U&iittiif^i. HD28 .M414 -3t ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Beyond Persistence: understanding the commitment of pioneers in emerging fields of science and technology Michael A. Rappa Massachusetts Institute of Koenraad Debackcre Gent Rijksuniversiteit Technology December 1991 Sloan WP # 3388-92 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology BEYOND PERSISTENCE: UNDERSTANDING THE COMMITMENT OF PIONEERS IN EMERGING FIELDS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Koennad Debackere Michael A. Rappa Massachusetts Institute of Technology Rijksuniversiteit December 1 99 1991 Sloan Gent WP # 3388-92 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Alfred P. Sloan School of Management Technology 50 Memorial Drive, E52-538 02139-4307 Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of MA M.I.T IJ3P \^AR 9 1992 1 Beyond Persistence: Understanding the Commitment of pioneers in Emerging Fields of Science and Technology Michael A. RAPPA and Koenraad DEBACKERE''' Massachusetts Institute of Technology December 1991 abstract This paper examines pioneering scientists and and the factors that influence an area of research, and compares their experience with those scientists who follow in their footsteps once the field becomes legitimated. Evidence is presented from an international survey of more than seven-hundred researchers working in the field of neural their choice persistence in networks. After controlling for age of the and professional experience, the results group are indeed different in both enter and their persistence to remain in the field. In analysis suggest that pioneers as a their motivations to generaL compared with other scientists, pioneers are more deeply influenced by the intrinsk intellectual appeal of the field and are social dynamics of the research community. less influenced by the introduction Sociological investigations of scientific and technological communities have contributed a great deal to our understanding of the research and development process. area of investigation at the genesis of the research process, is why the question of choose to pursue the topic of research they do, embracing certain problems while disregarding others as inconsequential — any explanation of the emergence of nascent scientists important the so-called "problem of problem choice" (Zuckerman, 1978; Gieryn, 1978; and Ziman, 1987). The answer to to as One fields this question of science and technology, as is pivotal it lies at the very heart of the matter. For whatever reason, by choosing to apply their energy to one set of problems and not another, scientists can thereby steer the frontier of knowledge new and different direaions. A common between ' approach to unraveling the problem of problem choice factors Michael Rappa Debackere in is is to distinguish influencing scientists' decisions that are internal and external to the an assisunt professor in the behavioral and policy sciences area of the a Fulbright post-doctoral fellow at Gent, Belgium. is MIT and MIT Sloan School. Koenraad a research associate at the Vlerick School, Rijksuniversitcii — community (Cole and Cole, 1973; Zuckerman, scientific science include both the cognitive and the social. 1978). Factors internal to Recognizing the influence of the cognitive side of the equation on problem choice, Zuckerman (1978) points scientists' theoretical commitments and the their judgment in as "the art Good of finding a solution. Scientists use determining problems that are intellectually interesting and yet tractable given the state of current of science feasibility to the importance of knowledge and technique. Recalling Medawar's theme of the soluble," Zuckerman quotes: study the most important problems they think they can scientists solve. It is, after all, their professional business to solve merely grapple with them. The problems, not spectacle of a scientist locked in with the forces of ignorance is not an inspiring one the scientist is routed (Medawar, 1967). if, in the combat outcome, Ultimately, scientists seek solutions to problems they perceive as significant to "science" is it and that have a good chance of being found, preferably sooner than that informs their holds that it is judgment of what is indeed significant? The the cognitive struaure of the what field. By virtue from the chaff Problems of their training, at the periphery, is But what argument wonhy of problems of central imponance scientists are a theoretical fi-amework that guides their research agenda, allowing them of reasoning, the problem of problem choice is less relevant. to equipped with to sort the wheat problems whose answers are unlikely contribute to the core cognitive struaure, are perceived as this line internalist the logic of the scientific process itself that defines research; that science continually generates interesting later. to As a consequence of purely one of intellect. Suspicious of the self-contained nature of such an explanation, sociologists have sought to infuse an appreciation of the social dynamics of research communities, thereby making any investigation of problem choice behavior, well, a bit more problematic. Careful consideration must be given to the social interaction of researchers in influencing their choice of problems, including the effect of the reward system of science, and social stratification. nature, While Merton (1938) and than being made is true that, as others have shown Medawar claims, scientists grapple with that they also grapple with each other. Rather an ainight cognitive realm, where "good" in important problems it are, the communal norms, problem choice decisions of scientists know what scientists are influenced the by peer perceptions, competition for rewards, and the opinions of those scientists in a position of authority. Not only are