WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 1. Percentage of schools that ever used the School Health Index or other self-assessment tool to assess school policies, activities, and programs in the following areas. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Physical activity 80.7 72.8 - 86.7 57 74.1 68.4 - 79.0 99 - - 12 77.1 72.8 - 80.9 168 b. Nutrition 66.4 58.5 - 73.5 57 59.0 52.5 - 65.2 99 - - 12 62.2 57.3 - 66.8 168 c. Tobacco-use prevention 71.8 64.0 - 78.5 57 56.9 50.6 - 63.0 99 - - 12 63.5 58.8 - 68.0 168 d. Asthma 45.5 38.1 - 53.1 57 36.5 31.2 - 42.3 99 - - 12 40.7 36.4 - 45.2 168 e. Injury and violence prevention 64.8 56.5 - 72.2 57 52.2 46.1 - 58.3 99 - - 12 58.4 53.6 - 63.0 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 1 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 2. Percentage of schools with a School Improvement Plan that includes health-related objectives on the following topics. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Health education 39.3 30.3 - 49.0 56 25.7 20.5 - 31.7 96 - - 11 30.7 26.0 - 35.7 163 b. Physical education and physical activity 43.0 33.8 - 52.6 56 31.1 25.6 - 37.2 96 - - 11 36.3 31.5 - 41.5 163 c. Nutrition services and foods and beverages available at school 39.2 30.7 - 48.3 56 23.0 18.2 - 28.8 96 - - 11 30.4 25.9 - 35.3 163 d. Health services 40.9 32.2 - 50.3 56 21.9 17.2 - 27.4 96 - - 11 29.7 25.3 - 34.5 163 e. Mental health and social services 32.0 24.8 - 40.1 56 21.1 16.9 - 26.1 96 - - 11 26.1 22.2 - 30.4 163 f. Healthy and safe school environment 58.7 49.5 - 67.3 56 41.5 35.0 - 48.3 96 - - 11 48.6 43.5 - 53.6 163 g. Family and community involvement 57.0 47.4 - 66.2 56 44.8 37.6 - 52.1 96 - - 11 49.9 44.4 - 55.3 163 h. Faculty and staff health promotion 39.1 31.4 - 47.4 56 20.7 15.7 - 26.8 96 - - 11 28.4 24.1 - 33.1 163 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 2 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 3. Percentage of schools that reviewed health and safety data as part of school's improvement planning process.* High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 77.9 68.8 - 84.9 Middle Schools N 50 95% Confidence Percent Interval 76.9 71.4 - 81.6 *Among schools that engaged in an improvement planning process during the past year. - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 87 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 10 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 78.2 73.7 - 82.1 N 147 Page 3 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 4. Percentage of schools that currently have someone who oversees or coordinates school health and safety programs and activities. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 82.3 75.3 - 87.7 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 88.8 83.9 - 92.4 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 85.5 81.6 - 88.7 N 168 Page 4 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 5. Percentage of schools that have one or more than one group (e.g., a school health council, committee, or team) that offers guidance on the development of policies or coordinates activities on health topics. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 77.2 68.4 - 84.1 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 61.7 56.2 - 66.9 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 67.5 62.9 - 71.8 N 168 Page 5 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 6. Percentage of schools that have the following groups represented on any school health council, committee, or team.* High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. School administrators 95.5 89.4 - 98.2 44 95.2 90.4 - 97.7 61 - - 8 95.7 92.6 - 97.6 113 b. Health education teachers 93.3 86.7 - 96.7 44 93.2 87.8 - 96.3 61 - - 8 92.8 89.0 - 95.3 113 c. Physical education teachers 93.3 86.7 - 96.7 44 96.8 92.3 - 98.7 61 - - 8 94.7 91.3 - 96.8 113 d. Other classroom teachers 81.9 74.4 - 87.5 44 90.2 84.2 - 94.1 61 - - 8 87.6 83.4 - 90.8 113 e. Mental health or social services staff (e.g., school counselors) 77.3 68.4 - 84.2 44 72.2 65.1 - 78.4 61 - - 8 73.5 68.2 - 78.3 113 f. Nutrition or food service staff 61.5 51.0 - 71.1 44 62.7 53.9 - 70.7 61 - - 8 62.2 55.8 - 68.2 113 g. Health services staff (e.g., school nurse) 77.0 67.4 - 84.4 44 72.2 63.8 - 79.3 61 - - 8 73.4 67.5 - 78.6 113 h. Maintenance and transportation staff 33.9 25.8 - 43.0 44 21.2 15.3 - 28.7 61 - - 8 26.6 21.9 - 31.9 113 i. Technology staff 31.7 24.4 - 40.1 44 31.2 25.7 - 37.4 61 - - 8 31.0 26.7 - 35.6 113 j. Library/media center staff 24.7 17.6 - 33.5 44 25.0 18.8 - 32.4 61 - - 8 24.9 20.4 - 30.0 113 k. Student body 52.2 41.8 - 62.5 44 57.3 49.8 - 64.5 61 - - 8 54.7 48.7 - 60.6 113 l. Parents or families of students 56.8 47.0 - 66.1 44 60.6 52.7 - 67.8 61 - - 8 59.2 53.3 - 64.9 113 *Among those schools that have one or more than one group that offers guidance on the development of policies or coordinates activities on health topics. - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 6 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 6. Percentage of schools that have the following groups represented on any school health council, committee, or team.* High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N m. Community members 61.3 51.2 - 70.5 44 52.3 44.9 - 59.7 61 - - 8 55.8 49.9 - 61.5 113 n. Local health departments, agencies, or organizations 40.7 30.7 - 51.6 44 39.3 31.9 - 47.4 61 - - 8 39.8 33.9 - 46.0 113 o. Faith-based organizations 15.9 9.8 - 24.7 44 8.4 5.6 - 12.5 61 - - 8 11.7 8.5 - 15.9 113 p. Businesses 43.0 33.8 - 52.8 44 35.0 28.5 - 42.1 61 - - 8 37.5 32.3 - 42.9 113 q. Local government agencies 31.9 22.6 - 42.9 44 22.1 15.5 - 30.5 61 - - 8 25.3 19.9 - 31.6 113 *Among those schools that have one or more than one group that offers guidance on the development of policies or coordinates activities on health topics. - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 7 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 7. Percentage of schools that have a school health council, committee, or team that did the following activities during the past year.