Pell Processing 2015 Pell Processing

Pell Processing
Washington State Board for Community
and Technical Colleges
FA ERP Support
Pell Processing
Pell Processing Flow ................................................................................................................ 2
Pell Outbound Process ......................................................................................................... 2
Pell Inbound Process............................................................................................................ 2
Pell Outbound Process ............................................................................................................ 3
Create Origination .................................................................................................................. 3
Validate Pell Record Creation ................................................................................................... 4
Pell Outbound ........................................................................................................................ 5
Validate Pell Origination Process .............................................................................................. 6
Upload/Download Process ....................................................................................................... 7
Pell Inbound Process ............................................................................................................... 8
Upload/Download Process ....................................................................................................... 8
Import Pell Response File ........................................................................................................ 9
Pell Records by Trans Status Report ........................................................................................ 10
Pell Disbursements by Status Report ...................................................................................... 12
Additional Pell Reports .......................................................................................................... 14
Pell Origination Report ....................................................................................................... 14
Pell Disbursement Records Report ...................................................................................... 14
Updated 12/10/15
Page 1
Pell Processing
Pell Processing Flow
Pell Outbound Process
Originate Pell Payment
Generate Pell Data
Process Name
Upload/Download Files
Send Pell File(s)
External Application
Process Description
Pell Origination
COD Pell Outbound Orig
and Dis
Download Pell file(s)
EdConnect File
Review Log Required?
Process Description
Review Log Required?
Pell Inbound Process
Upload/Download Files
Import COD Response
Origination Reports >
Transaction Status
Disbursement Reports >
Disbursements By
Updated 12/10/15
Process Name
BI Publisher
BI Publisher
Upload Pell file(s)
Common Orig and Disb
FA882 - Pell Records by
Trans Stat.pdf
FA884 - Pell Disb by
Page 2
Pell Processing
Pell Outbound Process
Create Origination
Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Originate Pell Payment
Enter New or Existing Run Control ID
Enter the following:
– Institution
– Aid Year
Enter Pell ID Reporting (Federal School Code)
Leave Student Override box unchecked (used to select specific EmplIDs)
Click the RUN button
Click the OK button
Click Process Monitor
Click Refresh until Run Status reads ‘Success’ and Distribution Status reads ‘Posted’
Updated 12/10/15
Page 3
Pell Processing
Validate Pell Record Creation
Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment
Enter ID
Enter the following:
– Institution
– Aid Year
Click SEARCH button
View the Pell Origination tab: Verify Pell Trans Stat = ‘Ready’ and Pell Orig Stat = ‘Originate’
View Pell Disbursement tab: Notice disbursements listed by Item Type, Disb ID, Pell Amt, Disb Date and
Disb Status.
Updated 12/10/15
Page 4
Pell Processing
Pell Outbound
Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Aid > File Management > COD Full Participant > Generate Pell Data
Enter New or Existing Run Control ID
Enter the following:
– Institution
– Aid Year
Enter Pell ID Reporting (Federal School Code)
Enter SFA Common School ID (COD Entity ID)
Select Schema Version (ex: Ver 4.0)
Enter File Path and Name
Suggested file name – CRAAxxIN.001 (where xx represents the aid year)
Click the Pell Origination Outbound & Pell Disbursement Outbound checkboxes
Click the RUN button
Click the OK button
Click Process Monitor
Click Refresh until Run Status reads ‘Success’ and Distribution Status reads ‘Posted’
Retrieve Pell XML file and send to COD, as usual (Process to retrieve file from server will be provided in
the future.)
Updated 12/10/15
Page 5
Pell Processing
Validate Pell Origination Process
Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment
Enter ID
Enter the following:
– Institution
– Aid Year
Click SEARCH button
View the Pell Origination tab: Verify Pell Trans Stat and Pell Orig Stat = ‘Transmitted’
View Pell Disbursement tab: Notice the current and past disbursements are marked as ‘Transmitted’.
Updated 12/10/15
Page 6
Pell Processing
Upload/Download Process
Navigation: Main Menu > PeopleTools > CTC Custom > Extensions > Upload/Download Files
Download and save to desired folder to send to COD
Updated 12/10/15
Page 7
Pell Processing
Pell Inbound Process
Upload/Download Process
Navigation: Main Menu > PeopleTools > CTC Custom > Extensions > Upload/Download Files
Updated 12/10/15
Page 8
Pell Processing
Import Pell Response File
Navigation: Main Menu > File Management > COD Full Participant > Import COD Response Data
Enter New or Existing Run Control ID
Enter File Path and Name (Use the same file path and file name you used in the Upload Process earlier.)
Click the RUN button
Click the OK button
Click Process Monitor
Click Refresh until Run Status reads ‘Success’ and Distribution Status reads ‘Posted’
Updated 12/10/15
Page 9
Pell Processing
Pell Records by Trans Status Report
Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Origination Reports > Transaction Status
Enter New or Existing Run Control ID
Enter the following:
– Institution
– Aid Year
Choose the desired Pell Trans Status:
On Hold
Click Run
Updated 12/10/15
Page 10
Pell Processing
From the Process Scheduler Request choose BI Publisher
Click Report Manager
From the Reports list choose FA882 – Pell Records by Trans Stat.pdf
Updated 12/10/15
Page 11
Pell Processing
Pell Disbursements by Status Report
Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Disbursement Reports > Disbursements by
Enter New or Existing Run Control ID
Enter the following:
– Institution
– Aid Year
Choose the desired Pell Trans Status:
Accepted (Z)
Dsb not sent due to RFMS Dsb
Originate (Z)
RFMS Generated Dsb
Rejected (Z)
Replaced by RFMS Correction
Replaced by RFMS Correction (Z)
Transmitted (Z)
Click Run
Updated 12/10/15
Page 12
Pell Processing
From the Process Scheduler Request choose BI Publisher
Click Report Manager
From the Reports list choose FA88r – Pell Disb by Status.pdf
Updated 12/10/15
Page 13
Pell Processing
Additional Pell Reports
Pell Origination Report
The Pell Origination Report basically provides the status of whether or not
records have been imported or exported.
– Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Origination
Report > Origination Import and Export
Pell Disbursement Records Report
The Pell Disbursement Records Report basically provides the status of whether
or not records have been disbursed and its status.
– Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Aid > Pell Payment >
Disbursement Reports > Disbursement Records
Updated 12/10/15
Page 14
Pell Processing
Updated 12/10/15
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