2016-17 FAM Shopping Sheet Financial Aid System

Financial Aid System
2016-17 FAM
Shopping Sheet
3101 Northup Way
Bellevue WA 98004-1449
Phone 425.803.9700
Printing History
August 2013
February 2014
February 2015
January 2016
Table of Contents
1 Overview..................................................................................... 1
2 Setting Up the Shopping Sheet ................................................ 3
2.1 Shopping Sheet Sections................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Establishing Shopping Sheet Values ........................................................................... 13
3 Generating Shopping Sheets .................................................. 23
Shopping Sheet Page ................................................................................................... 25
Generating Shopping Sheets for a Group of Students ............................................. 27
Generating a Shopping Sheet for an Existing Student ............................................. 31
Generating a Shopping Sheet for a Prospective Student ......................................... 33
Generating a Shopping Sheet through the FAM Student Portal .............................. 37
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1 Overview
Colleges that have agreed to comply with the Principles of Excellence in Executive Order
13607 are required to provide a ‘Shopping Sheet’ starting in the 2013-14 aid year to
students receiving Federal military and veteran educational benefits and to prospective
students who would receive these benefits.
Starting in 2014-15, a glossary has been added as a second page to the Shopping Sheet.
This addition helps explain financial aid terms used on the Shopping Sheet to students,
financial aid administrators, and guidance counselors.
The FAM Shopping Sheet process can produce the Shopping Sheet to be handed or
mailed to either a prospective student or to existing students. It can also be emailed to a
prospective student or to existing students.
The Shopping Sheet produced in FAM conforms to the Federal requirements and is
produced in a PDF format.
The Shopping Sheet is also available from the FAM Student Portal. A Shopping Sheet
section has been added to the student’s information and is above the My
Awards/Opportunity Pathway section.
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2 Setting Up the Shopping Sheet
This section provides information on the following:
Shopping Sheet sections
Establishing the values for the Shopping Sheet sections
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2.1 Shopping Sheet Sections
The Shopping Sheet consists of 12 different sections. Some of the information in the
sections is static (that is, it will be the same for all students); some information comes
from the student’s record if the student exists in FAM. Non-static information for a
prospective student can be entered at the time the Shopping Sheet is generated.
Example of a Shopping Sheet:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 9
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 10
Section 6
Section 11
Section 7
Section 8
January 2016
Section 12
1. College and Student Information Section
This section contains the WCTC logo, the college name, the date and time the
Shopping Sheet was generated, the student’s name and Student ID. The Student ID
can display in full or be partially or fully masked.
2. Student’s Cost of Attendance Section
This section contains the student’s cost of attendance broken down into components.
The values are entered in the Processing Table and are selected based on whether the
student is dependent, independent or a state resident.
January 2016
3. Grants and Scholarships Section
This section contains information on grants and scholarships awarded to the student. If
the student is an existing student who has not been awarded any grants or scholarships,
the amounts will be $0.00. If the student is a prospective student, estimated amounts
can be entered when generating the Shopping Sheet.
Net Costs After Grants Section
This section displays the attendance cost after grants and scholarships have been
The next three sections list options on paying the net costs.
Work Options Section
This section lists total Work Study awarded to the student. If the student is an existing
student who has not been awarded any Work Study, the amount will be $0.00. If the
student is a prospective student, an estimated amount can be entered when generating
the Shopping Sheet.
January 2016
Loan Options Section
This section lists loans awarded to the student. If the student is an existing student who
has not been awarded any loans, the amounts will be $0.00. If the student is a
prospective student, estimated amounts can be entered when generating the Shopping
Other Options Section
This section lists the student’s expected family contribution from the ISIR. If an existing
student does not have an ISIR record in FAM, ‘N/A’ will display. If the student is a
prospective student, an estimated contribution amount can be entered when generating
the Shopping Sheet.
Also mentioned in this section are other options provided by the Department of
Institution Specific Message Section
Up to 200 characters of institution specific information can be displayed in this section.
