Disability Support Services Council January 30th-31 2014 Winter Meeting Minutes

Disability Support Services Council
January 30th-31st 2014
Winter Meeting Minutes
(SBCTC Office: Cascade Conference Room, 4th Floor)
Meeting was called to order at 9:10am by President Michael Hoel. Michael welcomed those in
attendance and expressed appreciation to members attending by ITV and for needed agenda
changes. Introductions by board members and committee members were made with a show of
appreciation to new affiliates Michael Mesa with Piece College-Puyallup; and Brenda Thompson with
Renton Technical College. Congratulations were extended to Aaron Hodukavich at Clark; Tami
Jacobs at Clark; and Kim Thompson at Shoreline for their career promotions.
9:15 SBCTC Report Out-Scott Copeland (with handout provided)
Open positions were announced for DIR of Student Services and DIR of Transfer Education. At which
time legislative highlights were shared and discussed with use of Smarter Balance assessment;
Reverse Transfer Project; Competency-Based education; applied Baccalaureate Programs (text
books would be at 300 to 400 levels); ctcLink “people soft” (with reminder to work with ctcLink college
leads); College Bound Scholarship Program; and a recap that the 2012-2013 academic ear report
was sent to DSSC listserv earlier in January with good stats. Questions were generated from
members asking if SBCTC keeps stats on veteran’s with disabilities…Scott wasn’t sure but could
check. He knows “people soft” will allow this but is not sure if the existing system (legacy) is collecting
Scott encouraged attendance and/or participation in the upcoming WSSSC Spring Conference
scheduled for 4/30 to 5/2 in Tacoma and then proceeded to share information on the “watch list”
which has bills listed that we should keep an eye on (this list is located at SBCTC website). At which
time, he shared duel credit programs are now being studied to make sure it saves students’ money
and allows for duel degrees to be obtained at once…but no one knows for sure. A member shared an
update on the McCleary lawsuit from a year and a half ago sharing the judge just issued a ruling
recently that focuses on ensuring monies for K-12 institutes with 200 million being allocated through
Scott continued to share highlights and discussed a current bill to eliminate the number of supreme
justices from nine (9) to five (5). He talked about 32 million unserved eligible and enrolled students
who don’t get the State Need grant and how this is problematic. Pell grants are anticipated to
increase but not a lot and some cuts are proposed for Perkins dollars. He added that the state is
committed to 0% tuition increase for students in the 2014-2015 school year. A question was
generated regarding priority registration for veterans. We learned that the bill was originally slated for
2012 but it wasn’t until 2013 when the bill was rewritten that it finally passed. The question asked
“how does each college implement this registration?” Scott provided an example based on completed
credits. Shoreline shared that swd who qualify for priority registration to include veterans register first.
Scott shared it really varies based on each college. He feels the most fair is based on credits with
priority starting a few minutes early within that credit group.
Lastly, Scott reviewed the provided handout reading highpoints on the Accessible Technology Task
Force; ctcLink; Open Education Resources Courses; Canvas Update; and SBCTC eLearning System
10:00 Guest Speaker: Connie Broughton from SBCTC
Connie presented information on CANVAS, Tegrity, ctcLink and other related issues. She shared
efforts on the “open course library” are positive with many faculty using open book with more
availability in Trades and Prof Tech vs. standard books. She added faculty training for “open
educational resources (OER) have found very successful results. These open resources really save a
lot of money of students.
CANVAS highlights-Thirty-three (33) colleges on board. Angel users will be off as of June 2014.
CANVAS is really committed to fixing all ongoing issues. Here Connie demonstrated CANVAS access
via a ppt working through notifications/courses/and YouTube videos. At which point questions were
fielded around concerns on accessibility with ideas for creating “fire walls” when persons want to add
materials that are not accessible. We also found out CANVAS supports emails. Karma Forbes from
RTC offered to create a “problem sheet” from DSSC that could be provided to Connie and it was
discussed that perhaps the Accessible Technology subcommittee could create a proposal for ways to
create standards for users to ensure accessibility. Connie reminded everyone to make sure we are
working with our eLearning staff.
ctcLink highlights-It was agreed “other” needed to be added under accommodation choices.
Reminder “people soft solutions” is the new system because legacy is outdated and must go.
Questions were addressed at this point, to include finding out what the focus of all the screens
outside of the coding and confidentiality are about; why we are entering all unnecessary disability
related information into these screens; and who exactly has access to all that information? What is
the state trying to track? Connie worked hard with capturing all the questions and advised she would
take them to the lead CANVAS folks.
