A fluidinclusion study oftheWaldo-Graphic mine, Magdalena district, NewMexico by JoseManrique andAndrew Canpbell, Department of Geosciences, NewMexico Institute of Mining andTechnology, Socorro, NM87801 Introduction The Magdalena mining district is located in Socorro County, central New Mexico, 30 mi west of Socorroand 1..5mi southeastof zl ol trl a i oi Mining and Technology. I Previous sfudies FIGUREl-Index map of Magdalenamining district. enceof silicatemineralson depositionof ore minerals at the Linchburg mine in the southern part of the district, and he concludedthat both chemicaland structural controls were important in the formation of the sulfide and skarn minerals.Park (1971)made a detailed the MagdalenaMountains (Fig. 1). The mineralizedareasare locatednear the structural margins of two overlapping cauldrons: the Socorrocauldron,which is locatedat the south end of the distric! and the Magdalena-Sawmill Canyoncauldron,which is locatedsouth and wesi of the district (Fig. 2). The agesof the tuffs associatedwith the developmentof the two cauldrons have been estimated at 30-32 Ma (Weber, 197!; Burke et al., 1963) and27-29Ma (Blakestad ,1978),respectively. Rock types ture measurementsof fluid inclusions in barite, calcite,qvartz, and fluorite from vuggy cavities and fractures in the jasperoid. He concludedthat the temperaturesof deposibionwere in the rangeof 165-285'Cand found no evidenceofboiling. Blakestad(1978)used the concept of cauldron subsidence and stratigraphicnomenclatureof Cenozoicvolcanicrocks at that time to make a large-scale map of the district and a structural interpretation of the area. Regional and local geology The Magdalenamining district is located immediately south of the Colorado Plateau physiographicprovince, on the west side of include argillite and schist, gabbro or diabase,felsite,and granite. On the west side of the MagdalenaMountains sedimentsof the Carboniferoussystem were depositedupon a Precambriansurface of low relief. Theseare the Calosoand Lad- silicifiedin the southern part of the district (Loughlin and Koschmann, 7942;Iovenetti, 1977). At the Waldo-Graphic mine, on level 9 between the Maderaand Waldo faults, the Madera Limestone changesstrike and dip chaotically.It has been interpretedas a zone of cauldron margin megabreccia(Fig. 2) by Blakestad(1978)and Chapin et al. (1978). However, reinterpretationof the location of cauldron margins suggeststhat the nearest cauldronmargin is more than 3 mi southwest of the district (G. R. Osburn, pers. comm. 7986). Cenozoicvolcanic rocks of basaltic-andesitic, latitic, and rhyolitic compositionrange in age from 39 to 26 Ma (Blakestad, 7978). Theserocksinclude Datil Group (39-33Ma), Hells MesaTuff, and La JenciaTuff (Loughlin and Koschmann, 1942;Blakestad, 1978;Eggleston,1982;Osbum and Chapin, 1983).The Alsoin thisissue Useof sullatesto identify weathered coal o.7 Geotechnical siteinvestigation, Estancia Basin o. 11 p.12 Pointof RocksCanyon Fluvialdeposition and paleoenvironment of Cutler Formation red beds o. 14 p. Service/News 19 Mineral symposium abstracts p.20 Staffnotes o.24 Goming soon conspicuousmarker bed of a dark-gray to black,denseargillaceouslimestone.Thisbed is known as "silver pipe" or "indicator" becauseof its closeassociationwith ore shoots. The Ladron Member has been extensively Crosssectionthroughthe EngleBasin Petroleum exploration targets Applications for cathodoluminescence Ultraviolet mineralsin NewMexico Geologicinvestigations in NewMexico thicknessof Cenozoicvolcanic rocks in the Magdalenaareahasbeenestimatedto be 2,000 ft (Blakestad,1978). In the Magdalena district several dikes, stocks,and dikelike intrusive bodiesare exposedwith compositionsranging from granite to gabbro. The main intrusive bodies, which crop out on the surface,are Anchor Canyonstock(28.3Ma), Nitt monzonitestock (28.0Ma), and latite porphyry of Mistletoe Gulch. Additionallv. four concealedintrusive bodies have been reported (Blakestad, 1978).The Linchburgporphyry quartz monzonite is exposedin underground workings of the Linchburg mine. A porphyritic monzonitebody, which intrudes the Precambrian rocks, Kelly Limestone, and Sandia Formation, was discoveredas a result of drilling at the North Baldy Peakarea.A latite porphyry has been mapped on the L4th level and below in the Waldo-Graphic mine, which Chapin et al. (1978)reported to be similar to the latite porphyry of Mistletoe Gulch. A porphyry granite or quartz monzonitebody was also discovered(as a result of drilling during explorationwork) 500 ft south of the Vindicator shaft (Fig. 2). Other intrusive occurrencesin the Magdalena mining district are mafic dikes, andesitic intrusive bodies, and white rhyolite dikes.All of theseintrusive rocks are hydrothermally