OilfWEY HD28 .M414 no. MONEY, OUTPUT, AND PRICES: EVIDENCE FROM A NEW MONETARY AGGREGATE by lulio J. Rotemberg, John C. Driscoll, and James M. Poterba Latest Revision: July 1991 Working Paper No. 3326-91-EFA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 4r MONEY, OUTPUT, AND PRICES: EVIDENCE FROM A NEW MONETARY AGGREGATE by Julio J. Rotemberg, John C. Driscoll, and James M. Poterba Latest Revision: July 1991 Working Paper No. 3326-91-EFA Ofe'V'jy UM. SEP UBRMMES 199) 1 ftBCBVB) MONEY, OUTPUT, AhfD PRICES: EVIDENCE FROM A NEW MONETARY AGGREGATE Julio J. Rotemberg MIT & NBER John C. Driscoll Harvard University James M. Poterba MIT & NBER May 1991 Revised July 1991 ABSTRACT This paper develops a new utility-based monetary aggregate which equivalent aggregate. households monetary to obtain the assets. It r^ , is label the currency- same liquidity services that they get from their entire collection of equals I where we This aggregate equals the stock of currency that would be required for the rate of return on a zero 'b,t liquidity asset, while represent the yield and stock of monetary asset i at time t. rj We , and nij t respectively compare the ability of the aggregate and conventional aggregates, such as Ml and M2, and other indicators of monetary policy to forecast real activity. The CE aggregate has more predictive power for output and prices than standard aggregates, and the time path of the estimated output response is more consistent with broad classes of theoretical models. new We are grateful to the National Science Foundation for research support, to Michael Board and the NBER 1991 William Bamett, Anil Kashyap, Richard Porter, Brian Reid and Piyu Yue for providing us with data. This research is part of the NBER Programs in Economic Fluctuations and Financial Markets and Monetary Economics. Woodford and seminar Summer participants at the Federal Reserve Institute for suggestions, as well as to 1 How monetary shocks macroeconomics. The have been explored in in affect prices and real activity are two of the central questions in implications of various theoretical models addressing these issues literally what money does, there hundreds of empirical papers. which studies use relatively arbitrary rules in deciding By choosing not. to study how activity, researchers implicitly the monetary base, or made judgments about Narrow defmitions of money, such liquidity services. GNP A more M2, Broader defmitions, such as This is at predicting or M2, GNP. and affects prices real the identity of monetary assets. give equal weight to a variety of assets in different industries! by the value of the This principle underlies Bamett's (1980) derivation of The continued widespread use of conventional aggregates In this paper shown Divisia aggregates we propose currency-equivalent (CE) aggregate, which is Ml, and which are hardly more defensible than constructing a particularly surprising, since research has repeatedly aggregate assets are monetary, attractive approach involves weighting different assets Divisia monetary aggregates. good Most previous empirical by adding together the physical volume of output monetary services they provide. as is. as the base, exclude a variety of assets that provide with arguably quite different liquidities. measure of money consensus on what is little Despite the substantial interest is a new monetary to be is at least aggregate, the related to the Divisia aggregates. The CE a time-varying weighted average of the stocks of different monetary assets, with weights which depend on each asset's yield relative to that on a benchmark "zero liquidity" asset. One it is attractive feature of the CE aggregate the stock of currency that yields the same is that it has a straightforward interpretation: transactions services as the complete 2 constellation of monetary Thus, currency gets a weight of one in our aggregate. assets. Other assets with higher rates of return get a smaller weight because their marginal liquidity services are lower. After deriving our aggregate and summarizing Divisia aggregates, output. We changes in various We we first test use it to its relation to both conventional and develop new evidence on the correlation between money and whether, in post- 1959 U.S. data, there any correlation between is monetary aggregates, including CE, and subsequent movements then study whether these correlations suggest that changes in in output. money cause changes in output. Most models where exogenous changes this effect will be short lived and one percent increase in prices. in money have an that, eventually, Thus to leads to a effects. Indeed, monetary shocks responds permanently to them are probably Rather, money-income correlations of this type can easily be interpreted as being monetary endogeneity with respect income. money that the impulse response function of output with respect to that fail to display this property, so that output due on output predict a one percent increase in monetary shocks ought to exhibit pronounced, short lived not causal. effect Our evidence suggests to either that shocks to the income or other variables which CE affect aggregate are both more strongly correlated with subsequent changes in output, and have a shorter lived "effect" on output, than shocks to more traditional monetary aggregates. Several recent papers, for example Bemanke and Blinder (1990) and Friedman and Kuttner (1990) have suggested that interest rates and interest rate spreads are better indicators of monetary policy than the monetary aggregates themselves. We therefore compare the 3 predictive power of comparison CE is aggregate. these variables to the predictive CE the CE This aggregate. of particular interest because some changes in interest rates directly affect the We fmd that the correlation and subsequent movements the power of aggregate. On between interest rates, and in output is stronger than the correlation interest rate spreads, of these variables and the other hand, the impulse responses of output to these variables do not correspond to the pattern one would expect if the economy were responding to a monetary disturbance. This paper is divided into five sections. monetary aggregate and compares it The first derives the currency-equivalent with existing Divisia aggregates. the data inputs needed to construct our aggregate, and reports univariate time series properties. causes real output, and compares monetary policy. It The its third section tests Section two describes summary statistics on its whether the new aggregate Granger- predictive performance to that of other indicators of also tests the long run neutrality of money with respect to output. Section four presents a parallel analysis of the effect of monetary shocks on prices, comparing the findings for the currency equivalent aggregate with those for more measures. There is traditional a brief conclusion which sketches the implications of our findings for competing theories of the monetary transmission mechanism. 4 The Currency-Equivalent Monetary Aggregate and 1. 1 1 Its Properties Derivation Some assets can readily be used for transactions. Individuals pay for the liquidity that these assets offer by foregoing the higher expected returns that are available on other, less liquid assets. account, and assuming Holding one dollar it in currency costs more than holding one dollar in a presumably generates greater liquidity services. that individuals derive utility from holding We certain assets. NOW formalize this idea by Our results could also be obtained by assuming that individuals and firms incur transactions costs which depend volume of negatively on asset-holdings and positively on the We consider an individual whose expected lifetime transactions. utility in period t is given by V=E,J2^%j (1) y-0 where Ej takes expectations as of time the level of instantaneous utility at and the levels of n monetary currency holdings at t. We t. t, /3 is This instantaneous assets, mjt. assume an intertemporal discount factor, and Ui gives that We let i utility range from depends on consumption, C„ to n-1, U, equals U(Ct,Li), which is and define concave in mo,, as both arguments, where The function f Any is an aggregator function for liquidity services. desirable monetary aggregate under two assumptions about this must in some way correspond to L,. We show that aggregator function, L, equals the currency equivalent (CE) 5 Our