3 NEWS FROM THE OFFICE OF SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT U.S. legislative staffers engage with

Experience UGA
field trip initiative launched
Adapted from UGA press release by Shannon Wilder
The COE Office of School Engagement together with the
UGA Office of Service Learning and the Clarke County
School District (CCSD) have
launched Experience UGA,
a new partnership that aims
to bring every Clarke County
student to UGA’s campus for
an annual field trip and the
opportunity to experience
learning on a college
campus, explore college
options and interact with
UGA students.
The partnership’s vision
Clarke Middle School students
is that children who start
learn about composting on a
kindergarten in a Clarke
recent Experience UGA field trip
to the UGArden and the State
County school will have at
Botanical Garden of Georgia.
least 13 opportunities to
Photo: Doug Bailey
visit the UGA campus by the
time they graduate from high school and ultimately will
come to view a post-secondary degree as an attainable
option for their future. While students in Clarke County
schools typically have an opportunity to participate in
at least one field trip to UGA during their K–12 years,
there has not been funding available or a structured plan
to reach all 13,000 students every year. The field trips
started in October.
––continued on page 2
Model Launched
Archway STEM
Jenn James
U.S. legislative staffers engage with
PDSD, visit J. J. Harris Elementary
Two U.S. Senate staff members and one U.S. House of Representatives staffer learned
about the College of Education (COE) and Clarke County School District (CCSD)
Professional Development School District (PDSD) partnership, including a visit to J. J.
Harris Elementary Charter School, as part of the UGA Legislative Staff Retreat on August
20. U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson’s staffers Brett Layson
Top of page: Georgia Senator
and Barton Lowrey and U.S. Congressman Paul Broun’s
Johnny Isakson’s staffers
staffer Jessica Hayes were particularly interested in
Brett Layson (left) and
education issues, so they selected the opportunity to learn Barton Lowrey (right) were
greeted warmly by J. J. Harris
more about UGA’s College of Education programs as part
Elementary Charter School
of their retreat. Randall Nuckolls, UGA Legal Counsel,
students on their visit to
also participated.
learn more about the PDSD
COE Dean Craig Kennedy and CCSD Superintendent Phil partnership on August 20.
Photo: Andrew Tucker
Lanoue led an opening session called Developing Expert
Practitioners Through Partnerships that introduced the
PDSD partnership and its goals. COE Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement Jack
Parish, CCSD Deputy Superintendent Noris Price, COE Office of School Engagement
Director Janna Dresden and eight COE faculty members shared information about the
PDSD history, impact, and activities and programs in the schools.
Dresden emphasized that collaboration among UGA students, UGA faculty, and CCSD
teachers and administrators results in: connections between research and practice,
improved teacher preparation, support for practicing teachers, and improved P–12
student learning. The PDSD partnership has continued to grow each year, with 10
schools (P–12) now actively participating, including 5 schools with Professors-inResidence. This fall, 20 COE classes are being taught on-site at schools with nearly 500
COE students taking classes or student teaching in schools.
on page 3
FALL 2013
Recent Experience UGA environmental
education field trip to the UGArden and
the State Botanical Garden of Georgia.
Left: Peggy Bailey, a Clarke Middle
School life science teacher, teaches
seventh graders Rachel Bothe and
Alice Watson about composting.
Below: Arianna Parks, a seventhgrader at Clarke Middle School, learns
about beekeeping. Photo: Doug Bailey
Experience UGA
initiative ––continued from front
“We are very pleased to continue to find
innovative ways for the Clarke County
School District and the University of Georgia
to offer unique learning opportunities for
our students,” said Superintendent Philip D.
Lanoue. “By the time a student graduates
from our district, our goal is that they will
have seen each college or school at UGA,
which will undoubtedly help students
prepare and plan for post-secondary
In its inaugural year, Experience UGA will
offer seven field trips, all hosted by a variety
of academic departments and public service units across campus that
are providing teacher resources, faculty expertise, student volunteers and
critical funding for bus transportation—one of the biggest financial barriers
to getting students to campus. The President’s Venture Fund is providing
substantial support to launch this partnership.
“No factor is more important to an individual’s success in life than
education, particularly higher education,” said UGA President Jere W.
Morehead. “I believe that Experience UGA will change the lives of many of
the Clarke County students who come to this campus.”
