\ HD28 .M4.14 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT FASTER ALGORTTHlvlS FOR THE SHORTEST PATH PROBLEM Ravindra K. Ahuja Kurt Mehlhorn James B. Orlin Robert E. Tarjan Sloan W.P. No. 2043-88 April 1988 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 FASTER ALGORITHMS FOR THE SHORTEST PATH PROBLEM Ravindra K. Ahuja Kurt Mehlhorn James B. Orlin Robert Sloan W.P. No. 2043-88 E. Tarjan April 1988 Problem Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Ravindra K. Ahuja* Sloan School of Management M.I.T., Cambridge, MA. 02139 , USA Kurt Mehlhorn FB 10, Universitat des Saarlandes 66 Saarbriicken, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY James B. Orlin Sloan School of Management M.LT., Cambridge, MA. 02139, Robert E. USA Tarjan Department of Computer Science Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA and A.T. & T. Bell Laboratories Murray HUl, N] 07974 On leave from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpui , USA - 208 016 , INDIA M.I.T. Ai'G LIBRARIES 1 1988 RECEiVEO Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem Abstract In this paper, we present the fastest known algorithms for the shortest path We consider networks with n nodes problem with nonnegative integer arc lengths. and m and arcs in which C represents the new algorithms are obtained by implementing Dijkstra's algorithm using a we structure which consists of OGog call a redistributive Our largest arc length in the network. The one-level heap. data redistributive heap C) buckets, each with an associated range of integer numbers. Each bucket stores nodes whose temporary distance labels lie in its range. Further, the ranges are dynamically changed during the execution, which leads to a redistribution The resulting algorithm runs of nodes to buckets. two-level redistributive heap, 0(m + n log C/ log log nC). we improve Finally, we reduce the complexity of our algorithm in 0(m pol)Tiomial -i- nVlog n bound our algorithms of to model 0(m + n log C) time. Using a the complexity of this algorithm to 0(m is -i- n VlogC bounded by ) . This algorithm, under a polynomial function of n, time, which improves over the best previous strongly + n log n) due to the semi-logarithmic in takes Flog x/log nl that in this ) 0(m use a modified version of Fibonacci heaps to the assumption that the largest arc length runs in Fredman and Tarjan. model of computation. We In this time to perform arithmetic on integers of value of computation, sufficiently large values of C. some also analyse x. model, It is it shown of our algorithms run in linear time for The problem shortest path one of the most well-studied combinatorial is Algorithmic developments concerning this problem have optimization problems. proceeded along two directions: development of algorithms that are superior (i) from worst-case complexity point of view Kaas and 1982], Boas, and (ii) Gilsinn and Witzgall [1973], Dial Glover et. al Fredman and Tarjan Zijistra [1977], development of algorithms Dijkstra [1959], Johnson [1977a, 1977b, (e.g., [1984] and Gabow , [1985]); that are very efficient in practice (e.g.. Dial [1969], el. al [1979] , Denardo and Fox Pape [1979], and [1980], [1985]). two directions have not been very complementary. Surprisingly, these The algorithms that achieve the best worst-case complexity have generally not been attractive empirically , and the algorithms have performed well that in practice have we new generally faUed to have an attractive worst-case bound. In this paper, implementations of Dijkstra's algorithm intended assumption bounded by that arc lengths are a to bridge this gap. Let Cjj G = (N, A) node , m= A I I € (i, j) A and C = max network called the of the be assume We otherwise. Let A(i) = . (Cjj : source. (i, j) that all € A) ((i, j) . e A: Further, j s to and is 5, and scans nodes. arcs in A(i) i is to identify that all arithmetic operations 0(1) time. In is all a the divisions power of method At each iteration, the label, makes to revise the distance labels of adjacent all 2. to solve d(j) for nodes into two subsets: permanently labeled with smallest distance The method stops when a unless stated Dijkstra's algorithm maintains a distance label nodes and temporarily labeled nodes. temporarily labeled node 2, possibly the most well-known a partition of the set of e N. be a distinguished s logarithms in this paper are base Dijkstra's algorithm [1959] i every other node in the network. further assume, except in Section the shortest path problem. e N), for each let (multiplications) in the paper, however, the divisor (multiplier) j but very sparse all The shortest path problem (including multiplication and division) take each node these , efficient in practice. path of the shortest length from the source We n the be a directed network with a nonnegative integer arc length associated with each arc Let n = INI to Under polynomial function of algorithms achieve the best possible worst<ase complexity for graphs and yet are simple enough present algorithm selects a its label permanent, temporarily labeled nodes are permanently labeled. implementation of the algorithm runs Dijkstra's original bound queue data structures priority number the if following table indicates such improvements of arcs much is Tliis improved using clever the best possible for fully dense networks, but can be is 0(n'') time. in than less max In the table, d = (2, n'^. The Fm/nl) and represents the average degree of a node. Due # Running Time to 1. WUliams 2. Johnson [1977a] 0(m 0(m 3. Johnson [1977b] 0(m log 4. Boas, Kaas, and Zijlstra [1977] 0(C + 5. Johnson [1982] 6. Fredman and Tarjan 7. Gabow[1985] 0(m log log C) 0(m + n log n) 0(m log^j C) Table (1964] [1984] Running times 1. log log^ assumption is C is bounded by known n), log C + n log C log log C) m log log C) of polynomial shortest path problems. For the sake of comparing the above algorithms, assumption that n) we make a p>olynomial function in n, as the similarity (i,e., C the reasonable = 0(n^^^'). This assumption (Gabow [1985]). Under this assumption, Fredman and Tarjan's implementation using Fibonacci heaps runs faster than others for all classes of method Johnson [1982] appears more of In this paper, heap, graphs except very sparse ones, for which the and we use it we to implement and two-level versions consists of Odog describe a attractive. new data structure that Chjkstra's algorithm. of this data structure. A We we call the redistributive consider both one-level one-level redistributive heap C) buckets, each with an associated range of integer numbers. Each bucket stores nodes whose temporary distance labels lie in its range. The ranges buckets are changed dynamically, which leads to redistribution of nodes buckets. The resulting algorithm runs in two-echelon) bucket system, 0(m + n log structure 0(m 0(m C/ further + nVlog + n log log nC) C Vlog n ). ) . we improve The use reduces Under 0(m among + n log C) time Using a two-level (or the complexity of our algorithm to of a modified version of the Fibonacci the of complexity of our heap data algorithm to the similarity assumption, this algorithm runs in time and improves the running time of Fredman and Tarjan's shortest path algorithm. data structures which Our Further, the make them proposed by Johnson [1977b], buckets, we two of our algorithms use very simple from an implementation