Dewey HD28 c ?6 Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Sloan School of Technology Management 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambricige, Massachusetts, 02139 \hst" I/S Toward Attitudes: Theoretical And Definitional Clarity Dale Goodhue October 1986 CISRWPNo. Sloan ® WP No. 141 1833-86 1986 Dale Goodhue at the Seventh Annual international Conference on Information Systems, December 14-17, 1986, San Diego, California To be presented Center for Information Systems Research Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Attitudes: Theoretical and Definitional Clarity I/S Toward ABSTRACT: There has long been a recognized need to measure the "success" or efficacy of information systems and the implementation process. Various constructs related to success have been suggested such as user attitudes, use, performance, and value. The attitude construct has received a great deal of attention for both theoretical and operational reasons. This paper focuses on the need for a convincing theoretical model linking systems or policies and user attitudes on the one hand, and user attitudes and performance or value on the other. Using job satisfaction research as a reference discipline for understanding the relationship between attitudes and performance, performance environment. recommended. "fit" I/S attitudes, beliefs, is and affected by the between the task requirements and the functionality of the addition a distinction between beliefs and attitudes In is While satisfaction might be best determined by measuring attitudes, the correspondence measuring model of developed. This model suggests that performance is correspondence or I/S a beliefs. between task and functionality The implications of this model 1. is best determined by for future research are discussed. Introduction There has long been a recognized need to measure the "success" or efficacy of information systems and the implementation process. Various constructs related to success have been suggested, such as user attitudes, use, performance, The attitude construct has received a great deal of attention for and value. both theoretical and operational reasons. Some researchers theorize that user attitudes are factor explaining use of a system, [Swanson, 1982a]. a causal Attitudes are also sometimes seen as a surrogate for a key factor such as quality of design, performance or value itself, [Epstein, King, 1982]. Attitude research is attractive operationally because user attitudes can be measured after the fact--they don't require the large up-front organizational commitment associated with unobtrusive measures of use. Attitude measures are also seen as more generalizable and more general purpose than context specific measures of performance or value. MIS research in this area has been criticized for poor operationalization of the theoretical constructs and insufficient attention to measurement error, [Treacy, 1985]. also However, the successful use of attitudes dependant upon the development of causal chain information systems research in value chain. Thus we need models model of the a convincing theoretical from systems to value, and of the place of attitudes in that system-to- linking both systems or policies to attitudes, the one hand, and attitudes to performance or value on the other. strong theoretical base of this type, we supported theory, regardless of the statistical significance will Without a be unable to build a body of empirically of individual results. in Section 2 discusses the theoretical basis of recent MIS attitude research. MIS. Section 3 develops one approach to the study of thereof) between attitudes attitudes of job satisfaction A model and performance. and ratings of individual used as a platform to build a model of model suggests that performance l/S attitudes by using job l/S understanding the satisfaction research as a theoretical basis for "fit" mediated by the model abilities of link (or lack distinguishing between with job requirements is and performance. This attitudes, beliefs, affected by the correspondence or "fit" is between the task requirements and the functionality of the this on on the underlying theory supporting user attitude research This paper focuses is l/S environment, the individual. Section 4 discusses the implications of for future research. 2. Review of l/S Attitude Research Various studies have sought to link attitudes about information systems to hypothesized antecedents or consequences. relationships which have been studied. been hypothesized structures for the as a l/S means shows some of the in user attitudes has of testing the efficacy of different organizational department, different chargeback schemes, and different few. Hypothesized consequences of results of these studies statistically significant links; results 1 Measuring changes allocations of time to phases of the system The Figure l/S development process, to name attitudes include perceived value have been decidedly mixed. others have not. It is and only a use. Some have found difficult to extract from these any generally accepted fmding or an underlying model upon which future research can be built. One possibility is that these contradictory results are due in part to the lack of a strong theoretical basis. This section will explore this possibility. Relationship Of MIS Attitudes To Other Theoretical Constructs l/S Maturity (?)