altered and some white rhyolite dikes show a spatial relationship with the mineralization(Titley,1958;Blakestad,1978). The white rhyolite dikes are consideredto be younger than the emplacement of the stocks (Loughlin and Koschmann, 1942; Blakestad,1978). Thereis a spatialrelationshipbetweenthe main stocksand the mineralizedzones (Fig. 2). The Nitt and Waldo-Graphic mines are locatednear the contactof the Nitt monzonite stock and limestones.For the most part this stock lacks conspicuoushydrothermal alterationin contrastto the concealedintrusions that show consistentalteration. Waldo-Graphic mineralization The Waldo-Graphic zinc-lead deposits are hosted by the limestones of the Pennsylvanian Madera and Mississippian Kelly Formations. The replacementand skarn bodies were localizedby the intersectionof northtrending fractures with favorable horizons within the limestones(Loughlin and Koschmann, 1942).The relative age of the mineralization is younger than the Nitt monzonite stock and latite porphyry dikes based on crosscuttingrelations seenin the field. Mineralogy A complete list of the primary and secondary minerals found in the Magdalena district, together with detailed macroscopic and microscopicdescriptions,was published by Loughlin and Koschmann (1942); the readeris directedto it for details.In the WaldoGraphic mine the gangue and ore minerals occur as open-space fillings and replacements in limestone. Loughtn and Koschmann (1942)reported that most mineralization was deposited by replacementof the limestones.That quantitativerelationshipcannot be confirmed becausesubsequentobservations have only been made on remnants of the ore deposit. The principal sulfide minerals consist of pyrite, sphalerite,galena,and chalcopyrite. ganguemineralsinclude calcOre-associated silicateskarn minerals (diopside-hedenbergite and actinolite),iron oxides (specularite New AAexnc@ L.ln; Monzonile ffi Lotitedikes GEOLOGY o Science andSeruice Volume 9, No. 1, February 1987 P o l e o z o i cs e d i m e n l o r ryo c k s ond Quoternorycover 17..t'Tl Precombr ion rocks Couldron morgin In{erredconloci Poleozoic-Precombrion rocks Edifor;Deborah A Shaw Dralters:Cherie Pelletier and Becky Titus Publishedquarterly by New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources a division of New Mqico Instihrte of Mining & lbclnology BOARD OF REGENTS Ex Officio Garrey Camthers, Gooernorof Nru Mexico ol PublicInstruction Alan Morgan, Superintendent Appointed Pres ,19n-1987, Iis Cruces Judy Floyd, Gilbert L Cano, SeclTreas,1985-1991, Albuquerque Lenton Malry, 1985-1989,Albuquerque Donald W Morris, 1983-1989,Ips Alamos SteveTones, 1967-191, Socorro New Mexico lnstitute of Minint & Technology Laurence H Lattman Presidilt, New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources Frank E Kottlowski Dirntor George S Austin DeputyDirector lssued quarterlt February May, August, Subscrrptions: November; subscriPtion price $6 00/calendaryear Editoial mottq: Articles submitted for publication should be in the editor's hands a minimum of five (5) months before date of publication (February, Mat August, or November) and should be no longer than 20 tyPewritten, double-spacedpages. All scientific PaPerswill be reviewed by at least two PeoPlein the apProPriatefield of study. Address inquiries to DeborahA Shaw, Editor oI Nru Menco Geology,New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources,Socoto, NM 87801 uithouf pq Published as publicdomain,therelorereproducible mission Sourcecreditrequested FIGURE 2-Structural map of Magdalena mining district and the major mines; modified from Blakestad (1978). February 1987 Nm Mexico Geology Circulation:1,6N P/iulerr University of New Mexico Printing Plant and magnetite), quartz, calcite, and minor magnetic. Magnetite was found mainly in changed in color from dark in the sulfide barite. the Graphic zone as massiveto fine-grained stageto light in the carbonatestage. It is not The most common minerals of the oxi- blebs and as specularite-magnetite aggre- known whether this is due to a continually dized zone are smithsonite, anglesite, cer- gates. evolving deposition or to two distinct epiussite,chrysocolla,malachite,chalcocite,and sodesof deposition.As a whole, pyrite formed "limonite" (goethite-hematite). Silver min- Gangue minerals-Quartz grains are en- after the specularite-magnetite(Loughlin and eralsand native gold alsohavebeenreported closedby skam mineralsand intergrown with Koschmann, 7942,pIs. 24, 25) and, although sphalerite. Quartz veinlets crosscut dark it formed earlierthan sphalerite,it was formed (Loughlin and Koschmann, 1942). sphaleriteand larger veins at igneous rocks later than galena. Sulfides-In the Waldo-Graphic mine, py- and recrystallizedlimestone. From