scientists guided by theory in choosing problems, they are influenced by each other's problem choices and opinions regarding what with the opinions of some scientists within a research community. is important having more weight than others, given their stature not social influences reinforce or distort the cognitive influences on ^X'l^cther or scientists' decisions undoubtedly is a critical question for the sociology clearly, the potential for distortion exists. fields is The of science. But periodic exponential growth of scientific well-documented (Crane, 1972; Menard, 1971) and not always easy solely in terms of the underlying theoretical importance of tendency for "fashionable" problem areas to emerge Hagstrom, 1965). Fashion scientists, is contemptible insofar guided more by perceptions of what When to science. is as it Rather, there a field. in science (Barber, to explain is a 1990; Crane, 1969; represents a situation popular, mistake what where truly important is popularity and importance do not coincide, scientists are given the choice of going along with their peers or breaking from the pack and reconciling themselves to less glamorous problem areas that are relatively starved for recognition and funds. Attention to faaors external to science that might nonetheless influence the problem choices of scientists was precipitated by an awareness of the tremendous industrial and military implications of science, The called "big science." size and the attendant economic cost of what Price (1963) and importance of frontier research in science necessitates a greater degree of administrative planning and control, which consequendy places heavy constraints upon the freedom of individual their own scientists to choose research agenda. At the very least, scientists' perceptions of important problems are influenced by military and corporate imperatives; have assumed control over the decision process problem choice an organizational In sorting out the kind of some branches of scientist: those scientists problem of problem choice, initiate field extreme, such imperatives and have thus made the problem of issue to be resolved in one who pioneers a new who itself at the it is committee. interesting to focus and continue working choose to enter a new term (Rappa and Garud, 1991). In field, his in a field of research before Among only a small portion will stay with know that the struggle for acceptance is likely to be arduous, but they are not prepared for how long the process actually takes, nor for the amount of misunderstanding and misconstrual that inevitably ensues. Tenacity is it is as widely the scientists it for the long study of pioneering scientists in systematic zoology, Hull (1988) observes: Scientists a particular of research. Pioneers are defined here perceived as significant, or perhaps even legitimate by their peers. who might on as essential as originality in science.... Anyone promoting a nonstandard view must be prepared to write the same paper, fight the good fight, answer the same criticisms over and over again.... Failure in science is more often a function of the lack of resolve than anything else. Thus, by virtue of their unconventional problem choices and unrelenting determination, may pioneering scientists Who are pioneers ultimately lead the and what is it way in creating a that informs their vision of what is new research specialty. significant research? Are they influenced in ways that are different from their non-pioneering colleagues in making their problem choices? from criticism Why their peers? do they Given persist in working Although the study of emergent scientists is problem fields is of science and technology has occupied a in the literature, empirical research limited, particularly with respect to their at understanding factors that influence the development but do not single-out pioneers scientific of science and worthy of carefril examination. on the nature of pioneering problem choice behavior. For example, in their account of the emergence of eight different (1976) aim areas in the face of their central role to progress at the frontier technology, the problem choice behavior of pioneers prominent position in Lemaine, fields, rate, direction, et al., and content of for systematic analysis. Even general studies in the sociology of science, pioneers have been curiously absent in more among the various kinds of scientists that have merited special attention. Instead, research has been focused on highly productive scientists (Long, 1978; Allison and Long, 1990), highly influential scientists scientists, who make major among whom Nobel it may as determined by citation patterns (Cole, 1968), "marginal" contributions (Gieryn and Hirsh, 1983), and scientific laureates figure prominently elites, (Zuckerman, 1967 and 1977). Although very well be the case, pioneers are not necessarily the most produaive, nor the most influential, nor marginal, nor the most prominent of scientists. Thus, a focused investigation of pioneering scientists appears warranted. PIONEERS IN NEURAL The NETWORK RESEARCH present study was undertaken in order to understand in greater detail what influence pioneers in their choice of a research agenda and their persistence in the seleaed as fields one networks holds no special significance other than the opportunity to do so presented field, is We of science and technology that we are studying concurrently. The decision to examine neural network field. the basis for this examination the field of neural networks research, which of nearly a dozen factors we concluded it itself first. After a preliminary investigation of the neural would be interesting to with a primary focus on pioneering researchers. conduct a comprehensive study A of the neural network human a type By using brain. certain features that is make it example, a