" ^ "<$ ^ or T A \ fJ^i^^wii-' HD28 .M414 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT From Project to Process Engineermg: for the Analysis of P. Management in An Empincallv-based Framework Adler, A. Product Development Mandelbaum, and E. Schwerer Vien Nguyen WP# 3503-92-MSA October, 1992 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 'ii From Project to Process Management in An Empiricallv-based Framework for the Analysis of Product Development Engineermg: P. Adler, A. Mandelbaum, and E. Schwerer Vien Nguyen WP# 3503-92-MSA October, 1992 ml From Project to Process Management in Engineering: Strategies for Improving Development Cycle Paul Adler^ Time Ain Mandelbaurn Department of Management and Organization Faculty of Industrial Engineering and School of Business Administration Technion University of Southern California Haifa, Israel 32000 Los Angeles, CA Management 90089-1421 Vien Nguyen Elizabeth Schwerer Sloan School of Management Graduate School of Busniess Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stanford University Cambridge, MA 02139 Stanford, CA 94305-5015 Abstract We as a view, proposed a recent article that a product development organization can be analyzed system composed of more or we investigate in this paper cycle time. in in less repetitive how processes of activities. to apply process Through simulation experiments, we are able to draw some insights October. 1992 listed in alphabetical order. From manage development the eight scenarios that and recommendations completion times. Author's names are to better this process assess the potential impact of various changes the operation of a sample product development organization. we analyze, we ^ models Taking for reducing project Statement of Contribution The motivation for the research reported here is the growing competitive importance of product development time. Business observers have argued that the intensification of global competition has created enormous pressures on firms to accelerate the process of developing and launching new products. unique We submit that while product development projects are often viewed entities, in reality different projects within a given organization often exhibit substantial similarity in the overall flow of constituent activities. tools available to many as collections of managers assume that projects are independent organizations must human and Moreover, while most of the planning manage concurrent technical resources. We clusters of activities, in reality projects that place competing demands on shared therefore propose that a process view - that is, a view of the development process as a more or less repetitive "design production process" - can provide a framework for better understanding product development time shared resources. concurrent projects that utilize process models to better manage development In this paper, cycle time. in organizations with multiple we investigate how to apply Through simulation experiments, we assess the potential impact of various changes in the operation of a sample product development organization. From our analyses, reducing project completion times. we are able to draw some insights and recommendations for Many firms treat [cycle time] as immutable, a fact of life m their industry. Hayes, Wheelwright, and Clark (1988) As noted by business observers such thal (1992), Stalk as Blackburn (1991), Clark and Fujimoto (1989), Rosen- and Hout (1990), and Wheelwright and Clark (1992a, 1992b), the intensification of global competition has put enormous pressures on firms to accelerate the process of developing and launching new products. In Adler et al. (1992a), we proposed that insights cycle time can be gained by viewing the product development process as a activities. First, more or less repetitive Our approach was premised on two hypotheses concerning "design production process." velopment about development we submit that while product development projects the de- are often viewed as collections of unique entities, in reality different projects within a given organization often exhibit substantial similarity in the overall flow of constituent activities. Second, while most of the planning tools available to managers assume that projects are independent clusters of in reality on shared for better many organizations must human and manage concurrent technical reosurces. A activities, projects that place competing demands process view, therefore, can provide a framework understanding organizations that pursue multiple concurrent non-unique projects using shared resources. In particular, this approach should enable us to quantify the congestion effects that arise from contention for shared resources among concurrent projects. Taking the process view, we suggest modeling a product development organization as a "stochastic processing network" are "jobs" that compete for in which engineering resources are "workstations" and projects "services" stochastic processing network models in Adler model of a sample firm's product We from the workstations et al. characterized this class of (1992a), and we also constructed a specific development organization. models to assess the potential impact of various changes in In this paper, we use these process the product development organization through several simulation experiments. From the eight scenarios that we present here, we draw several general insights and The paper approach. call We is organized as follows. present in for Section reducing development cycle time. 1 discusses in more detail the process model Section 2 the sample organization, which, to preserve its anonymity, we the Plastics Division of Chemicals, Inc. Section 3 describes the stochastic processing network model that we constructed et al. that recommendations 1990), Using the simulation package we simulated the process model and obtained predictions we compared with which we for the Plastics division. actual Plastics division performance. The refer to as the "base case," are presented in this Section 3. SIMAN (Pegden of development cycle time results of these simulations, Sections 4-7 explore the effects of reducing the total "load" on the system through different means. in we show how process models can In Section 4. identify bottlenecks in the decisions regarding resource augmentation and allocation. amount of compressing the load by controlling the its are the subjects of Sections 6 and In Section 8 among discipline. and in The We assume The initiates. The division can also reduce methods of input control various 7. in all in which we vary the amount of work shared our models that each workstation uses the round-robin service Section 9 we investigate the effects of switchmg to the first-m-first-out (FIFO) effects of we demonstrate the 11, it we present simulation experiments resources. discipline, of projects assist Section 5 investigates the benefits of time required to complete activities. number system and rework and prototyping cycles are studied benefits of a centralized in management system. Section Finally, 10. In Section we summarize our findings in Section 12. The Modeling Framework: 1 We demonstrated in Adier et Stochastic Processing Network Models (1992a) that for an important class of product development al. organizations, namely, those that pursue multiple concurrent non-unique projects using shared resources, one can as a "stochastic processing network" in model the product development function which engineering resources are "workstations " and projects are "jobs'" that compete for "service" from the workstations. A