texfural relationshipsobservedin this rite occursas: disseminationsin the altered Calciteoccursas long pointed crystals or studv.it is concludedthat chalcopyriteformed country rocks;veinlets and lensesin specu- scalenohedronsand as short prisms with latei than pyrite and sphaleriti, but the relarite-magnetite aggregates;pyritic bodies rhombohedral terminations thit fill vugs. lationship between chalcopyrite and galena with minor associatedinterstitial chalcopv- Calcite has also been reported to occur as is ambiguous. However, based on the parrite; crystalline massesassociatedwith dis- platy radial aggregates, ageneticsequenceof Loughlin and Koschtinctive zones or bands of sphalerite and Bariteoccursas white platy crystals,mostly mann (1942),chalcopyriteis believedto have galenathat have replacedlimestone;and py- in fractures bounding the "silver pipe" and formed early with respect to galena. rite-bearing quartz and calcite veinlets that away from the orebodies. Quartz and calcite were deposited cut other sulfides, dikes, and wall rocks. throughout much of the paragenesis,but the Most of the sphaleritein the orebodiesof calcitepredominated in the final stagesof ore WaldeGraphic mine is dark brown to black, Paragenesis deposition. showslittle internal reflectance,and is probThe parageneticsequencewas determined ably iron rich. It occursas aggregatesof an- on the basis of field relationships of the minhedral grains associatedwith speculariteor erals and a limited study of polished secFluid inclusion study other sulfides (galena-pyrite). In the north- tions. Becausethe orebodiesabovethe water More than 50 doubly-polished thick seceastareasof the mine sphaleritereportedly level have been mined out, observationand tions of quartz, calclte,sphalerite, and barite forms massive orebodies with minor pyrite sampling were confined to remnants of the were prepared; in most of them no useful and galena. In the western portion of the ore. Resultsfrom this study were compared fluid inclusions were found becauseof small mine sphalerite is light greenish to yellow with Loughlin and Koschmann's(1942)study, size or poor optical characteristics. and shows a distinctive color banding. In which was done when the mine was active. The temperaturesof phasechangesin fluid this area of the mine it does not appear to As a whole our observationsare in agree- inclusions during freezing and heating tests be associatedwith specularite.The dark-col- ment with the previous work. were measured on a Linkham TH600 dualored sphaleritecontains chalcopyriteincluOre formation may be grouped into three purpose heating/freezingstage. Reproducisions.This texture,known asemuliion texture major stages(Fig. 3). The first stagewas the bility of the melting temperature (Tm) was or chalcopyrite disease (Barton, 1978), has growth of skarn minerals, recrystallization +0.2'C. Measurementsof homogenization been interpreted as a product of: L) exoso- and/or marbleization of the limestone, and temperaturehad a reproducibilityof + 1.0'C lution, 2) replacementor epitaxialgrowth, 3) depositionof specularite-magnetiteand miexceptfor inclusionsin dark sphalerite,which, mechanicalmitng (Kojima and Sugaki,1985 nor quartz. The second stage consisted of due to poor visibiliry, were only good to about and referencescited therein), or 4) a product deposition of pyrite, dark sphalerite, chal- + 5 0 c . of supergeneprocesses(DeWaaland John- copyrite, galena,and quartz. The final stage son, 1981).Its formation may imply move- was characterizedby the deposition of carment of copper within the sphaleritecrystal bonates, barite, and minor light-colored Freezingand heating observations itself or an addition of copper and iron from sphalerite. During the freezing runs, inclusions exan externalsource.The effectsof these proThe temporal relationship between spec- hibited different kinds of behavior: in some cesseson the fluids trapped at the time of ularite and magnetite was not determined inclusions the size of the gas bubble desphaleriteformation are unknown. conclusively in this study, but Loughlin and creasedsuddenly, but the inclusions reChalcopyrite occurs as small interstitial KoschmannQ9a2,pl.2) suggestedthat mag- mained relatively transparent a secondgroup grainsin pyrite and as microscopicblebsen- netite was formed after specularite.Sphal- showed similar behavior but turned "grainy" closedin sphalerite.Galenais generallyless erite was depositedin both the sulfide and and dull gray; in a third group the gasbubble abundantthan sphalerite,and occursas fine- c a r b o n a t es t a g e s o f m i n e r a l i z a t i o n a n d grained, interstitial blebs between grains of sphalerite.Loughlin and Koschmann(1942) reportedthat the ratio of