Estimation Theoretical Image Restoration by Jean J. Dolne Ph. D., Electrical Engineering City University of New York, 1996 Submitted to the System Design and Management Program In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of ARCHIVES Master of Science in Engineering and Management at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Massachusetts Institute of Technology JUN 0 3 2009 September 2008 LIBRARIES C 2008 Jean J. Dolne All rights reserved The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author ..... .... ...................... o System Design and Management Program August 08, 2008 Certified by .................... -i .......... William T. Freeman Profssor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science S ^ Thesis Advisor Accepted by.............. ................. L/ -- Patrick Hale Director System Design and Management Program Acknowledgement This thesis is possible due to the sponsorship by The Boeing Company. I truly appreciate the help of my thesis advisor, Prof. Freeman, in directing this work. The assistance of the Engineering System Design department personnel has been truly wonderful. Estimation Theoretical Image Restoration by Jean J. Dolne Submitted to the System Design and Management Program on August 8, 2008 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Management Abstract In this thesis, we have developed an extensive study to evaluate image restoration from a single image, colored or monochromatic. Using a mixture of Gaussian and Poisson noise process, we derived an objective function to estimate the unknown object and point spread function (psf) parameters. We have found that, without constraint enforcement, this blind deconvolution algorithm tended to converge to the trivial solution: delta function as the estimated psf and the detected image as the estimated object. We were able to avoid this solution set by enforcing a priori knowledge about the characteristics of the solution, which included the constraints on object sharpness, energy conservation, impulse response point spread function solution, and object gradient statistics. Applying theses constraints resulted in significantly improved solutions, as evaluated visually and quantitatively using the distance of the estimated to the true function. We have found that the distance of the estimated psf was correlated better with visual observation than the distance metric using the estimated object. Further research needs to be done in this area. To better pose the problem, we expressed the point spread function as a series of Gaussian basis functions, instead of the pixel basis function formalism used above. This procedure has reduced the dimensionality of the parameter space and has resulted in improved results, as expected. We determined a set of weights that yielded optimum algorithm performance. Additional research needs to be done to include the weight set as optimization parameters. This will free the user from having to adjust the weights manually. Of course, if certain knowledge of a weight is available, then it may be better to start with that as an initial guess and optimize from there. With the knowledge that the gradient of the object obeys long-tailed distribution, we have incorporated a constraint using the first two moments, mean and variance, of the gradient of the object in the objective function. Additional research should be done to incorporate the entire distribution in the objective and gradient functions and evaluate the performance. Thesis Advisor: William T. Freeman Title: Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Table of Contents A cknow ledgem ent ............................................................................................................. Ab stract ........................................................................................................................................ Figure C aption .................................................................................................................... 2 3 5 Chapter 1: Thesis organization ................................................................................................ Chapter 2: Image Resolution Techniques .................................................................... 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 ............ 8 . 10 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ A lgorithm .......................................................................................................................... Image Quality Characterization................................... ................................................ References .......................................................................................................................... 10 11 14 19 Chapter 3: Im age restoration......................................................................................................... 22 3-1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3-2 A lgorithm ......................................................................................................................... ..... 3-3 M odel Verification ............................................................................................................. 3-4 Inference model description ............................................................ ............................ 3-5 Psf mode characterization................................................................................................... 3-6 References .......................................................................................................................... Chapter 4 Effect of active constraints on image restoration ....................................... 22 22 26 34 35 48 .............. 50 4-1 Introduction .. .......................................................................................................... 50 4-2 Constraints based on the mean and variance of the object gradients ................................. 50 4-3 A lgorithm ................................... ..................................................................................... 51 4-3-1 Derivative with respect to pixels in row 1 and any column (a = 1, f = f) ......... 52 4-3-2 Derivative with respect to pixels in last row and any column (a = X , f =P )... 53 4-3-3 Derivative with respect to pixels in any row and column 1 (a - a,8 - 1) ......... 53 4-3-4 Derivative with respect to pixels in any row and column Y (a = a, 4-3-5 Derivative with respect to pixels in row 1 and any column (a Y) ....... 53 =1, /3= /) 4-3-6 Derivative with respect to pixels in last row and any column (a = X , 4-3-7 Derivative with respect to pixels in any row and column 1 (a = = , ......... 54 = P ) ... 54 = 1) ........ 55 4-3-8 Derivative with to pixels in any row and column Y (a = , = Y) ................... 55 4-4 References ... ................................................................................................................ 88 Chapter 5 Future work ........................................................................................................... 89 Figure Caption Figure 1: Phase Diversity image restoration. Image quality of estimated object is much better than that of in-focus and defocus images. The in-focus designation means that this image is placed at the position of best focus. It is blurry because of the system's aberrations. ................. 18 Figure 2: Phase Diversity image restoration. The image quality of the estimated object is assumed to have a NIIRS difference of 3 over that of the in-focus image ............................... 18 Figure 3: Listing of NIIRS levels and their associated taskings ....................................... 19 Figure 4 Sample object and point spread function (PSF) used to compare the objective function gradients obtained by analytical and finite difference methods.................................. ....... 26 Figure 5 Figure showing the derivatives obtained analytically and finite difference method. The values are very close to each other for the psf and the three components of the object. ............ 27 Figure 6 Latent R, G, B images and PSF in the first row; Enhanced R, G, and B images, and estimated PSF in the second row. Due to non-uniqueness, the estimated and true functions are different ............................................................................................. ..................................... 2 8 Figure 7 Values of the objective function are in blue. Those of the maximum value of the gradient of the objective function are in green. The algorithm has reached a local minimum..... 29 Figure 8 Latent R, G, B images and PSF in the first row; Enhanced R, G, and B images, and estimated PSF in the second row. The estimated psf is the dirac delta function; the enhanced latent components are the same as the detected image components .......................................... 30 Figure 9 The percent difference of enhanced vs. detected image. The percent difference is on the order of 1e-4 and is considered to be zero ....................................................... 31 Figure 10 Image restoration using the likelihood function in eq. 23. The delta function solution for the point spread function is avoided with the constraints. ......................................... 34 Figure 11 Image restoration using the inference model of ref. 1............................................... 35 Figure 12 Comparison of the analytical with the finite difference model of the gradient. Models match as indicated by the ratios of the derivatives .................................................................... 37 Figure 13 Results when the distance between the initial guess and the truth is 0.043186 and 0.13457 for the object and psf, respectively ................................................................. .... 39 Figure 14 Results when the distance between the initial guess and the truth is 0.34578 and 0.25775 for the object and psf, respectively. ......................................................................... 