Research and Planning Commission (RPC) Meeting Minutes

Research and Planning Commission (RPC) Meeting Minutes
Spring 2014 at Spokane Falls Community College (building 30 – 2nd floor)
Wed. June 25 – Fri. June 27, 2014
Number of participants attending the meeting: 46
Number of colleges/institutions represented over the 3 days: 28
Bates Technical College
Bellevue College
Big Bend Community College
Centralia College
Clark College
Columbia Basin College
Community Colleges of Spokane
Edmonds Community College
Everett Community College
Grays Harbor College
Green River Community College
Lake Washington Institute of
Lower Columbia College
Peninsula College
Pierce College
Renton Technical College
Seattle Central College
Shoreline Community College
Skagit Valley College
South Puget Sound Community
Spokane Community College
Spokane Falls Community College
Tacoma Community College
Walla Walla Community College
Wenatchee Valley College
Whatcom Community College
Yakima Valley Community College
Ex Officio: SBCTC
Day 1 – Wed. June 25, 2014
2:30 – 3:30 pm – New member training (by Evan Picton and Starr Bernhardt)
2:30 – 3:30 pm – ctcLink tools: PS-Query and OBIA technical discussion by Mark Macias and Bryan
Reviewed the following components of WebLogic Security…
1. OBIEE 11g Security Management – this is where the users will be set up and assigned into roles
that will then be used in PSQuery and OBIEE.
a. WebLogic Server
b. Fusion Middleware Control
2. OBIEE (a dash boarding environment where Tableau graphics can be posted) – This is the Oracle
reporting tool so to speak. This is where we will build out our reports and
Tableau but much more robust.
Refer to the attached “OBIEE 11g Security Management” hand-out.
OBIEE 11g Security
4:00 – 5:00 pm – SAI discussion with non-corrections colleges (Tina Bloomer, SBCTC)
Tina asked the group, what are we able to do with SA cohorts?
 CBC likes the cohorts; changed completion and retention indicators to SA cohorts, using SA
cohorts for veteran tracking; SA cohorts are larger, and therefore more useful, than IPEDS;
initially it was difficult to get people, except dev. ed. folks, on campus to pay attention to SAI, but
now advisor portal shows the points each student earns; they created a visual that shows how SAI,
accreditation indicators, strategic plan indicators, etc. are interrelated
 Renton – link “kind of student”
 SVC – “kind of student” doesn’t work for them
 xxx college – strategic plan; look at 45 points to completion within a year; look at students who
returned and made progress; love the SAI data set
 Ty - look at where student starts (i.e., dev. ed) and where they end up at the end of year – use it as
a basis for intrusive advising; will use it for the strategic plan; may use the SAI funding and
redistributing it to programs (within strategic plan)
 the allocation has been about 1% of the money and may be up to 10%
 Yakima using SA for TRIO students, highly recommend taking math; TRIO students earn dev ed
and first college course faster, but not 15 and 30 college-level courses because they are taking
their math sequence first, retention rates are 25% higher for TRIO students vs non-TRIO students;
are implementing a directed schedule in fall; will have mandatory advising at 30 credits; include
as a core theme indicator the percent of students who make momentum in a year
 there are two 45 points – one for academic transfer and one for prof-tech;
 education about SA – would like new up-to-date information on the SBCTC website; Ty offered
to provide his way of communicating how a hypothetical student who starts in adult basic
education earns points along the way as a presentation at the next RPC meeting. Those attending
the session all thought that would be very helpful.
 the problem about points per student is that it distorts part-time students
4:00 – 5:00 pm – SAI discussion with corrections colleges (Darby Kaikkonen)
The corrections colleges met to talk about the recent decision to use SAI metrics to allocate a small
portion of the DOC budget. DOC students will not be included in the overall SAI, but will exist in a
separate table to be used for the funding metrics of total points less completions, completions, and
points per student. The colleges are tasked with reviewing their intent coding for the purpose of
ensuring proper alignment with the criteria for points per student. The funding will be based on
2013-14 final points.
