Student Management System Including Courses and Classes in the

Student Management System
Including Courses and Classes in the
WAOL Catalog and Class Schedule
Center for Information Services
Supporting Washington State’s Community and Technical Colleges
Center for Information Services
3101 Northup Way, Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98004-1449
Phone 425.803.9700
August 2002
Introduction ....................................................................................................................1
Using the WAOL Course Catalog and Class Scheduling Screens ............................3
Update Virtual Campus Catalog Screen (CM3008)................................................................. 4
Using Function keys ......................................................................................................... 4
Adding WAOL-hosted courses to the catalog .................................................................. 5
Field definitions for WAOL-hosted courses ................................................................ 5
Adding college-hosted courses to the catalog ................................................................... 6
Field definitions for college-hosted courses ................................................................ 6
Schedule WAOL Classes Screen (IS1037) .............................................................................. 8
Using Function keys ......................................................................................................... 8
Adding classes to the schedule ......................................................................................... 9
Fields on the Schedule WAOL Classes screen ............................................................ 9
Schedule WAOL and College Classes Screen (IS1038) ........................................................ 11
Using Function keys ....................................................................................................... 11
Adding classes to the schedule ....................................................................................... 12
Fields on the Schedule WAOL and College Classes screen ...................................... 13
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August 2002
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August 2002
Washington Online (WAOL) offers an online searchable course catalog and
schedule. The course and class data in the catalog and schedule is entered
into a college’s HP3000 by college staff scheduling WAOL and collegehosted courses and classes.
Students will be able to search the course and class data for a specific
college in the WAOL database using a Web browser. The searchable course
catalog contains both WAOL-hosted and college-hosted courses:
System-owned courses available to all community and technical
College-owned courses that are either private (enrollments are
limited to the college that owns the course) or shared (enrollments
are open to other colleges) and are managed by WAOL
College-owned and managed courses; advertised in the WAOL
searchable course catalog
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August 2002
Using the WAOL Course Catalog and
Class Scheduling Screens
In order to offer courses and classes through WAOL, colleges have
traditionally established courses and scheduled classes with the Course
Schedule screen (IS1001) and the Class Schedule screen (IS1002); colleges
were then required to enter the appropriate data into a Web form on the
WAOL administrative site.
To streamline the process, the following screens replace the Web form and
are now available to record course and class information in the WAOL
searchable course catalog and schedule:
Update Virtual Campus Catalog screen (CM3008); see page 4
for WAOL-hosted courses
for college-hosted courses
Schedule WAOL Classes screen (IS1037) for WAOL-hosted classes;
see page 8
Schedule WAOL and College Classes screen (IS1038); see page 11
for WAOL-hosted courses
for college-hosted courses
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August 2002
Update Virtual Campus Catalog Screen (CM3008)
Use this screen when you want to add a WAOL-hosted or a college-hosted
course to the WAOL searchable course catalog. Descriptions of how to
complete the fields in this screen when you are adding a WAOL-hosted
class begin on page 5; descriptions of how to complete the fields when you
are adding a college-hosted course begin on page 6.
WAOL Course ID Key
Effective YRQ End
Dept Div/Course Number
Starting YRQ
Course Description 1 or 2? [ ]
CM30080001:Press F1 to ADD the course, F5 to DELETE
Using Function keys
The following describes the purpose of the function keys associated with
this screen.
When you submit data by pressing function keys F1 or F5, a file is created
on your college’s HP3000. This file is transported to a temporary file on the
WAOL processor and then transferred to the WAOL SQL server for
inclusion in the WAOL searchable course catalog and schedule. The data
that is submitted does not remain on your college’s processor but it can be
viewed by accessing the WAOL Web site.
F1 - Add
Adds a course to the WAOL searchable course catalog.
F3 - Print
Sends the displayed screen image to the system printer.
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August 2002
F4 - Refresh
Redisplays the screen and the record if appropriate.
F5 - Delete
Deletes a course from the WAOL searchable course catalog.
F6 - Next Screen
Allows you to go directly to a different screen without having to return to
the System Menu.
F8 - Menu/Cancel
Returns you to the System Menu or stops the transaction currently in
process and displays a fresh screen.