viewpoint. attractive method uses one-level bucket simpler and more first same data essentially the except that our search technique Whereas Johnson uses binary search efficient. use sequential search. Consequently, his algorithm Our slower than our algorithm. is two-level bucket approach is structure as simultaneously nodes into to insert OGog log C) times may be viewed as a hybrid between Johnson's 11982] and Denardo and Fox's [1979] algorithm. Our algorithms are computationally attractive even arguably inappropriate. computation in is It more We arithmetic operations take time 0(1), is In this case, the uniform realistic to cost 0(1). adopt the semi-logarithmic model of to the length of We also assume that C = o(2"°^^0; 0(n°(''^). analyse worst-case the complexity algorithm which uses Fibonacci heaps runs Consequently, whenever log nC ^ runs in time linear 1. i.e., of semi-logarithmic model of computation. time. not O(n^'^0, This model of computation assumes that arithmetic on integers of length Odog n) has e.,logC = is which arithmetic operations take time proportional the integers they manipulate. i. all C model the similarity assumption does not hold. computation, which assumes that if of our algorithms In particular, in time it is shown 0(m flog nC/log n1 + algorithm runs in linear time (and hence this (log n)^ or m > n log n/Vlog nC . in that the our n Vlog nC is optimal) In particular, the algorithm in the size of the data for all sufficiently large C. One-Level Redistributive Heap and Dijkstra's Algorithm In this section, and we use it to we describe the Redistributive heap (abbreviated as R-heap) implement Ehjkstra's algorithm. the help of a numerical example. We illustrate heap operations with Here we describe the one-level version of the R-heap, leaving the generalizations for the subsequent sections. 1.1. ) Properties of R-heap A heap (or a priority queue) each with a real valued label, is an abstract data structure consisting of items and on which the following operations can be performed; differs and find-min. create, insert, delete, from heap a denoted by the Min(d) = min {d(j) nodes with A node j is added to the deleted from the heap is : stores The R-heap set T. distance label and few ways that are particular in a Dijkstras algorithm The R-heap e T). a data type that to the operations heap when for labels, gets a finite temporary it pennanently labeled is it needed temporary distance finite when is The implementation of the R-heap takes advantage Let of the following two properties that are true for Dijkstras algorithm Each LL Integrality Property. L2. Monotonicity of minimum. A have K suitable choice = + [log 1 Cl of mterval ^f integers [/j^ We , We is subsets of nodes, and upper We limits of range(k) refer to width of bucket k I to range it may be easier to temporary distance labels bucket k if properties, Rl. be , this (/q < are denoted by 'k l^ and ^ "k uj^ are ^^^^ *^^ ' The ranges If a node as fixed. heis a finite j We store Node i always nodes with will finite be stored temporary /j^ then dd]) < . j < In other words, k, and label, then if ij e and k are both nonempty, CONTENTS(j), ii e CONTENTS(k), if buckets j d(i2). Continuity property'. TTie union of all ranges is in satisfy the following ,uk]. If . of buckets assignment uniquely defined. Monotonicity Property. u: we nevertheless, for the following TTie ranges of the buckets . buckets. as the width of bucket k I . R-heap as follows: in the uj^] Range property. then R3. [/j^ which makes d(j)6 R2. d(i) e view the ranges If . (k) The 2*^"^ change dynamically throughout the algorithm; discussion, called k a (possibly empty) closed which we denote by rangeik). uj^] maximum K associate with each bucket considered to be empty. define the + 1 k = 0,l,...,K, the nodes in bucket k respectively called the lower range does not decrease following a deletion For our implementation of Dijkstras algorithm, K. For CONTENTS(k). the set Min(d) R-heap consists of single level some integer. is node from the R-heap. of a for label d{i) a closed interval [/q , uj^]. ; The ranges These properties will be necessary much The width Redistributivity property. bucket most the sum at is in later. of bucket is 1. maximum width of the properties. however, their use work; for the algorithm to the algorithm will not be apparent until R4. two additional of the buckets also satisfy the following The width of buckets of the k-th through k-1, foraU k=l,...,K. R5. Last bucket property. In our algorithms, the range(O) = Note exposition, distance label We [2^-'^ , 2^-1] « is which If d(i) = « If d(i) < « and , assume k= K. 1 width of bucket K+1 K is ^ 2'^°S which contains all ' ^ C. For simplicity of nodes whose temporar)' . associate with each We . of the buckets are as follows: ranges for , also create a bucket indicates the bucket to (see, for initial maximum that the we I ] [ range(k) = C rangeCK) S I node is it i e H , in the H heap an index K+ then assign(i) = (k : i € CONTENTS(k)). that the contents of each bucket are stored as a example, Aho, Hopcroft and Dijkstra's Algorithm Using We UUman [1974]). : returns a Heap Operations K new empty heap + 1. H doubly linked list Accordingly, each insertion and perform the following operations on an R-heap. INTTIALIZE(K, H) which 1. deletion from buckets take 0(1) steps. 1.2. assign(i) assigned. assign(i) = then i with buckets : : : REINSERKi, H) node reinserts contains node deletes FIN'D-MCS'(i, H) returns a The following i from the heap. node all i nodes a description of is bucket whose range d(i). DELETEd, H) among in the i such that in d(i) is minimum H. Dijkstra's algorithm that uses the above heap operations. algorithm DIJKSTRA; begin IN'ITIALIZE; T* while do begin FIND-MIN(i, H); T: = T-(i); DELETE (i, for each (i, j) H); e A(i) do begin d(j): if = d(j) min {d(j) = d(i) + , Cij d(i) + Cjj); then REINSERTC), H); end; end; end; 1.3. The DELETE and REINSERT Operations The procedures INITIALIZE, DELETE, and REINSERT are and are given below. The procedure FIND-MIN contains the deferred to after the numerical example. all straightforward, redistribution and is ; ; Procedure INITIALIZE; begin = T: N; = d(s): and , C: = maxlq: K: = (i, j) : + [log C1 1 range(O): = for k d(j); : = { to 1 : = to 1 « for all N - (s); e j e A) ; ) K do rangeCk) CONTENTS(O): = for k = {q)_; : = [2^-1 ]] . ^ K do CONTENTSC k CONTENTS(K+l): = ^k . N- (s) ) = : ; ; assign(s): = 0; = K+1, for assign(j): all j N- e {s}; end; procedure DELETE(j, H); begin k = assign(j); : CONTENTS(k): = CONTENTS(k) - {j) ; {j} ; end; procedure REINSERKj, H); begin k = : assign(j); CONTENTS(k); = CONTENTS(k) while d(j) e range(k) do k : = k- CONTENTS(k): = CONTENTS(k) assign(j) : = k 1; u (j); ; end; It follows from properties L2, Rl, and R3 that the succeeds in putting the node in an appropriate bucket. REINSERT procedure always We illustrate example given its in R-heap and the heap operations on the shortest path the Figure 1 below. In the figure, the number beside each arc indicates length. 5 source 1. The and K Figure For E>ijkstra's The initial buckets: this problem, algorithm R-heap is is C = 25 d(l) = presented in , shortest path example. = 1 and Figure 2. + flog 251 d(i) = «= = 6. The for each starting solution of i e (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) . REINSERT is called to place appears in Figure buckets: them in the right buckets. The R-heap at this point 3. 