Gears Laboratory Names: __________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________ About this Laboratory In this laboratory, you will explore how the number of teeth on a gear and its number of rotations affect the rotation of other interconnected gears. First you are asked to do an initial hands-on activity in the pre-laboratory to get a feel for what you will see in the applet. Then you will use technology to assist with further discoveries. Numbers given in the applet are approximations. All explanations are to be made using sentences. ****************************************************************************** I. Complete the Gears Pre-laboratory sheet II. Preliminary Work • Recall that there are our work with gears. • Make a factor tree to find the prime factors of 360 and then express 360 in its prime factored form. degrees in a circle. We will use this fact as we proceed in 360 = • Determine the total number of factors for 360 by making combinations of the prime factors of 360 and by counting “one” as a factor, although it is not as a prime factor. WV Robotics Project: Gears Laboratory Sheet Pyzdrowski,6/25/10 -1 • The following tables may be used to help you organize all of the factors of 360. Fill in the missing information. Notice that the second table has the additional factor of 5 for each cell. 20 = 1 21 22 23 30 = 1 1 2 4 8 31 3 32 • • 5 20 = 1 21 22 23 30 = 1 5 10 20 40 31 15 2 45 3 9 A gear with 24 teeth has a relationship between the number of teeth and the angle between two consecutive teeth. 360 = 24 teeth. degrees, the angle measure between teeth on a gear with 24 360 = 40 gear with 40 teeth. • Similarly, • Notice that in your tables of factors, both 40 and 24 are listed as factors of 360. Therefore, 360 is divisible by each, yielding a whole number quotient. • Recall that in your pre-lab, one gear had 16 teeth. What is the angle measure between teeth on that gear? • Does16 divide 360 (so that the quotient is a whole number)? • Is 16 in either of your tables of factors? II. Using the Gears Applet ! Notice that in the applet the radio button is selected to show 2 Gears. ! The slider bars under Teeth can be pulled to give the number of teeth on a gear to be between 8 and 64 inclusive. degrees, the angle measure between teeth on a WV Robotics Project: Gears Laboratory Sheet Pyzdrowski,6/25/10 -2 ! Point to the horizontal slider bars under Teeth and then hold down the left mouse button to drag to set the number of teeth to 24 (the first gear) and 40(the second gear). ! Notice the vertical alignment segment associated with each gear. ! Point to the darkened point on the first gear and then hold down the left mouse button to drag the wheel counter clockwise. Count the number of revolutions the gear must make in order to line both gears once again to their respective alignment segments. Record the number of revolutions that the gear with 24 teeth must make here. ! Point to the horizontal slider bars under Teeth and then hold down the left mouse button to drag to set the number of teeth to 40 (the first gear) and 24(the second gear) respectively and notice the vertical alignment segment associated with each gear. ! Point to the darkened point on the first gear and then hold down the left mouse button to drag the wheel counter clockwise. Count the number of revolutions the gear must make in order to line both gears once again to their respective alignment segments. Record the number of revolutions that the gear with 40 teeth must make here. ! In the space provided, make a prime factor tree for each 24 and 40 and then express each in prime factored form. 24 = ! 40 = Show work to give the least common multiple of 24 and 40, LCM (24,40). This is the smallest whole number which both 24 and 40 will divide. LCM(24,40) = LCM(24,40) ? 40 ! What is ! What does this number represent in the gear problem? WV Robotics Project: Gears Laboratory Sheet Pyzdrowski,6/25/10 -3 LCM(24,40) ? 24 ! What is ! What does this number represent in the gear problem? ! How many degrees must the gear with 40 teeth rotate to line back up the segments? ! How many degrees must the gear with 24 teeth rotate to line back up the segments? ! Point to the horizontal slider bars under Teeth and then hold down the left mouse button to drag to set the number of teeth to 16 (the first gear) and 40(the second gear). respectively. ! Show work using the concept of Least Common Multiple to determine how many revolutions it will take for each, a gear with 16 teeth and a gear with 40 teeth, to line up to the vertical segment once you start to rotate the first gear counter clockwise. LCM(16,40) = Number of revolutions for each gear: 16 teeth 40 teeth ! How many degrees must the gear with 16 teeth rotate to line back up the segments? ! How many degrees must the gear with 40 teeth rotate to line back up the segments? ! Select the radio button in the applet to show 3 Gears. WV Robotics Project: Gears Laboratory Sheet Pyzdrowski,6/25/10 -4 ! Point to the horizontal slider bars under Teeth and then hold down the left mouse button and drag to set the number of teeth to 24 (the first gear) and 40(the third gear). Set the second gear to a number of your choosing. ! Point to the darkened point on the first gear and drag the wheel counter clockwise. Count the number of revolutions the gear must make in order to line both the first and third gears once again to their respective alignment segments. Record the number of revolutions that the gear with 24 teeth must make ! Vary the number of teeth in the second gear and then make a conjecture regarding the number of revolutions the gear with 24 teeth must make in order to line both the first and third gears to their respective alignment segments. ! Select the radio button in the applet to show 4 Gears. ! Point to the horizontal slider bars under Teeth and drag to set the number of teeth to 24 (the first gear) and 40(the fourth gear). Set the second and third gears to a number of your choosing. ! Point to the darkened point on the first gear. Drag the wheel counter clockwise and count the number of revolutions the gear must make in order to line both the first and fourth gears once again to their respective alignment segments. Record the number of revolutions that the gear with 24 teeth must make here. ! Vary the number of teeth in the second and third gears and then make a conjecture regarding the number of revolutions the gear with 24 teeth must make in order to line both the first and fourth gears to their respective alignment segments. ! Using any four gears that you wish to use, what generalizing statement can you make about the direction of turn for each of the gears? Does your generalization seem to hold for three gears? ... two gears? WV Robotics Project: Gears Laboratory Sheet Pyzdrowski,6/25/10 -5