CUSP Spring Business Meeting, April 5, 2013, Spokane Community College

CUSP Spring Business Meeting, April 5, 2013, Spokane Community College
Present in Attendance: Sarah Gruhler, Clark, Samantha Lelo, Clark, Jen Manley, Tacoma, Roxana
Ahmadifard, Lower Columbia, Cameron Cox, Pierce College- Fort Steilacoom, Kris Baier, Whatcom, Erin
Wilson, N. Seattle, Jonathan Brown, Highline, Claire Korschinowski, Clover Park Technical, Melissa
Uyesugi, Edmonds, Bruce Steele, Spokane, Heather McKenzie-Waite, Spokane Falls, Dave Rector, South
Puget Sound, Kim Jackson, Big Bend, Sheila Walton, Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Shelli
Cockle, Spokane Falls, Sean Cooke, Pierce College- Puyallup, Edward Esparza, SBCTC.
Call to Order at 9:06am
Welcome & Introductions by Heather McKenzie-Waite
Approval of the agenda and minutes: Sheila moved to approve the agenda as written and minutes to
include the following changes:
a. Legislative Planning Committee: Add “Student Government Association” in proper name of
student group from Olympic College.
b. WACTSA Report: Add “Student Representative” to clarify the role of Kailene Sparrs.
Claire seconded the motion. Motion to approve the agenda and minutes with corrections passed
A. State Board Report: Edward Esparza:
1. There are several current bills relevant to CUSP in relation to student services for
veterans. HB 1011 on Resident Tuition for Veterans, HB 1109: Priority registration for
veterans, and HB 1858 providing academic credit for military training. SB 5180 discusses
improving access to higher education for students with disabilities and establishes a
legislative task force to oversee how we provide access. Edward provided a complete
2013 Spring State Board Report to CUSP members including upcoming conferences of
interest to members, such as the 18th Annual Faculty and Staff of Color Conference in
Fall 2013.
2. Dialogue with CUSP: Jonathan thanked Edward for such a thorough report from the
State Board and expressed interest from CUSP in continuing to collaborate on ways that
our leadership and legislative activities can help support policy development with our
current programs and future opportunities. Edward commented on possible
partnerships outside of our colleges also to expand our ability to serve in our
communities and encouraged CUSP to bring students to speak with legislators directly.
B. WSSSC Report: No Report.
C. President’s Report: Heather McKenzie-Waite: The CUSP Executive Team met recently to develop
a budget for the Leadership & Activities Institute and established a recommended baseline
budget to provide to the Institute Chairpersons as an outline for the budget available for fall
2013 based expenditures and revenue from prior years. This budget allows for some flexibility in
expenses based on the Institute programmatic changes for 2013 and the understanding that this
is a pilot year without the showcases. There is an estimated 450 participants. It is proposed to
increase the conference registration fee to $150.00 per person to provide revenue for the event.
Heather provided a budget breakdown of expenses. No action taken.
D. Treasurer Report: Heather McKenzie Waite on behalf of Jenn Rhodes: Heather provided the
treasurer budget report and recommended an update to the Treasurer Report for 2013-14 to
demonstrate expenses and full revenue for the Academies to reflect actual expenses/revenue.
Fall Legislative Academy Revenue: $12, 080, Expenses: $7,655 = $4,424 remaining. The Voice
Academy mirrors the Legislative Academy in revenue/expenses and can anticipate
approximately $4,000 revenue from the Spring Voice Academy. Claire mentioned proposing an
allocation and itemized budgets on behalf of the Council be itemized for quarterly meetings,
Academies, and Student Rally through an annual budget proposal and requests developing
itemized budgets for each CUSP program. The Executive Board will develop a budget for these
programs to present to CUSP.
E. Secretary’s Report: Jen Manley: CUSP Roster updates & invite new professionals to get on the
CUSP list serve.
F. WACTSA Report: No Student Report.
Leadership Institute Planning Committee: Sarah and Sami:
1. Discussion to determine the Conference Theme: “Start Something Big” approved. Theme will be
given to the students to begin creating graphic design options for the Institute T-Shirts. CUSP
will vote on the top 3 designs for final approval. Tiff Hayes will provide detailed information to
CUSP about the T-Shirt process.