40 Figure 15 Results when the distance between the initial guess and the truth is 0.23506 and 0.32978 for the object and psf, respectively. ......................................................................... 41 Figure 16 Results when the distance between the initial guess and the truth is 0.087996 and 0.037915 for the object and psf, respectively. ....................................................................... 42 Figure 17 Plot of the distance of the estimated to truth object vs. that of the initial object guess to the pristine object .................................................................................................................. . 43 Figure 18 Results obtained with an RGB image of Mount Rushmore .................................... 44 Figure 19 The distance of the initial and the truth object and psf more than doubled as compared to the values in fig. 18 .. ................................................................................................ . 45 Figure 20 Greater distance from the truth values (0.15872 and 0.18488 for the psf and object, respectively) results in a slight performance degradation............................................................. 46 Figure 21 Difference between the starting guesses and pristine values of the psf and objects increased significantly ...................................................................................................... . . 47 Figure 22 Plot of the distance of the estimated and initial object guess from the truth object..... 48 Figure 23 The case numbers over which the constraints weights were varied one at a time ....... 56 Figure 24 Results when all the constraints are set to zero ..................... ....... 57 Figure 25 Results when the constraint PSm e=10. ......................................... ............ 58 Figure 26 Results when the constraint PSm e=100. ......................................... ........... 59 Figure 27 Results when the constraint PSse=l .................................................................... 60 Figure 28 Results when the constraint PSs e=10 ......................................... ............. 61 Figure 29 Results when the constraint PSs e=100 .......................................... ............ 62 Figure 30 Results when the constraint PSs e=500 .......................................... ............ 63 Figure 31 Results when the constraint P=0.5. ....................................................................... 64 Figure 32 Results when the constraint P=. .......................................................................... 65 Figure 33 Results when the constraint P=5. .......................................................................... 66 Figure 34 Results when the constraint P=10. ........................................................................ 67 Figure 35 Results when the constraint P=1040. ......................................................................... 68 Figure 36 Results when the constraint P=2080. ......................................................................... 69 Figure 37 Results when the constraint PO=0.001............................................................ 70 Figure 38 Results when the constraint PO=0.01.............................................................. 71 Figure 39 Results when the constraint PO=0.1 ....................................................................... 72 Figure 40 Results when the constraint PO= ........................................................................... 73 Figure 41 Results when the constraint PO=10................................................................. 74 Figure 42 Results when the constraint PO=240............................................................... 75 Figure 43 Results when the constraint ZZm=l e-5......................................... ........................ 76 Figure 44 Results when the constraint ZZm= ..................................................................... l 77 Figure 45 Results when the constraint ZZm= 10 ................................................................... 77 Figure 46 Results when the constraint ZZm=100 ......................................... ............. 78 Figure 47 Results when the constraint ZZm=1000 ........................................ ............. 78 Figure 48 Results when the constraint ZO=5e-12. ................................................................ 80 Figure 49 Results when the constraint ZO=5e-9 ....................................................................... 80 Figure 50 Results when the constraint ZO=5e-6. ....................................................................... 81 Figure 51 Results when the constraint ZO=5e-3. ....................................................................... 81 Figure 52 Results when the constraint ZO=0.5. ..................................... 82 .............. Figure 53 Table of cases run by changing the weights many at a time. .................................... 83 Figure 54 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[5 10 10 5e-12 10 1]...... 83 Figure 55 Results for the constraints PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSse] =[5 1 10 5e-12 10 1]........ 84 Figure 56 Results for the constraints PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[10 1 1 5e-12 10 1]........ 84 Figure 57 Results for the constraints PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[10 1 1 5e-12 1 1] .......... 85 Figure 58 Results for the constraints PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 1 1 5e-12 1 1] ............ 85 Figure 59 Results for the constraints PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 10 1 5e-12 1 1].......... 86 Figure 60 Results for the constraints PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 10 10 5e-12 1 1]........ 86 Figure 61 Results for the constraints PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSse] =[1 10 1 5e-12 10 1]........ 87 Figure 62 Results for the constraints PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 1 1 5e-12 10 1] ....... 87 Figure 63 Results for the constraints PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs e] =[1 110101] .............. 88 Chapter 1: Thesis organization This thesis will attempt to restore an object from a single degraded image that may be either color or monochromatic, or detected at two different image planes. It will use estimation theoretic approaches to derive optimal estimators of the parameters of interest. These methods can be easily extended to accommodate multiple detected images. The thesis is organized as follows. * Chapter 2 will discuss image restoration of images detected at two different planes, separated by a known longitudinal distance. It will show tremendous improvement of the "after" comparer to the "before" image. It will discuss image quality metrics to quantify the utility of an image. This metric will be used to characterize the improvement of the "after" image, as mentioned previously. * Chapter 3 will derive an algorithm to estimate a latent or pristine object given one colored image. This algorithm will use a mixture of Gaussian and Poisson noise model for the detected image. To simplify the model, we will modify the Gaussian part of the random process such that the mean and the variance become equal. That effectively transforms the Gaussian process into a Poisson process and the noise mixture becomes the sum of two Poisson random variable. This procedure, valid for large variances, results in a more easily derived likelihood function. To minimize instead of maximizing, we will use the objective functions which is defined as the negative of the likelihood function. Since we will be using multi-dimensional parameters, we will use analytic gradient instead of finite difference gradient, which is extremely processing intensive. We will evaluate performance of our technique on images of various sizes. * Chapter 4 will evaluate the performance of the algorithm when multiple constraints are incorporated in the objective function. The effect of the constraints weights of object sharpness, energy conservation, impulse response point spread function solution, object gradient statistics is evaluated in this procedure. These weights will be varied individually and together. * Chapter 5 will discuss potential future research. Chapter 2: Image Resolution Techniques 2-1 Introduction It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Many may testify, however, that certain pictures are not worth even a single letter of a word. This is because the quality of the image may be so bad that barely any information can be gleaned from it. Many techniques1-8, heuristic and physics-based, have been devised to restore those images to their original quality. The heuristic methods considered include contrast enhancement, histogram equalization, thresholding, and template matching. The physics-based algorithms can be separated into three categories: * The deconvolution algorithms assume that the point spread function (psf) is known a priori and attempt to estimate an object which convolves with the psf to produce the detected image. Examples include the Richardson-Lucy deconvolution and the Wiener filtering. * The blind deconvolution algorithms estimate both the psf and the object and convolve these two functions to generate the detected image. We invoke the [blind extension of the] Richardson-Lucy deconvolution as one example. * The PD technique not only estimates the psf but also the wave front that can be due to a combination of many factors: optics, thermal, and/or atmosphere. From wave optics propagation theory, we know that many wave fronts can yield the same psf (as an example, a wave front O(U, V) and its rotated version O(-U,-V) yield exactly the same psf). We extend more on the PD technique in the following paragraphs. The phase diversity(PD)9-13 is commonly implemented by collecting simultaneously (or within the same aberration realization and same object aspect) two or more images separated by a certain defocus distance usually assumed to be known. In many cases, however, the diversity defocus is not known exactly, or if known, can change due to the operating environment. Certain factors affecting this uncertainty include measurement errors, and variation in the hardware configuration. In certain cases, for instance an optical system in space, these mishaps can not be corrected easily. One study14 that considered erroneous defocus effect was performed to retrieve the wave front using a Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm on the image of a point target. However, if the optical system is expected to image extended targets, one needs to evaluate the performance with similar scenes since such performance can be substantially different from that of a point target. Some possible factors affecting performance include target size and contrast. The phase diversity algorithm exploits the contrast between the "in-focus" and diversity images. We expect little contrast or too much difference between the images when they are too close or too far apart, respectively. Therefore the PD algorithm should yield marginal performance for these extreme cases. Some studies"' 13 have determined the optimal defocus distance using fundamental bound metrics. 