* High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Identified student health needs based on a review of relevant data 74.9 66.4 - 81.7 44 74.1 65.9 - 80.9 61 - - 8 74.5 68.9 - 79.3 113 b. Recommended new or revised health and safety policies and activities to school administrators or the school improvement team 81.9 74.1 - 87.7 44 68.5 60.8 - 75.4 61 - - 8 73.4 68.3 - 78.0 113 c. Sought funding or leveraged resources to support health and safety priorities for students and staff 56.6 46.2 - 66.4 44 51.2 42.4 - 60.0 61 - - 8 52.3 46.0 - 58.6 113 d. Communicated the importance of health and safety policies and activities to district administrators, school administrators, parent-teacher groups, or community members 93.2 86.5 - 96.7 44 83.3 75.8 - 88.9 61 - - 8 85.7 80.8 - 89.5 113 e. Reviewed health-related curricula or instructional materials 77.1 67.7 - 84.4 44 71.9 64.2 - 78.5 61 - - 8 72.4 66.7 - 77.4 113 *Among those schools that have one or more than one group that offers guidance on the development of policies or coordinates activities on health topics. - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 8 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 8. Percentage of schools that have adopted a policy that addresses each of the following issues on HIV infection or AIDS. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Attendance of students with HIV infection 56.0 48.7 - 63.0 57 50.0 44.3 - 55.7 99 - - 12 54.0 49.7 - 58.3 168 b. Procedures to protect HIV-infected students and staff from discrimination 73.6 65.0 - 80.7 57 59.3 53.2 - 65.1 99 - - 12 66.8 62.2 - 71.1 168 c. Maintaining confidentiality of HIV-infected students and staff 75.3 66.9 - 82.2 57 67.1 61.1 - 72.7 99 - - 12 72.5 68.0 - 76.6 168 d. Worksite safety (i.e., universal precautions for all school staff) 75.3 66.9 - 82.2 57 73.0 66.9 - 78.4 99 - - 12 75.9 71.4 - 79.9 168 e. Confidential counseling for HIV-infected students 68.3 59.7 - 75.9 57 47.4 40.9 - 54.1 99 - - 12 58.1 53.2 - 62.8 168 f. Communication of the policy to students, school staff, and parents 59.6 51.5 - 67.2 57 56.2 50.2 - 62.0 99 - - 12 60.7 56.2 - 65.0 168 g. Adequate training about HIV infection for school staff 56.0 48.0 - 63.7 57 47.5 40.9 - 54.2 99 - - 12 52.5 47.6 - 57.4 168 h. Procedures for implementing the policy 61.3 54.2 - 67.9 57 49.3 42.9 - 55.8 99 - - 12 56.1 51.5 - 60.6 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 9 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 9. Percentage of schools that require any school staff to receive professional development on HIV, STD, or pregnancy prevention issues and resources for the following groups. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Ethnic/racial minority youth at high risk (e.g., black, Hispanic, or American Indian youth) 41.8 33.8 - 50.4 57 26.8 21.9 - 32.5 99 - - 12 32.6 28.2 - 37.3 168 b. Youth who participate in drop-out prevention, alternative education, or GED programs 54.0 46.5 - 61.4 57 33.6 28.0 - 39.6 99 - - 12 43.9 39.5 - 48.4 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 10 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 10. Percentage of schools that have a student-level club that aims to create a safe, welcoming, and accepting school environment for all youth, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 33.0 25.9 - 40.9 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 16.0 11.6 - 21.6 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 22.0 18.2 - 26.3 N 168 Page 11 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 11. Percentage of schools that engage in the following practices related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) youth. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Identify "safe spaces" (e.g., a counselor's office, designated classroom, or student organization) where LGBTQ youth can receive support from administrators, teachers, or other school staff 64.7 57.5 - 71.3 57 51.7 45.5 - 57.8 99 - - 12 58.0 53.4 - 62.4 168 b. Prohibit harassment based on a student's perceived or actual sexual orientation or gender identity 91.1 86.5 - 94.2 57 85.7 80.6 - 89.6 99 - - 12 88.7 85.4 - 91.3 168 c. Encourage staff to attend professional development on safe and supportive school environments for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity 69.6 63.5 - 75.1 57 60.9 54.4 - 67.1 99 - - 12 66.3 61.9 - 70.4 168 d. Facilitate access to providers not on school property who have experience in providing health services, including HIV/STD testing and counseling, to LGBTQ youth 54.1 46.5 - 61.5 57 35.6 29.6 - 42.0 99 - - 12 43.8 39.1 - 48.6 168 e. Facilitate access to providers not on school property who have experience in providing social and pyschological services to LGBTQ youth 52.4 44.6 - 60.2 57 37.7 31.8 - 44.0 99 - - 12 45.0 40.3 - 49.8 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 12 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 12. Percentage of schools that require physical education for students in any of grades 6 through 12. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 100.0 † Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 100.0 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations † N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 100.0 † N 168 Page 13 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 13. Percentage of schools that taught a required physical education course in each of the following grades.* High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Sixth grade § § § 100.0 † 97 - - 5 100.0 † 102 b. Seventh grade § § § 100.0 † 99 100.0 † 11 100.0 † 110 c. Eighth grade § § § 100.0 † 99 100.0 † 11 100.0 † 110 d. Ninth grade 92.9 87.0 - 96.2 57 - - 0 91.5 73.6 - 97.7 12 92.7 87.4 - 95.8 69 e. Tenth grade 61.7 53.0 - 69.7 55 § § § 83.2 63.3 - 93.4 12 65.6 57.8 - 72.6 67 f. Eleventh grade 43.4 35.1 - 52.1 55 § § § 45.2 29.2 - 62.4 11 43.7 36.2 - 51.5 66 g. Twelfth grade 41.5 33.6 - 49.9 55 § § § 45.2 29.2 - 62.4 11 42.2 34.9 - 49.7 66 *Among schools with students in that grade. - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. § Grade is not applicable for type of school. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 14 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 14. Percentage of schools in which physical education teachers or specialists received professional development on physical education during the past two years. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 87.6 83.4 - 90.9 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 89.2 85.1 - 92.3 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 88.9 86.1 - 91.2 N 168 Page 15 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 15. Percentage of schools in which those who teach physical education are provided with the following materials. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Goals, objectives, and expected outcomes for physical education 100.0 b. A chart describing the annual scope and sequence of instruction for physical education † Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 57 97.1 94.0 - 98.6 99 - - 12 98.3 96.5 - 99.2 168 80.7 73.4 - 86.4 57 75.5 69.6 - 80.6 99 - - 12 77.9 73.6 - 81.7 168 c. Plans for how to assess student performance in physical education 89.3 82.6 - 93.7 57 89.3 84.6 - 92.7 99 - - 12 90.1 86.7 - 92.7 168 d. A written physical education curriculum 86.0 79.8 - 90.5 57 83.8 78.1 - 88.3 99 - - 12 85.2 81.3 - 88.4 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 16 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 16. Percentage of schools in which students participate in physical activity breaks in classrooms during the school day outside of physical education. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 30.1 22.8 - 38.4 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 66.5 60.9 - 71.7 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 50.6 46.2 - 54.9 N 168 Page 17 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 17. Percentage of schools that offer opportunities for all students to participate in intramural sports programs or physical activity clubs. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 70.0 60.9 - 77.7 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 59.4 53.2 - 65.4 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 63.1 58.2 - 67.7 N 168 Page 18 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 18. Percentage of schools that offer interscholastic sports to students. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 80.7 72.4 - 86.9 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 87.8 83.3 - 91.2 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 83.1 79.1 - 86.4 N 168 Page 19 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 19. Percentage of schools that have a joint use agreement for shared use of school or community physical activity facilities. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 78.7 72.8 - 83.6 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 69.8 64.1 - 75.0 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 71.4 67.3 - 75.3 N 168 Page 20 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 20. Percentage of schools that have adopted a policy prohibiting tobacco use. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 100.0 † Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 99.1 96.9 - 99.7 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 99.5 98.2 - 99.9 N 168 Page 21 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 21. (Students) Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that specifically prohibits the use of each type of tobacco for students during any school-related activity. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Cigarettes 100.0 b. Smokeless tobacco (i.e., chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip) All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 57 98.0 95.2 - 99.2 99 100.0 † 12 98.9 97.3 - 99.5 168 96.5 91.6 - 98.5 57 93.8 89.8 - 96.3 99 100.0 † 12 95.2 92.6 - 96.9 168 c. Cigars 98.3 94.1 - 99.5 57 94.0 90.0 - 96.4 99 100.0 † 12 95.9 93.5 - 97.5 168 d. Pipes 100.0 96.0 92.5 - 97.8 99 100.0 † 12 97.7 95.7 - 98.8 168 † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations † Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N † 57 Page 22 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 21. (Faculty/Staff) Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that specifically prohibits the use of each type of tobacco for faculty/staff during any school-related activity. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Cigarettes 100.0 † 57 98.0 95.2 - 99.2 99 100.0 † 12 98.9 97.3 - 99.5 168 b. Smokeless tobacco (i.e., chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip) 100.0 † 57 97.1 94.0 - 98.6 99 100.0 † 12 98.3 96.5 - 99.2 168 c. Cigars 96.5 91.6 - 98.5 57 94.0 90.0 - 96.4 99 100.0 † 12 95.3 92.7 - 97.0 168 d. Pipes 98.3 94.1 - 99.5 57 92.9 88.7 - 95.6 99 100.0 † 12 95.3 92.7 - 97.0 168 † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 23 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 21. (Visitors) Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that specifically prohibits the use of each type of tobacco for visitors during any school-related activity. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Cigarettes 98.3 b. Smokeless tobacco (i.e., chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip) 100.0 † c. Cigars 100.0 † d. Pipes 96.5 † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations 94.1 - 99.5 57 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 94.9 91.2 - 97.1 99 100.0 † 12 96.5 94.2 - 97.9 168 57 97.1 94.0 - 98.6 99 100.0 † 12 98.3 96.5 - 99.2 168 57 96.0 92.5 - 97.8 99 100.0 † 12 97.7 95.7 - 98.8 168 91.6 - 98.5 57 92.9 88.7 - 95.6 99 100.0 † 12 94.7 92.0 - 96.5 168 Page 24 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 22. (Students) Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that specifically prohibits tobacco use during each of the following times for students. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. During school hours 98.3 94.1 - 99.5 57 98.2 95.7 - 99.3 99 100.0 † 12 98.4 96.7 - 99.2 168 b. During non-school hours 91.2 85.0 - 95.0 57 95.1 91.6 - 97.2 99 100.0 † 12 94.1 91.3 - 96.1 168 † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 25 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 22. (Faculty/Staff) Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that specifically prohibits tobacco use during each of the following times for faculty/staff. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. During school hours 92.9 b. During non-school hours 100.0 † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations 87.1 - 96.3 57 † 57 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 98.2 95.7 - 99.3 99 100.0 † 12 96.5 94.2 - 97.9 168 98.0 95.2 - 99.2 99 100.0 † 12 98.9 97.3 - 99.5 168 Page 26 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 22. (Visitors) Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that specifically prohibits tobacco use during each of the following times for visitors. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. During school hours 98.3 94.1 - 99.5 57 97.3 94.6 - 98.7 99 100.0 † 12 97.9 96.0 - 98.9 168 b. During non-school hours 94.7 89.3 - 97.4 57 96.9 93.7 - 98.5 99 100.0 † 12 96.4 94.0 - 97.8 168 † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 27 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 23. (Students) Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that specifically prohibits tobacco use in each of the following locations for students. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. In school buildings 100.0 b. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots and playing fields 98.2 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students 100.0 † d. At off-campus, school-sponsored events 100.0 † † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations † Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 57 99.1 96.9 - 99.7 99 100.0 † 12 99.5 98.2 - 99.9 168 93.8 - 99.5 57 95.3 91.8 - 97.3 99 100.0 † 12 96.6 94.4 - 98.0 168 57 98.0 95.2 - 99.2 99 100.0 † 12 98.9 97.3 - 99.5 168 57 97.1 94.0 - 98.6 99 100.0 † 12 98.3 96.5 - 99.2 168 Page 28 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 23. (Faculty/Staff) Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that specifically prohibits tobacco use in each of the following locations for faculty/staff. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. In school buildings 100.0 † 57 99.1 96.9 - 99.7 99 100.0 † 12 99.5 98.2 - 99.9 168 b. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots and playing fields 100.0 † 57 99.1 96.9 - 99.7 99 100.0 † 12 99.5 98.2 - 99.9 168 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students 98.2 93.8 - 99.5 57 91.2 86.8 - 94.3 99 100.0 † 12 94.3 91.6 - 96.2 168 d. At off-campus, school-sponsored events 100.0 96.0 92.6 - 97.9 99 100.0 † 12 97.7 95.8 - 98.8 168 † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations † 57 Page 29 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 23. (Visitors) Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that specifically prohibits tobacco use in each of the following locations for visitors. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. In school buildings 100.0 † 57 96.9 93.7 - 98.5 99 100.0 † 12 98.2 96.4 - 99.1 168 b. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots and playing fields 100.0 † 57 99.1 96.9 - 99.7 99 100.0 † 12 99.5 98.2 - 99.9 168 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students 100.0 † 57 98.0 95.2 - 99.2 99 100.0 † 12 98.9 97.3 - 99.5 168 d. At off-campus, school-sponsored events 90.9 84.5 - 94.9 57 85.0 80.3 - 88.7 99 100.0 † 12 88.2 84.9 - 90.9 168 † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 30 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 24. Percentage of schools that have procedures to inform each of the following groups about the tobacco-use prevention policy that prohibits their use of tobacco.* High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Students 100.0 † 57 99.1 96.9 - 99.7 98 100.0 † 12 99.5 98.2 - 99.9 167 b. Faculty and staff 100.0 † 57 98.1 95.5 - 99.2 97 100.0 † 12 98.9 97.4 - 99.6 166 c. Visitors 98.2 93.8 - 99.5 56 96.0 92.6 - 97.9 97 100.0 † 12 97.1 94.9 - 98.3 165 *Among those schools that have adopted a policy prohibiting tobacco use. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 31 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 25. Percentage of schools that have a tobacco-use prevention policy that includes guidelines on what actions the school should take when students are caught smoking cigarettes.* High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 100.0 † Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 97.9 *Among those schools that have adopted a policy prohibiting tobacco use. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations 95.0 - 99.1 N 98 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 100.0 † 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 98.8 97.2 - 99.5 N 167 Page 32 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 26. Percentage of schools in which the following person is reponsible for enforcing the tobacco-use prevention policy.* High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. No single individual is responsible 45.3 37.7 - 53.2 57 40.9 34.6 - 47.4 98 42.0 25.6 - 60.4 12 42.5 37.8 - 47.4 167 b. Principal 26.6 20.5 - 33.6 57 49.8 43.5 - 56.1 98 16.7 16.6 - 16.7 12 39.1 34.9 - 43.4 167 c. Assistant principal 28.1 21.3 - 36.2 57 8.2 5.3 - 12.6 98 41.3 25.0 - 59.8 12 17.8 14.4 - 21.7 167 d. Other school administrator 0.0 † 57 0.0 † 98 0.0 † 12 0.0 † 167 e. Other school faculty or staff member 0.0 † 57 1.1 0.3 - 3.8 98 0.0 † 12 0.6 0.2 - 2.2 167 *Among those schools that have adopted a policy prohibiting tobacco use. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 33 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 27. Percentage of schools in which the following criteria help determine what actions are taken when students are caught smoking cigarettes. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Zero tolerance 94.7 89.4 - 97.5 57 94.2 90.4 - 96.5 99 - - 12 94.8 92.2 - 96.6 168 b. Effect or severity of the violation 47.3 38.5 - 56.3 57 51.5 44.7 - 58.2 99 - - 12 49.2 44.0 - 54.5 168 c. Grade level of student 17.3 12.1 - 24.3 57 29.8 24.1 - 36.1 99 - - 12 25.7 21.7 - 30.1 168 d. Repeat offender status 87.6 80.5 - 92.3 57 84.7 79.1 - 89.0 99 - - 12 85.6 81.6 - 88.9 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 34 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 28. (Never) Percentage of schools that NEVER take the following actions when students are caught smoking cigarettes. