Washington State Student Services Commission Fall 2015 Meeting Bellevue College October 14-16 2015 In Attendance Bill Belden, Clark Damon Bell, OC Leslie Blackaby, YVC Erin Blakeney, Cascadia Ted Broussard, CPTC Matt Campbell, Pierce Pat Campbell, CBC Deb Casey, GRC Christina Castorena, EdCC Mary Chikwinya, TCC Diane Coleman, Seattle Central Jessica Gilmore English, RTC Linda Fossen, BTC Toni Castro, HC Glen Cosby, Spokane CC Robert Cox, Centralia Brian Culver, Cascadia Chio Flores, WVC Krista Francis, Peninsula (WELA) Robert Francis, Shoreline Debra Gilchrist, Pierce Ruby Hayden, LWIT Joe Holliday, SBCTC Jack Huls, Peninsula Ata Karim, Bellevue Luca Lewis, WCC Amy McCoy, Spokane CC District (ITV) Marci Myer, NSC Dave Paul, SVC Dave Pelkey, SPSCC Darren Pitcher, SFCC Ralph Reagan, CBC Rosie Rimando-Chareunsap, SSC Kendra Sprague, LCC Lin Zhou, BTC MINUTES Thursday, October 15, 2015: Commission Welcome Presidents are in San Diego at Trustee conference. Dr. Ata Karim WSSSC 2015-2016 Work plan Assigned Workgroups and Leads Professional Development Book Read: Redesigning America’s Community Colleges All Report outs: System Direction Goal: Economic Demand ~ Strengthen state and local economies by meeting the demands for a well-educated and skilled workforce. Our group will be doing three things: 1) Facilitating a conversation with IC to develop/adapt a common work plan strategy and intended outcomes that are represented in both WSSSC and IC work plan 2) Work with State Board representatives to carry consistent strategy and outcomes to councils and work groups 1 3) CESC and WEC will be asked to conduct a survey to identify what products colleges are using to facilitate career and advising assessments (home grown, third party, etc.), who the assessments are targeted toward, are the required, how they feed into other interventions. System Direction Goal: Student Success ~ Achieve increased educational attainment for all students across the state. Suggest tweaking #4 to read: Decrease institutional financial aid application barriers for students (e.g. data sheet). 1) Need to schedule a joint IC/WSSSC execute meeting 2) Suggest the creation of a subcommittee to include WSSSC, HRC, and VP Diversity reps (since some Title IX Coordinators report thru this VP/position) to collaborate and develop resource guide, investigator training, and professional development for staff and faculty, and map out the processes. Suggest joint meeting with WSSC and HRC, possibly during our Feb 4th WSSSC meeting as HRC will be meeting on the same dates. WSSSC and HRC work together on implementation of Campus Clarity (must be implemented on all campuses by X). SBCTC taking lead on contract with Campus Clarity to include a Climate Survey. Subgroup of WSSSC members will work with SBCTC to develop survey questions. 3) Completed a successful President’s Academy in Sexual Assault and Response 4) Decrease FASFA processing barriers for students work with BAC Change intend outcome: would bring forth a list of intended outcomes due by midwinter. Collaborate with FAC to simplify the institutional application process with the goal of a standardized process (e.g. Data Sheets, who requires this, what information is collected on data sheet and can it be collected another way, etc.) System Direction Goal: Innovation ~ Use technology, collaboration and innovation to meet the demands of the economy and improve student success. - Put together a list of applications that each college already has on their campus. We need to know what is out there and what is being used. Focus on advising and CRM Do some drive-in workshops (i.e. about Civitas, advising/registering students) Make a concerted effort to tie the technology to practice We should do something around the lifecycle mapping in student services. We should build workshops around the mapping. Similar to the DREAMer’s workshop We need to make sure that SBCTC has a true understanding of what is happening on the ground with ctcLink at the colleges The tool should not be requiring more work around. Where do we begin to have these conversations with the system? What will happen to all the resources when we golive. We people just leave soon after the system is up and running? Ciber personnel need to remain at the college for as long as possible. 