Day 2 – Thurs. June 26, 2014
7:00 – 8:30 pm – breakfast (at the hotel)
8:30 – 8:45 pm – Welcome by Jim Brady, Dean of Math, Computing, etc. (SFCC)
8:45-9:00 am – Welcome by Chris Johnson (president of RPC): Welcome, updated contact lists,
9:00-10:00 am – IPEDs introduction, background, general uses – by Patty James and Jen Tuia
Reviewed the history, sources of concern, criteria and interdependencies (fall enrollment), action
steps to date, proposed new methodology highlights, IPEDS survey results, and talking points.
Do we want to continue to work on IPEDs methodology? Yes (we will add it to our work plan)
See the attached presentation.
10:30-12:30 pm – ctcLink project status and update and FirstLink colleges – transition process
for researchers in ctcLink – by Dick Hol (Community Colleges of Spokane ctcLink project
Reviewed preparation as a FirstLink site (go Lean, local budget commitment, project team,
communication strategies, change management, data conversion was extremely timeconsuming), CCS current activities and priorities at FirstLink colleges (data conversion,
supporting systems, reporting, security administration, user acceptance testing, review business
processes), go live planning next steps (data conversion, training, reporting, user acceptance
testing, security, sandbox, SME and functional analyst, payroll processing, gateway CMS
training, job scheduling, post go live support, database structure, potential go live dates), ctcLink
database and reporting environment design. Dick encouraged everyone to access the ctcLink
SharePoint site. See the attached presentation.
12:30 – 1:00 pm – lunch
1:00 – 2:45 pm – Committee meetings on work plan, etc.
Accreditation committee: See Friday committee reports.
Performance and Outcomes committee: See Friday committee reports.
Data Quality and Technology (formerly Data Stewards Committee and Collaboration &
Technology Committee committee): See Friday committee reports.
Communications committee: See Friday committee reports.
3 – 4 pm – Perspective of best practices – follow up – by Maureen Pettitt (SVC)
What do we mean by best practices? Created a frame-work for best practices implemented on
campuses (this was a request from presidents, e.g., early alert systems, what’s the evidence that
this approach is effective?). Two pieces to this document: (1) implementation and (2)
evaluation. The members divided into smaller groups and provided Maureen with suggestions
and feedback. See the attached documents/hand-outs.
BP Rubrics _ DRAFTS
5 – 7 pm – Planetarium and reception (optional)
Day 3 – Fri. June 27, 2014
8:30 – 10:30 am
Business meeting
Call to order (president)
Roll call (secretary) – 12 colleges were absent (Bellingham Technical College, Cascadia
Community College, Clark College, Clover Park Community College, Highline Community
College, North Seattle Community College, Olympic College, Renton Technical College,
Shoreline Community College, South Seattle Community College, Walla Walla Community
College, Yakima Valley Community College)
Winter 2014 RPC meeting minutes were approved (secretary).
Treasurer’s report (Starr Bernhardt): 46 members attended the RPC 2014 spring meeting. Total
revenue was $3,450. The cost of food services for the winter meeting was estimated to be
$2,000. No travel grants were requested for the spring meeting. Estimated total net change was
estimated to be $1,450 following the spring meeting, bringing the current RPC balance to
$14,619 (estimated). See the attached report.
RPC 2014 Spring
Meeting Treasurers Report.pdf
President’s report (Chris Johnson): we have one open item – the Ed Services multi-cultural
project; will be working on the work plan; BAS production report (an estimate of demand) was a
success with Ed Services, presidents responded well.
Election results (32 colleges voted; 3 did not vote)
Susan Murray (the current president-elect) will be taking over as president.
President-elect: 25 votes for Wendy Hall (Lower Columbia College) and 6 votes for Valerie
Kirkwood (Big Bend Community College)
Treasurer: 21 votes for Starr Bernhardt (Big Bend Community College) and 11 votes for Hal
Royaltey (Peninsula College)
Secretary: 18 votes for Cherisa Yarkin (Seattle Central Community College) and 13 votes for
Sally Jackson (Spokane Falls Community College)
Information Technology Commission – ITC (Russ Beard and Teresa Greene were absent) – no
report today
State Board Reports (Darby Kaikkonen, David Prince, Tina Bloomer)
A. IPEDS changes (Darby Kaikkonen): IPEDS will be deleting the estimated fall enrollment,
which is positive as there were challenges with accuracy. A new screening question is added
in institutional characteristics (i.e., Are you an open admissions institution?), which will
screen out the old irrelevant admissions questions. They are also collecting more information
about veterans.