monetary aggregate introduced by Rotemberg (1991). aggregator function is homogeneous of degree one.' assumption first Second, we assume is that the that f is additively separable in currency and other monetary assets:^ f{mQf,m^f,m2f,...) = h{mQ,) + k{m^f,m2t,...) This assumption gives a central role to currency, since liquidity services assets by holding sufficient currency. might be controversial, it is it is While (3) possible to obtain any level of the inessentiality of other consistent with the fact that circulating monetary media of exchange appear to predate the introduction of other liquid assets. Our assumption that the aggregator function f has constant returns to scale implies that Lt = E fum„ (4) /-o where fj i is the partial derivative of f with respect to the quantity of monetary asset evaluated in period t. i Since (3) implies fo,t=ho,„ 'The key part of this assumption is that f be homothetic since it can then be converted into a homogeneous function by transforming U. As shown by Samuelson and Swamy(1964), homotheticity considerably simplifies the construction of index numbers. It is required for Divisia aggregates to be path independent as well as to ensure that the true economic index lies between the Paasche and the Laspeyres index. ^e would obtain identical results if we treated currency as a collection of disparate assets (denominations) which provide different types of liquidity. of type j at t, f would have to Letting Cj , denote the holding of currency be given by 9i^.t'^.t'-) ^ Km-ij,m2t,...) so that f is additively separable in a function that depends function that depends on the other monetary assets. on the various currency assets and a hirriQf) The first This implies that h is all ^5) fo^m^r equality in (5) implies that the derivatives of h must be equal, so the second and zero. = h^frnQf = and of with respect to ho.,mo,, higher derivatives of h with respect to a linear function, and that the derivatives h<), nio,, and hIq , must be fgi are constants.' Our assumptions thus imply that currency does not lose the quantity of currency rises. appear, because fiinction We U is it does not imply concave also assume and t+1 known with focus on a particular asset of certainty at time rb,i. ability to provide liquidity as not as disturbing as might it that overall utility is linear in currency. that there are assets that we nominal return equal is in total liquidity so that, indirectly, simplicity, is This implication its t." it is concave in do not provide monetary at first Rather, the currency as well. services. For this form whose nominal return between time We call this the In our empirical work, benchmark we measure r^ , asset and t let its by the return on prime 'Interpreting traditional simple-sum monetary aggregates as equalling total liquidity services also requires linearity assumptions on f but these are much stronger than those implies by our separability and homogeneity assumptions. In particular, the function f must be linear in all its arguments with equal coefficients for each. But this implies that all monetary assets provide the same remrn. •Even apply. if all actual assets without liquidity services had stochastic returns, the analysis However, the benchmark return would have liquidity services and with a nonstochastic payoff in to would be the return on an imaginary asset with no period t+1. ^ 7 grade commercial paper. The benchmark return has the standard property that where P, Equation -r,,)E,^^LPi^^M:^ - (1 UJ,C„Lr) measures the price of a unit of consumption consumer (4) says that the profile and a profile in indifferent is which he increases in terms of currency between his holdings (6) at date his current (optimal) t. consumption of the benchmark asset by reducing current consumption and uses the proceeds to increase future consumption. Monetary assets do not share their stock raises the level utility property of the benchmark asset because increasing this of liquidity services received by the consumer. from lowering current consumption by further liquidity services. In particular, for monetary asset Substituting the expectational term 'We chose from (1 the loss in by both additional future consumption and is offset UJ,C„Lt) - U,{C„Lr)ht - Thus i -r^,)E,^tPi^^Li:^. (6) into (7), we (7) obtain the commercial paper rate because the market for prime grade commercial paper is broad and the instrument is fairly safe. We also tried the Federal funds rate, which pertains to an even safer (though less widely held) instrument. The results were identical, so we only report the results for commercial paper. We did not use Treasury 1980 period, these yields were below the accounts would appear to be puzzling. Our own more interest rates bill returns because during much of the 1960- on passbook saving accounts. Since saving useful for transactions purposes than T-bills, this behavior tentative explanation is that Treasury bills provide other types of services. is They are well understood throughout the world, they can easily be used as collateral and they can be posted as margin services in financial transactions. we do Because we not include Treasury bills in L. our analysis as long as the utility function is think these services are different from transactions The existence of these services does not invalidate separable in consumption, L, and these services. 1 ULh. ^ - ' This says that the consumer by one unit, and increasing is indifferent his holdings (81 Uc. 'b.t between reducing his holdings of monetary asset of the benchmark asset by (l+r; J/(l+ri,i). change leaves the value of the individual's portfolio at the i This beginning of period t+ However, unaffected, so that future consumption can remain unaffected as well. this portfolio change allows the individual to raise his current consumption by (rb.rr,,t)/(l+r,,,). The gain in utility from his reduced holdings of For currency, Since U is this consumption increase must therefore equal the monetary asset an arbitrary concave function, equations (8) and (9) now from i. the analogue of equation (8) normalization ensures that fall in utility total liquidity, we L, is: can normalize is measured f so that in units fo,, equals one. of currency. This Combining yields = ikiA'. (10) /i, The level of the liquidity aggregate L, ^ = from equation (4) then satisfies E-^'"<,-cf, ' ^b.t This expression defines the currency-equivalent monetary aggregate. (11) 9 Actually, our derivation has considered an individual's holding of monetary assets so that L, in (11) is the level in individual asset holdings, the to However, because (11) of liquidity held by an individual. aggregate asset holdings. sum of the L's held by all individuals is linear simply (11) applied is Thus CE, provides an accurate measure of the sum of the individual L's even if the aggregator functions f differ for different individuals. CE The as currency aggregate has the attractive property that assets which do not pay interest, such and travelers' checks, are added together with weights of unity. Other assets are added with weights between zero and one, with higher-yield assets receiving lower weights. This makes intuitive sense since these assets must, given their higher returns, provide smaller liquidity services. The benchmark asset, in particular, provides no liquidity services. Therefore, by the same logic, assets whose returns equal or exceed those of the benchmark asset do not contribute CE The new assets, to the currency equivalent aggregate.