January 2016
Institutional Performance Metrics Section
This section contains data supplied by the Department of Education and contains:
• Student Right-to-Know graduation rate
• Cohort Default rate
• Median debt for undergraduate borrowers
This information is provided by the Department of Education in the
InstitutionalMetricsDataGEN1326.xlsx file. This file is available at
http://www2.ed.gov/policy/highered/guid/aid-offer/index.html .
January 2016
10. Loan Repayment calculator
This section contains a link to the FSA Loan Repayment Information page.
11. College contact information
This section contains contact information on the college. This information comes from
the FAM Institution Code page located under Application Setup; New Year; Institution
January 2016
12. Glossary Information
This is the required second page of the shopping sheet and provides a glossary of terms.
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2.2 Establishing Shopping Sheet Values
The cost of attendance, award categories and performance metrics values are
established in the Processing Table. Email information is also established in the
Processing Table. For the 2016-17 award year, the values are entered in the
N17/SHOPPING Processing Table. The Processing Table entries required for the 201617 Shopping Sheet have been automatically copied to the N17/SHOPPING table from
your N16/SHOPPING table. You may need to update the default values with your
college specific information in the “Description” or “Note” fields.
The following displays sample values.
Table ID:
January 2016
January 2016
N17/SHOPPING Processing Table entries information.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, the values used for each of these Processing Table entries
should be entered in the Description field of the table entry.
AWD-STATS - Awards in the listed statuses will be included on the Shopping
Sheet. Award Statuses 1 and 2 are the default values. Up to 20 Award Statuses
can be entered. Leave a space between Award Statuses
2. BOOKS-SUPPLIES - This is the approximate dollar amount a typical student
would spend on books and supplies in a standard school year. The amount
entered here displays in the Estimated Cost of Attendance section of the
Shopping Sheet.
3. CUSTOMIZED-INFO - The information entered in the Notes field of this
processing table entry displays in Section 8 of the Shopping Sheet. Up to 200
characters of information can be entered.
4. EMAIL-FROM-ADDRESS – Enter the sender’s email address in the Description
field of this processing table entry. Usually this will be your contact email address
at your Financial Aid office.
5. EMAIL-FROM-NAME – Enter the name of the sender you wish to display on the
email received in the Description field of this processing table entry.
January 2016
6. EMAIL-SUBJECT - The information entered in the Notes field of this processing
table entry displays as the Subject line in the email sent. Up to 200 characters of
information can be entered.
7. EMAIL-TEXT - The information entered in the Notes field of this processing
table entry displays as the message in the body of the email sent. Up to 200
characters of information can be entered.
January 2016
8. FED-PERKINS-1 - This table entry should be updated to contain the award
codes your institution uses for the Federal Perkins Loan. Up to 20 award codes
can be entered for this table entry. Enter the awards codes as 2 characters each
with no spacing between award codes.
9. FED-SUB-DL-1 and FED-SUB-DL-2 - These table entries should be updated to
contain the award codes your institution uses for Federal Subsidized Loans. Up
to 20 award codes can be entered for each table entry. Enter the awards codes
as 2 characters each with no spacing between award codes.
10. FED-UNSUB-DL-1 and FED-UNSUB-DL-2 -These table entries should be
updated to contain the award codes your institution uses for Federal
Unsubsidized Loans. Up to 20 award codes can be entered for each table entry.
Enter the awards codes as 2 characters each with no spacing between award
GR-GROUP-MED-HI – The Department of Education has defined three ranges
of graduations rates, Low, Medium, and High. These fields contain the end
points of those ranges (for example, Medium ranges from 17.7% to 32.2%
graduation rate). These fields have been given the default values from the
Department of Education InstitutionalMetricsDataGEN1326.xlsx file for your
school. These will need to be updated if the DOE metrics change.
12. GR-TEXT - The information entered in the Notes field of this processing table
entry displays in Section 9 of the Shopping Sheet. The default value is
“Percentage of full-time students who graduated within 150% of the expected
time of completion”
January 2016
13. GRADUATION-RATE - This field represents your institution’s Graduation Rate.
This information can be located in the Department of Education
InstitutionalMetricsDataGEN1326.xlsx file. You will need to update this field
with your institution’s value found in that table. This information is shown in
Section 9, Graduation Rate.
