HD28 •M414 no. 9/ ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ARBITRAGE WITH HOLDING COSTS: A UTILITY-BASED APPROACH by Bruce Latest Tuckman and Jean-Luc Revision: Working Paper Vila December 1991 No. 3364-91-EFA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ARBITRAGE WITH HOLDING COSTS: A UTILITY-BASED APPROACH by Bruce Latest Tuckman and Jean-Luc Revision: Working Paper Vila December 1991 3364-91-EFA No. M l.T. LIBRARIES 1 1M* Arbitrage With Holding Costs: A Utility-Based Approach by Bruce Tuckman Stern School of Business, New York University and Jean-Luc Vila Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. This version: We would like to participants in the 1990 and suggestions. in the N.Y.U. and Cornell Finance Seminar Series, and AFFI meetings, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments thank participants AFA December, 1991 Abstract Unit time costs, or holding costs, are incurred in many arbitrage contexts. Well examples include losing the use of short sale proceeds and lending funds reverse repurchase agreements. arbitrageur who faces at below market known rates in This paper analyzes the investment problem of a risk averse holding costs. The proposed model allows prices to deviate from their "fundamental" values without allowing for riskJess arbitrage opportunities. After characterizing an arbitrageur's optimal strategy, the model is examined in the context of the Treasury analysis reveals that holding costs are an important friction in this expected to be a significant determinant of arbitrageur behaviour. market and bond market. The that they can be Arbitrage With Holding Costs: Financial economists have made A Utility-Based Approach great use of the notion of arbitrage in frictionless markets. Researchers define arbitrage as a set of transactions which costs nothing and yet They then assume positive cash flows. that arbitrage opportunities never exist riskJessly provides and derive precise implications about the relative prices of traded securities. The presence of market make it of models, trading costs impossible to riskJessly exploit small price deviations from arbitrage-free relationships. Therefore, When frictions complicates the story. In the simplest when market do not admit prices riskless arbitrage opportunities, arbitrageurs market prices do admit such opportunities, arbitrageurs bet all do nothing. they have on the sure proposition that prices will be back in line at the maturity date of the underlying securities. While this simple model can explain the empirical regularity of price deviations from 1 "fundamental value," more careful portrayals of market frictions activity. Brennan and Schwartz (1990), stock index futures market can may be worthwhile at to open make for it a position make for richer models of arbitrage example, show that trading costs and position valuable to close a position before maturity. even when the costs of opening it limits in the As a result, it plus the costs of closing it maturity exceed the price deviation from fundamental value. This paper contributes to the theory of arbitrage pricing with market frictions in two ways. First, of true-to-life arbitrage which rules out mispricings. finite, risky a result, risk averse arbitrageurs position is if is large without removing do not sit idly enough and all its aspect Second, model it builds a incentives to exploit market by or bet adjust somewhat ignored all the have. They take a size as the mispricing changes. consistent with the casual empirical observation that professional arbitrageurs The phrase "fundamental lhat the price, in the the mispricing focuses on a unit time costs, or holding costs. riskless arbitrage opportunities As This behavior namely activity, it value' presence of is 10 frictions, mean the arbitrage-tree price when should equal us lundamental value there are no market frictions. In no sense do we mean 2 routinely find and take advantage of deviations from fundamental values. Section I describes how holding costs can transform riskless arbitrage opportunities into potentially profitable but risky investment projects. in many II presents a model of arbitrage activity. and an exogenous mispricing process opportunities. The paper then arbitrageur's optimal, is dynamic and 3) arbitrageurs strategy. will since any future losses will be Section that, in is set with a holding cost structure combination, do not admit if For the case of negative exponential and only if riskless arbitrage utility it is shown that the potential gains are large enough, 2) the position take a position even with an instantaneously negative expected return accompanied by greater arbitrage opportunities. examines