* included in the monetary aggregate One shows that is are introduced, they can be added to the is are "liquid enough" to be resolved by reference to their interest yield. interesting interpretation of this aggregate is developed in assuming static expectations, expenditures on liquidity services. which NOW accounts, such as interest-bearing The problem of deciding whether such accounts aggregate. When aggregate also adapts easily to changes in the financial environment. the total amount of He CE, equals the expected present discounted value of These expenditures interest Bamett (1991). in period t equal Ej (r^ , - fj Jm;,, foregone by holding monetary assets instead of the 'Although many assets promise yields greater than those on the benchmark necessarily evidence that liquidity services are provided simply reflect differential risk across assets. by the benchmark asset, this is asset. Rather, it not could 10 benchmark asset. their level divided 1.2 Under static expectations, the by the rate of return CE Propenies of Divisia and on the benchmark asset, yielding closely resembles the Divisia monetary aggregates Both types of aggregates attempt derived from monetary assets. CE. Aggregates The currency equivalent aggregate proposed by Bamett (1980). present value of these expenditures equals to measure the sub-utility, L,, This sub-section compares these two approaches to monetary aggregation. The principal advantage of Divisia aggregates is that their derivation requires assumptions only that the aggregator function f be homogeneous of degree one. weak assumption and in a continuous time setting without uncertainty, the Divisia aggregate gives the exact value for the change in L,. L only under stronger assumptions, However, it it would appear D„ be Under change CE this in the aggregate equals strictly inferior in this case. has five advantages in comparison with divisia aggregates. First, in discrete time, the Divisia while the to Since the weaker CE aggregate tends to drift away from The Theil-Tomquist approximation aggregate does not. the level of L to the Divisia index, is logD, = logD,., + j; Kt-n^f^u ( i''b.t-^-n.t-^)mu-^ , ^ VJ^^i.t^ log k'^i.mj \ J J (12) 11 Diewert (1976) shows change in L if f change that the in this index from one period to another has the translog functional form.' Since introduces an approximation error. becomes unboundedly large. The CE this error is A its arguments remain bounded, CE second advantage of the a random walk with aggregate it CE in international liquidity held A index drift, it eventually comparisons of If f does aggregate exact, but the derivatives of is that its level has a defmite meaning. L,. They cannot liquidity, or to evaluate the different levels of by different individuals. third, and perhaps the most important, advantage of the easily handle situations where the function f changes over time. CE assets changes constantly. their liquidity properties, assume instead For example, when and therefore that the utility NOW accounts their respective f^, aggregate is that it Such changes of the most important challenges of monetary aggregation since the set can constitute one of available monetary eliminate charges on checks, change. Divisia aggregates provided by each asset remains immutable. The CE aggregate deals with changes in asset characteristics by incorporating the idea that, for asset holdings not to change, (rb,,-rj_i)/rb,, interprets increases in must rise as (rb,t-ri.i)/rb , much as fj. The CE aggregate thus correctly with an unchanged asset stock as an increase in the assets' liquidity services. because f from L. will not drift arbitrarily far Divisia indices seek to measure the changes in the sub-utility from assets, be used in the equal to the aggregate does not suffer from this problem. not satisfy the linearity restriction that makes the with respect to Otherwise each change is the translog Divisia aggregate is is itself a quadratic approximation to any homogeneous function "superlative" in the terminology of Diewert (1976). f, the 12 The function f changes most dramatically when new While these assets are introduced. introductions cannot be addressed using Divisia aggregates, they present no difficulty for the CE As equation aggregate. changes (12) shows, the change in the Divisia index is based on the of in the logarithms its is incorporate A Bamett and introduced. new is minus his collaborators therefore use a different index method to assets. fourth advantage of the consumers. Because the logarithm of zero growth rate of the Divisia aggregate equals infmity when an infinity, (12) implies that the asset components. CE aggregate concerns aggregation across different Equation (12), which defines the change approximation to the change in in the Divisia an individual's liquidity. aggregate, is a good However, the version of (12) that uses the aggregate value of the components does not generally bear any relationship to an It does so other individuals. While individual's L. paradigm is if each individual's asset holdings are proportional to those of this is implied by the representative individual paradigm, this unattractive in the case of monetary assets because monetary transactions generally involve a payment from one individual to another. individual's money is linear in asset Such transactions reduce one holdings while raising those of someone else. holdings, it all remains equal sum of to the Because the individual L's even CE aggregate when individuals engage in transactions with each other. A final research, is advantage of the that it aggregate, which simplifies the estimation of to one, equation (9) can be individual's CE demand we hope will provide the basis for future money demand equations. With ^, normalized viewed as a conventional money demand equation relating an for total liquidity, L,, to the "market" interest rate and a measure of his 13 transactions, in this case consumption. across individuals if either utility function often use the is all This equation applies directly to the commercial paper rate, which to Estimates of some degree paper as our benchmark asset. However, conventional interest rates have no role In contrast to the Our restriction on in the estimation of CE interest rate to include in a aggregate, which money demand additional unit of the Divisia aggregate is justifies The first our use of commercial equations often add f implies the testable proposition that other (9). makes a simple prediction about the appropriate equation, the foregone interest cost of holding an a complicated function of many interest rates. different, equally valid, can be computed using a formula analogous to that for the Divisia quantity index applied to prices, while the second is obtained liquidity money demand equations money demand Moreover, for a given Divisia quantity aggregate, there are two price indices. the L's individuals have identical L's and C's or if each individual's quadratic with the same parameters. other interest rates as well. sum of by the Divisia quantity index. by dividing expenditure on Serletis (1991) estimates systems of demand equations for Divisia aggregates using the latter approach. Before closing have many things in this sub-section, common. Changes extent that their rate of return broker-dealer are in M2 it is is worth remembering that Divisia and in asset. Thus, changes in funds and in time deposits at commercial banks, which but essentially yield the commercial paper on either aggregate. aggregates monetary assets affect both aggregates only to the lower than that of a benchmark money market mutual CE significant impact This contrasts with the conventional wisdom, which holds that money rate, do not have a market accounts can be used for making payments and so must be "like" checking accounts. 14 The conventional view confuses average and marginal money market accounts do provide dollars invested in broker-dealer individuals are likely to write checks on them. The liquidity services. first few liquidity services since Because these accounts pay interest rates equal to those on zero-liquidity assets, however, they also attract additional funds which will not be used to make payments in the near future. changes in these asset stocks do not affect One difficulty with this portfolio of all assets. argument total liquidity services. is that Some consumers So, starting from the equilibrium holdings, not all consumers consumers are only slowly money market accounts do not For these consumers, consumers already enjoy. "regular" checking accounts into to money's monthly growth 1.3 money market rate, As Other these consumers convert their accounts, their liquidity does not accounts is is not too severe gradual since whatever form of aggregation is it if the then has fall as the conversion little effect on used. Comparison with Other Methods of Monetary Aggregation There are two alternatives the money market and Divisia aggregates would imply. This problem from regular checking raise their liquidity. further drifting into such assets, thereby gaining the inframarginal liquidity services the optimizing CE by holding the optimal are very sophisticated and hold their wealth in assets that provide liquidity services with negligible losses in return. increases in their holdings of start CE aggregates. The first is to the sort of aggregation that underlies both the Divisia and the estimation of a parametric utility function along the lines of Chetty (1969) or Poterba and Rotemberg (1987). Armed with the utility function's parameters, one can obviously construct a measure of the utility derived from liquidity 15 services. While we are sympathetic to this approach, Spindt (1985) correctly argues that it copes poorly with changes in the liquidity characteristics of the underlying assets. A second approach, introduced by Spindt (1985), is to measure the provided by various monetary assets using data on their turnover. The liquidity services idea is that assets with large turnover must be more useful in transactions and so have higher liquidity services. The problem is that turnover need not be a good measure of liquidity services. For relatively small denominations of currency turn over more quickly than larger ones. one would not want money outstanding changes. to say the The reason services at the margin. rarely large 1.4 Slow is that one expects when all fact that they are used only when one must carry cash.