galenato other sulColc-silicotes fides increased with the distance from the Hemotiie Nitt monzonite contact. Mognetite Skam minerals--Dopside-hedenbergite and 7r(Pa 3t7- 205"C at47"_C actinolite occur as replacement minerals in Quortz limestonesand to a minor extent in intrusive Colcite rocks. These minerals occur as columnar sheaves,as much as 6 cm long, and as finePyrite grainedmasses.They have beenpartially reDork 3lO-175"C -!r!l Spholerite placed by calcite and quartz due to late hydrothermal activity. Cholcopyrite Iron Oxides-Specularite is the most abunts Goleno dant of the hypogeneiron oxidesand occurs t85-t45.C Borite as micaceous aggregates and interwoven bladelike crystals. Most of this specularite is magnetic,probably due to the presenceof Skorn Sulfide Corbonote Stoge microscopicor submicroscopicmagnetite. In some polished sectionsmagnetite was not observed,even though the specularitewas FIGURE 3-Paragenesis diagram with fluid inclusion temperatures Nm Mexico Ceology February 1987 disappeared.Tm was obtained by warming the inclusionsslowly, especiallyabove - 30'C, and when the amounts of ice in the inclusion became small the warming up was stopped to ensure equilibration. The temperature at which the last ice melted (Tm) was recorded. The first appearanceof liquid was not detectedand, therefore,not recorded. Several fluidinclusions exhibitedTm above0'C; when this occurred and when freezing of the fluid inclusion was not observed,a careful check for the presenceof CO, gas and for clathrate formation was performed by applying the techniques and criteria used by Collins (1979). However, CO, gas and clathrates were not observed. Each freezing run was performed at least twice in order to check the reproducibility of Tm. When Tm was not reproducible within the range stated, stretching upon cooling was assumedand the measurement was not recorded.The suspectedstretching during cooling was detectedonly a few times in fluid inclusions in calcite and sPhalerite' A{ter Tm was determined, experimental heating runs were performed for each mineral to determine the range of homogenization temperatures(Th). Eachchip was heated at rates of 30'C Per minute until temPeratures near the range of homogenization were reached,then the rate of heating was slowed to rates of 1-2'Clmin, and the temperature was registeredwhen the gas bubble disappeareq. The fluid inclusions in sphalerite Presented special problems in determining homogenization temperatures because the bubble disappeared in dark border areas of the inclusions. To obtain Th, the heating run was stopped as soon as the bubble disappeared in the areas of total reflection, and ihe temperature was dropped a few degrees centigrade. If the gas bubble immediately reappeared,then the temperature was raised 2-3be above the temperature at which the run was stopped. The cyclesof raising and lowering the temperaturewere repeateduntil the vapor bubble reappeared only after the inclusion was supercooled. This indicated that the fluid inclusion had indeed homogenized during the previous heating. TABLE1-Fluid inclusion homogenizationtemperaturesand salinitiesfrom the Waldo-Graphicmrne; * P = primary; S : secondary; : number of measurements' Sample Salinity Temperature ('C) of homogenization (Th) welO-sw(P) -2w (P) w900-s0 (P) 7.44-r33(6)" 367-269 (17)- w600-25 (P) w300-1 (P) s.4(ry 3170r Observation Quartz in recrystalfized Iimestone 303-216(4). Quartz intergrown with sphalerite 4.48-4.32(2)" 317-205(5)- Quartz hosted by skarn 4.01-3.53(3). 2.56-2.06(3)* 341J09 (4)r7n_tnqr?t* Quartz vein in intrusive w900-1 (P) 0.87-0.18(7). 270-147(8)" Quartz postmineralization w900-50 (P) _10 (P) 5.25-3.21(3)* 2.40-r.90 (3)* 362-232(5)" 335-200(5)* Sphalerite with quartz, hematite, and chalcopyrite w920-7 (P) w300-3 (P) 3.21-7.56(6)* (10r 0.70-0.18 185-110(7). 185-145(r0)* Sphalerite (light colored) (s) Barite calcitewithout fluid inclusions. Secondary fluid inclusionsin calcitewere not abundant. The presenceof fluid inclusionswith variable gis-liquid ratios may be interpreted in a varietyof ways such as the trappingof an immiscible fluid, true boiling or effervescence,sequentialtrapping of different fluids at different times, necking down after formation, or leakage(Roedder,1979).The variable gasJiquid ratio in calcite observed in this studvisassumedto be the resultof neckdown for the following reasons:1) no ing fluid incluA type primary Quartz-Only was identified by optical means; 2) alCO, samPles. quartz sions were measured in However, sample 900-1 showed both type A most complete absenceof gas-rich fluid inand type B fluid inclusions. The coexistence clusions;3) lack of zonal distribution of fluid of liquid- and vapor-rich inclusions suggests inclusions; and 