the model's assumptions III The scene derives the partial differential equation governing a risk averse arbitrageurs will hold a position finite, then argues that holding costs are important different arbitrage contexts. Section 1 ) It in the context of the U.S. Treasury bond market, estimates the parameters of the model, and numerically solves the partial differential equation of section II using those parameters. The data support the contention that holding costs are quite important, relative to trading costs, in preventing riskless arbitrage. The data also support the assumption of an autoregressive process for the deviation of prices from fundamental value. Finally, the numerical solutions reveal an "option effect" and a "risk effect" in the determination of position size and allow for an assessment of the relative importance of the two effects. Section IV concludes and discusses avenues for future research. In particular, be viewed as a first of holding costs. this work can step towards building an equilibrium model of arbitrage activity in the presence Such a model holds the promise of being able around fundamental value than those supplied by riskless arbitrage to provide tighter price arguments. bounds 3 Holding Costs and Risky Arbitrage I. A Consider two portfolios, time of the last identical cash flows over time and, at the cash flow, must have identical market prices. Nevertheless, for market prices of the portfolios, P in frictionless and B, which provide markets A and P B will short portfolio , an amount differ by A and x. Assuming some reason, the PA > P B that , investors purchase portfolio B, realizing x today and incurring no future cash inflows or outflows. Although this just described, the sale paper could have assumed that institutions were such model to be presented in section II builds on a more as to allow the arbitrage realistic description of short agreements. In order to short portfolio A, an investor must borrow the securities from somewhere. Furthermore, the lender of the securities will require collateral in order to ensure the eventual return of his securities. Therefore, the arbitrage must be arranged as follows: lend P to the holder of the securities (or, equivalently. post securities in more A as collateral, sell these securities for realistic setting, the investor neither A dollars A an interest-bearing security worth P ), take the P A borrow P B and purchase , , pays nor receives any money when portfolio B. In this establishing his position, but realizes the future value of x upon closing the position. In frictionless conclusion that, in markets, investors in equilibrium, x two important ways. First, would wish must equal 0. to arbitrage ad infinitum, leading to the Introducing holding costs changes arbitrage behavior the no-riskless arbitrage condition only requires that x be no larger than the present value of the accumulated holding costs, from the opening of the position to the time when the two portfolio prices must be equal. Second, for smaller opportunity: if x falls to will investors face a risky investment quickly enough, then the costs of effecting the arbitrage will be small and the transaction will have proved profitable. accumulated costs x, If, wipe out the realized Holding costs appear in many on the other hand, x does not fall quickly enough, the gains. arbitrage contexts. First, the short sale of any spot security or 4 commodity will usually incur unit time costs since investors of the short sale proceeds. 2 In the case of stocks, it is must often sacrifice the use of at least part true that institutions with large client bases can take short positions almost costlessly. Nevertheless, smaller firms engaged incur holding costs when short-selling stocks. 3 Second, trading holding costs since at least part of margin deposits markets forward contracts often charge a per in in futures may not earn annum The model costs. meet do markets may generate 4 Third, banks making rate over the life of the contract. deviations from desired investment strategies caused by having to be thought of as unit time interest. in arbitrage activity 5 Fourth, collateral requirements can 6 of this paper focuses on holding costs and ignores trading costs for a reasons. First, despite their ubiquitousness, holding costs have not received Second, trading costs would obscure the qualitative nature of much number of scholarly attention. this paper's results. Trading costs transform strategies which continuously adjust holdings into strategies which discretely adjust holdings, where the frequency of adjustment decreases elsewhere, 7 there is little in the trading costs. Since this effect has been