Adding WAOL-hosted courses to the
Complete the following steps to add a WAOL-hosted course to the WAOL
searchable course catalog:
With data you obtain from the WAOL management staff, complete
the WAOL Course ID Key field and the Effective YRQ End field.
Complete the remaining fields in the screen with data defined by the
Press F1 Add to add the course to the catalog.
Field definitions for WAOL-hosted courses
When adding a WAOL-hosted course to the catalog, refer to the following
definitions for the fields on the Update Virtual Campus Catalog Screen:
WAOL Course ID Key (Required)
A four-character code (for example, 0001) that identifies the WAOLassigned course. Obtain this ID from the WAOL management staff.
The WAOL Course ID Key is the same four-character number you specify
in the class record on the Course Schedule screen (IS1001) in the WAOL ID
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Effective YRQ End (Required)
A four-character code that identifies the final year/quarter the course will be
offered. Enter Z999 for ongoing courses with no ending year/quarter.
Contact WAOL management staff for the correct code for this field.
Note You only need to enter data once for courses with Z999 as the ending
year/quarter, as long as your college has adopted the course.
Dept Div/Course Number (Required)
The nine-character code that identifies the college’s department division (5
characters) and the number of the course (4 characters). This must be a valid
course in the college course catalog, entered using the Course Catalog
screen (CM3001).
Starting YRQ (Required)
A four-character code that identifies the year/quarter when you first want the
course included in the catalog.
Course Description 1 or 2? (Required)
A one-digit code that identifies which course description should be extracted
from the college’s HP3000. Valid entries are 1, which extracts the
description created using the Course Description screen (CM3002) or 2,
which extracts the description created using the Course Description 2 screen
Adding college-hosted courses to the
Complete the following steps to add a college-hosted course to the WAOL
Complete all fields on the screen with college-defined data. See the
following field definitions for a description of the data for each field.
Press F1 Add to add the course to the catalog.
Field definitions for college-hosted courses
When adding a college-hosted course to the catalog, refer to the following
definitions for the fields on the Update Virtual Campus Catalog Screen:
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August 2002
WAOL Course ID Key (Required)
Type COLL in this field to add a course to the searchable catalog. This
entry signals to the WAOL staff that the course is college hosted.
Effective YRQ End (Required)
A four-character code that identifies the final year/quarter the course will be
included in the catalog. Enter Z999 for ongoing courses with no ending
Dept Div/Course Number (Required)
The nine-character code that identifies the college’s department division (5
characters) and the number of the course (4 characters). The course ID must
exist in the college course catalog.
Starting YRQ (Required)
A four-character code that identifies the first year/quarter the course is
included in the catalog.
Course Description 1 or 2? (Required)
A one-digit code that identifies which course description should be extracted
from the college’s HP3000. Valid entries are 1, which extracts the description created using the Course Description screen (CM3002) or 2, which
extracts the description created using the Course Description 2 screen
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August 2002
Schedule WAOL Classes Screen (IS1037)
Use this screen to submit only WAOL-hosted classes to the searchable class
schedule for your college. You must complete this screen quarterly for each
WAOL class offered by your college. You can also use this screen to verify
that the WAOL classes being offered have the correct item number/WAOL
ID association and to verify that class information for a specific WAOL ID
is correct before submitting the data to the searchable class schedule.
Note You can use this screen to add one class per screen or you can use the
Schedule WAOL and College Classes screen (IS1038) to add
multiple classes per screen (see page 11).
WAOL ID [W001]
[ENGL 102
9000:Enter the key data; press the appropriate function key
Using Function keys
The following definitions describe the purpose of the function keys
associated with this screen.
When you submit data by pressing function keys F1 or F5, a file is created
on your college’s HP3000. This file is transported to a temporary file on the
WAOL processor and then transferred to the WAOL SQL server for
inclusion in the WAOL searchable class schedule.
F1 - Schedule
Adds a class to the WAOL searchable class schedule.
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August 2002
F3 - Print
Sends the displayed screen image to the system printer.
F4 - Refresh
Redisplays the screen and the record if appropriate.
F5 - Unschedule
Deletes a class from the WAOL searchable class schedule.
F6 - Next Screen
Allows you to go directly to a different screen without having to return to
the System Menu.
F8 - Main Menu or Cancel
Returns you to the System Menu or stops the transaction currently in
process and displays a fresh screen.
