CUSP Fall Business Meeting, October 19, 2012, Lower Columbia College Present in Attendance: Samantha Lelo, Clark, Sheila Walton, Lake Washington, Jennifer Rhodes, Everett, Jen Manley, Tacoma, Dani Chang, Green River, Roxana Ahmadifard, Lower Columbia, Cameron Cox, Pierce College- Fort Steilacoom, Sean Cooke, Pierce College- Puyallup, Kim Jackson, Big Bend, Monica Koller, Whatcom, Shelley Bannish, Centralia, Melissa Uyesugi, Edmonds, Cal Erwin-Svoboda, Grays Harbor, Rick Ross, Peninsula, Faisal Jaswal, Bellevue, Heidi Matlack, Yakima Valley Grandview, Erin Wilson, N. Seattle, Megan Wiggins, Lower Columbia, Diana Jennings, Yakima Valley Grandview, Jessica Supinski, Renton Technical, Janet Hoppe-Leonard, N. Seattle, Kailene Sparrs, Clover Park Technical, Tiff Hayes, Green River, Jonathan Brown, Highline, Claire Korschinowski, Clover Park Technical Call to Order at 9:22am Welcome & Introductions by Claire Korschinowski & Jonathan Brown Approval of the agenda & spring minutes: Rick entertains a motion to approve, Sheila seconded. Motion passes unanimously. Reports: A. State Board Report: No Report. B. WSSSC Report: Shelley Bannish: WSSSC discussed Title IX, and received an updated on the CTC Link project that will effect student services in Admissions, Financial Aid, and Enrollment Services. CTC Link has a blog that you can follow with FAQ to help get information and progress about the project; implementation scheduled to begin in one year and continue through 2018. Efficiency study report: CTC Link is proposed to resolve efficiencies reported. LGBTQ Student Success Task Force update: Students will have an opt-in option to self-identify in the registration process; data collected statewide will support future efforts to support this population of students. There is a $70,000 start up expense; recommended to divide between all 34 schools to contribute $1500-$2000/each for the project; funding sources will be determined on each respective campus. Planning another Student Services Conference in 2013, still seeking location. C. President’s Report: Claire re-visited the posting of S&A expenditures on campus websites and opened discussion to compare formats and clarify any questions about this new process. Jen Manley presented the TCC S&A expenditure report as an example. Jonathan Brown presented the Highline 2011-12 expenses “Where was student money spent last year?” as an example of an educational tool for teaching and referencing student fee expenses to students. Jessica Supinski from Renton referenced the Seattle Central CC model as a teaching tool to explain and train students on what the constituencies do, and what budget are allocated and spent from that group. Claire requested models or best practices on S&A expenditure reporting be sent to the CUSP list serve. D. Treasurer’s Report: Jennifer Rhodes 1. Provided fund balances. 2. Leadership Institute: To streamline the registration payments, request that checks be sent directly to Jenn Rhodes. Bruce Steele has volunteered to assist in collecting missing payments to maintain current budget balances. 3. Annual meeting registration payments: $5,000 revenue so far. Yakima will pay one fee for both main and Grandview campus since they are an extension campus. Winter quarter registration will be coming out sooner than fall to provide an accurate headcount. Approximately 30 members have paid the annual registration. Requests that Council members follow up with campus budget offices to ensure that payments are submitted in a timely manner. E. Secretary’s Report: Jen Manley: CUSP Roster updates. F. WACTCSA Report: Kailene Sparrs: For the first time, CUSP will provide WACTCSA a representative report to discuss WACTCSA activities and progress. Kailene Sparrs from Clover Park Technical College announced she is excited about the membership list generated at the Leadership Institute. Has started gathering student schedules and is coordinating with Claire, Jonathan, and Sean as to the WACTCSA role in the Legislative Academy. Has contacted student leaders to coordinate a follow up meeting within 2 weeks of the Legislative Academy to continue efforts on action plans developed at the Academy. Expressed appreciation to CUSP in support of communication with student representatives. Discussed excitement for the WACTCSA role regarding endorsement and outcomes of action plans developed. Jonathan proposed the possibility of the WACTSA representative to CUSP be on a rotating basis contingent upon the CUSP meeting location; the hosting school would send the representative to further engage more students in the process. G. Leadership Institute Planning Committee: Sami Lelo 1. Volunteer Opportunities: Expressed thanks to all volunteers at the 2012 Institute. In the upcoming year, Sami will serve as Chair while Sarah is on leave. Shadow-Chair is Bruce Steele. Roles: Laura Singletary will continue with Registration, Tiffany Hayes, T-shirts, Jessica Supinski and Bruce Steele will serve as MC, Dani Chang and Shelley Bannish will select the Keynote Speaker, Jen Manley will coordinate Educational Sessions, H. I. J. K. L. Sean Cooke will coordinate Showcase Selection, Cameron Cox will coordinate Showcase Production, Cal Erwin-Svoboda & Sheila Walton will host Networking, Sami Lelo will host the Dance, Advisor Professional Development Session will be coordinated by Jonathan Brown and/or Exec. Council, Evaluations by Sheila nd Walton. Discussion on Student Programming, Governance and 2 Year Track structure as to whether this was effective and to continue this structure. Jonathan commented that feedback from students suggests the programming and student government track didn’t give the students enough options or perhaps didn’t fit their role on campus; suggested the possibility of adding another educational session to replace these 2 sessions. Claire recommended the possibility of a publicity training component, marketing, or other general leadership skills that may help fit their role, and may also reduce some of the session capacity concerns. nd Council Feedback on the 2 year track: Erin Wilson agreed it was useful and better than previous years. nd Roxanna said her students enjoyed having the 2 year option. Cameron agreed that it’s worth keeping, but nd improvement is needed on the content. The majority agree to keep the 2 year track to include a Student rd Government session, Programming session, and a 3 session with adjustments to content. Majority agreed. Roxanna asked if we still want to try a lecture showcase. Jonathan recommended an overall shift in showcases to broaden the scope of options to be more educational. Rick mentioned the possibility of the keynote speaker as a showcase to be booked on site as a lecture. Dani mentioned the vendor booth time in the middle of the day that isn’t effective; possibly an opportunity to do a short lecture showcase & marketing to places such as Samara Lecture Series and others. Jonathan mentioned the development of the nd 2 year track was the Exec. Board, and if continued, perhaps creating a coordinator volunteer position for nd the 2 year track. 