2 - Have more conversations with the other pillars. WSSSC Goal: Professional Development – Strengthen and expand the knowledge, skills and abilities of Student Services professionals within the system. - - LGBTQI - Reviewed some of the by-law edits that was undertaken last year. The bulk of this work focused on the council structure, ranging from criteria for forming/retiring a council to clarification of purpose. A major part of this conversation is attempting to find understanding around "interest groups" (who are they, what do they do, are there accountabilities, etc.) We will pull together a list of challenges and concerns around councils and interest groups and what adjusting our policies and support for these groups would look like. Will include a recommendation for criteria for councils and interest groups for broad discussion, particularly considering the questions below. o What does "sanctioned" mean? o What does "support" mean? o What are the benefits of formal recognition with, perhaps, tacit support? o What are the risks of not formalizing recognition? o How do any criteria that are developed impact our current structure? o How "arbitrary" are we comfortable being if criteria cannot be precise enough to find what "feels" like the right balance between councils and interest groups? o How do tasks forces that may have a more limited focus factor into this structure (with anticipation of interest groups forming out of these initiatives)? Toni Castro Serves as the chair for the LGBTQ Student Success taskforce. She presented a WA State Community College LGBTQ Student Success Initiative video. We are the first community college system to roll out this type of initiative. Where are the LGBTQ students that you went to high school and undergraduate with? What visible testaments on our campus tell students it’s a safe place from them? We should be looking at this initiative as just good student services practice. The initiative stemmed from a 2011 legislative academy white paper. The LGBTQ Student Success Taskforce was formed. 19 out of 34 colleges began collecting data There is a group looking at the possibility of doing rainbow crosswalks at the colleges Current Topics: Campus Clarity - Some colleges are have problem launching the program after working with 2-3 reps. - There may be a community college version that we can use. Joe Holliday agreed to check with Campus Clarity. - The climate survey will be done through Campus Clarity so it is important for all colleges to have both the student and employee version up and running this year. 3 - Joe Holliday is looking for volunteers to participate on the climate survey oversight taskforce. He needs at least 2 people. (Luca Lewis and Ruby Hayden volunteered) Gainful Employment - Current status is that the data is only available at the college level. - There is not capacity at the SB for this work at this time. - Christina will report back to the commission if there is any movement on this topic. Civitas (Illume) - Illume is the core application on the Civitas Learning platform. - There a couple of colleges in the contract phase. It takes 6-8 weeks to implement after contract is complete. - Some colleges are still thinking about adding Civitas. - Civitas has multiple modules like an advisor dashboard, degree planning, etc. - Civitas is connected to AtD. Building into the 2017 Conference All Executive Session (Voting Member only) All Olympic College Diversity Conference or FSOCC ½ day Institute Social Justice Friday, October 16th: Dialogue with Bruce Bruce Marvin, AG’s Office TOPIC: Title IX Transcript notation position paper: - Position Paper by ATIXA (Title IX professionals national organization) in Spetember 2015 that a TIX suspension or expulsion be noted on a student’s transcript. o See ATIXA paper here: http://atixa.org/wordpress/wpcontent/uploads/2012/01/ATIXA-Position-Statement-on-Transcript-NotationFINAL.pdf o It seems to be focused at 4-year schools - Some states do this: NY legislature just passed it - AAG office: Until state or feds mandates this, there isn't a legal issue there for us to navigate - AACRAO asserts that a transcript should be an academic document only - The focus seems to be on 4-years, this is not a fit for our environment TOPIC: Student newspaper making public records requests to security offices on ongoing investigations - There is an exception to FERPA regarding records maintained by security/safety o If a record is used as part of an investigation for conduct purposes, it IS subject to FERPA IF it is completely handed over to VPSS (not likely) - If it is an alleged civil rights violation BY AN EMPLOYEE it is protected is not discoverable (does not apply to students) - To handle this scenario, AG recommends: Anonymize the investigation, clean the document to remove all publicly identifiable info (“Student A,” “Student B,” use ID numbers) 4 - o We should be discussing this with our safety/security offices If we are plugging it into Maxient (conduct or incident reporting software), and if it is reported to both VPSS and security, it becomes part of the academic record and protected Safety and security video: if maintained by