studied danger that focusing on holding costs will prove misleading. Third, while the trading costs of professional traders and arbitrageurs can be extremely small, the above examples and the discussion to follow reveal that their holding costs need not be One of the easiest contexts to trading costs " 4 5 6 which to establish both the importance of holding costs and the absolute magnitude of holding costs For the case of stocks, We would in like to see. for thank Billy trivial. is the Treasury relative bond market. The major example. Cox and Rubinstein (1985), pp. 98-103. Rao of Susquehanna Investment Group for this comment. See. for example. Duffie (1989). pp. 58-68. See. for example. Anderson (1987), We like to thank Peter Carr for this suggestion. See. for example. Dumas and Luciano (1990). (1989) would p. 198. Hodges and Neuberger (1989), and Fleming. Grossman. Vila, and Zanphopoulou 5 trading costs in this market, namely bid-ask spreads and brokerage fees, are typically small, totalling 8 about 3/32 of one percent and 1/128 of one percent, respectively. The major holding costs government bond market are reverse spreads. Recall repurchase agreements as collateral. which the short reverse spread and the lending collateral available The in rate is on when any Treasury bond Treasury bond will specific collateral. In other words, the reverse spread will same bond translates into an opportunity loss bond and the likely is usually positive 9 is the rate when only a specific because the difficulties in serve as collateral minus the rate available owner of .25% takes the security he wants to short defined as the difference between the lending rate on general finding the reports average spreads of bonds are sold short through reverse money and seller lends serve as collateral. This spread a particular that in the attempts of other would-be shorters to find the on the money lent through reverses. Stigum (1983) .65%. 10 Now, to compare the magnitudes of trading costs and to holding costs, consider shorting $100 face value of a par bond and maintaining the position until maturity. The trading costs come to about 10 cents and, with exceed the trading costs for maturities longer than about 2 section III show that, for all 1/2 a spread of .5%, the holding costs months. The price data presented in but the shortest maturities, holding costs do more than trading costs to inhibit riskless arbitrage activity. Two recent empirical papers serve as excellent motivations for the present analysis. Cornell and Shapiro (1989) document both the persistent mispricing of a particular attempts of arbitrageurs, facing holding costs, to profit from that mispricing. Treasury bond and the Amihud and Mendelson (1990), studying the effects of liquidity by comparing the prices of matched-maturity Treasury and notes, find that notes are cheap 8 9 See Stigum (1990). pp. 649-650 and See Stigum (1990). pp. 596-597. 10 p. 414. p. 669. relative to bills bills and proceed to examine whether these price 6 differences can be exploited. Considering only trading costs, as captured by the bid-ask spread and brokerage of these costs, riskless arbitrage opportunities seem rampant. Adding holding costs, however, most money machines break down. 11 Another motivation for the analysis of holding costs about the source of market mispricings. Some authors stems from the relatively recent literature (e.g. De Long et al. (1990) and Lee et al. (1991)) have hypothesized that investors' short term horizons allow for persistent deviations from fundamental values. This paper reveals that holding costs, in effect, generate myopia. Even though arbitrageurs have an investment horizon equal to the maturity of the underlying securities, holding costs discourage the viewed maintenance of long-term arbitrage positions. Therefore, holding costs may be as a particular way to endogenize investor impatience. II. The Model This section models the behavior of risk averse arbitrageurs observe prices that deviate from fundamental value. To through their common maturity date, T. incur holding costs and allow for the possibility of arbitrage opportunities, begin by assuming that there exist two portfolios. identical cash flows who i: A and B, which are characterized by Let their date-t prices be P* and P^, respectively. Let it would be x, = P*-P^ denote ideal to The authors endogenize the stochastic process governing the evolution of x actually consider the bid-ask spread and then brokerage costs are so small While allows the position. this model the difference between the prices of these portfolios in this market, the result stated assumption seems innocuous enough, to abstract from the portfolio effects it in add both brokerage costs and holding , t on date this t. While paper follows costs. Nevertheless, because the text holds as well. does rule out concurrent investments in other nsky assets. This simplification which would arise from holding other nsky assets in addition to an arbitrage 7 others 13 process as exogenous in order to focus on the investment problem facing in talcing the The assumed arbitrageurs. 