2-2 Algorithm The imaging equation within an isoplanatic region is given by'5-16 i(x, y) = o(x, y) & h(x, y) + n(x, y), (1) where 0 stands for the convolution operation, i(x, y) is the blurred and noisy image captured by the detector, o(x, y) is the latent object (commonly referred to simply as object) or scene, h(x, y) is the point spread function (psf) of the atmosphere-optics combination hereforth referred to as the optical system point spread function, and n(x, y) is a Gaussian distributed noise term of mean zero and standard deviation a. Similarly, the defocused image is given by: id (x, y) = o(x, y) ® hd (x, y)+ n (x,y). (2) When uncorrelated Gaussian statistics 17-18 p(iD (X, Y) o,h)= S1__I (id(x, y) - o ® hd (x,y)) 2 exp - 20 (3) 2o7 2La is assumed, the likelihood of obtaining the object and point spread function given D diversity images of size X x Y is given by: D,X,Y 1(o, hI i1( 1, 1) , . . . , iD (X, Y)) - (x, y) -o exp - (id H d=1,x=1,y=1 2i- 2 2U 2 hd (x, y)) .(4) In this paper, we will consider two diversity images, the first diversity image and psf will be denoted by i(x, y) and h(x, y), respectively and will be referred to as the "in-focus" image and psf, respectively. The other diversity image i2 (x, y) and psf h 2 (x, y) will be denoted by id (x, y) and hd (x, y), and will be referred to as diversity image and psf, respectively. The designation of "in-focus" only means that the image is placed at the best focus position. This image is often blurred due to the system's aberrations. Applying Parseval's theorem to the negative of the log likelihood function (neglecting an inconsequential constant) given by: 2 DX L = - ln(l(o, h i (1,1),..., iD(X, Y))) Y (id (x, y)- o = hd(, y)) 2 d=1 x= y=l ,(4) yields the metric to be minimized. The maximum likelihood object function is given by 9 -1 3 L *t". v) . T". . X H(u,(uv)I(uv)+Hd t L 2 A(u, *t". A . T t . ." (5) (u,v) 22 H (u, v) + Hd The expressions for the Fourier transform of the "in-focus" and diversity images are I(u,v) = O(u,v)H(u,v) + N(u ,v), and Id (u, v) = O(u, v)Hd (u, v) + Nd (u, v), respectively, where, with 3 representing the Fourier transform operator, we have: I(u,v) = 3(i(x, y)), d (u, v) = (id(X, y)) O(u,v) = 3(o(x, y)), H(u,v) = 3(h(x,y)), Hd (u, v) = 3(hd (, y)), N(u,v) = 3(n(x,y)), and Nd (u, v) = d(nd (x, (6) y)) . The OTF terms H(u,v) and Hd(u, v) are expressed as autocorrelation of the generalized pupil function as follows 15-16 H(u, v) = P(u, v)ei2 6 (uv) 0 P(u, v)ei 27(uv) Hd(u, v) = P(u, v)e i2, ( ( uv)+ ("uv)) 0 P(u, v)ei27 ( ( u v)+ D(u v)) (7) where P(u,v) is a binary function with values of 1 inside the pupil and 0 outside, and to reduce the optimization parameter space, the OPD (Optical Path Difference) map a,Z,,(u,v) is expressed as a weighted sum of basis polynomials Z,(u,v). The O(u,v)= n Zernike basis polynomials are often used due to their orthogonality over the interior of a unit circle and the rotational symmetry of the optical system. More details on properties of Zernike polynomials may be found in [19]. An example of this PD processing technique is shown in figs. 1 and 2. The in-focus and defocus images are shown in the leftmost and middle of fig. 1, respectively. The in-focus image is not an image without aberrations. It has the same aberration as the defocus image. However, the defocus image has an extra aberration since it is detected at a plane displaced from that of the infocus image. That is why the defocus image is blurrier than the in-focus image. The estimated object is displayed at the right of fig. 1. It is clear that the quality of the estimated image is much better than that of both the in-focus and defocus images. The example shown in fig. 2 is even more dramatic. Only the in-focus and estimated images are shown in fig. 2 ( the defocus image is much blurrier than the in-focus image in this case also) . As can be seen, it is impossible to identify any features in the in-focus image. After applying the PD algorithm, the features are now easily identifiable in the estimated object shown at the right of ig. 2. This improvement is quantified by a NIIRS (National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale) increase of- 3. We expand on the NIIRS formalism in the following. 2-3 Image Quality Characterization The NIIRS metric is used to quantify image quality. This measure: * Makes and communicates quantitative judgments about the potential interpretability of an image. * Describes the information that can be extracted from a given image. * Relates quality of an image to the interpretation tasks for which it may be used. The NIIRS metric is obtained from using the generalized image quality metric (GIQE). The GIQE is a regression based technique to estimate image quality. Human observers are presented with images of different quality and evaluate their utilities. One of the latest versions available is the GIQE 4 given b 20 -22: NIIRS = 10.251 - a log10 (GSD) +b log10 (RER) - 0.656H - 0.344G / SNR, (8) where: RER : Relative edge response GSD : Ground sample distance H : Edge height overshoot G : Noise gain due to MTF boost SNR : Radiometric Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) a= 3.32 RER > 0.9 3.16 RER < 0.9 and 1.559 RER 0.9 - 2 .8 17 RER < 0.9 The GSD represents the projection of the detector pixel on the target. If a charge coupled device (CCD), of horizontal pixel size ccdpix,H and vertical pixel size ccdpix,v, is used, then for a zenith angle of zero (the sensor looks straight down on the scene), the geometric mean GSD is given by: GSDGM = GSDH GSDV, with GSDV ccdpi - xR f and GSDH ccd dpix,H (9) xR f R: Range from sensor to scene f: focal length of imaging system If the last three terms of the NIIRS equation are neglected, we can see that NIIRS changes by one when GSD doubles. The geometric RER is given by: RERGM = ERH (0.5) - ERH (-0.5)XERv (0.5) - ERv (-0.5) (10) where the horizontal edge response is: 00 ER H (a) = 0.5 + 2a JMTF(f x ) sin c(2afx)dfx (11) 0 and the vertical edge response is: ERv (a) = 0.5 + 2a MTF(fy) sin c(2afy)dfy. 0 (12) sin c(x) -=sin(ax) For the horizontal edge response ERH, the edge is oriented along the vertical direction. Similarly for the vertical edge response ERV, the edge is oriented along the horizontal direction. The height overshoot H represents the maximum edge response. This overshoot term penalizes the application of a boost to the OTF. The NIIRS metric, shown in fig. 3, encompasses the range from 0 to 9, with 9 being the best. A NIIRS of 0 indicates no utility to the image. The in-focus in fig. 3 can be evaluated to be of NIIRS 0. This rating may be justified since no interpretability can be inferred from that image. The NIIRS of the estimated image is conservatively estimated at 3, but can be easily rated at a much higher NIIRS. Image In-focus Image Defocus Image Defocus Imaze Estimated Object Estimated Object Figure 1: Phase Diversity image restoration. Image quality of estimated object is much better than that of infocus and defocus images. The in-focus designation means that this image is placed at the position of best focus. It is blurry because of the system's aberrations. In-focus Image Estimated Object Figure 2: Phase Diversity image restoration. The image quality of the estimated object is assumed to have a NIIRS difference of 3 over that of the in-focus image. NURS 0 - Ground Resolved Distance N/A No Interpretation of Imagery Obscurations, Degradation, Poor Resolution NIIRS 5 - Ground Resolved Distance 0.75 to 1.2 meters Identify Radaras Vehicle or Trailer Mounted Identify Deployed Tactical SSM Systems Identify Individual Rail Cars NIRS1 - Ground Resolved Distance > 9 meters NIIRS 6 - Ground Resolved Distance 40 to 75 cm Detect Medium Port Facility Distinguish Between Small/Large Helicopters Distinguish Taxiways and Runways (Large Airport) Distinguish Between SA Missile Airframes Distinguish Between Sedans and Station Wagons N1RS 2 - Ground Resolved Distance 4.5 to 9 meters Detect Large Hangars Detect Military Training Areas Detect Large Buildings NIIRS 7 - Ground Resolved Distance 20 to 40 cm Identify Fittings and Fairings on Fighter Aircraft Identify Ports, Ladders, Vents on Electronics Vans Identify Individual Rail Ties NIIRS3 - Ground Resolved Distance 2.5 to 4.5 meters NIIRS 8 - Ground Resolved Distance 10 to 20 cm Identify Large Aircraft Identify Rivet Lines on Bomber Aircraft Identify a Large Surface Ship in Port Identify a Hand-Held SAM Detect Trains on Railroad Tracks Identify Windshield Wipers on a Vehicle NIIRS4 - Ground Resolved Distance 1.2 to 2.5 meters NIRS 9 - Ground Resolved Distance < 10 cm Identify Large Fighter Aircraft Differentiate Cross/Straight-Slot Aircraft Fasteners Identify Tracked Vehicles Identify Missile Screws and Bolts on Components Determine the Shape ofa Submarine Bow Identify Vehicle Registration Numbers on Trucks Figure 3: Listing of NIIRS levels and their associated taskings 2-4 References 1. 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Malila, J. Irvine, L. Colbum, and N. Salvaggio, "General Image-Quality Equation: GIQE," Appl. Opt. 36, 8322-8328, (1997). 