37t4- ict SI::: :5y Ic. DCDfl PC 3c' fe 19f3 IS ct. I for 4-H Club Secreth r-c-, .i CL Criopi COLLEcTlo County Name of Club No. ..................... mm ---- IFI C iii:eeo Dateorganized ............................................................................................. This book should be approved by the following persons after the last club meeting. Send the completed book to the County Extension Agent in charge of 4-H Club work. Signed -----------------------Address President Signed -----------------------Address Secretary Signed............................. Address Local leader FEDERAL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE i OREGON STATE COLLEGE i CORVALLIS Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics, F. E. Price, director. Oregon State College, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the State Department of Education cooperating. Printed and distnbuted in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June lO, 1914. Revised August 1953 Club Series A-38 4Each Monday, Station Ia4 au . ee aiil 1' 011 C 550 K.C.. 7:30-8:00 p.m. 7 e(e Se&eea--You have an important job when chosen by your fellow Club members as secretary of your club. Keep your Secretary Record Book up-to-date from meeting to meeting. Keep it in pencil or ink, whichever you prefer. Sit up in front by the president so You can hear what is said and take notes on the meeting. When the president asks you to call the roll and read the minutes of the last meeting, all the members can see and hear you. About those "notes" you'll be taking during each meetingjot down a note or two about each important thing as it takes place. Then better not let them get "cold !" Write the report in your secretary book soon. (See sample minutes on page 6.) Notice that you record Place and date of meeting, number of members and visitors presentperhaps names of guests How roll call was answered. Statement that minutes of the last meeting were read and approved (or corrected). Record of old and new business. Record of committees appointed and committee reports. Names of persons taking part and what they did on the program. Announcement of time and place of next meeting. A good secretary Keeps accurate minutes of the meetings. Carefully records motions about committees and expenditures of Club money. Does what he can to make the meetings "click"has minutes ready to read at each meeting. Writes all necessary letters of thanks and business, and with the leader, is the connecting link between the Dub and the County Extension Office. Keeps a file of letters received by the Club. Notifies the president if he cannot be present. Prepares an order of business with the president before the meeting starts. Gets all enrollment cards in, especially for new members enrolling late. Sees that the Club has a charter and the seals earned. Keeps a Secretary Record Book that he is proud to pass on to the secretary elected for next year. 2 Record for Boys' and Girls' 4-H Clubs Nameof Club ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Names and Addresses of Officers LocalLeader ------------------------------------------------ Address ........................................ President------------------------------------------------------ Address ---------------------------------------- Vice President ---------------------------------------------- Address ---------------------------------------Secretary------------------------------------------------------ Address ---------------------------------------OtherOfficers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Committees Program Planning Special Members Enrolled and Phone Name Address ru No. Age Attendance Records 5 I' . I I - -' - .2 - - - - - 7 . - 4 - - I -4- -.'.- ,-/ -- - id__iA - .4 d . 'g .. . s.4..4 - -I'. /. - - a ..-..._ a - ,1 _.i - E - 214 .,aiL'aI . -. - ,i - md _d /_ ,4 / - . _____ - d / / / - 1d -d - - -'--- ---- - #lA__a4,J'..4 / .1 - / d.i ___.m' - .4 .1 p / - / - - --.------- ..4 d --- / 1, .7 I. _.1_-- - _-_I_. /- A J .# 4I / ,'/ -- - - J / - .--- .' - - .4 / V I 'IT -a-- - ' .A - ,& jIl.d d / _ ..- - - . / - , ._ - -/ )- - .d. 1' J - /.4W / id .- AI a - .d - I / 41 .dA-.--- / / _ & A - '1 - - - I A A -' ai_'! .L . - 7 a - Minutes of Meeting 1. Place 2. Number of members present Date ---------------------------------- 3. Record of meeting. 7 Visitors Minutes àf Meeting 1. Place - 2. Number of members present ........... 3. Record of meeting. 