1) x T 2) x, = is should exhibit the following properties: x, the price deviation disappears at maturity. 0, i.e. never so large as to admit riskless arbitrage opportunities. tends towards zero. 3) x, 4) The The evolution of larger the absolute value of last two properties attempt x,, the faster x tends toward zero. t to infuse the process with an equilibrium flavor. Property 3) captures the idea that deviations are transient. Property 4) reflects the notion that larger deviations will be exploited more readily, and. as a result, tend to vanish at a faster rate than smaller deviations. In order to find a process which satisfies (1) and (2). begin by determining the permissible range of x Along the . t lines of the motivations discussed in section unit time per portfolio unit. 14 Also, I. let c>0 be denote the arbitrageur's cost of let r value cost of maintaining a unit short position from date t until maturity the holding cost per capital. Then, the present is T ce- r(s - l) ds . J" t Letting t = T-t. the time to maturity, and denoting s(t)= f If this cost function by s(t), (l-e"") (1) the absolute value of x exceeds s(t) at any time, then a riskless profit could be made through arbitrage described at the start of the previous section. Therefore, to guarantee that generate the process See. for example. x, in |x,| < the s(t). the following way: Brennan and Schwartz (1990). Recently. Holden (1990) has endogenized market and that each segment is periodically hit by liquidity shocks. a mispncing process by assuming thai a clientele effect splits the 14 It In the context of the U.S. seems best, however, to Treasury market, the holding cost can change as the arbitrageurs postpone modelling c until it is endogenized roll over expiring repurchase agreemenis Furthermore, in to reflect the collective activity of arbitrageurs. order to model the nskless arbitrage boundary in a simple way. it has further been assumed that the holding cost the U.S. Treasury market, however, the cost is usually per dollar of portfolio value. is per portfolio unit. In 8 = x, where an underlying state variable and z, is the sign of z and increases in The process for autoregressive process. Notice that this is (2) a function from (-°o, + «>) to (-1,1) which preserves setup also ensures that x T this can be made to x, To z. <J> s(t)4>(z,) and 4) satisfy properties 3) = since s(0) listed above = if 0. zt is an end, assume that the state variable evolves according to an Ornstein- Uhlenbeck process = dz, where db, is Now example, he convenience, will short I, is some who quantity, + odb, notices that x is not equal to zero. I , of A, lend I,P* borrow dW, = rW I t W, can be t P^, and buy P^ exceeds I, units of B. when P^ exceeds P* then P^, for If, for the evolution written as + I, [rP? = rW dt + I, [rx,dt dt t If t defined as the negative of the position size of the investor's wealth. (3) Brownian motion. the increment of a standard consider an investor -pz, dt rP? - - - dP* + dP*] - c|I t |dt dx,] -c|I,|dt. (4) t The first term represents the interest received from previously accumulated wealth. The second term gives the interest gain plus the capital gain or loss the holding cost incurred for shorting Assuming I, units of portfolio that the arbitrageur will completes the model's specification. from the arbitrage position. The More A or B. last term reflects 15 maximize the expected utility of his terminal wealth formally, he maximizes e ru(wT)] While equation (4) assumes thai the arbitrageur be set up so that the arbitrageur had a higher cost. a different holding cost. s An holding cost equals that which sets the nskless arbitrage bounds, the problem could equilibrium model, then, might include several classes of arbitrageurs, each with 9 some von Neumann-Morgenstern for The equation (4) and i, first in function, U. utility 16 step in solving for the optimal investment policy {I,} terms of the underlying state variable, = I,s(t)(|)'(z)e rT (4) , is to rewrite the wealth Using two transformed variables, z. w = t W^ 17 can be rewritten as dw = [u(z,t)dt i, t + odb t (5) ] where = pz H(z,t) and e is the sign of i , i.e. 1 if Let V(w,z.t) of optimality in >0, i = max E T Ito's o =0, and i : <(>7<l>' + c(<t>-€)/s4>' (6) -1 if i,<0. t { U(W