A B: S -

Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
The American Diploma Project (ADP) Benchmarks in English Language Arts are aligned with the:
 21st Century Reading and English Language Arts Content Standards and Objectives for West Virginia Schools (Grades 9, 10,
11, and 12)
 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools Content Standards and Objectives for West Virginia Schools (Grades 9-12)
Ratings indicate:
3 = Excellent alignment between the two documents
2= Good alignment, but important elements of an ADP Benchmark are not addressed
1 = Weak match. The two statements may be related in only a very general manner
0 = No match for the ADP Benchmark was found
Note that when alignment is found in Grades 9-12, earlier grade statements that also align are not included in this chart. Grades K8 statements are included only when the match at 9-12 is incomplete.
When only a standard in a grade level below high school matches an ADP Benchmark, a rating of “2” is assigned. Expectations
from lower grades are shaded in blue to distinguish them from the high school expectations.
Green-shaded cells in this column denote an absence of West Virginia standards that align with an ADP Benchmark.
ADP Benchmarks:
A. Language
A1. Demonstrate
control of standard
English through the use
of grammar,
capitalization and
spelling. [ADP Core]
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.12.3.02 plan, organize, adapt and
deliver a grammatically correct presentation
using a variety of media (e.g., live
performance, video, PowerPoint, Web pages).
RLA.O.11.3.02 plan, research, organize and
deliver a grammatically correct presentation
using a variety of media (e.g., live
performance, video, PowerPoint, web pages).
RLA.O.10.2.10 select revision and editing
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
Grammatical correctness is
clearly an expectation, but it
does seem somewhat odd that
standard English conventions/
grammar is not clearly specified
in “Writing” at each high school
grade level.
The standard statement, that
“Students will apply writing
skills….by applying
grammatical and mechanical
properties in writing…” could
be phrased more clearly and this
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
expectation could be specified in
the objectives more explicitly
for “Writing.”
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage, mechanics and
spelling. In the proofreading process, integrate
the use of
 dictionary
 spell check
 thesaurus
 style sheet or guide
RLA.O.10.3.02 formulate and deliver
grammatically correct messages, as well as
evaluate and adapt strategies for developing
credibility, such as speaking truthfully and
creating clear and logical messages (e.g.,
supporting ideas with evidence and emotional
appeals in light of purpose, audience and
A2. Use general and
specialized dictionaries,
thesauruses and
glossaries (print and
electronic) to determine
the definition,
etymology, spelling and
usage of words.
RLA.O.9.3.02 formulate and deliver
grammatically correct messages, taking into
consideration the purpose of the message and
the speaker’s and the listener’s culture,
knowledge, beliefs, feelings, and life
RLA.O.12.2.11 use proofreading and editing
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage and mechanics.
In the editing process, integrate print and
electronic tools:
 dictionary
 thesaurus
 spell check
 grammar check
 thesaurus
 Use peer editing and collaboration
techniques to correct errors.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
If West Virginia does want
students to be able to use
different features of dictionaries
and glossaries – not just for
definitions or alternate word
choices, but also for
pronunciation, etymology, or
usage – it might be worth
specifying this expectation more
explicitly. In RLA.O.12.2.11,
the implication is that these
would be used for spelling and
word choice only.
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.11.2.10 use proofreading and editing
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage and mechanics.
In the editing process integrate print and
electronic tools:
 spell check
 grammar check
 thesaurus
 dictionary
 style sheet or guide
 readability score
A3. Use roots, affixes
and cognates to
determine the meaning
of unfamiliar words.
RLA.O.10.2.10 select revision and editing
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage, mechanics and
spelling. In the proofreading process,
integrate the use of
 dictionary
 spell check
 thesaurus
 style sheet or guide
RLA.O.10.1.10 extend vocabulary by
developing and using new terms and phrases
found in reading classical literature and
informational texts using various strategies:
 context clues
 affixes
 suffixes
 multiple meanings
 etymologies
RLA.O.9.1.10 extend vocabulary by developing
and using new terms through various literary
and informational texts through various
 context clues
 affixes
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
A4. Use context to
determine the meaning
of unfamiliar words.