public safety, it can be disclosed Enter into MOUs with local law enforcement to anticipate issues (eg, if PD wants us to withhold info because THEIR investigation is active) We should think ahead and decide when we would anonymize security records (decide with public safety) TOPIC: Update on guns/weapons on campus - Colleges can prohibit weapons on campus, the model conduct code contains an option for including a weapons prohibition on campus (limited to storage in trunk of car only). - There is a tension between state and federal constitutional provisions regarding right to bear arms, via a preemption statute in WA that municipalities/counties/local governments CANNOT enact laws that are more restrictive the state deems for governing weapons o BUT we are not a government, we are an agency so we CAN prohibit weapons - Under the 2nd amendment, it focuses on protection of your home. This becomes complicated because some have dorms on campus, and students consider that their home o AAG recommends that we make our housing facilities a PROGRAMMATIC effort, not just about housing alone. - Clarification that state law that prohibits guns on K-12 campuses except for: o Dropping kids off o Locked in car o AGs said we shouldn't be more burdensome than K-12 - Public employers can prohibit employees from carrying weapons onto the job (we should be restricting this) - Q: What about air guns that look like real guns? o We should be careful about confiscating people's property TOPIC: Threats and comments expressed in social media - Qualifies as free expression - Are we culpable for not "catching" someone who acts on a threat/veiled threat that they post (In other words, should we have known?) o If we don't want to monitor the comment/chat feeds then we should disable them TOPIC: Mandating mental health/Suicide/Threat Assessments - This action was considered by mental health community as violation of ADA because these individuals are depressed - We shouldn't only look at harm to self, but at the larger community and how we would respond - We have the latitude to inquire with other institutions about concerning behaviors o Based on the emergency disclaimer from FERPA - Q: Students who have problems at one institution and move to another, can we notify? o You might notify, but you shouldn't act/preempt o If it is somehow publicly posted on social media, you could call a student in o If security offices notify each other, we could look into it, but be cautious about acting - Authority to share info from one school to another the student is transferring to (seeks to enroll) o [Refer to emailed document “FERPA info cross-institution communication”] 5 ctcLink - - - - - - - Barbara Martin, SBCTC/Spokane & Tacoma There were many things that took us by surprise, and it indicates our testing wasn't adequate Data conversion: It is large and complex and doesn't convert well to PeopleSoft o They didn't come through so the data didn't convert and some of it disappeared, or they did convert but created other problems Examples: • Because of timing of conversion, future enrollments had no grades, so they were calculated as 0 grades • Multipart courses (lecture & lab) caused problems • An employee not in pay status at time of conversion (such as a PT faculty during the summer), Job record was not created in PPLSFT and has to be created later What is the "source of truth" for the data conversion: SMS or FAM? Can they be different? NO, we need to do the necessary pre-work at each campus to ensure SMS and FAM records are same/correct o SMS was treated as source of truth and caused problems o In future will do data validation between the two first, then have colleges clean it up Acknowledges that all 6 pillars failed o Enroll student o Collect tuition o Award Financial Aid o Disburse Financial Aid o Pay employees o Purchase For First Wave schools: whatever system you do for issuing IDs has to change, and we will need to explain/message this to students how to set up ctclink account o Spokane didn’t have time to get students informed in time for GoLive o Had to set up computer labs, have people available to help o Emails to students, flyers, created one stops to get it done o Advise us to develop a process to make this handy: the SID is no longer valid, you will have a CTClink number Access will be defined by universal roles, instead of individually assigned access/clearance Requisites: There are no soft requisites in Peoplesoft, no approximations o It will NOT enroll you if requisite isn't met o Peoplesoft WILL enforce our policies, won’t allow for “fudging” around prereqs in favor of enrollments They will be doing debriefs with FirstLink colleges, they will be much more active in the colleges from now on