* Portfolio Adjustment their portfolios in will not always hold variations in fj. difficulty if individuals are response to interest rate changes. and the variations This problem in (rb is likely to i-ri,J/rb,t slow to In this case, equations (6)-(8) do not necessarily correspond to be important, particularly since our benchmark on monetary is quite volatile while the rates is not very useful in predicting output or prices. *We do currency to provide the same in certain circumstances, such as The currency-equivalent aggregate does encounter change Yet, the composition of currency Large denominations make up for the by being particularly useful sums of supply changed instance, assets tend to change sluggishly.' Because rate this not pursue the empirical properties of this index here because Serletis (1988) shows that 'Of course, violations of the consumer's properties of Divisia aggregates. individual portfolios it is first it order conditions also degrade the approximation do not lead to rebalancing of are smaller than CE's because changes in In the case of interest rate changes that possible that Divisia's errors 16 sluggish adjustment changes is in (rbt-rj J/r^ , due in part to regulatory inertia, it is hard to attribute the resulting changes in the assets' liquidity services. to When individuals rebalance their portfolios only occasionally, they choose a portfolio of monetary assets such that the each fj's at f; is close to the (rb-rj/ri, expected to prevail any moment therefore depend on the current, in current past, as well as The and future periods. expected future values of the interest rate differentials. CE In implementing the by constructing averages of is aggregate, (rb,,-ri J/rb., we address the problem of slow portfolio adjustment and using them to Our benchmark measure CE. We also which the (rt,- constructed using weights corresponding to a 13-month centered moving average. consider a 37-month centered moving average, as well a "fixed weight" ri.t)/rb,t's 2. CE in case are replaced by overall sample averages. Data and Summary Statistical Properties Data Construction 2.1 We include eight component assets in the currency equivalent aggregate. currency (CUJ, travelers' checks (TCJ, and demand deposits The interest paying assets are other checkable deposits (OCDt) such as savings accounts at thrift institutions (SSL^), money market accounts interest rates (DDJ ~ do at have a bigger Three not yield interest. NOW accounts, savings accounts at commercial banks (SCBJ, commercial banks (MMCB^) and money market accounts effect on the latter. ~ at thrift 17 institutions aggregate (MMSL,).'° Using these symbols as subscripts to identify returns, the given by: is CEf = CUf TCf + DD, + + {^-!^£2d)OCDf + (l-^')SSZ., 'cp.f ^CP.t For the reasons given in the previous section, Because even this aggregate's frequency interest rate changes, weights currency equivalent." rate spreads with the overall we rate, are (13) ^CP,t our benchmark estimates of the currency moving averages of interest rate spreads as short-term fluctuations are sensitive to high also consider a second aggregate, labelled the "fixed In this aggregate we replace the 13-month average interest sample average differentials. Data on the quantities of various monetary assets commercial paper + 'cp.f ^CP,t equivalent aggregate use 13-month centered weights.'' CE that enter equation (8), as well as the drawn from Federal Reserve Board Statistical Release H.6. The data are available at a monthly frequency, seasonally adjusted, for the period since January 1959. Data on available. Our measure of '"Ml equals the deposits. M2 monetary interest rates corresponding to the sum of includes all roco.t. the interest rate on other checkable currency, travellers checks, monetary assets in Ml assets are not as readily demand deposits, is an average deposits and other checkable plus savings deposits, small denomination time deposits, short-term (overnight) repurchase agreements and Eurodollar deposits, and mutual fund shares. We assume that the last and consequendy give them no weight in our two components of CE aggregate. this aggregate yield M3, a still money-market market returns broader aggregate, includes large-denomination time deposits and term repurchase agreements and Eurodollar deposits. "We replace, for example, rocD./rcp.t with its 13-month average centered months of the sample, we use the average months instead of the centered moving average. the first (last) 13 in month t. For each of interest rate ratio for the first (last) 13 18 across various types of interest-bearing accounts The interest rate on savings accounts accounts, t^cba, fMMCB.i ^d r^MSL,, at computed by the Federal Reserve Board. commercial banks as well as those on money market constructed the interest rate on savings accounts at thrifts, 1986, when interest rates at thrifts these accounts, as reported maximum relating the occasional FHLBB r^sut, in two parts. were deregulated, we use the average by the Federal Reserve Board. rates for thrifts using rates at We were also provided by the Federal Reserve Board. Our imputation commercial banks. allowable interest rates Before 1986, relies Since mid- interest rate paid we impute on interest on regulations and commercial banks, as well as at thrifts surveys of average interest rates paid at these institutions.'^ For part of our sample, the interest rate on passbook savings accounts exceeded that on commercial We paper. assume that these interest rates were equal in these cases, thereby setting the weight on the associated asset stock to zero. Figure 1 plots Ml and the currency-equivalent aggregate defined aggregates are drawn on the are generally similar. In particular, OCD, is difference between the much more periods. When While same CE includes more given a smaller weight in two aggregates sharply than Ml in is that assets, CE Mi's some periods and These pronounced changes in CE rate of The two and growth rate that their size many of than in CE these are given small weight. Ml. The most growth is striking smoother. CE rises also declines steadily during certain are associated with changes in interest rates. the commercial paper rate changes, the rates '^or the 1959-1970 period, we assumed r^sL, 1970-1973. For the 1973-1979 period we assume make crude shows scale so the Figure in (13). = on regulated monetary t^ce.i Tssui + -75. = 5.24%, assets often This additive factor was .50 for and for the 1979-1986 period, estimates using occasional surveys of interest rates paid. we 19 change less than proportionately. Thus, as an example, declines in the commercial paper on OCD, rate tend to raise rocoVrcp,, so that the weight falls. The result is that aggregate itself falls as well. Stationaritv Properties of Alternative Aggregates 2.2 The apparently cyclical behavior of CE raises the question traditional aggregates exhibit different stationarity properties. CE of whether This issue and important because is part of our subsequent analysis will focus on the long-run effects of monetary shocks on the level of economic Table two CE 1 activity. reports standard Dickey-Fuller tests of the null hypothesis that aggregates contain unit roots. These tests are Ml, M2, and the equivalent to testing whether in an equation of the form log/If, = the 7i's sum to one. The trend, to equal to zero reported in the first and also ^t^Y,U ^''^^ Y/"ogA^M ^ ^f tests allowing it be unrestricted. column, suggests that the hypothesis the hypothesis that there that the ^ table reports tests constraining B, the coefficient rejected for any of the aggregates. aggregates. a By contrast when B a unit root can be rejected for is CE on high frequency movements rejection of nonstationarity. are a unit root cannot be unrestricted (the second column), CE, though not for the other This rejection reflects the cyclical patterns displayed in Figure dependence of linear The former, which that there is is on the in interest rates 1, and suggests accounts for the 20 These to compare the properties of specifications, for CE has one unit root as well. assume instead of CE. to treat the stationarity with those of the traditional aggregates. We wish Conventional example Kormendi and Meguire (1984) and Stock and Watson (1989), treat the latter as nonstationary. 