Glass.txt <time begin="00:00:00.50"/><clear/>[ Silence ]<br/> <time begin="00:00:28.35"/><clear/>>> Welcome to the third lecture in the series<br/> Global Diseases Voices from the Vanguard.<br/> <time begin="00:00:36.57"/><clear/>Voices from the Vanguard is a joint<br/> effort between the Center for Tropical<br/> <time begin="00:00:46.57"/><clear/>and Emerging Global Diseases and the Knight<br/> Chair in Health and Medical Journalism,<br/> <time begin="00:00:53.48"/><clear/>Pat Thomas for the Grady College<br/> of Journalism and Mass Communications<br/> <time begin="00:00:55.83"/><clear/>with assistance from the office<br/> of Provost and I'm very glad<br/> <time begin="00:00:57.45"/><clear/>that all of you are here tonight.<br/> <time begin="00:00:58.35"/><clear/>Thank you for coming, it<br/> is a very lovely spring evening.<br/> <time begin="00:01:00.61"/><clear/>As most of you know this lecture<br/> series is intended to help create<br/> <time begin="00:01:04.75"/><clear/>and strengthen the interest<br/> in global health that exists<br/> <time begin="00:01:09.74"/><clear/>across the breadth of the UGA campus.<br/> <time begin="00:01:13.87"/><clear/>Both speakers thus far in<br/> this year's series Eric Gotteson<br/> <time begin="00:01:18.22"/><clear/>and Zeda Rosenberg have provided their front line<br/> visions of how they think people can make a<br/> <time begin="00:01:25.48"/><clear/>difference in global health and<br/> <time begin="00:01:28.05"/><clear/>tonight Dr. Roger Glass the director of<br/> the NIH's Fogarty International Center<br/> <time begin="00:01:34.48"/><clear/>and a world renown expert on rotaviruses is<br/> here to share his insights into the realities,<br/> <time begin="00:01:46.80"/><clear/>the challenges and the opportunities<br/> to improve global health.<br/> <time begin="00:01:53.53"/><clear/>Before I ask Dr. Phil Page 1 Glass.txt Williamson the dean of UGA's<br/> College of Public Health to introduce Dr. Glass,<br/> <time begin="00:02:01.52"/><clear/>I'd like to first remind you of<br/> two things, actually three things<br/> <time begin="00:02:03.14"/><clear/>and one is this is a blue card event and<br/> so seek out the person for that,<br/> <time begin="00:02:05.27"/><clear/>second on April 24th we will wind up this<br/> years Voices from the Vanguard with one<br/> <time begin="00:02:11.68"/><clear/>of the actual voices, someone who speaks<br/> on this, Nick Thompson the spokesperson<br/> <time begin="00:02:18.01"/><clear/>for the World Health Organization in the area<br/> of global infectious diseases will be here,<br/> <time begin="00:02:25.83"/><clear/>that's April 24th and I hope you will all<br/> plan to be here and just respect him.<br/> <time begin="00:02:36.80"/><clear/>And then the last thing is as always<br/> there will be a reception next door<br/> <time begin="00:02:38.60"/><clear/>and that will be following tonight's lecture.<br/> <time begin="00:02:39.65"/><clear/>Now I am pleased to ask Dean<br/> Williams to introduce our speaker.<br/> <time begin="00:02:41.51"/><clear/>[ Pause ]<br/> <time begin="00:02:47.69"/><clear/>>> We are very pleased to have Dr.<br/> Roger Glass visit UGA and I would<br/> <time begin="00:02:52.36"/><clear/>like to tell you just a little bit about him.<br/> <time begin="00:02:56.92"/><clear/>He received his undergraduate degree<br/> from Harvard College and his MD degree<br/> <time begin="00:03:03.88"/><clear/>from Harvard Medical School<br/> and his Masters of Public Health<br/> <time begin="00:03:07.17"/><clear/>from Harvard School of Public Health.<br/> <time begin="00:03:08.51"/><clear/>He also earned a PhD in microbiology in Sweden.<br/> <time begin="00:03:09.81"/><clear/>He has spent the last 30 years working in<br/> several positions between the CDC and NIH.<br/> Page 2 Glass.txt <time begin="00:03:12.62"/><clear/>Through both the good times and the bad<br/> times Dr. Glass has been on the front line<br/> <time begin="00:03:16.83"/><clear/>of rotavirus research and provided [inaudible]<br/> public health including working with [inaudible] scientists<br/> <time begin="00:03:24.20"/><clear/>and epidemiologists and some public health policy majors.<br/> <time begin="00:03:27.86"/><clear/>His research is targeted at the<br/> neurological studies for the introduction<br/> <time begin="00:03:30.93"/><clear/>of rotavirus vaccine and he has maintained field<br/> studies throughout the world including studies<br/> <time begin="00:03:37.25"/><clear/>in countries such as India,<br/> Bangladesh, Brazil, Mexico,<br/> <time begin="00:03:41.36"/><clear/>Russia, Vietnam, and China just to name a few.<br/> <time begin="00:03:45.06"/><clear/>A complete listing of his awards and memberships<br/> would be too extensive to do here tonight.<br/> <time begin="00:03:52.03"/><clear/>But just to give you a few of them,<br/> <time begin="00:03:54.78"/><clear/>he is a member of the Institute<br/> of Medicine and National Academy,<br/> <time begin="00:03:56.58"/><clear/>a member of the American Academy of Microbiology<br/> and he received the outstanding service medal<br/> <time begin="00:03:59.07"/><clear/>from the US Public Health Service.<br/> <time begin="00:04:01.18"/><clear/>He has authored and coauthored over 400 publications and<br/> he is fluent in lectures in five languages.<br/> <time begin="00:04:07.72"/><clear/>Last June, Dr. Glass began his current duties as<br/> Director for the Fogarty International Center<br/> <time begin="00:04:13.08"/><clear/>and Associate Director for<br/> International research at NIH.<br/> <time begin="00:04:18.93"/><clear/>As many of you know the<br/> Fogarty International Center,<br/> <time begin="00:04:23.85"/><clear/>is the international component of the NIH<br/> and address global health challenges.<br/> <time begin="00:04:27.88"/><clear/>Tonight Dr. Glass will be Page 3 Glass.txt discussing global<br/> health and the 21st Century: Lessons from Rotavirus.<br/> <time begin="00:04:29.95"/><clear/>Please join me in welcoming Dr. Glass.<br/> <time begin="00:04:31.51"/><clear/>[ Applause ]<br/> <time begin="00:04:37.27"/><clear/>>> Thank you.<br/> <time begin="00:04:39.43"/><clear/>Thank you very much dean. I'm delighted to be<br/> here today particularly because when I came<br/> <time begin="00:04:44.19"/><clear/>in the door I saw the writing in chalk on the<br/> door step that said, "For Everything in Love."<br/> <time begin="00:04:50.52"/><clear/>Is that why you came?<br/> <time begin="00:04:53.04"/><clear/>How many of you have actually<br/> heard of rotavirus?<br/> <time begin="00:04:55.86"/><clear/>Raise your hands, oh my gosh I'm amazed.<br/> <time begin="00:04:59.23"/><clear/>You know when I went back to<br/> the CDC in 1986 to talk about,<br/> <time begin="00:05:03.27"/><clear/>to having worked in Bangladesh and NIH.<br/> <time begin="00:05:06.27"/><clear/>I went to the director of the CDC and I asked<br/> him about rotavirus and he was welcoming me back<br/> <time begin="00:05:11.59"/><clear/>and I spent an hour telling him all<br/> about rotavirus the disease and its prevention<br/> <time begin="00:05:15.71"/><clear/>with my work in Bangladesh and afterwards he<br/> wrote me a note welcoming me back and he wrote<br/> <time begin="00:05:21.75"/><clear/>to me as the chief of the retrovirus laboratory.<br/> <time begin="00:05:25.53"/><clear/>He didn't know the difference<br/> between a retrovirus and a rotavirus<br/> <time begin="00:05:28.38"/><clear/>and when they both start with R and I realized<br/> that I had an upward battle to attack.<br/> <time begin="00:05:33.95"/><clear/>So I am going to talk to you a little bit<br/> about my love of rotavirus if you will.<br/> <time begin="00:05:39.91"/><clear/>The lessons that I've learned from rotavirus<br/> and global health and how that's led me<br/> <time begin="00:05:44.36"/><clear/>to my current job, but before Page 4 Glass.txt I begin,<br/> I'm amazed that you've all come to hear<br/> <time begin="00:05:50.73"/><clear/>about diarrheal diseases before<br/> dinner so we'll move on.<br/> <time begin="00:05:55.49"/><clear/>My undergraduate major was in the history of medicine and<br/> history of science and I was very interested<br/> <time begin="00:06:01.24"/><clear/>in the epidemiology of Cholera because cholera<br/> is at the basis of epidemiology and global health.<br/> <time begin="00:06:08.46"/><clear/>You know the quarantine system and the public<br/> health service hospitals in the US were all based<br/> <time begin="00:06:13.52"/><clear/>around cholera and epidemiology really came from<br/> John Snow identifying the broad street pump here<br/> <time begin="00:06:20.22"/><clear/>in London in 1854 plotting out these little cases of Cholera<br/> and showing that epidemiology could link these<br/> <time begin="00:06:26.92"/><clear/>to the pump and that by removing the pump<br/> handle you could actually stop the disease<br/> <time begin="00:06:31.98"/><clear/>and stop an epidemic.<br/> <time begin="00:06:33.68"/><clear/>So I figured that epidemiology was really simple<br/> and I should go off and study cholera<br/> <time begin="00:06:38.72"/><clear/>and see why we still had a problem of cholera in<br/> the world today and also from the early studies<br/> <time begin="00:06:47.48"/><clear/>of cholera there was a first vaccine for enteric<br/> disease, a cholera vaccine here developed<br/> <time begin="00:06:53.54"/><clear/>in 1893, never very effective but it was still<br/> the basis of immunology of an enteric disease<br/> <time begin="00:07:01.54"/><clear/>of a potentially vaccine preventable disease<br/> and finally it was because of this pump<br/> <time begin="00:07:07.76"/><clear/>that I thought that if I went to a<br/> cholera endemic area like Bangladesh,<br/> <time begin="00:07:11.74"/><clear/>like Ganges Delta I might actually be able<br/> <time begin="00:07:14.61"/><clear/>to take the handle off the pump<br/> if you will and stop cholera.<br/> Page 5 Glass.txt <time begin="00:07:19.52"/><clear/>So after I was at CDC for a couple of<br/> years I went off to Bangladesh with my wife<br/> <time begin="00:07:24.80"/><clear/>to see what we could do to<br/> stop cholera in the world.<br/> <time begin="00:07:27.12"/><clear/>This was a naive mission of a young<br/> person, so it's not so bad to be naive<br/> <time begin="00:07:32.55"/><clear/>and young and here's what we saw.<br/> <time begin="00:07:35.32"/><clear/>It's basically the same pump and<br/> the same children getting the same water and getting cholera<br/> <time begin="00:07:40.74"/><clear/>so I figured that this would be an easy match.<br/> <time begin="00:07:44.87"/><clear/>A patient with cholera has severe<br/> dehydrating diarrhea, they can lose 10 percent<br/> <time begin="00:07:50.45"/><clear/>of their weight in liquids in 12 to 24 hours.<br/> <time begin="00:07:54.66"/><clear/>So if you're a 60 kg person and you<br/> lose 6 liters you're on deaths doorstep<br/> <time begin="00:08:01.13"/><clear/>and this is what happens with the disease.<br/> <time begin="00:08:03.45"/><clear/>It's now completely treatable by rehydration<br/> with intravenous fluids and water<br/> <time begin="00:08:08.01"/><clear/>and salt solutions but in 1960 this was<br/> not so, it was a highly fatal disease.