8 Date- - Visitors ------ - ------------------ Minutes of Meeting 1. Place - Date 2. Number of members present --------------------------------- Visitors -------------------------- 3. Record of meeting. Minutes of Meeting 1. Place 2. Number of members present Date ---------------------------------- Visitors 3. Record of meeting. F Minutes of Meeting 1. Place -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date 2. Number of members present ---------------------------------- Visitors 3. Record of meeting. l1 Minutes of Meeting 1. - Date Place 2. Number of members present ------------------------------------ Visitors 3. Record of meeting. 12 Minutes of Meeting 1. Place -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date 2. Number of members present -------------------------------- . Visitors 3. Record of meeting. 13 Minutes of Meeting 1. Place Date 2. Number of members present ---------------------------------- Visitors -------------------------- 3. Record of meeting. 14 Minutes of Meeting 1. Place Date 2. Number of members present .................................. Visitors 3. Record of meeting. 15 Minutes of Meeting 1. - Date Place - 2. Number of members present ----------------------------------- Visitors ------------------------- 3. Record of meeting. 1r1 Minutes of Meeting 1. Place ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date 2. Number of members present ---------------------------------- Visitors 3. Record of meeting. 17 Minutes of Meeting 1. Place Date 2. Number of members present ---------------------------------- Visitors 3. Record of meeting. II] Minutes of Meeting 1. Place 2. Number of members present 3. Record of meeting. Date ---------------------------------- Visitors .......................... Place :- Date Minutes of Meeting 1. 2. Number of members present ----------------------------------- Visitors -------------------------- 3. Record of meeting. 20 Minutes of Meeting 1. Date Place 2. Number of members present ---------------------------------- Visitors ........................... 3. Record of meeting. 21 Minutes of Meeting 1. Place - Date 2. Number of members present ---------------------------------- Visitors --------------------------- 3. Record of meeting. 22 (at t(e ee'teea ea#e c4 --- A member says he isn't gethng any 4-H ma il Check with the county extension office to see that they have his name and address. A member is absent several times Try to find out why he is absent and go to see him. He may need a ride or there may be ways other Club members canencourage him to come. The Club news reporter wants some notes on a Club meeting Give him the necessary information and names from your minutes. A guest speaker visits your Club Thank him personally and by mail. He will appreciate it. Someone of Club age moves to your community Invite him or her to visit your Club meeting. Arrange for one of the Club members living near him to bring him to the meeting. 23 THE NATIONAL 4-H CLUB EMBLEM The four-fold clover with the letter "H" on each leaf. The four "H's" represent the fourfold development of Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. NATIONAL 4-H CLUB PLEDGE I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinking, my HEART to greater loyalty, my HANDS to larger service, and my HEALTH to better living, for my Club, my Community, and my Country. Note: In repeating the pledge, raise right hand to side of head when speaking line No. 1; lower right hand over left breast when speaking line No. 2; extend hands, palms upward, when speaking line No. 3; stand at attention when speaking line No. 4. (This pledge was officially adopted by the state club leaders and members in conference assembled at Washington, D. C., June 17, 1927.) THE NATIONAL 4-H CLUB COLORS Green and white. The white background of the 4-H flag synbolizes purity and the green 4-H emblem is nature's most common color in the great out-of-doors, and emblematic of springtime, life, and youth. THE NATIONAL CLUB MOTTO "To Make the Best Better." This should be the aim of every club member and his guide in all that he does every day. THE 4-H CLUB CREED I believe in Boys' and Girls' 4-H Club work for the opportunity it gives me to become a useful citizen. I believe in the training of my HEAD for the power it will give me to THINK, PLAN, AND REASON. I believe in the training of my HEART for the nobility it will give me to be KIND, SYMPATHEtIC, and TRUE. I believe in the training of my HANDS for the ability it will give me to be HELPFUL, SKILLFUL, and USEFUL. I believe in the training of my HEALTH for the strength it will ghre me to ENJoY LIFE, RESIST DISEASE, and MAKE FOR EFFICIENCY. I believe in the United States of America, in the State of Oregon, and in my responsibility for their development. I am therefore willing to devote my efforts for the fulfillment of these things which I believe.