GRANTS-FROM-SCHOOL-3 - These table entries should be updated to contain
the award codes your institution uses for Grants from your school. Up to 20
award codes can be entered for each table entry. Enter the awards codes as 2
characters each with no spacing between award codes.
GRANTS-FROM-STATE-3 - These table entries should be updated to contain
the award codes your institution uses for Grants from the State. Up to 20 award
codes can be entered for each table entry. Enter the awards codes as 2
characters each with no spacing between award codes.
GRANTS-FROM-STATE-1 has been pre-filled with 091C1D corresponding to
State Need Grant, College Bound Scholarship, and State Need Grant Dependent
Childcare Allowance.
16. HOUSING-MEALS - This is the approximate dollar amount a typical student
would spend on housing and meals in a standard school year if the dependency
status of the student is unknown (this could occur if the student does not have
Financial Aid information). The amount entered here displays in the Estimated
Cost of Attendance section of the Shopping Sheet.
January 2016
17. HOUSING-MEALS-D - This is the approximate dollar amount a typical student
would spend on housing and meals in a standard school year if the student is a
Dependent (the assumption is made that the student is living at home). The
amount entered here displays in the Estimated Cost of Attendance section of the
Shopping Sheet.
18. HOUSING-MEALS-I - This is the approximate dollar amount a typical student
would spend on housing and meals in a standard school year if the student is
Independent (the assumption is made that the student incurs all living expenses).
The amount entered here displays in the Estimated Cost of Attendance section
of the Shopping Sheet.
19. INSTITUTION-GROUP – The Institution group is the group defined by the
Department of Education for your type of institution. This value can be located in
the Department of Education InstitutionalMetricsDataGEN1326.xlsx file. This
will need to be updated if the DOE metrics change.
20. MED-BORROW – This field represents the approximate dollar amount a typical
student would borrow from your institution while enrolled at your institution. This
will need to be updated if the DOE metrics change.This information is shown in
Section 9 (Median Borrowing). This value can be located in the Department of
Education InstitutionalMetricsDataGEN1326.xlsx file.
21. MED-MO-PYMT - This field represents the approximate monthly payment
amount a typical student would need to pay on loans after they graduate. This
information is shown in Section 9 (Median Borrowing). This value can be located
in the Department of Education InstitutionalMetricsDataGEN1326.xlsx file.
This will need to be updated if the DOE metrics change.
22. NAT-AVG-CDR – This field represents the National Average Cohort Default
Rate. This information is provided by the Department of Education in the
InstitutionalMetricsDataGEN1326.xlsx file and has been given the default
value of 13.4. This will need to be updated if the DOE metrics change. This
information is shown in Section 9 (Loan Default Rate).
January 2016
23. OTHER-ED-COSTS - This is the approximate dollar amount a typical student
would spend on other educational costs in a standard school year. The amount
entered here displays in the Estimated Cost of Attendance section of the
Shopping Sheet.
24. PELL –This field contains the award code for Pell and has been given a default
value of 01.
25. POSTED-TRACK-CODE – This field is used to post a track code for students
who have had a Shopping Sheet generated for them (for a particular
Yr/Session). Additionally, this entry is used to omit students from receiving
another Shopping Sheet if this track entry exists for them with a Notifed date.
The value in this field must be in the formal of XX-YYYY (where XX is the Track
code value and YYYY is the Yr/session). The track code must be a valid track
When entered, the posted track code will default on the Shopping Sheet
selection screen (however the Year Session will not be filled in since the
selection screen can be selected for other school years).
entries should be updated to contain the award codes your institution uses for
Scholarships. Up to 20 award codes can be entered for each table entry. Enter
the awards codes as 2 characters each with no spacing between award codes.
27. SCHOOL-CDR - This field represents your institution’s Cohort Default Rate. This
information can be located in the Department of Education
InstitutionalMetricsDataGEN1326.xlsx file. You will need to update this field
with your institutions value found in that table. This information is shown in
Section 9 (Loan Default Rate).
January 2016
28. SUPPRESS-ID –This table entry can be used to mask the students ID (which is
often their Social Security Number). Use Xs to suppress the desired digits. Any
value other than an X will not suppress the digits. In the sample below the first 5
digits are suppressed.