<br/> <time begin="00:08:13.94"/><clear/>So here's a young girl and you can see<br/> that she is so depleted that she's shocky,<br/> <time begin="00:08:18.77"/><clear/>her eyes are sunkin, she<br/> has tinting of her skin<br/> <time begin="00:08:21.38"/><clear/>under the doctor's hand and<br/> she's at death's doorstep.<br/> <time begin="00:08:25.21"/><clear/>With oral rehydration she can get up and<br/> walk away, so it's with this that I got<br/> <time begin="00:08:30.32"/><clear/>into diarrheal diseases and tried to look at<br/> how important were diarrheal diseases in the world today.<br/> <time begin="00:08:37.04"/><clear/>Now when you listen to CDC Page 6 Glass.txt and<br/> our spokesmen around the country,<br/> <time begin="00:08:42.12"/><clear/>every year we have had a different<br/> epidemic, Smallpox, Ebola, West Nile fever,<br/> <time begin="00:08:47.34"/><clear/>and the like, anthrax. But in fact these<br/> are not the real killers in the world.<br/> <time begin="00:08:53.33"/><clear/>The real killers are the diarrheal<br/> diseases, Malaria, Tuberculosis,<br/> <time begin="00:08:58.19"/><clear/>acute respiratory diseases, things that are<br/> much less sexy but much more important.<br/> <time begin="00:09:04.28"/><clear/>So here I began to look at where diarrhea fit<br/> into the, into the leading causes of mortality<br/> <time begin="00:09:11.54"/><clear/>and after ARI in children, diarrhea is the next<br/> major cause of disease in the world and of these<br/> <time begin="00:09:19.10"/><clear/>about 20 to 45 percent of these diarrheal deaths<br/> are from rotavirus, much more them cholera.<br/> <time begin="00:09:25.89"/><clear/>So I scratch my head and I think a lesson for<br/> you all is where's your next job going to take you<br/> <time begin="00:09:30.58"/><clear/>and how are you going to earn money and<br/> I decided that if I was going to work<br/> <time begin="00:09:33.84"/><clear/>on cholera it would be hard to find a<br/> lot of cholera cases when I came back<br/> <time begin="00:09:37.77"/><clear/>to the United States, I better work on something<br/> that was global and that which is global is rotavirus.<br/> <time begin="00:09:44.06"/><clear/>So this background really led me to go to NIH<br/> and then to begin to work on rotaviruses.<br/> <time begin="00:09:50.52"/><clear/>Well and the one feature of<br/> rotavirus which is very important is<br/> <time begin="00:09:56.89"/><clear/>that it's a democratic disease,<br/> and what do I mean by democratic?<br/> <time begin="00:10:01.23"/><clear/>It affects blacks and whites, rich<br/> and poor, everyone gets rotavirus.<br/> Page 7 Glass.txt <time begin="00:10:07.15"/><clear/>In fact every one of you in the audience has<br/> had rotavirus in your first few years of life<br/> <time begin="00:10:12.39"/><clear/>and probably have been infected multiple<br/> times since, although without any symptoms.<br/> <time begin="00:10:16.80"/><clear/>But that first infection can cause a severe<br/> dehydrating diarrhea that can be lethal<br/> <time begin="00:10:22.40"/><clear/>in a small percentage of cases, well<br/> here's rotavirus, it's the most common cause<br/> <time begin="00:10:28.91"/><clear/>of severe diarrhea in children, it's<br/> a democratic virus and of course<br/> <time begin="00:10:33.21"/><clear/>in this republican administration, I was<br/> advised that I should call it an equal opportunity virus,<br/> <time begin="00:10:39.69"/><clear/>not a democratic virus so<br/> I have to change this slide<br/> <time begin="00:10:44.08"/><clear/>or leave it till the next<br/> administration perhaps.<br/> <time begin="00:10:46.90"/><clear/>First infections are asymptomatic, there's<br/> good evidence of natural immunity,<br/> <time begin="00:10:51.79"/><clear/>there're limited strains in circulation and of course<br/> my son got rotavirus the day I started the<br/> <time begin="00:10:57.14"/><clear/>rotavirus lab at the CDC and why would my son<br/> get rotavirus, you know we have a clean house,<br/> <time begin="00:11:03.67"/><clear/>we wash our hands, there's<br/> clean water, there's good food.<br/> <time begin="00:11:08.18"/><clear/>Why does my son get rotavirus?<br/> <time begin="00:11:10.41"/><clear/>It's not clearly from clean water,<br/> poor sanitation or anything like that,<br/> <time begin="00:11:15.08"/><clear/>we really don't know enough about<br/> transmission of this virus but we do know<br/> <time begin="00:11:19.02"/><clear/>that because we can't stop it in our<br/> country with clean water and clean food,<br/> Page 8 Glass.txt <time begin="00:11:23.50"/><clear/>that vaccines represent a<br/> way to prevent this disease.<br/> <time begin="00:11:27.73"/><clear/>So here's a child in Mexico with, a<br/> cute, unhappy child who had for 12 hours,<br/> <time begin="00:11:37.21"/><clear/>severe vomiting episodes, 8 episodes of<br/> vomiting, couldn't hold a thing down.<br/> <time begin="00:11:42.02"/><clear/>Followed by diarrheal episodes,<br/> about 20 in the 12 hour period<br/> <time begin="00:11:47.26"/><clear/>and here the child is getting IV's to<br/> prevent shock and to be rehydrated.<br/> <time begin="00:11:53.16"/><clear/>It's a very severe disease in the small<br/> number of children and here when this child,<br/> <time begin="00:11:59.43"/><clear/>this is an autopsy from a child who died and the<br/> intestine is all broken up and what you see<br/> <time begin="00:12:05.93"/><clear/>in the intestinal cells, all of these<br/> little dots here are the viruses,<br/> <time begin="00:12:10.07"/><clear/>they completely invaded and taken over the<br/> cell of this child's intestine causing death.<br/> <time begin="00:12:16.45"/><clear/>So it can be a very severe and fatal disease.<br/> <time begin="00:12:20.09"/><clear/>Well where does rotavirus kill?<br/> <time begin="00:12:22.92"/><clear/>And here is the distribution of diarrheal deaths<br/> from rotavirus and you can see that there are<br/> <time begin="00:12:28.89"/><clear/>about a 100 thousand in India alone.<br/> <time begin="00:12:31.72"/><clear/>Most of the deaths are in South Asia about<br/> 150 thousand in Sub Saharan Africa,<br/> <time begin="00:12:37.15"/><clear/>about 20 thousand in Latin America.<br/> <time begin="00:12:39.55"/><clear/>So if we had a vaccine and we have vaccines now.<br/> <time begin="00:12:43.37"/><clear/>These vaccines will be most helpful to prevent<br/> death in Sub Saharan Africak, Asia, South Asia.<br/> Page 9 Glass.txt <time begin="00:12:50.23"/><clear/>But in the US and Europe and Australia, Japan,<br/> they would really not stop diarrheal deaths,<br/> <time begin="00:12:56.34"/><clear/>we don't have them, but they would<br/> stop hospitalizations, clinic visits,<br/> <time begin="00:13:00.90"/><clear/>doctor visits and the cost incurred.<br/> <time begin="00:13:05.18"/><clear/>Well here's the disease burden and as<br/> I look around now at the importance<br/> <time begin="00:13:11.95"/><clear/>of diarrheal diseases in general,<br/> this is really key<br/> <time begin="00:13:16.88"/><clear/>Every child here, gets rotavirus. About 114 million episodes a<br/> year of rotavirus diarrhea.<br/> <time begin="00:13:23.53"/><clear/>About one in five children will have to go<br/> to a doctor or clinic to get rehydrated<br/> <time begin="00:13:28.18"/><clear/>because the disease is that severe.<br/> <time begin="00:13:30.88"/><clear/>About one in fifty or so will need treatment as<br/> inpatients because the disease is severe enough<br/> <time begin="00:13:36.92"/><clear/>to require intravenous and about<br/> 1 in 200 to 1 in 300 will die<br/> <time begin="00:13:41.70"/><clear/>of their disease in their developing world.<br/> <time begin="00:13:44.37"/><clear/>So this is clearly an important cause of death,<br/> about five percent of all deaths in children<br/> <time begin="00:13:49.84"/><clear/>under five will be from rotavirus, so<br/> it's because of this huge disease burden<br/> <time begin="00:13:56.44"/><clear/>that I really saw this as a priority.<br/> <time begin="00:13:59.28"/><clear/>Well when I went back to CDC we had no<br/> data on rotavirus in the United States,<br/> <time begin="00:14:05.44"/><clear/>and you know in the government if you can't document<br/> how important your disease is compared<br/> <time begin="00:14:09.68"/><clear/>to someone else's disease, you know, you're<br/> Page 10 Glass.txt cooked, you just can't make it.<br/> <time begin="00:14:15.20"/><clear/>So we had to go out with few resources<br/> and few people and figure out what the burden<br/> <time begin="00:14:20.36"/><clear/>of rotavirus was in the US,<br/> so here's what we did.<br/> <time begin="00:14:24.43"/><clear/>We looked at hospitalizations for children under<br/> five years of age, here you see it here by month<br/> <time begin="00:14:31.31"/><clear/>for a 20 year period from about 1979 to, 79 to<br/> 1998, 1997 and you can see each year there are<br/> <time begin="00:14:41.14"/><clear/>about 200 thousand children<br/> hospitalized for diarrheal diseases,<br/> <time begin="00:14:45.22"/><clear/>that's about 10 to 12 percent of all<br/> hospitalizations of children in the US,<br/> <time begin="00:14:50.11"/><clear/>a huge number. And of those there's this winter<br/> seasonal pattern each year in children<br/> <time begin="00:14:56.50"/><clear/>under 5 and that's seasonality is most<br/> apparent in children from 6 months,<br/> <time begin="00:15:01.56"/><clear/>7 months, to 2 years of age<br/> and there's a little bit at two2br/> <time begin="00:15:05.25"/><clear/>to 3 years and then it goes away.<br/> <time begin="00:15:07.18"/><clear/>So a big seasonal peak in<br/> winter, and we've now learned that,<br/> <time begin="00:15:11.27"/><clear/>that seasonal peak of winter<br/> diarrhea is rotavirus.<br/> <time begin="00:15:15.68"/><clear/>Well if we were to have a vaccine, and we have<br/> a vaccine this year 2006 for the first time,<br/> <time begin="00:15:21.72"/><clear/>what would we expect to happen in a few<br/> years. Well if we're right and you can watch this<br/> <time begin="00:15:27.75"/><clear/>in the next few years, we would<br/> expect this curve to flatten out,<br/> <time begin="00:15:32.80"/><clear/>those big winter seasonal peaks of<br/> Page 11 Glass.txt diarrhea hospitalizations to go away<br/> <time begin="00:15:37.96"/><clear/>and we would have a nice flat<br/> line where a third lesser,<br/> <time begin="00:15:41.25"/><clear/>40 percent fewer cases,<br/> hospitalization for diarrhea.<br/> <time begin="00:15:45.46"/><clear/>Furthermore in the first year of this program<br/> we hope that these, this light blue curve of children<br/> <time begin="00:15:51.89"/><clear/>under 1 year will go away by the end<br/> of this year or sometime next year,<br/> <time begin="00:15:57.26"/><clear/>so this is one of the ways we<br/> are going to monitor the impact<br/> <time begin="00:16:00.52"/><clear/>of a national immunization program.