Disability Support Services Council May 2nd 2014 WSSSC Meeting Minutes

Disability Support Services Council
May 2nd 2014
WSSSC Meeting Minutes
(Hotel Murano: Torcello Room)
Meeting was called to order at 9:06am by President Michael Hoel. Michael welcomed those in
attendance with no registered members attending via Go-To-Meeting or ITV. Gratitude was extended
to all for the delay getting internet connected for accessing on-line documents with agenda items. At
which time, Introductions by board members and committee members were made with a show of
appreciation to exiting board members and new board members. New member affiliates were also
introduced and included Craig Kerr at Edmonds College.
9:10 SBCTC Report Out-Scott Copeland (with handout provided)
Scott extended thanks to the Accessible Technology Task Force DSSC members (Tami Jacobs;
Karen Fusco; Sarah Nagpal; and John Rajcich) for all their great work on this task force. He shared a
final report will be presented to WSSSC Presidents Commission.
Scott is not sure if he will still be designated DSSC liaison but he will keep us all posted on any new
developments. Mark Jenkins will be the new eLearning Director as Connie Broughton moves to a new
position as the Project Director for developing competency-base business and transfer degrees.
Scott provided legislative highlights which included the following:
 SSB 5669 Military credit for prior military training.
 SB5318 Expands the definition of resident student as of 6-12-14 removing the one-year waiting
 SB 6358 Requiring higher edu institutions to provide certain financial aid info to admitted and
prospective students.
 SB 6523 Undocumented students are eligible for State Need Grants
 SB 6002 3 million efficiency cut to the Community& Technical College system
Scott reviewed the policy updates on prior credit and reverse transfer project…see the handout for
specific details. Some highpoints included:
 2013 Fall Quarter Enrollment& Staffing Report (which was sent to Michael Hoel) action item:
Michael will resend email to everyone. Broke out all totals and coding information for each college,
this can help with budget planning
 6% is the total percentage (with SBCTC) of reported students with disabilities. There are two (2)
data bases one that captures potential students who come to the DSS offices and then each
college’s application data with students who mark “Y” under disability but never come to a DSS
He reminded all to support completing the annual DAP reports to SBCTC which helps out with
SBCTC budget
Question: members asked about Scott’s session on “Legislature 101” where he presented information
on how to testify when asked; how to work within task forces; and testimonies with students?
Scott felt it went well…members asked if this presentation could be presented at a DSSC future
meeting. Scott shared he would be happy to support this future presentation.
Lastly, John Rajcich reminded everyone that DSSC was born after the “core service legislative”.
9:45 CTC Link (final issues)
Michael Hoel updated members on the final discussions with Betsy Abts that DSS folks will continue
to use only DIS and DSS fields.
Questions from members included:
1. Is there a limit with the number of codes one can enter? Answer: No
2. Rumor that DSS professionals do need to complete all DSS screens. Answer: Not so
Action item: How does DSSC get the correct information out to everyone so that ALL only answer
the two questions? DSSC board will reach out to CWU and WSU and ask how they are using current
9:53 Discussions on 2014 Fall Meeting
 Location is at Bellingham Technical College (BTC) and Spring Hills Suite
 Dates are October 22 through 24
 DSSC meeting on the 22nd full day no half day on the 24th
 Michael asked folks to start thinking about topics of interest for the meeting
 Michael brought forward idea for a repository on the DSSC webpage i.e. examples from different
colleges on how they address student issues-Bellingham’s and GRCC’s training videos on
Although this idea was met with enthusiasm concerns with public disclosures might be needed for
access….having a private website host might be something to explore.
10:12 Break
10:32 Resumed discussions on 2014 Fall Meeting continued…with the following ideas shared by
 Show case college’s that have specific programs i.e. Shoreline/Highline/Bellevue
 Bring the Accessible Technology Task Force Team to BTC
 BTC present CANVAS usage with DSS check-in’s
 Cascadia present on Disability Positive Environment
Ideas for 2015 Winter Conference
Possible topics include TED Talks, where there are twelve minute (12) topics on areas of expertise.
The experts present the topic; provide an introduction; present three points; present story; and then
end with a conclusion. For additional information on this please contact Kerri Holferty.
Task Force updates from Transitions and Accessible Technology
Mary Gerard shared information on the Transition Task Force. Highlights reiterated the goal for
creating a seamless transition for students with disabilities from K-12 to higher education institutions.
Both she and Kerri Holferty met with the Director of Special Education at Ferndale School Dist. and
talked about required documentation guidelines for higher education; with ideas discussed around K2|Page
12’s IEP’s and what kinds of information from within these documents can be helpful like summary of
performance and the psychological educational test evaluations. Mary is going to request colleges
send her their documentation guidelines.
Tami Jacobs shared information on the Accessible Technology Task Force and the two (2) completed
meetings with the final paper going to WSSSC Commission today, May 2nd 2014 to vote on. If passed
then the paper will go to the Presidents this summer and then to the State Board.
She reminded all the letter is establishing policy to support Section 508 passed in 2008. If passed by
all levels then the goal will be developing professional development for staff and faculty to ensure
compliance is met with accessible technology.
11:26 Hot Topics
Members brought forward student issues from their campuses and/or offices for discussions. Topics
1. Medical Conditions that impact attendance
2. Sign language interpreter costs who pays for services when conferences are off campuses
3. Trigger warnings
12:00pm Meeting Adjourned
Meeting Minutes respectfully submitted by Jamie Hatleberg, Secretary on