neural network of information processing system that a biological unique is in model form and in its is inspired by models design, a neural network system has fianction from conventional computers. For not programmed in the usual sense, but rather it trained is with data. Tliis implies that the computational performance of a neural network improves with experience: as it more and more information processes becomes increasingly more accurate in performing a in response. Another feature its parallelism in processing a task. Unlike a normal computer with is its task, it degree of a single or small number of sophisticated central processing units, a neural network has a very large number of simple processing elements that operate simultaneously on a computational problem. These features allow it to perform certain tasks that otherwise might be very difficult using existing computer technology. Neural networks are also referred to as conneaionist systems, adaptive systems, or neurocomputers. For further details, refer to the recent report by DARPA (1988). Neural networks have a long history of development, stretching back to theoretical explanations of the brain and cognitive processes proposed during the 1940s. In the early years, researchers formulated they then used to explore and elaborated upon phenomena such random networks. By the 1960s as basic adaptive stimulus-response relations in perceptron was considered a watershed, but criticism intelligence. became seen at the from researchers more interested The as implement neural networks, there were several efforts to the most notable being the single-layer "perceptron." for models of neural computing that Among neural network researchers the same time in it served as a lightning rod the burgeoning field of anificial idea of neural networks, as exemplified by the perceptron, quickly almost antithetical to the symbolic reasoning principles of intelligence. Critical analysis to proclaim that the researchers to waste of the perceptron led some highly respeaed AI researchers concept was fundamentally flawed, and much artificial on the effort subject. may have antagonists of neural networks By inappropriate for as such, casting doubt as to its legitimacy, effectively dissuaded other researchers from entering the field in larger numbers (Minsky and Papen, 1988). The controversy surrounding neural networks notwithstanding, the early 1970s with perhaps no field. Undeterred in their belief more than light by researchers hundred researchers worldwide in the of the potential of neural networks, their persistence over the next decade eventually paid-off. new a few work continued during By in a variety the 1980s, neural networks began to be viewed in a of disciplines, such that the field soon achieved a position of legitimacy within the scientific A community. professional society for neural network researchers was formed, specialized journals and books were published, and the a scries of international conferences were held. first in exaaly why While it is difficult to explain the perception of the field changed so dramatically, at least four important technical events can be discerned: (1) the evolution of the single-layer perceptron into a multi-layer system; (2) the rapid development of related technologies that enabled researchers to develop, simulate, and diagnose neural networks of greater sophistication; (3) significant progress in theoretical understanding of neuro-biologicaJ processes; and (4) the contributions of researchers pursuing the idea of parallel distributed processing, the so- PDP-group. In called light of these developments, as well as others, interest in the field became widespread, such that the number of researchers working on neural networks expanded rapidly. By the end of from a few hundred to several the decade the size of the field swelled in thousand researchers worldwide. TTie evolution of the neural network research typical for of emerging new fields fields in some of its community is not unusual and sociological characteristics. to lack widespread acceptance for long periods, controversy, other times simply being ignored by researchers. But fields fields we have examined so far. It is may fairly even be common sometimes attracting when tend to grow rapidly. This panern has occurred, to greater or of the dozen membership they do catch on, each lesser extent, in Given the recent experience within the field of neural networks, this case presents us with an excellent opportunity to examine in great detail the who behavior of pioneering researchers relative to large numbers of researchers follow in their footsteps. METHOD Through an conference proceedings for the two-year period from 1988 to 1989, we we were From Given the scope of the research community, questionnaire was determined to be the most appropriate method of activities, (b) their decision to begin working on neural networks, might lead them to cease their neural network research interaaion with the rest in favor a survey investigation. twelve-page questionnaire in English was sent to researchers inquiring about (d) their this able to determine the exact address for each of 2,037 researchers in thirty-five different countries. network more identified than 3,000 researchers worldwide working on the subject of neural networks. material, and analysis of published sources, including books, journal articles, (a) their (c) A neural faaors that of another problem of the neural network research community, and area, (e) their demographic Additional arising characteristics. tests among The were conduaed in those respondents for questionnaire was pretested in the United States. Europe whom to reduce potential interprctational difficulties English Since there were thirty-seven researchers with is a second language. more than one address during the