<br/> <time begin="00:16:03.16"/><clear/>So our disease burden in the US has very<br/> few deaths but lots of hospitalizations<br/> <time begin="00:16:10.13"/><clear/>at an incredible cost about, over a billion<br/> dollars a year. And it's with this type of data<br/> <time begin="00:16:17.50"/><clear/>that we were able to convince American<br/> pediatricians and the advisory committee<br/> <time begin="00:16:22.10"/><clear/>on immunization policy in the US<br/> to take rotavirus vaccines for,<br/> <time begin="00:16:27.07"/><clear/>as a program for a globe, for US immunization,<br/> universal immunization of all children,<br/> <time begin="00:16:33.13"/><clear/>so if any of you have small brothers or<br/> sisters or nieces or nephews who are just born<br/> <time begin="00:16:37.80"/><clear/>or under 1 they should be getting<br/> a rotavirus vaccine this year.<br/> <time begin="00:16:42.85"/><clear/>Well let's go on to the virology and<br/> how we get to this, the vaccines.<br/> <time begin="00:16:47.24"/><clear/>Here's a picture of a rotavirus, a schematic of<br/> a rotavirus here and it's a virus that's made<br/> <time begin="00:16:53.15"/><clear/>up of a shell, a protein shell, an outer coat<br/> like a basketball and inside are 11 segments<br/> <time begin="00:17:01.95"/><clear/>of double stranded RNA, Page 12 Glass.txt nucleic acid and<br/> each of these can be separated on a gel<br/> <time begin="00:17:08.13"/><clear/>and each one codes for a separate<br/> protein, a different protein.<br/> <time begin="00:17:12.34"/><clear/>Well what does your body<br/> see when it sees this virus,<br/> <time begin="00:17:15.00"/><clear/>what does your gut see when it sees this virus?<br/> <time begin="00:17:17.53"/><clear/>It sees what's on the outer coat just<br/> like what I see when I look at you<br/> <time begin="00:17:21.97"/><clear/>is I see your outer clothing, I see your<br/> clothes, I don't see anything underneath, okay.<br/> <time begin="00:17:26.63"/><clear/>What your body sees to get an immune<br/> response is a reaction to your clothes,<br/> <time begin="00:17:30.83"/><clear/>an antibody to your clothes if you will. And<br/> in this virus those clothes are on the outside,<br/> <time begin="00:17:36.29"/><clear/>this bright yellow, the VP7, it's a<br/> neutralization intergen and these little spikes<br/> <time begin="00:17:41.28"/><clear/>that allow the virus to attach to<br/> your intestine and go to work.<br/> <time begin="00:17:45.99"/><clear/>Well this is important because it's against<br/> this outer coat that your body makes antibodies<br/> <time begin="00:17:51.15"/><clear/>and if we want to develop a vaccine we<br/> have to entice your body to make antibodies<br/> <time begin="00:17:58.41"/><clear/>to these two proteins. And if we can do<br/> that then when your body sees the virus<br/> <time begin="00:18:05.16"/><clear/>from the natural setting<br/> it will neutralize that,<br/> <time begin="00:18:09.05"/><clear/>it'll kill it and you won't get the disease.<br/> <time begin="00:18:11.67"/><clear/>So that's the idea of a live oral vaccine.<br/> <time begin="00:18:15.36"/><clear/>So the vaccines that we'll talk about are<br/> live viruses that have been attentuated,<br/> <time begin="00:18:20.77"/><clear/>they're not pathogenic, they're given orally<br/> Page 13 Glass.txt and they give you a good immune response.<br/> <time begin="00:18:26.22"/><clear/>Well the other thing that's important to know<br/> is that rotavirus comes in different flavors<br/> <time begin="00:18:31.98"/><clear/>that we call serotypes and these serotypes are<br/> defined by the clothing that the virus wears, again<br/> <time begin="00:18:38.23"/><clear/>that VP7, the G protein and the P protein and<br/> they're basically four different types of flavors<br/> <time begin="00:18:44.59"/><clear/>of rotavirus, one, two, three, and four,<br/> they're very creative names, okay,<br/> <time begin="00:18:50.39"/><clear/>and if we have a vaccine against these<br/> four strains we think we'll have a vaccine<br/> <time begin="00:18:55.44"/><clear/>against most rotaviruses.<br/> <time begin="00:18:57.37"/><clear/>Just like Polio vaccine, includes three<br/> serotypes of rotavirus, three flavors.<br/> <time begin="00:19:02.88"/><clear/>But also rotaviruses can evolve and<br/> new strains can always come into the,<br/> <time begin="00:19:08.34"/><clear/>into the virus from rotaviruses from pigs,<br/> rabbits, cows, monkeys, dogs, and cats and the like.<br/> <time begin="00:19:15.37"/><clear/>So even if we have a vaccine there's<br/> the possibility of new viruses evolving,<br/> <time begin="00:19:21.26"/><clear/>and in fact in places like Argentina, all<br/> the cows are immunized against rotavirus<br/> <time begin="00:19:28.06"/><clear/>to prevent neonatal calf diarrhea<br/> virus, a disease that kills<br/> <time begin="00:19:32.23"/><clear/>about 10 percent of calves that are infected.<br/> <time begin="00:19:34.85"/><clear/>So there are already vaccines for cows,<br/> now we're working on vaccines for people.<br/> <time begin="00:19:39.73"/><clear/>Well we're going to go on and talk<br/> about vaccines, and when I was at NIH<br/> <time begin="00:19:45.54"/><clear/>in the early 80's my mentor Dr. Kapikian<br/> was working on his first rotavirus vaccine.<br/> Page 14 Glass.txt <time begin="00:19:52.73"/><clear/>He took a strain of rotavirus from a monkey,<br/> <time begin="00:19:57.39"/><clear/>he re-assorted it so that it would have the<br/> outer coat from different serotypes<br/> <time begin="00:20:03.88"/><clear/>of human rotaviruses, one, two and four, and<br/> he made up a re-assortment vaccine<br/> <time begin="00:20:08.64"/><clear/>of four different strains that<br/> was called a rhesus tetravalent vaccine<br/> <time begin="00:20:12.68"/><clear/>and that was the first vaccine<br/> licensed in the US.<br/> <time begin="00:20:16.50"/><clear/>It took 20 years, about almost 20 years to develop<br/> this vaccine from isolation of the strains<br/> <time begin="00:20:22.58"/><clear/>to understanding the principles<br/> of vaccine development.<br/> <time begin="00:20:25.59"/><clear/>As soon as it was licensed, August of<br/> 1998, it went right into approved by FDA,<br/> <time begin="00:20:33.16"/><clear/>the Food and Drug Administration.<br/> <time begin="00:20:35.91"/><clear/>It was heralded as the first vaccine to stop<br/> those half a million deaths from diarrhea<br/> <time begin="00:20:41.58"/><clear/>around the world and the<br/> about 5 percent of children<br/> <time begin="00:20:45.02"/><clear/>in the U.S. hospitalized for rotavirus.<br/> <time begin="00:20:47.34"/><clear/>It was a big thing.<br/> <time begin="00:20:49.81"/><clear/>It went right, immediately into the routine<br/> schedule for childhood immunizations at 2,<br/> <time begin="00:20:55.24"/><clear/>4 and 6 months of age so that every child<br/> would get this and we were really ecstatic.<br/> <time begin="00:21:01.39"/><clear/>Dr. Kapikian and Ruth Bishop, who discovered<br/> the vaccine, and myself, we were overjoyed<br/> <time begin="00:21:07.83"/><clear/>and we received the Pasteur Award<br/> of the Children's Vaccine Initiative.<br/> <time begin="00:21:12.26"/><clear/>And we really thought we had won the world<br/> Page 15 Glass.txt with a great vaccine and with the ability<br/> <time begin="00:21:17.80"/><clear/>to have a new tool to stop a<br/> half a million deaths a year.<br/> <time begin="00:21:22.35"/><clear/>It was an exhilarating moment.<br/> <time begin="00:21:24.63"/><clear/>Well, you know, you can't be<br/> exhilarated for too long and in 1999<br/> <time begin="00:21:28.74"/><clear/>when this happened, I had a full head of hair.<br/> <time begin="00:21:31.53"/><clear/>I want you to know, I was really, you<br/> know, almost an afro, it was huge,<br/> <time begin="00:21:36.75"/><clear/>I lost it all in the next two<br/> years, and this is why I lost it,<br/> <time begin="00:21:42.55"/><clear/>after 9 months of immunizing the<br/> U.S. public, 600,000 children immunized,<br/> <time begin="00:21:48.51"/><clear/>a million and a half doses distributed,<br/> a great success in this program,<br/> <time begin="00:21:53.59"/><clear/>we identified fifteen cases of a rare, adverse<br/> event called inteceception<br/> <time begin="00:21:59.95"/><clear/>in a few children in the two weeks<br/> after they had received this vaccine.<br/> <time begin="00:22:04.68"/><clear/>Half a million kids, 600,000<br/> kids, 15 adverse events,<br/> <time begin="00:22:09.49"/><clear/>and everybody raised the red flag<br/> and said, what's going on here?<br/> <time begin="00:22:14.18"/><clear/>Well, inteceception here caused, main cause of<br/> intestinal obstruction in small children.<br/> <time begin="00:22:20.40"/><clear/>Their bowel gets blocked at<br/> the ileocecal junction.<br/> <time begin="00:22:23.51"/><clear/>It telescopes on itself, becomes<br/> obstructed and can be a lethal complication.<br/> <time begin="00:22:29.67"/><clear/>You don't want this to happen in the<br/> U.S., let alone in a developing country.<br/> Page 16 Glass.txt <time begin="00:22:33.72"/><clear/>So we did an investigation to find<br/> out if this was linked to the vaccine,<br/> <time begin="00:22:38.03"/><clear/>if so what we could do about it, and<br/> whether we could get around this problem.<br/> <time begin="00:22:42.27"/><clear/>And in the investigation, there was a<br/> cluster of cases of inteceception right<br/> <time begin="00:22:46.96"/><clear/>after the two weeks after the first dose of the<br/> vaccine, a smaller, but insignificant cluster<br/> <time begin="00:22:53.10"/><clear/>after the second, and we really<br/> knew the association was real,<br/> <time begin="00:22:57.65"/><clear/>but we didn't know the level of risk,<br/> whether this was one in 2,000 here,<br/> <time begin="00:23:02.47"/><clear/>as it was first thought, or one<br/> in 28,000 as it was later thought.<br/> <time begin="00:23:06.57"/><clear/>A very important difference.<br/> <time begin="00:23:08.94"/><clear/>Why is it important?<br/> <time begin="00:23:10.68"/><clear/>Well, in developing countries where one and two<br/> hundred children will die of rotavirus,<br/> <time begin="00:23:15.60"/><clear/>to have an adverse event of one in 30,000 would<br/> mean that if you save 150 children's lives<br/> <time begin="00:23:22.52"/><clear/>for every case of inteceception<br/> that might occur.<br/> <time begin="00:23:25.33"/><clear/>So it's, it might be that in a developing world<br/> this would still be a very useful vaccine.<br/> <time begin="00:23:33.00"/><clear/>Well, my real target was the developing<br/> world that I lived in, Bangladesh,<br/> <time begin="00:23:36.64"/><clear/>and this is where I was interested<br/> in protecting children primarily.<br/> <time begin="00:23:43.43"/><clear/>So we called the ministers of<br/> many developing countries together<br/> <time begin="00:23:46.70"/><clear/>to say we've got this rotavirus<br/> Page 17 Glass.txt vaccine, fabulous vaccine for protecting kids<br/> <time begin="00:23:51.85"/><clear/>against diarrheal diseases, rotavirus<br/> virus, but it has this rare, adverse event.<br/> <time begin="00:23:57.14"/><clear/>Would you still use it?