Planning meetings between CCSD and the UGA Office of Service-Learning
and the COE Office of School Engagement began last year. Nearly 5,000
Clarke County students are expected to participate in trips led by hundreds
of UGA students from service-learning courses connected to the academic
content of the field trip. Trips this year range in grade level from Pre-K to
high school and cover a range of curricular topics, from art and music to
biological sciences:
• The
State Botanical Garden, a unit of Public Service and Outreach, will
offer a trip for Pre-K students to learn about forest ecosystems.
• The Georgia Museum of Art will continue to host a gallery trip for
fifth-graders, while expanding to include music performances by the
School of Music.
• The
J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development, a unit of Public
Service and Outreach, will work with sixth-grade students to develop
leadership skills in their Outdoor Leadership Lab.
Seventh-grade students will explore ecosystems, nutrition and food
production at the State Botanical Garden and UGArden, UGA’s studentled community garden.
• The
Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries will host
eighth-grade students studying Georgia history.
• The
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and the Office of the Vice
President for Research will host ninth-grade students on a tour of more
than 20 biological sciences research facilities across UGA’s campus.
The students will explore careers in science with UGA science students
and participate in hands-on science activities.
• The Warnell
School of Forestry and Natural Resources will host
10th–12th-grade students studying environmental science, Advanced
Placement environmental science and AP biology for hands-on
experiences with white-tailed deer and various aquatic life.
The Experience UGA partnership plans to add additional grade-level trips
each year as more curricular connections are made to UGA units and as
funds to support trips are secured through private donations and grants.
Legislative Visit
––continued from front
The legislative staffers, joined by COE faculty
and CCSD administrators, then visited J. J.
Harris Charter Elementary School, the first
PDS school, which opened in 2009. They were
warmly welcomed and escorted to classrooms
by J. J. Harris Elementary students.
Daigle (second from left)
and COE school counseling
students began a partnership
with Rutland Academy this fall.
This fall, Jolie Daigle, COE associate professor and
coordinator of the school counseling program, began
serving as Professor-in-Residence (PIR) in a new
professional partnership with Rutland Academy and
Northeast Georgia RESA. The Rutland Academy partnership is an extension of the much
larger Professional Development School District (PDSD) partnership between the College of
Education and the Clarke County School District.
Rutland Academy is a therapeutic educational setting that serves K–12 students from
Clarke County and 12 surrounding school districts. Daigle is working on the development,
implementation, and assessment of a social skills curriculum and also a career development
curriculum which is aligned with the requirements of the Georgia BRIDGE Act (2010).
In fall 2013, 14 COE school counseling students are enrolled in a required servicelearning course offered at Rutland Academy and deliver social skills and career content to
students at the academy through classroom guidance units and small group sessions. The
graduate students report to the school site for a three-hour clinical block and the seminar
portion of the class twice per week. Daigle is also involved in providing supervision for the
COE students, professional development trainings, consultation with staff, and building
relationships with post-secondary institutions and community agencies.
The Rutland Academy partnership is a win-win for COE students, Rutland students, and
Daigle. The partnership engages COE students in authentic learning, provides rich clinical
experiences, and promotes a sense of connection and responsibility related to the context of
schools. Rutland students and staff are being provided with clinical expertise, cutting-edge
strategies that promote student development and success, and an integrated system for
decision making, problem solving, and planning. As coordinator of the school counseling
program, Daigle is staying attuned to the needs and challenges of schools and K–12
youth, promoting the counseling profession, situating counselors for prime professional
experiences, and ensuring the next generation of school counselors are well prepared to
work in schools.
Daigle has been at UGA since 2005. Prior to 2005, Daigle worked as a professional school
counselor with New Orleans Public Schools at the elementary and high school levels.
The visit culminated in conversation with
principal Xernona Thomas; assistant principal
Marcia Thomas; J.J. Harris Professor-inResidence Lew Allen, a faculty member in
the COE Department of Educational Theory
and Practice; and others. PDSD leaders are
hopeful that increasing numbers of legislators
will become familiar with the positive impact of
PDS collaboration.