They will involve college leadership in a different way o Did not consistently maintain connection with leaders, communication was primarily between SMEs at team and at colleges o Need to involve presidents AND vice presidents o The project director we hire for campus will be critical to manage this Will do data conversion on the ground at the colleges, will be much more college based, bring demos to colleges o Will train people on values of the configuration, etc. 6 - - Question was asked if we should consider whether the waves should be all headers or trailers for Financial Aid Does Peoplesoft have ability to disburse aid to students without having a 3rd party (i.e., can it replace HigherOne, etc.?) o Barb/Dennis Colgan will look into this o It could disburse to an account, but not load onto a card Will be exploring our thought that GoLive should happen after financial aid disbursement Will there be enough capacity between SBCTC and Ciber to support at the schools when there are 8 per wave? Dennis Colgan at SBCTC is taking over Barbara Martin’s position State Board Report Joe Holliday & Jan Yoshiwara, SBCTC Guided Pathways - AACC competition is currently underway - College Spark Pathways project coming o $7M commitment over 8 years o Fund 10 colleges for 5 years for $500K ($100K per year) o College Spark is funding SBCTC for project management and to organize series of workshops for whole system o Guided Pathways 101 workshops with Davis Jenkins: January 19 at Columbia Basin College January 20 at Clover Park Technical College Before winter commission/council meetings Want to get everyone on an even playing field, set things up for RFP process - Plan is to release RFP in March, due in April, select first 5 colleges in May - Have been talking to AACC staff about the selections to be sure the Guided Pathways efforts can be aligned 4 presidents (CBC, Peninsula, Spokane Falls, Everett) participated in Aspen/ATD roundtable about Guided Pathways, they will do a professional development for other Presidents at November WAC - SBCTC Guided pathways work will have a focus on underrepresented population, closing the Opportunity Gap SBCTC applied to be a part of a Dev math acceleration project through University of TexasAustin Dana Center (Uri Treisman’s organization) SBCTC applied to Jobs for the Future (JFF) for Student Success Center grant (also Gates Funded) - If we get it, SBCTC would use money for 2 years to do substantial change management professional dev for state system, to help us get adequately organized behind a change initiative that requires people to change how they do their jobs - Will probably use similar to AACC criteria to choose GP participants Legislative Updates - SB 5518 (Mandates CTCs conduct campus climate assessment on sexual assault) o Will be developing assessment questions next, then will have oversight group (Luca, WCC and Ruby, LWIT were volunteered to join) o Also requires that we report on efforts we've made to enter into MOUs with local law enforcement 7 - SB 5719 Creates task Force to study Sexual Assault Prevention and Response o Tasked with recommending Best Practices (will inform new bills for the future) HB 1138 (Taskforce to study mental health and suicide prevention) o Staffed by "Forefront" at UW, a faculty-led group o We are represented by Deb Casey and Ed Esparza o They have NOT convened yet Legislative Advocacy Items [SEE HANDOUT] - Requesting backfill for BAS tuition collection shortfall o Universities will be asking for it be reduced by 15%, so ours will too - Advising, Completion and Career Planning request for increasing staffing levels is back on the table o A legislator believes this to be key in increasing our completion rates - Repeating request for MESA College Promise Campaign was mentioned as an FYI Allocation Formula Updates - SBCTC approved it the recommendation from WAC - Increasing amount in Student Achievement from 5% to 10% - Will need to identify how high-demand courses are defined o How to account for regional differences in high demand - Wil plan to do a SAI refresher for WSSSC Discussion about update on our enrollments and target-hitting Discussion about SAI point accumulation and International Discussion about the risk of losing earmarks for Minority Enhancement and Disability - Need to inform/check in with our presidents who ae on OBC for WAC Presidents Academy on Diversity was held in May 2015 - 2 panels: on students, on faculty and staff hiring - [Summary shared as handout] Student Rally Update - Erin Blakeney, Deb Casey, Edward Esparza In lieu of sending hundreds of students for a rally, focus will be on sending a small, targeted group of students per campus to a leadership academy, and a rally will follow for