4) no textural evidence of the tlapping of immiscible fluids caused by trapping of differentfluids at different times. boiling at the time of formation of this quartz. Thiiefoie, Th is not representativeof the temperature of trapping and, therefore, is Sphalerite-Primary fluid inclusions mea- not presentedhere. sured in sphalerite were tyPe A. Most exhibited negative crystal shape in which Barite--Barite exhibited few clear areas that inclusionborderswere dark. In extremecases/ containedusablefluid inclusions.In general whole inclusions were almost completely dark the fluid inclusions in barite were small and because of the high internal reflectivity of difficult to measure.In addition, many of the sphalerite.It was possibleto distinguish the inclusions appeared to be secondary or t9' bubble in several of these dark inclusions. have leaked.Severaltype C secondaryfluid Secondaryfluid inclusions are related to frac- inclusionswere filled with a colorlesssoluClassificationand description of fluid tures or as aligned arrays of negative crystal- tion. All the measurements were made in inclusions shapedinclusionswith no apParentrelation- what were assumed to be primary type A According to phase relationshipsat room ship to actual fractures. Of this last group/ fluid inclusions. temperature, fluid inclusions of Waldo- some were measured and reported as Tm/ Graphic mineralizationmay be separatedinto Th of secondaryfluid inclusions.Type C inFluid inclusion results three groups. Type A [(I-V)L], the most clusions appeareddark and empty, and they The homogenizationtemperaturesand sacommon, are two-phase liquid-rich fluid in- were generally associatedwith fractures' measuredfrom the Waldo-Graphicmine when linitv no chanqe exhibited clusionsin which the gas phase is less than These inclusions are iummarized in Table1. 50Voby volume and homogenizedby vapor cooledor heated. disappearance.Type B [(L-V)U are gas-rich fluid inclusions in which the gas phase fills Calcite-Fluid inclusions in calcitewere type Quartz-Because the fluid inclusion study more than 95% of the volume of the cavity. A with variable gas-liquid ratio and random was done with quartz samplesfrom different In one type B inclusion, it was possible to distribution. In some inclusions the bubble stagesof paragenesis,the range of lomogobserve that the inclusion homogenized to appeared gray to dark and was conspicu- eni2ation temperatures was broad (147gas.Type C (L), are composedof one-phase ouily larger than the other group of inclu- 367"C).However, the data may be divided liquid-rich fluid inclusions that exhibited no sions with small, clear bubbles. In all cases, into three temperature populations that corchangewhen cooled or heated. No fluid in- the bubble was not greater than 50Voby vol- respond fairly well with the parageneticasclusions were observed to contain daughter ume. There was a general scarcity of type B sociationof the quartz (Fig.a). Temperatures fluid inclusions.Many areasapPearedas clear ofthe highestgroup ranged from 280to 380"C, minerals. February 1,987 Nm MexicoGeology Many inclusions located along fracture planes were interpreted to be of secondary origin. Isolatedinclusionsof large size,variable shape, and with no apparent relationship to fracfureswere assumedto be primary. In general, most of the samples contained few type A inclusions. The small size andior the optical characteristicsof many inclusions precluded observation of fluid behavior during cooling and heating. with a peak of 320"C. Most of this data is from inclusionsin quartz associatedwith recrystallizedlimestoneand from primary fluid inclusionsin vein quartz within an intrusive body. The intermediate temperature group ranged from 200 to 260'C. Inclusions in this group were mainly from quartz intergrown with sphalerite or skarn minerals and from secondary fluid inclusions from the intrusion-hostedvein quartz. Temperaturesin the lowest group ranged from 140to 200"C.These inclusions were in samples from the postmineralizationstage. Fluid inclusion salinitiesranged from 0.2 to 7.4 eq wt% NaCl. Figure 5 shows that early-stagequartz fluid inclusionshave higher salinities than the salinities measured in samples of the later stages (post-mineralization). Barite-The fluid inclusions measured in barite have homogenization temperatures from 145 to 185"C (Fig. a). Salinity values rangefrom 0.2 to 0.7 eqwt% NaCl (Fig.5). Again, the barite is thought to have formed in the last stage. Discussion The salinity valueshave been plotted versus homogenization temperatures in Figure 6. The data may be grouped in three populations: 1) inclusions in pre-ore quartz associatedwith recrystallized limestone and primary fluid inclusionsfrom a quartz veini 2) inclusionsin