29. TRANSPORTATION - This is the approximate dollar amount a typical student
would spend on transportation in a standard school year. The amount entered
here displays in the Estimated Cost of Attendance section of the Shopping
30. TUITION-FEES - This is the approximate dollar amount a typical student would
spend on tuition and fees in a standard school year if the residency of the
student is unknown. (Student Residency is located on the Student Tab.) The
amount entered here displays in the Estimated Cost of Attendance section of the
Shopping Sheet.
31. TUITION-FEES-NONRES - This is the approximate dollar amount a typical
student would spend on tuition and fees in a standard school year if the student
is not a Washington State resident. The amount entered here displays in the
Estimated Cost of Attendance section of the Shopping Sheet.
32. TUITION-FEES-RES - This is the approximate dollar amount a typical student
would spend on tuition and fees in a standard school year if the student is a
Washington State resident. The amount entered here displays in the Estimated
Cost of Attendance section of the Shopping Sheet.
33. WORK-STUDY-1 and WORK-STUDY-2 - These table entries should be updated
to contain the award codes your institution uses for Work Study. Up to 20 award
codes can be entered for each table entry. Enter the awards codes as 2
characters each with no spacing between award codes.
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3 Generating Shopping Sheets
This section provides information on the following:
The Shopping Sheet page
Generating Shopping Sheets for a group of existing students
Generating a Shopping Sheet for an individual existing student
Generating a Shopping Sheet for a prospective student
Generating a Shopping Sheet through the FAM Student Portal
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January 2016
3.1 Shopping Sheet Page
The Shopping Sheet page is located under Award Processing / Letters.
The Shopping Sheet process can be used to generate Shopping Sheets for a group of
students, an individual student (who exists in FAM), or for a prospective student.
January 2016
The Shopping Sheet page is divided into two sections.
Use the top section to select the Academic Year, whether you want the
Shopping Sheets sent via email and optionally to post a track code indicating
that a Shopping Sheet has been generated for a student.
Use the Student Selection Options section to select a group of students
designated by a track code, an individual student or a prospective student.
January 2016
3.2 Generating Shopping Sheets for a Group of
The Shopping Sheet can be generated for a group of students. The students are identified
by a college-designated track code.
1. Assign a valid track code to the students for the same session.
2. Go to the Shopping Sheet page.
Navigation: Award Processing Letters Shopping Sheet
3. The year 2016-17 automatically appears as the first item in the Academic Year
drop down list.
4. If you want to post a track code to the student’s record to indicate that a Shopping
Sheet has been generated, click the Post Track Code box. If you have entered a
default track code and session on the POSTED-TRACK-CODE Processing Table
entry, the track code will display in the Track Code field. You must specify the
Year Session since it defaults to blank.
Note: you can enter a different track code and session if you want. It is
recommended that the track code posted is not the same track code that you are
selecting by.
5. To send the Shopping Sheets to the students via email, click the Send Via Email
box. If not selected, the Shopping Sheet will be generated as a file and can be
saved or printed.
6. In the Student Selection Options section, click the button by Select by Track
Code. Enter the track code in the Track Code field and the session in the Year
Session field on the same line.
It is recommended that different track codes are used for selecting students than
the track code that is posted to indicate that a Shopping Sheet has been generated.
7. Click the Get Shopping Sheet button or the Schedule as Task button. It is
recommended that you click the Schedule as Task button.
In the example shown on the next page, students who have a JJ Track Code
assigned to them in the B671 year/session will be pre-selected (see the Select by
Track Code line). However, if they have an existing Track Code of SH in the
B671 year/session with a notified date filled in, they will be omitted because they
have already had a shopping sheet sent to them (see the Post Track Code line).
January 2016
Those students selected will have a SH Track Code posted in the B671
year/session with today’s date as the notified date.
8. When complete, the results screen is displayed. The number of Shopping Sheets
emailed is displayed and the number of Shopping Sheets not sent via email is
displayed. A Shopping Sheet is not emailed to a student if the email address is
missing from the Student tab or is in an invalid format.