4 5 6 7 (8,15] (16,31] [32,63] [~] (2,4) (5) {61 10 Lemma D Let 1. The time spent Proof. number be the w cumulative time spent each in node in the index assign(j) of a any node for reir\sertion of from K+1 to N e j 0(K), since is The cumulative running time . We now FIND-MIN consider the nonempty bucket with identify the 0(K) steps using total in the time spent in the while loop decreases monotonically + nK). Q In this operation, we therefore, , the one, leads to a decrease last tissign(j) minimum R2). p ^ 2 , If among distance label If operation. the lowest index. a sequential search of lowest-index nonempty bucket. to 0(1) plus the time sp>ent is by one. Thus the j Then nK). 0(D is The FIND-MIN Operation. 1.4. and REINSERT call of 0(D + is Each repetition of the while loop, except the while loop REINSERT. of calls of the procedure REINSERT all calls to the buckets. p = or 1 is accomplished easily bucket p Let in the heap we may have be the properties R4 (from then bucket p contains a node with smallest distance determine that node in then any node in bucket p has the , nodes stored all This first to scan the entire contents of but label; bucket p. This time bound would be 0(n) in the worst case, and hence totally unsatisfactory for our However, we can do purposes. observation If : p ^ 2 the lowest-index is property L2 that the ranges range(O), We storing temporary labels. buckets As we 0, . . . , p - 1 . . . , range(p - and REINSERT the nodes 0(m our example and then generalize example given The buckets The range of bucket 4 0, . . . , based on the following nonempty bucket, then 1) will it + nK). We is crucial to first illustrate into the in these buckets overall the redistribution on subsequently. in Figure 3 are empty, and the union of their ranges is [8, 15], (9, 15) follows from improve the 4, bucket 4 is the lowest index nonempty is but the smallest distance label in this bucket property L2, no temporary distance label will ever be less than redistribute the range it never be used again for CONTENTS(p) of shall see later, this redistribution of ranges In the is can thus redistribute the range of bucket p complexity of our algorithm to bucket. The improvement better. 9. We (0,7). is 9. By therefore over the lower indexed buckets in the following manner. 1 , 1 range(O) = [9] ranged) =[10], range(2) =[11,12], rangeO) =[13,15], = range(4) e . All other ranges do not change. The range of bucket 4 contents of bucket 4 must be reassigned to buckets by successively REINSERT calling the through 3. is now empty, and This is accomplished The resulting contents procedure. the of the buckets are as follows: CONTENTS(O) = (5) , CONTENTS(l)= 0, CONTENTS(2) = e , CONTENTS(3) = (2, 4) CONTENTS(4) = , . This redistribution necessarily makes bucket FIND-MIN k we k. with k > 2 property R4 If , is k can always be done and The into buckets In principle, node is in O(nK). satisfied, . . , . . . , k- however, in all This FIND-MIN is why 1 . This procedure consists of and then reassigning k nodes can be reinserted it is in our reinsertion step FIND-MIN The operation the lowest-index any of the n we total is different FIND-MIN are reinserting each scanned at node nonempty bucket. most K node different time spent in scanning nodes is redistribution of ranges reduces the running time so dramatically. A the nodes of in the appropriate buckets. Thus each node can be scanned operations. all then the redistribution of the range of bucket could be scanned in j into a lower index bucket. times . scanned whenever any node operations; j its , , potential bottleneck operation in the A scanning. nonempty bucket, redistribute the range of the lowest-index modifying the ranges of buckets bucket and the operation then returns node 5 as the node with smallest distance label. In general, say, bucket nonempty, formal description of the FIND-MIN operation is given below. ; ; 12 procedure FLVD-MIN(i, H); begin k: = 0; CONTENTS(k) while p: do = = k + k; 1; = k; iipg (0, 1) then begin d^^: = min(d(j) range(O) Up be let if = : p=K for { : j d^in e ) upper the CONTENTS(p)); limit of bucket p; then k; = ltoK do = ltop do e CONTEN'TS(p) do REINSERT^, rangeCk): =[ 2^^-'' + d^^j^ 2l< , + d^j^^j^ + 1 ] else for for each k; j 2k-U range(k):=l dn^i^ , min(2l^ + dn^j^-1. Up)]; H); end; CONTENTS(O) * if then return any node return any node else i € i € CONTENTS(O) CONTENTS(l); end; Accuracy and Complexity of the Algorithm 1.5. Theorem 1. Dijkstra's algorithm R-heap determines shortest paths from node implemented s to all using one-level n log C) a 0(m other nodes in + steps. The algorithm Proof. correctness it suffices to is an implementation of show that the R-heap EHjkstra's algorithm Suppose inductively first R1-R5 are that the properties affect the properties d(j) is R2-R5, but can show its label. This amounts to throughout the algorithm. R1-R5 are that properties consider an operation in which does not satisfied to correctly stores the temporar)- labels and correctly determines the minimum temporar)- distance showing and decreased. affect Rl. satisfied at a given step. We Decreasing a distance label Let node i be the node with 13 Then smallest distance label at this iteration. upon whether node was i from the R-heap. Note Iq < d(j) < uj,^ Now in bucket FIND-MIN consider a and Note h < that k = range of each bucket amount h 1, -I- . . . I^K d(j) ' = Cjj d(j) ^ d(i) S Iq deletion Hence, . satisfied. nonempty bucket p = K, then the ranges by the amount dj^jj^, in this step. initial they will /_ 0, + I range (p) I - 1 If R2-R5. satisfy < /p + 2P~^ £ <^min ^ l,...,h-l, isa is [ ^^^ If ^^ "^^ • by the translation of the initial range 2"'^ + dj^jj^ Up , ]; the ranges of buckets It is easily verified that FIND-MIN next note that modification of ranges in the moves each node Now, + its ranges satisfy properties R2-R5. We above, the depending respectively, prior to are empty; and other buckets are unaffected. p , , step in which the ranges of buckets are modified. dj^^^; the range of bucket h new these u- = p, since 1 be the least-index bucket for which 2"~^ + djj^jp > Up. bucket h let or d(i) = /q + Iq 1, d(i) hypothesis inductive the p < K, then ^ buckets are translated from their all by C + 1 and property Rl remains , Let bucket p be the lowest-index ranges of or bucket uj^ ^ /q + that = d(i) in new range bucket p to a of bucket p lower index bucket. empty and is when p = K. its new range is consider the case 'k + 2^ - C < dmin + then 1], If [ all of its step necessarily p < K, then, as observed If nodes move to other buckets. the previous range of bucket d^jn + 2^-1 < di^in + 2^'^, during reinsertions all , dmin nodes + 2^ in this - 1]. bucket K was Since move to lower index buckets. we Finally, is performed operation procedure FlND-MlN first p 1 is most , it m n times. I procedure reinserts each can happen at most distance labels is K to 0(m node j € ). I + n log K) either of bucket cumulative time. found The be requires 0(K) time to update the ranges of buckets. This effort is If Otherwise, the The time needed 0( CONTENTS(p) is The REINSERT time. to 0(1) time. nonempty bucket and in total. 