workstation, or resource, working title, the pool. The composed of one or Each workstation corresponds in parallel. who perform is the same functions. The more interchangeable and to a pool of employees, typically with the servers are the technicians or engineers illustrate using PERT-style diagrams, allow some tasks others to be performed sequentially. we refer to the same who make up organization processes projects, or jobs, which consist of collections of tasks that These precedence constraints, which require services from specified resources in specified orders we identical servers phenomenon been completed, we call it When as a "fork"; a "join." and joining as necessary into We several tasks when a task may be performed to may be processed. but require begin processing at the same time, not begin until several other tasks have think of projects "traveling" activities to in parallel If among a server is the resources, forking available when arrives at a workstation, then the server immediately begins working on the activity a project Otherwise, the project waits in an in-box, or "queue," until a server becomes available. The processing network is stochastic because times between new project times), times required to complete activities (processing times), may all be subject to statistical variability We starts (interarrival and precedence requirements say that projects are of the same "type" if their individual precedence constraints, processsing times, and interarrival times can be characterized by the same set of probability distributions. The models we just described appear to share models of manufacturing systems. Our models, models. The new feature introduced here processing of different activities. acteristics of the do not allow for a The is in many characteristics with queueing network queueing network fact, are generalizations of the fork and join structure, which allows simultaneous ease with which tasks fork is one of the distishguishing char- product development environment. Whereas manufacturing activities typically component or subassembly to split into different parallel processes, designs and drawings can be duplicated so that several people can work on them simultaneously. Stochastic processing network models offer several advangtages over particularly in terms of predicting product development cycle time. PERT and CPM niethods, PERT models depict an idealized flow of project activites in which activity times are predictable and succeed. Many product development activity times organizations, on the other hand, face uncertainties PERT to a single project at a time. Our and CPM analysis in Adler proc<='ss models, on the other hand, explicitly account ei al. shows that these congestion effects Whereas previous studies of product development were individual projects, our approach focusses on the 2 among concurrent typically concerned with management The Research zation chart of Chemicals Inc.). The Plastics division of Chemicals' total domestic sales. Recently, ciple competitor, a large it management plastic parts 1 shows an organi- and accounted lost several possible in of of resources as well contracts to Japanese firm with significantly faster product development and corporate management were interested Our projects. Site made had for the can greatly delay project completion. host for this project was the Plastics division of Chemicals Inc. (Figure divisional both analyses often assume that resources are dedicated congestion effects arising from contention for shared resources 7% in and number of activity repetitions, and our process models naturally capture these phenomena. Furthermore, Our attempts always first for some its prin- Thus both accelerating the product development cycle. The staff of the technical department in the Plastics division consisted of engineers and tech- nicians divided into functional groups specializing in design and applications. group supported these engineering groups by helping to make and test A technical services product prototypes addition, manufacturing engineers, product managers, salespeople, and other staff made in critical members In all contributions to development projects. These resources constitute the workstations our network. Project Types Section in projects of each type are assigned either priority 2, years prior to our project, the Plastics division has shifted The manager products. As we explained processes two types of projects, new products and reformulations. The network three priority 1 or priority 1 much of During the few 2. its effort to developing new- of the Plastics division estimated that his group initiates an average of new product new product projects every year On projects and 2.5 priority 2 the other hand, an average of one reformulation project of each priority designation was started every These figures are summarized year. work can oscillate To 2. (We were told by our informants that the mix of between new product and reformulation projects over periods of several years, so an important feature of our Activities Table in model is its ability to reflect a changing mix of work ) and Precedence Constraints identify the activities that partitioned a project, we turned developed by the Plastics division to serve as an internal guideline system" recently to a "phase new product development for This system partitions the development of a project into four phases, each phase consisting of a set of issues to resolve. In Phase 1 ("Concept/Feasibility"), a small team of marketing and product development people explore technical, manufacturing, and marketing team 3 is assembled in Phase 2 ("Project Plan/Team") and a project plan ("Product Development") marks the project's peak prototypes, working out technical, legal, and marketing issues of the prototype takes place in phase includes a concentrated here, effort; is full Phase drafted. tests Manufacturing ramp-up Phase 4 ("Manufacturing Standardization/Launch"). effort to eliminate \ team builds and the in detail. feasibility. any remaining technical wrinkles and This it last closes with the project launch. We more chose to aggregate Phases detail. We 1, 2, and focused on Phcise 3 because 4 into a single activity each, it and model Phase contains the bulk of project work; it 3 in also proved to be the time of crispest activity description. Table 3 describes the 8 activities involved in a new product development project. Because reformulation projects deal with existing products, they often skip Phases 1 and 2 entirely and marketing activities tend to be minimal these activities for new product projects and reformulation projects, respectively. For example, Figure 2 shows that new product Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the precedence constraints projects begin with Phase 2 is finished, engineers issues. On marketing 1 and move to Phase 2 after among Phase 1 has been completed. Once Phase and technicians simultaneously begin working on technical and marketing the technical side, the engineers and technicians build and test prototypes; on the side, market position is established, sales strategies formulated, and lead-customer(s) Once identified. a prototype meets specifications in the development lab, it is sent to manufactur- ing for ramp-up. Prototyping and manufacturing scale-up are iterated until a prototype satisfies all product, materials, and manufacturing requirements. Meanwhile, once a prototype has been built and marketing specifications group begins exploring whether the product The is activities subject to government regulations. prototyping, marketing, and