22. Gerard Holst, Sampling, Aliasing, and Data Fidelity (SPIE Press, Washington, 1998). Chapter 3: Image restoration 3-1 Introduction Nowadays, imaging equipments are widely available over the market. Consumer electronics such as video recorders and cell phone imagers are routinely used. However, the resulting images have significant blur due to a combination of factors as mentioned above. Furthermore, motion blunrring is common in these images. One peculiarity of these images is that, sometimes, only a single frame is available. Therefore, it may not be applicable to use the techniques mentioned in the previous chapter. In this chapter we will assume a single RGB image is available. We will address a procedure to mitigate these blurring effects and estimate the latent (enhanced) object and point spread function from the detected noisy and blurred image. Our blur is 2-D. 3-2 Algorithm Assuming an isoplanatic optical system, the detected image ic (x, y) is given by' 3 : i,(x, y)= n,c(x, y) + np,(x, y), (1) where lG,c (X, y) is a Gaussian noise process of zero mean and variance np,c (x, y), a Poisson noise process of mean Oc 0 o c (x, y) is the latent color image and C E {R, h(x, y), h(x, y); G, B); the point spread function, common to all the colors; and (x, y), the spatial coordinates. 0" ; To make the likelihood function manageable, we use an approximation, valid for large variance value of the signal, similar to what has been used in the literature. We will modify the Gaussian noise process as follows 1-6 n y) =Gc (X, ) +Y) G(x, This way, the Gaussian noise process, fn (x, y), (2) is similar to a Poisson process of mean and 2 variance U . The modified detected image, representing the sum of the Poisson processes, is itself Poisson and is given by: i (x, y) = n y) ,(x, np, c (x, y) (3) The mean and variance of this Poisson process is specified as: o ® h(x,y)+o. (4) Accordingly, the likelihood function may be written as: ) (i c (x,y)+c 2 2 L h(x, y)+ 2 ) fl xy O c=R,G,B r. , e-(oc ®h(x,y)+a ) (5) ) ( (x, Y) + oc The log-likelihood, given by the logarithm of the above expression, is (neglecting the constant term): LL = (ic(xy) + xy c=R,G,B )In(oc lUf 0 h(x,y) + O )- (oc (6) h(x, y)+ . To minimize, instead of maximizing, we take the negative of the previous expression, and adding some constant terms to make sure that the minimum is zero, we obtain: c=R,G,B xy }i +ic(x, y) +o2 11n(ic (x, y) + C )- In(oc 0 h(x, y) +o2 I+[Oc ®h(x,y) + )- (ic (x, ) + ) LL = (7) This negative of the log-likelihood is referred to as the objective function. The goal is to find the functions o c (X, y) and h(x, y) that minimize the objective function given in equation 7. Since an exhaustive approach is not possible, we will use a gradient search technique to arrive at the solution. Attempting to calculate the gradient using finite difference is computationally expensive and takes extremely long. Therefore, we resort to computing the gradient analytically. The derivative of the objective function with respect to the object pixels is given by: aocL,= I ( h(x - a,y aoc(a,P) h(x-a,y - f) oc0 h(x, y) + o 2 _'fl) - (ic(x, xY (8) which may be written as: 8LL =C h(x - a,Y - P)1 0Oc(a,p) (ic(x,y) + 0 2 ) oc h(x, y) 2 (9) Similarly, the derivative with respect to the point spread function is given by: 8LL ah(a,f) =L xy c=R,G,B (ic(x, y) + 72) Oc(x- a,y 81(1 Oc h(x,y)+ c2 (10) This imaging system, being incoherent, will yield positive valued object values. To ensure that these values are positive, we will perform the estimation with respect to the square root of the object pixels, Oc,sr (X, y), and express the object pixel as: c(x, y) = Oc,s, (X,y)2 (11) The derivative of the objective function, with respect to the square root of the object pixels, is: LL oc,s,r (a, 8) where Boc (a,p) 8LL aoc (a, l) (12) o c (a, fi) oc,s,r (a, 8)' = 2 , (a, f). oc,sr (a, fl) Similarly, in order to use unconstrained optimization techniques for the psf, the estimation of the point spread function is expressed in terms of its square root, with: h(x, y) = h,,(X, y) 2 . (13) Using the chain rule, we write the derivative of the objective function with respect to hr,(x, y) as: aLL ahs, (a, /) where 8h(a,/) =f-= 2hs, (a, f). 8hs,r (a, 6) aLL ah(a,/) ah(a, ) ahs,(a, )' (14) 3-3 Model Verification To assure us that the model works, we checked the analytical gradient with that computed from finite difference. As an example, we used an 8x8x3 pristine object and the psf shown in fig. 4, right-hand side, to compare the gradients from both methods. aject prfst G 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 CectQrparstB 2 4 6 8 PSF 2 4 6 8 Figure 4 Sample object and point spread function (PSF) used to compare the objective function gradients obtained by analytical and finite difference methods. The following figure, fig. 5, shows the values obtained for the derivatives. The numbers are very close to each other. The ratio is approximately one for all the object and PSF pixel values as shown by the columns labeled Analytic/Finite Difference, signifying the ratio of the derivatives obtained by analytic method to those by finite difference. .... :i.- -. . . -I I Figure 5 Figure showing the derivatives obtained analytically and finite difference method. The values are very close to each other for the psf and the three components of the object. Applying this algorithm to a color image yields the results shown in fig. 6. It seems that the enhanced components do not resemble the original functions. This is due to the fact that we have four unknowns, the R, G, B images, and the PSF, but only three measurements. The problem is 27 ill-posed. This example is a local solution of the problem. We note that in many cases, the algorithm converges to a point solution for the estimated psf and yields the detected image as solution to the latent (true) object. Object Component R Object Component G Enhanced Object Component R Enhanced Object Component G Object Component B Enhanced Object Component B PSF Estimated PSF Figure 6 Latent R, G, B images and PSF in the first row; Enhanced R, G, and B images, and estimated PSF in the second row. Due to non-uniqueness, the estimated and true functions are different. We say that the solution given in fig. 6 is a local solution by examining the metric in fig. 7. It shows the value and the maximum absolute of the gradient of the objective function at each iteration. The objective function decreases from 7.5 to 1.5e-8. Furthermore, the maximum value of the gradient reaches - 1.4e-5, small enough to be considered negligible. However, this is not the global solution since, when substituting the true color latent image and the true PSF, the value of the objective function is - 5e-16. MU 0 > 10 ._E (3 C ; -010,11 10 o 100 1 Iteration Number ) Figure 7 Values of the objective function are in blue. Those of the maximum value of the gradient of the objective function are in green. The algorithm has reached a local minimum. One of the solutions often obtained is that where the psf is a delta function as shown in Fig. 8. Although the objective function value is 1.085954e-008 (objective function value when true pristine and psf are substituted), we see that the latent image components are very blurry compared to the "truth" latent object components. Component R R Object Component Object Enhanced Object Component R G Object Component Component G Object Enhanced Object Component G Object Component B Object Component B Enhanced Object Component B PSF PSF Estimated PSF I Figure 8 Latent R, G, B images and PSF in the first row; Enhanced R, G, and B images, and estimated PSF in the second row. The estimated psf is the dirac delta function; the enhanced latent components are the same as the detected image components. The enhanced image components in fig. 8 are very close to the detected image components. This is further emphasized in fig. 9 where we plotted the percent difference between the detected and enhanced images. The percent difference is on the order of le-4 and is, therefore, considered to be zero. 0x 0x10 0. 10 B R -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 -1.5 -1.5 1 -20 50 0 100 Pixel Number Pixel Number 50 100 Pixel Number Figure 9 The percent difference of enhanced vs. detected image. The percent difference is on the order of le-4 and is considered to be zero. To avoid that solution, we impose the constraint with a weighting of PO: PO * log(1 - h(x, y)). (15) This term (eq. 15) penalizes the objective function as the psf approaches fewer and fewer pixels. In order to have a high-fidelity object, we include a sharpness metric as follows: - ZZ *Y cO, (x,y) , (16) cxy where ZZ designates the level of importance of sharpness in the objective function. By controlling ZZ, the level of sharpness in the recovered object can be manipulated. This metric 0oc (x, y) is based on the fact that, given a positive function distribution, - ZZ * cxy 2 will be smaller if the object pixels are concentrated in a few pixels than if they are distributed in many pixels. An other way of enforcing the sharpness constraint is through: ZZm / 1 oc (x, y) 2 . (17) cxy More information will be given below on the expression 17. Making sure that the psf sums to 1 was enforced through: 2 P* h(x, y) -1 , (18) xy with a weight P. The conservation of energy, with a weighting of zo, was enforced as follows: ZO* (oc (x, y) - ic(cxy cxy y)) (19) Eq. 18 is a "mild" form of ensuring that the energy is conserved from object to image. It can be seen in the following. Ignoring noise in eq. 1, we write the detected image as: - o(x', y')h(x'-x, y'-y)dx'dy'. ic (x, y)= (20) The total energy Id over the detector plane is found as: I d = i(x,y)dxdy= f Jo(x',y')h(x'-x,y'-y)dx'dy'dxdy, (21) xy xyx'y' which becomes: Id (22) = o(x', y')dx'dy'. fi c(x, y)dxdy= x'y' xy This implies that having the psf sum to one helps achieve energy conservation. The complete objective function is: + I(oc 0 h LL = xy c=R,G,B y)++(x, )- h(x, y)j +P* + ZO* 1 h(, y)+ - Oc 2n(i c +2 (,) )ic+ 1 -ZZ * hy oc(x, y) 2 +ZZm/ (c (x, y) - ic (x, y))2 + PO* o, (x, Y) 2 log(1 - h(x, y)) xy (23)cxy (23) The derivative of this new objective function is computed accordingly (remark that the sharpness oc (x, y) term constraint - ZZ * 2 was not used because it tended to yield images that cxy were very often two-tone). We mention that with this new objective function, we were able to avoid the delta function solution for the point spread function. However, the solution did not seem to converge to the true object-psf pair when the object was more than a few pixels in extent. An example of the restoration is shown in fig. 10. The quality of the enhanced object is clearly superior to that of the detected image. We note that the estimated psf is not a point, but occupies many pixels in extent as is the case for the "truth" psf. These results are compared to those obtained with inference model described below. Truth Obiect Detected Imaae Tr uth Pef Estimated Obiect Estimated Psf Figure 10 Image restoration using the likelihood function in eq. 23. The delta function solution for the point spread function is avoided with the constraints. 