0(1) The DELETE operation times because of the modifications of distance requires called this call takes bounded by O(nK) bucket at Lemma by nonempty then find the and each execution requires n times performed is labels and, analyze the complexity of our algorithm. call or 1 is to find the smallest distance label in However, CONTENTS(p) subsequently, to a the REINSERT lower index bucket, which times for any node. The total time needed to find the smallest thus bounded by O(nK). This also implies that FIND-MIN 14 REINSERT operation calls As K time. = 1 + flog Cl , the theorem follows. The Two-level Redistributive Heap and 2. In this section, O(nK) cumulative O(nK) times, requiring operation we Dijkstra's Algorithin present a generalized version of the redistributive heap discussed in the previous section which uses a two-level bucket system instead of We show one-level bucket system. implement that the two-level bucket 0(m Dijkstra's algorithm in < 3 can be solved at least as fast as in 0(m) time. Fredman and asjTnptotically faster whenever Under We + n log C/log log C) time. C eissume, without any loss of generality that C system can be used S 4, = since the shortest path problem with the similarity assumption, this algorithm runs and Odog n). Properties of Two-Level R-heap 2.1. The two-level bucket is (or two-echelon) further subdivided into union of the ranges of union of the contents k as the subbucket and L = 3 is L (small) subbuckets. of its subbuckets. (k, R-heap consists of K (big) buckets, The range An example h). given in Figure We refer to the h-th of an and each of a bucket subbuckets and, similarly, the contents of its a bucket is the is the subbucket of the bucket empty two-level R-heap with K = 3 5. Bucket range Buckci span Bucket Subbucket Subbucket range Subbucket [0] [1] [2] [3.5] 16.8] [9.11] [12.20] [21 . 29] [30, 38] span 1 3 1 Figure 5. An to subsequently Tarjan's implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm m/n a 3 9 3 empt)' two-level R-heap with K 9 9 = 3 and L = 3. is ; , 1 In the one-level bucket system, the range of a bucket Thus the maximum width of the previous buckets. maximum the v^idth of the range of a subbucket is k- first redistributed over all of bucket k of This allows us of the previous buckets. to select much buckets. For example, to store the distance labels and leads larger width of buckets most the sum is at all In the two-level bucket system, the buckets. 1 redistributed over is to a reduction in the range in the [0 number of 38], the one-level , bucket scheme uses 7 buckets, whereas the two-level bucket scheme given in Figure 5 uses only 3 buckets. Further, once the bucket containing a node determine the appropriate subbucket in 0(1) time and subbuckets This speed of insertion into the . number the reduction in the detennined,we can is of buckets translated into an is improved complexity bound of the algorithm. The algorithm suggested division by powers of powers by k of 2. K and L in this section also We . assume both that K and L are appropriate This allows us to perform multiplication and division more efficiently, shifting the binary representation of a is performs multiplication and a closed interval of integers maximum width of bucket k [l^ , number. As uj^] which defined to be is the buckets satisfy the properties earlier, the we denote by Rl, R2, R3, R5, k= range The (k). The ranges of and the following modification of for all L*^ range of the bucket 1, . . . , K. R4. The width Redistributivity Property. R4'. width of a subbucket the buckets The initial 1 in bucket k through k-1 , is for all k of each subbucket in bucket at = most the sum 2, . . is 1. maximum The width of K. , . of the 1 ranges of the buckets are given below. ranged) = [0,L-1]; [L,L + l2-1]; range (2) = range (3) = [L + L^ , range (K) = [L + L^ + where K and L Appendix are many that K L + L^ + L^ - . . . + L^-1 , 1] L + L^ + . . . + L^-^ + L^] are positive integers chosen so that = L = 1 L*^"^ ^ C. We show in the + [2 log C/log log Cl satisfies this condition. Clearly, there other choices of K and L which also satisfy the above condition, but 5 ; . 16 setting both equal to + [2 log C/log log C1 apj^ears 1 we For the sake of convenience, structure nodes with temporary distance We subbucket. K create a bucket label equal to •» above ranges as refer to the be a good choice for our data to we represent the The range of bucket a range of a subbucket initial (k, h) is range of bucket k by o [U denoted by the interval [I^ and upper are respectively called the lower all For ranges in this section initial u , . ] partitioned into the ranges of is which contains 1 This bucket has exactly one . o simplicity, + u^y^] , The . subbucket limits of the of subbuckets satisfy the following property for every k = 1, . . and /j^ uj^^^ The ranges (k, h). K. , . The subbuckets. its Subbucket property. R6. L range (i) (k) LJ range = h = (iii) I < h and the subbuckets r if (ii) range We (k,h) l (1, h) =1, I for each h = store the ranges of the number k = 1, . . . few subbuckets The range the following rule: subbucket ej^ + 1- , . the [/j^j^ is numbers nonempty, then uj^ < /j^ The ranges of as needed. may ; and subbuckets are its Chje to the redistribution be empty. The index of the bucket k. divided over in the its Initially, represents ej^ = ej^. 0, for each nonempty subbuckets using range [l^ , uj^ is are given to the ] are given to the subbucket of a subbucket (k, h) uj^^] , are L. numbers L'""' the next L*""^ Consequently, the range . efficiently of a bucket k first . of a bucket empty subbuckets of such K. , 1 (k, h) buckets explicitly. maintained implicitly and computed of ranges, the first and (k, r) + ej^ 2, and so on given by the following expressions: /;j, = /l,Mh-ei,-l)Ll^-l; "kh = "^^ If l^Y\ {'k > "k.h ' ^^^- initial integer numbers and ranges order. The bucket has sufficient since the >' ^^^^ ^^^ subbucket buckets are given by the last L^"^ - ^k^ width of all a "k is }• considered to be empty. ranges, the range of bucket of of its its subbuckets consist of subbuckets, except the subbucket in bucket k < If K ranges of the consists of L*^"' integer first K mav be as one, much numbers empty as L*^ This L^~^ , in is and 1 lK ^ c. 1 we keep will be seen later that It this property satisfied throughout the algorithm. We We subbuckets. CONTENTS in a The contents we bucket never need belongs. For example, is we Further, = associate with (k, h), then it given below creates the implies that node how the various heap operations initial R-heap. R-heap. procedure INITIALIZE; begin C: = max (cj: and : (i,j) d(j); = « for each j € N- e A); K:= 1+ r21ogC/loglogCl ; L:= 1+ r21ogC/loglogCl; o o rangeOi): =Ui^- Uj^l set ej^ : = for CONTENTS = 0, assign(i): = (K + card(k); = end; each for k: 0,1): = assign(s): = / each CONTENTS(K+l, card(l): 1): = 1, = k: . . . . . , K; K; , . 