Requires Completion of the Following 4 Courses
Course Descriptions
MSIS 537 – Data Management
This course examines the theories and concepts employed in database management systems
(DBMS) and the efficiencies and economics of such systems. The functions of various types of
DBMS are described including their purpose, advantages, disadvantages, and applications in
business. The course explores the following topics: DMBS architectures, data modeling and
entity relationship diagrams, relational database management systems, database normalization,
SQL, client/server systems, multiple user environments, database access and connectivity
interfaces, and an overview of data warehouses and OLAP. The students will work with a real
DBMS (MySQL, Postgres, MS SQL Server) to develop a database application.
MSIS 545 – Introduction to Data Analysis and Computational Statistics
This is an introductory course in data analysis with emphasis on statistical computation, analysis,
simulation, modeling and prediction. We will cover a basic introduction to modern
computational data analysis, graphics and inferential statistics using the statistical software
platform R. This is an open-source, freely downloadable, multiplatform, professional level
statistics program that is enjoying growth in popularity. Our course will cover probability
concepts, several of the most important distributions, descriptive statistics and graphical analysis,
inferential statics’ including confidence intervals, hypotheses testing and ANOVA, as well as
correlation and linear regression in one and several covariates. Computational techniques such as
the bootstrap and resampling as well as for simulations are stressed throughout. Principles and
methods of statistical analysis are put into practice using a range of real-world data.
Please take MBA 604, Management Methods for Business Decision-Making in lieu of MSIS,
637, Decision Support Systems
MBA 604 covers concepts and tools that aid managerial decision making by applying analytic
reasoning and computer-based tools to managerial problems. Managers are increasingly
overwhelmed by the speed of decision making, the number of decisions, and the amount of data
available to help make these decisions. Their success depends on their ability to extract business
value from the raw data their organization collects. The course focuses on decision making
techniques and tools including such topics as management science, model-driven decision
support, data-driven DSS, expert systems, executive information systems and business
MSIS 645 – Data Mining & Predicative Analytics
Data Mining & Predicative Analytics is the name given to a group of disciplines, technologies,
applications and practices for analyzing data (usually based on past business performance) and
building models to help enterprise users make better, faster business decisions. This course
introduces basic concepts, tasks, methods, and techniques in data mining, including data
exploration and pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association, performance
evaluation applied to predictive modeling.