BASEMENT 1^* HD28 .M414 i^^ey 8^ e^-^ •»£P ^w<./ IN FORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CORPORATE STRATEGY: A RESEARCH PERSPECTIVE John A.Y. Bakopoulos Michael Treacy E. March 1985 CISR WP Sloan WP # # 124 1639-85 Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 24 1985 ^Am%A. ^INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CORPORATE STRATEGY: A RESEARCH PERSPECTIVE John A.Y. Bakopoulos Michael Treacy E. March 1985 CISR WP Sloan WP © # # 124 1639-85 John A.Y. Bakopoulos and Michael E. Treacy CENTER FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEP ^ 4 iirii » III I III Information Technology and Corporate Strategy: A Research Perspective John A.Y. Bakopoulos Michael E. Treacy Abstract The use of information technology (IT) as a competitive weapon has already become a popular cliche: but there is still a marked lack of understanding of the issues that determine die influence of IT on a panicular organization and the processes that will allow a smooth coordination of IT and corporate strategy. This paper surveys the major efforts to arrive attempts to integrate diem in a more comprehensive viewpoint The at a relevant research issues in understanding the impact of IT on competitive strategy. corporate strategy is discussed and its framework and focus Uien turns to die major Relevant dieory from application in understanding the use of IT is illustrated. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Information Technology and Corporate Strategy 2 3. IT and Internal Strategy 4 3.1. Internal 3.2. 4. Strategy and MIS 4 Information technology and organizational design 5 8 IT and Competitive Strategy 4.1. 4.2. The link between IT and Competitive Four areas of opportunity 4.2.1. Improve operational efficiency 8 Strategy 10 and functional effectiveness 10 10 4.2.2. Product innovation with information technology 4.2.3. 4.2.4. 4.3. 4.4. 5. 6. A Acquisition of bargaining advantage against customers and suppliers Cooperative information systems 11 ' 11 framework 12 4.3.1. Bargaining power 12 4.3.2. Comparative efficiency 14 4.3.3. Dynamic 14 theoretical considerations Theoretical links between information technology and competitive advantage IT and Business Portfolio Strategy 14 16 5.1. Structural impacts of information technology 16 5.2. Exploitation of technology advantage 17 Concluding Remarks References 19 20 1. Introduction There is little disagreement between researchers information systems and organizational theory in about the strategic importance of information technology. competitive weapon has already become a popular cliche. number of frameworks As of research matures, there this area is and describing the impacts of information models based on relevant testable move beyond frameworks an increasing need to and toward explanatory models of the underiying phenomena. Only us to build a cumulative tradition and to abounds with a Literature in this area There has been a notable absence, however, of technology. theory. for categorizing opportunities Indeed, the potential use of IT as a this type make normative statements of research will allow that can correcdy guide managerial actions. paper we attempt In this by distinguishing three internal, competitive, theories make to levels at a first step toward the which information technology impacts corporate and business portfolio and provide a development of such normative models We levels. link with the disciplines discuss a number of strategy; the relevant general of organizational design and industrial economics. Furthermore we offer an operationalized definition of information technology, based on the concept of bounded rationality, which can be used to develop specific theories and models of the three strategic In section following sections links between information technology and corporate we survey the opportunities for information technology. to to literature The provide a more comprehensive structure application of IT. uncover levels It is results for addressing the strategy. In die of strategic identification of these works are synthesized and extended categorizing opportunities the for strategic discovered that different methods and analyses are needed in each category specific opportunities for IT. which can each levels. two we discuss the three at an organization assist We in discuss specific actions at die strategic and tactical capitalizing on information technology. Finally, a how program of research is opportunities created by information technology can be identified, and what impact these opportunities may have proposed that can lead to a better understanding of in the long term on industrial structure. specific Information Technology and Corporate Strategy 2. Senior executives, strategic planners, and information systems managers are increasingly turning their attention technology (IT), to opportunities in the for advantage competitive achiieving information form of innovative information and communications systems. several reasons underlying this recent trend, not the least of which is companies that have gained significant advantage through IT[4, economic conditions of the the publicity received by a few As 8, 9]. for information technology [2], the unstable well, The technology greater array of capabilities at a lower cost than ever before [20. 