1, (s); = N- (s); 1); 1, 1), for each i e l; , card(k) i number the and maintain in the i of to is R-heap a which in the it h-th Two-Level R-heap in algorithm can be performed on a two-level , node is its k. describe set d(s): = set the union of the contents of What we need this set explicitly. assign(i) if Heap Operations We now k by the h) (k, which indicates the bucket and the subbucket set, assign(i), subbucket of bucket 2.2. of a bucket which we represent by the cardirulity index k, throughout the algorithm. two-tuple temporary distance labels in appropriate finite represent the contents of the subbucket (k, h). subbuckets, but nodes nodes with store for each k = 2, . . . , K; N - (s); (s); needed The procedure in Dijkstra's INITIALIZE 7 18 INUIALLZE Clearly, the procedure operation takes 0(n -t- and as easy as in the one-level bucket system, is K) time. The is DELETE given below. procedure DELETE(j, H); begin (k, h); = assign(j); CONTENTSCk, = h): card(k): = card(k) - CONTENTS(k, h) - (j); 1; end; The procedure REINSERT(j, H) its is also similar. present subbucket, then by scanning the buckets range includes includes d(j) Then, d(j). and add node j in If node j is to we determine be moved from the bucket whose we determine its subbucket whose range contents. A formal description of this procedure is 0(1) time to its given below. procedure REINSERT(j, H); begin (k, h): = assign(j); if d(j) i range(k, h) then begin CO\TEN'TS(k, = h); CONTENTS(k, h) - (j); card(k): = card(k)-l; while r: d(j) « range(k) do k: = k-l; = L(d(j)-/i,)/L'^-''j+ei,+ l assign(j): = (k, r); CONTE\'TS(k, r): = CONTEN'TSCk, card(k): = card(k) + r) + (j); 1; end; end; Lemma 0(D 2 In the iwo-level R-heap , D calls of the procedure REINSERT take + nK) total time. Proof. Each execution spent in the while loop of the REINSERT procedure takes 0(1) time plus the time Each iteration of the while loop moves a node to a smaller 1 K index bucket. As there are 0(D D buckets, procedure would take calls of this + T\K) overall time. The procedure FINEVMIN is described below, followed by its explanation. procedure FIND-MING, H); begin k: = l; do while card(k) = p: = k and h: = + ej^ =k+ k: 1 ; while CONTENTSCp, h) = if p> 1; do h: =h+ 1; then 1 begin dn^ir,: if = min{d(j): j CONTENTS(p, e h)}; p = K then for k; = 1 p do to o o range(k): = [l^ + d^^^^ u^ , + d^^] and e^. = 0; else begin Upj^ be the let for k; = 1 to p- upper 1 limit of the o range(k): = [1^ + [ (p, h); do o range(p): = subbucket d^^^ min (Up + d^^, Up^ + , 1 / Up] and ept = u^^]] and e^r. = 0; h; end; for each h: = j CONTENTS(p, e h) do REINSERTCj, H) ; l; end; return any node i € CONTENTSd, h); end; FIND-MIN The procedure nonempty bucket p. subbucket is (p, respectively. h) If proceeds by determining the lowest-index Next, by scanning identified. p = 1 , its subbuckets, the lowest-index nonempty These two steps require then every node in the subbucket 0(K) (p, h) and 0(L) time has the smallest 9 20 distance label (by property R6 nodes in the subbuckel translated by the p > 1 then ranges of buckets are modified and , p = K, then the new ranges of buckets are the If amount As dj^jp. Theorem in its previous range. redistributed over the buckets (p, h) is (Upj^ + 1, and the Up); nodes case, all FIND-MIN in the first subbucket K p - to 1; move (p, h) buckets, each the range of bucket that this keeps K of bucket is node p is modified as made empty. In either lower index buckets during to the scanned 0(K) times is called Since the calls all ranges initial p < K, then the range of the subbucket If The REINSERT procedure steps. equal amounts of time to execute we 1 is the nodes with smallest h subbuckets of the bucket p are Since there are reinsertions. moves shown makes the new range distance labels to the subbucket (1,1), and completely disjoint from can be 1, it Rl, R2, R3, R4', and R5 satisfied, the properties This arxalysis are reinserted to lower index buckets. (p, h) divided into two cases. If (iii)). K 0(m + nK) times and in all takes it = L = [2 log C/log log C1 + 1, get the following result: Theorem 0(m Dijksira's aJgorithm implemented using a two-level R-heap runs in 2. M + n log C/log log C) time. empty Finally ,we discuss the time needed to initialize the subbuckets as C is computation is This initialization takes 0(KL) time, which could dominate the running time In such a case, the semi-logarithmic exponentially large. more appropriate initialization as discussed in Section is selected for the the initialization time A 2. first time in a we if a the is FIND-MIN operation In this way, C<n suggest an improved version of the algorithm described in The improved algorithm runs improvement and using we can reduce dominated by the running time of the algorithm. is Further Improvement In this section, Section Nevertheless, of if time to O(nL) by postponing any insertion of a node into subbuckets of bucket k until k 3. 5. model sets. in 0(m + n log C /log log nC) time. This obtained by using larger numbers of subbuckets with each bucket more efficient technique to locate the first nonempty subbuckel of a bucket. This data structure consists of subbuckets. The value of shovNTi that the value of K K is K buckets and each bucket has chosen so that (KLlog nj)^"'' ^ = flog C/max( C It K [log nj can be easily log log C, log log n)l satisfies the above 21 and log C/max condition, subbuckets with each bucket does not the cleverly as We Llog nJ bits, whose otherwise. We binary We number We i-th bit is its number is non-zero 1 number n. In the groups of subbuckets, bit in the selected in order, to identify the first group by a the corresponding y value denotes the we use its table-lookup. first nonzero numbers first then scan group whose we scan binar)' identify the first (x, where y) bit in the for all number its first < x < n 1 For a given x. nonzero bit (as y) in DELETE and 0(m + nK) = 0(1) operations per + n log C/log log nC) time. Implemer\tation Using Fibonacci Heaps 4. We show in We Consequently, the above algorithm runs in operation. we step, the of groups of subbuckets can be easily maintained with an additional overhead of REINSERT Thus This consists of preparing a table binary number (as x) in the table to find Further, the binary 0(1) time. non-empty, and bucket. Both of these steps take 0(K) time. Next, nonzero. is FIND-MTN nonempty to identify the least-index Uog nj of as the binary number of that group. the beginning of the algorithm consisting of values group, K groups the i-th subbucket in the group if an integer no more than through the buckets through be p)erformed to group a binary number of associate with each such refer to this is depends it use the following technique to speed up partition the subbuckets of a bucket into subbuckets each. 0(m time since involves sequentially scanning the subbuckets of a bucket to find it index nonempty subbucket. lecist this operation. at affect the reinsertion Using more log nC). on the number of buckets. However, the FIND-ME^ step has solely more OOog C/log (log log C, log log n) = 0(m two-level in this section that the two-level + n Vlog method C ) time using a variant of Fibonacci heaps. requires 0(m nonempty subbucket which improvement bucket, i.e., K of a bucket. consecutively results bucket system can be implemented takes 0(L) time for each it M first step. belongs. This index pointed out that the data structure we is all now bucket system described in the previous section and is in its Our for each the buckets) the index of the called the key of the node. describe first nonempty subbucket we number the subbuckets (of = LK and associate with each node For this purpose, subbucket to which FIND-MIN from having a much larger number of subbuckets through that the + nK) time except for the step of finding the < < L, and using Fibonacci heaps to select the 1 Observe It may be addition to the two-level sole purpose is to identify a 22 node with smallest key which subbuckel in the nonempty equivalent to finding the least-index is above