2. Sarah and Sami provided an outline for the CUSP Institute and delegated tasks. Seeking advisors
to serve as facilitators for cohort themed groups. Leadership Institute payments will be sent to
Jenn Rhodes. Sarah and Sami will create an Institute Advisor Manual. A new program piece this
year will be to provide a CUSP awards night to students for specific categories. Sheila
mentioned the 3 CUSP awards to integrate into this ceremony; the criteria for each award is
listed on the CUSP website.
Legislative Planning Committee:
a. Legislative Rally Report: Jonathan proposed November 8-9, 2013 for the Fall Legislative
b. The Student Rally is scheduled for January 31, 2014 tentatively based on Rotunda availability.
Jonathan will confirm with Monica Lundberg to continue coordinating this event.
c. The Voice Academy is tentatively scheduled at North Seattle Community College on May 910, 2014.
Quarterly Meetings: Dates for the WSSSC Conference have not yet been posted, however, April 2014
will take place in Tacoma and CUSP will plan to schedule a meeting at this time. CUSP will hold the Fall
2013 meeting at Bellevue College October 17-18, 2013, Winter Quarter meeting at Whatcom
Community College January 23-24, 2014, and Renton Technical College is proposed for Fall 2014.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Executive Position Elections: Motion to approve the election process moved by Sheila, seconded by Sami.
Motion passes unanimously.
a. President has been established as Jonathan Brown.
b. Treasurer: Jonathan nominated Jenn Rhodes to continue in her role as Treasurer. Claire
seconded. The motion passes, Erin Wilson abstained.
c. Secretary: Bruce nominated Jen Manley to continue her role as Secretary. Claire seconded.
The motion passes, Jen Manley abstained.
d. President Elect: Sheila nominated Cal Erwin-Svoboda. Sami seconded. Motion passes
unanimously for Cal as incoming President Elect.
e. Motion to create 2 new Executive Positions of Legislative Chairperson & Leadership Institute
Chairperson on the CUSP Executive Council; will make a constitutional change beginning Fall
2013. Sarah moved to approve both positions; Sami seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
Bruce Steele is the incoming Leadership Institute Chairperson. Seeking Legislative
Chairperson for 2013-14. Sheila moved to approve Sean Cooke as the Legislative
Coordinator and Kris Baier as the Legislative Coordinator Elect. Sami seconded. Motion
passes unanimously. Discussion was included regarding the role of the WACTSA Liaison;
Claire recommended the liaison be the staff advisor of the WACTSA Chairperson. Sean
agreed and also recommended to add this to the Institute advisor manual to inform
advisors. Seeking members for the Legislative Planning Committee: Claire, Sheila, Kris,
Cameron, Roxana, Sean, Jenn Rhodes, Erin/Jeffrey from N. Seattle. Legislative Planning
Committee will develop a WACTSA summer training meeting in 2013.
APCA Discussion: Kim Jackson
Kim attended an Advisors Conference with APCA at the beginning of January; APCA has expressed
interest in beginning a Western Region and the potential partnerships with CUSP programs. APCA is
interested in presenting to CUSP and learning about our needs and how to assist CUSP. Council agrees
and there is overall support in the quality of APCA and furthering the conversation. Kim is going to
facilitate this invitation with APCA; tentatively set to invite a representative to the fall quarter meeting
or professional development. Jonathan recommended professional development day in fall quarter.
Claire recommended that they come with a proposed business plan, CUSP provide APCA with our needs,
and ask APCA to present as to how he can meet those needs tso that we are clear on what is being
requested of us at the meeting with a clear outcome. Kim agreed to facilitate a preliminary
conversation with APCA and the Executive Board prior to this meeting to assess the CUSP needs and
have those well established and articulated.
Discussion to extend Friday meeting times for CUSP meetings to allow time for sub-committee meeting
schedule and planning time. General Council consensus that this is an agreeable shift; Executive Board
will make a final agenda shift effective for fall meeting 2013.
Sheila presented CUSP List Archive information to demonstrate how to access archive data from the list
serve posts for cataloged information as a resource. Sheila created a CUSP Inner Workings and History
site in Google Docs that has recorded our policies, procedures, work plans, meetings, programs,
assessment materials, and other documents
Motion to adjourn made by Bruce, seconded by Sheila. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at