FALL 2013
COE School Counseling
Program joins PDSD
through partnership with
Rutland Academy
COE associate professor Jolie
The group observed two classrooms where
teachers taught “model lessons” while COE
students in the early childhood program circled
the back of the classroom to observe. This
technique, called Teaching Rounds, gives COE
students the opportunity to observe particular
teaching methods and then ask questions
of the teacher afterwards. The staffers
observed the COE students debriefing with the
teachers, which
“It is exciting to see
the benefit of
firsthand the success of
teacher education
the partnership between
in a reality-based
the University of Georgia
College of Education
similar to the
and the Clarke County
“teaching hospital”
School District in
model used for
enhancing the learning
medical students.
experience of students.”
—Barton Lowrey,
Lowrey, Field
Field Representative for
Representative for
Senator Isakson
Senator Isakson,
was enthusiastic about his experience at
the school. “It is exciting to see firsthand
the success of the partnership between the
University of Georgia College of Education and
the Clarke County School District in enhancing
the learning experience of students. It was
great to see how actively engaged the students
of J.J. Harris Elementary were in the classroom
and to see UGA students gaining valuable, realworld experience that will better prepare them
for their careers as effective teachers,” he said.
In July, the Professional Development School District (PDSD)
partnership launched a co-teaching model of student teaching for all
schools that are now actively involved in the PDSD. The goal is that
all teacher candidates (student teachers), mentor teachers, and COE
teacher candidate supervisors (faculty and graduate students) will
participate in professional learning on co-teaching and then utilize the
co-teaching strategies throughout the student teaching semester.
PDSD leaders, including Janna Dresden, Director of the COE Office
of School Engagement and faculty in the Department of Educational
Theory and Practice; AnnaMarie Conner, faculty in Department of
Mathematics and Science Education; and Noris Price, CCSD Deputy
Superintendent, were encouraged to expand co-teaching initiatives
after learning of research conducted by faculty at St. Cloud State
University in Minnesota that shows the co-teaching model of student
teaching not only benefits teacher candidates and mentor teachers
but results in higher K–12 student achievement. Co-teaching benefits
include increased options for flexible grouping of students, enhanced
collaboration skills for the teacher candidate and cooperating teacher,
and professional support for both the cooperating teacher and the
teacher candidate, among other benefits.
“The co-teaching framework is energizing for both mentor teachers
and teacher candidates and gives teacher candidates the
opportunity to try out various approaches to classroom
organization and instruction. This means that they
will begin their first job with both more ‘tools’ and
more confidence,” explained Dresden.
Over the summer and early fall, 115 CCSD
mentor teachers and 65 COE teacher candidates
participated in the Co-Teaching Foundational
Workshop. Fifteen COE supervisors,
representing three COE departments
(Educational Theory and Practice, Mathematics
The Foundational Workshop focuses on learning and practicing six
co-teaching strategies. The goal is that each mentor teacher and
teacher candidate pair will try out all six approaches during the
semester. The strategies include:
1 One Teach-One Observe, where one teacher systematically
observes and collects data with a particular focus, while the
other one teaches. The teacher candidate and mentor teacher
should each spend equal time observing and being observed.
One Teach-One Assist, where one teacher is primarily teaching
while the other plays a supportive role, often moving around the
room to help students.
Parallel Teaching, where the class is divided in half and each
teacher teaches the exact same lesson separately from the
other; this results in a lower student to teacher ratio.
Station Teaching, where different learning stations are set up,
including some that teachers lead and others where students
work independently; this is especially useful for complex content
and for differentiating content by learning style.
Alternative or Supplemental Teaching, where the students are
divided into one large group and one small group, which can be
helpful for differentiation.
Team Teaching, where the lesson is team taught with no clear
class leader; students benefit from two different teaching styles.
“Having my student teaching experience
based around this concept of co-teaching
has taught me how to teach alongside
others in a meaningful way that is beneficial
for both the students and teachers.”
and Science Education, and Lifelong Education, Administration, and
Policy), and 20 CCSD principals also participated in the workshop.
—Katie Farrington, COE Teacher Candidate,
J. J. Harris Elementary
STEM initiative
encouraged by
Archway Partnership
Lisa Pizarek, a second-grade teacher at Fowler Drive Elementary
School, has been a mentor to COE teacher candidates for the past
three years. She explained her excitement about the shift to the
co-teaching model, saying, “I believe the co-teaching workshop
has helped educators and teacher candidates realize that gone are
the days in which one teacher lead teaches all day while the other
assists. In order to make the most of every instructional moment,
it is essential to collaboratively decide which co-teaching model
will be the most effective and beneficial for student engagement.