-Mahmood and Org of Beckler, 1986 l/S Perceived Value ('orNO)-Olson. 1981 (Yes)-King and Epstein, 1983 l/S Sophistication (YES)-Cheney and Dickson, 1982 Chargeback Systems (NO)-Nolan, 1977 (NO)-Olson and Ives, 1 982 User Involvement (YES)-Swanson, 1974 {N0)-Olson, 1981 % time in dev. phases (YESor?)-McKeen,1983 Use System Characteristics (Y£S)-Cheney and Dickson, 1 982 (Yes)-Lucas, 1975 (No or 7)-Schewe, 1976 (Yes)--Robey, 1979 (Yes)-Swanson, 1982 (No)-Srinivasan, 1985 Task Environment (YES)-Schwenk, 1984 ('j-Sandersand Courtney, 1985 Figure 1. Underlying Theory. Few MIS attitude studies rely on any existing strong underlying theory as a basis for their theoretical models. Figure 2 classifies 28 recent studies according to the type of theoretical underpinning given to the measurement of classification of While attitude. any particular study may be subject to interpretation, the major thrust of the figure remains. Only a very few studies hypothesize the structure of the attitude construct based on on underlying theory. In this category, both Swanson [1982] and O'Reilly [1982] point to quality and accessibility as key factors. Larcker, Lessig [1980] identify useableness and importance Jenkins, Ricketts [1985] build on Simon's model of . decision-making, (intelligence, design and choice) to justify the components of their model of satisfaction. Even for these studies, however, the theoretical base justification for the hypothesized structures we would theory than literature suggests that" not clear what the nor These studies like. two how these aspects should The second row of Figure often not well developed, and the less grounded typically claim that "a or three factors are key aspects of between the link is is fit in 2 literature l/S in any existing review of the attitudes, yet it is and the hypothesized key aspects is, the larger system-to-value chain. shows studies with a predominanatly empirical, exploratory approach to developing the structure of attitude and instruments to measure no it. No theory of the structure of attitudes theoretical explanation of the structure and Slevin[1975], Zmud[1978], and Ives, is is stated up front, and in general stated even after the analysis. Schuize Olson and Baroudi[1983] are examples. This approach does serve to identify those dimensions of a construct which are seen as distinct in the minds of users. It may help focus future theory builders in empirically justified directions. lack of theoretical basis for However, the it difficult to interpret example, Ives, Satisfaction. only meant factors are understanding the resultant factors makes the results of studies which use these instruments. For Olson and Baroudi[1983] identified four factors of User Information It is not made clear whether the identification of these four factors as support for the validity of the overall measure, or proposed as the major sub-constructs is whether these four in a theretical model of the Theoretical Underpinnings of Empirical MIS Attitude Studies Hypothesize Key Factors Based On Jenkins, Ricketts Larcker, Lessig O'Reilly Literature, Swanson Theory Pearson Compile Many Bailey, Possible Issues For Olson, Baroudi Pearson) Mahmood, Beckler (Bailey, Pearson) Ives, (Bailey, Empirical Grouping Without a Theoretical Epstein, King Raymond Model Address Selected Factors (Bailey, Pearson) Sanders, Courtney (Sanders) Bruwer Ein-Dor, Segev, Blumenthal, Millet Appropriate To Given Study Gallagher Ginzberg Without Theory Schewe Higgins, Finn About Attitudes Adopt Or Adapt Existing Measure Baroudi, Olson, Ives Schuize, Slevin Srinivasan (Jenkins, Ricketts) Treacy (Bailey, Pearson) Zmud (Gallagher) structure of user attitudes. If the latter is new model would true, the represent part of the total causal chain from the systems to value. When Mahmood and Beckler [1986] used Ives, Olson and Baroudi's instrument, they were able to show a correlation between of no maturity, but l/S factors of satisfaction overall satisfaction specific overall measures between any of the individual four significant correlation and and measures of maturity. factors are sub-constructs of satisfaction, then If we would we believe that the four expect that l/S maturity could only affect satisfaction through one or more of these four sub-constructs. Thus Mahmood and Beckler's work questions about raises what UIS is, and whether the four factors have theoretical meaning. A An important question as we think about developing theory in this area is: what degree of standardization is desirable in our attitude constructs. Do we want attitude constructs which link as closely as possible with some theoretical antecedant or some theoretical consequence, so that we are more likely to be able to detect correlation? Or do we want some more basic and standardized construct Single Well-Defined Attitude Construct For the System-To-Value Chain? which sits between system or consequences, so that we policy antecedants and performance or value can more easily integrate the results of many studies acrossthe whole system-to-value causal chain? As the left side of Figure 3 shows, there are at least four different theoretical constructs which have been used MIS attitude in studies. One