data structure The Fibonacci heap (abbreviated as F-heap) data structure able to perform is the following operations efficiently: find-min: Find and return a node of insert(x): Insert a new node minimum key. with predefined key into a collection x of nodes. Reduce decrease (wlue, x): node the key of from x current value to value, its which must be smaller than the key Delete node x from the collection of nodes. delete(x): The Fibonacci heaps in the of Fredman and Tarjan find-min, insert, and decrease, and Mehlhom Odog k) for delete, These bounds are also attained by relaxed heaps due We V-heaps due to Peterson [1987]. M, modify F-heaps so many i.e. that the we mean worst-case sequence of operations. a discussion of this concept, see Tarjan [1985] and larger than support these operations [1984] (By amortized time following amortized time bounds operation averaged over much replacing. is it For a thorough [1984] where the time per k to E>riscoll ) 0(1) for : the heap size. is al et. [1987] are interested in the case in which n We show items have the same key. amortized time per delete is reduced to can be below how Odog min (n, without changing the 0(1) amortized time bound for the other three operations the two level this choice of bucket system, we L and K assures select that L = 2*^"^ C which L*^"' ^ K and = fVlog is a C 1+1. Note level R-heap. 0(m + nK) decrease operations and n delete operations in the algorithm. a total of n insert operations, above data structure, these operations take 0(m + logaK) = K-1 + a total of K nNTogT ) We now discuss the modification of the F-heaps to time, since time per delete operation can be reduced to log 0(1) amortized time bound for the other operations. that the F-heap contains at most M items, i.e., al (n, Mj) For that n find-min operations, 0(m = ©(VTogT Odog min to necessary condition for the two There are and + nK Using the + n log (LK)) = ). show that the amortized M)) without changing the The main idea is to make sure most one item per key value. 23 Making work this idea some knowledge We need in the presence of decrease oi>erations requires of the internal know to is Each node key(x). the following facts about F-heaps. whose nodes are a rooted tree such that an F-heap in hais fundamental operation on F-heaps trees into p(x) if F-heap consists of the pwrent of is node number of A key(p(x)) < x, its a A children. which combines two heap-ordered linking, is An the items in the heaps. a rank equal to the one by comparing the keys of their roots and making the root with the smaller key the parent of the root with the smallest key, larger key, breaking a 0(1) time. In an F-heap, a p>ointer link of>eration takes creating a and care workings of F-heaps. collection of heap-ordered trees heajj-ordered tree some making find-min an 0(1) time new one-node tree and adding it A tie arbitrarily. maintained to a tree root of is An operation. insertion consists of to the collection of trees. This also takes 0(1) time. Each non-root node unmarked. it When F-heap A updated. Then, parent p(x) is cut y is by losing x if or y is initial tree it is marked. containing x The is marked per and is most one cut per decrease operation, the heap operations is at many removing node x, cut, if the one of which is Icist node y is break the is to rooted at x. The 0(1) plus 0(1) per cut. Since at most one total number for at of cuts during a sequence of cuts. The fourth heap operation, (x), x), such its most twice the number of decrease operations, even though a single decrease can result in decrease(key last and node becomes unmarked per cut except since one link, performed as follows. cut the arc joiiung y a tree root, into possibly several trees, cut, is overall effect of a decrease operation time required by the decrease operation node comparison during a repeated, with y initially equal to is parent p(y), and replace y by (the old) p(y). After the not a root, marked or states, not already a tree root, the arc joining x is and the following step unmarked a node x decrease operation on a is (the old) p(x), until one of the two is in a non-root value of x First the its an node becomes a becomes unmarked. and in which does not making each of delete(x) affect its key ways described above, (x) is done by but makes x children a tree root, and linking trees having roots of equal rank until Fredman and Tarjan showed , that no two when the following invariant is tree roots first performing a tree root, then fir\ally repeatedly have equal rank. rooted trees are manipulated in the maintained: for any node x, rank (x) 24 = Odog where d(x)), descendants of rank(x) A x. number the is i € (1 Odog the set S(i) of designated as the representative of the non-representatives, items x with key(x) = whose grouped are The following heap ordered and tree 0(1) for item in S(i) is trees kind the of and These trees are divided into two groups: and passive trees, key < key(x) (p(x)) whose roots are every non-representative invariant that that of For each value One i. heap-ordered into roots are representatives, non-representatives. root of the number the All the items, both the representatives S(i). manipulated by the F-heap algorithm. active trees, is n) for delete. are ready to solve the problem posed earlier. we maintain M], , d(x) simple analysis gives an amortized time bound of find-min, insert, and decrease, and Now we and of children of x is is a maintained throughout the algorithm. We note the following important features of this representation: representative of the and the number total nonempty nodes of To tree is a representative.) minimum tree root of making into a x whether the representative of any) is one-node becomes its active. Otherwise, it new x If inserted is is linking is if more new 0(1) plus perform the same way empty or trees, and the S(value) is We an active in tree, an active to the active perform insert(x) by x) as 0(1) per cut, not; if so, x becomes the described above, breaking with the following change: some other item tree rooted at the new empty, then x becomes a non-representative. x in S(key(x)) is (if representative a representative. Other new roots created by the cuts trees. Tlie total time required including the time necessary to by the move trees peissive groups. delete operation as described performed only on active repeatedly linked until there We the root of maintain a pointer x Weis a representative then Further, between the active and We we perform decrease (value, representative, remains is during the decrease become the roots of active decrease is which becomes active or passive depending on tree, which We S(i). S(key(x)). made find-min, facilitate i most M. (Every node in active trees is at the tree containing x into one or moved from minimum key; thus find-min takes 0(1) time. S(i) into set set S(i) of the is at trees. That most one active is, above, except that the repeated active trees of equal rank are tree per rank. analyse the efficiency of the four heap operations in almost exactly the as in Fredman and Tarjan (1984]. We define the potential of a collection of 25 number rooted trees to be the We contain. (measured potential of trees plus twice the number of define the amortized time of a heap operation to be in suitable units) plus the net increase in potential is zero and the potential heap of>erations the total An is 0(1), since