If the mentor teacher and teacher candidate are successfully
co-teaching, the students benefit from having two educators
actively engaged and providing insight into the lesson.”
As a follow-up to the foundational training, the long-term
professional learning plan is that all mentor teachers and teacher
candidates will also have an additional opportunity to plan
co-teaching strategies together during a two-hour co-teaching
“pairs workshop” at school sites. This was piloted at J.J. Harris
Elementary Charter School this fall where 32 teachers, teacher
candidates and practicum students engaged in the pairs workshop,
led by Lew Allen, Professor-in-Residence and COE faculty
member in the Department of Educational Theory and Practice.
The pairs workshop was also piloted at Barrow Elementary where
18 teachers and teacher candidates participated, led by Jenn
James, Professor-in-Residence, and Denise Oen, both COE faculty
members in the Department of Educational Theory and Practice.
Katie Farrington, a teacher candidate at J. J. Harris Elementary this
semester, commented, “Having my student teaching experience
based around this concept of co-teaching has taught me how
to teach alongside others in a meaningful way that is beneficial
for both the students and teachers. I believe that I now have the
capability to become a well-rounded teacher who understands how
to work with both students and collaborating teachers because of
this semester at J.J. Harris Elementary School.”
For more information on the St. Cloud State University Academy for
Co-teaching and Collaboration see:
This summer, the Archway
Benjamin Parker, a COE doctoral
Partnership and College of Education student, is assisting the Hart
continued their commitment to
County School System with their
STEM education focus as part of
their community partners and
the UGA Archway Partnership work
brought Benjamin Parker aboard
supported by the Office of School
as a graduate assistant. Parker’s
background in education allows him
to work with partner counties and address their specific educational
goals. He is currently assisting Hart County with their STEM initiative
at the elementary level as well as working with a team in DaltonWhitfield County on their ongoing early literacy initiative.
Parker is Ph.D. student in the Department of Educational Theory
and Practice at the University of Georgia. His focus is on educational
access, equity, and community partnerships. He earned a bachelor’s
degree in political science from Shippensburg University of
Pennsylvania, a master’s degree in middle and secondary level
instruction from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, as well as a
level I teaching certificate from Delaware Valley College. In addition
to his doctoral program, Parker is a member of the UGA Obesity
Initiative and volunteers as a conversation partner in an adult ESL
class in Clarke County. Prior to his work at UGA, he taught both
seventh-grade and eighth-grade social studies at Grover Cleveland
Public School located in Philadelphia, Pa. He also worked as a
program technician for the U.S. Department of Agriculture in
Lancaster, Pa., implementing programs for the farming community
of Lancaster County. Parker is excited to continue his work
in Georgia and provide assistance to local communities with
educational needs.
FALL 2013
Last spring, Hilsman Middle School teacher Nick Hussein
(left) and COE teacher candidate Rich Pavone (right) (now
a teacher at Hilsman) used co-teaching strategies in their
math classroom. Photo: Paul Efland
In an effort to engage students in the fields of Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math (STEM), school leaders in Hart County, Ga.,
have developed a plan of action. Partnering with the UGA Archway
Partnership and Office of School Engagement, the Hart County
School System is implementing a STEM initiative. Already a bring
your own technology (BYOT) program has been piloted at the
high school level, and now the
elementary schools are ready to
participate. Working with three
designated STEM facilitators from
the Hart County School System, the
Archway partnership is providing
workshops to help develop the
teaching of STEM at the elementary
level. An emphasis is being placed
on student-created activities that
will incorporate important concepts
from the STEM fields using a crossdisciplinary approach.
Jenn James at Barrow
Elementary School
This article is the fourth in a series of profiles of Professors-inResidence at Professional Development Schools.
“My two favorite things about being a Professor-in-Residence are
learning with and from kids and engaging in collaborative work with
teachers,” said Jenn James, the new Professor-in-Residence (PIR)
at Barrow Elementary School and associate professor in the COE
Department of Educational Theory and Practice. “I love the idea of the
PIR; as a faculty member, it’s exciting to play a part in the day-to-day
business of schools,” she added.