28, 33]. increasingly functional technology are also improving. The built [20]. Without this base, many of also offering a is Finally, firms' abilities to transaction processing decision support systems already in place in most firms provide a base compedtive advantage can be There are few years have helped to create a challenging business environment last and an "economic imperative" utilize through on which systems these systems and for would not be possible. Several authors have identified the underutilization of information technology for compedtive advantage as a sprious problem, facing both information systems and business managers The most [2, 11, 29]. often cited causes of this problem include: (1) senior management's ignorance of information technology and its potential uses, (2) poor communications between the information systems group and the rest of the business, (3) resistance to change, among both information systems and business personnel, (4) a lack of focus on opportunities for competitive advantage, and (5) a lack Many of good measures of valuable impacts, which inhibits investment organizational and managerial remedies for these problems have been suggested, ranging from the development of better measures of the efficiency and effecdveness of organizational fiinctions, to Reisman [11] major changes in the current structure of organizations. For example, Gerstein and idenufy a need for the development of measures of ihe impacts of information systems on specific functions. Keen [20] suggests that important changes in the fundamental nature of work and the structure of organizations are needed, so that better use of information technology can be made. and predicts that information technology will diat organizations will develop McKenney for He its [26, 25] successful around their the backbone of corporations, telecommunication systems. point out the importance of the proper deployment become McFarlan and management of information technology The mission and management of the information systems group should be consistent with the firm's dependency on technology and die opportunity for compedtive advantage that the technology represents. Similar suggestions are and expand the information systems function reposition management education in IT These recommendations [2, 11, made by 21, 42] others about the need to and the need for senior [2, 11, 18, 20]. for increasing the utilization deficiencies that have restrained its effective use. Another group of researchers have focused on the improve potential for information technology to of IT focus on correcting organizational strategic performance. They have worked to develop tools and methodologies to help the manager find valuable opportunities for IT within his or her organization. This is the perspective in the present paper. Opportunities arising from information technology can be viewed from three perspectives: (1) that of an organizational designer trying to organization, (2) that of an industr}' improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the current insider trying to out-maneuver other participants competitive game, and (3) that of an outsider investigating whether to enter an industry. in a These three perspectives are consistent with our treatment of corporate strategy in this paper, as having Lhree major component strategies: internal, competitive, and business portfolio. Internal strategy is concerned with the development of an efficient and effective organizational structure for achieving Competitive strategy focuses on competitive moves within the industries in goals and objectives. which the organization does business. industries to compete in and how Business Portfolio strategy concerns the choice of which to position the organization in those industries. These components of corporate strategy are closely related and information technology can all three. For example, a firm and place terminals in in the distribution business may affect build an on-line order entry system, customer's purchasing departments. This system can improve die efficiency of the firm's operations, which is an element of internal strategy. The terminal can supply the customer with useful information, and by speeding orders can help the customer to reduce inventories. These effects make it more difficult for contribute to the competitive strategy of the firm. The order asset in other industries, such as mail-order retailing. the strength of its technology, which other distribution firms to compete, and entry system may also be an important Thus, the firm might enter would impact the business portfolio strategy. this industry on IT and Internal Strategy 3. Organizations are designed to carry out their goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. This is the subject of internal strategy, and the primary focus of the organizational design literature, which has identified two relevant domains: organizational structure (form) and process (function). Organizational structure concerned with the study of alternative organizational forms is corporate and work group is levels. at both the Organizational process, the dual problem to organizational form, concerned with systems for getting the work done, or what Perrow defines as organizational technology [30]. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations Information Systems function. Rockart and Scott Morton [33] the traditional is domain of the have suggested that the impacts of traditional information systems can have important implications for the competitive position firm. They employ a modifications of Leavitt's organizational model [22] to show of the that these systems can affect competitive performance through their impact on management processes, roles and people, and organizational structure. internal strategy, one can also affect Thus, by improving the design of an organization through compedtive strategy. secdon we review a num.ber of In this conventional approaches to improve organizational performance through information technology, and proceed by proposing framework a to link Informadon Systems to the theory of organizational design. 