CUSP Business Meeting, January 24, 2014, Whatcom Community College Present in Attendance: Samantha Lelo, Clark, Sheila Walton, Lake Washington, Jen Manley, Tacoma, Dani Chang, Green River, Wayne Anthony, Edmonds, Roxana Ahmadifard, Lower Columbia, Cameron Cox, Pierce College- Fort Steilacoom, Bruce Steele, Spokane, Kris Baier, Whatcom, Becky Riopel, Cascadia, Story Gilmore, Green River, Edward Esparza, SBCTC, Laura Singletary, Whatcom, Chanell Sagon, Tacoma, Jonathan Brown, Highline, Jessica Supinski, Renton Technical College, Megan Wiggins, Lower Columbia, Sean Cooke, Pierce College-Puyallup, Faisal Jaswal, Bellevue, Cal Erwin-Svoboda, Clover Park Technical College, Jamie Kwiatkowski, Grays Harbor, Brian Murphy, Skagit Valley, Leah Eberle, Skagit Valley, Shandy Stormieroski, Centralia, Shelley Bannish, Centralia, Michelle Iko, Renton Technical College, Jennifer Rhodes, Everett, Vince Ruzicka, Walla Walla, Erin Blakeney, Cascadia/WSSSC Liaison, Heather McKenzie-Waite, Spokane Falls Call to Order at 8:40am Welcome & Introductions by Jonathan Brown Approval of the agenda & minutes: Sami moved to approve the minutes and agenda as written, Sean seconded. Motion passes unanimously. Reports: A. State Board Report, Edward Esparza: Expressed interest from the SBCTC seeking opportunities to connect with students and hear their voice related to legislative topics. A recent presentation made by WACTSA leaders to the SBCTC regarding the leadership programs developed through CUSP was well received. Student Achievement Council roadmap to student success is seeking students to serve on committees. Edward requested CUSP members recommend students to represent the student voice in community colleges on these committees. Discussed the Director of Student Services and Director of Transfer Education positions and described the duties associated with each. Legislative News: HB 1331 in regard to advisory committees at 2 year colleges. Student Opportunity Gap (Opportunity Grant resources) is a critical topic due to limited funding. WA Children’s Coalition: Retention rates for students demonstrate that students who use childcare centers are more likely to persist and continue or complete their course of study; unfortunately childcare center funding is at risk. Meeting with the Coalition to discuss further possibilities of grant funding and other options. HB 2400 mentoring program to provide technical assistance through the college with mentorship, leadership, and academic success. Edward asked for CUSP input. HB5318: Tuition waivers for veterans; making sure veterans get tuition waivers so that we are a veteran friendly system. The Dream Act is awaiting vote; Edward encourages contacting legislators to make connections around these topics and utilize the Legislative Rally. Applied Baccalaureate program is growing; up to 13 colleges that offer these. Academic year report has been emailed to CUSP. MSSDC Students of Color Conference is April 17-19, 2014. WSSCC Conference is April 30, 2014 in Tacoma. B. WSSSC Report, Erin Blakeney: Discussed WSSSC agenda items: New initiatives that have come about during the current accreditation process and best practices accordingly such as how we are tracking student issues on campus. CTC Link update and the potential impact on our work in Student Services; Financial literacy best practices and how we are sharing that with students. WAC change process for the model student code of conduct-the WSSCC has been working to develop this model and want student participation in that process. WSSCC conference will be held April 30-May 2 and conference workshop proposals are currently being accepted; registration is now open. The Councils will have their meetings from 9am-noon on Friday, May 2 at the WSSCC Conference. Shelley is seeking students to serve on the student panel at the conference; please submit names of students that are inspiration to serve. Affordable Care Act and how this is being discussed on campus; Violence Against Women Act: Some requirements relevant to Student Programs regarding training for all students. Faisal will send his program plan for starting this at Bellevue and recommended as a future agenda item for CUSP to discuss how this training is partnering with Student Programs on other campuses. Jenn posed the question as to whether it is appropriate use of S&A fees to fund these programs. The recommendation was that most colleges are utilizing their Human Resources offices to coordinate and fund these efforts. Erin discussed the WA Executive Leadership Academy program through the SBCTC, the application th process due April 25 and what it provides as professional development. MOOC exploring Student Affairs in Higher Education registration open currently. Erin will send out a report following the upcoming WSSCC meeting. C. President’s Report: Jonathan Brown 1. Jonathan: Encouraged WSSCC Proposals by CUSP members sharing best practices. 