A5. Identify the
meaning of common
idioms, as well as
literary, classical and
biblical allusions; use
them in oral and written
West Virginia ELA Objectives
 prefixes
 multiple meanings
 origin
 history
 evolution
RLA.O.10.1.10 extend vocabulary by
developing and using new terms and phrases
found in reading classical literature and
informational texts using various strategies:
 context clues
 affixes
 suffixes
 multiple meanings
 etymologies
RLA.O.9.1.10 extend vocabulary by developing
and using new terms through various literary
and informational texts through various
 context clues
 affixes
 prefixes
 multiple meanings
 origin
 history
 evolution
RLA.O.10.1.05 evaluate the author’s use of
specific information in text (e.g., author’s
purpose/perspective, main/supporting details,
specific facts, statistics, definition,
figurative/nonfigurative words).
RLA.O.10.1.10 extend vocabulary by
developing and using new terms and phrases
found in reading classical literature and
informational texts using various strategies:
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
Idioms and allusions may be
implied, but neither is stated
explicitly. Both are important
for instruction – particularly for
students for whom English is a
second language or for students
who may not have a rich home
experience with literature and
language, as home is often
where students with stronger
literacy environments would
acquire this knowledge of
idioms and allusions.
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
A6. Recognize nuances
in the meanings of
words; choose words
precisely to enhance
communication. [ADP
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
context clues
multiple meanings
RLA.O.9.1.10 extend vocabulary by developing
and using new terms through various literary
and informational texts through various
 context clues
 affixes
 prefixes
 multiple meanings
 origin
 history
 evolution
RLA.O.9.2.10 use pre-writing, editing and
revision techniques to construct complete and
varied sentences, eliminate organizational errors
and use more precise and concise language.
RLA.O.12.2.10 demonstrate use of precise
vocabulary, figurative language and literary
devices to establish credibility, authority, and
authorial voice to suggest an attitude toward
subject matter, create mood, and carefully
appeal to the audience:
 imagery
 rhetorical question
 connotation/denotation
 irony (situational, dramatic, verbal)
 setting (geographical, historical, political)
 symbolism
 extended metaphor
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.11.2.09 revise, edit and strategically
employ a variety of sentences for improved
variety and more precise and concise
 gerunds
 infinitives
 subordinate clauses
 adjectival phrases,
 word usage/choice variations
 passive/active voice
RLA.O.10.2.09 revise sentences to create
specific effects, variety and more precise and
concise language:
 gerund phrase
 participle phrase
 infinitive phrase
 clauses
A7. Comprehend and
quantitative, technical
and mathematical
information. [ADP
21C.O.9-12.1.LS3 Student creates
information using advanced skills of
analysis, synthesis and evaluation and
shares this information through a
variety of oral, written and multimedia
communications that target academic,
professional and technical audiences
and purposes.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT6 Student uses advanced
features and utilities of spreadsheet
software, (e.g., formulas, filters, pivot
tables, pivot charts, macros,
conditional formatting), to perform
calculations and to organize, analyze
and report data.
Emphasis in West Virginia is on
the communication of technical
Note that West Virginia goes
beyond the scope of ADP in the
specificity of its statements on
spreadsheet and database
Expectations for comprehending
(and communicating)
quantitative and mathematical
information may logically
appear in West Virginia in the
mathematics and science
21C.O.9-12.1.TT8 Student uses advanced
features and utilities of database
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
software (e.g., to create tables, forms,
perform table relationships, advanced
queries, and simple reports) to test
hypotheses or research questions and
to report results.
B1. Give and follow
spoken instructions to
perform specific tasks,
to answer questions or
to solve problems.
B2. Summarize
information presented
orally by others.
RLA.O.2.1.05 describe a purpose for reading:
 for information
 for pleasure
 to understand specific viewpoints
 to follow directions
RLA.O.3.1.14 use reading skills and strategies
to understand a variety of information resources
to support literacy learning (e.g., written
directions, captions, electronic resources, labels,
informational text).
RLA.O.3.3.01 listen and respond to familiar
stories and poems (e.g., summarize and
paraphrase to confirm comprehension, recount
personal experiences, imagine beyond the
literary form).
Expectations related to
giving/following directions
appear much before grades 9-12
and relate to written directions
rather than spoken directions.