specifications activities culminate Phase Finally, the project enters documentations are 4, in where the project undergoes and the product finalized, have been completed, the a final qualification testing. manufacturing scale-up, full launched. is the Plastics division led us to conclude that prototyping and manu- Our conversations with facturing activities are likely to require several iterations before they are successfuly completed, and that products are more level. prototyping stage than the manufacturing scale-up likely to fail at the 75% Figure 2 shows that of prototypes need to be repeated. scale-up results in the building of another prototype 60% of the time (Thus, the average number of times the activities manufacturing scale-up and prototyping are carried out are — .75)"' and 2.5 first attempt. In (1 = 10, respectively.) reality, a qualification test may it is possible for It is felt some is four. prototype On which the is likely to is 60)"' = 2.5 likely to and in occur particular of the One can imagine another in less we specifications), but "Markovian," meaning that the probability entirely independent of history, be completed meet certain were significant and most times that the activity has been carried out. fifth - of these to be repeated several times (for example, worth noting that our routing structure of success of an activity 1 ( All other activities, however, are successful after the reveal that the prototype does not include only iterations that our host manufacturing In addition, situation in number which, say, a time and with greater surety than the preceding the other hand, four failed prototypes might signal a particularly difficult project fifth effort is we in highly likely to be unsuccessful. As our informants at the Plastics division were unable to characterize their prototyping activities iterations," of settled for the in more detail than "average number of Markovian routing structure. Subsequent studies can explore this issue in greater detail. Figure 3 illustrates the flow of activities in reformulation projects. Because reformulation projects constitute a very small fraction of project-related work, we collected only and consequently we do not model reformulation projects product projects. in reality, at the same summary data level of detail as new For example. Figure 3 shows no iterations between the activities, whereas one typically experiences several iterations of the prototyping these simphfications, however, our models were reasonable accuracy.) still activities. (Even with able to predict cycle-time performance with Although the product development group considered opment in its principal — of "new products," it also handled "reformulations'" — and it supported products on the market. existing products mandate to be the devel- projects to replace the materials New product development and support efforts were typically triggered by customer interest; reformulations arose either when a vendor discontinued a constituent material or when a better material became available. Management ically, assigned formal priorities to projects to help resources allocate their time projects involving the development of priority) new products were given whereas most reformulation projects were treated as priority tended to have little 2. priority I Typ- (the highest Reformulation projects urgency: the plant might have several months' supply of the current material. and the potential cost savings from using a different material was typically small. Only rarely did circumstances force reformulation projects into top priority Managers and engineers often expressed exasperation over the long delays that priority 2 projects suffered while waiting for attention from product managers or the manufacturing plant. If the priority reflected the true business importance of the project, then such delays might seem inevitable and even appropriate. months of work over 2.5 years, raising questions opportunity cost of delay One distraction. Nevertheless, one project we studied had spread two person- in about inefficiencies getting the product to market, and the goal of this paper is due to mental set-up time, the toll to quantify the delays arising policies so that these costs can be evaluated more of prolonged management from various management explicitly. The Simulation Model 3 Resources The processing network model consists of seven workstations, corresponding to the seven resource pools Product Development (PD) Engineers, Product Development (PD) Technicians, Manufacturing Engineers, Application Engineers, Technical Services, Product Table cations. 1 lists each pool, and the work week the engineering resource pools, the maximum work for these resources vary capacity of each group PD of engineers or technicians in Management estimates in work extra hours when projects are backlogged maximum server capacities shown of average the technical department of the Plastics Division (these engineers and technicians, application engineers, and technical services) typically Specifi- between 40 and 55 hours per week, and we allocate additional capacity to resource pools that belong are number Management, and in resources work during critical periods. Table 1 reflect the or These resources when deadlines approach, and maximum number the of hours that these Processing and Interarrival Times The amount of time that resources devote to each activity activity/resource is displayed in Tables 4 and Each 5. Table 4 shows the average number of hours that the resource spends on cell in An empty that activity per iteration. cell indicates that the resource does not contribute to that activity. Table on the other hand, shows the fraction of time that resources spend on administrative 5, and support activities. The amount of time spent on support reflects the nature and role of the resource pool. For example, because the primary responsibility of manufacturing engineers is to the manufacturing operation, they spend the bulk of their time on activities outside the product development arena. Hence the fraction of time they spend on support We model exception is all interarrival times and processing tmies relatively high is as exponentially distributed. (The only the interarrival times of administrative duties, which we take to be deterministic Other distributional forms (e.g., Beta, Gamma, Normal) data to justify other choices of distributions sufficient activities we did not have are clearly possible, but Moreover, our preliminary experiments indicated that cycle times are not significantly affected by the distributions that conjecture that since there are network, a small change in many ) we used — we contributing factors to the total level of uncertainty in the the variability of processing times would not have much impact on overall performance. Pooling We also include a feature that allows resource groups to share their work, in particular, overutilized groups to reallocate their work to those that are less heavily loaded. We for learned from discussions with the Plastics division that product development engineers often reassign part of their work model, we to the let product development technicians during periods In our simulation product development engineers reassign work to product development technicians whenever there are more than PD critical Engineers to PD five ongoing projects. Technicians only each of these activities, at most 30% in Phase 1, We assume that work can be transferred from Prototyping, and Manufacturing Scale-f -^ For of the engineers' work can be given to technicians. Service