attitude construct is defined to be as closely linked to system implementation practices as possible, [Schuize and Slevin, 1975]. Another value, [Epstein and King, 1983], linked with use of a system. constructs is that insignificant results attitude constructs In is it and One defined to be as closely linked as possible to a third, [Swanson, 1982b, 1982c], difficulty in Figure 1, Figure 1 between the various unclear. standardized attitude construct to the in closely with using several different attitude since the relationship order to build a research tradition diagram is not easy to interpret the patch-work of significant and shown is is in MIS, maximum we need to move toward extent possible. In fact, a the makes sense only with the assumption that the box labeled l/S Categories of Definitions In Attitude Studies Attitudes Vs. Beliefs Attitudes, Beliefs, Both Subjective Objective Attitudes "Feelings" Opinions Beliefs And The approach taken by Olson and Baroudi was to choose the best of existing Ives, user satisfaction measures. Unfortunately, since had a strong underlying theoretical their evaluation. This leaves the basis, MIS field none of the measures considered they did not consider theoretical basis in with a standard measure, but without a strong theoretical basis. Mixing Attitude and Belief Constructs. between beliefs and attitudes, theoretical models. Figure 3 MIS research often blurs the distinction and may shows a needed lose number clarity of definition in its of MIS studies, and across the top of the figure categorizes them as to the use of attitudes, beliefs, or both the actual in questions. While attitudes broadly construed might include beliefs and attitudes, social psychologists distinguish between attitude and belief constructs as follows: ". the term attitude should be used to refer to a general and enduring positive or negative feeling about some person, object or issue. The term belief is reserved for the information that a person has about other people, object and issues. The information may be factual or it may be only one person's opinion. Futhermore, the information may have positive, negative or no evaluative implication for the target of the information. [Petty, Cacioppo, . . . . 1981] For some measure; theoretical contexts, attitudes in others, beliefs success of a system workplace, then is we may be more may be the appropriate useful. For beliefs attitudes when certainly need to measure we hypothesize that we hypothesize that acceptance, we might wish to attitudes. about the existence of those features. beliefs are the two constructs, if affected by positive or negative feelings about changes in the features and functionality of a system are key to measure example, construct to is more appropriate, or vice likely to If Research versa, or which solicits which mixes aspects of introduce additional bias or random error into measurements. In summary, MIS research on user attitudes generally accepted propositions from which strengthen its lacks a strong research tradition of we research tradition by borrowing reference disciplines, which can build new theory. MIS could and expanding theory from relevant would provide both models and precisely defined 8 theoretical constructs. The result is the inconclusive and mixed picture of Figure 3. If we want attitudes A Theoretical Context fit itself For l/S into a causal chain or for some instrumental We we must be explicit how about In this could view attitudes as surrogates for variable in a process leading to value. example attitudes might be a surrogate for the needs of the users. 1. from systems to value. There are two quite different into that chain. fit cloth." Attitudes and Value to develop clear theoretical models ways attitudes might value Too often we create new theory "from the whole how For well the design of a system meets case the appropriate design of the system is considered instrumental to creating value, and attitudes are a measure of appropriate design. On the other hand, positive attitudes might be a prerequisite to optional use of a system, and thus important own in their right. (Fishbein and Ajzen[1975], suggest that beliefs predict attitudes, which predict intentions, which predict actions.) This paper takes the first instrumental variable approach, that in is, viewing attitudes as a surrogate for a key the systems-to-value chain. Figure 4 shows the basic theoretical model which will be developed in the remainder of this section. In this model performance individual is seen as the mechanism by which systems lead to value. The correspondence between individual task needs Beliefs and information system functionality leads to individual performance. about the correspondence are a surrogate for model does not address group cause of use. The model is effects, nor does it derived from work correspondence. this explicitly in This address attitudes as a the job satisfaction research tradition. Job Satisfaction Research: A Reference Discipline for l/S Satisfaction Job satisfaction research has long been concerned with the relationship between job attitudes and job performance. Since our focus, also, between attitudes and performance, there tradition. Further, ways l/S we need satisfaction is is much and on the relationship to be learned from