is A initial decrease it of total actual time. does not change the by one and thus also has an insert increases the potential amortized time bound. The causes. an upper bound on the is find-min of a it actual time its always nonnegative. Thus for any sequence amortized time The amortized time potential. marked nodes they operation resulting in 0(1) cuts adds k 0(1) - k to the potential (each cut, except for at most one adds a tree but removes a marked node). Thus a decrease takes 0(1) amortized time we if regard a cut as taking unit time. Each link during amortized time of zero, spent during a cut removing node a OClog min (n, is of M)). if we regard a link O(log min minimum {n, M)) eis taking unit time. as , The additional time the potential increase caused by is key, since the maximum rank of an active tree Thus the amortized time of a delete is Finally, the cost of creating desired. by one and thus has an a delete reduces the potential empty sets S(i) is O(log min 0(M). We (n, is M)), as have thus shown the following result: Theorem Dijkstra's algorithm 3. modified Fibonacci heaps runs in The idea used implemented using the two-level R-heap and the 0(m+ n yjlog C ) U time. here, that of grouping trees into active as well as to V-heaps to give the same time bounds, but it and passive trees, applies does not seem to apply to relaxed heaps. The Semi-Logarithmic Model 5. Computation of we analysed our algorithms in the uniform model of we assumed that arithmetic on integers in the range In the previous sections, computation. [0 , In particular, nC] has cost 0(1). semi-logarithmic model In this section, of we computation. analyse our algorithms under the The bottleneck operation in the straightforward analysis of our algorithms in the semi-logarithmic model of computation is the comparison whether d(j) € range(k) during reinsertions. slightly vary the algorithm so that this step can be number of bits of d(j) performed by looking and we obtain the improved time bounds. at a We small ' 26 The exact definition of the semi-logarithmic model given by the following is two assumptions. Arithmetic and Al other RAM-operations all (index calculations, pointer and aissignmenls, etc.) on integers of length OClog n) have cost 0(1), A2. Remark: In this model, We word = 0(nOn)). (Alternatively, C log we numbers store we assume Each array element . if Let us first Odog the indexes are nC/log n1 = 0(n^^ ') ; which Mm let n) in more than one range in the (0, we analyse the basic algorithm of Section The accuracy 2^-1]. Since this is are forced to the assumption We consider 1. its proof omitted. is temporary distance finite the following proved of this version can be and therefore minimum be the (d) , assumption A2. ^^ ^^^ binary representation of Min '^ ^K-1 an integer justifies similarly to that of the original algorithm, , is n) in length alternative description of the algorithm. nCl Odog larger than (assumption Al) that indexing into these arrays has cost 0(1), and only reasonable flog ). represent arc lengths and distance labels as arrays of length Fdog nC)/Rl where R = Ldog n)/2j that Flog C = 0(2 that (d), i.e., Oj € and label, and Min (0, 1) K Let = let = (d) K-1 y i OLj 2' As . before, we have buckets 0, . . . , K + with 1 = i i € e CONTENTS(O) CONTENTS(k) Min iff representation of d(i) and k i € Mm d(i) = iff CONTENTSCK +1) (d) the is d(i) iff (d), < < «, ^^_^ d(i) maximal index for • • with • Pq Pj(._-j ^^ * the binary <^k-l k) denote the k-th can be computed label d(j) as in an array k = assign(j) for each Then bit(j, k) is the table BIT, V € (0, 2*^-1] bit in the 0(1) time. d(j, j is ) binary representation of As already of length flog where BIT(v, and each j indicated, nC/Rl of e [0, j) is R-l], number the d(j, kp. j-th bit in The table BIT we d(j). We We show store a number stored as a pair (k^, k2) with the k2-th bit in the ^^"^ = «. CXir algorithm requires successive bits in the binary representation of biii], ' of < k2 < d(j). that Let bit(j, k) temporary distance R bits each. The index R and k = k^R + k2. can calculate this bit by using the binary expansion of v for each is easily computed in bnear time. 27 Then the k2-th computed number in the bit by in 0(1) With these k^) d(j, is given by BIT(d(j, k^), k2) and it can be a table look-up in the table BIT. REINSERT and FIND-MIN procedures definitions, can be reformulated as follows: procedure REINSERT (j, H); begin k = assign (j); : CONTENTS(k) while bit k) (j, : = CONTENTS(k) - = and aj^ k>0 CONTENTS(k) = CONTENTS(k) : assign(j) : (j); do k: = k-l; u (j); = k end; procedure FIND-MIN(i, H); begin do k = k + while card(k)= : Min(d) <- min{d( let cxj^_-j for aU j • € • j) : j e 1; CONTENTS(k)); be the binary expansion of Min(d); cxq CONTENTS(k) do REINSERT(j, H); end; A call of FIND-MIN has REINSERT. The of relabeling 0(m flog nC/log n1 Section 1 4. Odog nC) total cost of the calls to cost Theorem cost Under is ) We summarize the assumptions worthwhile Tarjan's algorithm to under compare this nl+ this model. is per ) 0(m + n log nC). relabeling step M. 0(m flog nC/log Theorem 4. Thus n1 -^ and hence the modification of the algorithm of n log nC) . U time with the running time of Fredman and In Fibonacci-heaps every step involves the comparison between two keys and hence has cost ©(flog M/log nl) are at most Finally, the in: Al and A2, runs in time Oimflog nC/log It is REINSERT OCflog nC/log n1 overall. exclusive of the cost of the calls to when Dijkstra's algorithm with Fibonacci-heaps has n log n Flog nC/log nl) , the keys running time which agrees with the time bound of (There does not appear to be any simple modification of the Fibonacci 28 heap data structure improve running times under the semi-logarithmic model.) to However, the present implementation is also worth noting that it 0(m flog takes time Thus the modification model. simpler and has smaller cor\stant factors is C/log n1) to of the algorithm of Section 1 It read the input in our optimal whenever is m S n log n. We bucket Odog log L = l1 and let aj^_-j ^ L and Min(d) = subbucketCk, h) if (x^V h = pj^.-j Note . As above, we bit k d(i), a and k = is that the buckets are subbuckets are numbered LOog n)/2j Then . above. as is node 0, i T with e h = a^ ; or if d(i) Min(d) < maximal index with the numbered We assume that log same way as we computed is now ) L divides Ldog n)/2j by DIGITCj, k), h); CONTENTSCk, card(k) end; : k) = = CO\TENTS(k, a^. and k > DIGIT(j, k)) = card(k) + aj^_-] • • pQ and given below. h) - 1; : = 1 (j); do k = k : . Tben the is a k-th the k-th digit in the binary expansion card(k): = card(k)-l; while DIGITCj, * • can be computed in = assign(j); CONTE\TS(k, ^^_^ where each array element begin : belongs to d(i), Pj^_-] procedure REI\SERT(j, H); h) «» i.e., through K-1 and for each bucket, store label d(j) as an array d(j, The procedure REINSERT (k, Let follows: < to through L-1. number. in the ourselves restrict buckets to digit in the L-ary representation of d(j), represented time 0(1) we be the L-ary expansion of Min(d), clq either Min(d) = d(i) the L-ary representation of nodes of In these algorithms each index into such an array has AT assumption of spirit The assignment n). K =riog nC/log is the In bits. < Oj < An represented as an array of L subbuckets. is log L turn to the algorithms of Sections 2 and 4 next. 1; CONTENTS(k, DIGIT(j, k)) u (j); 29 The REINSERT total cost of all calls to arithmetic in the relabel step 0(m is + nK). Also, the total cost of ©(mTlog nC/log nl). The procedure FIND-MIN is is given below. procedure FIND-MIN(i, H); begin k = 0; : while card(k) = do k = k + p = k and h = 0; while CONTENTSCk, : : p>0 if 1; : h) = do h = h + : 1; then begin Min(d): = min{d(j) let all h: = j j e CONTENTS(p, h)); ctQ be the L-ary expansion of Min(d); txj<^_i for : e CONTENTS(p, do REINSERT(j, H); h) 0(o; end; return any node i in CONTENTS(0, h); end; A Thus the call to FIND-MIN has cost total cost of the shortest to L) exclusive of the costs of reinserting. path algorithm We select K = Flog nC/log n"l L 0(K + If be the greatest power of 2 which which value log L divides Ldog n)/2 is J less ; than or equal to log nC/log log r>)/2J -^ either otherwise L log nC). We to The algorithm of Section 2 n runs in 0((m + nK) 2'-(^°g is set to 2'-'^°6 fi^gj^ OCmTlog nC/log nl + n log nC/log , KL]. Thus the Hog KL/log nl) nC since each of the n"|) ) we use total cost of all calls about an additional cost of ©(Flog KL/log Fibonacci-heap. time log nC/log log Finally, for the algorithm in Section 4 [0 nC < thus obtain the following result: Oimflog nC/log nl + domain "^/^J L)). ^g ^^^^^ nC and for running time of the algorithm reduces 5. ©(mTlog nC/log n1 + n(K + log nC/log log case, the Theorem is m -i- U . Fibonacci-heaps with the to nK REINSERT calls to for the decrease Further, each call of find-min has cost increases to REINSERT brings operation in the 0(logKL Flog KL/log nl ). 3 Since a find-min in a Fibonacci-heap requires KL/log of OCflog 0(m( Flog nC/log K = FVlog n1 + flog KL/log n1 L = fV log nCl log and log L = LOog n)/2j for log nC ) to nC log for It . < (log nr 4. Thus the KL/log + n(K + log KL) flog ^ (log n)^ above expression reduces cases, the and each step has steps by the remark following Theorem n1) nCl and Odog KL) ; total cost is We nl). K and a cost select = log nC/log n can be easily verified that ©(mf^log nC/log n1 + n\'log nC in both the We ) thus obtain the following theorem. Theorem We i.e., 6. 6. The algorithm of Section 4 runs in time Oim\^hgnC/lognY nilognC]. g conclude that the algorithm of Section 4 C t n'°§ " or , is nC t optimal whenever log (log n)'" , m > n log n/Vlog nC. if Conclusions and Research Issues We problem, have presented several new all based on a new algorithms for the shortest path efficient we call in 0(m data structure which simplest two-level version of this algorithm runs The a redistributive heap. C/ + n log log log C) time using the uniform model of computation, which improves on previous algorithms under quite reasonable assumptior\s on the be very efficient in practice. data. In addition, Preliminary testing indicates that best other implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm. algorithm uses Fibonacci heaps and runs in time algorithm In is it is not as efficient in practice, but it is it sufficiently simple to is comparable A more complex 0(m + nVlogC) . version of the Although we have also considered algorithms under the semi-logarithmic model of computation, and In the case similarity assumption, the semi-logarithmic model computation than does the uniform model. realism, the semi-logarithmic uniform model, viz., small part of a large the uniform model and so there is model number without when C does to an implicit model allows the user perform arithmetic operations more we count of restriction of the getting charged for using the semi-logarithmic model of computation, not satisfy the added degree In addition to this to operate on whole number. of computation, each arithmetic step counts as no incentive we have better reflects current sequential also avoids the semi-logarithmic this asymptotically better in the worst case. addition to the results mentioned above, modified our algorithms appropriately. to the a In one operation, efficiently. In the operations more accurately to 31 some reflect that arithmetic operations, such as multiplication by 2 or determining whether an integer multiplication by This the log last C 3. degree of Under = Q(n). increasingly worse as to solve the are linear C if is best reflected in C is when data the in our algorithms appear gets sufficiently large, then the time proportional to the time to read the data. relative efficiency of the algorithm for large uniform model time of computation, In reality, gets large. is semi-logarithmic model model the uniform C problem flexibility in the algorithms our that fact odd, are inherently faster than other operations, such as is This improved not and can not be captured by the of computation. Currently, under the semi-logarithmic model of computation, our algorithms are linear time for a wide range of parameter choices. whether the algorithm can be made the most difficult case The is redistributive when C an open question as linear time for all p>ossible inputs. satisfies the similarity heap data structure problems because of the assumption monotonically nondecreasing. It is is that the would be It It appears that assumption. not easily generalized to solve other minimum in the interesting to FIND-MIN step know whether assumption can be relaxed, or whether the data structure can be used problems as to is this to solve other well. Acknowledgements We thank Hershel Safer suggestions. The research Presidential Young for a careful reading of the of the first and Investigator Grant third authors paper and was supported many useful in part by the 8451517-ECS of the National Science Foundation, by Grant AFORS-88-0088 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and Grants from Analog Devices, Apple Computer, Inc. and Prime Computer. The research of the Sonderforschungsbereich 124, TPB2. second author was supported by Grant The research of the fourth author supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. E>CR-8605962 Naval Research Contract No. NOOOl 4-87-0467. was DFG partially and Office of — 32 Appendix. Lemma 1. Proof. We Case 1 1. -^ 1 < log log j prove C C 2 log log log C, For these values of C, log log log . 1. by simple case analysis. this result < 2^ C ^ for all values of C < and the inequality 1 holds. Case 2'^ 2. < C Hence Case < 2^ ^ For these values of C, ^ log log . the inequality C>2l^. For € 3. = 2^^ r values of C, - log log Lemma Proof. 2. Let L = Shouing '^^ ^^ L*^ L log L > log ^ still C ^ is C . log log C = log log log C dominates Then L^ ^ 1 and log log log C < = 2. For all D log log log C. C for all values of higher C ^1. equivalent to showing that 21ogC C. Substituting L='j (2 log C/log log C) log = (2 log C/log log C) (2 ^ holds. L log L = > C log [1 — (2 log j t= in C/log log C) + log log C - log Therefore, L log L > log C . log log C] ^y Lemma C/log log C) 2'°6 ^°§ ^ ( the left-hand side, I 1). we get 2. 33 REFERENCES Aho, A. V. Van Emde, Denardo, E.V., and and Buckets. Oper. Dial Comm. ACM Dial, R., 1959. Mathematics 1, An R., J. 10, 99-127. Shortest-Route Methods: 1. Reaching, Pruning, Shortest Path Forest with Topological Ordering. 360: Kamey, and D. Klingman. 1979. and Labeling Techniques for A Computational Analysis Finding Shortest Path Trees. A Note on Two Problems in Connexion with Graphs. Numeriche 269-271. H. N. Gabow, R. Shrairman, and R. E. Tarjan. 1987. 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