Discipline The last rule by component in the simulation model that we need to specify is the service discipline which an engineer or technician chooses her next task from the in-box. We — the implement the "base case" using the "round-robin" service discipline at each workstation with service periods equalto two weeks. Under this discipline, a free engineer or technician takes the first top priority task in her queue and works on for it two weeks or until the task the task within two weeks, the corresponding job moves on to its is finished updated to is When server. tasks in the reflect the last the queue round of service, and empty of top is same manner. Clearly its waits until remaining processing next access to the its priority work, the station serves the second priority there are other possible choices for service discipline, including first-in-first-out, last-in-first-out, or project the round-robin service discipline it she completes successor task(s), forking and joining as necessary. Otherwise, the task returns to the end of the queue, time If is with the earliest due-date a reasonable approximation of We first. conjecture that human response to important competing demands. Percentage Utilizations The data we described above is summarized Table in which displays the 6, "load" imposed on each resource pool (this exhibit assumes engineers and technicians do not pool their work). Each Table in cell 6 reflects the fraction of a resouce pool's example, the first column shows that 3% product projects, PD engineers spend of their time on priority administrative activities. The first time that 1 40% reformulation projects, and two rows of Table show that 6 much the row indicates that the bulk of the Plastics division's time fifth time from the Plastics division than priority The last row shows the we give some resources additional capacity that 1 The numbers allocated to product development engineers. priority 20% 1 is 1 new reformulation work In addition, spent on priority we have accounted to allow for over-time work, so 1 work for (recall we do not expect row suggest that too much work has been in this As we For of their time on new product work. total fraction of a resource's time that that the total figures are 100%). spent on an activity of their time on priority requires less is will show in Section 8, the possibility for engineers to reallocate part of their work to technicians greatly improves development cycle time. Simulation Results: The Base Case We present the simulation results of the "base case" primary interest here time. It is the is amount New product project. project completion time, which we will To is the will also refer to as number calibrate our models, is 4). of development cycle "end" of the projects begin with concept generation and feasibility studies (Pha.se and end when the product report we The performance measure of elapsed time from the ""beginning" of the project until the and they end with the product launch (Phase activities in this section. 1), Reformulation projects begin with prototyping launched (Phase 4). Another measure of performance that of unfinished prG,ects in the organization. we compare our findings with figures provided by the Plastics division. Our host was able to provide us with detailed timelines for priority 1 new product projects from which we were able to compute average project completion tmies. Such records were not available for other types of projects, and for these statistics, we relied on estimates by the manager of the Plastics division. Table 7 shows that the simulated average completion time of priority is 1 new product 84 weeks, compared to the figure of 82 weeks reported by the Plastics division On projects the other hand, both simulated and reported figures indicate that the Plastics division requires more than new product three years to rinish priority 2 projects. For reformulation projects, the simulated completion times are 5 months for priority and by year for priority 2 projects. These numbers are 1 r, ! manager of the Plastics division: 6-9 months somewhat lower than for priority 1 projects the figures estimated reformulation projects and 1-3 1 years for priority 2 reformulation projects. Although reformulation projects are formally assigned or either priority 1 projects of the same it they are generally treated with less urgency than new product We priority. as low priority work, Consequently, in reality 2, mentioned Section 2 that reformulation projects are treated and only when a project needs to be expedited reformulation project likely that a priority 2 is in simulated completion time for priority 2 reformulation projects new product projects take longer cycle time, whereas priority 2 is it elevated to priority 1. often treated as "priority 3." is This informal setting of priorities may partly explain the biases is our simulation results: in the shorter than the actual project to complete than reported by the Plastics division. Figures 4-7 show histograms and cumulative distributions of the project cycle time for the 2 types of projects. (Note that histograms quickly communicate the general characteristics of the distribution - e.g. skewness of the distribution, tail are useful for obtaining percentile information.) The 90th which can be read from Figures 5 and for example, while priority them take more than 1 7, It is percentiles of project completion time, are significantly longer than the corresponding averages; new product 2.5 years! behavior - whereas cumulative distributions projects are completed clear with these displays that in 84 weeks on average. it is 10% of not enough to measure just average project completion times; information concerning the distribution of project completion time must also be considered. To measure the impact of column of Table in 7 shows the variability and congestion on cycle time performance, the ratio of the actual average project completion time (which appears the 4'^ column) to the project cycle time predicted by "actual- to- PERT" ratio, to the amount of time an average priority 1 it last PERT (5'^ column). This number, the compares the amount of time that a project spends waiting actually spends being processed. new product project for resources For example, Table 7 indicates that suffers relatively little from congestion, as less than 10% of its time spent is idle other hand, spends (on average) more than half of reformulation projects, which are from the congestion. It A waiting for resources. its priority 2 project, on the time waiting to be processed. time-intensive than less new product new product Priority 2 more projects, suffer even spends approximately twice as much time waiting for a resource as does it being processed. The rows last four in Table 7 compare the simulated number of unfinished projects Plastics division with the figures estimated by its in the manager. Again, readers should note the dis- parity between averages and 90th percentiles. Finally, must work PD Table 8 shows the fraction of time that each resource pool its majcimum overtime. These numbers appear engineers work 60-hour weeks more than work their maximum work-week less 65% The numbers PD that engineers and we report here of the time. On PD some resources - the other hand, PD technicians Because much of our data was may have over-estimated their contribution and In Section 8, we investigate the benefits of sharing estimated by engineers, we suspect that they more work between the core technical group to be quite high for than 6 weeks per year. under-estimated that of their technicians. in