James has had an active relationship with Barrow since she came to
UGA in 2010, with increasing levels of involvement each year. In many
ways, she served as PIR before she gained the official title this fall.
She began her involvement as a parent of children who attended the
school and worked with four teachers supporting enrichment clusters. In
2010–11 she taught undergraduates
on-site at the school, and the
“My two favorite things
following year she taught a freshmen about being a ProfessorOdyssey class. Last year she taught
in-Residence are learning
her elementary social studies
with and from kids and
methods class, a second freshman
engaging in collaborative
Odyssey course, and a servicework with teachers.”
learning course called “Hunger in
Our Schools” for undergraduates and
graduate students. In addition, she conducted research with teachers in
the school and offered professional learning for teachers.
“The PDS work has grown out of the needs of the school. The teachers,
staff, and principal, Ellen Sabatini, have been actively involved in
collaboratively designing the UGA classes I have taught on-site, and
many of them have participated in those classes,” she explained.
This year the PDS components at Barrow have expanded extensively,
including more on-site classes, professional learning, and research.
Currently, 50 COE students take their social studies methods class
at the school, twice the number from last year. James supervises
the graduate students who teach the courses, and they all work
collaboratively with the teachers to ensure that the COE students can
support the Barrow students’ learning in meaningful ways. This fall
the COE students pre-assessed the second-grade and fourth-grade
students and are now designing learning centers that help Barrow
students learn social studies concepts.
James has noticed the COE students are greatly benefiting by
experiencing a class on-site at a school early in their preparation
Jenn James, associate professor in the
Department of Educational Theory and Practice,
is the new Professor-in-Residence at Barrow
Elementary School. Photo: Paul Efland
program. “The COE students at Barrow become a part of the school
community. It starts to feel like ‘home’—where they work with others to
learn and co-design experiences with teachers. They have a sustained
school experience and feel comfortable at the school. Another benefit
is getting to see university folks and school district folks partnering in
authentic ways—we all have the same goals and respect each other,”
she explained.
Barrow students also benefit from the COE students participating in their
classrooms. “The Barrow students love to have the UGA students in the
room and have developed close relationships with them. The teachers
attest to the children connecting to college students and trying things
they haven’t before—their confidence grows,” James explained.
This year James is also engaged in on-going professional learning with
teachers focused on integrating content across subjects, especially
integrating English/Language Arts, social studies and science. Teachers
also consider how to meet students’ physical, emotional and social needs
when collaboratively planning across subject areas.
“Having Jenn as a Professor-in-Residence at Barrow has been a great
experience. She is always available for feedback on integrating lessons
across the curriculum, providing resources, or offering ideas and advice on
effective instructional strategies,” said second-grade teacher Carrie Yawn. “Through the PDS, the Barrow teachers have opportunities to play an
active role in teacher education. They connect with others, and we grow
together. Not only might they have a student teacher, but many teachers
are also co-constructing UGA classes, giving feedback on COE student
work, presenting at the national PDS conference, and engaging in
research,” James explained.
James’ research on building elementary students’ 21st-century skills has
been integrated into her PDS work at Barrow. Two teachers in particular,
Rita Foretich and Glennda Shealey, have participated on the research
team with James over the past two years. The Spencer Foundation-
“Through the PDS, the Barrow teachers have opportunities
to play an active role in teacher education.”
This year, an added focus is building interpersonal skills through “talk
time,” where children learn skills such as active listening, collaboration
and empathy building through ongoing dialogue about authentic
community problems. The research team meets two hours every week
to assess what students are learning through their experiences. They
have developed a curriculum for “talk time” and “heart time,” as well as a
number of assessment tools for capturing civic competencies at different
points and within differing
contexts. Ideas sparked by
the research have spread
across the school. This
year, the entire fourth-grade
has incorporated “heart
time” into its curriculum.
A proposal has been
submitted to expand the
research to three classrooms
(kindergarten, second and
fourth-grades) over the
course of four years.
In addition to on-site
classes, professional
learning, and research,
James also supervises
three student teachers.
Nine student teachers are
placed at Barrow this fall,
all of whom participated
in the co-teaching training
offered through the PDSD
last summer. In September,
James deepened the new co-teaching model of student teaching
by co-leading a “Pairs Workshop” with COE clinical assistant
professor Denise Oen for all nine student teachers and their
mentor teachers to continue to strengthen the co-teaching
model. Oen also supervises student teachers, and COE assistant
professor Jaime Diamond further strengthens the PDS by
teaching an elementary math methods class at Barrow.