3-4 Inference model description In ref. 4, Fergus, Singh, Hertzmann, Roweis, and Freeman devised a method for removing blur from camera shake using an inference scheme. That approach consists of approximating the full posterior distribution using the variational Bayesian formalism. This minimizes the distance between the approximating and the true posterior distribution. An example of the algorithm result is shown in fig. 11. The estimated object is clearly much better than the detected image. However, the estimated psf does not look very closely to the true psf. More tweaking may need to be done in the parameters used. Truth Object Detected Image Estimated Object Estimated Psf Figure 11 Image restoration using the inference model of ref. 1. 3-5 Psf mode characterization The problem of image restoration is ill-posed. For our case, we are solving for four 128 x 128 values, however, we only have three 128 x 128 measurements. To better pose the problem, we express the psf as a series of Gaussian basis functions. This way, the dimensionality of the estimation space is reduced. Each Gaussian function is characterized by a mean value in the vertical, /Iyj , one in the horizontal direction, pj, and standard deviation, Oj, as follows: h(x,y) = C,7 1 exp( 2go j~ Px 1 )2+( - - y (24) Y 2,2) The derivative of the objective function with respect to the psf parameters is given, using the chain rule, by: 8LL SLL a/ ahs, (a, p) itxa where 8hsr (a, /) (25) xax h(x, y) = hs,, (x, ) 2 and hs,,j(x, Y) = (212 1 (2l2 Ye exp(_((x x )Y+( - py 40- . (26) aLL ) derived above. If only one basis function is Eq. 25 allows us to use the results for h (a, used to characterize the psf, the derivatives with respect to the psf parameters are:(a, used to characterize the psf, the derivatives with respect to the psf parameters are: ahsr (a, fl) 8hs,(a, (a, ) and (27) ayxa ah(a,f) apxa Similar expressions are given for (a,, ) ah(a,f) -hsr ahsr,(a, /) apya The expanded expressions for the derivatives are given by: ah(x, y) (X Ua - ah(x, y) 7_ a xa + 0 -u a _ (Y - PUya) exp 2 and _ xa ) exp(- ((X - 2 a ((x - Pxa)2+ - tya Y 2 ya /20 a ),(28) ), (29) ah(x, y) x __ (X - /"ya) dor )2i + (Y - /yay2 )2 (X - xa 2 a 2o.2J (30) To make sure that our analytical model works, we compared the analytical with the finite difference model of the gradient in fig. 12. The two models match very closely as shown by the ratio of approximately 1 of the analytic to the finite difference gradient elements. s •G Object pixeI R Analytic Fnt Dlforenco Object Finit n c/li*Anayi Diforence pixel GGradientOjetamet Dlference* AnltcFnt Dtrn. e Anlyi Fiit Difrec AR~lileA Diftrence An 4.4"U* .0.4984 1.00000 -1.39700 -1.r700 1.o00000Q -. 42851 442851 1.00000 -1.97040 -1.97030 1.00005 -2.47640 -2.47070 1.00004 -1.13930 -1.13930 1.00000 -1.50180 0.9993 4.aess -1.50,190 .o~os t o.ss0 -0.835 -0.410937 0.993S .0.63550 -0.63551 0.99"S8 o.os4 -0.os3ea 1.00003 0.4310 -0.94312 0.99M8I -1.53170 -1.53160 1.00007 -1.28380 -1.230 1.00000 -0.93885 -0.93884 1.00001 -. 29530 -12950 1.00000 4.71875 -0.71875 1.00000 -. 72475 -0.72474 1.00001 -. 91440 4.91439 1.00001 -2.1840 -2.18830 1.00005 -. 7479 -1.749W 0.99994 -. 90210 -1.90200 1.00005 -2.480 -2.48850 1.00000 -1.3300 -1.a33o 1.00000 4.51735 -0.51736 1.00000 4.50185 4.50486 0.99998 0.73140 -4.73142 0.99M97 -1.17160 -1.17150 1.00009 -0.82470 4.82469 1.00001 -. 70135 .. 70137 0.99"7 -1.39120 -1.39120 1.00000 -0.43446 0.4344 1.00000 -- 1.8290 -1.1290 1.00000 4 As514 -0.4s51 1.00002 -0.46729 0."72" 1.00000 -0.79160 4.79158 1.00003 4.49112 -. 49112 1.00000 -0.33661 4.33661 1.00000 4-0.908s0 0.999 .0.90 40.38311 -0.38311 1.00000 -1.134640 -1.13640 1.00000 -0.27290 4.27289 1.00004 -0.30695 -0.300 1.00000 -0.57625 -O.5023 1.00003 40.47346 0.4734 1.00000 04.735 0.39734 1.00003 -0.75560 -. 75560 1.00000 -0.33819 -0.33819 1.00000 -0.56790 4."788 1.00004 0.09667 0.0967 0.99997 0.0216 4.02164 0.99995 4-0.15388 -. 15387 1.00006 -0.25511 1.25511 0.12812 0.12812 1.00000 -0.24161 .24161 1.00000 0.36128 -0.36128 1.00000 -. 45306 -0.40306 1.00000 0.13293 0.13293 1.00000 0.051 7 0.05167 0. a*** Tori -0.07196 0..*0*9 47."1100 iie AnaltcIFhn Dlference Diforene -14.8se0 .11 47."7400 tooooo .9 1.00001 I - - _ I 4.00000 -0.20578 4.20578 1.00000 .0.24310 4.0908" -. 235451 -0.033141 -0.24310 .0.09085 4.23545 0.0334 1.00000 1.00002 1.00000 0.99997 Figure 12 Comparison of the analytical with the finite difference model of the gradient. Models match as indicated by the ratios of the derivatives. We then evaluated the estimation method using small RGB images of pixel size 8 x 8. These images were generated using the pristine objects shown in fig. 13. The first guess of the estimated object is a noisy version of the pristine object generated as follows: * Add a noisy term of a certain standard deviation to the pristine object * Zero out the negative components * Take the square root of the resulting non-negative values and use as first guess of the square root of the estimated object * Iterate until algorithm converges or the maximum number of iterations is reached To characterize how far apart the functions are from their true values, we adopted a distance measure where for two functions f(x,y) and g(x,y), it is given by: j (f(x, y) - g(x, y)) 2 xy(31) product(size(f (x, y))) * product(size(g(x,y))) Fig. 13 shows the results when the distance between the initial guess and the truth is 0.043186 and 0.13457 for the object and psf, respectively. The distances between the estimated and the true values were found to be, 0.00021558 and 0.00047069, for the psf and object, respectively. The small distance value indicates how close the two functions are. This is further reinforced by the visual comparison of the estimated and pristine objects; they look almost indistinguishable from each other. First guess of Object R r, R Detected Image G Estimated Image Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00021558 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.13457 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.00047069 Distance of guessed from truth object 0.043186 Figure 13 Results when the distance between the initial guess and the truth is 0.043186 and 0.13457 for the object and psf, respectively As mentioned above, a metric of performance is the distance between the estimated and pristine object and psf parameters. Another metric used, although to a lesser extent, is the visual comparison of the estimated to the true detected image, where the estimated image is given by the convolution of the estimated object with the estimated point spread function. In this example, the estimated and detected images are very similar visually. Figs. 14 to 16 show that distance (between estimated and true values) increases as the initial guess of the object deviated significantly from the pristine object. First guess of Object R G B Detected Image Pri.stin OC)hipd Estimated Image Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.24634 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.25775 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.25514 Distance of guessed from truth object 0.34578 Figure 14 Results when the distance between the initial guess and the truth is 0.34578 and 0.25775 for the object and psf, respectively. First guess of Object Detected Image G Pristine Obiect Estimated Image Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.022912 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.32978 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.13163 Distance of guessed from truth object 0.23506 Figure 15 Results when the distance between the initial guess and the truth is 0.23506 and 0.32978 for the object and psf, respectively. First guess of Object R G B Detected Image G Pristine Obiect Estimated Image Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00097104 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.037915 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.0017361 Distance of guessed from truth object 0.087996 Figure 16 Results when the distance between the initial guess and the truth is 0.087996 and 0.037915 for the object and psf, respectively. To visualize the performance of the constrained maximum likelihood algorithm, we plotted the distance of the estimated to truth object vs. that of the initial object guess to the pristine object in fig. 17. As noticed in the above images, the performance decreases as the initial estimates get further and further from the true values. 