time period considered, a total of 2,074 questionnaires were mailed in February 1990. After the third week of data on computer collection, we mailed a follow-up lener and posted e-mail messages network researchers of the survey. bulletin boards to alert neural questionnaires, 162 were returned as undelivered by the post office. seven researchers with questionnaires. later, more than one address were represented Of the None of in 2,074 the thirty- the undelivered At the completion of the data collection period approximately ninety days 720 of the 1875 questionnaires presumed to be delivered returned, yielding a final response rate of 38.4 percent. Some of the were completed and faaors that may have affected the response rate include: the length of the questionnaire, the global scope of the survey, and the institutional mobility of researchers. DATA Validity checks In order to rule out apparent self-seleaion biases, made to demographic comparisons were determine whether the survey population departs significantly from the respondent sample. In particular, first-order comparisons between the two groups were made with respect to the geographic location of a respondent's institutional affiliation, type of institutional affiliation, and disciplinary background. First, a geographic comparison was made clustering the respondent sample and the survey population into four regions: the Americas, Europe, the Far East, and the Middle East. Of the 720 respondents, 63 percent reside in the Americas (all but a few percent in the U.S.), 25 percent in Europe, ten percent in the Far East, and about two percent in the Middle East (mainly Israel). These percentages coincide almost perfealy with the survey population (X^=5.24, d.f=3, smallest category (the A second test Middle n.s.). East) Similar results were achieved from the when omitting the test. compared the resp>ondent sample and survey population with respect to the institutional affiliation. Respondents were classified into three categories: universities, commercial firms, or other types of institutions (mostly government ftinded laboratories that are not university-based). Among the 720 respondents, 452 (63 percent) are affiliated with academic laboratories, 177 (25 percent) are employed in commercial firms, while 91 (12 percent) arc engaged in other types of institutions. statistically significant comparison reveals that no departure exists between the respondent sample and the survey population (x^=5.6l, d.f.=2, A A n.s.). final, albeit less precise, test compared the background of the sample disciplinary respondents with those of the survey population. Although respondents indicated their disciplinary backgrounds, for the survey population disciplines ft-om their postal address when we were only able to infer researchers' a departmental affiliation was provided (e.g., researchers belonging to electrical engineering departments were classified as electrical engineers). for Upon careful inspeaion of the survey population, the disciplinary background about 1,500 researchers were found. Using significant difference disciplines this data, when comparing respondents with we were unable and engineering (7 percent), find a the survey population. most represented among respondents include percent), physical sciences (19 percent), to engineering (36 electrical computer science (18 percent), The biological sciences mathematics (7 percent), and psychology and cognitive science (5 percent). Sample characteristics The 720 respondents are employed in 220 different academic institutions, 101 commercial firms, and 62 other (mostly governmental) types of organizations. There are 89 respondents who report more than one employer. The large majority of respondents (82 percent) hold a doaorate or are in the process of obtaining one. Only 16 percent holding a master's as their highest academic degree, and just two percent are a bachelor's degree. The distribution of academic degrees respondents' current positions of employment. The is at report the level of further reflected in the majority of them are university faculty (38 percent) or hold a scientific post (32 percent), ranging from staff scientist to chief About 17 percent of scientist. the respondents are students, virtually all of whom are in doaoral programs. Regarding other employment positions, only seven percent of the respondents report themselves The remaining few The in as being an engineer, while just percent of respondents average respondent is 37 fall into several other years old (s.d.= 9.2 years). five percent are managers. employment categories. The respondent sample ranges age from 22 years for the youngest to 69 years for the oldest, with the youngest quanile between ages 22 and 30 and the oldest quartile between ages 43 and 69. The median age 35 years. For the 702 respondents who specified the year they began is working on neural networks, the average length of time in the length of time in the field field is The median 6.2 years, (s.d.= 6.1 years). four years, with the range between one and 40 years. is A variable measuring the length of a respondent's professional experience (not necessarily in the field of neural networks) was created based on the time elapsed since graduating with the highest degree. years). The average length of professional experience The median number of years graduates) to 46 years. is six, The quanilc with with a range from zero is 8.7 years (s.d.