<br/> <time begin="00:23:58.69"/><clear/>Would you still see the benefit<br/> of this for your population?<br/> <time begin="00:24:02.81"/><clear/>What would you say?<br/> <time begin="00:24:05.11"/><clear/>You'd save a couple hundred<br/> children for every adverse event?<br/> <time begin="00:24:08.93"/><clear/>Clearly in the U.S. where the disease is<br/> not fatal, the adverse event that might lead<br/> <time begin="00:24:14.07"/><clear/>to surgery or obstruction is pretty bad,<br/> but in a country where one in 200 kids dies<br/> <time begin="00:24:19.62"/><clear/>of the disease, where there'd be<br/> thousands of hospitalizations.<br/> <time begin="00:24:23.73"/><clear/>Well the ministers thought there and scratched<br/> their head and finally one of them, from India,<br/> <time begin="00:24:27.95"/><clear/>came back to me and said Roger, great vaccine,<br/> we would love to use it tomorrow, but,<br/> <time begin="00:24:34.35"/><clear/>but the first time we identify a case<br/> of inteceception in one of our children<br/> <time begin="00:24:39.83"/><clear/>who was vaccinated, the newspapers<br/> will be all over me<br/> <time begin="00:24:43.66"/><clear/>and they'll ask the question how could I permit<br/> this vaccine to be used when it was withdrawn<br/> <time begin="00:24:49.78"/><clear/>from use in the United States<br/> for this very complication.<br/> <time begin="00:24:53.65"/><clear/>If it had been tested here and<br/> licensed it would be one thing,<br/> <time begin="00:24:56.16"/><clear/>but it hadn't been used, so I better step back.<br/> <time begin="00:25:01.55"/><clear/>And so we lost the first vaccine almost<br/> 10 years ago and in that 10 years<br/> <time begin="00:25:07.51"/><clear/>about four million children Page 18 Glass.txt have died of this<br/> diseases who might have been saved by a vaccine.<br/> <time begin="00:25:14.35"/><clear/>Well, what we learned in the process<br/> was that inteceception spares children<br/> <time begin="00:25:19.91"/><clear/>in the first 3 months of life<br/> and then part of our problem was<br/> <time begin="00:25:23.47"/><clear/>that we vaccinated children up to six months.<br/> <time begin="00:25:26.62"/><clear/>From three to six months the rate of<br/> inteceception for whatever reason<br/> <time begin="00:25:31.30"/><clear/>in natural goes up about 10 fold.<br/> <time begin="00:25:34.70"/><clear/>Half the children we vaccinated<br/> were over 4 months of age,<br/> <time begin="00:25:39.16"/><clear/>they were in catch up phase, half were under.<br/> <time begin="00:25:41.61"/><clear/>And most of the intececeptions, 80<br/> percent, were in these older children.<br/> <time begin="00:25:45.78"/><clear/>So we told the other manufacturers that if<br/> they ever wanted to use a live oral vaccine,<br/> <time begin="00:25:50.77"/><clear/>they should probably restrict its use to<br/> those children under 3 months of age,<br/> <time begin="00:25:55.33"/><clear/>for reasons that were not completely obvious.<br/> <time begin="00:25:58.55"/><clear/>So here was our balance, our scale,<br/> should we use the vaccine or not?<br/> <time begin="00:26:04.92"/><clear/>One death in 250 children,<br/> lots of deaths and admissions<br/> <time begin="00:26:08.85"/><clear/>or intececeptions and we threw the vaccine out.<br/> <time begin="00:26:12.99"/><clear/>Well this has been an incredible year for<br/> rotavirus and in 2006, last year,<br/> <time begin="00:26:18.51"/><clear/>two new vaccines were finally<br/> came forward and were licensed.<br/> <time begin="00:26:24.08"/><clear/>And these are, one is a Page 19 Glass.txt single strain<br/> rotavirus, common human strain,<br/> <time begin="00:26:30.73"/><clear/>that was attenuated because<br/> it was passage for a long time.<br/> <time begin="00:26:34.21"/><clear/>The other was a strain, a vaccine just<br/> like the rhesus strain, the first vaccine,<br/> <time begin="00:26:39.77"/><clear/>but made with a bovine rotavirus virus that<br/> was much weaker and didn't cause, we think,<br/> <time begin="00:26:44.84"/><clear/>the same, wouldn't cause the same problems,<br/> and so these were both licensed in January<br/> <time begin="00:26:52.89"/><clear/>of last year, 2006, major clinical trials<br/> <time begin="00:26:57.33"/><clear/>of over 60,000 children were<br/> published in the New England Journal.<br/> <time begin="00:27:01.34"/><clear/>For each of these, the pentavalent vaccine<br/> here and the monovalent vaccine here,<br/> <time begin="00:27:07.25"/><clear/>and they were really success and a beginning.<br/> <time begin="00:27:11.16"/><clear/>And these were nominated by Lancet as the best<br/> papers of last year in the medical literature.<br/> <time begin="00:27:16.89"/><clear/>Well, let's look at these<br/> two and see where we are.<br/> <time begin="00:27:19.96"/><clear/>The pentavalent, just like the rhesus is given<br/> in actually three doses, grows poorly<br/> <time begin="00:27:25.96"/><clear/>and was highly successful, 98 percent<br/> protection against severe disease<br/> <time begin="00:27:31.24"/><clear/>in Finnish children and American children.<br/> <time begin="00:27:33.96"/><clear/>So it was a good vaccine and it was safe.<br/> <time begin="00:27:36.97"/><clear/>The other vaccine, a monovalent,<br/> also grows well and it was very safe<br/> <time begin="00:27:43.82"/><clear/>as well, and this one was tested<br/> in Latin American and Finland,<br/> Page 20 Glass.txt <time begin="00:27:48.40"/><clear/>so it's gone, it could go forward.<br/> <time begin="00:27:54.48"/><clear/>In March of last year, here's<br/> the president of Panama roling<br/> <time begin="00:27:58.05"/><clear/>out the first national immunization<br/> program for rotavirus in Panama.<br/> <time begin="00:28:02.31"/><clear/>Another program took place in Brazil last year.<br/> <time begin="00:28:06.04"/><clear/>So now there're over 90 countries that<br/> have a licensed rotavirus vaccine.<br/> <time begin="00:28:11.36"/><clear/>But are we home yet?<br/> <time begin="00:28:12.29"/><clear/>Do we raise the flag again and greet success?<br/> <time begin="00:28:15.43"/><clear/>Even though I don't have much of my<br/> hair left, is it time to celebrate?<br/> <time begin="00:28:21.18"/><clear/>Well, the vaccines are licensed in many countries,<br/> but we still can't celebrate completely.<br/> <time begin="00:28:27.38"/><clear/>Well, why not?<br/> <time begin="00:28:28.37"/><clear/>You know? As I get older you'd always<br/> like to move the celebration date up,<br/> <time begin="00:28:32.24"/><clear/>but sometimes it's hard.<br/> <time begin="00:28:34.33"/><clear/>We've tested these vaccines<br/> in the U.S. and Latin America.<br/> <time begin="00:28:38.93"/><clear/>We haven't tested them on African<br/> children or on Asian children,<br/> <time begin="00:28:42.97"/><clear/>for instance in Bangladesh or India.<br/> <time begin="00:28:45.27"/><clear/>And for oral vaccines, for parenteral vaccines,<br/> injectable vaccines, all children behave more<br/> <time begin="00:28:51.42"/><clear/>or less the same in their<br/> immune response and the routine vaccines<br/> <time begin="00:28:55.15"/><clear/>that we give to children<br/> are all work pretty well.<br/> <time begin="00:28:59.01"/><clear/>Oral vaccines are different.<br/> <time begin="00:29:00.90"/><clear/>You know, the virus has to be swallowed, it has to<br/> Page 21 Glass.txt go through the stomach's acid and survive,<br/> <time begin="00:29:06.68"/><clear/>it has to be given in the presence of breast<br/> milk, in breast milk and neutralize the virus.<br/> <time begin="00:29:13.32"/><clear/>Mothers in Bangladesh and in South Africa<br/> have high titers of maternal antibody<br/> <time begin="00:29:18.15"/><clear/>that can make the immune<br/> response work less well.<br/> <time begin="00:29:21.37"/><clear/>So until we get a global<br/> recommendation for these vaccines,<br/> <time begin="00:29:25.77"/><clear/>we really have to know if they work.<br/> <time begin="00:29:28.12"/><clear/>Trials of the Merck vaccine are just starting<br/> in five countries in Africa and Asia,<br/> <time begin="00:29:32.89"/><clear/>Bangladesh, Vietnam, Kenya, Mali and Ghana.<br/> <time begin="00:29:38.25"/><clear/>And trials of the GSK vaccine, that monovalent,<br/> has just been completed in South Africa.<br/> <time begin="00:29:43.95"/><clear/>So we hope that these will work, but the<br/> immune response in the South African trial is<br/> <time begin="00:29:50.00"/><clear/>about half of what it is in Finland, and<br/> that suggested the efficacy may be less<br/> <time begin="00:29:56.19"/><clear/>than we want, less than anticipated.<br/> <time begin="00:29:59.50"/><clear/>If we have a vaccine that's<br/> only 50 percent protective,<br/> <time begin="00:30:03.81"/><clear/>30 percent protective, would we use it?<br/> <time begin="00:30:07.19"/><clear/>And what could we do to improve it?<br/> <time begin="00:30:09.31"/><clear/>So that's the next challenge before us now<br/> and whether by withholding breast feeding,<br/> <time begin="00:30:14.27"/><clear/>by raising the dose of the vaccine by<br/> giving it a little bit later, we can do,<br/> <time begin="00:30:19.28"/><clear/>by changing the buffer, by changing<br/> the dose, we might make it better.<br/> <time begin="00:30:24.36"/><clear/>Alternatively, like with polio, we might try<br/> Page 22 Glass.txt a parenteral vaccine, an inactivated vaccine,<br/> <time begin="00:30:30.40"/><clear/>and see if we can induce the same<br/> immunity that we get with polio<br/> <time begin="00:30:34.54"/><clear/>with an inactivated parenteral vaccine.<br/> <time begin="00:30:37.50"/><clear/>So here's where we are now with vaccines,<br/> we have two vaccines, the Merck and the GSK<br/> <time begin="00:30:44.84"/><clear/>that have been tested and licensed but<br/> they still are waiting a WHO recommendation<br/> <time begin="00:30:49.95"/><clear/>for global use until these trials are completed.<br/> <time begin="00:30:53.45"/><clear/>And a bunch of other trials of other<br/> vaccines that are in development and we hope<br/> <time begin="00:30:59.22"/><clear/>that by having vaccines made in China<br/> and Australia and India, in Germany,<br/> <time begin="00:31:05.22"/><clear/>that we might have cheaper vaccines that<br/> would be suitable for the world's children.<br/> <time begin="00:31:09.93"/><clear/>So we have now six candidate vaccines being made<br/> by 12 companies in five countries with a hope<br/> <time begin="00:31:16.75"/><clear/>that in a few years, we might have vaccines for<br/> the world that will be cheap and affordable.<br/> <time begin="00:31:22.16"/><clear/>And that's our current research agenda.<br/> <time begin="00:31:25.44"/><clear/>Well, when I went to ask ministers of health<br/> if rotavirus was important for them,<br/> <time begin="00:31:31.77"/><clear/>most of them had never heard<br/> of rotavirus.<br/> <time begin="00:31:35.05"/><clear/>So in Vietnam, I went in 1978,<br/> 1998 and I asked the minister<br/> <time begin="00:31:41.95"/><clear/>if he was interested in<br/> rotavirus vaccine.