T ) }, where E T denotes the expectation at t. By the principle dynamic programming, V(w,z,t) By if t t + - = max, E T [V(w+dw,z+dz.T+dT)] (7) Lemma, V(w+dw,z+dz,t+dT) = V(w,z,t) + V w dw + V dz + V T dr z + T V^ldw) 2 + + V^dz) 2 + V^dwdz where subscripts denote partial derivatives. Substituting (3), (5) (8) and (8) into (7) and taking expectations gives = max, { Solving (9) numerically (uV^V^i+jV^on is by no means a V(w, + oc,-c)=V(w,-oo,t) = U( + ») does conditions for large One might argue that |z| not 2 } - pzV z trivial exercise. characterize the - V T + +V H o 2 (9) Imposing the boundary conditions function V(-) because have not been specified. Furthermore, for arbitrary functions U because an arbitrage position based on deviations from fundamental value carries no market Two growth the and risk, 4>, it is discounted Even if investors are risk neutral with respect to the seem appropriate: risk of this type of arbitrage, leverage constraints can induce risk aversion. Grossman and Vila (199H show that the possibility that an investors future opportunity set will be limned by borrowing restrictions causes nsk neutral investors to display some risk aversion. Since leverage constraints probably apply to most potential arbitrageurs, this consideration could justify the assumption of nsk aversion. 2) The most important arbitrageurs are probably judged on ihe pertormance of their arbitrage portfolios, as opposed to the performance ot some expected return evaluates the opportunity correctly. replies diversified portfolio of longer-term holdings. In that case, thev will be .ire only a lew arbitrage opportunities dunng most time penods. 1 ) nsk averse with respect to the nsks of arbitrage so long as there 10 not at all clear that for the case of a exists. there exists a bounded solution for V. Appendix CARA utility function and <J>(z) U = - e" aw for some growth conditions proves that a bounded solution positive constant a implies that V(w,z,t) some function derivatives of F. F and 17 = U(«) V(w,-oo, T ) should approach max, { ( U(w) = -e" u + o 2 Fz )ai-+o 2 (ai) 2 V in terms of the partial aw , so F(z,0) maximum. Since Equation (11) will -Vo^-F, 2 pzFz + - } (11) ) conditions for equation (11) can be derived as follows. since, as the mispricing its (10) substituting into (9) yields the following partial differential equation: The appropriate boundary V(w,z,t) must equal = **"*<**) Using (10) to calculate the partial derivatives of FT = far finds the This section continues, therefore, by specializing the model to this case. Letting for = z/(l+z 2 ) 1/2 and 1 this = 0. maximum in is riskless arbitrage zero, F(«,t) = F(-»,t) the following section. presence of holding costs. These properties are presented The and its 1: An in proposition = bound, the value function = <*>. analysis has proceeded enough, however, to derive some properties of an arbitrageur's optimal investment policy PROPOSITION x=0. Furthermore, as mentioned above, V(w, + oo,-c) approaches the be solved numerically When in the 1. arbitrageur following the optimal dynamic strategy implied by equation (11) boundary conditions i) will take a position if ii) iii) and only will take a finite position, may if the mispricing, x, is large enough, and take a position even if the instantaneous expected return from the position is negative. Because the opportunities (see utility function exhibits constant absolute nsk aversion, Hodges and Neuberger (1989) it is for a similar simplification). separable in the value of wealth and the value of arbitrage 11 Proof: See appendix The first 1. and second part of proposition 1 tell a story consistent with casual empiricism about arbitrage activity. While price deviations from fundamental values encourage arbitrage activity, risk aversion and holding costs prevent investors from taking infinite positions. Consequently, the arbitrage activity of these investors might not be great enough to force prices back into possibility that consistent arbitrage activity The The third part of proposition 1 can be sustained in equilibrium. reveals an interesting fact about the optimal investment policy. intuition parallels that of Merton's (1973) intertemporal CARA This raises the line. CAPM with opportunity set changes. investors like to hold assets which are negatively correlated with favorable changes in their opportunity set. Here, arbitrageurs do lose if the absolute value of x rises, but then they have a better arbitrage opportunity available to them. Consequently, they are willing to take an arbitrage position even if it is expected to lose over the next instant. III. An Application to the Treasury Bond Market There are many redundant