this research sufficient definitional clarity to similar to job satisfaction is in be able to state what ways it is in what different. We Model Of l/S Attitudes And Performance. To Be Developed In This Paper Attitudinal Assessment of Correspondence Figure will start 4. by surveying the theoretical models relating job satisfaction and job performance, and the empirical support for those models. closer look at l/S one theoretical We will then take a model which can be expanded to include both job and satisfaction. Job Satisfaction And Performance. The question of whether job satisfaction leads Schwab and Cummings [1973] and performance by grouping them into to job performance has been extensively studied. review the theories relating satisfaction three categories. In the lead to performance. first category are theories suggesting that satisfaction does Herzberg is the best example of this school, with his factor theory which suggests that job satisfaction facets can be types: hygiene factors such as supervision, physical salary and benefits, company policies, etc., two grouped into two working conditions, regular and motivators such as challenging 10 assignments, recognition, the opportunity for professional growth, etc. claims that hygene factors can lead to dissatisfaction with Herzberg (and a willingness to consider quitting) a job, but not to satisfaction or performance. Likewise, motivators can lead to satisfaction (and better performance) but not to dissatisfaction. [Herzberg, et. A second a!., 1957] category of researchers suggest that the link between satisfaction and performance models. The is much first is Schwab and Cummings cite three theoretical Dawis, Loftquist and Weiss's [1968] theory of work adjustment, less direct. which distinguishes between job satisfaction and individual satisfactoriness. Individual abilities satisfactoriness is a measure of the between employee fit skills and on one hand, and technical job requirements on the other. Dawis, Loftquist and Weiss claim that satisfactoriness closely associated with is that job satisfaction will only lead to a decision to quit or stay. performance, but A second model is that of March and Simon [1963] which focuses on the motivational aspects of the expected value of rewards and aspiration levels. The third model isTriandis's[1959] which emphasizes the importance of pressure for production as an organizational variable. Schwab and Cumming's to satisfaction. relationship third category of researchers claim that Porter and Lawler's model between performance and direct path leading from performance to Empirical Evidence For A Relationship is cited in this category, in satisfaction is circular, and job performance. literature at that time which the but with the most satisfaction. [Lawler, Porter, 1980] Between Job Satisfaction There has been considerable empirical work studying the satisfaction performance leads Brayfield And Performance. link between job and Crockett [1955] reviewed the and concluded there was: "insufficient evidence that employee attitudes bear any simple. . relationship to performance on the job." found a median correlation of . or for that matter, appreciable Vroom (1964) looked at 20 studies . . . and (.14). laffaldano and Muchinski [1985] performed a meta analysis of 74 empirical studies testing the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. They concluded that the best estimate of the correlation between the variance of .016. They also tested to see if two constructs is .17, with a higher values of observed correlation 11 They found no relationship could be explained by characteristics of the study. between and correlations white collar instrument blue collar, longitudinal vs. vs. nine possible characteristics of the studies, including cross-sectional, and traditional vs. experimenter developed. They further demonstrated that the few studies showing the highest correlations are consistent with a true variance of given the (.17, .016), number mean and of studies published. The inherent bias of the publishing process for higher correlations only strengthens their argument. The between job small correlation worthy of careful consideration by satisfaction are closely related, also only weakly related, and on the other hand, we becomes critical and satisfaction, be it l/S we might believe that still what ways sufficiently refined and attitude researchers. suggests that to understand the in satisfaction attitudes it is If satisfaction l/S satisfaction l/S in which different. allow Our l/S is job satisfaction and l/S and performance are begin to look for another ways clarified to and job performance line of work. If, related to performance, is satisfaction definitions of l/S is it similar to job satisfaction must this. Extensions From Job Satisfaction Research: A Definition For l/S "Satisfactoriness." The theory of work adjustment, [Dawis, structure within model In is shown the model ability which job in Figure satisfaction 5, it to job satisfaction, which Job satisfaction is in the center of the diagram. they have abilities. The job has has a reinforcer system. in individual's needs and the reinforcer system leads turn leads to a decision to remain on the job or to quit. an attitude held by the individual about the subjective characteristics