= 8.8 (i.e., students and recent the least professional experience has between zero and one year of exf>erience; the one with the most experience has between 14 and 46 years. Idmtifying pioneers Since the focal point of this study is on understanding the problem choice motives of pioneering researchers and their persistence in the pioneers are is a critical issue. be classified as a pioneer is Our field, identifying exactly based upon marked by a period of rapid growth when in a respondent enters the field of neural is and books, and an international conference. of the establishment of neural networks of research within the broader scientific community. Thus, for separating pioneering researchers from the rest field community membership during the 1980s and by the advent of a professional society, specialized journals as indicators the determination of who in the respondent sample should networks. As previously discussed, the evolution of the neural network These events serve who as a legitimate a point of demarcation of the sample should lie somewhere in shown in this period. The cumulative Figure 1, illustrates the change over time in participation in the cumulative growth pattern onwards. which distribution of the entry year for each respondent, it is clear that the field The number of respondents the 1960s and 1970s. is field. From this grew most rapidly from about 1984 entering the field each year was About 25 percent of the respondents entered much lower during the field prior to 1984, whereas about 75 percent of them entered from 1984 to 1990. Both the historical overview of neural network research and the entry pattern illustrated point of demarcation for identifying pioneers During the period from 1981 As a 1 suggest that the somewhere between 1980 and 1985. to 1984, a total of 91 respondents entered the field. consequence of our analysis of the 165 respondents (25 percent) the remaining is in Figure who historical events in the field, to classify entered the field by 1983 as pioneers, while placing 537 (75 percent) who entered group provides us with a means we decided after 1983 into the control group. The control for contrasting the responses of pioneers. 10 100.0 75.0 n c Ji B 3 3 z £. 50.0 t> 25.0 " c. •a n -3 FIGURE 1: Cumulative number of survey respondents entering the field of neural networks Pioneers We and and cumulative percent. their decision to enter the field began our analysis of pioneers by examining respondents' motives for choosing neural networks Respondents were asked to as a problem area of research rate the degree (see Appendix initially for core items). of importance of numerous factors that might have influenced their decision to work on neural networks. The faaors reflea the diversity of potential internal and external influences on researchers that have been discussed previously in the literature. A first-order analysis based differences between pioneers enter the field in all on t-test comparisons points to and the control group with respea but two often items (see Table 1). The statistically significant to their motivations to strength of the differences between pioneers and the control group were further scrutinized using two control variables in an analysis of covariance procedure. Because influenced a respondent's decision to enter the we are interested in the factors that field, we used control variables that refleaed the state of reality at the time the decision was made. The first entering the covariate concerns the respondent's professional experience at the time of field. The average number of before staning neural networks research is years of professional experience for pioneers 2.3 years (N = 156), compared with 4.9 years 11 12 (N = 518) for the control group disproportionate number of academic degree; that is, (pdifr.<-001)- ^^ is particularly interesting to note that a pioneers entered the field prior to receiving their highest while they were students. percent) entered before graduation and another 1 1 A total of 98 of die 1 56 pioneers (63 entered the same year in which they graduated. In comparison, 200 of the 518 respondents (39 percent) in the control group entered before graduation and another 41 entered the year of graduation. This distribution is significantly different across both groups The second (x2=29.6 with d.f.=2 and p<.001). covariate concerns the respondent's age at the time of entering the field. average, pioneers are four years younger in age respondents in the control group. The when beginning work on among Pearson correlation coefficient The results show neural networks than average age at entry for pioneers (N = 160), compared with 31.8 years (N = 532) (r is =.85) is significant (p<.001). of the analysis of covariance with each covariate are shown in Table that the first-order differences reported in Table control variables. Thus, The main result we 1 27.8 years group (pdifF.<001)- The for the control the control variables On 2. The data are sustained in the case of both find further support for treating pioneers as a distina group. from the analysis of entry items is that substantial differences between pioneers and the control group can be found, despite the apparent differences in their age and professional experience. In other words, the analysis enables us to of whether or not the first-order differences indicated in Table motives of researchers who are attracted to the field once 1 answer the question reflea changes in the has gained legitimacy, or it merely changes in the demographic characteristics of researchers. The analysis of covariance clearly shows that the faaors influencing pioneers in entering the field cannot be explained solely in terms of differences in age or professional experience relative to respondents in the control group. The support Table proposition that pioneers are a distinct group of individuals received ftirther when examining two 2). One on the entry set sets of questions concerning the charaaeristics of the of questions pertains to the influence of the field's size field (see and growth rate decision, while the other set pertains to the financial cost of doing research in neural networks and the amount of specialized knowledge appears that perceptions