Disability Support Services Council January 31st and February 1, 2013 Winter Meeting Minutes (Pierce College-Lakewood) Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by President Megan Jasurda. Megan welcomed those in attendance and expressed appreciation to members attending by ITV. Two general announcements were shared regarding changes to the agenda due to Scott Copeland’s request to reschedule his presentation. Today’s 2:00pm State Report from Scott will be switched to The Documentation Dilemma-Group Discuss and Scott will present the State Report tomorrow at 11:30am; and the Report on Shin legislation will be switched to Hot Topics with Shin legislation to follow Scott’s report tomorrow. Question from a member asked to review and organize the Committee Report groups prior to the scheduled breakout sessions which confirmed: 1. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) 2. Math Accommodations 3. Universal Design 4. New Committee added: Accessible Technology (AT) Question from a member asked what the DSSC schedule would look like for the WAPED 2013 Spring Conference. Tami Jacobs shared historically DSSC met a half day before and after WAPED conferences. At which time, DSSC board shared challenges for ITV access at spring conference due to the hotel services where the WAPED conference is being held. Alternative locations for DSSC to meet were discussed and included: 1. Cashmere High School-would require really good minutes (Jamie had an anxiety attack) 2. Purchase a “hot spot” and then provide access to all members 3. Find a smaller room at hotel vs. basement room that might allow for ITV 4. Check with Town Hall 5. Use of an audio phone 6. Find a completely different location (would not change the site of WAPED’s conference location) DSSC board asked for any last minute suggestions for today’s Hot Topic Discussions with the following offered by members: 1. Parent Participation with student’s who have executive function deficits…differences between K-12 and higher education institutions Fall Meeting Minutes/Treasure Report The fall meeting minutes and treasurer’s report were reviewed, approved and accepted by the membership at 9:50am. 1|Page DVR agreement/OCL update Tami Jacobs led discussions and shared the DVR agreement is an interagency agreement between DVR; DSB; DSHS& higher education institutions. The first agreement was established in November of 2007. The agreement allowed for shared expenses that went over 7500.00 for one year. At which time the cost would be split 50/50 between the agency and the college. The current agreement expired back in October of 2012 and has grown to 20 pages of content. Steps with working with this agreement included the following: 1. Complete worksheet i.e. “cost share” is the actual title-Tami will send to DSSC board. 2. Contact the CM of outside agency and get verbal game plan to organize worksheet. 3. Send the worksheet to agency with college’s DSS signature. 4. Bill each quarter after 7500.00 has been spent. Questions& answers were fielded by Tami who shared the Client Assisted Program can be a resource if student gets pulled from plan and agreement gets broken. Scott Copeland and Tami will follow-up with DSHS for clarification on discrepancies found between the original and present agreement (i.e. interpreters, CART, Braille are not in the new agreement any more). They will also follow-up on whether the A19 sheet could be used in addition to the “costshare” worksheet. She will also find out if there are any consequences with failure of the outside agency to pay. FYI: The old worksheet is located in the DSSC website-Tami will send new one. With regards to the Open Course Library (OCL) this is funded by the Gates Foundation. DSSC participated in Phase I and voted to participate in Phase II. Tami did contact Terrell Thompson who contracted with SBCTC, he and his team will be executing Phase II. He and his team did identify problems with a report provided to SBCTC recommending the following 1.) Not to use Google doc and 2.) That the DSSC members come together to fix problems. Questions& answers from DSSC members included the following: 1. Not sure we are the right ones to fix OCL. 2. DSSC members don’t feel comfortable or view selves as experts in this arena “how do we train never the less fix it”. 3. Could Terrell give DSSC instruction and then we execute his thoughts?...At which point Connie Broughton chimed in and shared her thoughts “it is not DSS responsibility it is the instructors” Conference broke at 10:39am to 11:00am 2|Page Canvas Presentation Presentation led by Connie Broughton, DIR of E-learning and Open Education at SBCTC. The ppt will be sent to DSSC board for distribution with handouts provided directly to members for the presentation. Connie shared history on e-learning technology. In 2008 a strategic plan was developed because technology dollars historically went to business and now were going to go to teaching and learning. Educational institutions are seeing online enrollments growing. For example, in 2011-2012 38K was spent on on-line& hybrid courses. The goal is to improve student learning outcomes. Currently there are seven (7) plans from the 2008 strategic plan that include: 1. Learning Management Systems (i.e. Canvas) 2. Ability to pool enrollment (i.e. WACL) 3. Lecture Capture Systems (i.e. Tegrity) 4. Web Conferencing (i.e. Collaborate) 5. 24x7 Research Libraries (i.e. ASKWA) 6. 24x7 e-tutoring (i.e. Western eTutoring Consortium) 7. Open Resources (i.e. Open Course Library-OCL) At which point in time, Connie broke down three of the seven plans above providing the following details. #6-Western eTutoring Consortium is in 43 states #7-OCL receives 750K from Gates Foundation and another 750K from state resources. Currently there are 82 courses so students pay 30.00 for textbook (vs. 800plus for books). This will save students over 5million in textbook costs by 2013. Washington State just started a Massively Open On-line Course (MOOC) Program in 2013 which has been led by Harvard for about one year. This is a program where students in higher education can use MOOC as an orientation to a class at no charge. At which time the student can then take the course for credit the next quarter. #1-Canvas is the new Learning Management System. It is already adopted by 31 CTC and five (5) Universities since December of 2012. It is an advanced mobile technology tool that