CITE LEARNING MODALIES/ STYLE INVENTORY Major Areas Assessed by CITE Auditory – Language – Numerical Visual – Language – Numerical Kinesthetic-Tactile Interactive – Individual – Group Expressive – Oral – Written Modes Auditory Visual Combined: Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic Hearing Seeing Hearing, Seeing, and touching/ moving CITE Academic Areas Language Mathematics Cite Areas Auditory Language Visual Language Auditory Numerical Visual Numerical Auditory/Visual/ Kinesthetic Combination Hearing words spoken Reading words Hearing numbers Seeing numbers Doing/Experiences CITE Interaction Modes Individual Learner Group Learner Works better when working independently Works better with at least one other student CITE Expressive Modes Oral Expressive Can tell you what he knows Written Expressive Can write what he knows About the CITE May be read to 2nd Grade: 3 – Adult graders 45 Questions to read May be read to the and answer student if reader will Response is not lead with voice or – 4 Most Like Me expressions –3 Younger children may –2 need smiley faces to – 1 Least Like Me show ranking and use only three ranks. Results The student prefers this mode Major Learning of learning, feels comfortable Style with it, and uses it for important (to the student) learning. A student does not necessarily have one and only Minor Learning one preferred style. The student uses this mode but Style usually as a second choice or in conjunction with other learning styles. Negligible Use The student prefers not to use this if other choices are available . The student does not feel comfortable with this style. CITE Scores Major Learning Style Minor Learning Style Negligible Use 34 - 40 20 - 32 10 - 18 The CITE Reports Style Page 12/16 – gives the The Student student strengths and assists in completes a graphic developmental guidance. of the scores The computer prints Computer program is included on the CD accompanying this out the items, program. It provides response number, information for teacher, parent, the results and and older student. recommendations The teacher completes a classroom profile Style Page 16/16 depicts planning for the individual student and for the class. Administering the CITE Explain 1 is not what I do or low/least and 4 is what I do or high/most. 2 is I may use this one and 3 is one I often use this. Practice with this ranking. Explain they are to read each of the 45 statements and circle 1, 2, 3, or 4 For younger students, the teacher may read the test taking care not to show how to answer. Three smiley faces – sad, straight line, and smiles may be used. Scoring the CITE Older students may score their own test For those using the computer, the score and results will be given automatically. The student may then graph the results. For younger students, the teacher will score. The CITE Scoring Process Record the response to each question on the score sheet Style Page 11/16 For example the Visual Language questions are 5– 13 – 21 – 29 – 37 – TOTAL 4 3 4 2 4 17 x2 SCORE 34 A score of 34 is the lowest level of Major Learning Style (34-40) This score would be recorded on the Student Profile graph on Style 12/16 Plotting the CITE Score Use Style page 12/16 Record child’s score on each area from page 11/16 to create a bar graph. Bars may be colored. – Bars with a score of 34-40 would be green – Bars with a score of 10-18 would be red – Other bars would be student choice or leave white LEARNING STYLE PROFILE Negligible Use Name _________________________ Date __________________________ Minor Style Major Style 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 V L V N A L Plotting CITE Class Profile Use Style Page 16/16 Record each student’s name and scores in the horizontal bars of the grid Reading horizontally provides an individual student’s score Reading Vertically provides a classroom profile for that area. (If the teacher takes the test his/her score would be recorded last. Hint: Color code scores 34-40 green and 10-18 red to create a colored guide of the class for each area. Designed by F.B. Mann, III; Assistant Superintendent: Secondary Education; Wyoming County, WV-conducted 10 years research Cognitive Social Expressive Student VL VN AL AN KT IN GR OR WR Bill 36 36 32 28 22 32 36 24 32 Sue 20 32 28 12 36 26 24 32 32 Mary 32 38 24 22 16 30 30 38 18 Kama 18 40 34 14 20 28 18 32 18 C C C C See Style Pages 6/16 and 16/16 Using The CITE Visual Numerical (VN) Learner This student has to see numbers on the board, in a book, or on a paper in order to work with them. He is more likely to remember and understand math facts if he has seen them. He does not seem to need as much oral explanation. VN Teaching Techniques This student will benefit from worksheets, workbooks, and texts. Give a variety of written materials and allow time to study it. In playing games and being involved in activities with numbers/number problems, make sure they are visible, printed numbers, not oral games and activities. Important data should be given on paper. See Style Pages 13/16, 14/16, 15/16 Using the Results The computer program prints out the definitions and the techniques for the parent and for the teacher. Pages Style 13/16 – 15/16 may be copied and the strengths circled in one color and the negligible in another color. This information may be used for areas such as teaching, counseling, conferencing, and developmental guidance. Something to Think About Each student will use a variety of styles. Subject content does make a difference. Style can expand. A classroom will usually have every combination. Teachers usually teach in THEIR preferred style. Teaching should not always be toward a strength. All styles need some development. The key is WHEN IT IS CRUCIAL – PREFERRED STYLE Research have found STYLE can make a crucial difference. Style relates to Brain Compatible Learning and Multiple Intelligences. Cooperative Learning Structures facilitate using all the styles.