3.1. Internal Strategy and MIS There are more than two hundred published techniques management published processes [1, 5, 7, with 27, 32, 39]. information technology. The techniques differ in for identifying Several focus, opportunides to support detailed reviews have been emphasis, and applicability to particular areas of concern. Traditional approaches to idenufy areas for the application of information technology have focused on die firm. its The capability to first improve the efficiency and effectiveness of generation of mediodologies uulized a strictly specific functional areas operational view of the firm, with an objective to improve the efficiency of requisite business processes. approach are Business Systems Planning [16], of Representative of this and Office Automation Methodology [14, 15, 37, 38]. These techniques represent ways of formally modeling die operations of die enterprise so that potential improvements in efficiency and effectiveness can be analyzed. They are not easily applied to poorly structured functions, such amenable to methodology as senior management roles, because these areas are not formal modeling. In these types of functional areas, the Critical Suaess Factors (CSF) [3, has been used successfully to discover latent structure. 32] composed of business functional area It This structure, goals and related causal success factors, substitutes for a formal model of the can be analyzed for opportunities to improve operating performance through the application of information technology. These They traditional MIS approaches focus on improving organizational efficiency and efTectiveness. identify opportunities for using information technology to organization. As one moves toward techniques improve the internal strategy of the for analyzing unstructured functional areas, corporate objectives grow in importance as they provide a starting point for discovering latent Yet, they structure. fall short of treating strategic considerations as the driving force for the identification of IT opportunities. Furthermore, each of these approaches idiosyncratic theory of organizations that stands apart from the based on an leveraged by, the accumulated knowledge of organizational theory. theories" of organizational design, embedded within traditional implicit, main body of organizational design Although some of these theories are inventive, they neither contribute literature. 3.2. is MIS They to, are only nor are "private techniques. Information technology and organizational design We believe that within the organizational design literature, a general theory for studying the implications of IT for the internal strategy of the firm can be found. Such a general theory would provide a framework of models for generating specific, testable hypotheses. would It key, relevant variables and provide a methodological tradition within which to work. that the construct of bounded organizational design. rationality provides a Bounded major rationality refers to and communication capacities of an individual link We propose between information technology and neurophysiologies limits on the computational [34, 35]. It is demonstrated complexity and size of problems that can be solved by humans. directly affect the computational identify the and communication abilities in limits on the Information technology can of a decision-maker, thus shifting the limits to rationality. Bounded rationality has been a key concept in the development of organizational dieory. information processing view of organizations, advanced by March and Simon March [6], Galbraith [10] and others, has asserted that human limitations [24. 36], The Cyert and on information processing interact with environmental factors such as environmental complexity From organizational problems. this school's perspective, organizations are complexity and uncertainty inherent of organizations, Williamson in the environment [40] asserts that constraints marketplace. independently and contract to With unbounded opportunistic behavior in In a their sell services To contracting and transaction costs. to have to is one another in a could counteract the effect of other world of bounded marketplaces creates inefficiencies small the recent transaction cost view alternative to organizations rationality, every participant participants' deceptive, self-interested behavior. more manage on human information processing are a An major reason for the very existence of organizations. act In the to give rise to designed to marshal processing and communications capabilities, to be able to sufficient information economic agents and uncertainty rationality, in the however, such form of excessive avoid these costs, individuals form organizations where interests are pooled. and the transaction cost schools of organizational theory, In both the information processing bounded rationality plays a pivotal role. impact of information technology. processing. To It is also a central construct in our understanding IT relaxes the constraints on individual and group information exploit the link between information technology bounded to characterize IT in terms that are relevant to making behavior indicate two major limitations interpersonal communications skills. A and organizational design we need rationality. Studies of group decision- on performance are individual cognitive maps onto a limitation directly in ability human performance. Within It should be noted that electronic technology that each category, at least definition of information affect the ability technology excludes applications of of an organization to process information. replacing a group of data entry operators with optical character reader devices, would our criteria to qualify as and taxonomy. this do not is Each of these three characteristics of the technology are relevant to performance, namely capacity, quality, unit cost. Figure 1 illustrates this and taxonomy of information-related technologies natural created by differentiating communications technology from processing technology. categories of the fail Thus, to meet information technology. This issue, and similar ones related to the need for a rigorous definition of information technology, will be addressed in a forthcoming paper. The major premise of this discussion is that information technology affects the efficiency effectiveness of the organization primarily by reducing the group decision making. Research is needed to bounded confirm or disprove rationality and of individual and this causal relationship. In Communications Capacity Quality Unit