Adding classes to the schedule
Complete the following steps to add a class to the WAOL searchable class
Type entries in the YRQ and WAOL ID fields.
Press Enter.
Class data for the specified YRQ and WAOL ID is displayed.
If the data is accurate, press F1 Schedule.
If the data is inaccurate, use the Course Schedule screen (IS1001), the
Class Schedule screen (IS1002), or both to make the necessary
corrections. Then return to this screen and start again at step 1.
Fields on the Schedule WAOL Classes screen
Complete the fields on this screen as follows to view class information and
add classes to the class schedule. Classes must be created using the Course
Schedule screen (IS1001) and the Class Schedule screen (IS1002) before
they can be displayed on this screen.
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August 2002
YRQ (Required)
A four-character code that identifies the specific year/quarter the class is
being offered.
WAOL ID (Required)
A four-character code that identifies the WAOL-assigned item number of
the class.
Itm Num (Display only)
A four-character code that identifies the specific class.
Course ID (Display only)
A nine-character field that identifies the department/division (five
characters) and number (four characters) of the course. The course ID must
exist in the college course catalog.
Sec (Display only)
The 3-character code that identifies the section of the class.
Course Title (Display only)
A 24-character field that displays the title of the class.
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Schedule WAOL and College Classes Screen (IS1038)
Use this screen when you want to add WAOL-hosted or college-hosted
class information to the WAOL searchable class schedule. For WAOL
classes, you can also use this screen to verify that the WAOL classes being
offered have the correct item number/WAOL ID association and to verify
that class information for a specific WAOL ID is correct before submitting
the data to the searchable class schedule.
You must complete this screen quarterly for each WAOL-hosted or collegehosted class offered by your college.
Note: You can use this screen to add multiple classes at once or you can
use the Schedule WAOL Classes screen (IS1037) to add one class at
a time (see page 8).
Item Numbers:
[PHIL 101
[ENGL 101
[PHIL 101
[SA ]
[04 ]
[01 ]
YRQ [A232]
9000:Enter the key data; press the appropriate function key
Using Function keys
The following definitions describe the purpose of the function keys
associated with this screen.
When you submit data by pressing function keys F1 or F5, a file is created
on your college’s HP3000. This file is transported to a temporary file on the
WAOL processor and then transferred to the WAOL SQL server for
inclusion in the WAOL searchable class schedule.
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F1 - Schedule
Adds a class or classes to the WAOL searchable class schedule.
F3 - Print
Sends the displayed screen image to the system printer.
F4 - Refresh
Redisplays the screen and the record if appropriate.
F5 - Unschedule
Deletes a class or classes from the WAOL searchable class schedule.
F6 - Next Screen
Allows you to go directly to a different screen without having to return to
the System Menu.
F8 - Main Menu or Cancel
Returns you to the System Menu or stops the transaction currently in
process and displays a fresh screen.
Adding classes to the schedule
Complete the following steps to add a class to the WAOL searchable class
Type entries in the YRQ and Item Numbers fields.
Press Enter.
Class data for the specified YRQ and Item Number(s) is displayed.
If the data is accurate, press F1 Schedule.
If the data is inaccurate, use the Course Schedule screen (IS1001), the
Class Schedule screen (IS1002), or both to make the necessary
corrections. Then return to this screen and start again at step 1.
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Fields on the Schedule WAOL and College Classes
Complete the fields on this screen as follows to view class information and
add classes to the class schedule. Classes must be created using the Course
Schedule screen (IS1001) and the Class Schedule screen (IS1002) before
they can be displayed on this screen.
YRQ (Required)
A four-character code that identifies the specific year/quarter the class is
being offered.
Item Numbers (Required)
Ten four-character fields for codes that identify the specific class.
Itm Num (Display only)
A four-character code that identifies the specific class.
Course ID (Display only)
A nine-character field that identifies the department/division (five characters)
and number (four characters) of the course. The course ID must exist in the
college course catalog.
Sec (Display only)
The 3-character code that identifies the section of the class.
Course Title (Display only)
A 24-character field that displays the title of the class.
WAOL ID (Display only)
A four-character code that identifies the WAOL-assigned item number of
the class.
Message (Display only)
A 17-character field displaying the type of class being scheduled (for
example, WAOL, or college hosted).
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