about on the decisions of pioneers community to size enter the required to and growth field. Once rate work in the field. It have a different influence again, statistically significant differences remain even after controlling for the respondent's age experience at the time of entry. Using the same analytical approach, and professional we investigated the 13 14 influence of financial and intelleaual requirements on the respondent's entry decision. As shown in Table no difference could be found between groups with respect to these 2, factors. For all of the analysis so who were doaoral found far reponed, we repeated the procedures omitting respondents students or recent graduates at the time of the survey. in the original analysis persist The with one deviation ("potential for peer recognition" non-significant, with p=.053), thereby ruling-out the possibility that a large students in the control group may in number of work environment when entering the field terms of the suppon and encouragement of colleagues and supervisors there was one at the time). The is adversely affea the response pattern. In a final series of questions, the resp)ondent's was examined differences results of the first-order t-tests are shown in Table 3. (if The data indicate no difference between pioneers and the control group insofar as the awareness of colleagues or supervisors encouragement is concerned. Although there fi-om sujservisors, this difference is a difference in terms of is no longer statistically significant students and recent graduates are omitted from the analysis. With respea encouragement from within the respondent's organization, there is when to collegial no difference between the two groups. However, encouragement from colleagues outside the respondent's organization In addition, tests, statistically significant, is when even after omitting students and recent graduates. controlling for age and professional experience in analysis of covariance the difference remains statistically significant. Respondents in the control group more encouragement from report receiving colleagues outside their organization than pioneers do. The persistence ofpioneers Careful examination of the historical development of the neural network community, as well as other persist in their fields, shows that not commitment while important, is all researchers to a field. Therefore, — including those who by itself, enter early the decision to enter a field, not sufficient for understanding pioneering behavior. Given the proposition that pioneers enter early and stay with we it, investigated the influence of various internal and external factors that might lead a respondent to cease working on neural networks (see the Appendix). Examining the issue investigate pioneers in terms of their present attitudes of jxrsistence also enabled us to — something that is not possible 15 > i 1- < 16 when inquiring about past decisions to enter the the entry and exit motive questions, which The results of the first-order t-test Thus, there field. imporunt is When a complementarity to to the design of the study. comparisons are shown Table in The 4. and the control group indicate statistically significant differences between pioneers items but one. is omitting students and recent graduates fi-om the analysis, the data for all results remain unchanged. Moreover, an analysis of covariance using the respondent's age and professional experience provides fiirther evidence confirming the first-order differences between groups, with the only exceptions being the "overcrowding of the lesser extent, the "increased cost It of research." (see Table field" and, to a 5). should be noted that, contrary to the previous analysis of covariance age and professional experience at the time the respondent entered the field, respondent's present age and professional experience as covariates. The pioneers is The control group (pdifT.<.001). pioneers is compared with 35.1 presently 42.3 years {s.d.= 8.7), average presently 13.4 (s.d.= 9.7), number of compared with 7.2 respondent Table 5. A is to the subject first-order does serve as a average age of years (s.d.= 7.9) for the control is is .87 (p<.001). working in a rather difficult question rudimentary indicator of how committed of neural networks. The findings confirm the Mann-Whitney non-parametric is willing to continue the field, given the current rate of progress. Admittedly, this it use the years of professional experience for Another question addresses how long the respondent and answer, but we now years (s.d.= 8.3) for the group (pdiff.<001). The Pearson correlation coefficient between covariates to pose which we used in test reveals that the results reported in pioneers repon a willingness to persist longer with their neural network research agenda than the respondents in the control group: a median of five-to-ten years as opposed to two-to-five years (p<.001). Funhermore, controlling for age and professional experience, Mann-Whitney comparisons were repeated by grouping the respondents into "cohorts" based on age and experience (Table 6). Each cohort consists of 20 percent of the respondent sample. results of this analysis show that and the control group is it is of each cohort, the difii:rence between pioneers statistically significant, professional experience (p=.068). cohon, in the case When with the exception of COHORTI percent, with similar results. based on examining the median for both groups within each apparent that pioneers intend to continue longer in the colleagues in the control group do. The The 20 field than their percent cohort criterion was changed to 25 17 18 19 20 A final question asks respondents to indicate whether neural networks research interest, a major interest, one of several interests, a interest in keeping informed. From this question, stature of