<br/> <time begin="00:31:44.17"/><clear/>He said we don't have rotavirus here.<br/> <time begin="00:31:46.71"/><clear/>I said have you ever tested<br/> for rotavirus?<br/> Page 23 Glass.txt <time begin="00:31:49.37"/><clear/>He said no.<br/> <time begin="00:31:50.07"/><clear/>So he said well, why don't we do a little study<br/> and we got a grant from WHO to do this study.<br/> <time begin="00:31:56.83"/><clear/>We looked at four cities of Vietnam, north<br/> and south, six hospitals, and we went out<br/> <time begin="00:32:02.75"/><clear/>and we screened 5700 children under<br/> five who came in with diarrheal disease<br/> <time begin="00:32:09.16"/><clear/>for rotavirus with a<br/> very simple, but sensitive test.<br/> <time begin="00:32:12.74"/><clear/>56 percent of those children were positive.<br/> <time begin="00:32:16.75"/><clear/>So the minister saw this and he<br/> scratched his head and he said this means<br/> <time begin="00:32:21.57"/><clear/>that if I use the vaccine, I could decrease<br/> my diarrhea hospitalizations in half.<br/> <time begin="00:32:27.44"/><clear/>I could cut my diarrhea mortality<br/> in half or some fraction of that.<br/> <time begin="00:32:31.56"/><clear/>So this would be a fabulous<br/> and important vaccine for us.<br/> <time begin="00:32:36.17"/><clear/>So part of our efforts at CDC was then to go out<br/> and set up surveillance and let many ministers<br/> <time begin="00:32:42.27"/><clear/>of health, like the minister in Vietnam know<br/> the importance of this disease in his setting.<br/> <time begin="00:32:48.23"/><clear/>We started out with nine countries<br/> of Asia and again, Myanmar,Malaysia,<br/> <time begin="00:32:53.29"/><clear/>56 percent of their children had rotavirus<br/> as a cause of diarrhea hospitalizations.<br/> <time begin="00:33:00.66"/><clear/>And the like high rates from 39 to<br/> 60 percent all around Asia.<br/> <time begin="00:33:05.81"/><clear/>We now have surveillance all around<br/> the world in more than 50 countries<br/> <time begin="00:33:10.26"/><clear/>that report monthly their<br/> rate of rotavirus detection<br/> <time begin="00:33:14.33"/><clear/>and their rates are averaging Page 24 Glass.txt 40 to 50 percent.<br/> <time begin="00:33:17.32"/><clear/>So this is clearly a global disease and just<br/> by doing surveillance we've educated ministers<br/> <time begin="00:33:23.72"/><clear/>and pediatricians of the importance<br/> of this disease in their setting.<br/> <time begin="00:33:28.68"/><clear/>We've also educated Bill Gates.<br/> <time begin="00:33:31.57"/><clear/>You know, Bill Gates in 1997 was trying<br/> to figure out what to do with his money.<br/> <time begin="00:33:37.48"/><clear/>He read the World Development Report and in<br/> <time begin="00:33:40.48"/><clear/>that report it said rotavirus<br/> kills a half a million people a year.<br/> <time begin="00:33:45.41"/><clear/>Our data from CDC put into<br/> the World Development Report.<br/> <time begin="00:33:50.27"/><clear/>He says I don't believe rotavirus<br/> can, well, what's rotavirus?<br/> <time begin="00:33:52.67"/><clear/>I've never heard of it.<br/> <time begin="00:33:53.53"/><clear/>How can it kill this many people?<br/> <time begin="00:33:55.33"/><clear/>What's going on here?<br/> <time begin="00:33:57.27"/><clear/>He also said if a 747 crashed today,<br/> you'd hear it around the world.<br/> <time begin="00:34:03.48"/><clear/>If rotavirus kills a half<br/> a million, no one hears about it.<br/> <time begin="00:34:08.35"/><clear/>What's wrong with this picture?<br/> <time begin="00:34:10.35"/><clear/>And so it was rotavirus that<br/> got him to invest the first time<br/> <time begin="00:34:14.13"/><clear/>in the accelerated development<br/> and introduction of four vaccines.<br/> <time begin="00:34:19.22"/><clear/>Well, after Bill and Melinda<br/> Gates got interested in this,<br/> <time begin="00:34:22.37"/><clear/>they put some of their money, 750 million<br/> Page 25 Glass.txt dollars into the Global Alliance for Vaccines.<br/> <time begin="00:34:27.98"/><clear/>And that went to, and rotavirus<br/> was prioritized with pneumococcal vaccine,<br/> <time begin="00:34:32.98"/><clear/>as one of two vaccines for accelerated<br/> development and introduction.<br/> <time begin="00:34:37.01"/><clear/>And, of course, the international<br/> finance committee, Gordon Brown,<br/> <time begin="00:34:40.77"/><clear/>Tony Blair have gotten the<br/> Europeans behind financing this.<br/> <time begin="00:34:45.64"/><clear/>So we've gone from an impoverished<br/> activity for a very important global disease<br/> <time begin="00:34:50.64"/><clear/>to an activity now which is well<br/> funded for further development<br/> <time begin="00:34:54.66"/><clear/>and introduction, should the vaccine<br/> test show that the vaccine is effective<br/> <time begin="00:34:59.79"/><clear/>in those poor, developing countries.<br/> <time begin="00:35:01.99"/><clear/>So that answer is gonna wait for us all to see.<br/> <time begin="00:35:05.78"/><clear/>So we're beginning now a great experiment<br/> now to see if we can control<br/> <time begin="00:35:08.87"/><clear/>and perhaps eliminate rotavirus<br/> through the use of vaccines.<br/> <time begin="00:35:13.08"/><clear/>And for future funding, I thought we might<br/> call upon the Rotarians, for instance.<br/> <time begin="00:35:18.18"/><clear/>Doesn't that look like a Rotary sign?<br/> <time begin="00:35:21.03"/><clear/>I thought that after the polio<br/> eradication, I need your approval on this,<br/> <time begin="00:35:24.63"/><clear/>because I haven't shown this to the<br/> Rotarians yet, but they've done so well<br/> <time begin="00:35:28.01"/><clear/>with polio eradication that I thought we might<br/> just change it to the Rotary Virus<br/> <time begin="00:35:32.76"/><clear/>and continue their global Page 26 Glass.txt efforts.<br/> <time begin="00:35:35.62"/><clear/>Now, with that said, I wanted to go on and<br/> just give you a little, I've made a change<br/> <time begin="00:35:42.06"/><clear/>of careers this year, and I'm still<br/> working on rotavirus at CDC,<br/> <time begin="00:35:46.51"/><clear/>but I've decided after 30 years of<br/> CDC, I should try to, I was an inch wide<br/> <time begin="00:35:52.29"/><clear/>in rotavirus and a mile deep.<br/> <time begin="00:35:55.04"/><clear/>We've worked on rotavirus<br/> and we've gotten it into national use<br/> <time begin="00:35:58.37"/><clear/>in the U.S. It was licensed and used now.<br/> <time begin="00:36:01.23"/><clear/>We have global clinical trials.<br/> <time begin="00:36:04.11"/><clear/>What else could I do to improve<br/> the impact of global health<br/> <time begin="00:36:08.43"/><clear/>and to make global health an important<br/> study, even on the campus of UGA,<br/> <time begin="00:36:15.50"/><clear/>what could you do for global health here?<br/> <time begin="00:36:17.45"/><clear/>I think part of the reason I'm here is to<br/> get you all excited about global health.<br/> <time begin="00:36:20.89"/><clear/>I hope I can do this.<br/> <time begin="00:36:22.65"/><clear/>So I went on to, I went on to the<br/> Fogarty position, where I'm the director<br/> <time begin="00:36:28.07"/><clear/>of the Fogarty International Center at NIH.<br/> <time begin="00:36:30.91"/><clear/>This center is really dedicated to address<br/> global health challenges through innovative<br/> <time begin="00:36:35.95"/><clear/>and collaborative programs<br/> for research and training.<br/> <time begin="00:36:38.98"/><clear/>All stemming from the work of a bricklayer,<br/> John Fogarty, who became a union representative<br/> <time begin="00:36:45.94"/><clear/>and then went to congress, Page 27 Glass.txt and his passion was<br/> global health, for reasons we don't understand.<br/> <time begin="00:36:52.15"/><clear/>But because of him, we got a program 39<br/> years ago at the Fogarty on the NIH campus<br/> <time begin="00:36:58.52"/><clear/>that addressed issues of global health.<br/> <time begin="00:37:01.87"/><clear/>Well on the campus at NIH there<br/> are 27 institutes and centers<br/> <time begin="00:37:05.87"/><clear/>like the National Cancer Center,<br/> the Heart and Lung Institute.<br/> <time begin="00:37:10.64"/><clear/>Fogarty is the smallest, oops, let's see,<br/> Fogarty is the smallest of all the centers.<br/> <time begin="00:37:17.85"/><clear/>We have a budget of about 70 million dollars,<br/> which represents, get this, for global health,<br/> <time begin="00:37:23.93"/><clear/>one quarter of one percent of our NIH budget.<br/> <time begin="00:37:28.56"/><clear/>This is global health.<br/> <time begin="00:37:29.63"/><clear/>This is what we have for global health.<br/> <time begin="00:37:31.34"/><clear/>So it's a nice budget, but it really<br/> means that we have to be pointed<br/> <time begin="00:37:34.83"/><clear/>in what we do and how we address this.<br/> <time begin="00:37:37.40"/><clear/>And we also have to work with all the other<br/> centers because what part of healthcare<br/> <time begin="00:37:43.15"/><clear/>and health research is not<br/> global in some aspect.<br/> <time begin="00:37:46.39"/><clear/>It's gotta be everything.<br/> <time begin="00:37:48.15"/><clear/>So we have to deal with everyone<br/> and be really creative and partner.<br/> <time begin="00:37:51.92"/><clear/>Well, we have research activities in over 100<br/> foreign institutions and 60 US institutions,<br/> <time begin="00:37:59.40"/><clear/>but ours are primarily in the developing world.<br/> <time begin="00:38:02.71"/><clear/>Well, I got to Fogarty in Page 28 Glass.txt June of<br/> last year and I was greeted<br/> <time begin="00:38:06.22"/><clear/>by this portfolio that I call alphabet soup.<br/> <time begin="00:38:09.27"/><clear/>You see all these different<br/> letters and acronyms in here,<br/> <time begin="00:38:13.49"/><clear/>I didn't know what they all were<br/> and you probably won't either.<br/> <time begin="00:38:16.92"/><clear/>But I did know that coming out of<br/> this soup was collaborative research,<br/> <time begin="00:38:20.56"/><clear/>research training for foreigners in the U.S.,<br/> research training for U.S. students overseas<br/> <time begin="00:38:27.51"/><clear/>and development of institutional capacities.<br/> <time begin="00:38:30.08"/><clear/>About 68 million dollars in<br/> budget with 400 grants overall.<br/> <time begin="00:38:35.51"/><clear/>So I said well, what does this mean?<br/> <time begin="00:38:37.09"/><clear/>Let me put some flesh on to all<br/> of these alphabet soups, okay?<br/> <time begin="00:38:43.85"/><clear/>And so the first thing we did was to<br/> look at the first program that we started<br/> <time begin="00:38:47.93"/><clear/>in 1988, which was called the AITRP.<br/> <time begin="00:38:50.59"/><clear/>I didn't know what AITRP meant either.<br/> <time begin="00:38:51.96"/><clear/>But it's our Aids International<br/> Training and Research Program.<br/> <time begin="00:38:56.13"/><clear/>We started in 1988, if you'll remember,<br/> maybe before some of you were aware of AIDS,<br/> <time begin="00:39:02.76"/><clear/>AIDS was a disease of the United States,<br/> of Haitians, of homosexuals and of hemophiliacs.