securities in the Treasury whose cash flows can be replicated by buying and holding such redundancies c : . and c3 , with c x is > a portfolio c2 > c3 , there are of other bonds. If their bond exactly replicates the cash flows of one many bonds One class of coupons are then a portfolio composed of (Cj^VCCj-Cj) units of the first Cj, bond and unit of the second 18 All Treasury triplets which traded from January 1960 to 18 i.e. formed by three Treasury bonds of the same maturity. (c 1 -c 2 )/(c 1 -c 3 ) units of the third bond. bond market, Note that the accrued interest on the portfolio also matches the accrued December 1990 were interest on the second bond. identified from 12 the CRSP data files. three bonds of the Those containing same maturity traded on selected as the triplet for that date. Appendix callable bonds or flower bonds were discarded. of the 42 list triplets more than most recently issued were a particular date, the three A detailed If forming the data set given is in 2. Month-end bid prices were obtained from CRSP for all triplets. of the second bond in the triplet and P R to be the price of mispricing, x, as in the text, i.e. its 19 Define P 2 to be the price replicating portfolio. Define the P 2 -Pr- For the opportunity cost of funds, r, this paper uses a 3-year Treasury rate as reported by Moody's, but the results would not substantially change for other choices of r. Without data available for holding costs, it seems reasonable to choose a number from the range .25% to .65%, cited above. According to the theory described in the previous section, holding costs should it be large enough so that no price deviations exceed the turns out, there are some violations in the data set even at riskless arbitrage c=.65%. Table I bound, reports the and percentage of observations which violates the no arbitrage conditions for different s(t). As number levels of the holding cost. INSERT TABLE Table I reveals that a trading costs alone. model of holding The brokerage costs alone I compares most favorably with costs estimate of 1/128%, for both the long arbitrage, plus a typical bid-ask spread of 3/32% cited above, would result in 419, or deviations which exceed the level of trading costs. So, holding costs relative to trading costs, in foiling riskless arbitrage activity. Of and short seem to a model of legs of the 35.39%, price be quite important, course, a model which incorporates both holding costs and trading costs does best. With c = .006 and these trading costs, for example, only, only 4 observations, or .34%, violate the riskless arbitrage bounds. 19 The analysis was also done using the average of bid and ask prices. The results were qualitatively identical and quantitatively similar 13 Returning to the model of is in this it seemed reasonable on to settle c = .006. This level the range of prior beliefs and generates relatively few violations of the riskless arbitrage bounds. Using this level of holding costs and ignoring trading costs, figure as a function of the riskless arbitrage The plot provides arbitrage activity. In the some bound, The two s(t). plots the individual mispricings 1 rays are the lines x=s and figure .31 for 1. this seems Ks<2, model presented The to be the case. .29 for earlier, mispricings d)(z) More 2<s<3, and = z/(l+z underlying state variable, z. precisely, the standard deviation of x 2 1/2 ) , one can use Then, changes 21 (3). in z The is is to estimate and (2) to transform x can be regressed on z s. Looking at about .09 for s<l, its parameters p and values into values of the s in order to estimate the results of the regression are reported in table INSERT TABLE of p is in s>3. .43 for parameters of the z process given by The estimate :o can take on any value between s(t) and next step in applying the model to the data at hand Recalling that x=-s. additional evidence that holding costs are important inhibitors of Consequently, one would expect the variability of the mispricings to increase -s(t). o. paper, II. II significantly negative, confirming the autoregressive nature of the deviation process." The partial differential equation in (11) can now be solved numerically. Converting the parameters estimated from monthly data to an annual basis gives values of about 5.42 and .88 for p and a. respectively. funds, r. was taken The holding to be 9%, cost, c, was set to .6%, as discussed above. a value close to the sample average. The opportunity cost of Finally, the original maturity of in ' Figure 1 also shows that the price deviations are usually exceeds the price of the middle bond. This Ingersoll (1984). Lilzenberger "'* The observations for — Regressing changes more often negative than not. In