neural networks research to other it is minor statistically significant (p=.0012). test an possible to ascertain the relative problem areas A Mann-Whitney their only interest, or just for pioneers group. Table 7 shows that pioneers more frequently report neural networks or major research interest. is indicates and the control as their that this primary difference is 21 which of the two approaches is used and no matter what year is chosen to identify pioneers, the overall results remain the same. All of the discriminant functions are statistically significant (p<.001). consistently obuin Regardless of the year used to create the pioneer group, a Wilks' X of about 0.88 on we the entry motive items and about 0.89 on the exit motive items. This suggests that the choice of the cut-off year robust across the is relevant time interval. DISCUSSION The forgoing analysis provides some insight into the character of pioneers and from colleagues differ in their decision to enter respect to the choice of neural networks as their and persist in a field problem how they of research. With area, pioneers are more deeply influenced by the intrinsic appeal of the subjea matter than are respondents in the control group. The pioneers rate less "intellectually compelling nature of the field" more highly than the control group (p<.001). is in In the faa the only item that same vein, pioneers are influenced than the control group by a lack of other topics (p<.001) neural networks. This result shows clear suppon for the internalist when choosing argument that sees cognitive influences as the predominant faaor in a researcher's choice of problem area. Pioneers are far less when deciding concerned with what to enter the field. is happening in the rest of the research community For example, pioneers rate as significantly less imponant: "positive opinions of leading researchers" (p<.001), "success of other researchers" (p<.001), and "potential for peer recognition" (p<.05). Pioneers are also less influenced by the size and growth rate of the field (in both cases, p<.001). Furthermore, they are less influenced by practical maners, such and the potential as the availability of funding {p<.001) for financial rewards (p<.01). Pioneers appear to follow more closely the classic textbook explanation of problem choice in science. In contrast to the control group, they are drawn to the field by their and intellectual interests are rather oblivious to the social forces at play in the research community. Moreover, even though pioneers field, are predominantly students when entering the the first-order results remain after controlling for age and professional experience with one exception: eliminating the weak significance of "opportunity to build a company." Thus we can rule-out the presumable youth and professional inexperience of students as a plausible explanation for the differences motives of pioneers. that is at the heart It is we find in the problem choice not simply a case of youthful idealism, but rather something of pioneering behavior. else 22 While the evidence with rcspca to the respondent's decision to enter the field strongly faa that favors a view of pioneers as a distinct group, the years prior to the survey the field may is an important consideration. distort perceptions of what has The this decision several passage of time since entering faa influenced in was made a pioneer's decision to work on neural networks. Are pioneers simply remembering things Undoubtedly, the element of time makes pioneering behavior understand. However, by examining the persistence of pioneers, all we the differently? more are able to difficult to complement the analysis of problem choice with an analysis of situational perceptions that are contemporaneous with the survey period for all respondents. TTie uniqueness of pioneers as a group can be seen equally as clear in their response to the importance of faaors that might lead them to leave the are different from the control group statistical difference field in every respect of neural networks. Pioneers but one. Although there with respect to the importance of diminishing intelleauaJ challenge, pioneers consistently show concern regarding less all other factors. Even so, pioneers seem to be motivated by the intrinsic qualities of neural networks as an intelleaual endeavor to be no is single-minded in their determination. Neither slow progress (p<.001), nor rapid progress in alternative has as fields, does to the control group (p<.001). Regarding influenced by the lack of interest among in solving much importance communal factors, to and problems them pioneers are as it less other researchers (p<.001) or the unfavorable opinions of leading researchers (p<.001). Furthermore, the lack of funding, lack of financial rewards, negative opinions of supervisors and the discontinuance of neural networks at the respondent's organization are each significantly p.<.001). Here less important to pioneers (in all cases, again, as with the decision to enter the field, the results are not substantively changed when considering the respondent's age and length of professional experience. Pioneers have a passion for their chosen subjea, which remain in the field. Not only is their interest less pioneera also intend to endure in the field for a is also diminished by a number of faaors, but longer period of time. cohorts and controlling for age and professional experience, cohorts, in networks. all we networks, considering it divided into find that pioneering field of neural more focused on further shows that most pioneers are neural their major, if not their only, research interest. picture of pioneers that emerges fi-om the data is choosing an area of research, pioneers are more influenced by their is When but one case, express a longer term commitment to the The evidence The