<br/> <time begin="00:39:10.31"/><clear/>And we don't think beyond<br/> our borders of the important,<br/> <time begin="00:39:13.65"/><clear/>that AIDS would have that we Page 29 Glass.txt know today.<br/> <time begin="00:39:16.57"/><clear/>So Fogarty, as a center for global health,<br/> got a grant to invest in AIDS education<br/> <time begin="00:39:23.55"/><clear/>and the importance of AIDS overseas.<br/> <time begin="00:39:26.80"/><clear/>And we invested in some of<br/> these young researchers.<br/> <time begin="00:39:29.70"/><clear/>Well these researchers have stayed with AIDS<br/> <time begin="00:39:31.80"/><clear/>and AIDS has become an incredibly<br/> important disease globally, as you all know.<br/> <time begin="00:39:36.40"/><clear/>And these youngsters who we invested in 18<br/> years ago have really become the leaders<br/> <time begin="00:39:41.91"/><clear/>in their field today.<br/> <time begin="00:39:43.41"/><clear/>So when you look at PEFAR programs, the<br/> president's emergency fund for AIDS relief<br/> <time begin="00:39:49.14"/><clear/>and many other AIDS research activities,<br/> these people who had early grants<br/> <time begin="00:39:54.98"/><clear/>from Fogarty are now the leaders.<br/> <time begin="00:39:56.97"/><clear/>They were very important grants.<br/> <time begin="00:40:00.45"/><clear/>Well, when we look at American leaders<br/> today in global health, what do we see?<br/> <time begin="00:40:05.98"/><clear/>There's a common feature<br/> just like my own experience.<br/> <time begin="00:40:09.59"/><clear/>One is that they all had what I<br/> call early childhood experience.<br/> <time begin="00:40:13.60"/><clear/>And I would encourage all of you, if you're<br/> interested at all in global health, to travel,<br/> <time begin="00:40:19.54"/><clear/>to find someplace to sit yourself in an<br/> international setting and spend some time<br/> <time begin="00:40:25.31"/><clear/>to gain the experience of what it<br/> is to work in a developing country<br/> <time begin="00:40:29.56"/><clear/>or to address a problem Page 30 Glass.txt that's really a<br/> problem of child survival or adult survival,<br/> <time begin="00:40:35.88"/><clear/>something that's really important.<br/> <time begin="00:40:37.91"/><clear/>That experience will open your eyes, will<br/> open your hearts, it will open your careers<br/> <time begin="00:40:43.57"/><clear/>to opportunities that you probably have<br/> never thought about before and engage you.<br/> <time begin="00:40:48.71"/><clear/>And I would, the first thing I would say is<br/> that all of the people who are now leaders<br/> <time begin="00:40:52.38"/><clear/>in global health have had, like Al Sommer, who<br/> was the dean at Hopkins, spent a couple of years<br/> <time begin="00:40:57.94"/><clear/>in Bangladesh and Indonesia<br/> before early on in his career.<br/> <time begin="00:41:04.10"/><clear/>Jeff Koplan, the former head of CDC<br/> also spent time in Bangladesh early on.<br/> <time begin="00:41:09.52"/><clear/>Helene Gayle was in Uganda as a baby, as a<br/> young physician epidemiologist working on HIV.<br/> <time begin="00:41:17.23"/><clear/>So the first important point is<br/> that early childhood experience.<br/> <time begin="00:41:21.85"/><clear/>You're all children, you're all students.<br/> <time begin="00:41:23.73"/><clear/>Look and seek for these opportunities<br/> because they will really change your career<br/> <time begin="00:41:28.64"/><clear/>and what you wanna do, especially<br/> when you're trying<br/> <time begin="00:41:31.35"/><clear/>to scratch what would be<br/> important or interesting.<br/> <time begin="00:41:33.88"/><clear/>These opportunities are huge and<br/> they will entertain you for a career.<br/> <time begin="00:41:39.00"/><clear/>The second is that all of these people<br/> up here work in infectious diseases.<br/> <time begin="00:41:43.59"/><clear/>Aren't there genetic diseases overseas?<br/> <time begin="00:41:46.19"/><clear/>How about cancers?<br/> <time begin="00:41:47.63"/><clear/>How about heart disease?<br/> Page 31 Glass.txt <time begin="00:41:49.69"/><clear/>All of that.<br/> <time begin="00:41:50.70"/><clear/>In the past, infectious diseases have<br/> been king of international health.<br/> <time begin="00:41:55.51"/><clear/>But I'm gonna tell you why that's<br/> changing in the 21st century.<br/> <time begin="00:42:00.17"/><clear/>And third, what's the gender<br/> of all these people?<br/> <time begin="00:42:04.72"/><clear/>They're all men.<br/> <time begin="00:42:05.42"/><clear/>And there are tremendous opportunities today.<br/> <time begin="00:42:08.81"/><clear/>When these people were in medical school,<br/> women were an incredible minority.<br/> <time begin="00:42:13.65"/><clear/>Today, women are about half of the medical<br/> students we have around the country<br/> <time begin="00:42:18.26"/><clear/>and so I expect that in the future women will<br/> play a much greater role in these activities.<br/> <time begin="00:42:23.84"/><clear/>Well we have a program at Fogarty to<br/> send medical students between their third<br/> <time begin="00:42:29.79"/><clear/>and fourth year overseas. About 25 students a year<br/> matched with a student in a developing country.<br/> <time begin="00:42:36.38"/><clear/>16 placements in India, Asia, Africa, Latin<br/> America and these kids go off for a year<br/> <time begin="00:42:42.90"/><clear/>to do a mentored research project.<br/> <time begin="00:42:45.95"/><clear/>When they come back, they<br/> are different students.<br/> <time begin="00:42:49.64"/><clear/>Their orientation as to what we can do to<br/> go back and solve the problems we solved.<br/> <time begin="00:42:54.68"/><clear/>So again, this is, opportunities are<br/> building and in fact, about 50 percent,<br/> <time begin="00:42:59.73"/><clear/>over half of medical students entering school<br/> today want an international experience as well<br/> <time begin="00:43:05.71"/><clear/>as many people in residencies and fellowships.<br/> Page 32 Glass.txt <time begin="00:43:08.97"/><clear/>Well the second area that we tried to build<br/> up is to build up the constituency<br/> <time begin="00:43:14.07"/><clear/>of universities around the world.<br/> <time begin="00:43:16.31"/><clear/>We have about 19 programs in the U.S. and this<br/> isn't the idea of bringing together schools<br/> <time begin="00:43:21.84"/><clear/>of public health, schools of nursing, graduate<br/> schools, schools of veterinary medicine,<br/> <time begin="00:43:27.03"/><clear/>journalism, medical schools, all together<br/> around the theme of global health.<br/> <time begin="00:43:32.03"/><clear/>And I think this is an incredibly important way<br/> to build a constituency in the United States.<br/> <time begin="00:43:37.59"/><clear/>Global health isn't just medicine.<br/> <time begin="00:43:39.74"/><clear/>If we want to deliver vaccines, you need<br/> a business approach, you need ethics<br/> <time begin="00:43:44.00"/><clear/>and legal questions addressed, you have<br/> the ecology of these infectious diseases<br/> <time begin="00:43:49.46"/><clear/>that requires ecologists and you<br/> need nurses to deal with the issue<br/> <time begin="00:43:54.26"/><clear/>of administering anti-retro virals.<br/> <time begin="00:43:57.84"/><clear/>Everyone can be involved in this.<br/> <time begin="00:43:59.47"/><clear/>And journalists to take out the messages<br/> of advocacy and alert the public.<br/> <time begin="00:44:04.42"/><clear/>Behavioral and social scientists to figure<br/> out why people won't take their AIDS drugs<br/> <time begin="00:44:09.74"/><clear/>or how to deal with the stigma of a disease<br/> like AIDS, which is incredibly stigmatizing.<br/> <time begin="00:44:16.39"/><clear/>Here's what one physician<br/> can do working overseas.<br/> <time begin="00:44:20.47"/><clear/>Denis Burkitt, everyone wonders<br/> Page 33 Glass.txt is it only infectious disease?<br/> <time begin="00:44:25.27"/><clear/>Here, a surgeon went off to Uganda in<br/> the late 60's and discovered a disease,<br/> <time begin="00:44:30.58"/><clear/>a big lymphoma, an African lymphoma of children.<br/> <time begin="00:44:34.33"/><clear/>He didn't know what it was, but it was very<br/> common and through going to scientific meetings,<br/> <time begin="00:44:39.96"/><clear/>he was able to link this with Ebstein Barr<br/> virus, a new virus at the time.<br/> <time begin="00:44:45.40"/><clear/>It's the first viral cause of cancer identified.<br/> <time begin="00:44:49.00"/><clear/>So he did a great thing for<br/> oncology and for cancer.<br/> <time begin="00:44:52.30"/><clear/>He then went to a meeting at Sloan Kettering<br/> in New York and found out they were working<br/> <time begin="00:44:56.71"/><clear/>on anti-cancer drugs in the 60's.<br/> <time begin="00:45:00.31"/><clear/>Let's try it.<br/> <time begin="00:45:01.10"/><clear/>He was in Africa.<br/> <time begin="00:45:02.01"/><clear/>He tried them out.<br/> <time begin="00:45:03.33"/><clear/>It melted the cancer away in<br/> a few weeks and was the first,<br/> <time begin="00:45:07.48"/><clear/>one of the earliest successful<br/> uses of cancer chemotherapy.<br/> <time begin="00:45:12.85"/><clear/>So a lot can be done.<br/> <time begin="00:45:14.58"/><clear/>And where's Burkitt's lymphoma now?<br/> <time begin="00:45:17.34"/><clear/>Well, there's an African<br/> lymphoma belt of Africa.<br/> <time begin="00:45:20.39"/><clear/>These kids still fill the<br/> wards with Burkitt's lymphoma.<br/> <time begin="00:45:24.32"/><clear/>He was disappointed that this<br/> lymphoma took his name, by the way.<br/> <time begin="00:45:28.95"/><clear/>And we don't have a public health approach to<br/> treating the children with Burkitt's lymphoma<br/> <time begin="00:45:34.33"/><clear/>or to understanding the mechanisms<br/> of their disease.<br/> Page 34 Glass.txt <time begin="00:45:37.29"/><clear/>So a lot can be done in other aspects of<br/> medicine, not only infectious diseases.<br/> <time begin="00:45:43.88"/><clear/>So Fogarty is really funding<br/> other projects and trying<br/> <time begin="00:45:47.39"/><clear/>to stimulate institutional capacity<br/> and long term collaborations.<br/> <time begin="00:45:52.84"/><clear/>This year at Fogarty we asked the<br/> question, we completed a project<br/> <time begin="00:45:57.46"/><clear/>that asked the question how can the world<br/> tackle it's most challenging problems?<br/> <time begin="00:46:04.50"/><clear/>What would you do as a minister of health<br/> if you were given a million dollars?<br/> <time begin="00:46:07.91"/><clear/>Where would you put your money?<br/> <time begin="00:46:09.89"/><clear/>Would you put it into surgery?<br/> <time begin="00:46:11.66"/><clear/>Would you put it into treatment hospitals?<br/> <time begin="00:46:13.66"/><clear/>Would you put it into prevention programs?<br/> <time begin="00:46:15.87"/><clear/>Where would you put your money?