Arc Meeting 1/29/14 – Ft Steilacoom Pierce College Professional Development

Arc Meeting 1/29/14
Pierce College – Ft Steilacoom
Welcome by Denise Yochum
Professional Development
Becky Rawlings HR director WCC.
MGMT and Supervision
See handout for details
Scott Copeland:
2 position announcements at SBCTC
Watch list on leg news
Financial aid and dual credit issues keep coming to Scott's agenda
Dual credit = Running Start and RS in the High School
EWU has 43 contracts with school districts in eastern WA.
Scott met with OSPI - no one spending format
CWU, EWU, Evergreen, NWIC either have or are entering into RS in the HS
IB AP Cambridge looking at how they are accepted -review for a year
Applied baccalaureate degrees continue to grow
College bound scholarships can get lists from WASAC
Seattle District Presentation
see handouts
Enrollment strategies conversation
Cascadia looked at calendar and reorganized when new students register
BC looking at LEAN
not many colleges using AACRAO SEM conference
Does ARC want to pursue SEM training?
Noel Levitz SEM training in Portland in early March Shoreline recommends them
Noel levitz at Btc
Btc using CRM
Bates makes tech students take math at beginning
BC considering auto-confer of degrees
Betsy Abts CTCLink
Betsy has ppt
Bulk of configuration is complete
Training time longer for wave schools
Wave kickoff sessions have happened
Project manager is key role on campus
Org change mgmt happening
CEMLI = anything not "out of box"
Long list of CEMLIs
CEMLIs being worked on, one thing system has control over
Any third party interactions need to be reported so that technical teams can assess
SME Meetings key to communications
Data conversion continues to happen
Legacy is fairly flexible, Peoplesoft less flexible
People soft must have both class and course info, legacy may not have class and course
Messy process
Legacy doesn't need EPC on degree posting, PS needs it
Mass change being applied to missing EPCs for first link schools
Academic standing preparation at work. Many schools use honor roll job in legacy.
Punitive unusual action codes will be converted. Non-punitive unusual action codes converted to student
groups. Opportunity to clean up UA
Breathe deeply - not as much cleansing as first thought. SBCTC creating processing strategies to make
cleansing less difficult
Will likely have multiple transcripts.
All students with any activity in the last six years will be converted. If its in PS it will be good/accurate.
Clock hours should be able to converted, Betsy will follow up
Testing plan in beginning of process
Whole team of developers creating curriculum
Available on resource page
Look at curriculum for resources
Training is an investment needs to be communicated early
Online app for RS and potentially ESL/ABE/GED as well
Power points and demos will continue to be available at resource page
Course attributes maintained at sbctc
Student groups can be potentially maintained at sbctc shared with campus
Will be able to pull reports based on attributes
Will be creating multiple programmatic applications (nursing, etc)
Four digit item numbers not five
PS can't handle ampersand, there will be a course attribute to define so students and faculty. "CCN" will
be attached to course titles so that universities will know on transcripts.
Reporting has a SME list maintained by Tanya Benton.
There will be a list of popular used reports. Institutional Research taking the lead.
We will have the ability to create reports
Early alert continues to be created in PS
Proficiency will be a journey.
Adding several fields to SMS for financial aid
Sm5006 new fields cred level, length of program, CIP
Housed in new table
Enter data manually
CIPS will get added automatically, rest of data will manually
New table educational planned
Reporting data by end of June
Clearinghouse extracts will be updated to include this data
SBCTC has been short a programmer for some time, but has been hired
CyberSource credit card vendor changing the way we make payments, by October
Electronic t/s system still may not change, when going from legacy to ctclink college school
Auto-award can keep schools in financial aid compliance
Handout for setting up academic standing/probation process
Unusual action code log purge once a quarter!!!
SM5293J to purge. DataExpress first to capture log
SM5003SR to capture
Carmen McKenzie
Repeat course policy - 3 times maximum
Legacy can't stop students to take the class more than three times total - PS can enforce it
All funding sources all credit bearing classes including ABE/esl
PS will take best grade when calculating GPA automatically
Can be overridden at local level
If class is repeated changing the GPA of the degree, will it work?
W will count as an attempt
This won't be turned on as soon as PS converts
Exit codes proposal
See handout
Carmen will type up all questions and send them back out to ARC
Dave Paul WSSSC Report
Conference 4/30-5/2
Reviewing student code of conduct
Question box
1- are u happy with refund appeal process?
BC uses a UW form, includes a healthcare provider standardized form
Require fin aid signature?
2- Credential Evaluation for BAS degrees? Cred eval done by enroll svcs
3- suspension posted to transcripts? Some
4- 12 colleges use personal email to contact students
5- Repeating courses – do you prevent more than three times? Cascadia does run a job to look for
repeats and unusual blocks them.
Asking about college bound scholarship at time of admission, then code them with an unusual action
code to pull them OR applications can be compared to lists from WASAC
Credit for non-traditional learning
What started as process/procedure has drifted into designing policy
See additional notes
Do we go forward with proposal that workgroup put forth? Yes
Need financial aid consideration included
Institution can include on degree audit
Recommendations going forward
Group is ok to call #1 pg 2 as transfer
Directly notated as AP
Prior learning - footnote industry certs and course challenges
Directly noting it on t/s
WOrk group to take this forward
New member packet
Who are the alphabetic soup? Why do we care?
Friday 01/31/14
Business meeting
Meeting minutes from October
Minutes approved with one amendment from Julie Sharp
Treasure 6540.20
1+ - registration 7219
Old business
Wed of ARC prof dev day
Candy's recipe from dinner was good
New business
Ctclink 6 year concern . At PACRAO other PS users were concerned that we are only getting six years
brought forward.
Cptc estimates 10% of requests transcripts utilize archives
Ask David Paul to bring concern to WISC
Do we go on record as to ask for all student data to be brought forward from legacy?
Advising concern - How will advisors know if students have more transcripts than what's moved over
Legacy only lives until one year after last wave
Melissa at SBCTC is aware or our concern. So is Betsy
Patrick made motion to arc leadership write a letter to WISC questioning only six years data, strongly
requesting more than that, as much data as possible
Motion passed
ACC Carlos will report
ICRC no meeting
BAR Julie sent out minutes/link to listserv. Discussions of ctclink, collection agency presentations.
Students have to agree to pay, update forms
IRS may be providing incorrect data
Career and employment: Joan K will send out a report
Disabilities: Steve b.
ELearning Chris not here
Financial aid Kathy not here
Multicultural Karl will get update
RPC: Julie they have not met
Move to close, approved.
Spring meeting
President elect will be elected at Spring meeting
Meeting locations for 2014-2015:
Fall 2014 – Walla Walla
Winter 2015 – Everett CC
Spring 2015 – Clover Park TC
ITV? Not interested, potential for Skype
question box
Follow up clearinghouse list? Yes, follow up with student.
Running start app online? A few,
Hostess gifts to Pierce College Julie, Els, Anne
Drawing: Theresa Nording, SVC.
Movement to adjourn 10:11