technicians. are "long-run average" statistics. We obtained these figures by simulating the models until they reach "steady-state" and taking the long-run averages as our performance measures. The time horizon we used 2000 years! - is clearly inappropriate in the simulation experiments - approximately when considering the product development environment. (Each simulation run takes approximately 80 minutes of difficulty here is essentially one of finding the correct CPU initial time on a Micro VAX 3800 conditions for the system able to collect data concerning the present distribution of workloads - currently in the system and the amount i.e., the The we were If number ) of projects of work remaining to be done on each project by each resource - then simulation could answer practical questions such as "how will the system perform over the next five years." Because we have no information regarding initial conditions, we must simulate the systems long enough for them to accumulate a reasonable amount of work, and we approximate the performance measures by 4 How much would a resource pool? their steady-state values. Adding Resources: Where project completion time be reduced Where would way, which resource(s) is this additional are the Bottlenecks? if one engineer/technician were added employee have the most impact'' Stated another the bottieneck(s) in the system? such questions by comparing scenarios in to Simulation can provide msiglits to which different resource pools are augmented. 9 displays average project completion times under four such scenarios 10 In Cases 1, 2. Table and 3. one employee is added to applications engineers, technical services, engineers respectively. In Case Adding one person amounts 4, one additional person 3% to roughly a is added and product development to each of these resource pools. increase in the total resource pool; adding three people amounts to about 9%. Table 6 indicates that product development engineers are most heavily utilized among the three groups being considered, so Table 9, and may have (The small increase 2. Moreover, Table 9 shows that adding a resource to an bear out this expectation. "uncritical" resource pool 1 principles (Kleinrock 1975) thai they be the best resource to augment. Our simulation experiments, whose results are summarized will in we expect from queueing in no impact on cycle-time performance, as virtually project completion time under Case as simulation "noise" rather than a significant change Case results in larger reduction in cycle-time histogram investment 3 indicate that additional if the resource pool is in cycle time.) 3. Finally, Case Cases should be interpreted 1 On the other hand, the resources can yield proportionally chosen judiciously new product completion times under Case for m in much Figures 8-9 display the 4 implies that not much can be gained over Case 3 by adding an additional resource to each of the pools applications engineers, technical services, and A tional PD engineers. final resource allocation decision (that whether and is, to hire) economic analysis comparing the cost of an additional employee from shorter development cycle times. The data we present as the (otherwise elusive) foundation of such an 5 A whom second avenue to the savings resulting these simulation studies could serve economic analysis. Process Improvement: Reducing Processing Times for cutting cycle time to is reduce individual activity times however, how much improvement times drop processing times are reduced by 5%'' Will if in to expect. For example, how it far will are reduced by 5%. For both priority is 90' and more than 5%. The average and priority 2 by 31% The 1 is not clear, be more or less than all 5%? processing times priority 2 projects, the resulting decrease in average priority 1 new product cycle time is reduced by 10% In addition, the distributions of these times are tightened significantly. percentile for priority 2 to 220 weeks, an It expected project completion Figures 10-11 show the histogram for new product completion times when cycle time would require addi- new product projects, for example, is reduced from 350 weeks improvement of 37%. The magnitude of these improvements is not surprising in light of the high percentage utiliza- tion of the resource pools (all are approximately 90%). Recall from queueing principles that the relationship between cycle time and utilization factors is 11 steep and nonlinear when percentage utilizations decrease approach 100%. in utilizations, so A small decrease results in it in processing times is equivalent to a proportional times. When same magnitude as the more than proportionally lower completion resources are not heavily utilized, the improvements will be of only the processing time reduction. We have described in this section a scenario in reduces the processing time of all activities. which the product development organization One might also ask if the organization were to focus on one activity c; a subset of activities for process improvement, which activities should management We can easily modify our management can use the results of such target in order to most effectively reduce project completion time. simulation models to explore questions of this type, and simulation experiments to help them its improvement decisions regarding process efforts. Benefits of Controlling Input 6 Durmg make our time at the Plastics division, the organization was involved in an effort to improve procedure for selecting new projects according to their likelihood of success. This prompted by management's concern about lengthening project of aborted projects that fruitlessly tied up valuable resources. effort cycle times and the large We was number can use our simulation model to assess the impact of a simplified version of such an "input control" policy in which the organization does not bid for new projects when the level of unfinished projects rises above a pre-set cutoff level. Because reformulation projects support established product nization could not decline these projects without great cost. 90th percentile of priority projects, 1 new product completion times and Figure 13 displays the same information simulation results show that while priority priority 2 projects benefit greatly as we noted in from Section 10, priority 1 1 we guessed that the orga- lines, Figure 12 shows the average and for cutoff levels for priority 2 new product project completion time this control policy. 