2. 2017 Convention: Sami discussed the Wenatchee location for 2017. Claire asked if we were reaching capacity; 2012 had 470 registrants, with 125 rooms available at the Coast Hotel. Primary concerns were expense and logistics to meet conference needs at other locations; however, Wenatchee makes geographical sense for the majority of school attendees. Yakima and Central Washington University were proposed as potential sites and a team was formed to explore alternate options: Sheila, Cameron, Sean, Cal, and Claire agreed to be on this research team. 3. Conference Start: Discussion on keeping the Institute start date on Wednesday @2pm or move to Tuesday with the same event duration (extending the conference length). Sean expressed concern for schools not being able to attend due to lengthening the conference. Majority accepted keeping the schedule the same as 2012. 4. Sami asked if the Council agreed to pay speakers for educational sessions: Consensus was yes. Jenn Rhodes recommended adding a slight increase to registration payments to cover the deficit in the Institute budget overages due to paying speakers this year. Legislative Planning Committee: Jonathan Brown 1. Legislative Rally: Supports WACTCSA in taking a leadership role in assisting students to be effective. The st Rally date is tentatively set for Feb. 1 . Legislative Academy Update: Alison Grazini-Smith from the SBCTC has been assisting in coordinating Academy documents. CUSP members are contributing materials needed for a comprehensive student packet of information. Alison will make the cover page, agenda & map, but needs a current edited version of the White Paper. Sheila mentioned the White Paper is still under review for grammatical editing expected to be completed and sent to the CUSP list by next week. Kailene expressed interest in assisting Sean develop a one-page WACTSA overview information sheet for the Academy packet. Also included in the packets: List of legislative terms, contacts, photo directory of legislators to assist in identifying them, biographies for all Academy speakers, agenda for print, evaluations for both days, and worksheets for action planning work session. Jonathan commended Alison for her partnership and assistance with CUSP. Legislative Academy registration closes Tuesday, October 23, 2012. Voice Academy: Cameron Cox will host the Voice Academy at Pierce College-Fort Steilacoom. Old Business: No Old Business. New Business: 1. 2012-2013 Leadership Tasks & Volunteer Opportunities i. Jonathan discussed the various ways to get connected and volunteer in a leadership role lin CUSP. ii. Host a quarterly Meeting: Roxana discussed the experience hosting a meeting for CUSP. Bellevue College will host Fall 2013, Clover Park will host Winter 2014, Big Bend will host Spring 2014, and Renton Technical College will host in Fall 2014. iii. Legislative Planning Sub-Committee: Sean will need a co-advisor of legislative functions; recruiting members to support those efforts. nd iv. Leadership & Activities Institute: 2 Year Track Ed Sessions. Melissa Uyesugi and Erin Wilson. v. CUSP Executive Team Members: Jonathan discussed the roles/responsibilities of duties. President is a 3-year commitment. Jennifer Rhodes discussed the role as Treasurer, and Jen Manley discussed role of the Secretary. Executive Elections are annual at the spring meeting. vi. State system opportunities: WELA (Shelley and Sheila are currently active in WELA). Mentorship program for professionals who may want to seek opportunities as a Vice President or President. vii. Professional Development: Potential professional development opportunities for CUSP: 1. Faisal recommends CUSP re-visit Title IX. Shelley discussed training for mandatory reporting of child abuse that can be linked with Title IX training also. Heidi can provide this training, and is interested in the content requested from CUSP. Sheila volunteered staff from her campus to assist also. 2. Faisal mentioned that Bellevue has an Autism program that could connect with professional development at the fall 2013 meeting. 3. Sean recommended topics around growing community, building clubs, and furthering discussions about programmatic best practices on our campuses and building in a roundtable discussion component to a future meeting. Recommended roundtable topics: servant leadership, vision, mentoring. To achieve this, Cal recommended 15 minute intervals of CUSP members sharing information. Sean and Sheila are going to create a survey to gather data from CUSP on topic areas of interest prior to the winter quarter meeting. M. Jonathan had been requested to provide an overview and showcase of the Highline CC student club program. CUSP members were invited in November-December to attend. Erin asked about a new professionals 1-day drive in to welcome new professionals to CUSP. Jonathan offered the potential to extend Friday lunch to welcome new members. Cameron asked about Wednesday half day lead-in to CUSP with an orientation to student programs related information. Executive Team will re-visit this on the leadership task list to facilitate these sessions and how to fill that leadership role to implement this again. Also recommended to create name templates to cycle throughout CUSP meetings to help connect N. Motion to adjourn. Sean moved; Sami seconded. Motion carries to adjourn at 11:46am.