3. how results leave us with a choice as to that CE is Our basic specifications will be therefore However, we will also discuss how the results assume that CE change when we stationary. Testing Methods Developing a new monetary aggregate is of some about the evolution of the money supply in the United differ from previous aggregates real activity. '^ We in the evidence it intrinsic interest for States. what it reveals The new aggregate may also presents on whether monetary shocks affect follow the tradition of Sims (1972) and perform causality tests to see whether various measures of money and monetary policy have significant predictive power for future output realizations. Under the assumption exogenous monetary impulses, these We measure for married men. real activity The latter is tests by both that the residuals in (14), e*^,, are inform us about the influence of money on output. industrial production and by the unemployment rate a particularly useful measure of labor market tightness because, unlike other unemployment rates which are partly contaminated by decisions to leave the labor force, very few married When we men withdraw from the labor force. use industrial production as our measure of activity y, the estimated equations are of the form "Blanchard (1990) surveys the voluminous prior literature on this issue. 21 AIny, = a + 6f + p(Z.)Alny,.i + The polynomials /3(L) vCqAlnm, and 7(L) are of 12th order which seems natural given analyzing monthly data. When we industrial production has a unit root. to use its level, not its first difference, in (15) be stationary. we assume in industrial production.*'* is money. This we have with output. shocks. These are changes changes in the demand directly and would be exogenous changes of that, if these money itself first likely included a difference has a unit root for, in it makes sense to on output. judge monetary aggregates In practice, there exist three separate kinds of monetary in central bank policy, changes for monetary assets. The first two justifiable to treat the correlations this type e*'','s in the financial system and affect the supply of were the only influence on the stock of money. were the only disturbances, theoretically data, the inclusion of this trend has a relatively money of money and output as causal We now more appropriate monetary aggregates ought to be more closely linked to output than other aggregates. "For our more monetary shocks of (14) are functions only of current and lagged differences in their correlation argue if Equation (15) can thus capture the causal effect of the it is are explaining the behavior of the change reasonable This brings us to the question of whether by because the unemployment rate when we is of study the behavior of the unemployment rate Equation (15) assumes that only the logarithmic correlated with output. this case, the are that the logarithm Following the suggestion of Stock and Watson (1989) deterministic trend in this regression even of money we that Industrial production enters the equation in logarithmic first differences because, following Nelson and Plosser (1982), we 05) + ef. minor effect, however. After making if 22 this case, we return to the issues that plague the interpretation of all studies of money-output correlations. Both changes in central bank policy and changes economy only through their effect interest rates and economic these shocks on economic that the more activity. L L which, via the money demand L Therefore, measures of activity. closely approximate economy. In on in financial institutions affect the equation summarize the (9), affects effect of all This means that one should fmd that monetary aggregates ought be more closely linked to subsequent changes in to particular, they should be more closely linked to output than arbitrary aggregates or even than variables which are more strongly influenced by the central bank, These variables would be particularly poor proxies such as the monetary base. exogenous changes in L if the monetary authority chooses its for policy to neutralize some of the changes in financial institutions. Any money study of the correlation of is set endogenously. money with output In particular, faces the problem that the level of when money demand changes exogenously, money supply probably accommodates the change in money demand cannot be fully resolved without a structural model of the assets which is well beyond the scope of this paper. neglect of this endogeneity this may is some extent. demand and supply This problem for liquid While our, and our predecessors', mainly a matter of expedience it is important to point out that not be a very large problem in practice. Endogeneity has two components. that to money demand rises The when economic first, stressed activity rises by King and Plosser (1984), exogenously and that the money is 23 money demand.'* One expects supply then accommodates the increased increases in economic activity to lower prices so this story monetary shocks. rise less rapidly after positive be the case, so type of endogeneity this may We these exogenous would predict show below would that prices that this does not seem to The second form of not be very important. endogeneity arises when there are increases in money demand that are unrelated to exogenous changes money supply In the absence of any in output. response, these ought to have the same effect as monetary contractions, reducing output and prices. supply endogenous and responds is partially, the resulting increases in associated with subsequent reductions in output and prices. associated with both price and output increases, With these provisos, we by changes in money affect economic and issues pertaining rigidities 7(L) to explain money ought to be Insofar as monetary increases are problem may be minor as well. = activity. and we interpret rejections as suggesting that There are many to the distribution factors, such as nominal of newly supplied monetary could make monetary shocks non-neutral in the short run. however, money absence of correlation between money and output test for the testing the null hypothesis that this If the It is much more permanent, lon g-run effects of money on output. assets, that difficult, Insofar as monetary , shocks do affect output in the long run, the interpretation that the money-income relationship represents true causation more either from money to income is called into question. likely that the relationship is a statistical fluke or is the result income "We itself problem to some it becomes of responses of money or to third variables which affect income as well. deal with this Instead This endogeneity to extent by excluding the contemporaneous change in from our regressions although this exclusion has no material effect on our results. money 24 could well be a serious problem for conventional aggregates if non-monetary shocks which affect output also affect the subsequent allocation of assets for a given level of overall liquidity. In the case where both output and the monetary indicator have a unit root, our test for monetary neutrality corresponds this case, (15) to the one proposed in Kormendi and Meguire (1984). In can be rewritten as ' 1-P(L) So, a one permanent one percent increase in percent. money by raises long-run output (I-/3(l))"'7(l) Testing long-run neutrality' therefore requires testing whether the estimated value of this quantity is significantiy different One from issue that arises at this point is given the criticism levelled by McCallum showed, Lucas' why (1980) method McCallum's (1984) our McCallum (1984) coefficients in a regression of output on method. zero.'