Cost 4. IT and Competitive Strategy 4.1. The link A number between IT and Competitive Strategy of authors have addressed the task of identifying opportunities for the application of information technology to create competitive advantage. They generally have recognized the importance of the link between IT and competitive strategy, although Two primary focus. this has not always been their general approaches can be identified in this literature, distinguished by their underlying models: a value-added chain analysis of the firm's operations and Porter's framework for competitive analysis [31]. Rockart and Scott Morton [33] have introduced the use of the value-added chain to describe the They potential opportunities arising from IT. identify three types of opportunities that can create competitive advantage: (1) improve each value adding function. (2) link with customers and and suppliers to increase their switching costs, Ives and Learmonth model [17] further this effort (3) create new businesses through service or product by using a generic, thirteen function resource to identify competitive opportunities. It analyses, geared toward operadonal efficiency lifecycle should be noted that these value-added chain and functional effectiveness, are closely related to internal strategy. Porter [31] advanced the idea that competition in any industry economic structure, participating firms. and thus it is more than This approach dynamics of compeution in is reflected in the among substitute products or services, bargaining An important implicadon of competition suppliers, in As Figure an industry. underiying competition: rivalry this a superficial is rooted in its underiying game of moves and countermoves among framework he proposed 2 illustrates, it to explain the includes five major forces existing competitors, threat of new entrants, threat of power of suppliers, and bargaining power of customers. framework is To understand the idea of extended rivalry. an industry, one must look beyond current competitors to include customers, firms producing subsutute products, and potendal entrants. manipulate the competitive forces in their industry, in Firms generally idenufied cost leadership and product differentiation as two such strategies. of niche markets, which perspective of IT-related opportunity. is He Porter [31] has identifies a third similar to product differentiation strategies Other such to order to achieve comparative advantage over competitors. There are certain generic strategies that can be employed to that end. strategy, the pursuit try strategies may from the include the exploitation of THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS THREAT OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS Figure 2: Porter's framework for competitive forces potential synergies with a firm's customers or suppliers, or the notion of gaining bargaining advantage against one's customers and suppliers. Parsons [28] uses Porter's competitive forces framework to identify six generic categories of opportunities for competitive advantage: (I) increase customer's switching costs through value adding IT-based information or of IT to service. (2) decrease own switching costs against suppliers, (3) use support product innovation, for purposes of maintaining one's position or detering potential substitutes, (4) cooperation among rivals through shared IT resources, information technology for labor, and (6) use information to better segment and customer base. (5) substitute satisfy one's 4.2. Four areas of opportunity Rockan and Parsons. Scott Morton, Ives and Learmonth, and others each have different From categorizations of competitive opportunities created by information technology. distilled four areas may not be comprehensive; Nevertheless, they These categories of opportunity for IT to support competitive strategy. have new ways of employing IT represent a useful opportunities within their firm. to support strategy will be found. point for someone trying to identify specific starting They can be seen For as tactics to support competitive strategies. example, when a firm employs information systems to improve the efficiency of operations, making a The four efficiency mov^ tactical we these it is that can support a cost leadership strategy. areas of opportunity that have been identified are: (1) and functional improvement of operational effectiveness. (2) product innovation with IT. (3) acquisition of bargaining advantage against one's customers and suppliers, and (4) exploitation of interorganizational synergies. In the next four subsections, competitive strategies they support, and 4.2.1. we briefly discuss each how one of these areas of opportunity, which can begin to identify specific opportunities. improve operational efficiency and functional effctliveness Systems to improve operations are the traditional focus of information technology applications and central support of the internal strategy of the firm. These systems can also lend support to the to the competitive position of the firm to the extent that they are industry innovations that can turned into competitive advantage. functional areas of the firm and that Usually this requires that the system be applied to it is a new type of application in its industry. be critical Simply following the industry leaders does not lead to any advantage. As discussed in the previous section, opportunities for operational efficiency are found in supporting organizational structure and management processes. are well established, but unrelated to the Techniques for identifying them body of organizational theory. Although opportunities improve operational efficiency and effectiveness are the best undei"stood, they are also, to quite possibly, the least important for targeting IT to support competitive strategy. 