Prior to coming to UGA, James was a professor at Kent State University
where she was very involved in their Professional Development School
partnership, so when she came to UGA, she was eager to get involved
in the PDS partnership with Clarke County School District.
“At Kent State, I remember thinking the PDS is what teacher education
is—it’s not sitting in a college classroom. It is teacher education at a
whole new level. Now, the fact that I can work with Barrow teachers,
collaborating in an effort to enhance teacher education, that adds a
whole other layer,” she said. Reflecting on the PDSD partnership as
a whole, James said, “I think the greatest strength of the CCSD and
UGA partnership is its flexibility. The work has to look different at every
One example of Barrow’s uniqueness is that it is a state model
technology school, and the newly renovated building has integrated
technology into all aspects of the learning environment. Not surprisingly,
PDS collaboration related to instructional technology has emerged as
a result. T. J. Kopcha, COE assistant professor in Learning, Design,
and Technology and Barrow Professor on Special Assignment (POSA),
together with COE doctoral
student Carol Buller
McGee collaborate with
the Barrow media specialist
Andy Plemmons to provide
on-going professional learning
to teachers on integrating
instructional technology into
their classrooms.
Through this growing
partnership, led by James and
others, Barrow is a shining
example of collaboration that
benefits everyone involved!
Top: Jenn James (left) and Barrow Elementary School
teacher Glennda Shealey (right) problem solve with a
group of students during Heart Time. Above: Jenn James listens as two Barrow Elementary students work
on writing a piece of music during Heart Time. “The beat is the most
important part,” one of them said. Photos: Paul Efland
FALL 2013
funded research focuses on three dimensions of students’ civic learning:
cognitive (creative thinking, meta-cognition, reasoning, and critical
thinking), interpersonal (perspective taking, symbiotic relationship building,
and collaboration), and intrapersonal (self-esteem, self-knowledge, and
efficacy). Last year the research team focused on building intrapersonal
skills and self-esteem through “heart time” where students engaged in
pursuing a personal passion for one hour each week.
Contact Us:
Office of School Engagement
Our Purpose:
The Office of School Engagement (OSE) at the University of Georgia serves as a bridge
between the worlds of theory and practice in P–16 public education to improve the
educational experiences of students and the professional lives of educators.
Dr. Janna Dresden, Director
629F Aderhold Hall
Phone: 706-542-8491
Email: jdresden@uga.edu
OSE Newsletter Writer and Editor: Erica Gilbertson
Email: ericag@uga.edu
Professional Development Schools Workshop
Forming Sustainable School District & University Partnerships
Are you interested in learning more about the potential benefits of
strong school-university partnerships? Or are you interested in forming
or strengthening a Professional Development School (PDS) partnership
between your school district and your local college or university? The
University of Georgia, College of Education and the Clarke County School
District formed a partnership in 2009, which has grown to include 10
active Professional Development School sites. College of Education
courses are taught at the local schools, and university faculty work with
school-based teachers and administrators on a variety of initiatives.
In this two-day workshop, faculty and administrators from the
University of Georgia College of Education and Clarke County
School District will lead participant teams through Professional
Development School (PDS) visits (pre-K through 12th grade) and
working sessions on how to build sustainable partnerships, create
a model that serves both institutions, and maximize the benefits
of PDSs for all stakeholders. Participant teams are encouraged
to include both school district members (principals, teachers,
administrators) and university teacher educators.
New this year: time for networking with other PDS partnerships
across Georgia. We’ll share successes and innovations from
PDS work around Georgia.
Please share with your colleagues ~ we hope you will join us!
February 12–13, 2014
Day 1: 10:00am–8:00pm
Day 2: 8:00am–4:00pm
UGA Hotel and Conference Center, Athens, GA
COST: $200 on or before December 20, 2013.
After December 20, 2013: $225
Day 2 Registration Fee (for 2013 participants
only): $80 (Includes lunch)
REGISTER BY: January 21, 2014
For more information about the workshop,
contact Erica Gilbertson, Project Manager,
University of Georgia College of Education,
Office of School Engagement, ericag@uga.edu