dark- and light-colored sphalerite,inclusions in quartz intergrown with sphalerite or occurring in skarn, and secondaryfluid inclusionsin vein quartz; and 3) inclusionsfrom barite and quartz thought to be post-oreminerals. Sphalerite-The range of Th of primary inThe salinity-homogenizationtemperature clusions in sphalerite was 110-362"C.The diagram(Fig. 6) shows a progressivecooling distribution of Th values on a histogram of the solutions through time, which began shows two distinct populations (Fig. 4)IThe with early quartz and ended with late barite first ranged from 110 to 190'C and is com- and quartz. Fluid salinity showed a sympaposed of fluid inclusions from light-colored thetic trend. Fluids trapped in mineralsfrom sphalerite.In this group Th values cluster the early stage had a higher salinity than around 150to 190'C.The secondpopulation those from later parageneticstages.At the consistedof datafrom dark-brown sphalerite time of sphalerite deposition a decreaseof and rangedfrom 190to 370'Cwith most tem- the fluid temperatureoccurred,but there was peraturesgrouped between 230to 310"C(Fig. no conspicuousvariation of fluid saliniW. 4). Salinity values for both dark and light The cbmbined analyses of the maximum sphaleriteare in the range 1.5 to 5.2 eqwt% and minimum temperaturesof trapping of NaCl (Fig. s). each mineral, the homogenization-temper- ature histograms, the temperature-salinity diagram, and the parageneticstudy suggest that the skarn stagewas formed at temperatures greater than 320'C becausethe temperature of quartz formation associatedwith the recrystallized limestonesranges from259 to 367"C,and most fluid inclusions homogenized at about 320"C. Most of the sulfide mineralization probably formed in the range from 175 to 310"Cbecauseall the homogenization temDeraturesmeasuredin dark-colo r e d s p h a l e r i t ea r e i n t h i s r a n g e . T h e measured values below this range correspond to fluid inclusions in light-colored sphalerite.Minor sphalerite deposition occurredafter the main stageof mineralization. The third (gangue)stagewas depositedbelow 200"C.This interpretationhas been plotted on the parageneticdiagram (Fig. 3). Genetic model for ore deposition The WaldeGraphic deposit is typified by its associationwith shallow mid-Tertiary stock and volcaniccauldron-relatedsequences.Its primary mineralogy is specularite-magnetite, sphalerite,galena,and pyrite with subordinant chalcopvrite and barite. It forms replacementsand skam orebodiesin the Kelly and Madera Limestones. The fluids resDonsiblefor the mineralization in the WaldeGraphic zone were HrOrich, low salinity (<7.4 eq wt% NaCl) with a C -a f .C (D E f z. AAAAA 200 300 Homogenizotion temperoture "C (Th) Quortz: 400 123456 Solinity eq wt o/. NoCl 16o) Post ore Hostedby ffi Recrystollized limestoneFl-J Skorn liFl Intrusive I Spholerite FIGURE 4-Histogram of homogenization temperatures Spholerite: I l--l Dork Light FIGURE S-Histogram of salinity measurements. Nao Mexico Geology February 1987 temperaturesin the range of L10 to 367"C. Boiling may have occurred but only in the final stagesof quartz deposition. To interpret the genesisof Waldo-Graphic deposits,it is necessaryto build a hypothesis that explainsthe origin of mineralizationon a district-wide scale.There is a spatial relationship between the fine-grainedNitt monzonite and the mineralization at Nitt and Waldo-Graphic mines, but the degree of hydrothermal alterationof the stock and the fluid inclusion study resultssuggestthat the mineralizationpostdatesthe emplacementof the intrusive body. The spatial distribution of intrusive rocks (including those found in the subsurface)suggeststhat underneaththe Magdalenadistrict is a concealedpluton that may be of regionaldimensions.The exposed fine-grained intrusions would represent the earliest magmatic activity and the porphyritic phases,the latest. In agreementwith Elston (1975),the age of the Magdalena mining district mineralization is estimatedto be between28 Ma and 20 Ma becausethe ores were formed after cauldron collapse, after the intrusion of the Anchor Canyonand Nitt monzonite(28Ma), and probablybeforethe inception of basaltic volcinism into the region. Tentatively, the ore deposit genesis is interpreted to be related to the episodic emplacementof a concealedpluton, which acted as a heat engine. This createdepisodic epithermal ground-water convection cells, lo- Q u o r t zi n : izedlimeslone* primory Recrystoll quortz veininclusions ond secondory Skorn,spholerite, inclusions Posl ore Spholerite: Dork Lighf '- -1 Borite I o o o r D A ,'I 6 o tsr-: = ao nt\ lFJ d 4 ci o Il , l iI o I1 f l ) 6-- E o c. o a 3 I t trc = tr o I I I tr I o I I tti- ,/r. /-\t \ ) t-t i,t o ,--:: \--:;::l)--" a / / l^/ va o roo oo , \t S^oo i"" t'--g9""' 300 200 temperoture Homogenizotion "C (Th) FIGURE 5-Salinity-homogenization temPerature diagram. February1987 NewMexicoGeology has been References I o ol paper o o , I _t --a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS-ThiS improved from comments and suggestions made by David Norman, William Chavez, jr., Ted Eggleston,and Bob North. The New Mexico Geological Society and the Latin American ScholarshipProgram of American Universities (LASPAU) provided funding for this research.We are grateful to all of them. Mr. Manrique thanks TacpaUniversity in Peru for leave of absenceduring this period. I ;I l It l Ir l Il l I I I I I I I I , I atto z -€ i;--' calized by the structure developed during cauldron collapse.In this sense the skarn bodiesare the result of the interactionof the limestones with fluids of appropriate compositionand temperature.However,it is also possiblethat this deposit developedin two stages:1) skarn formation associatedwith the Nitt monzonite intrusion as a ground preparation followed by; 2) an epithermal stageto which the sulfide oreswere related. With the Dresentinformation it is difficult to determini the source of the ore metals. However, because we suggest that mineralization is related to epithermal activity and not directly related to igneous rock emplacement, derivation of the metals by leaching of plutonic and volcanic rocks seems more likely than a direct magmatic source. This is in agreementwith the genesispostulated for the silica in the jasperoid (Iovenetti, 1977). In addition, Ewing (1978)proposed, as one of the possiblesourcesof the lead, the leaching of Tertiary volcanic rocks based on the refiterpretatioh of the lead isotopic data from the mineral depositsof southern New Mexico. Nine of Ewing's lead isotopic analyses were from the Magdalena mining district. I I I I Barton, P. 8., 1978,Someore texturesinvolving sphalerite from Furotobe mine, Aikta Prefecture, Japan: Mining Geology, v. 28, pp. 293-j00. Blakestad,R. B., Jr., 1978, Geology of the Kelly mining dishict, SoconoCounty, New Mexico:UnpublishedM.S. thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder; New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Report 43, 139pp., 2 Pls. Burke, W. H., Kenny, G. S., Otto, J. B., and Walker, R. D., 1953,Potassium-argondates, Socorroand Siena Counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Societv, Guidebook to 14th Field Conference,p. 224. . ., and C t r a f i n , C . E . , J a h n s ,R . H . , C h a m b e r l i n , - RM Oibum, G. R., 1978;in Chapin, C. E., and Elston, W. E. (eds.),Fieldguide to selectedcauldronsand minins districts of the Datil-Mogollon volcanic field, New MExico:New Mexico GeologicalSociety,SpecialPublication7, pp.70-12. Collins, L. F., 1979, Gas hydrates in CO2-bearingfluid inclusions and the use of freezing data for estimation of saliniry:EconomicGeology,v.1+, pp. 1435-'1444. DeWaal, S. A., and Johnson, J. A., 1'981',Chemical heterogeneifyof sphaleritein a base-metalsulfide deposit: EconomicGeology,v.76, pp. 594-705. 't982, T., Geology of the central Chupadera Eggleston, -Mountains, Socono County, New Mexico: Unpublished M.S. thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,Socorro, 154 pp.; New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file report 141,162 pp., 2 maps. Elston,W E.,1976,Tectonicsignificanceof mid-Tertiary volcanismin the Basinand RangeProvincewith special referenceto New Mexico; in Elston, W. E., and Northrup, S. A. (eds.),Cenozoicvolcanismin southwestern New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Special Publication 5, pp. 93-1.02. Continuedon pageL0 estimateda reservebase for the Salt Lake coal field of 347 million tons within 250 ft of the surface. Using sulfates as a factor, this reservebasecan be recalculatedas approximately69 million tons of oxidized,lower rank coal and 278million tons of unoxidizedreserve base. Conclusions The formation of sulfatesis due to an increasein the amount of oxygen-richsurfacewater reachingthe coal.The oxygen then reacts with the sulfides, pyrite, and marcasiteto form sulfates.Although the maximum depth at which sulfateis found is 180ft, most of the sulfatesare found within 50-60 ft of the surface.Coals containing sulfatesthat are deeper than this 50-60-ft interval are overlain b| greateramounts of porous sandstonesor alluvium. In either case, surfacemoisture,carrying oxygen,penetrateddeeperthan coalsnot overlain by the same thicknessesof these porous lithologies. Conversely,severalcoalsthat have no sulfatedevelopment,yet are within 50-60-ftof the surface,are overlain by impermeablematerialssuch as mudstone and claystone.In this caie, the impermeablenature of the overburden prevents