those present WAC will be at SBCTC the same day as the academy/rally, so opportunity is there for presidents to join legislator visits with students President’s Academy Update Joe Holiday, et.al. Committee and Liaison Reports NWAC, Darren Pitcher 8 Met in August, cancelled October [See minutes in email] Technology, Damon Bell Operating, Matt Campbell - Updates covered in Jan's report - Discussed who pays building fees (include international and RS) - Discussion of BC and WSU - Where do BAS fit in future funding requests Ed Services, Deb Casey/Rosie Rimando - All work plans were approved The Association, Ata Karim - The winter conference is March 4th possibly in Tacoma. Redesigning Community College the theme for the three modules for the conference. - It seems that a lot of people don’t know about the Association. Please encourage folks to come to the conference. Leading from the Middle conference this past April was very successful. - Four scholarship: 2 students and 2 staff (12 staff applied and 8 students applied.) - Looking at the possibility of doing a diversity and equity award. Trying to determine the criteria for the award - New logo and name was approved in the spring: CDC Leadership Development Association Articulation & Transfer, Matt Campbell - Doing more refinement of the fine arts DTA. - A robust conversation about common course numbers. Should be have them in the pro tech programs and the answer was NO. The ampersand cannot be used for those courses. - Working to put together chart for awarding of AP scores. Scores not currently in alignment. The plan is to have the chart done by spring for student starting the fall. Common Application Workgroup, Jessica Gilmore Highline is hosting a meeting at the end of October. It will be available via ITV. Disability Taskforce/Accessibility, Deb Casey/Kim Thompson The new policy will be summited to WACTC in November for approval. Then an implementation workgroup will be formed. This will be sent vial email to the listserv. Enrollment, Bill Belden & Marci Myer Working on how to convert contact hours to credit At the next meeting will start to look at when can we start to count students (basis study) Subgroup looking at international enrollment eLearning, Bob Mohrbacher Glen Cosby and Lin Zhou will be the new reps to this group. Joint Access/JTC, Marci Myer/Matt Campbell Subgroup looking at college in the high school. Looking at accreditation and creditially 9 Capital Committee, Jack Huls Looking for someone to serve on the committee. There are about 3-4 meetings and about 50 hours of work. (New reps are Darren Pitcher and Leslie Blakeley) Business Meeting Historian’s Report President’s Report Mary Chikwinya Deb Casey Treasurer’s Report, Matt Campbell No changes since summer meeting. Admissions & Registration, Dave Paul [See email for report] Biggest issues are transcripts, SSNs, in PPLSFT Advising & Counseling, Jessica Gilmore Meeting next week Issue: What happens with multiple measures for placement NACADA president will do a 1 day drive in at RTC on Advising November 9, 2016 (Jess will confirm) Invites sent to WAAC and ACC Career & Employment Services, Robert Cox [See email for report] College Women’s Programs, Rosie Rimando No report Disability Support Services, Kim Thompson [See email for report] Financial Aid, Christina Casterona Made recommendation around M code issue FA needs clarification so it can be broadly interpreted rather than restrictive Want to know from WSSSC where are we on a system recommendation on autoconfer • Some colleges are looking at it through the Completion Coach work • Some consider it preferable because it prevents students from inadvertently having to repay aid they didn't deserve • Could FAC give us a list of concerns or considerations? Multicultural Student Services, Ata Karim [See email for report] Would really like WSSSC to ensure that the Presidents are introduced to the MSSDC members on their campus Unions & Student Programs, Erin Blakeney Report after they meet next week Evidence Based Practices Work Group, Jack Huls 10 Discussion of "CTC Train of Evidence" [see email to members from Jack Huls] • Rubric of what becomes a best practice • Next step: These 22 practices will b ranked within categories • Big goal is that this informs 2017-2019 biennium budget planning Reminders: February 3-5 May 4-6 Winter Meeting, Highline College Professional Development on ctcLink Spring Meeting, Yakima Valley Community College Guided Pathways Interested in bringing in authors from common read Redesigning America’s Community Colleges Adjourned at 12:30 pm Notes compiled by D. Bell, R. Rimando-Chareunsap Submitted by Rosie Rimando-Chareunsap, WSSSC Secretary 2015-2016 Rosie.Rimando@seattlecolleges.edu 11