of his job. all provides a attitudes can be distinguished. That we see that individuals have needs and requirements and which l/S with individuals and jobs The correspondence between the in and and Weiss, 1968] Lofquist, It is measured by a questionnaire, given to the individual, questions are of the form, "how do you feel about" various aspects of the job. [Weiss, Dawis, England, Lofquist, 1967] The correspondence between the individual's abilities and the ability of the job leads to the individual's satisfactoriness for the job, which decisions to either promote, fire, in requirements turn leads to transfer, or retain the individual. Satisfactoriness 12 A Theory of Work Adjustment, Dawis, Lofquist and Weiss, 1968 Correspondence Individual Satisfactoriness Abilities Ability Requirements Needs Reinforcer System Remain Correspondence Job Satisfaction Quit Figure 5 From Figure 5, page 12 of "A Theory of Work Adjustment, (A Revision)", Dawis, Lofquist. the Work Adjustment Project, industrial Relations Center, University of Minnesota is a belief held by a supervisor job. It is measured by about the objective on various aspects of the the model we between a subordinate and a questionnaire, given to the supervisor, in are of the form, "compared to others In fit and Weiss; Copyright 1968 by Reproduced by permission. in his which questions your experience, howdoesthis person rate" job. [Gibson, Weiss, Dawis, Logquist, 1970] see that an individual's job satisfaction attitudes can be a factor leading to a supervisor's belief in that individual's satisfactoriness on the job. Also, a supervisor's belief in an individual's satisfactoriness can be a factor leading to an individual's job satisfaction attitudes. strong. They correspond to the However these (.17) correlation links are between not necessarily satisfaction and performance found by laffaldano and Muchinski. 13 Figure 6 extends the theory of work adjustment to include an information system which has certain functionality and also has certain due to providing a sense of accomplishment intrinsic benefits of use, crisp attractive sense of control due to complex but predictable functions, between the information system's leads to the attitude of be one factor attitudes l/S intrinsic benefits etc. such as output, providing a The correspondence and the needs of the individual and presumably could "satisfaction" for the individual, the decision of whether or not to use the system. These satisfaction in would best be measured by asking individuals how they about "felt" certain subjective aspects of the system. The correspondence between job requirements and individual abilities, leads to an individual's belief in l/S maintain the parallel with the theory of work adjustment, individual rates the satisfactoriness of the system, mediated by functionality, l/S much To "satisfactoriness." we would say that the as the supervisor rates the satisfactoriness of the individual. The belief in these is l/S satisfactoriness leads presumably to a number of decisions. One of the decision of the individual to use, not to use, or to replace the system, based purely on decisions his appraisal of its would be more managerial functionality for in him in his task. Two other tenor: to redesign certain processes or tasks based on an appreciation of the functionality of the system for potential tasks, or to embark on were l/S program based on the recognition that a training abilities of employees a limiting factor. component of) greater job needs were met. l/S "satisfaction" "satisfaction" by this definition could lead to (or be a implies that an individuals satisfaction, since it could also lead to l/S links to "satisfactoriness" be as weak as the However, since l/S .17 link satisfaction and l/S and vice versa. between job We might expect these satisfaction satisfactoriness are last and performance. much more specific than job satisfaction and satisfactoriness, the link might be stronger. 14 m I C ., C a. u. >- tS .E 10 (D E oe N\y Wl (0 (0 (/) c IS c o w '<i3 (0 CO ^-^f^ 3 a An model additional appeal of this system because it is is its ability to distinguish between the use of a fun or "satisfying", and the use of a system because getting the job done. This is it assists in important because of the concern of many managers that though their people are buying and using PC's in increasing numbers, there may no business justification or performance increase. model allows us to This discuss that concern in a theoretical context. Implications Of the 4. l/S Satisfactoriness By extracting only the constructs relevant to l/S satisfactoriness and between task requirements and shown an l/S in Figure 4. environment we satisfaction, l/S Model "satisfactoriness" have a from the model of new model which relates the fit functionality to individual performance, as l/S We can now define "satisfactoriness" as the l/S assists individuals in degree to which performing their job related model and the associated definition build The tasks. and the off the conceptual thinking reference discipline of job satisfaction research. This model of and l/S l/S Satisfactoriness identifies the correspondence functionality as a prominent feature Because of causal chain. its prominence in it between task needs the landscape of the system-to-value