* is tests of long run neutrality at the earlier criticism of this lags of money and the sum of same is all the is stationary. So, as argued by Fisher itself. and Seater (1990), measuring the response to a once and for As true of our method applies only when money Then, monetary shocks have no long run effect on money sense attempt by Lucas (1980). equivalent to computing the many make increase in money is then impossible because such increases never occur in practice. ""Note that long run neutrality They will fail to be cointegrated shocks do. if is perfectly possible even if money and output monetary impulses have no long run effect are not cointegrated. on output but other 25 Suppose however one percent raises money has that money at t a unit root. plus infinity by Z Then a shock percent. that raises money at t by The quantity Z can be estimated from univariate regressions of money growth on lagged values of money growth using standard methods. to a once and for The quantity neutrality. From Then sum of increases in all Z the is coefficients money method works because an event analogous actually takes place every period. generally not equal to one but this does not matter for testing long run (15) and the univariate regressions for things: Z, the long run response of money money growth we can compute two to a unit innovation in money. Thus, under '7(1 )Z, the long run response of output to a unit innovation in that Z is nonzero (so that money is money growth and non stationary), long run neutrality prevails only (1-/3(1))" the null if (1-/3(1))-'7(1) is zero. A certain effects, form of long run can be tested even of what would happen output If is itself one accepts if neutrality, when money money stationary, then is whether monetary shocks can have permanent stationary.'^ it is output have a unit root. For the reasons stressed which is Instead, analogous what to (15) money have no closely related. If real effects. is we in of the long run effects McCallum required is a simultaneous analysis of to the current monetary neutrality means only This hypothesis can obviously be tested only shocks have permanent effects on the level of money. (1984) this used in the case where both and relates output growth '^Fisher and Seater (1990) feel instead that long run in it is that industrial production has a unit root, then analysis (14) and the equation changes not identical to the question impossible for monetary shocks to have long run effects. cannot be tested by the sum of the coefficients method all is rose and stayed higher forever but of monetary shocks becomes interesting. money and This that if and once for monetary 26 past levels of money. Using both these equations simultaneously one can compute the impulse response function of output with respect to monetary shocks and analyze the long run response to these shocks. We carry out these tests for our currency-equivalent aggregate, which stationary. We also apply this test to two variables, which may also be may be stationary, that have recently been proposed as measures of monetary policy: the federal funds rate and the spread between the yield on commercial paper and the yield on Treasury is If bills. monetary policy indeed the predominant force acting upon these variables, then their changes ought not to have any long run effects on output. We also test whether money has any effect on prices by considering regressions of the form Ainp, = a' + where we measure the price hypothesis that there are b't + p'(/.)Alnp, + level (pj as the money has no no plausible theories effect that YU)Alnn7, + ef Consumer Price Index. We on prices by testing whether 7'(L) imply this null hypothesis. analyze the long run response of prices to monetary shocks. (1990) this can be done using the same method to the one run effect on output. In the case equals one. money then = 0. thus of As shown by test the null Admittedly, more interest to Fisher and Seater used for measuring the long where money and prices both have a hypothesis that permanent increases in (1-/3'(1)) '7'(1) we It is ^V) unit root, the eventually raise prices one for one implies that 27 4. Money and Output 4.1 Granger Causality Tests We first 8 first report tests of whether rows of Table 2 reports the between current The results null of the Divisia By real activity. monetary neutrality M3 all in is equations such as (15). rejection p-values for the null hypothesis of do not yield a consistent on matters at and past money for a range of real activity significant effect money pattern, except for When has a statistically activity is industrial production, the contrast, in the case of the M2 nor M2 rejected at high levels for both ordinary and Divisia aggregate proposed by Bamett and his co-authors, but not by but neither Divisia no link monetary aggregates. M2, which always measure of the traditional unemployment M3, nor rate, M3, ordinary we The Ml obtain high rejections for and or M3.'^ Ml and M2, yield strong rejections of neutrality. Other conventional monetary aggregates yield even weaker evidence against neutrality. For currency and the money multiplier, either industrial production or the rejected when we focus on Our benchmark CE the we do not reject the null of monetary neutrality for unemployment unemployment aggregate, which is rate. rate, For the monetary base, the but not for industrial production. based on a 13-month moving average of interest rate spreads, yields strong evidence against neutrality regardless of we activity of this CE rejections analyze; this rejection pattern resembles that for which index of M2. Because real the current value aggregate depends on future interest rate spreads, the interpretation of these might be viewed as problematic. '*The ease with which Stock and Watson (1989) our results are different when we null is is In particular, it we can accept that Ml has no effect on who show that Ml does affect output in that our sample is longer than theirs. restrict attention to the period before 1985. might be thought that these industrial production contrasts with specifications like (13). We obtain the same The reason results as them 28 future spreads simply contain information about future output and that this is the cause of our significant correlations. We CE "fixed weight" interest rates but, leaving aside changes aggregate from one month to the next months before to 18 months Thus it is in the The This too uses future information component change stocks, the in this CE influenced only by the change in yields from 18 after the current period. money growth from one month months. first is the which uses the overall sample average yield spreads as weights. second uses a three-year moving average of yield spreads. on The consider three variations which are not subject to this problem. As we to the next affect output below, changes in growth only for approximately 6 seems implausible that the yield changes through their inclusion of future information on output. will see in the The 3-year final CE CE is contemporaneous yield spreads and would be the appropriate aggregate affect output only based only on in the absence of costs to portfolio adjustment. As can be The seen in Table 2 the results are fairly robust to these changes in specification. "fixed weight" CE leads to strong rejections of neutrality for both industrial production and unemployment. The "3-year" its effect on CE industrial production is also leads to rejections at conventional levels though weaker. Finally, the contemporaneous CE, which is very volatile, only affects industrial production. The remaining rows of Table 2 present Granger proposed alternative measures of monetary policy. causality tests for several recently Bemanke (1990) argues that shifts in policy are captured by the yield spread between commercial paper and Treasury correlation of this spread with subsequent output was first bills. The demonstrated by Friedman and 29 Kuttner (1990). We rejections of 7(L) too find strong correlations with output. = when we use find similarly strong the federal funds rate suggested Blinder (1990) or the commercial paper rate One important We itself as by Bemanke and a measure of monetary policy. limitation of the interest-rate based measures