2. CUSP Discussions: Debriefed with Edward about Legislative Academy and how to best partner with the SBCTC and timeline, WACTSA and the SBCTC connections, Jonathan serving as liaison. Exec. discussion about the Wenatchee Institute to revise. Voice Academy is coming up on May 9-10, 2014 @ N. Seattle CC. Working to streamline some of the WACTSA introductory information for roles and participation. Developing budgets for conferences and programs noted. CUSP Exec. Board members are still developing these budgets requested from the Council. Will bring to spring meeting. Will be basing budget off of past D. E. F. G. H. expenditures. Cameron brought up discussion about the potential of a mid-year retreat or WA statewide gathering similarly in Feb. possibly connected to the Legislative Rally? Council agreed to entertain the support of this new initiative in the future. Ongoing 2-year discussion about collaboration with APCA and CUSP. Cal and JB will talk with Eric Lambert to discuss implications. Faisal offered to help in the discussion with APCA. Treasurer’s Report: Jennifer Rhodes 1. Gave current balance information. The Institute had a deficit this year, however revenue from the Legislative Academy. Have more defined figures for the Legislative Academy to base future budget forecasts on. Secretary’s Report: Jen Manley 1. Announced to ensure students are aware of student list serve separate from the student programs staff list serve to reduce mistaken requests for access. New professional members to the list serve, encourage them to join. th Legislative Committee: Sean Cooke provided information about the Rally Feb. 7 at the Capital Building. All of the speakers have been confirmed and student speakers are complete; finalizing some of the financial pieces now. WACTSA meeting at 2:30pm following the Rally at SPSCC location TBD. The meeting is open to all students. Recommend legislative visits for students during the WACTSA meeting. WACTSA is trying to limit it to 2.5 hours and agenda is being formed. Voice Academy update in new business. Debrief on Legislative Academy; Kris welcomed feedback and noted the need to plan earlier and get firm information out at Leadership Institute. Wenatchee Conference: Bruce will connect with Cal and Sami for details. Cal discussed the social media piece of the conference and recommended this be a specific role at the Institute-possibly a student position. Cal is willing to consult and oversee the social media process. Bruce will send a follow up email to committee members. New Business: 1. WACTSA Recruitment for 2014-15: A challenge with WACTSA missing clarity in job descriptions and role clarification for Executive members. New officers take office at the Voice Academy per the governing documents. Edward recommended on-site mentors for WACTSA members to gain collaborative leadership beginning in the summer training. Cameron suggested a broader perspective to the WACTSA training to learn how to work with people and foundational leadership principles. Becky posed questions regarding the possibility of an orientation meeting for new WACTSA leaders, the summer training institute, and/or an orientation meeting when leaders are selected? Sheila mentioned the simplification of structure to help students best understand what role leaders are in and their functions/less titles. Faisal discussed mentorship in late spring/early summer in a cohort group with regularity. Sean recommended more than one WACTSA liaison; anyone that has a student involved in the board needs to be connected and involved also. JB requests support from CUSP to formulate a letter to WACTSA to share at their meeting with the suggestions of strategies recommended improving efficiency, etc. Some recommendations include: CUSP members agree to cultivate their one member/Rep on their campus to serve as their WACTSA member to include the advisor/designee from each campus also to include a designated WACTSA advisor to include training for staff WACTSA liaisons as well. WACTSA recommended not to do elections in spring, but to do host elections in the fall at the Leadership Institute to be more inclusive and involved in electing their candidate with the qualification be that they attended the WACTSA summer training. On-site membership to collaborate and connect with TACTC; a lot of potential to approach them and recommend a co-training piece to unify our reps and connect on legislative issues (on-site mentor). More than one liaison from CUSP to WACTSA. JB seeking support to address these with WACTSA. CUSP Legislative Committee is supporting WACTSA in developing pieces of the Voice Academy, however CUSP is steering these programs still. Cameron suggested WACTSA creating a structure to have the general assembly meetings posted further in advance; Brian added consistency. Bruce liked advisor idea and suggested regional advisors to coincide with WACTSA regional structure. JB called for approval for a letter being drafted and directed to WACTSA. Council approval to move forward. 