4.2.2. Product innovation with information technology Information technology many industries, is providing firms with unique opportunities for product innovation. from automotive to consumer electronics, information technology into existing products to enhance their value. is being built In other industries, such as banking, insurance, 10 In and consulting, the technology products. providing a development and delivery vehicle for is The technology can provide an important means developing new and unique There would appear methodologies for Building IT into products identifying such opportunities is to identify opportunities largely an engineering function. outside are the Developing and delivering new products using information technology has received little are two topics how diese opportunities are identified and important an area that they should be identified of bargaining advantage against customers and suppliers tactic for improving one's bargaining position relative to unique and valuable information and services that makes switching Informadon is worthy of much further study. 4.2.3. Acquisition An How As context of present discussions. study. and ones. for product innovation using IT. such, service-based for differentiating existing products be two distinct types of methodologies needed to new technology can facilitate unique unavailable and potentially of very great value to customers. offerings, the higiier die switching cost Every supplier is is to a competitor service The higher offerings, to provide more costly. previously the perceived value of the imposed on the customer. a customer of another supplier in an opportunity to gain or information customers bargaining advantage can unbroken value-added chain. Thus, the be pursued by one's suppliers to the firm's disadvantage, unless tactics are devised to avoid the problem. Two tactics specific present themselves: avoid becoming dependent on supplier-controlled information and service, and create an efficient "electronic marketplace" between you and your suppliers. There Some is no methodology fijndamental research understand how and when switching cost. We also available for idendfying specific IT opportunities within this area needed before a methodology can be developed. is We must better information and service creates sufficient dependency to impose a need to understand how potendal opportunides for developing new information and innovadve service can be idenufied. 4.2.4. Cooperative information systems Competidve strategies for exploidng synergies with customers or suppliers generally concentrate upon opportunities more efficient and for better coordinadon. diis benefit Through better coordinauon, operadons can be made can be shared between the two participants. achieved with information systems that couple flmcdonal areas 11 in two disunct Coordinadon can be firms. For example, one might tightly couple the production planning system of a firm with the order entry system of suppliers to lower the amount of inventory Interorganizational systems are a in process and the turnaround time for new phenomenon. They allow redefine the boundaries of entire industries. cooperative systems may orders. firms to vertically integrate from an information perspective without disturbing the legal boundaries of the may new Methodologies Eventually, they entities. to identify opportunities for be quite similar to those used to improve operational efficiency and main difference being functional effectiveness, the in the unit -two of analysis organizations instead of just one. 4.3. A The theoretical framework categorization of opportunities identified above can provide a useful framework for a planner concerned with taking advantage of information technology, but we attempt an underiying general theory. In the rest of this section, by proposing that future research start starts its value is limited by the lack of to help in closing this gap. We from a simplified theory of competitive advantage, derived from industrial economics. Competitive advantage, generally related to the concept of market power, refers to the firm to create and exploit md comparative efficiency, as shown in Figure 3. Bargaining power refers to the ability of a firm to resolve zero-sum bargaining situations, usually against or suppliers, to advantage. product at a of a monopoly or monopsony power. The two major sources of competitive advantage are bargaining power its ability Comparative efficiency refers to the ability its customers of a firm to produce a lower price relative to ones perceived as equivalent These two sources are more or less orthogonal. 4.3.1. In Bargaining power most game-theoretic situations, each side advantage, by increasing the the search process, which of the player and the is in question, as its position, that number of available altemadves. This number determined by two primary it relates to its before and after a relation is It is develop competitive is, is limited by the cost of factors: the information processing capacity efficiency in exploring the space of feasible alternatives, characteristics of the underlying search set, in terms of the available for a given search effort parties. can improve number of feasible alternatives important to distinguish between alternatives available established, as that event may impose restrictions on one or both Ex-ante alternatives are primarily determined by unique product features, while ex-post 12 Figure 3: A causal model of competitive advantage akemaiives are also affected by switching costs arising from the imperfect transferability of assets specific to a transaction. We have thus derived three primary determinants of bargaining power: the search-related information processing capacity, unique product features, and switching illustrated in Figure 3, its suppliers. have symmetric implications for a firm's relationship with Thus a firm will increase its monopoly power by increasing of search for alternative suppliers, by incorporating unique features increasing its costs. customers' cost of switching to alternative suppliers, 13 it its in its These factors, customers and customers' relative cost its products, and by can increase its monopsony