of monetary stance the estimated effects of these aggregates are sensitive to the time period in question. the CE is that Using aggregate, within-sample stability tests for the coefficients in (15) for industrial production, for example, do not reject the null hypothesis that 7(L) and /3(L) are identical for the pre- and post- 1980 period. By contrast, this hypothesis is rejected at the .01 level for the commercial paper-Treasury bill yield spread. for Ml and M2 The evidence also weak, suggesting that these aggregates is against sub-sample stability behave more like the CE aggregate. The results in Table 2 suggest that the CE aggregate provides stronger and more consistent evidence against the monetary neutrality hypothesis than measures of the money supply. predictors of output. whether CE Since CE However, many, but not Table 3 addresses that all coefficients this in based on interest rates this raises the question of is partially money or an equation for output. question by reporting p-values for the F-tests of the hypothesis on the lagged values of other indicators of monetary stance. The CE are zero in equations which already include findings suggest that CE's information content remains even after the other measures of money or monetary policy are controlled most surprising finding other the interest rate variables are actually better has any incremental explanatory power once the other measures of monetary policy are included all, in the table is that CE for. The remains a significant explanator of industrial 30 Ml production (though not of the unemployment rate) after controlling for both commercial paper benchmark 4.2 CE rate. and the This suggests that the variations in interest rates that affect the are not solely responsible for its explanatory power. Long Run Neutrality We now the long run. whether once and for We thus measure (1-/3(1))'7(1), the percentage increase in long run output all increases in when money increases by one percent, and test whether measure and its The money change test standard error for conventional, results CE it output significantly in Table 4 displays equals zero. and Divisia aggregates. provide strong evidence against long-run neutrality for Ml, M2, and both the Divisia aggregates M2 and M3. Not only the hypothesis that (1-/3(1))'7(1) equals zero is rejected for all these assets'' but the point estimates exceed one; they suggest that a percent increase in the asset raises real output by Even for this M3, where more than one percent in the one long run. the hypothesis that (l-i3(l))"'7(l) is zero cannot be rejected, the point estimate exceeds 0.5. In contrast, the null cannot be rejected for the contemporaneous weights variants. CE aggregate nor for its 3-year and For the benchmark CE, the point estimate of the long- run elasticity of output with respect to money is very small (.05). For and three year versions the point estimates are somewhat larger but the still contemporaneous On below 0.15. other hand, the long run response of output to a one percent change in the fixed weight similar to that of output to Ml. The point estimate of this response is "Fisher and Seater (1990) also report rejections of long run neutrality for longer time series. near one and Ml using a is much the CE is 31 significantly different from zero. So, the utility based aggregates that do characteristics vary over time, such as the fixed weight CE let asset and the Divisia aggregates, fail to This suggests that changes in the liquidity characteristics of assets be long run neutral.^" are important. 4.3 Impulse Response Functions In this sub-section monetary shocks. stationary. do For these we estimates of (15). impulses. We we We From present impulse response functions of output with respect to this first for the monetary indices which are arguably non- report the effects of a these we once and for all increase in money learn the time profile of the effects of these using the monetary then study the impulse response functions for the indicators of monetary policy which appear stationary. These impulse response functions, which are based on simulating the analogues to equations (14) and (15) simultaneously, also serve to test the long run neutrality of these shocks. Figures 2a through 2c display these impulse response functions for the effects on industrial production of a also report 1% once and for all increases in one standard-error bands on Ml, M2 and CE. either side of the point estimates. the cumulative effect of a shock to the monetary variable on real output. The figures Each figure shows Long run neutrality therefore implies a zero effect at long horizons. ^"The same true of an aggregate is our CE aggregate. that our menu of We we created by simply adding together created this aggregate to see whether our results all were the components of attributable to the fact included assets does not correspond to any conventional aggregate. 32 The impulse response M2 to the predictions of standard models. do not correspond money on output rises for the no reduction virtually functions (IRFs) of industrial production with respect to in the first The cumulative fourteen months after a monetary shock. Ml and effect of There is cumulative output effect thereafter, which leads to the finding in Table 4 of strong evidence against the long-run neutrality hypothesis. The IRF pattern is substantially different for the currency equivalent aggregate. innovation in the money to increase for seven stock raises industrial production, and the cumulative months after the shock. shock. By is continues after the shock, the total estimated to be only one tenth as large as seven months after the eighteen months after the shock, the point estimate of the cumulative effectively zero. positive After this point, however, the lagged monetary shock has a negative effect on output and by fourteen months increase in real output IRF A This suggests not only that the long-run effects of the CE IRF is aggregate are consistent with monetary neutrality, but also that any non-neutralities implied by these estimates are resolved in a relatively short time span. We now turn to the effect of the stationary monetary impulses. functions for shocks to the commercial paper-Treasury rate are given in Figures 2d and 2e. bill The impulse response spread and to the federal funds Figure 2d shows that a 100 basis point increase spread between the annualized yield on commercial paper and that on Treasury permanently lowers industrial production by 5 % a monetary shock since the maximal reduction months) is . It is bills hard to interpret this as a response to in output essentially equal to the long run reduction. in the (which occurs after about 10 Figure 2e shows a similar pattern for the response of output to a 100 basis point increase in the annualized Federal funds rate. 33 Output falls steadily and becomes about 5% lower in the This too seems hard long run. to reconcile with typical analyses of monetary contractions. We also assuming that and (15) We e^. in which The is stationary. CE In other CE CE industrial production to shocks in words we considered the system of equations (14) enters only in levels and results are Increases in root. 5. CE computed the response of both variables suggest that the CE aggregate might be very similar to those obtained when CE is did this because the results of Table stationary. no computed the impulse response of first raise 1 assumed to to have a unit output significantly and then lower output so that they have significant long run effect. Money and Prices The new currency equivalent aggregate can also be used to examine the effects of monetary shocks on the price level. shocks and velocity prices should rise one-for-one with increases in the stock. This section is stable, tests In the long run, if output is not affected by monetary whether monetary impulses Granger-cause changes money in the price and investigates the long-run price-level effects of monetary shocks. level, The first column in Table 5 reports tests of Granger-causality between traditional monetary aggregates, other indicators of monetary policy, and the price correspond to p-values for rejecting the null hypothesis that 7'(L) of the CE = level. The entries in equation (17). All aggregates except that with time-invariant weights display strong predictive power for future movements traditional monetary aggregates. in the price level. The Granger The monetary base is causality results are much weaker the only such aggregate for which for we 34 can reject the null hypothesis of no effect. The last three Federal Funds rate and the commercial paper rate do changes commercial paper-Treasury bill yield show predictive that the power for spread. Table 5 presents our estimates of the long-run effects of in The monetary shocks on prices. relative merits show strong table while the null hypothesis of no causality cannot be rejected for the in the price level, The second column rows of the results do not permit us to draw sharp conclusions about the of the various monetary aggregates. For all of the monetary aggregates consider, the hypothesis that in the long run prices rise proportionately to the rise in we money cannot be rejected at conventional significance levels. The standard errors are large, however, and the point estimates for the long-run range from permanent .3 to 3.7. 