is a strong candidate as a basic and standardized construct around which the field could begin to build a body of research. This "correspondence" involvement, % of time in sits between system and development phases, system policy antecedents (user characteristics, etc.) value consequences (perceived value, measured performance, use, it is etc.). and Of course not the only construct needed for understanding the system-to-value causal chain. Another, not discussed in this paper, is the organizational/political impact of system success. The model of l/S "satisfactoriness" should try to measure previous conceptions of it a significant step when we want to measure the characteristics or policies, importantly, is forward in clarifying efficacy of information system but cannot measure success directly. l/S attitudes or satisfaction focuses on the correspondence in It differs important ways. we should be focusing on from Most between task requirements and system functionality as the mechanism by which systems create value. impliesthat what we Second, it beliefs not attitudes of the users. 16 The emphasis on task has a number of systems and functionality have no value tasks. This suggests that l/S implications. in themselves, but only research should move toward emphasis on managers, organizations, and characteristics of systems and policies l/S underlines the fact that It how in their relation to a better balance between they operate, on one hand, and on the other. It also suggests that research which attempts to measure the value of aspects of a system (graphs versus tables, for example), without explicitly considering has been included, might be far The model of l/S not attitudes It . less satisfactoriness proposes that is we whether the appropriate task domain generalizable than would have been hoped. also different in that it clearly focuses on should ask the respondent of a questionnaire to report his beliefs as an expert witness, on the objective correspondence , his task and the system he has access about the system or its use. Thus we to, rather than but whether it should ask individuals not whether the system has data accurate not whether data on the system him in accessible, is between eliciting attitudes or feelings may not be enough for his has accurate data (a question the individual objectively), beliefs but whether it is qualified to tasks. We accessible answer should ask enough for carrying out his tasks. Several of the questionnaires reviewed in this paper have mixed subjective satisfaction attitude questions with objective correspondence belief questions. For example, Bailey and Pearson [1983] include many into objective task questions which appear to tap and system correspondence: "Currency: the age of the output information, (adequate vs. inadequate)" and "Accuracy: The correctness of the output information, (sufficient satisfaction questions: vs. insufficient)". They also ask subjective "Expectations: The set of attributes or features of the computer-based information products or services that a user considers reasonable and due from the computer based information support rendered within organization, (pleased vs. displeased)" and "Job Effects: The changes freedom and job performance that are ascertained by the user as in resulting his job from modifications induced by the computer based information systems and services, (liberating vs. inhibiting)". The results of these questions are combined without recognition that they are measuring quite different constructs. Finally, although the new model does not explicitly state any internal structure of the construct of user beliefs about information systems, it does provide guidance in 17 thinking about that internal structure. The model shows that user beliefs about is a function of the fit between the task environment and the l/S l/S environment. Thus the internal structure of user beliefs should be related to the structure of the task environment, and to the structure of the l/S environment. Better understanding of the internal structure of user beliefs should come hand understanding of the task environment of 5. Our review of l/S in hand with better users. Conclusion. attitude research points up the lack of a strong theoretical basis for our models relating attitudes with systems and measures of value or success on the other. theoretical constructs in our research, policies The and an on the one hand, and with result is the use of inconsistent inability to interpret across studies or to build a shared theoretical base. This paper has built upon research on the performance to construct a model functionality we in relationship between job satisfaction and which the correspondence between system and task needs leads to individual performance. We also suggest that can measure that correspondence by questionnaires that ask users for their objective belief in the degree of fit between their tasks and their systems. References Bailey, J.E. and Pearson, S.W. "Development of a Tool Measuring and Analyzing Computer User Satisfaction," Management Science, Vol. 29, No. 5, May 1983, pp. 530-544. 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Information," Decisions Sciences, Vol. 4*^ 21 ^ il^ \Zkl OH Date Due^^a/?- MAK Zc JA^f051389 r9 193* Lib-26-67 3 ^DflO DD M 3flS 3M7