1 in projects to 5 Our not reduced by much, work much congestion whereas priority System improvements have much greater impact on low priority projects than on projects that are given The improvement is 2.5 This should not be surprising because, projects do not experience 2 projects suffer long delays while waiting for priority ranging from first priority. project completion times must be traded off against the number of projects lost as a result of the input control policy. Figure 14 shows the long-run average fraction of projects that are rejected at each cutoff level. of 4% of potential product projects new product is projects are lost, With a cutoff level of 20 projects, an average and average completion time for priority 2 new- reduced by approximately 18%. The benefits of input control policies would obviously be considerably enhanced if management can 12 further select projects according to their probabilities of success. The simple decreases the we described reduces control policy amount of work in the system. It cycle time for the obvious reason that also has the more subtle yet more powerful of reducing the variability in the system by restricting the total it effect number of jobs allowed in the network at a time. (In the base case, the product development organization can have more than 20 unfinished new product projects The improvement 40.) proportional reduction 10% cycle time with input control in the rate of in number of the time, and the new project starts. is In of open projects can reach thus more dramatic that due to a Figure 15, we present histograms of project completion times to illustrate that not only does input control reduce the average cycle time, it also has a secondary effect of reducing the spread of the distribution. Operating as a "Pull" System 7 Consider a scenario constant level: which the number of concurrent projects in the organization the development organization initiates a project only been completed. This "pull" implement the in when another which project completions trigger project arrive. product development organization must always have pull system, the The manager of the Plastics division confirmed which the number of priority results for the case in maintained at a constant project has which jobs are injected into the sytem whenever they that such a scenario was indeed compatible with the experience of his organization is kept at a can be projects "on the shelf" waiting to be processed. we present simulation is starts, policy, in contrasted to a "push" policy, In order to in 1 In this section new product projects level. Table 10 compares the performances of the push system and the pull system at varying The second and of concurrent projects. third columns of Table time for new product projects, and the fourth and for reformulation projects. The number 1 rate: the of priority projects they can complete each year. the same time, the longer it On five faster. also compare the new product throughput We see immediately the the other hand, the more projects they must juggle at pull all 1 new product projects, the pull system project types, and the average prionfv 2 new product Moreover, the pull system produces at least as many projects as the the base case (throughput rate We 1 projects completed per year. concurrent priority delivers better cycle-time performance for 14% priority figures takes to complete each individual project. Table 10 shows that with projects are completed columns display the corresponding column shows the resulting new product show the average completion more projects that resources must handle concurrently, the more the possibility for trade-off; last fifth 10 levels is 3.1 projects per year). system with a push system that 13 is subject to input control. Figure 16 displays cumulative distributions of priority 2 that have approximately the input control, where the pull same throughput maximum number new product completion times rate: (i) the of concurrent projects system with the number of concurrent projects equal to throughput rate for priority 1 new product projects is improvement of 23% systems the push system with set to is be 25. and (iii) the In each of these three cases, the five. approximately three projects per year, but system performs better than the other two systems; note that the to 270 weeks, an (ii) Even with the higher throughput the pull system has slightly higher throughput rate. pull push system for three over the push system and 7% percentile 90' rate, the is reduced over the push system with input control. The system improves cycle time performance by eliminating the pull controlled) arrivals of in new projects. It is more the previous section (in which the system variability. is due to (un- variability effective than simple input control as described still open) because essentially it keepmg constant Clearly, even greater benefits can be achieved by further reduces number the of projects in each category. 8 Tradeoffs of Cross-Training: Effects of Pooling Because product development engineers are much more heavily technicians (see Tables 6 and 8), these pools. As we noted in utilized we examined the consequences Section 3, engineers and technicians in than product development of sharing more work between the Plastics division frequently reallocate their work assignments. In the simulation experiments described here, number engineers reassign a portion of their work to technicians whenever the exceeds 5. In Section 10, technicians. Here we assumed that 30% we explore the of the engineers' effect of varying this amount we assume that of ongoing projects work could be performed by of transferable work The results provide one measure of the benefits of cross training. Figure 17 shows the average completion times ranging from resulting 10% to 70%. The numbers from giving an additional 10% to their technicians. is new product projects with pooling levels parentheses are percentage reductions to the amount of work that PD negligible.) is The graph in busier. 20% to 30%, 1 Figure 17 suggests that the expected benefit of additional statement further: As engineers reassign more work to technicians, the engineers become time reduced by 13%. (Again, note that the impact on priority pooling becomes less pronounced as the amount of shared work increases. Figure 18 while the technicians in cycle engineers can reassign For example, by increasing the fraction of pooled work from average priority 2 completion time cycle time in for clarifies this gam slack time Eventually product development engineers cease to be the bottleneck. 14 We make the simplifying assumption that no loss of efficiency results from pooling transfering work from engineers to technicians could result in likelihoods We of errors. might expect higher processing times and increased number levels of differences in processing times or in pooling to be accompanied by longer of iterations. Although our hosts shared this expectation, they were not able to quantitatively estimate these effects for observation with the insight gained from Figure 17, level of it us. Nevertheless, combining this should be clear that there an "optimal" is pooling beyond which cycle time gets longer. Finish 9 We In general, have assumed so convention because What You The FIFO DiscipHne Started: far that resources process their tasks in a it seemed discipline is We chose this to competing way that workers might respond to be a reasonable demands. An alternative service round robin fashion (FIFO), "first-in-first-out" tasks in order of arrival, working on each one continuously until Table 11 displays cycle time performance under the FIFO it is in which resources process finished. service discipline Notice that shows no significant difference between the round-robin discipline and FIFO service cycle time performance. used in We if the results might be very different. technician may We among the next task. may example. not be efficient for the reason that an engineer or some "mental set-up time" In the projects frequently, a significant We for plan to explore this topic further in future research issues each time she returns to a project. switch were cut to two days or two hours, this interval service discipline require terms of in conjecture that this result reflects the service period of two weeks the round-robin scenario: The round-robin to relocate documentation or to recall relevant round-robin service discipline, where resources amount of time may be spent in getting ready for have assumed that resources require no set-up time when they begin task, so this set-up cost it would be absent under FIFO. We a new investigate the effects of set-up time in the next section. 