1% of price with respect to money Figures 3a and 3b report estimates of the CPI's response to a increase in Ml and CE. In the case of reached three years after the monetary shock. respond to monetary shocks 6. elasticity is relatively CE half of the long-run effect (.62) is This implies that the process by which prices slow and gradual. Conclusions This paper develops a liquidity services. We compare monetary aggregate, other monetary policy new monetary aggregate based on the amount households spend on the performance of this "currency-equivalent" traditional (CE) monetary aggregates, and various other indicators of in forecasting real activity. The than any of the traditional monetary aggregates. CE aggregate has more predictive power While some other indicators of monetary policy based on nominal interest rates can forecast output as well as the CE aggregate, they 35 money. This suggests also suggest long-run non-neutrality of output with respect to changes assets. in the CE that aggregate are a more plausible indicator of changes in the supply of liquid This result in turn supports the idea that the best measure monetary shocks the is monetary aggregate with which one can one which measures the utility (or the services) that people derive from their liquid assets. Our results also contain The disturbances affect output. rigidities are important, some information on the channel through which monetary literature make people lowers investment. hold the new According initially is important.^' money findings provide some support view, there for the situation where the A According to the a direct reduction in investment is to curtail the "money" view. stock which has the most plausible effect on output point of view of holders of money. whether nominal This increase in interest rates then which comes about because monetary contractions force banks Our issues: reduce money balances and interest rates must constellation of assets. to the "credit" two this topic stresses and whether "money" or "credit" "money" view, monetary contractions rise to on We one is volume of have shown that loans. that the makes sense from the monetary expansion can thus be thought of as a level of liquid assets is high, at least for some consumers. In the "credit" view, the level of consumers' liquid assets does not matter, except insofar as it is The correlated with funds available for loans. correlated with broad aggregates like M2 than with the CE latter are aggregate. presumably more From the point of ^'The distinction between the "money" and the "credit" view has been stressed mainly by authors working with models of sticky prices, including Bernanke and Blinder (1990), Gertler, Hubbard and Kashyap (1990), Kashyap, Stein and Wilcox (1990) and Romer and Romer (1990). However, this distinction is just as important if nominal rigidities are absent and money matters only because different people carry out financial transactions at different times. Grossman and Weiss (1983) and Rotemberg (1984) and Fuerst This can be seen by comparing (1990). 36 view of accounts credit availability, at whether banks raise zero interest, or through expensive suggest that this distinction is their funds CD's is through "regular" checking probably irrelevant. Because the data important for the subsequent evolution of output they also suggests that the "credit" view is incomplete. 37 REFERENCES Bamett, William A., 1980, Economic Monetary Aggregates: Number and Aggregation Theory, , 1983, New Indices of Journal of Business , & Money Economic An Application of Index Journal of Econometrics 14. 11-48. . Supply and the Flexible Laurent Demand System, Statistics 1, 7-23. 1991, Reply, in Michael T. Belongia, ed. Monetary Policy on the 75th Anniversary of the Federal Reserve System. (Boston: Kluwer Academic), 1991. Bamett, William A., Edward K. Offenbacher, and Paul A. 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The regressions are estimated using monthly data for the 1960:2- 1989:6 period. d(L) is a twelfth-order lag polynomial. null hypothesis Table 2: Causality Tests: Monetary Aggregates and Real Activity Monetary Aggregates Traditional Industrial Production Ml .205 M2 .003 M3 .160 Monetary Base .174 Money .223 Multiplier .517 Currency Divisia Aggregates Divisia M2 .013 Divisia M3 .025 Alternative Indicators of Monetary Policy Commercial Paper Federal Funds Rate Commercial Paper-Treasury Bill Yield Spread Currency Ecuivalent Aggregates Currency Equivalent <. 00001 .001 <. 00001 Table 3 incremental Explanatory Power of Different Monetary Aggregates Incumbent Industrial Unemployment Production Rate for Married Men .002 .011 .003 .005 .023 .009 .015 .006 .002 .003 Table 4: Long-Run Effects of Monetary Shocks on Industrial Production Traditional Monetary Aaqreaates Estimated Long-Run Effect 1.04 Ml (0.44) M2 1.57 (0.52) M3 0.53 (0.50) Monetary Base 1.42 (0.63) Money 0.99 Multiplier (0.61) Currency 0.13 (0.61) Divisia Divisia Aggregates M2 1.31 (0.53) Divisia M3 1.15 (0.44) Currency Eouivalent Aggregates Currency Equivalent 0.05 (0.10) Fixed-Weight Currency Equivalent 1 .08 (0.28) 0.17 Three-Year Currency Equivalent (0.16) Contemporaneous Currency Equivalent -0.10 (0.09) Notes: Each entry reports the long-run effect of a unit shock to the monetary aggregate on the logarithm of industrial production. The estimates are computed as i{^,y) = ('\-p{L))'WiU evaluated at L = l, where the lag polynomials are estimated in Alny,=a+5f+p(Z.)Alny,+Y(/.)Aln/77,+e^. Standard errors, which are shown Summers(1986) as in parentheses, are calculated as in Poterba, Rotemberg and di/dyV where Vifi.y) is the variance-covariance matrix [di/dff di/dy]*V{fi.y)*ldi/dff of the estimated parameters. Table 5: Causality Tests and Long-Run Effects: Monetary Aggregates and Prices Traditional Aaoreaates Ml Causality .241 Long-Run Effect 2.42 (2.02) M2 .394 0.86 (0.87) M3 .693 0.95 (0.70) Monetary Base .003 2.49 (1.06) Money .439 Multiplier 1.75 (2.35) Currency .159 1.52 (0.55) Divisia Divisia Aggregates M2 .802 0.94 (1.07) Divisia M3 .640 1.21 (1.34) Currency Eauivalent Aggregates Currency Equivalent .002 0.62 (0.38) Fixed-Weight Currency .141 Equivalent 3.71 (7.68) Three-Year Currency .002 Equivalent 0.81 (0.42) Contemporaneous Currency .046 Equivalent 0.31 (0.17) Alternative Indicators of Monetary Policy Commercial Paper .0004 <. 00001 Federal Funds Rate Commercial Paper-Treasury Bill Yield Spread .666 Notes: Entries in column 2 are p-values for Granger-Causality tests of the sort reported in table 2, while entries in column 3 are long-run responses of the price level to shocks in the growth rate of the monetary aggregates, whose analogue for industrial production was reported in table 3. Standard errors are in parentheses. Billions of Current Dollars H I m O c 3) m z o -< ^ m I > Q Q : m Q > H m PERCENT RESPONSE O —A g 3 3- en M — fO_ -vJ pppppppop '-> ro OJ ">» Ln CD ki in iii -- ro 04 ui en » PERCENT RESPONSE I p p p p p lo fo "a (7) bo ro ro C7) OD ro ro fo -0 O) h o — (D Q) -D C rCO cm CO 33 Hm W > Q 3 -o §1 CO ro cr m Tl c z o H o CD ro cn_ N en cniO_ (J) cn_ en CD ai_ O ^ oi -n PERCENT RESPONSE I o p fo p p 4i. p PERCENT RESPONSE 05 cn CO fO > PERCENT RESPONSE CO ro04- uicn- vj-L ^- 00 05 cn CO M -^ O PERCENT RESPONSE I p fO fo- U1en- \lCD- 3 N3 3" ^ PERCENT RESPONSE o » to p o p p en en -a CD 3 (S 3 5" CO m o CD O IT ^ CO o CD 3 2876 127 z en m C Z O z ® CO cr Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT, 3 TOflO IIBRARIES DU7?EfiaO T