broad born-out in their intent to intelleaually interesting and less fairly consistent. own When perceptions of what concerned with the aaions and opinions of others, as 23 well as the practical realities of funding and rewards. Likewise, with respect persistence in the field, pioneers are equally single-minded in their perspective. to their While the evidence seemingly supports the internalist view of the primacy of cognitive influences in the problem choices of pioneering scientists, the findings also have implications for understanding the motives of evidence suggests that the community, play The with who group that this enter a field once social forces, communities pioneers is legitimated. The both internal and external to of the neural networks research community arc compelling, fUrther work To this end, two other research are currently being examined. Second, understanding the subtle behavior of quite difficult in the context of a cross-seaional survey such as this one. Instead, is required is a long term study of pioneering that follows the decision process of researchers over time. initial is problem choice. a larger role in required to test the external validity of these findings. what it exploratory nature of this investigation must be emphasized. First, although the results in the case is it is scientists Given the large number of respondents, it is feasible to transform the survey into a longitudinal design by periodically following-up with the respondents to see if they remain study. Nonetheless, in the field. it is We imponant have already commenced work on such to recognize the limitations a follow-up of survey methods in examining pioneering behavior. CONCLUSION Pioneering researchers play a central role in the emergence of technology. enter and The results of our analysis show that pioneers are unique chosen persist in their colleagues, pioneers are found intelleaually compelling research new and community and by to less be more influenced by their of science and in their motivations to When compared of neural network research. field fields own with their perceptions of what is influenced by the opinions and actions of others in the the availability of funding and rewards. After controlling for age and professional experience, these differences continue to hold, even though most pioneers in the sample were students The results examine when they entered the field. of this study point to several avenues for funher research. One avenue is to institutional differences in pioneering scientists and, in particular, the differences that exist between academic and commercial laboratories. Another avenue the characteristics of students dissimilar who pioneer a new from that of their professorial colleagues. field is to investigate and how they are similar or REFERENCES AND ALLISON, PAUL D. SCOTT LONG. 1990. "Depanmental J. Produaivity," American Barber, Bernard. COLE, JONATHAN Sociology Effects on Scientific Sociological Revinu. Vol. 55. pp. 469-78. 1990. Social StuMes of Science. London: Transaaion Publishers. 1968. "Pattetns of IntellcCTual Influence in Scientific Research," R. of Education. Vol. 43. pp. 377-403. COLE. JONATHAN R. AND STEPHEN COLE. 1973. Social Stratification in University of Chicago Press. COLE, STEPHEN, RUBIN, L AND JONATHAN R Science," Scientific American. CRANE, DIANA. 1969. "Fashion Science. Chicago: COLE. 1977. "Peer Review and the Suppon of Oaober. pp. 34-41. in Science: Does it Exist?" Social Problems. Vol. 16. pp. 433-41. CRANE, DIANA. 1972. Invisible Colleges: Diffiision of Knowledge in Scientific Communities. 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"Theory Choice and Problem Choice in Science," Sociological Inquiry, Vol. 48, pp. 65-95. 26 APPENDIX Items inquiring into the respondent's decision How to enter the field important were each of the following factors in influencing your networks your research agenda (respondents were asked important) -scale with midpoint 4 (somewhat important)}. in to circle decision to include neural initial on a 1 (not at all important) to 7 (very compelling nature of neural networks 1. intellectually 2. lack of other promising research topics 3. availability 4. potential for financial rewards 5. potential for recognition by peers 6. dissatisfaction 7. positive opinions 8. successes of other researchers with neural networks 9. opportunity to build a commercial enterprise 10. opportunity to solve an important societal problem of funding for neural networks research with a previous research agenda of leading researchers Items inquiring into How of neural networks: what might lead in the field the respondent to leave the field important would each of the following network activities (respondents midpoint 4 (somewhat were asked to circle factors be in diminishing on a I (not at all 1. slow progress in solving technical problems in neural networks 2. lack of funding for your neural 3. diminished interest 4. rapid progress in alternative areas of research 5. opinions of leading researchers unfavorable to neural networks 6. negative opinion of your supervisor 7. discontinuance of neural net 8. lack of financial rewards 9. diminished intellectual challenge of neural network research 10. increased financial cost of conducting neural network research 11. overcrowding 12. difficulty in in among network research other researchers in neural networks terms of the (if any) toward neural networks activities at number of your organization neural network researchers keeping up with new developments in neural networks 55'1*3 038 your current interest important) important))-. of neural networks: to 7 in neural (very important) -scale with MIT LIBRARIES DUPl 3 TDflO 0D75b7fl3 4 Date Due HOVl? m BAJou ii^i'u Lib-26-67 _MIT LIBRARIES iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3 IQflO 0Q7Sb7a3 M