<br/> <time begin="00:46:17.86"/><clear/>Done by the World Bank, WHO, population<br/> reference bureau and centered at the Fogarty,<br/> <time begin="00:46:24.48"/><clear/>this report came out and behind<br/> the report was this graph,<br/> <time begin="00:46:29.74"/><clear/>which should be incredibly encouraging to all of<br/> you, it shows the aging of the U.S. population.<br/> <time begin="00:46:36.20"/><clear/>If you're Japanese today, you can<br/> expect to live about 85 years.<br/> <time begin="00:46:40.87"/><clear/>An American, somewhere between 76 and<br/> 85, and in all the areas of the world,<br/> <time begin="00:46:47.71"/><clear/>life expectancy has gotten greater.<br/> <time begin="00:46:50.40"/><clear/>Let me explain to you Page 35 Glass.txt what<br/> this means in real terms.<br/> <time begin="00:46:53.18"/><clear/>If you were born in China, 1960,<br/> your life expectancy was 39 years.<br/> <time begin="00:46:59.36"/><clear/>In the year 2000, your life<br/> expectancy, 71 years.<br/> <time begin="00:47:04.70"/><clear/>Okay? So the Chinese have gained eight years<br/> <time begin="00:47:07.68"/><clear/>of life expectancy per decade<br/> for the last four decades, okay?<br/> <time begin="00:47:13.11"/><clear/>The longest, largest prolongation of<br/> human life in the history of humanity.<br/> <time begin="00:47:20.11"/><clear/>What does that mean for disease<br/> patterns and priorities?<br/> <time begin="00:47:24.15"/><clear/>40 years ago, cancer wasn't a problem in China,<br/> <time begin="00:47:27.76"/><clear/>because many people didn't<br/> live long enough to get cancer.<br/> <time begin="00:47:31.13"/><clear/>Today, if you're a smoker, cancer will kill<br/> an estimated third of the Chinese population<br/> <time begin="00:47:38.45"/><clear/>by 2050, so as the population ages, cancer,<br/> heart disease, genetic diseases, obesity,<br/> <time begin="00:47:47.60"/><clear/>traffic accidents will all take a huge toll<br/> on the population and the infectious diseases<br/> <time begin="00:47:53.50"/><clear/>in that setting will become less significant.<br/> <time begin="00:47:57.65"/><clear/>The only place where prolongation<br/> of life has not occurred<br/> <time begin="00:48:00.83"/><clear/>in the developing world is in Africa.<br/> <time begin="00:48:05.21"/><clear/>And it has gone down.<br/> <time begin="00:48:06.86"/><clear/>And we were just in South Africa,<br/> life expectancy in 1975 was 53 years.<br/> <time begin="00:48:14.78"/><clear/>By 1992 it had gone up to 62<br/> Page 36 Glass.txt years, 63 years, it's peak.<br/> <time begin="00:48:21.24"/><clear/>And from 1993 to today, 2004, it's dropped 18<br/> years in the last 12 years, the biggest decline<br/> <time begin="00:48:32.13"/><clear/>in life expectancy outside of war.<br/> <time begin="00:48:34.81"/><clear/>Okay? So clearly HIV has to be<br/> reckoned with as a major force<br/> <time begin="00:48:40.17"/><clear/>in population dynamics and in development.<br/> <time begin="00:48:44.61"/><clear/>Well, this means that when<br/> we think about the best buys<br/> <time begin="00:48:48.08"/><clear/>in this disease control priority<br/> project, some have an infectious basis<br/> <time begin="00:48:52.53"/><clear/>like stopping the AIDS pandemic<br/> and tuberculosis, malaria,<br/> <time begin="00:48:56.64"/><clear/>some that are very cheap are combating<br/> tobacco use, reducing injuries,<br/> <time begin="00:49:02.68"/><clear/>reducing deaths from cardiovascular disease.<br/> <time begin="00:49:05.82"/><clear/>So we really need to think about<br/> new strategies for public health<br/> <time begin="00:49:09.57"/><clear/>and global health as we think forward.<br/> <time begin="00:49:12.06"/><clear/>And the website for this book, it's a 250 dollar<br/> book, but you can get it for free by downloading it<br/> <time begin="00:49:19.43"/><clear/>from the website and reading<br/> the chapters that you want.<br/> <time begin="00:49:22.54"/><clear/><br/> Lancet said in the October issue,<br/> <time begin="00:49:30.18"/><clear/>health is now the most important<br/> foreign policy issue of our time.<br/> <time begin="00:49:34.69"/><clear/>And I was struck by this, because<br/> here we're doing global health.<br/> <time begin="00:49:38.06"/><clear/>Foreign policy, global health, today?<br/> <time begin="00:49:40.84"/><clear/>I mean, you think of Page 37 Glass.txt different<br/> things for foreign policy.<br/> <time begin="00:49:43.91"/><clear/>And then I began to think, and actually,<br/> <time begin="00:49:46.97"/><clear/>in this administration there's<br/> been the largest investment<br/> <time begin="00:49:51.49"/><clear/>in major overseas programs of<br/> any administration ever.<br/> <time begin="00:49:57.19"/><clear/>The PEPFAR program committed 15<br/> billion dollars to treatment of AIDS.<br/> <time begin="00:50:02.21"/><clear/>The President's Emergency Program for AIDS<br/> Research, AIDS relief, 15 billion dollars<br/> <time begin="00:50:07.26"/><clear/>over five years to introduce anti-retro<br/> viral treatment throughout Africa.<br/> <time begin="00:50:12.99"/><clear/>The president's malaria initiative, 1.2 billion<br/> dollars for malaria bed nets and treatment<br/> <time begin="00:50:19.94"/><clear/>in Africa, efforts to control<br/> emerging infections in avian flu.<br/> <time begin="00:50:24.61"/><clear/>So there have been tremendous investments,<br/> even by this government in global health.<br/> <time begin="00:50:31.16"/><clear/>So where's this led us?<br/> <time begin="00:50:32.89"/><clear/>We also have worked intensively<br/> with the Indians and the Chinese.<br/> <time begin="00:50:37.50"/><clear/>These were countries, that 40<br/> years ago, were impoverished.<br/> <time begin="00:50:40.84"/><clear/>And today, tehy're major economic middle income<br/> countries with funds to invest in research.<br/> <time begin="00:50:49.19"/><clear/>And the Indians and Chinese are<br/> both investing heavily in research.<br/> <time begin="00:50:53.59"/><clear/>What they need are ideas and direction.<br/> <time begin="00:50:56.19"/><clear/>And so we have lots of collaborations with both the<br/> Indian government and with the Chinese to enrich<br/> <time begin="00:51:02.54"/><clear/>and direct programs and Page 38 Glass.txt research priorities<br/> in health, areas where we can all benefit.<br/> <time begin="00:51:08.75"/><clear/>Here's a group of Iranians.<br/> <time begin="00:51:10.33"/><clear/>We had a delegation of Iranians<br/> who came to visit NIH,<br/> <time begin="00:51:13.29"/><clear/>Arash Alaei was the leader of the delegation.<br/> <time begin="00:51:15.73"/><clear/>We discussed what are we gonna do with research in Iran?<br/> <time begin="00:51:23.31"/><clear/>We think about Iran in different<br/> terms, as you know.<br/> <time begin="00:51:26.64"/><clear/>It turns out that they are a<br/> centerpiece for surveillance<br/> <time begin="00:51:31.70"/><clear/>of extremely drug resistant tuberculosis.<br/> <time begin="00:51:35.08"/><clear/>It's the newest pandemic on the<br/> planet, tuberculosis strains<br/> <time begin="00:51:39.96"/><clear/>that resist all antibiotics, so if we had it<br/> here we would have a hard time stopping its<br/> <time begin="00:51:45.72"/><clear/>spread or getting rid of it.<br/> <time begin="00:51:47.08"/><clear/>No antibiotics work.<br/> <time begin="00:51:49.07"/><clear/>In Iran they form a window on the surrounding<br/> countries, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan.<br/> <time begin="00:51:58.58"/><clear/>They get refugees in and they have<br/> the diagnostic ability to make,<br/> <time begin="00:52:02.55"/><clear/>to identify extremely drug resistant<br/> TB, make a diagnosis and think<br/> <time begin="00:52:07.82"/><clear/>about clinical trials when new antibiotics.<br/> <time begin="00:52:10.74"/><clear/>If we wanna stop XTB in the world, we<br/> have to open up our eyes to all sentinels.<br/> <time begin="00:52:17.17"/><clear/>And so whether this is in our own<br/> self interest to know where XTB is,<br/> <time begin="00:52:22.01"/><clear/>or because of the Page 39 Glass.txt possibility<br/> of research opportunities<br/> <time begin="00:52:25.89"/><clear/>to test new antibiotics,<br/> this would be a place to go.<br/> <time begin="00:52:30.36"/><clear/>So even in places like Iran, there're<br/> opportunities for research.<br/> <time begin="00:52:35.35"/><clear/>Well, Fogarty, I said, is not a rounding<br/> error of our budget, it's a , we have a budget<br/> <time begin="00:52:40.05"/><clear/>but because it's small we have to<br/> work with all of these partners.<br/> <time begin="00:52:43.96"/><clear/>And it's really through partnerships with all<br/> the money that's now going into global health<br/> <time begin="00:52:49.08"/><clear/>that we can provide some<br/> direction and some leadership.<br/> <time begin="00:52:52.21"/><clear/>We have foundations like the Gates<br/> and the Wellcome, the private sector,<br/> <time begin="00:52:56.85"/><clear/>multinationals working overseas, government<br/> agencies, universities, and the like,<br/> <time begin="00:53:02.79"/><clear/>as well as our own institutes on the NIH campus.<br/> <time begin="00:53:06.12"/><clear/>So we are really trying to<br/> help, from our leadership<br/> <time begin="00:53:09.20"/><clear/>and coordination for these global efforts.<br/> <time begin="00:53:14.36"/><clear/>Dr. Zerhouni, when he<br/> recruited me, is an Algerian by birth.<br/> <time begin="00:53:19.33"/><clear/>He speaks French and Arabic and is<br/> really committed to global health.<br/> <time begin="00:53:23.10"/><clear/>And so I was delighted that he has taken this<br/> upon himself as a mission for the future.<br/> <time begin="00:53:29.99"/><clear/>My own experience, will this help?<br/> <time begin="00:53:31.77"/><clear/>When I went to Bangladesh in 1980,<br/> <time begin="00:53:35.83"/><clear/>under five mortality was about 120 per 1000.<br/> <time begin="00:53:39.50"/><clear/>One in six or seven children died<br/> Page 40 Glass.txt before they reached the age of five.<br/> <time begin="00:53:43.79"/><clear/>Family size was about six and there were<br/> over half a billion dollars invested<br/> <time begin="00:53:50.23"/><clear/>in family planning programs to no real avail.<br/> <time begin="00:53:53.63"/><clear/>There was not having an impact.<br/> <time begin="00:53:56.26"/><clear/>Immunization coverage was under five percent.<br/> <time begin="00:53:59.27"/><clear/>Lots of diarrheal deaths and<br/> ARI deaths due to malnutrition.<br/> <time begin="00:54:02.53"/><clear/>It was a terribly poor developing country.<br/> <time begin="00:54:07.25"/><clear/>I've been going back every year or two<br/> and working with Bangladeshis.<br/> <time begin="00:54:12.07"/><clear/>In 2005, the pattern is quite different.<br/> <time begin="00:54:17.20"/><clear/>Under five mortality has been<br/> reduced almost in half in 25 years.<br/> <time begin="00:54:21.89"/><clear/>Family size has gone from 6.3 to 2.6.<br/> <time begin="00:54:27.15"/><clear/>how did that happen in 25 years in a<br/> society where women have been kept indoors,<br/> <time begin="00:54:32.93"/><clear/>they didn't go out after menarche,<br/> they stayed at home, they were uneducated.