power by reducing of switching costs its cost of locating alternative suppliers, to alternative sources its dependence on unique inputs, or its of supply. Comparative efficiency 4.3.2. We see two major aspects of comparative efficiency: internal (intraorganizational) efficiency, external (boundary spanning, interorganizational) efficiency. essentially those examined in that section will technology in the section on internal strategy, and Internal efficiency considerations are and hence the frameworks developed be adequate for the categorization and analysis of the impacts on information Methodologies for opportunity identification in this area. adopt a comparative point of view, and focus on critical in this area, however, should The organizational functions. transaction theory pioneered by Williamson [40] provides a natural device to study the impact of cost information technology at the boundaries between organizations. This worlc will be further discussed in the next section, in the context of industry-level impacts of information technology. 4.3.3. Dynamic considerations The above two dimensions view of the world, capture fails to missing third dimension create a static picture of the competitive situation, which, like a flat is timing, provide relevant literature. dynamic richness uf the competitive game and both disciplines of game theory and as it industrial unfolds. The economics can Nevertheless, translating the static impacts of information technology dynamic competitive moves, into tlie is an aspect of strategy formulation that has been left outside the scope of this paper. 4.4. Theoretical links between information technology and competitive advantage We shall have used industrial economics as die source of theories now propose two theoretical links between to study competitive advantage. information technology We and competitive advantage, that can serve as the basis for specific dieories examining the impact of information technology on competitive strategy. Bounded rationality can serve once again as a major theoretical impacts of information technology. link in studying the competitive Improving the bounds of organizational implicadons for both bargaining power and comparative efficiency. rationality has direct In particular it affects the cost of search (by improving the generation and evaluauon of alternatives), as well as transaction costs in organizational interfaces. According to Williamson [40], transaction costs arise from environmental constraints, opportunism, and small numbers exchange 14 situations, coupled with bounded rationality. Information technology can have a direct impact on these variables through rationality, for example by reducing contracting and monitoring its effect on bounded costs (thus mitigating the effect of opportunism), improving the generation and evaluation of alternatives (thus mitigating the effect of environmental and uncertainty complexity), and either decrease or increase information asymmetries (which are related to Williamson's notion of information impactedness). The second comes from technology the effects of IT is between information technology and industrial economics theory theoretical link on producdon processes. It is generally accepted that information an inherently flexible technology, improving the adaptability of products, and allowing the realization of scale economies from smaller production runs. will thus affect asset specificity, small numbers understanding its situations. it This view of information technology will be instrumental eariier, in product costs. should be noted that the four categories of opportunities identified eariier based on our review of the particular, and, in Williamson's transaction cost franiework, have an impact on impact on two determinants of bargaining advantage identified uniqueness and switching Finally Informadon technology literature, improvement of operadng in this section can be explained by our competitive framework. efficiency In and functional effectiveness would primarily address internally focused efficiency; exploitation of interorganizadonal synergies would primarily address externally focused efficiency; product innovation with information technology might attempt to improve comparative efficiency by reducing production uniqueness and customer switching and suppliers would affect all costs; acquisition or increase product of bargaining advantage against customers aspects of bargaining power. 15 costs, IT and Business Portfolio Strategy 5. In the previous sections within an industo' and more macroscopic its we have focused our boundaries. attention It is likely, on the impact of information technology however, that information technology effects as well, affecting the structure will have of marketplaces. Infonnation systems, for example, can help markets be more efficient by increasing the amount of available information, or lower certain barriers to entry while raising information-related ones. Thus, they can cause the restructuring of entire industries. Industry-level impacts of information technology have important strategic implications for the portfolio of industries in which a firm is competing. Specifically, a firm portfolio by taking advantage of structural changes catalyzed by the a firm can actively seek opportunities to exploit Our understanding of the industries. link its may new technology. technology-related skills this Alternatively, and resources in new between information technology and corporate strategy this level is currently limited, as demonstrated by the scarcity of existing this section we will discuss a be able to improve number of relevant issues, that will work on the at In subject. point us toward the identification of appropriate frameworks and models. 