7r 0 0Io -'4-- n- - - - ------ II R First guess of Object G B Detected Image G Pristine Obiect Estimated Image F.timqtpd Chipnt Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.01303 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.020347 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.04117 Distance of guessed from truth object 0.048188 Figure 18 Results obtained with an RGB image of Mount Rushmore Using a worse starting guess did not seem to affect the results significantly, as shown in fig. 19. In this case, the distance of the initial and the truth object and psf more than doubled as compared to the values in fig. 18. However, the final result of the objects resembled closely the truth object. The distance between the estimated and truth values is only 0.081681 for the object and 0.013236 for the psf. The distance for the psf does not change much from that in fig. 18. First guess of Object R r R Detected Image G Estimated Image Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.013236 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.096511 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.081681 Distance of guessed from truth object 0.096023 Figure 19 The distance of the initial and the truth object and psf more than doubled as compared to the values in fig. 18 Starting with a greater distance from the truth values (0.15872 and 0.18488 for the psf and object, respectively) results in a slight performance degradation as shown in fig. 20. The estimated and the pristine objects are very close visually. Numerically, they are only separated by a distance of 0.01547 and 0.15746 for psf and object, respectively. R First guess of Object G B Detected Image R G B Estimated Image F timtar Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.01547 hiaret Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.15872 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.15746 Distance of guessed from truth object 0.18488 Figure 20 Greater distance from the truth values (0.15872 and 0.18488 for the psf and object, respectively) results in a slight performance degradation. Fig. 21 shows significant difference between the starting guesses and pristine values of the psf and objects. After applying our constrained maximum likelihood algorithm, the object and psf are nicely recovered. The estimated objects bring out features otherwise unrecognizable in both the initial guess and the detected images. The distance between the estimated and the truth values are 0.052744 and 0.31862 for the psf and object, respectively. First guess of Object R G B Detected Image R G B Estimated Image Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.052744 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.52175 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.31862 Distance of guessed from truth object 0.41729 Figure 21 Difference between the starting guesses and pristine values of the psf and objects increased significantly. A plot of the results cited above is shown in fig. 22. It shows the distance of the estimated and initial object guess from the truth object. The slope, being less than one, indicated that the estimated object is closer to the truth object than the initial guess is. This indicates that our algorithm performs as expected and always points towards the best solution. However, as the initial guess becomes worse and worse, the ML algorithm is more prone to getting stuck in a local minimum. 0 Q00 Q1 Q15 Q2 DamdFirst G Q Q3 _ssjedt fronThih je Q05 Q4 045 Figure 22 Plot of the distance of the estimated and initial object guess from the truth object 3-6 References 1. D. L. Snyder, C. W. Helstrom, A. D. Lanterman, M. Faisal, and R. L. White, "Compensation for readout noise in CCD images," JOSA, 12, 272-283 (1995). 2. D. L. Snyder and A. M. Hammoud, "Image recovery from data acquired with a chargecoupled-device camera," 10, 1014-1023 (1993). 3. L. A. Shepp and Y. Vardi, "Maximum-likelihood reconstruction for emission tomography," IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 1, 113-122 (1982). 4. R. Fergus, B. Singh, A. Hertzmann, S. Roweis, and W. T. Freeman, "Removing camera shakefrom a single image, " SIGGRAPH 2006. 5. W. T. Freeman, E. C. Pasztor, and 0. T. Carmichael, "Learning low-level vision," Int'l Journalon Compter Vision, 40, 25-47 (2000). 6. M. J. Black, Y. Yacoob, A. D. Jepson, and D. J. Fleet, "Learning parameterized models of image motion," Proceedings IEEE CVPR, 561-567 (1997). 7. R. Fletcher, Practical Methods of Optimization, (Wiley-Interscience, Britain, 2001). 8. Jorge Nocedal and Stephen Wright, Numerical Optimization (Springer Series, New York, 1999). Chapter 4 Effect of active constraints on image restoration 4-1 Introduction In this chapter, we will study the effects of various constraints on image enhancement performance. As noted earlier, the gradient of a natural scene follows long-tailed distribution' 2. It seems logical that inclusion of such information may improve the algorithm performance. This chapter will evaluate results obtained by including constraints based on the first two moments (the mean and standard deviation) of the estimated object gradients. 4-2 Constraints based on the mean and variance of the object gradients The constraint on the mean of the object function gradient is enforced with this term: P Sm e (vo, where - J, vo ) (1) vo,~ is the mean of the gradient of the estimated object color component c given by: (x, y - vo1 =(o 2 XYXy ( -1, y) + o c (x, y) - oc (x, y - 1)), (2) which becomes: Y vo=2XY (X, y) - o,(1, y))+ x (o (x, Y) - O(X,1)). (3) We enforce the variance constraints through: PSse(62voc - -2vo (4) The variance of the gradient of the object function is the sum of the variances of the gradients in the x and y directions and is defined as: XY1 +oC _ vo -XY-1 XY 2 2(x',y') xY , Y) o (x 1, y) -I(o, (x', y') x, (, + oC (x, y)- 1 xy ,(x, y -I) XY 0, Wx- 1, y'))) 2 y') - Oc (X', (o(x, x'y' (5) which becomes: 1 o (x,y)- o, (x - 1,y) X &2 o XY-1 xy + oc(x,y) - (o0 (X, y') - o0(1,y')) XY -- o (X,y- 1) .(6) 1 X -Z(oc XY xt (x',M) - oc (x',1)) 4-3 Algorithm The modified objective function is given by: LL = I xy Iic (X,y) + + 2)_-Ino 0 h(x,y)+ 2 2In (ic(x, y) 2 cc c=R,G,B cn 0 h x y) +o~c 12 +[ oc0 h(x, y) + o)- (ic(x, y) + C+Pp Zh(x,y)- 1) xy -zz * oC (x, y) 2 + ZZm / 1 oc cxy - PO * (x, y) 2 + ZO * cxy log(1 - h(x,y)) + PSm_ e + PSs _eL (2Vo C - 2 -- O-Vo (oC (x, y) - ic(X,y)) Lcxy (tvo c 12 - UPVo ,(7) whose derivative with respect to the object pixel Oc (a, aLL - 2ZZm y-fl) oc (a, fl) P) is: S(ic(x,Y)+ ) -2ZZ* Oc ®h(x,y)+c + 2ZO * Z (oc (x', y') - ic(X', y') ) .(8) oC (X,y) +2PSm_e AVO - /Vo ) afvc ^2 aoc (a, f) + 2PSs_ 2 e (2o , ( aoc,(a, P ^2 The derivative expressions for the mean, ao, (a, #) , and the variance, Voc aoc (a, P) , are considered in the following paragraphs. As can be seen from eq. 3, the derivative of the mean value, c aoc (a, 8) , is zero except for the border pixels. We compute the derivatives, understanding that the derivatives of the mean of the gradient of the estimated image color component c with respect to any other object pixel of a color component different than c are zero, in four steps. 4-3-1 Derivative with respect to pixels in row 1 and any column (a = 1,I = P) In this case, the derivative is given by: c(aop (a,/l) v 1 + 6( 2XY - Y) - (# -1)). (9) 4-3-2 Derivative with respect to pixels in last row and any column The derivative is expressed as: aVO ao, (a, /) (1+ ( - Y)- S(p -1)). - 2XY (10) 4-3-3 Derivative with respect to pixels in any row and column 1 (a = a, fl= 1) The derivative is: ao, (a, 8) 1 (-1+ (a - X) - 6(a -1)). 2XY (11) 4-3-4 Derivative with respect to pixels in any row and column Y The derivative is: o(a,) ao, (a,,8) 1 1 (1+ (a - X) - (a - 1)). 2XY (12) The derivatives of the variance of the gradient of the estimated image color component c with respect to the inner object pixels of the same color component c (i.e. those that do not touch the borders) where a # 1, a # X, 8 1, 8 # Y are (of course the derivatives of the variance of the gradient of the estimated image color component c with respect to any other object pixel of a color component different than c are zero): 07Vo, ao,(a,,) -2 F(oc(a+l,P)- (a, 8)) - (o, (a,fl)- oc(a- 1,p)) XY- 1 _+(o(a,p+ 1)- 0, (a,,8))- (o, (a,,8)- oc (a, f - 1))9, .(13) The derivatives of the border pixels are evaluated in the following manner, noting these term designations: Xd (X, y) = (OcX, ( Y 1, ))- AT )- Oc (X - (oc (x oc (1, y)) (14) y=l and X Yd (X, y) = (Oc (X, )- Oc (X, y-1)) 1 XY x=1 (Oc(X, Y)-o,(x,i)). (15) 4-3-5 Derivative with respect to pixels in row 1 and any column (a = i,,8 = P) 2 (x- 1,y- f) + XY - 8(x- 2,y- Xd (x,y) ,-2 UVo 2 ao, (a,f) XY - 1, (x - 1,y -) +Yd (X,Y)r + 7- - (x - 1,y - (g( - 1) - ( f- ,) .(16) - 1) Y)) I 4-3-6 Derivative with respect to pixels in last row and any column (a =X,5 = P) Xd(X, y)((X-X, y-,8)- 6(x-X- 1,y -,8) ,,a2 ao^Vo c Coc (a, f) 2 XY -1, (4(x - X, y -) + Yd (X Y) 1(8 ;YY1 - 6(x - X, y -/8 - 1) 1)- fiY) Y (17) 4-3-7 Derivative with respect to pixels in any row and column 1 (a = a, fl = 1) -a,y-1)-8(x-a -y-lj Xd a-2 XY ao (a,8) XY - 1 y + Yd (o(a - 1) - 6(a ,j )(5(x a,y -1)- 8(x- a,y - fl -1) 1 Y (18) 4-3-8 Derivative with to pixels in any row and column Y (a = a, P = Y) -a,y-Y)-3(x-a-1,y- -Y) ,2 SVo _ 2 XY ao, (a,p ) xY-1 +Yd (, y) (8(a -1)- - a, y - Y) - 8(a - X)) (x - a, y - (19) The results using the above expressions are discussed below. An extensive experiment is designed to study the effect of the various constraints as shown in fig. 23. The constraints weights are varied over considerable range to gauge their true effect on the algorithm performance. 0 1 o I 0.5 I Figure 23 The case numbers over which the constraints weights were varied one at a time. Fig. 24 shows the initial object guess (first three columns of the first row on the left side), the initial psf guess (fourth column of the first row on the left side). As before, the pristine objects and truth psf are displayed in the second row on the left side. The estimated object and psf are shown in the third row on the left side. On the right side of the fig. 24, are shown the detected and estimated images. As stated before, the detected image is obtained through convolving the pristine object with the truth psf, whereas the estimated image is obtained by convolving the estimated object and estimated psf. All the constraints were turned off in this case. The psf is characterized by its basis function parameters. First guess of Object Detected Image G Pristine Object True nsf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00042836 Estimated osf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 24 Results when all the constraints are set to zero. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32402 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figs. 24 to 26 show the results from changing the weight PSme of the mean of the gradient constraint from 0 to 100. Looking at the sizes of the estimated and truth psf in figs. 24, 25 and 26, we may conclude that PSm_e=100 is the optimum value, of those considered. The distance from the estimated to the truth psf, 0.00038594, is the lowest of these three cases. The estimated object looks better than that of the other two cases, even though the distance metric indicates that the PSm_e=100 yields a slightly worse image than that of the two other cases. We would argue that the small difference in the distance metric, less than 0.3%, can not by itself determine the best looking image. This factor must be correlated with visual confirmation, which was carefully done in this study. The detected and estimated images look very similar, indicating that our results are self consistent and that our algorithms work! First guess of Object R Pristine Object Detected Image G True psf Estimated Image Estimated psf Estimated Object RI Distance of first Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00042223 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 25 Results when the constraint PSm_e=10. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32363 guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object P r, P Firet nliwoef nef Detected Image G Pristine Object True nsf Estimated Imaqe Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00038594 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32489 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figure 26 Results when the constraint PSm e=100. Figs. 27 to 30 present the results for varying PSs_e from 1 to 500. Again, looking at the estimated images quality seems to indicate that the case PSs_e=l performed the best. In this scenario, the distance between the estimated and truth psf was found to be 0.00040925. It is worth emphasizing that that the distance between the estimated and pristine object can not be the only factor in image evaluation. It is well understood that sometimes an optimum amount of noise may make an image look more pleasant to a human. This topic is further discussed in the framework of stochastic resonance 3, which is not covered in this thesis. First guess of Object B First auess of osf Detected Image Pristine Object True osf Estimated Obiect Estimated nsf P Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00040925 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 27 Results when the constraint PSs e=1. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32066 e PO ZZm ZO PSm e PSs Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object Detected Image Pristine Object Estimated Image Estimated Object Estimated psf P PO ZZm 0 0 0 Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.000533 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 28 Results when the constraint PSs e=10. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.28692 PSm e PSs e 0 10 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 R First guess of Object G B First auess of osf Detected Image G Pristine Object True nsf Estimated Object 7. Estimated psf P PO ZZm ZO PSm e PSs e 0 0 0 0 Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00079616 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 29 Results when the constraint PSs_e=100. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.21903 0 100 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 R First guess of Object G B First auess of osf Pristine Object Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0010833 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.19844 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figure 30 Results when the constraint PSse=500. Figs. 31 to 36 depict results for varying P from 0.5 to 2080. As before, P is the coefficient of the term constraining the sum of the psf pixels to equal to 1. Again, evaluating visually the estimated objects, the best case seems to be produced when P=5. Although, the initial guesses differ significantly from the pristine object, the algorithm was able to yield an answer that is very close to the truth. The distance of the estimated and truth psf, 0.00028154, is the lowest of the six cases for P=[0.5 1 5 10 1040 2080]. This quantitative determination is verified with a visual evaluation of the psfs; the estimated and truth psf look very similar as shown in fig. 33. Furthermore, consistency between the detected and estimated images is maintained, as shown in the right side of figs. 31 to 36. Figure 31 Results when the constraint P=0.5. First guess of Object R R Firzt ni aCnf nzf Detected Image Pristine Object True nsf Estimated Image Estimated Object Estimated psf U Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00034004 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 32 Results when the constraint P=1. PPO ZZm ZO PSm e PSs e Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32752 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figure 33 Results when the constraint P=5. First guess of Object R G B First guess of psf Detected Image Pristine Object True Dsf Estimated Imaqe Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00052674 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 34 Results when the constraint P=10. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.36238 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object R G B First quess of psf Detected Image G Pristine Object True psf Estimated Image Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0042761 Estimated Dsf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 35 Results when the constraint P=1040. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.95856 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object G B First auess of osf Detected Image G Pristine Object True osf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0043563 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 1.1815 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figure 36 Results when the constraint P=2080. Figs. 37 to 42 display the results when PO varied from 0.001 to 240. Visual evaluation reveals superior estimated image quality for PO=10. Additional confirmation is provided in the distance between the estimated and truth psf, 0.0003083, being the lowest for the six values, [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 240], of PO studied. This parameter, enforcing the constraint that the energy in the images and estimated object be equal is working very well in the algorithm. First guess of Object R BR First niips onfnsf Detected Image Pristine Object True psf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00040174 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 37 Results when the constraint PO=0.001. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32436 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object R G B First auess of osf Detected Image Pristine Object True Dsf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00044527 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 38 Results when the constraint PO=0.01. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32365 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object Detected Image Pristine Object True osf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0004403 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 39 Results when the constraint PO=0.1. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32398 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object pR R Firft rIIe of nf Detected Image Pristine Object Estimated Image Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00037594 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 40 Results when the constraint PO=1 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32402 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object G B First of nsf Detected Image G Pristine Object True psf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0003083 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 41 Results when the constraint PO=10. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.33171 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object G B First auess of Dsf Detected Image Pristine Object True osf Estimated Image Estimated psf Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0021391 Distance of first guessed from truth psf Distance of estimated from truth object 0.0015291 0.53287 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figure 42 Results when the constraint PO=240. Figs. 43 to 47 show results from varying the weight ZZm for the object sharpness constraint that, as mentioned above, is given in the form of 1 . This implies that the sharper the (As ofexample assume that an object an less number object is,the object is, the less number of pixels it occupies. As an example assume that an object 1 1 1 i1 1 1 0 1-1 0 00 02- =0 9 0 00 xy and another object has all theses values concentrated in one pixel as o02(x, y)2 . It is clear that the sharper object 02 will have a greater integrated energy 0 8 ithan that of object o1 where 01 (X, y) 2 = 9. This manifests in the xy objective function as the inverse of the sharpness values, as given above. Therefore, the higher the sharpness values, the lower their inverse is, and the lower their contribution to the objective function. We recall that we are minimizing the objective function and the object pixel values are positive. Detected Image R Pristine Object G True Dsf Estimated Imaae Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00042767 Estimated nf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 43 Results when the constraint ZZm=le-5. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32401 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object G B First auess of Dsf Detected Image R Pristine Obiect Tri nf Estimaterd nf Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf G Distance of estimated from truth object Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0004115 0.0015291 0.32401 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figure 44 Results when the constraint ZZm=1. First guess of Object Detected Image guess of Object First Estimated Imaae Fstimatpd Chinr.t Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00040862 Ftimntri ncf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 45 Results when the constraint ZZm=10. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.3236 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object Detected Image G Pristine Object B True osf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00044963 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf Distance of first guessed from truth object Distance of estimated from truth object 0.0015291 0.32374 0.41394 Figure 46 Results when the constraint ZZm=100. R First guess of Object G B First uess off Detected Image R Pristine Object G B True psf Estimated Image Estimated Object Estimated psf P Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00045756 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 47 Results when the constraint ZZm=1000. PO 1ZZm ZO PSme PSs e Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32445 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 A careful visual evaluation of the estimated images in figs. 43 to 47 reveals that the value of ZZm=10 produced the best result. The estimated and pristine objects look closer together than for the other ZZm values. This is confirmed with the quantitative metric of distance between the estimated and truth psfs of 0.00040862, the lowest value produced by the ZZm parameters considered. Varying the weight ZO yields results in figs. 48 to 52. We increased ZO from 5e-12 to 0.5. The distances from the estimated and truth psf were computed and were found to be lowest for ZO=5e-9. The quality of the estimated object was found to be the best, visually, for this value of ZO also. Some other values of ZO yield significantly degraded results. For ZO=5e-6 and 5e-3, the psf is extremely different from the truth psf, yielding estimated objects of low quality. This happens because this constraint attempts to match the estimated and detected image energies. As ZO becomes large, this constraint heavily weighs on the objective function resulting in energy being more consistent while object distribution deviates significantly from the pristine object. R First guess of Object G B First uess of Detected G Image R Pristine Object True psf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00043501 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of first guessed from truth object Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32361 0.41394 Figure 48 Results when the constraint ZO=5e-12. First guess of Object Detected Image R G B Pristine Object Estimated Image Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0004049 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 49 Results when the constraint ZO=5e-9. Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32631 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object p r, p Fir tAIIc Af r-f Detected Image G Pristine Obiect Tn ip nef Estimated Image Ftimtpd Ohipnt Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0043231 F-timntrd nef Distance of first guessed from truth psf Distance of first guessed from truth object Distance of estimated from truth object 0.0015291 1.6314 0.41394 Figure 50 Results when the constraint ZO=5e-6. First guess of Object Detected Image R Pristine Obiect G Tri ua nf Estimated Imaae F-timqtpd OChinr.t Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0046361 Fqtimatd nqf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Figure 51 Results when the constraint ZO=5e-3. Distance of estimated from truth object 1.8327 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Detected Image R G B Pristine Object Estimated Image I~B~g~l~a4 Estimated Object Estimated psf P PO ZZm ZO PSm e PSs e Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0012296 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 1.6084 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figure 52 Results when the constraint ZO=0.5. To further evaluate the effect of the various weights, we changed more than one factor at a time. The cases run are displayed in fig. 53 for various values of the weights. We can see clearly that the best result is obtained in fig. 61 for [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 10 1 5e-12 10 1]. The estimated and true psf distance is also the lowest at 0.00027408. This value is the lowest of all the cases considered in this chapter. The maximum likelihood algorithm that we have derived worked! Figure 53 Table of cases run by changing the weights many at a time. Detected Image G Pristine Object True osf Estimated Imane Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00042553 Fstimated nf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.35096 Figure 54 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[5 10 10 5e-12 10 11. 0.41394 First guess of Object Detected Image G B Pristine Object Estimated Image F timntrl rhi at Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00050904 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.36015 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figure 55 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[5 1 10 5e-12 10 1]. First guess of Object Pristine Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00067455 Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.37307 Figure 56 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_el =[10 1 1 5e-12 10 1]. Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 First guess of Object Detected Image R Pristine Object G B True psf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00055465 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf Distance of first guessed from truth object Distance of estimated from truth object 0.0015291 0.36109 0.41394 Figure 57 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e =[10 1 1 5e-12 1 1]. First guess of Object Detected Image G Pristine Object Estimated nsf Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00036719 Distance of first Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32342 Figure 58 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 1 1 5e-12 1 11. guessed from truth object 0.41394 First nifC nf nzf Detected Image Pristine Object True psf Estimated Imaae Estimated Obiect Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00028961 Estimated Dsf Distance of first guessed from truth psf Distance of first guessed from truth object Distance of estimated from truth object 0.0015291 0.33044 0.41394 Figure 59 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 10 1 5e-12 1 1]. First guess of Object R Pristine Object Detected Image G B True psf Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00028428 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.3308 Figure 60 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 10 10 5e-12 1 11. Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 R First guess of Object G B First auess of nsf Detected Image Pristine Object True nsf Estimated Image Estimated psf Distance of estimated from truth psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.00027408 Distance of first guessed from truth object Distance of estimated from truth object 0.0015291 0.33092 0.41394 Figure 61 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 10 1 5e-12 10 1]. First guess of Object R G B First uess of Detected Image Pristine Object True nsf Estimated Imane IPctimat Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.00035602 l (hiort Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32386 Figure 62 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e =[1 1 1 5e-12 10 1]. Distance of first guessed from truth object 041394 First guess of Object G B First uess of Detected Image Pristine Obiect TnrIp n-.f Estimated Image Estimated Object Distance of estimated from truth psf 0.0003647 Estimated psf Distance of first guessed from truth psf 0.0015291 Distance of estimated from truth object 0.32391 Distance of first guessed from truth object 0.41394 Figure 63 Results for the constraints [P PO ZZm ZO PSm_e PSs_e] =[1 1 0 10 1]. 4-4 References 1. R. Fergus, B. Singh, A. Hertzmann, S. Roweis, and W. T. Freeman, "Removing camera shake from a single image, " SIGGRAPH 2006. 2. D. Field, "What is the goal of sensory coding?" Neural Computation, 6, 559-601 (1994). 3. S. Mitaim and B. Kosko, "Neural fuzzy stochastic resonance," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 3, 2237 - 2242 (1998) Chapter 5 Future work Many issues have been resolved in this paper. We have designed a rather comprehensive experiment to address the problem of single image enhancement. More remains to be done. One topic that needs to be investigated is the added value, if any, additional constraints using the higher order moments of the gradient of the object would bring. Another topic that needs to be investigated is whether adding another detection channel would better constrain the problem and yield a better solution. This additional channel should be such that no additional unknowns are introduced. One way to accomplish that is to use another detector that detects the integrated intensity, i.e. sums the three colored images. This measurement architecture would serve to constrain the sum of the estimated images to add up to that integrated measured intensity. Since the optical system did not change, the psf remained the same and no additional unknowns would be introduced. To increase convergence rate, it may be advantageous to not only express the psf but also the object as a set of basis functions. The object expansion may be more challenging since there is many spatial frequency information that this expansion would need to capture. Finding an appropriate basis function set for feature rich scenes would be a great contribution towards high resolution image enhancement. Another possible research are includes hybrid image enhancement. When looking at images, part of the image may be recognized while other parts may not be. If features are available for the recognized parts, then it may be useful to isolate those parts and enhance only the unrecognized portions. The final enhanced image would then be a combination of the separate pieces, stitched together such that edge boundaries are avoided. Some smoothing at the blocks boundaries may be required.