New academic libraries component: In fall 2014, IPEDS will ask “What are your total library
expenditures?” In spring 2015, it will be a combination of library and finance responsibility.
State board finance will assist with the finance portion while colleges will be responsible for
the library-specific elements. See the attached documents (All changes to IPEDS surveys for
2014-15 and 2015-16 and letter sent to key holders regarding AL component).
Handout 1.docx Communication_RPC Handout 2.docx
B. Results Washington (Tina Bloomer): We are under goal one (world class education – postsecondary education), we have 7 measures, we have academic-transfer STEM and prof-tech
STEM; information is posted on
C. How the legislature works (Tina Bloomer): There is a budget proviso that calls for the ERDC
to lead a group to provide information about degrees, certificates, and apprenticeships by
college by program in terms of completions and employment results. It’s based on the
economic success metrics at; we already have career bridge that
shows numbers of graduates, earnings by program by college; detailed inventory of data;
what parameters should we use for economic gains/success for our certificates, degrees, and
programs? Tina will email us this question and she requests a response.
D. Carmen will be moving into IT as a senior data consultant focused on ctcLink for the first
year and a half with a focus on the state board’s perspective. She will still be involved in data
governance. She will not be running data or coding (only legacy). The maintenance of people
soft will be moved to the IT office at the State Board; she will be reporting to Mike
E. David Prince: With Carmen’s position change, some of her duties will move to IT, e.g.,
recurring data processing (e.g., student achievement) will go to IT; a new position will be
added but it will build up the research capacity. Questions for now should go to David.
Commission rep updates
The Association (Mark Macias reported for Cynthia Requa): The summer 2014 conference will
be held this summer at Columbia Basin College with the theme “Leading with authenticity”
August 14-15. See the attached flyer.
summer conference
Allocation and Accountability Taskforce (Patty James and Ty Jones): saw a lot of good data from
the State Board; a model was introduced; a report will be put together right before the WAC
retreat; student achievement will carry more weight in the future for funding; stay tuned…
Committee reports / work plan input
Accreditation Committee (Wendy Hall): The conversation focused on the mid-cycle evaluation
(the old year 3 report). See the attached minutes.
Committee Minutes - Spring 2014.doc
Data Governance (Susan Maxwell and Carmen McKenzie): In September 2013, the committee
finalized its charter; lots of turn-over; everyone should sign up to get “data alerts”, which gets
information out to people (to get on this list serve, go to the SBCTC webpage > data governance
( > “sign up for the SBCTC data alert
system”; created coding for prior learning assessment; changed credit thresholds (exit codes) for
certificates. Data governance does not meet during RPC so there are no minutes.
Performance and Outcomes Committee (Maureen Pettitt): The benchmarks work moved into this
committee. Reviewed the best practice document and the work plan draft. See the attached
Data Quality and Technology (formerly Data Stewards Committee and Collaboration &
Technology Committee; Mark Macias and Hal Royaltey): Now have a past-chair, current chair,
and chair-elect model; formalizing structural changes; working on IPEDs project (project leads
Patty James and Jen Tuia) and data warehouse 2.0 project (lead Joe Duggan). Carmen McKenzie
discussed future CIP coding changes. Also, DQT guidelines are being updated to incorporate
changes approved at the winter meeting. See the attached minutes.
Data Quality and
Communication Committee (Evan Picton): Going to leave work plan almost the same. Continue
to do the new members orientation, maintain the RPC experts database, and the members
resources handbook posted on the committee page. Will be doing professional development
within the committee about SharePoint. See the attached minutes.
10:50 – 11:05 am – Break
10:45 – 11:30 am – New business
Code of ethics conversation (Ty Jones): Ty has a motion, which was seconded (by Kelly) and
forwarded by all, that the RPC president form a committee to present a draft of a code of ethics
by the winter meeting.
Approval of the 2014-15 work plan: Evan and Susan will draft the work plan based on notes and
will email out to the listserv for review. September is the deadline. Attached is a draft.
RPC 2013-14 Work
Plan_3-24-14 (1).docx
Fall conference planning: How should we time the fall commission meeting? If it is held in
October, then those going through accreditation cannot attend. A committee will look at this.
Should we make the fall conference back-to-back with the Tableau conference? Another
suggestion was to avoid scheduling the conference at the same time as PNAIRP.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.