10 Effects of Iterating better understand the effects of iterations between activities, we investigated several models To with varying number of iterations, but with constant total activity times. Suppose that activity A requires i person-weeks to be successfully completed, and p iteration We is set the successful (i.e., the average number is the probability that any given of times that activity time required to complete each sub-task (i.e., .4 is repeated each iteration) to j =p us to isolate the effects of increased variability on total project completion time. 15 i. is n = 1/p) This allows We conducted two sets of experiments with two different of experiments, only prototyping successful in the scale-up. both In first FIFO repeated. In the second set. prototyping activities are always iteration, but cycling sets, the probability of third set of experiments, but with is In the first set levels of iterations. back to prototyping can occur after manufacturing returning to protoyping ranges from we investigated models in 00 to which only the prototypmg activity is 90 In a repeated, service discipline. Figures 19-22 summarize the results of these experiments. The graphs suggest that cycling doe not significantly affect project completion time. For new product projects, a marked increase in project completion times appears only The effects of FIFO when the probability of repeating service, on the other hand, are rather interesting. is very high (090). Under FIFO, new product projects have uniformly better cycle time performance than under round-robin, and reformulations do uniformly worse. This phenomenon springs from the fact that reformulation projects are much smaller than new product projects. Under round-robin service, jobs rotate in and out of service frequently with the length of service constrained by the predetermined service "slice service, however, an activity can start only when all " Under FIFO predecessor activities have been completed, so reformulation projects suffer increased delay due to the more time-consuming new product projects. Our second set of experiments incorporates the observation that total activity time may not be perfectly divisible into times for subtasks. For example, each iteration may involve some level of inefficiency and consequently increase total activity times. In a heavily loaded system such as the one we consider, a small increase performance. repeated. We utilization levels can have disastrous effects on system simulate this effect by charging each activity with a small set-up each time As stated the project, in it is previously, this set-up can represent time spent relocating documentation on communicating with groups that worked on the upstream task, or simply recalling the project's relevant issues. In our experiment, we set the probability of repeating prototyping to be to be 090, and the probability of returning to prototyping from manufacturing scale-up 0.80. (Thus, the total number of times that prototyping and manufacturing scale-up are carried out are 50 and 5 respectively.) The set-up time accompanying each repetition is 1/2 hour Table 12 displays the average project completion times under this scenario. Table 13 compares percentage utilization of resources for the base case and the system described here, and Figure 23 compares cumulative distributions of priority scenarios. Note that even though percentage cycle time is 1 new products project completion time for the two utilization increases at quite dramatic. 16 most by 2%, the increase in The Importance 11 An often-addressed topic in the product development literature manager (we ferent functions under one them operate independently under The (Wheelwright, 1989). shows that all this a call different the benefits of organizing is managers (which we call a product development activities in dif- "centralized" system), rather than letting "decentralized'" system) Plastics division operates under the centralized scenario: functions involved engineers, product of Priority Coordination (e.g., Figure I product development management, and marketing) are grouped under one manager. Consequently, same projects are assigned the priority across all groups — • Conversely, at least, in principle. if these groups were placed under separate managers, projects would likely face different priorities in different groups. To examine the consequences of the decentralized organization, which manufacturing engineers and product management treat priority much compared 6), in play relatively small roles system in in Table 14, are Recall that, manufacturing engineers and product the product development process (see Tables 3 and in terms of both absolute number of hours contributed and percentage of time dedicated to project related work. For example, only product management's time, is 10% of manufacturing engmeers' time, and 12% of spent on new product and reformulation projects. Yet, when these groups do not treat project work as project completion times can suffer by 35%. first priority, Conclusion 12 We a project-related work as low Project completion times, shown to their support activities. longer for the decentralized system. management all we analyzed have demonstrated that for an important group of product development organizations namely, those that pursue multiple concurrent projects using shared resources — — process models provide a promising framework for better understanding and managing development cycle time. From our simulation experiments, we for are able to compressing project completion times. Acknowledge delays thai result draw some We summarize from congestion useful insights and recommendations our findings below. effects: Development cycle times experienced by product development organizations are typically longer (and often much longer) than estimates obtained from arise (ii) from PERT 2 sources: and (i) CPM analyses. delays are due the inherent uncertainty the contention for shared resources play an important role The in the in on compressing development cycle time, part to congestion effects that the product development environment, and among concurrent management in projects. Process models therefore can of product development, particularly -^nd if the focus is our experience suggests that such models can be 17 created and maintained without in identifying much and collecting data, An Reduce resource utilizations: to reduce the load (i.e., as and cost (the bulk of the work difficulty we described m Adler in the project was 1992b) el al. obvious method for compressing development cycle time We percentage utilizations) of the resource pools. showed how is to use process models to evaluate resource allocation decisions, to identify resources that are likely to be bottlenecks, and to quantify the benefits of an additional employee. (For example, we found that adding a person to an "uncritical" resouce may have similar way, process models can identify activities that are Control new project starts: better management of new most suitable Development cycle time can We project starts. no impact on cycle time.) virtually also for process level. considered a simple policy of input control Our simulation experiments showed that can greatly improve project completion time, and that simulation the "optimal" Our cutoff level. implementing a "pull" policy we trade in a in improvement be effectively decreased with which new projects are not undertaken whenever the number of ongoing projects exceeds a preset cutoff In a is in in the division this input control policy a useful tool for determining results suggested that even greater gains can be