In this example, two students were emailed the Shopping Sheet and one student
was not.
Click on the downward error to open a Shopping Sheet file. You can then print
or save the Shopping Sheets.
January 2016
10. When emailed, the student receives the Shopping Sheet as an attachment.
11. If the post track code option was selected, the track code with the status of NR is
posted to the student’s record for the session entered. The current date is posted
as the Notified Date. The student will not be selected again if a date exists in the
Notified Date.
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3.3 Generating a Shopping Sheet for an Existing
To generate a Shopping Sheet for a single existing student, follow these steps.
1. Go to the Shopping Sheet page.
Navigation: Award Processing Letters Shopping Sheet
2. The year 2016-17 automatically appears as the first item in the Academic Year
drop down list.
3. If you want to post a track code to the student’s record to indicate that a Shopping
Sheet has been generated, click the Post Track Code box. If you have entered the
default track code and session on the POSTED-TRACK-CODE Processing Table
entry, they will display in the Track Code field. You must specify the Year
Session since it defaults to blank.
Note: you can enter a different track code and session if you want.
4. To send the Shopping Sheets to the student via email, click the Send Via Email
box. If not selected, the Shopping Sheet will be generated as a file and can be
saved or printed.
5. In the Student Selection Options section, click the button by Select by Individual
Student. Enter the student’s FAM Student ID number in the Student ID field.
Click the Get Shopping Sheet button or the Schedule as Task button. It is
recommended that you click the Schedule as Task button.
January 2016
7. When complete, the results screen is displayed. The number of Shopping Sheets
emailed is displayed and the number of Shopping Sheets not sent via email is
displayed. A Shopping Sheet is not emailed to a student if the email address is
missing or is in an invalid format.
In this example, the student was not emailed the Shopping Sheet even though
Send Via Email was selected. This indicates that the student does not have an
email address entered on the Student Tab or it is in an invalid format.
January 2016
3.4 Generating a Shopping Sheet for a
Prospective Student
Follow these steps to generate a Shopping Sheet for a prospective student who does not
have a record in FAM.
1. Go to the Shopping Sheet page.
Navigation: Award Processing Letters Shopping Sheet
2. The year 2016-17 automatically appears as the first item in the Academic Year
drop down list.
3. If you want to send the Shopping Sheet to the prospective student via email, click
the Send Via Email box.
In the Student Selection Options, click the button for Select Prospective Student
and enter information as desired.
5. Enter the prospective student’s name and email address (if sending via email) in
the Name and Email Address field. Enter or select from the lookup, the
prospective student’s residency and dependency status in the State Residence and
Dependent/Independent Code fields to determine the prospective student’s cost of
In the rest of the fields, enter the amounts that are appropriate for the prospective
student. You can enter whole amounts or amounts with a decimal point.
Example: 1000 for a whole amount and 1000.00 for an amount with a decimal
6. Click the Get Shopping Sheet button or the Schedule as Task button. It is
recommended that you click the Schedule as Task button.
January 2016
7. When complete, the results screen is displayed. The number of Shopping Sheets
emailed is displayed and the number of Shopping Sheets not sent via email is
displayed. A Shopping Sheet is not emailed to a student if the email address is
missing from the Student tab or is in an invalid format.
8. The Shopping Sheet is generated for the prospective student with award amounts
entered on the Shopping Sheet page. The cost of attendance is determined from
the values entered in the State Residence and Dependent/Independent Code fields.
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3.5 Generating a Shopping Sheet through the
FAM Student Portal
The ability for an existing student to generate a Shopping Sheet for themselves has been
added to the FAM Student Portal.
A Shopping Sheet section has been placed above the My Award/Opportunity Pathways
section on the information page the student sees after logging into the portal.
The location and text in the Shopping Sheet section was approved by FAST.
To generate the Shopping Sheet, the student clicks the ‘here’ link in the last sentence of
the Financial Aid Shopping Sheet section. A separate browser window will open
displaying the Shopping Sheet.
Note: If the student switches their Award Year to an year earlier than 2013-14, the
Financial Aid Shopping Sheet section will not display.
January 2016