2. Wenatchee Institute: i. Conference Fee Increase: Discussion about increasing fee to $175.00 per student to attend the conference. JB calls for a motion. Sami moved, seconded by Jenn Rhodes to increase conference fee to $175.00 per person. Faisal asked about transportation included in this cost increase. Cal said the service component as a pre-conference activity is still on the table, but that would be discussed with the committee whether or what additional cost would be associated with the service project. JB asked committee to come back in spring with any other recommendations. st Motion passes unanimously. April 1 is the opening timeline for Wenatchee Coast Hotel reservations available. ii. Relocation of 2016 Institute: still in discussion/gathering information. SPSCC and Eastern Washington University are options, but would prefer SPSCC with the possible rotating model of eastern/western Washington. SPS will waive the conference costs but will require labor costs. Cal will coordinate the logistics group to compare costs and decide by August 2014. SPSCC has a performing arts center that is attractive for the institute and proximity to the state capitol. Faisal asked if the design would stay the same or evolve. Wenatchee is not meeting needs for breakouts, hotel availability, tech needs. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Executive Positions-Recruitment for Spring quarter meeting: i. Short recruitment for new volunteers. Discuss roles to gather interest and need to check the bylaws to determine if a Council Member needs to be in a Director role to hold an exec positions. ii. Jennifer Rhodes gave brief description of duties. iii. Jen Manley gave overview of. Secretary role. iv. Sean Cooke and Kris Baier overview of Academy role and efforts in committee work. v. President, past, and elect, 3 year term. Heather past president. JB discussed collaborative duties of president with CUSP and state board and other campus partners to support state efforts. Voice Academy Update: This discussion was tabled: Jeffrey from N. Seattle is coordinating this program and is not present to provide an update. CTC Student Rally Recruitment: Cameron requested participation and coordination to bring students. List of legislators coming out over list serve. ACPA Partnership Update: Interest was expressed in having a regional conference in the NW to merge and/or support the CUSP Institute. CUSP would provide content; APCA would provide Speaker/ performers selected by APCA which is a possible downside. JB called for input. APCA invited reps to host a CUSP delegation at a regional conference to observe to determine if this is a good fit. Wayne: time to develop the leadership component. Reaffirm our old agenda and refocus where we were. Shelley commented that have the leadership component training be prevalent so that it is not a NACA repeat. Cameron attended the APCA advisor conference and commented that it was a good blend of outside trainers and well as advisors as facilitators. Was suggested that CUSP committee attend APCA advisor trainings. Faisal commented that if we stick with leadership model, they would be open to negotiating but benefit to having others coordinate for us, different than NACA and focus to remain on leadership. JB mentioned to Eric Lambert that we moved away from showcasing component and he was on board and this partnership isn't about showcasing. JB throws back to exec group and recommend follow up to spring meeting and sends delegates to their meetings. Eric is willing to present to cusp in spring to have him present. JB recommended preliminary study to explore it further with Cal. CUSP Event Budgets: Exec. Board will present at the spring meeting. Announcements: The CUSP Leadership Matrix will be available at the spring meeting for future leadership roles. There is a Legislative Open House on Feb. 20, 2014 to share info. Send a legislative director to this. Motion to adjourn. Motion carries unanimously to adjourn at 11:42am.