11:45 Warren Brown VP WSSSC Representative Report Out
Warren’s highlights included reminders about the upcoming WSSSC conference with a call out for
applications for student speakers; and that the WSSSC council will be meeting the 1st week in
February. At which point, Warren set up discussions for questions around the LOC and shared that
the Student Services Commission had their first meeting back in December 2013. Scopes identified
Prof Development; Financial Faculty; Student Affairs; and Policies around when actual developments
Warren shared eight (8) principles were established for guiding this Task Force which included:
1. Outcome
2. Outcome-Accessible Solution
3. Compliance
4. Thinking through the lens of all learners
5. Accessibility “case by case”
6. Accessibility evolving policy
7. Accessibility funding policy supporting acquisition
8. Practices Instructional process/student learning
He added the Task force would be working on creating a mission and vision statement; and he
encouraged DSSC to identify specific issues that can be given to the Task Force.
At which time, clarification was provided on the meaning of “case by case” which is based on
accommodation and that “ad hoc” is a bandage fix to “system” problems with accessibility.
Lastly, a quick overview with different council levels was provided and identified that the LOC Task
Force takes completed work to Student Services Commission which then moves it to the Presidents
Commission. Questions were asked by members regarding who regulates inaccessible offenders, is it
the college or is it SBCTC or is it SSC? No answer was recorded…
12:50 Business Meeting
Fall minutes reviewed and approved at 12:58pm. Treasures Report approved with one question
regarding credit card payment vs. check/paper payment. Marc Coomer DSSC Board Treasurer
offered to do some research on payment options outside of checks.
Old business was opened up for discussions, which there was none.
New business opened up for discussions and included:
 Challenges with server software updates and then having to work with media support and tech
 Trying to identify accessibility options with outside programs and CANVAS
 Elections in spring open for board positions include President Elect; Secretary; and Member at
Large. Please send nominations in by end of March
 Creating an essential guideline of concerns with LOC
A motion to adjourn the business meeting was accepted at 1:10pm.
1:10 Guest Speaker: John George, WDVA Services Dog Program Coordinator with Alphie
John is a Service Dog educator for the VA. He presented a ppt to include his personal history; his
partnership with Brigadoon Service Dogs; his own service animal Alphie; the differences between
Emotional Support Animal; Therapy Animal; and Services Animal; and changes extended to miniature
horses on a “case by case” bases.
3pm Shin Task Force Highlights
Kim Thompson from Shoreline introduced Mark Bergeson, WA Student Achievement Council and
together highlights from the Report to the Legislature; Collaborative Efforts to Improve Access to
Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities was reviewed and discussed.
Upon which questions were fielded from the floor with concluding remarks that the Task Force
recommendations will go to legislature where there will be a need for a dissemination place. We were
reminded that the focus is on transition…”making the transition from K-12 to higher education
3:30 Technology Task Force Highlights (with handout provided)
Tami Jacobs led the reading of the provided handout for group edits…these edits were captured by
Tami for finalization of the document.
4:30 Meeting Adjourned
Friday January 31st 2014 Day Two
9:10 Welcome
Appreciation extended to all Task Force members. Mike Hoel (Board President) and Jamie Hatleberg
(Board Secretary) shared the conference evaluation form is being revamped to a one page document
and would be emailed to all members within the next week for conference feedback and nominations
for open board positions.
9:20 Hot Topics
 ctcLink (screen)-concerns expressed that the collected input from DSSC (with exception of Clark
College) does not seem to be evident; “people soft” looks like it is going to be great with tracking
system information but might be missing civil rights privacy…this could be an issue; with concerns
reiterated for who will have access to the information DSS enters on swd.
What are folks doing with requests that seem to exceed reasonableness i.e. note with tests; note
takers in the classrooms and alternative formats?
Developing quantitative data from the student’s voice to show the effectiveness of DSS services
10:45 DSS 102 Presentation (with ppt sent to listserv)
Presentation led by Al Souma and team of co-presenters (Karen Fusco; Kerri Holferty; and John
Rajcich); with open discussions on the following topics Setting Boundaries; Surviving; Interpreters;
and Collected documents.
Conference Adjourned at 12:00pm with evaluations agreed to be mailed out.
Conference Minutes respectfully submitted by Jamie Hatleberg, Secretary on