past two years. k. l. Teaching methods to promote inclusion and active participation of overweight and obese children during physical education 24.6 29.7 NA 27.4 Chronic health conditions (e.g., asthma or diabetes), including recognizing and responding to severe symptoms or reducing triggers 32.5 38.0 NA 35.5 16.8 15.6 m. Methods for developing, implementing, and evaluating intramural sports programs or physical activity clubs n. o. NA 16.7 20.7 Establishing walking or biking to school programs 15.7 NA 16.8 35.7 32.3 Assessing student weight status using body mass index or other methods NA 34.7 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 55 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 29. Percentage of schools in which the lead physical education teacher received professional development on each of the following topics during the past two years. 35.5 p. Aligning physical education standards to curriculum, instruction, or student assessment 46.1 NA 42.9 9.6 q. 7.6 Teaching online or distance education courses NA 7.7 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 56 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 30. Percentage of schools in which the lead physical education teacher would like to receive professional development on each of the following topics. 57.0 a. b. c. d. 68.7 Methods to increase the amount of class time students are engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity NA 63.9 65.0 Using technology such as computers or video cameras for physical education 71.2 NA 70.2 68.1 67.0 Using physical activity monitoring devices, such as pedometers or heart rate monitors for physical education NA 68.1 28.1 Administering or using fitness tests 50.4 NA 42.1 e. 69.0 65.8 Helping students develop individualized physical activity plans NA 67.9 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 57 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 30. Percentage of schools in which the lead physical education teacher would like to receive professional development on each of the following topics. f. g. h. 56.8 60.6 Teaching physical education to students with long-term physical, medical, or cognitive disabilities NA 61.3 58.8 Teaching individual or paired activities or sports 63.6 NA 63.0 61.0 64.6 Teaching team or group activities or sports NA 64.3 i. j. 39.9 Teaching movement skills and concepts 60.6 NA 53.9 51.4 Assessing or evaluating student performance in physical education 61.1 NA 56.4 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 58 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 30. Percentage of schools in which the lead physical education teacher would like to receive professional development on each of the following topics. k. Teaching methods to promote inclusion and active participation of overweight and obese children during physical education l. 72.0 76.7 NA 73.8 Chronic health conditions (e.g., asthma or diabetes), including recognizing and responding to severe symptoms or reducing triggers 70.0 70.1 NA 68.7 64.2 67.5 m. Methods for developing, implementing, and evaluating intramural sports programs or physical activity clubs n. o. NA 67.1 55.1 53.7 Establishing walking or biking to school programs NA 54.2 47.4 Assessing student weight status using body mass index or other methods 53.5 NA 52.0 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 59 of 60 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Lead Physical Education Teacher Survey Results 30. Percentage of schools in which the lead physical education teacher would like to receive professional development on each of the following topics. 49.3 p. Aligning physical education standards to curriculum, instruction, or student assessment 64.6 NA 58.3 36.0 q. 44.0 Teaching online or distance education courses NA 41.3 0 High Schools NA = Not available 20 Middle Schools 40 60 Junior/Senior High Schools 80 100 All Schools Page 60 of 60