other words, the price of the replicating portfolio consistent with a tax timing option or a tax clientele effect. See Constanunides and and Rolfo (1984), and Schaefer (1982). which in x is on the autoregressive nature of the |x| >s were dropped from the sample since x also gives a significantly negative coefficient z process. z is undefined in these cases. Therefore, the functional form of $ is not responsible for 14 the triplet was The set at 5 years. relevant range for the underlying state variable, other words, values of z which are larger than those which appear in the data in z, turns out to be well within (-2,2). In absolute value correspond to mispricings which are larger set. Figure 2 graphs the optimal position size as a function of z for two different times to maturity. As predicted by Proposition mispricing is 1, part i), for small mispricings work not optimal to take a position. large enough, however, position size increases in the absolute value of Figure 2 reveals that position size at it is If the z. not monotonic in time to maturity. There are two effects is here. First, since positions of potentially longer maturities are likely to incur larger holding costs, investors would take on smaller positions. This might be called a risk effect. Second, since potentially longer horizons are likely to provide better arbitrage opportunities in the future, investors would be willing to take on larger positions. This might be called an option effect, the hedging properties of an arbitrage position raised by claim current arbitrage profits figure, relatively should dominate. risk effect relatively is When more important and when |z| is 3. z is z is |z| is related to mispricings, so the however, the potential of future arbitrage profits small, the option effect should dominate. Consequently, as When is large, realization of more important than the promise of future large the position size with 3.04 years to maturity with 5 years to maturity. When and is shown in is the greater than the position size small the position size with 5 years to maturity is the larger of the two. Although not shown in the figure, the hedging effect described in part iii) of Proposition 1 can be examined through the numerical solutions. With 3.04 years to maturity for example, an arbitrageur will take a position even From equation generality, a was (11). one only need solve set equal to 1 for when ai. |z|<.04. where a is The instantaneous expected the coefficient of absolute return from the nsk aversion. Therelore. without loss ot 15 position will is positive, however, only when |z|>.2. In terms of the dollar mispricing, x, the arbitrageur take a position even for a mispricing of less than 6 cents for every $100 face value bought or The expected shorted. return over the next instant is positive, however, only when the mispricing exceeds 31 cents on the $100 position. A similar comparative static might have arisen with respect to o. Larger values of o arbitrage position riskier but raise the likelihood of future profit opportunities. as before, that the risk effect would dominate dominate for small mispricings. As One make the might reason, for large mispricings while the option effect would turns out, however, the parameters determined by the data it generate position sizes which increase in a: the option effect dominates for all relevant levels of mispricing. The become an certainty equivalent of arbitrage activity can be defined as the arbitrageur in a particular triplet. of z for three different times to maturity. absolute value of z. More 24 amount one would pay Figure 3 graphs this certainty equivalent as a function As expected, the certainty equivalent increases interestingly, the certainty equivalent increases in time to maturity. have been the case that the risk effect would cause the certainty equivalent to fall maturity since longer maturities run the chance of incurring larger holding costs. however, for the parameters in rv. to It in the might with time to Once again, the Treasury market, the option effect reigns. Conclusion and Suggested Extensions This paper models the effect of holding costs on the activities of risk averse arbitrageurs. exogenous mispricing process was chosen to allow prices to deviate The from fundamental value without allowing for riskless arbitrage opportunities. Solving for the optimal investment policy of arbitrageurs Note thai the certainty equivalent is measured in daie-T dollars and is therefore comparable across maturities 16 in such markets reveals behavior consistent with the casual empirical observation that professional arbitrageurs consistently take limited arbitrage positions. Furthermore, a