Spring Meeting via ITV
May 13, 2013
Present: Amy Wiliamson; Anna Jackson; Mike Fentress; Wendy Joseph; Danielle Hodgen; Lorraine Odom;
Jille Shankar; Bill Chaney; Lisa Fortson; Krista Francis; Scott Copeland; Carla Idohl-Corwin; Cheryl Fritz;
Tammy Zibell; Kim Bobbitt; Janet Cantelon; Marisa Greear; Sybil Smith; Debbie Soloman; Auralee Grubb;
Jeremy Iverson; Ann White; Erlinda Cruz; Susan Neese; Kim Matison; Johanna Dwyer; Patricia Billings;
Noel McBride
Marisa Greear called the Spring FAC Business meeting to order at 11:20am on May 13, 2013 at Yakima
Valley Community College via ITV
Fall Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the Fall meeting on March 15, 2013 were presented by Mike Fentress.
Correction was needed to remove Anna Jackson’s name because it was on there twice.
MOTION: A motion to approve the minutes was made by Jille Shankar and seconded by
Lorraine Odom. The minutes from the winter meeting were approved by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Johanna Dwyer. Account balance as of April 30, 2013 is:
$8,206.80. An update will be given at Spring Meeting after Rainbow Lodge fees have been paid.
According to Johanna Dwyer, the IRS has told her that because of the FAC is set up, organizationally
speaking; we do not have to worry about carrying a balance and spending it down to any specific level.
MOTION: A motion by Anna Jackson and seconded by Cheryl Fritz to approve the treasure’s
FAST Update
Johanna is no longer on the FAST Group due to new employment and Jille Shankar is the new FAST
Chair. According to Jille, there is now an opening and asked if anyone was interested to call and/or
email her. Jille discussed that Becky Phillips works with the FAST Team on all regulatory changes and/or
Reminder that we need Volunteers for the following committees:
A. WSSSC – Workshop Presentation from Financial Aid and will be at Tacoma.
B. Competency Based Degrees – Ceci has had conversations and will send questions to our liaison
Trish. We need to realize it can be done but need the staffing to do it. Our present staffing cannot
absorb the work load. We need better technology. It was acknowledged that we are going this way
and questions as to if we have the resources. Also, we need to make Department of Education
(Suzanne and Kim) aware.
C. WAFAA need volunteers for presentations and workshops. There is a big push for everyone to
volunteer. We can start small and you do not have to be an expert.
D. Prior Learning Assessment is a time commitment because they meeting every 3-6 weeks. Marissa
will contact Jim West from the Student Achievement group to see if we need only 1 representative.
E. Data Governance – Suggestion was to use a SME. This is a volunteer opportunity by Marissa.
F. Affordability (WSAC) Rachelle requesting someone from March – May do a phone conference.
G. Ready to Roll – request to testify or meet with Legislature. Who wants to learn how and represent
the system not your school. Learn what you can say and do. Hear open Hearings. As a group we
need to develop and start now.
Discussed Standardizing Names for CTC Link. Lorraine Odom and Kim Bobbit will send out a list for us
to review.
Mike Fentress Discussed FAC Elections for 2013-2014
President: Krista Francis
President Elect: Vacant
Secretary: Tammy Zibell
Treasure: Danille Hodgen
Past President: Marisa Greear
Refer to the FAC 2012-2013 Work Plan – Council Chair meeting by chair of VP Council reports what we
did and what we will do. Lorraine Odem noted that Goal 3, Objective 1 needs to be re worded because
not all colleges are going to implement EFT.
Had conversations about holding meeting via ITV, to some it appeared disjointed and not enough
participants and about asking V.P. to fund travel to these meetings. It was mentioned that ARC has in
person meetings.
Carla said we should have a full day meeting and do small group work.
Motion was made to eliminate ITV and hold meeting in a central location by Carla Idohl-Corwin
Seconded by Wendy Joseph.
There were more discussions regarding the ITV meetings. There were disagreements about eliminating
ITV because of staff shortage, no travel money and increased workloads. Also, it was mentioned that
some do not attend spring meeting because it is too close to the winter meeting and that is where the
get great information.
Motion was made to resend the motion to eliminate ITV by Carla Idohl-Corwin and Seconded by
Partricia Billings.
Motion was to made to adjourn the Spring Business Meeting by Patricia Billings and seconded
Noel McBride.