oxygen-bearingwatei from reaching the coal.The shallowestcoal in which no sulfatedevelopmentoccursis 40 ft. When analyzingthe combustioncharacteristics and estimatingthe resourcesof a coal-bearingarea, attention should be paid to the distribution of sulfatevaluesin the coals.Coalsin the Salt Lake coal field within 40 ft of the surfacehave sulfates,high moisture, low Bfu, and increasedoxygen values. The range of values for those parameters is much greater than for deeper coals. In the Salt Lake coal field all coals within 40 ft of the surface can be considered oxidized.None of thesefeaturesis desirablefor a steamcoal.These data, if figured with the rest of the analyses,will tend to bias the coal negatively. Likewise, exgluding these data from an area-wide appraisal would bias the results positively. Reporting both sets of data and noting the maximum, minimum, and average depths of oxidation will allow a better assessmentof area coals. wish to thank Lynn Brandvold and William ACKNOWLEDGMENTS-I Stone for helpful comments and Orin Anderson, Louie Martinez, and Ralph Wilcox for reviewing a version of this paper. References American Society of Testing Materials, 1983, Gaseous fuels; iz Coal and coke: v 05 05, D3775, pp. 402-405. Anderson, O. J.,7981,,Geology and coal resourcesof Cantaralo Spring 7rl:-min quadrangle: New Medco Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file RePort 142, 13 pp.,2 maps, scale1.:24,000. Anderson, O. J., and Frost, S. I ,1982, Geology and coal resources of Twenty-Two Spring quadrangle: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Report 143,6 pp., 1 map, scale1:24,000. Campbell, n W., 1981,Geology and coal resourcesof Ceno Prieto and The Dyke quadrangles: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Report 1<K, 68 pp.,2 maps, scaleL:24,000. Campbell, F. W., and Roybal, G. H., 1982, Geology and coal resourcesof ihe Fence Lake 1:50,000quadrangle, Catron and Cibola Counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Report 207, 37 pp ,2 maps Kottlowski, F E., Campbell, F. W, Roybal, G. H , Hatton, K S., 1985,New Mexico; ln 1985Keystone coal industry manual: McGraw-Hill, Inc., pp. 531-540. Mclellan, M. W, Biewick, L. R., and Landis, E. R., 1984,Stratigraphicframework, stru*ure, and generalgeology of the Salt Lake coal field, Cibola and Catron Counties, New Mexico: U S. GeologicalSuruey,MiscellaneousField StudiesMap MF-1689,scale 1.:24,000 Roybal, G. H., and Campbell, F. W., 1981,Stratigraphic sequencein drilling data from Fence Lake area: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Report 145,59 pp., 11 maps, scale1:50,000. Wood, G H., Kehn, T. M., Carter, M. D., and Culbertson, W C , 1983,Coal resource classificationsystem of the U S. Geological Suruey: U S GeoiogicalSuruey, Circular 891.,55 pp ! Continuedfrom page5 Ewing, T. E ,1978, Lead isotope data from mineral deposits of southern New Mexicea reinterpretation: Economic Geology, v.73, pp. 578-6M Gordon, C H, 1910,Magdalenadistric| in Lindgren, W, Graton, L , and Gordon, C H., The ore deposits o{ New Mexico: U S. Geological Survey, Professional Penpt 6R nn J41-)4n Iovenetti, | , 7977, Hydrothermal silicification of the Kelly Limestone in the eastem portion of the Kelly nining district, Socono County, New Mexico: Unpublished M S thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, 153 pp Kolima, S., and Sugaki,A, 1985,Phaserelationsin the Cu-Fe-Zn-S system between 500 and 300"C under hydrothermal conditions: EconomicGeology,v 80, pp 758-1.7't Lasky, S G , 1932,The ore deposits of Socorro Counry New Mexico:New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Bulletin 8, 139 pp Loughlin, G F, and Koschmann,A H ,7942, Geology and ore deposits of the Magdalena district, New Mexico: U S GeologicalSuruey,ProfessionalPaper200, 168 PP Osbum, G. R, and Chapin, C E , 1983,Ash-flow tuffs and cauldronsin the northeastMogollon-Datil volcanic field-a summary: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook to 14th Field Conference,pp 797-204. Park, D E., 1971,Petrology of the Tertiary Anchor Canyon stock, MagdalenaMountains, central New Mexico: Unpublished M S. thesis,New Mexico Institute of Mining-and Technology,Socono,92 pp Roedder,E , 1979,Fluid inclusions as samplesof ore fluid; ln Barnes, H. L. (ed ), Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd ed, pp 634737 Titley, S R , 1958,Silication as an ore control, Linchburg mine, Socono County, New Mexico: Unpublished M S thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, 153 pp Weber, R. H., 1977, K-Ar ages of Tertiary volcanic and intrusive rocks in Socorro,Catron, and Grant Counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook to 14th Field Conference, pp.220-223 ! February '1.987 New Mexico Geology