realized by which project starts are triggered by project completions. Here, value of undertaking more projects with the benefit of completing each project off the more timely manner. Balance workload among resources: balance the workload among A method third for improving cycle-time performance is to resources. This can be achieved through cross-training which allows resources to reallocate portions of their work to less heavily utilized resources in critical periods. We found that the benefits of cross-training and work-pooling decreases as the workload between resources become more general result equal. We also noted that reassigning to a secondary resource may in longer processing times and greater likelihoods of errors. In light of our findings in regarding the incremental benefits of work-pooling, it and that one can use process models to cross-training, work follows that there determine that is an "optimal" level of level. Coordinate priorities between resources: Our model suggests that a "centralized" system of management, can be in which the different product development functions much more effective than a "decentralized" organization, independently to different managers, at least in in all operate under one manager, which different functions report terms of cycle-time performance. Even a resource pool that contributes only marginally to the product development process can significantly delay project comnpletion by assigning Finally, First, it low priority. we used our simulation models we explored the impact of using a to investigate some interesting and diflRcult issues. first-in-first-out service discipline rather than a round- robin convention. Although our preliminary results in this study are inconclusive, they do raise the question of when is one discipline better than another'^' Is the 18 answer dependent on the structure of the network or the characteristics of processing times'^ Does the existence of additional "mental set-up" time imply that first-in-first-out always is preferable';' Second, we investigated how different iteration structures can aiTect overall cycle time. Our results suggest that is if the total amount of time mvolved not significantly affected by an increase these experiments, we were interested the probability that activities have to be repeated. In in the question of time allocation: in to allocate additional time to each protyping run greater likelihood that the prototype prototypes, each taking a smaller towards the end of the process is if m of time? more advantageous Is it the additional time investment resulted acceptable; or amount (e.g., kept constant, project completion time is a better to perform several iterations of is it Is it in better to allocate the additional effort manufacturing scale-up) or beginning (during at the prototype runs)? It is clear that these are We unresolved. development sues. We two important topics in framework we have suggested, namely, representating product believe that the as a stochastic processing network, provides a powerful tool for exploring such plan to undertake some of these tasks We this direction of research appealing. in much can be gained from analyzing Acknowledgements: and of in is a highly aggregated the Plastics division. We believe that various components in greater detail. We owe called Chemicals, Inc staff of its Plastics division. thanks in particular to the manager This project has also benefited from the advice and support Chuck Holloway and Mike Harrison. is model close by noting that our This study would not have been possible without the generous coopera- company we have Association is- future work and hope that others also find representation of the product development activities tion of the product development that remain largely Funding from the Stanford Integrated Manufacturing gratefully acknowledged. Elizabeth Schwerer was supported by a National Science Foundation graduate fellowship. References Adler, cess p., a. Mandelbaum, Management in Engineering: Development. Submitted Adler, P., A. Nguyen, and V. An E. Schwerer. 1992a. From Project to Pro- Empirically-based Framework for the Analysis of Product for publication. Mandelbaum, V. Nguyen, and ological Challenges in Engineering Process E, Schwerer. Management: Design Conference, Los Angeles, California (September). 19 1992b. Managerial and Method- Lessons from a Case Study UCLA 1^ Blackburn, D. 1991. New Product Development: The New Time Wars. The Next Battleground tition: Irwin, J. m American Manufacturing, J. D Blackburn B. and T. Fujimoto. 1989. Lead Time in (ed). Business One Automobile Product Development Explaining the Japanese Advantage. Journal of Engineering and Technology Hayes, R. H., S. Wheelwright, and K. Learning Organization, Free Press, Kleinrock, L. 1975. Rosenthal, S. R B. New Clark. 1: Effective Product Design Satisfaction. Business Stalk, G. Jr. and T. M. Hout. 1990 1988. Management 6, 25-28 Dynamic Manufacturing: Creating York. Queueing Systems Volume 1992 Customer Increase IS Time-Based Compe- Homewood. Clark, K. the In One Theory, Wiley & and Development: Irwin, Sons, How New to York. Cut Lead Times and Homewood. Competing Against Time: How Time Based Competition Reshaping Global Markets. Free Press, 1990 Pegden, C. SIMAN D., R. E. Shannon, and McGraw-Hill, Wheelwright, S. C R. P. Sadovvski. 1990. Introduction to Simulation Using Inc. and K. B. Clark. 1992a. Creating Project Plans to Focus Product Devel- opment. Harvard Business Review, March-April, 70-82. and . 1992b. Revolutionizing Product Development: Efficiency and Quality, Free Press, New York. Quantum Leaps in Speed Resource Name ._. . . Case System ( CEO ^I r I Corp PRODUCTION DIVISIONS R&D REGIONAL AND PRODUCT FAMILY GROUPS Technology Finance/ Admin Mkt PRODUCT DIVS Analysis and Sales Plastics Div. Technical Dept ~1~ I Mfg Mktg Finance Mgt Prod Prod Technical Appl Dvpt Dvpt Teh Services Eng Eng Product Qlty 1 1 Figure 1: Organization Chart of the Chemicals Inc. Assurance! Figure 2: Activities (Proto-A typing^ Figure 3: Flow Diagram - ^/^Plant ^ ^ ^Scale-up/ Activities / New Products Phase 4 V Flow Diagram - Reformulations 3 f E? n o n o 3 •a 3 n , 250.0 I o OQ 290.0 330.0 370.0 410.0 TO C z n a Io o n o o3 o 3 3 n c 3 c_ <' ft e 410.0 NJ 21 I •a s i o o o o C -J n 5' 3 R' n o a3 o H § o n c 3 c < c o 10.0 50.0 mc o 90.0 5 Z o 130.0 o o. "0 ,o I- n o 3 n T3 I O 3 §• H 3 o 170.0 B 210.0 o3 H "^ o < n 3 3 > c Ot3 3 o 3 I 250.0 5' (TO 0 O m 3 290.0 IJQ 3 -0 330.0 o 3 370.0 410.0 o O o TO C o 3. z g. 7 .o n o 3 a. 5' 3 3 n 70 o a. c o 5' TO TO 3 Vi 330.0 370.0 Project Completion s 1= 3 c c S) o 3. z T3 o o 3 a_ o' H i oC3 n o 3 O g o 00 o o Time in Weeks o o Project Completion n o Z n J n o 3 o 5' 3 H i' n o 3 Time in Weeks Fraction of o Z o 3 i c 3 (X3 ft 3 B 3 Z Z B 3 f I e o 2. <^ n ° s 3 a c 3 C O o 3 I 5f c;; ^ ^ New Product Projects Rejected LA o 0<a c 7 5 z ft 2. c r> n o o S" c o 3 o I e 3 I 250.0 + 290.0 - 330.0 - 370.0 - 410.0 -L Z B 3 i" n o a o e 8 o Project Completion J Time in Weeks Resource Percent Utilization Ln Project Completion O 3 21 o Time in Weeks o Project Completion g a. 73 a OQ > o s (a -J 1^ o o o o Time -J o in Weeks 00 o o o Project Completion S b < 3 ere' n o 3. p o ?3 ST I n o n o a3 (t c. o 9 98 > n 3 tn 1^ o b Time in Weeks Project Completion o 31 to 10 s. p o to n I § s. SB n o 3 s B on I > n 5* i"' tfl R o I- 3 en O O 8 Time in Weeks ^ 00 o p p 3 ci5 c to 1 o Z 2. c o JJ 0 o a3 ?r I H 3 i 5 9 CO I o 5' 410.0 j / bo oo o o o -J bo o Date Due APR.08W3; my 31 mi ^ MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 TDflD DD7n23T 3