tunnels information by what each user chooses i.e. text or email. It did not score high on accessibility but improvements are in the works. Questions& answers were fielded by Connie who shared DSSC professionals can get their campuses to put money and support into canvas accessibility issues. Conference broke for lunch and Committee Work Time at noon till 1:30pm 3|Page Summaries from Committee Reports Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)-Survey sent to students for feedback on what they are learning with two (2) quarters under way. Procedures are currently being developed for others to use. Accessible Technology (AT)-Collected& shared ideas for creating a Letter of Concern (LOC) from DSSC members regarding the need for specific guidelines to be established for accessible technologies. This LOC will be given to Dr. Deb Casey to process out to appropriate persons/parties and/or legislators. Goal is to have a drafted LOC from this subcommittee to share with DSSC members at spring conference. Universal Design (UD)-Discussions centered on veteran needs with the request to have an additional committee group created in this area. Such a group could bring in guest speakers like Lt. Cornel (sp?) to talk about veteran issues. Math Accommodations-The edited/updated 2012 survey monkey will go back out to DSSC members and will be extended to WAPED members prior to spring quarter. The Documentation Dilemma Group discussions included the following topics: 1. Question asked of DSSC members if any DSS folks are a part of their schools Behavioral Intervention Teams (BIT). Findings were few with more are tagged for information and/or assistance with swd. 2. AHEAD guidelines brought forth for discussion with Student Orientations vs. Student Intakes. With a reminder that the DSSC coding icon has our membership guidelines that should be not be forgotten. 3. Challenges with serving swd based on the location and layout of support staff. 4. How to increase DSS message and increase efficiency with the Intake process…ideas included DSS presentations; 1:1 meetings with instruction who can navigate students to DSS; presentations to Division Chairs/Deans; creation of DSS groups and clubs who present information on DSS. 5. Are we advocates or services providers? 6. Math Substitutions& Waivers. Conference Break @ 2:38pm to 2:45pm Transition Presentation Presentation led by Kim Thompson, who shared those that wanted a copy of her ppt to please email her and she would follow-up individually. At which time she shared her expertise for developing a smooth transition for students (and parents) going to college. The title of her presentation was “Is there life after High School?” This ppt was tailored to parents of swd and helped families understand the differences between the K-12 success model and higher education’s access model. Conference Wrap up from 3:45pm to 4:00pm 4|Page February 1, 2013 Meeting was called to order at 9:00am by President Megan Jasurda who again welcomed and thanked those in attendance. A general announcement was made correcting this morning’s agenda switching Claudia Angus’s presentation to 10:45 and letting Scott Copeland present the state report at 9:00am. SBCTC Report Scott confirmed he will remain our state representative with attendance at DSSC meetings and conferences. At which time there was a loud roar of cheers that erupted from DSSC members. After which Scott hit the highlights of his handout that all DSSC members had and included: No monies on the hill-McCleary Bill (requires monies to pay all K-12 costs) puts a 1billion deficit on top of the 1billion deficit already. So there is a 2billion deficit to start with. Will state ADAR funds increase CTC budgets or increase tuition? House is dealing with this question. House committee members grew from twelve (12) to nineteen (19) with lots of education going out to new members. Bill 1011-Resident tuition for veterans. This bill would support veterans who are from out of state and allows them to pay resident tuition. House appears to be favoring this bill. Bill 1109-Priority Registration for veterans. There appears to be no major opposition from house or senate. Bill 5087-Not allowing undocumented students to receive residential tuition rates. This bill is probably not going to be heard. Bill?-Veterans can work with instructors to figure out a game plan so not be marked down or have to drop out of class if called to reserve duty. Scott couldn’t remember exact name and would send link to this bill. Bill 5180-Senator Shin Bill. This bill was originally six (6) pages now one and half (1.5) pages and appears to have language everyone can live with. This bill focuses on creating a Task Force that will look into best practices regarding equipment and documentation guidelines. There will be a 100K fiscal attachment with a thirty one (31) or twenty-eight (28) person task force. *Thursday, February 8th at 1:30 is next senate meeting with DSSC board participation anticipated. Student Services Commission Liaison Report Dr. Debra Casey was not available to attend this conference. No student service report will be reviewed but will be available for spring conference. 5|Page Effective Intake Interviewing Presentation led by Claudia Angus, who shared her expertise in purposeful intake interviewing skills; different models for conducting interviews; followed by an interactive role play; and small break-out group activity. Conference Wrap-up Discussions/Announcements Megan shared that the ctcLink folks were asking for all DSS processes/forms to be sent to the state ctcLink contact or their college ctcLink contact no later than February 15th. She will send out an email to DSSC listserve with all the contact information. Megan also asked for any ideas on topics and/or presentations for spring DSSC conference. Members provided that following ideas: 1. Sharing of DSS Forms. 2. Share any SLO that other colleges (outside of the DSSC SLO committee report) are developing. Mary Gerard is going to send SLO survey to Tami Jacob’s team to review for accessibility. 3. Ask WAPED for MOOC screen readers. Karen Fusco asked for feedback on student accommodation fees; technology fees and Perkin fees. A lot of members do have access to these funds. Conference Adjourned at 12:00pm with conference evaluations handed out. Conference Minutes respectfully submitted by Jamie Hatleberg, Secretary on 3-27-13 6|Page