risk effect and an option effect were identified as driving the comparative statics of optimal position size and of the value of being an arbitrageur. Data from the Treasury bond market supported the importance of holding costs in arbitrage activity, provided parameter estimates of the model, and led to relative importance of the Two risk and option some insights effects. paths of future research emerge from this analysis. First, there is a need data about the size of holding costs in the various markets mentioned in section analysis of this would be to about the to collect better I. Second, the paper concentrated on the investment problem facing arbitrageurs. The next step model the factors generating price deviations from fundamental value and thus endogenize the deviation process. This avenue of research would clearly benefit from some preliminary progress in the first. 17 Appendix PROPOSITION Proof of Recall that the Bellman equation associated with the F T = max, { (u + o 2 1 1 CARA Fz )ai4o 2 (ai) 2 } arbitrageur's optimization pzFz + - lo^-F, 2 problem is (11) ) with u given by = pz u(z,t) and with e being the sign of The boundary conditions - 4-o 2 Unfortunately, condition (A2) z. It is may be the = (Al) 0; F(-«,t) = +». (A2) not precise enough to characterize the value function F(v). possible, a priori, that the arbitrageur reaches an F can be bounded by explicit solution. This will moment, assume increasing + oo, T ) = is therefore necessary to show that which admits an that the function mapping from The symmetry of (6) are F( it c(<(>-€)/s4>' i. F(z,0) Indeed + <t>74>' (-°°.«>) be done F and its later unbounded value of F for every the value function of a control problem by the choice of a particular function derivatives are well defined and that <\> is a 4>. For smooth into (-1. + 1) such that 4>(-z) = -<J>(z). the problem yields that F(-z,t) = (A3) F(z,t) so that Fz (0,t) = We can Proof of now proceed it: with the proof of Proposition From equation (9) the (A4) for every t. 1. optimal investment i(z,t) is given by 18 L i(z,x) = i i(z,t) = i i(z,t) = s L (z,t) if i (z,t) if i s (z,t)>0 (A5a) (z,-c)<0 (A5b) (A5c) otherwise with L i =I-£.z-I*_-i.J_i^ (z,t) a a2 s i 2 a o2 From (A4), it tf -1*1 =I-P-z (z,t) 2 s(t) 2 s(t) 2 <j/ F7 i>0; (A5d) wheni<0. (A5e) when 4/ ^_L1^ + + *F <j/ follows that L i < (0,t) s 0; i (0,-r) (A6) >0. Therefore i(0,t)=0 and, by continuity, the optimal investment decision for small mispricings no position. This proves follows from (A5) above. ii): ii) Proof of Hi): as arbitrageurs are better off with large From the symmetry of F(z,t) with respect to z i can be positive even Boundedness of F(z, critical for if r) u is As |z|. = u/o 2 it follows that Fz (z,t) has the same sign a result, + Fz negative and vice versa. and growth \ As mentioned above, growth conditions conditions: the numerical analysis. i u(z,t) = If 4>(z)=z/(l+z pz + 3 2 -a' 2 To to take i). Proof of z. i.e. is 2 1/2 z ) then 1+z r 2 1+z l-e _rT f. A7 (A7) , . 2 for large z are . 2 provide the bounds and growth conditions of the value function, consider a class of control problems which admits an explicit solution. More precisely, for every function M(t). consider the 19 value function VM = - < >(w,z,t) max, E[U(WT)] subject to the dynamics dw, = (M(t)z,dt i odb,) and - dz, = + odb, -pz,dt t V M( ) The function can be explicitly derived Vm<>(w,z,t) where F M() is quadratic with respect to F m «(z.t) By symmetry Kj(t)=0. The functions dK« J^ i = dt and are easy ' and = - of the form is M exp {-aW-F ()(z,t)} z: 1k2 (t)z -K : = K ; (t) a differential equations , = _L dt 2 (t)z ^KoCt). i —: and 1 and K^t) solve the ordinary dIC , o'K. tsT. M(x)2 * - (A8) 2(M(t)- P ))IC,(t) to calculate. Returning to the original problem, observe that there |u(z,t)| s M|z|, for every Recalling that i, and z, must have the same dw = i, sign, [u(z,,i)dt it exists a positive constant M, such that (A9) z. follows that for every policy i t - odb ( t ] <. Mi z,dt - db oi t t (A10) . t Hence V(w,z.t) ^ It V m (w.z,t) < U(«). follows that the control problem faced by the arbitrageur is bounded and admits a smooth value function. (See Vila and Zariphopoulou (1989) on proving the regularity of the value function in a similar context.) Growth conditions can be derived by considering From (A7) it follows that for large z, u is u(z,t) - the dominant term in u(z,t) for large approximately linear (p- L_)z l-e~ rT = z. in z i.e. R(t)z . 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CD <5' CO C/5 r+ 0) CD < Q) Q)' C£ CO N en O o CO o O O O O CO O O cn O (J) O Figure 3 Certainty Equivalent in Dollars Date Duef -fr-* Lib-26-67 ,11 3 UBRARItS TD60 00735bEl E