5.1. Structural impacts of information technology Williamson's "efficient boundaries" hypothesis [41] suggests that as asset specificity increases, at some point the advantage production efficiency, thus driving some exchange relations out of the market and in transaction cost superiority of internal organization outweighs the market's leading to internalization of the corresponding transactions. certain point of asset specificity, internal organization, APC, As Figure 4 declines and is overshadowed by the lower transaction technology can affect asset specificity by increasing the economies of scale, and impact on transaction it Porter's ATC. of internal Information of the production processes, it can can affect the transaction cost advantage of markets through an Information technology organization, affecting the economics of new markets and causing fiexibility cost vs advantage of markets by changing production economics, such as finally costs. beyond a AS, the production cost advantage of market mechanisms organization, denoted by a negative transaction cost advantage of markets, affect the production cost illustrates, make vs will therefore shift the efficient buy decisions, and in the boundaries of process creating some others to disappear. framework of competitive forces [31], derived from industrial economics, suggests a point 16 cost advantage of markets APC asset ^ specificity = A(TC + PC) cost advantage of hierarchies Figure 4: Williamson's efficient boundaries model of view based on the dynamics of an economic game where participants include industry compeutors. customers, suppliers, and potential entrants. In that framework, the structural implications of information technology for a particular industry will be determined by rivalry within the industry, its impacts on the industry's relations with its its 5.2. Exploitation of technology advantage The impacts of information technology on improve its business portfolio. effect on customers and suppliers, implications for prospective entrants and the threat of substitute products and its [28], industry structure create opportunities for a firm to Exploitation of these opportunities requires a strategy formulation process sophisticated enough to identify them, as well as the capability for successful deployment of the appropriate technology. In other words, is it necessary to link strategy formulation with technology development The most important aspect of direction for technological base-building. An this link is for the firm's strategy to alternative course superiority of the firm into opponunities for successful ventures in is to new translate industries. linking strategy formulation with the development of information technology 17 is provide technological Once again, important; the major aspect of this link is the ability to take technological potential into consideration during the formulation of corporate strategy. In both these cases, exploitable technological base-building, strategy-literate development of advantage in likely sources and the technology link advantage has two important characteristics: between technology and strategy that can be achieved by information systems planners and technology-literate strategic planners. specific theories and models for the creation die context of business portfolio strategy is and exploitation of technology an area yet to be explored. We see three of relevant models: organizational theories of technology assimilation, such theories, industrial economic theories, such as as stage economies of scope, and gaming theory, such importance of timing. 18 The as the 6. Concluding Remarks As Keen notes of frameworks in [19], a major problem with past information systems research is the proliferation expense of explanatory models based on a general theory, and the lack of at the reference disciplines that can provide appropriate general theories. Much of die current work on the strategic impacts of information technology, despite dramatic references to "strategic tools" "competitive weapons." makes little or no use of bodies of theory related to either strategy or competition. As the field matures, the primary focus of academic research should level and move to a deeper of analysis, characterized by specific, explanatory models connected to broader general theories. Approaches drawing on appropriate reference of the strategic use of information systems. from an accepted point of overall result Alternatively, value. Two is disciplines can avoid idiosyncratic, private theories Assertions and conclusions that are plausibly argued origin, are seen as part The a contribution to both fields of information systems and corporate strategy. frameworks based on private theories lacking bodies of literature that come to mind disciplines. Works on bounded extraction of monopoly rents, rationality, this kind of foundation are of limited as closely related to this area we have proposed them organization theory and industrial economics, and entry, of the larger fabric of corporate strategy. human fijnctioning of markets decision of study are as appropriate reference making, value of information, under imperfect information, barriers to and Williamson's work on transaction costs and organizational boundaries, seem of particular relevance. Finally, we have suggested internal, competitive, three perspectives of the strategic impact of information systems: and business portfolio. We believe this is a valuable distinction because each perspective identifies different issues of importance, suggests different theoretical frameworks as amenable the basis for research, and These perspectives are also likely to differ in die appropriate which we believe is is to different methodologies for opportunity identification. the sine qua non of valuable research. 19 methods for the validation of theories, References 1. Banff. L M. Information Requirements Analysis: 76-08-02. Decision Sciences Department. January, 1977. Revised 2. Benjamin. R. 1.. December Rockart. Strategic Opportunity. F.. J. A Methodological Review. Working Paper The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1977. Scott Morton. CISR Working Paper M. S., and Wyman. 108. Massachusetts J. 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