<br/> <time begin="00:54:39.95"/><clear/>What happened? One thing that happened was that women<br/> entered into the garment industry at the age of 13<br/> <time begin="00:54:46.33"/><clear/>to 21, they had a job, they had a reason to be<br/> with other women, to talk, they had healthcare<br/> <time begin="00:54:53.29"/><clear/>on the job, they had a reason not to get<br/> married at 13 because they had a salary.<br/> <time begin="00:54:58.96"/><clear/>They had a reason not to marry<br/> a man who didn't have a salary.<br/> <time begin="00:55:02.49"/><clear/>They had a way to say no, because<br/> they were empowered by a little money.<br/> Page 41 Glass.txt <time begin="00:55:06.01"/><clear/>They had a reason to delay pregnancy<br/> until they really wanted to get married.<br/> <time begin="00:55:10.64"/><clear/>So I've seen this major change in<br/> Bangladesh society in 25 years,<br/> <time begin="00:55:15.88"/><clear/>just watching. It's been nothing<br/> less than a real miracle.<br/> <time begin="00:55:19.35"/><clear/>Diarrheal deaths have come down.<br/> <time begin="00:55:20.86"/><clear/>Women only have two or three children.<br/> <time begin="00:55:23.59"/><clear/>And the causes of death are changing.<br/> <time begin="00:55:25.87"/><clear/>And some of these chronic<br/> diseases are becoming important.<br/> <time begin="00:55:29.59"/><clear/>So now, at Fogarty, we're involved in<br/> our strategic plan and it really is based<br/> <time begin="00:55:34.16"/><clear/>on my own experience, as I<br/> told you, from Bangladesh.<br/> <time begin="00:55:37.38"/><clear/>First, that we really see what is critically<br/> important is to train the next generation<br/> <time begin="00:55:41.92"/><clear/>of American and foreign researchers.<br/> <time begin="00:55:44.19"/><clear/>And this is what I call early<br/> childhood education.<br/> <time begin="00:55:47.63"/><clear/>This is all of you in the audience.<br/> <time begin="00:55:49.75"/><clear/>Okay? There is a future in global health.<br/> <time begin="00:55:52.58"/><clear/>There's a lot to be done in the<br/> developing world, and I would encourage you<br/> <time begin="00:55:56.42"/><clear/>to seek opportunities, which are<br/> becoming more numerous, and funding,<br/> <time begin="00:56:00.81"/><clear/>which is skimpy, but which is available.<br/> <time begin="00:56:02.93"/><clear/>Because these are Page 42 Glass.txt opportunities that'll<br/> change the way you think about the world.<br/> <time begin="00:56:07.30"/><clear/>We wanna build sustainable capacity<br/> <time begin="00:56:09.51"/><clear/>for health science research in overseas,<br/> building centers of excellence.<br/> <time begin="00:56:14.20"/><clear/>In your group here at UGA<br/> are working intensively,<br/> <time begin="00:56:17.55"/><clear/>for instance in Kenya on parasitic diseases.<br/> <time begin="00:56:20.76"/><clear/>And those centers of excellence<br/> will be wonderful places<br/> <time begin="00:56:23.42"/><clear/>to be mentored for research careers.<br/> <time begin="00:56:26.60"/><clear/>Implementation, we have lots of tools in<br/> science that we don't use, new vaccines,<br/> <time begin="00:56:32.86"/><clear/>an understanding of the hazards of smoking,<br/> <time begin="00:56:35.28"/><clear/>how to control hypertension,<br/> how to treat Burkitt's lymphoma.<br/> <time begin="00:56:40.03"/><clear/>All of these need to be implemented<br/> if we're going to have their impact.<br/> <time begin="00:56:43.98"/><clear/>If they don't come out of our tool<br/> chest, they're not of great use.<br/> <time begin="00:56:48.97"/><clear/>We're trying to provide reentry support<br/> for foreign scientists to go home<br/> <time begin="00:56:52.96"/><clear/>and make an impact in their home countries.<br/> <time begin="00:56:56.02"/><clear/>Training, institutional capacity, and providing<br/> leadership and collaboration for the future.<br/> <time begin="00:57:02.05"/><clear/>Well, Tony Fauci, head of allergy and infectious<br/> disease has always said why do we get involved<br/> <time begin="00:57:08.48"/><clear/>in global health, why should we be<br/> interested? And he presents this slide<br/> <time begin="00:57:13.20"/><clear/>which is very important of Page 43 Glass.txt all the emerging<br/> infections that have arisen around the world<br/> <time begin="00:57:18.40"/><clear/>which are a threat to the United States, to our<br/> homeland and I've scratched my head with this<br/> <time begin="00:57:23.22"/><clear/>because this is clearly a high priority.<br/> <time begin="00:57:26.36"/><clear/>But beyond that when we think about<br/> genes, if you look around at all<br/> <time begin="00:57:31.37"/><clear/>of your neighbors and students here.<br/> <time begin="00:57:33.46"/><clear/>400 years ago there were very few Americans<br/> in Georgia, okay, all of us brought our genes<br/> <time begin="00:57:41.03"/><clear/>from Africa, from Asia, from Europe<br/> and it's those genetic diseases<br/> <time begin="00:57:45.33"/><clear/>that we're now understanding are the basis<br/> for many of the illnesses in our society today.<br/> <time begin="00:57:50.14"/><clear/>If we're going to understand these genetic<br/> diseases, it's really through global health.<br/> <time begin="00:57:56.59"/><clear/>If you think of one in particular,<br/> Huntington's chorea, a terrible genetic disease,<br/> <time begin="00:58:01.73"/><clear/>spread in family, a dominant gene.<br/> <time begin="00:58:04.48"/><clear/>Where were the genes identified?<br/> Venezuela, offspring of a single woman<br/> <time begin="00:58:11.61"/><clear/>who had Huntington's genes<br/> who went to Venezuela in 1824<br/> <time begin="00:58:16.37"/><clear/>and has had several thousand offspring,<br/> <time begin="00:58:20.71"/><clear/>infected and expressing the disease or not<br/> infected and it's by understanding the gene<br/> <time begin="00:58:27.63"/><clear/>in this type of population that with<br/> the sequencing of the human genome,<br/> <time begin="00:58:32.20"/><clear/>we've actually been able to identify the gene,<br/> <time begin="00:58:34.77"/><clear/>begin to think about what Page 44 Glass.txt we<br/> could do about the disease.<br/> <time begin="00:58:39.50"/><clear/>When a therapy becomes developed<br/> and available for testing,<br/> <time begin="00:58:43.71"/><clear/>Maracaibo area of Venezuela may be one<br/> of the first places to have an impact<br/> <time begin="00:58:50.08"/><clear/>and see if it works, they are genetic diseases.<br/> <time begin="00:58:53.38"/><clear/>How about environmental diseases? You know<br/> when I worked in Bangladesh on that tube well,<br/> <time begin="00:58:58.17"/><clear/>remember the tube well? We put in the tube well<br/> to stop cholera. It turns out that a quarter<br/> <time begin="00:59:03.73"/><clear/>of those tube wells have high levels of arsenic<br/> in that water, heavy metal, that's a poison.<br/> <time begin="00:59:10.21"/><clear/>We never thought of this 25 years<br/> ago, but with arsenic in the water,<br/> <time begin="00:59:15.22"/><clear/>if we ever want to study a problem of<br/> chronic arsenic poisoning and figure out how<br/> <time begin="00:59:20.17"/><clear/>to address it, to cure it, to remove<br/> arsenic, to remove the risk in the water.<br/> <time begin="00:59:26.71"/><clear/>Bangladesh is where we would have to go<br/> and this is true for many other diseases.<br/> <time begin="00:59:31.70"/><clear/>Remember the problems in Bhopal with<br/> Chernobyl with the radiation disaster.<br/> <time begin="00:59:38.45"/><clear/>Where disasters occur, we can actually learn a<br/> lot about the diseases that will be important<br/> <time begin="00:59:43.93"/><clear/>for those people as well as for ourselves.<br/> <time begin="00:59:48.80"/><clear/>And of course adult cancers that I just shaded<br/> in the Burkitt's area red and as one<br/> <time begin="00:59:53.91"/><clear/>of many cancers which have high incidence,<br/> high incidence areas, where by going<br/> <time begin="00:59:59.08"/><clear/>to these areas and studying high risk cancers,<br/> Page 45 Glass.txt we can understand the etiology of the cancer,<br/> <time begin="01:00:04.09"/><clear/>whether it's genetic or environmental and<br/> we can think about new modes of treatment.<br/> <time begin="01:00:09.35"/><clear/>10 years ago the Institute of Medicine came<br/> out with a report on America's Vital Interest<br/> <time begin="01:00:14.05"/><clear/>in Global Health. We're back with the IOM<br/> updating this report because much has happened<br/> <time begin="01:00:20.36"/><clear/>in the visibility of global<br/> health issues in the world today.<br/> <time begin="01:00:24.40"/><clear/>We think that global health is now at a tipping<br/> point, a time when major things will happen<br/> <time begin="01:00:32.33"/><clear/>because so much has changed in the society.<br/> The introduction of the Gates funding<br/> <time begin="01:00:36.75"/><clear/>and the other foundation funding,<br/> of the rise of India and China<br/> <time begin="01:00:40.73"/><clear/>as contributors to global health research,<br/> <time begin="01:00:43.39"/><clear/>the visibility of global health<br/> problems, the idealism of youth,<br/> <time begin="01:00:47.43"/><clear/>that we can really make things happen in global<br/> health as we've never seen before.<br/> <time begin="01:00:53.17"/><clear/>So some themes for Fogarty, we've<br/> been working on our strategic plan,<br/> <time begin="01:00:57.48"/><clear/>one is that science anywhere<br/> helps people everywhere.<br/> <time begin="01:01:00.28"/><clear/>Do you like that one or should<br/> we try the other one,<br/> <time begin="01:01:03.28"/><clear/>take science where the problems<br/> are or science for global health.<br/> <time begin="01:01:08.88"/><clear/>We're having an award for whoever comes up<br/> with our best brandname and we're trying to get<br/> <time begin="01:01:13.37"/><clear/>our strategic plan done by June or July of<br/> Page 46 Glass.txt this year, so any ideas will be accepted<br/> <time begin="01:01:20.33"/><clear/>for brands and we'd be happy to see them.<br/> <time begin="01:01:22.79"/><clear/>This is my, I've lived in Georgia for 30 years<br/> and this is my first visit to UGA. So I want<br/> <time begin="01:01:28.71"/><clear/>to thank all of you crazy people who invited<br/> me here to speak to you, I'm really delighted<br/> <time begin="01:01:32.92"/><clear/>to be here and I'm amazed at the<br/> quality of the research and the efforts<br/> <time begin="01:01:37.25"/><clear/>that are going on in global health.<br/> <time begin="01:01:39.09"/><clear/>I wish you well and I would encourage all of you<br/> to go over to that department and see the dean<br/> <time begin="01:01:44.28"/><clear/>and make sure you sign up for some kind of a<br/> project in global health and most important,<br/> <time begin="01:01:49.54"/><clear/>go overseas to some project or some place where<br/> you can actually learn from your experiences.<br/> <time begin="01:01:54.72"/><clear/>Thanks so much for letting me speak with you.<br/> <time begin="01:01:57.51"/><clear/>[ Applause ]<br/> Page 47