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Parents or guardians are notified 0.0 † 57 0.0 † 99 - - 12 0.0 † 168 b. Referred to a school counselor 7.0 3.7 - 12.8 57 2.9 1.4 - 6.0 99 - - 12 4.8 3.1 - 7.4 168 c. Referred to a school administrator 0.0 † 57 0.0 † 99 - - 12 0.0 † 168 d. Encouraged, but not required, to participate in an assistance, education, or cessation program 17.4 11.6 - 25.4 57 25.1 20.0 - 31.1 99 - - 12 21.2 17.4 - 25.5 168 e. Required to participate in an assistance, education, or cessation program 8.9 5.0 - 15.2 57 21.0 15.8 - 27.2 99 - - 12 15.8 12.3 - 19.9 168 f. Referred to legal authorities 1.7 0.5 - 5.9 57 8.2 5.2 - 12.6 99 - - 12 5.9 g. Placed in detention 24.7 17.8 - 33.1 57 29.3 23.8 - 35.5 99 - - 12 27.4 23.1 - 32.1 168 h. Not allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities or interscholastic sports 24.7 17.9 - 33.1 57 37.9 32.2 - 44.0 99 - - 12 32.3 28.1 - 36.8 168 i. Given in-school suspension 26.1 19.6 - 33.9 57 23.2 18.7 - 28.5 99 - - 12 25.0 21.2 - 29.4 168 j. Suspended from school 15.9 10.9 - 22.6 57 15.4 11.4 - 20.5 99 - - 12 16.3 13.2 - 20.0 168 k. Expelled from school 80.7 72.5 - 87.0 57 74.7 68.4 - 80.1 99 - - 12 76.9 72.2 - 81.0 168 l. Reassigned to an alternative school 66.6 57.7 - 74.5 57 65.9 59.6 - 71.7 99 - - 12 66.9 61.9 - 71.4 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations 4.0 - 8.8 168 Page 35 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 28. (Rarely) Percentage of schools that RARELY take the following actions when students are caught smoking cigarettes. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Parents or guardians are notified 0.0 † b. Referred to a school counselor 21.0 c. Referred to a school administrator 0.0 † d. Encouraged, but not required, to participate in an assistance, education, or cessation program 8.9 e. Required to participate in an assistance, education, or cessation program Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 57 0.0 † 99 - - 12 0.0 14.5 - 29.6 57 7.9 5.0 - 12.1 99 - - 12 13.2 57 0.0 † 99 - - 12 0.0 † 168 5.0 - 15.3 57 5.1 3.1 - 8.3 99 - - 12 6.7 4.7 - 9.5 168 10.7 7.0 - 16.0 57 10.5 7.0 - 15.4 99 - - 12 10.4 7.8 - 13.7 168 f. Referred to legal authorities 10.5 6.3 - 17.2 57 21.7 17.4 - 26.7 99 - - 12 16.7 13.6 - 20.4 168 g. Placed in detention 8.8 5.0 - 15.1 57 15.8 11.3 - 21.5 99 - - 12 12.8 9.7 - 16.7 168 h. Not allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities or interscholastic sports 19.3 13.6 - 26.7 57 11.4 8.1 - 15.9 99 - - 12 14.0 11.0 - 17.6 168 i. Given in-school suspension 8.8 5.6 - 13.5 57 13.6 9.6 - 19.1 99 - - 12 10.9 8.2 - 14.3 168 j. Suspended from school 14.1 9.0 - 21.6 57 11.4 8.0 - 16.2 99 - - 12 13.4 10.5 - 17.1 168 k. Expelled from school 14.0 8.9 - 21.3 57 17.9 13.4 - 23.5 99 - - 12 16.4 13.0 - 20.6 168 l. Reassigned to an alternative school 23.0 16.5 - 31.0 57 19.9 15.7 - 24.9 99 - - 12 19.5 16.1 - 23.4 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations † 168 10.1 - 17.1 168 Page 36 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 28. (Sometimes) Percentage of schools that SOMETIMES take the following actions when students are caught smoking cigarettes. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Parents or guardians are notified 0.0 b. Referred to a school counselor 52.6 c. Referred to a school administrator 1.7 d. Encouraged, but not required, to participate in an assistance, education, or cessation program † 57 0.0 43.4 - 61.6 57 34.8 0.5 - 5.9 † Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 99 - - 12 0.0 29.0 - 40.9 99 - - 12 40.9 99 - - 12 0.6 168 36.2 - 45.8 168 57 0.0 24.4 17.7 - 32.7 57 24.1 19.2 - 29.9 99 - - 12 25.6 21.5 - 30.1 168 e. Required to participate in an assistance, education, or cessation program 29.7 22.5 - 38.2 57 19.6 14.6 - 25.8 99 - - 12 24.8 20.5 - 29.7 168 f. Referred to legal authorities 42.1 32.7 - 52.1 57 35.0 29.2 - 41.2 99 - - 12 37.3 32.4 - 42.6 168 g. Placed in detention 36.8 27.9 - 46.6 57 35.8 30.1 - 42.0 99 - - 12 35.9 31.2 - 41.0 168 h. Not allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities or interscholastic sports 43.5 35.6 - 51.8 57 35.5 29.9 - 41.6 99 - - 12 39.4 34.9 - 44.1 168 i. Given in-school suspension 38.5 32.6 - 44.8 57 44.1 37.8 - 50.5 99 - - 12 41.3 36.9 - 45.9 168 j. Suspended from school 50.7 42.9 - 58.4 57 50.0 43.0 - 57.0 99 - - 12 48.9 44.0 - 53.9 168 k. Expelled from school 3.5 1.5 - 8.4 57 7.4 5.0 - 10.9 99 - - 12 6.1 4.3 - 8.6 l. Reassigned to an alternative school 8.7 4.9 - 14.9 57 13.2 9.9 - 17.5 99 - - 12 12.5 9.8 - 15.9 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations † † 0.2 - 2.1 168 168 Page 37 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 28. (Always) Percentage of schools that ALWAYS or ALMOST ALWAYS take the following actions when students are caught smoking cigarettes. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Parents or guardians are notified 100.0 b. Referred to a school counselor † 57 100.0 19.4 13.7 - 26.8 57 54.4 c. Referred to a school administrator 98.3 94.1 - 99.5 57 100.0 d. Encouraged, but not required, to participate in an assistance, education, or cessation program 49.3 40.9 - 57.7 57 e. Required to participate in an assistance, education, or cessation program 50.7 f. Referred to legal authorities All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 99 - - 12 100.0 47.8 - 60.9 99 - - 12 41.1 36.6 - 45.8 168 99 - - 12 99.4 97.9 - 99.8 168 45.6 39.3 - 52.0 99 - - 12 46.6 41.6 - 51.6 168 42.0 - 59.3 57 48.9 41.7 - 56.2 99 - - 12 49.0 43.6 - 54.3 168 45.6 36.8 - 54.7 57 35.2 30.2 - 40.5 99 - - 12 40.0 35.5 - 44.7 168 g. Placed in detention 29.8 21.6 - 39.4 57 19.1 14.7 - 24.4 99 - - 12 23.9 19.8 - 28.5 168 h. Not allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities or interscholastic sports 12.4 8.3 - 18.2 57 15.1 11.4 - 19.8 99 - - 12 14.3 11.4 - 17.7 168 i. Given in-school suspension 26.6 20.2 - 34.0 57 19.1 14.2 - 25.1 99 - - 12 22.7 18.9 - 27.1 168 j. Suspended from school 19.3 13.9 - 26.2 57 23.2 18.4 - 28.7 99 - - 12 21.3 17.9 - 25.2 168 k. Expelled from school 1.7 0.5 - 5.9 57 0.0 † 99 - - 12 0.6 0.2 - 2.1 168 l. Reassigned to an alternative school 1.7 0.5 - 5.9 57 1.0 0.3 - 3.3 99 - - 12 1.2 0.5 - 2.8 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations † Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N † † 168 Page 38 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 29. Percentage of schools that post signs marking a tobacco-free school zone, that is, a specified distance from school grounds where tobacco use is not allowed. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 98.3 94.1 - 99.5 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 97.3 94.4 - 98.7 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 96.6 94.3 - 98.0 N 168 Page 39 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 30. Percentage of schools that provide tobacco cessation services for each of the following groups. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Faculty and staff 41.9 33.0 - 51.3 57 30.8 25.7 - 36.3 99 - - 12 34.9 30.3 - 39.8 168 b. Students 84.1 76.9 - 89.4 57 55.5 49.2 - 61.6 99 - - 12 66.4 62.0 - 70.6 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 40 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 31. Percentage of schools that have arrangements with any organizations or health care professionals not on school property to provide tobacco cessation services for each of the following groups. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Faculty and staff 48.9 39.6 - 58.3 57 30.9 25.6 - 36.8 99 - - 12 37.4 32.7 - 42.5 168 b. Students 62.9 54.1 - 70.9 57 41.5 34.8 - 48.6 99 - - 12 47.8 42.7 - 53.0 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 41 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 32. Percentage of schools that never, rarely, sometimes, or always or almost always offer fruit or non-fried vegetables at school celebrations when foods or beverages are offered. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Foods or beverages are not offered at school celebrations 14.0 8.9 - 21.3 57 16.6 b. Never 1.7 0.5 - 5.9 57 3.2 1.5 - 6.4 c. Rarely 3.5 1.5 - 8.4 57 5.0 2.8 - 8.7 d. Sometimes 38.4 31.2 - 46.2 57 e. Always or almost always 42.3 33.7 - 51.5 57 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations 12.3 - 21.9 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 16.3 13.0 - 20.2 168 99 - - 12 3.0 1.7 - 5.3 168 99 - - 12 4.1 2.6 - 6.6 168 32.0 26.2 - 38.4 99 - - 12 32.5 28.2 - 37.1 168 43.3 37.2 - 49.5 99 - - 12 44.1 39.3 - 48.9 168 Page 42 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 33. Percentage of schools in which students can purchase snack foods or beverages from one or more vending machines at the school or at a school store, canteen, or snack bar. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 71.6 64.2 - 78.0 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 36.9 31.1 - 43.0 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 47.6 43.2 - 51.9 N 168 Page 43 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 34. Percentage of schools in which students can purchase the following snack foods or beverages from vending machines or at the school store, canteen, or snack bar. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Chocolate candy 5.4 2.6 - 10.8 57 1.0 0.3 - 3.3 99 0.0 † 12 2.4 1.3 - 4.5 168 b. Other kinds of candy 5.3 2.5 - 10.6 57 1.9 0.8 - 4.4 99 8.5 2.3 - 26.4 12 3.6 2.1 - 5.9 168 c. Salty snacks that are not low in fat (e.g., regular potato chips) 8.7 4.9 - 14.9 57 5.8 3.5 - 9.6 99 0.0 † 12 6.4 4.4 - 9.3 168 d. Cookies, crackers, cakes, pastries, or other baked goods that are not low in fat 5.3 2.5 - 10.6 57 3.8 2.0 - 6.9 99 0.0 † 12 4.0 2.5 - 6.4 168 e. Ice cream or frozen yogurt that is not low in fat 3.5 1.4 - 8.2 57 2.1 0.8 - 4.9 99 0.0 † 12 2.4 1.3 - 4.4 168 f. 2% or whole milk (plain or flavored) 8.7 4.9 - 14.9 57 1.9 0.8 - 4.6 99 0.0 † 12 4.2 2.6 - 6.6 168 g. Water ices or frozen slushes that do not contain juice 3.5 1.5 - 8.4 57 3.2 2.2 - 4.6 99 0.0 † 12 3.1 2.0 - 4.6 168 h. Soda pop or fruit drinks that are not 100% juice 7.1 4.5 - 11.0 57 2.9 1.4 - 6.0 99 0.0 † 12 4.2 2.8 - 6.2 168 i. Sports drinks (e.g., Gatorade) 15.7 11.4 - 21.3 57 0.9 0.3 - 3.1 99 8.5 2.3 - 26.4 12 6.7 4.9 - 9.0 168 j. Foods or beverages containing caffeine 3.5 3.4 - 3.5 57 1.0 0.3 - 3.3 99 0.0 † 12 1.8 1.2 - 2.6 168 k. Fruits (not fruit juice) 5.3 2.5 - 10.6 57 2.8 1.4 - 5.7 99 0.0 † 12 3.5 2.1 - 5.7 168 l. Non-fried vegetables (not vegetable juice) 1.7 0.5 - 5.9 57 2.8 1.4 - 5.7 99 0.0 † 12 2.2 1.2 - 4.1 168 † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 44 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 35. Percentage of schools that have done any of the following activities during the current school year. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Priced nutritious foods and beverages at a lower cost while increasing the price of less nutritious foods and beverages 7.2 4.6 - 11.0 57 0.0 b. Collected suggestions from students, families, and school staff on nutritious food preferences and strategies to promote healthy eating 43.7 35.3 - 52.6 57 c. Provided information to students or families on the nutrition and caloric content of foods available 50.7 d. Conducted taste tests to determine food preferences for nutritious items All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 99 - - 12 2.5 33.1 27.5 - 39.2 99 - - 12 36.2 31.6 - 41.1 168 42.6 - 58.8 57 52.2 46.5 - 57.8 99 - - 12 50.9 46.2 - 55.6 168 28.1 21.7 - 35.5 57 22.6 18.0 - 27.8 99 - - 12 22.8 19.3 - 26.7 168 e. Provided opportunities for students to visit the cafeteria to learn about food safety, food preparation, or other nutrition-related topics 21.0 14.9 - 28.8 57 17.2 13.3 - 21.9 99 - - 12 17.9 14.6 - 21.7 168 f. Served locally or regionally grown foods in the cafeteria or classrooms 31.6 24.0 - 40.3 57 26.9 21.9 - 32.6 99 - - 12 28.4 24.2 - 33.0 168 g. Planted a school food or vegetable garden 27.9 20.6 - 36.7 57 4.9 99 - - 12 13.2 10.2 - 17.0 168 h. Placed fruits and vegetables near the cafeteria cashier, where they are easy to access 79.0 71.3 - 85.1 57 65.2 59.3 - 70.6 99 - - 12 70.1 65.8 - 74.2 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations † Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 2.8 - 8.4 1.6 - 3.9 168 Page 45 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 35. Percentage of schools that have done any of the following activities during the current school year. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N i. Used attractive displays for fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria 70.1 62.4 - 76.8 57 58.3 51.2 - 64.9 99 - - 12 62.4 57.4 - 67.2 168 j. Offered a self-serve salad bar to students 87.8 80.9 - 92.5 57 64.1 58.0 - 69.9 99 - - 12 74.6 70.3 - 78.4 168 k. Labeled healthful foods with appealing names (e.g., crunchy carrots) 36.8 29.1 - 45.3 57 27.3 21.9 - 33.5 99 - - 12 29.9 25.6 - 34.6 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 46 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 36. Percentage of schools that promote candy, meals from fast food restaurants, or soft drinks through the distribution of products, such as t-shirts, hats, and book covers to students. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 0.0 † Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 4.3 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations 2.3 - 7.8 N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 2.4 1.3 - 4.5 N 168 Page 47 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 37. Percentage of schools that prohibit advertisements for candy, fast food restaurants, or soft drinks in the following locations. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. In the school building 78.7 70.9 - 84.8 57 79.4 73.4 - 84.3 99 - - 12 76.9 72.4 - 80.9 168 b. On school grounds including on the outside of the school building, on playing fields, or other areas of the campus 54.4 46.5 - 62.1 57 72.5 66.4 - 77.9 99 - - 12 62.6 57.9 - 67.0 168 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students 80.6 72.2 - 86.8 57 81.3 75.6 - 85.9 99 - - 12 79.9 75.4 - 83.8 168 d. In school publications (e.g., newsletters, newspapers, web sites, or other school publications) 63.2 54.1 - 71.5 57 78.4 72.3 - 83.4 99 - - 12 70.9 66.0 - 75.4 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 48 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 38. Percentage of schools that permit students to have a drinking water bottle with them during the school day. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Yes, in all locations 44.1 36.1 - 52.4 57 34.1 28.5 - 40.3 99 - - 12 40.1 35.6 - 44.7 168 b. Yes, in certain locations 50.7 42.8 - 58.4 57 48.1 41.9 - 54.3 99 - - 12 47.9 43.3 - 52.6 168 c. No 5.3 2.5 - 10.6 17.7 13.9 - 22.4 99 - - 12 12.0 9.5 - 15.1 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations 57 Page 49 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 39. Percentage of schools that offer a free source of drinking water in the cafeteria during meal times. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 100.0 † Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 98.9 96.2 - 99.7 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 99.4 97.8 - 99.8 N 168 Page 50 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 40. Percentage of schools that have a full-time registered nurse who provides health services to students. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 34.9 28.1 - 42.3 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 27.6 22.2 - 33.7 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 29.3 25.3 - 33.6 N 168 Page 51 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 41. Percentage of schools that have an asthma action plan on file for all, most, some, or no students with known asthma. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. This school has no students with known asthma 0.0 b. All students with known asthma have an asthma action plan on file † 57 2.2 72.1 63.9 - 79.0 57 c. Most students with known asthma have an asthma action plan on file 8.7 4.9 - 14.9 d. Some students with known asthma have an asthma action plan on file 17.5 e. No students with known asthma have an asthma action plan on file 1.7 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 99 - - 12 1.9 73.8 67.8 - 79.1 99 - - 12 73.3 68.7 - 77.5 168 57 16.8 12.7 - 21.8 99 - - 12 12.7 9.9 - 16.1 168 11.6 - 25.5 57 4.0 2.2 - 7.5 99 - - 12 9.7 7.1 - 13.2 168 3.2 1.5 - 6.4 99 - - 12 2.4 1.3 - 4.5 0.5 - 5.9 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations 57 0.9 - 5.2 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 0.9 - 3.8 168 168 Page 52 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 42. Percentage of schools that use each of the following events to identify students with poorly controlled asthma. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. This school does not identify students with poorly controlled asthma 11.5 6.9 - 18.6 52 17.0 13.2 - 21.5 96 - - 12 15.8 12.6 - 19.5 160 b. Frequent absences from school 34.7 29.2 - 40.6 52 40.7 34.5 - 47.3 96 - - 12 38.8 34.3 - 43.4 160 c. Frequent visits to the school health office due to asthma 69.1 61.1 - 76.2 52 57.7 50.7 - 64.5 96 - - 12 60.3 55.1 - 65.3 160 d. Frequent asthma symptoms at school 53.8 44.5 - 62.9 52 59.2 53.0 - 65.1 96 - - 12 56.6 51.4 - 61.7 160 e. Frequent non-participation in physical education class due to asthma 47.9 38.4 - 57.5 52 41.8 35.2 - 48.7 96 - - 12 43.8 38.6 - 49.2 160 f. Students sent home early due to asthma 36.5 28.1 - 45.9 52 37.5 31.5 - 44.0 96 - - 12 38.2 33.4 - 43.2 160 g. Calls from school to 911, or other local emergency numbers, due to asthma 30.6 22.7 - 39.8 52 22.1 17.3 - 27.8 96 - - 12 24.6 20.5 - 29.2 160 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 53 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 43. Percentage of schools that provide each of the following services for students with poorly controlled asthma. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Providing referrals to primary health care clinicians or child health insurance programs 82.3 75.2 - 87.7 57 54.4 48.0 - 60.5 99 - - 12 64.5 59.8 - 68.9 168 b. Ensuring an appropriate written asthma action plan is obtained 91.1 84.8 - 95.0 57 91.8 87.4 - 94.8 99 - - 12 90.9 87.6 - 93.5 168 c. Ensuring access to and appropriate use of asthma medications, spacers, and peak flow meters at school 94.7 89.3 - 97.4 57 91.0 86.5 - 94.1 99 - - 12 91.7 88.5 - 94.1 168 d. Offering asthma education for students with asthma 87.6 81.9 - 91.7 57 69.8 63.6 - 75.3 99 - - 12 75.8 71.5 - 79.7 168 e. Minimizing asthma triggers in the school environment 92.9 89.1 - 95.4 57 80.4 75.0 - 84.9 99 - - 12 85.6 82.2 - 88.5 168 f. Addressing social and emotional issues related to asthma 82.3 75.3 - 87.7 57 55.6 48.8 - 62.2 99 - - 12 65.2 60.3 - 69.8 168 g. Providing additional psychosocial counseling or support services as needed 75.3 67.0 - 82.1 57 59.0 52.7 - 65.0 99 - - 12 64.7 59.8 - 69.3 168 h. Ensuring access to safe, enjoyable physical education and activity opportunities 98.2 93.8 - 99.5 57 94.0 90.1 - 96.4 99 - - 12 95.3 92.7 - 97.0 168 i. Ensuring access to preventive medications before physical activity 96.5 91.6 - 98.5 57 88.2 83.6 - 91.5 99 - - 12 91.3 88.3 - 93.6 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 54 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 44. Percentage of schools in which school staff members are required to receive training on recognizing and responding to severe asthma symptoms more than once per year, once per year, or less than once per year. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. More than once per year 5.3 2.5 - 10.6 57 1.9 b. Once per year 35.1 26.9 - 44.3 57 c. Less than once per year 15.9 d. No such requirement 43.7 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 99 - - 12 3.6 38.8 33.5 - 44.4 99 - - 12 38.9 34.5 - 43.6 168 10.9 - 22.5 57 14.5 10.9 - 19.2 99 - - 12 14.6 11.6 - 18.1 168 35.5 - 52.3 57 44.8 39.0 - 50.7 99 - - 12 42.9 38.3 - 47.7 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations 0.8 - 4.6 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 2.1 - 5.9 168 Page 55 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 45. Percentage of schools that have adopted a policy stating that students are permitted to carry and self-administer asthma medications. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 85.9 78.4 - 91.0 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 72.2 65.9 - 77.8 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 79.1 74.8 - 82.9 N 168 Page 56 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 46. Percentage of schools that have procedures to inform each of the following groups about the policy permitting students to carry and self-administer asthma medications.* High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. Students 100.0 † 49 95.8 91.6 - 98.0 72 100.0 † 12 97.8 95.6 - 98.9 133 b. Parents and families 100.0 † 49 94.1 89.3 - 96.8 72 100.0 † 12 96.9 94.4 - 98.3 133 *Among schools that have adopted a policy stating that students are permitted to carry and self-administer asthma medications. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 57 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 47. Percentage of schools that have the following person responsible for implementing the policy permitting students to carry and self-administer asthma medications.* High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. No single individual is responsible 16.5 10.5 - 25.0 49 15.7 11.1 - 21.6 72 16.7 16.6 - 16.7 12 16.1 12.6 - 20.3 133 b. Principal 8.2 4.5 - 14.7 49 11.7 7.5 - 17.8 72 8.5 2.3 - 26.4 12 10.1 7.1 - 14.0 133 c. Assistant principal 2.0 0.6 - 6.8 49 0.0 † 72 0.0 † 12 0.8 0.2 - 2.6 d. School nurse 69.1 61.1 - 76.1 49 69.8 62.5 - 76.2 72 74.9 63.1 - 83.9 12 70.0 e. Other school faculty or staff member 4.1 1.7 - 9.4 49 2.8 1.2 - 6.7 72 *Among schools that have adopted a policy stating that students are permitted to carry and self-administer asthma medications. † Confidence intervals not applicable for 0 percent or 100 percent. N = Unweighted number of observations 0.0 † 12 3.1 133 65.1 - 74.5 133 1.7 - 5.6 133 Page 58 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 48. Percentage of schools that provide the following services to students. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. HIV counseling and testing 17.5 12.8 - 23.5 57 5.2 3.0 - 9.0 99 - - 12 10.4 8.0 - 13.5 168 b. STD testing and treatment 21.0 15.5 - 27.8 57 5.0 2.8 - 8.7 99 - - 12 11.5 8.9 - 14.8 168 c. Pregnancy testing 29.8 23.1 - 37.5 57 13.0 9.5 - 17.7 99 - - 12 19.2 15.8 - 23.1 168 d. Provision of condoms 7.0 3.7 - 12.8 57 3.9 2.1 - 7.2 99 - - 12 5.3 3.5 - 8.0 168 e. Provision of contraceptives other than condoms (e.g., birth control pill, birth control shot, intrauterine device [IUD]) 7.1 3.8 - 13.0 57 2.1 0.8 - 4.9 99 - - 12 4.3 2.7 - 6.8 168 f. Prenatal care 22.7 16.9 - 29.9 57 6.0 3.6 - 9.9 99 - - 12 12.7 9.9 - 16.1 168 g. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine administration 17.5 12.2 - 24.6 57 8.0 5.4 - 11.6 99 - - 12 11.3 8.7 - 14.6 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 59 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 49. Percentage of schools that provide students with referrals to any organizations or health care professionals not on school property for the following services. High Schools Middle Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N 95% Confidence Percent Interval N Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N a. HIV counseling and testing 80.5 73.1 - 86.3 57 37.1 31.1 - 43.7 99 - - 12 54.6 50.1 - 59.0 168 b. STD testing and treatment 78.7 70.9 - 84.8 57 37.1 31.3 - 43.4 99 - - 12 54.0 49.5 - 58.3 168 c. Pregnancy testing 80.5 73.1 - 86.3 57 41.2 35.1 - 47.7 99 - - 12 57.6 53.2 - 61.9 168 d. Provision of condoms 64.7 56.9 - 71.8 57 27.7 22.0 - 34.1 99 - - 12 43.0 38.5 - 47.6 168 e. Provision of contraceptives other than condoms (e.g., birth control pill, birth control shot, intrauterine device [IUD]) 70.0 62.3 - 76.7 57 29.7 24.0 - 36.2 99 - - 12 46.0 41.5 - 50.6 168 f. Prenatal care 84.0 77.4 - 89.0 57 38.2 33.0 - 43.8 99 - - 12 56.5 52.6 - 60.3 168 g. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine administration 78.7 70.9 - 84.9 57 36.4 30.2 - 43.1 99 - - 12 52.9 48.2 - 57.5 168 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations Page 60 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 50. Percentage of schools in which students' families helped develop or implement policies and programs related to HIV, STD, or teen pregnancy prevention during the past two years. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 17.4 12.1 - 24.4 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 8.1 5.2 - 12.4 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 12.0 9.2 - 15.5 N 168 Page 61 of 62 WEST VIRGINIA 2012 School Health Profiles Report Weighted Principal Survey Results 51. Percentage of schools in which community members helped develop or implement policies and programs related to HIV, STD, or teen pregnancy prevention during the past two years. High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 31.3 24.3 - 39.3 Middle Schools N 57 95% Confidence Percent Interval 10.3 6.9 - 15.1 - Results are suppressed due to insufficient number of respondents in subgroup. N = Unweighted number of observations N 99 Junior/Senior High Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval N - - 12 All Schools 95% Confidence Percent Interval 18.8 15.3 - 22.8 N 168 Page 62 of 62