Specific attention to
summarizing information
presented orally is only
evident at the elementary
RLA.O.4.3.01 listen and respond to different
literary forms and speakers (e.g., summarize
and paraphrase to confirm understanding,
recount personal experiences, listen to
information and exhibit comprehension,
provide reasons in support of opinions,
respond to others’ ideas).
RLA.O.12.1.06 formulate, in a critique,
supportable conclusions, summarize events
and ideas, construct inferences and
generalizations, and interpret character traits
from explicit and implicit ideas.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.11.1.06 formulate supportable
conclusions, summarize events and ideas,
construct inferences and generalizations, and
critique character traits in a written/oral
literary interpretation.
RLA.O.10.2.07 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in a
writing/research project in order to avoid
plagiarism; recognize copyright laws and
public/private domain.
B3. Paraphrase
information presented
orally by others.
RLA.O.9.2.08 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in
writing in order to avoid plagiarism;
recognize media copyright laws and
public/private domain
RLA.O.3.3.01 listen and respond to familiar
stories and poems (e.g., summarize and
paraphrase to confirm comprehension, recount
personal experiences, imagine beyond the
literary form).
RLA.O.4.3.01 listen and respond to different
literary forms and speakers (e.g., summarize
and paraphrase to confirm understanding,
recount personal experiences, listen to
information and exhibit comprehension,
provide reasons in support of opinions,
respond to others’ ideas).
RLA.O.10.2.07 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in a
writing/research project in order to avoid
plagiarism; recognize copyright laws and
public/private domain.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
B4. Identify the thesis
of a speech and
determine the essential
elements that elaborate
it. [ADP Core]
B5. Analyze the ways
in which the style and
structure of a speech
support or confound its
meaning or purpose.
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.9.2.08 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in
writing in order to avoid plagiarism; recognize
media copyright laws and public/private
RLA.O.10.1.05 evaluate the author’s use of
specific information in text (e.g., author’s
purpose/perspective, main/supporting details,
specific facts, statistics, definition,
figurative/nonfigurative words).
RLA.O.9.1.05 locate and analyze the author’s
use of specific information in text (e.g.,
author’s purpose/perspective, main and
supporting details, specific facts, statistics,
RLA.O.8.3.03 critique oral/visual information
presented, relate personal experiences and
apply the information to global situations.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
In West Virginia, these related
statements come from the
“Reading” strand instead of
from the “Listening, Speaking
and Media Literacy” strand.
RLA.O.9.3.03 perform a variety of roles in
various settings:
 critique oral/visual information
 relate personal experiences
 collaborate to gain consensus
 mediate
 speak extemporaneously
RLA.O.9.3.05 understand, interpret and evaluate
various media communications.
RLA.O.12.1.05 evaluate and justify the
characteristics of author’s intended audience,
purpose, style, voice and technique through
the use of reasoning and evidence and
literary/character analysis.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
B6. Make oral
presentations that:
• exhibit a logical
structure appropriate to
the audience, context
and purpose;
• group related ideas
and maintain a
consistent focus;
• include smooth
• support judgments
with sound evidence
and well-chosen details;
• make skillful use of
rhetorical devices;
• provide a coherent
• employ proper eye
contact, speaking rate,
volume, enunciation,
inflection and gestures
to communicate ideas
effectively. [ADP Core]
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.11.1.05 analyze characteristics of
author’s intended audience, purpose, style,
voice and technique through the use of
reasoning, evidence and literary/character
RLA.O.12.3.01 present using the transactional
process of communication to include the
components of speaker, listener, message,
channel, feedback, and noise.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
ADP B6 is also represented in
Speech standards; see
SP1., SP1.,
and SP1.
RLA.O.12.3.02 plan, organize, adapt and
deliver a grammatically correct presentation
using a variety of media (e.g., live
performance, video, PowerPoint, Web pages).
RLA.O.11.3.01 communicate using the
transactional process to include the
components of speaker, listener, message,
channel, feedback, and noise.
RLA.O.11.3.02 plan, research, organize and
deliver a grammatically correct presentation
using a variety of media (e.g., live
performance, video, PowerPoint, web pages).
RLA.O.10.3.01 plan, research background of
topic, and communicate in different settings
(e.g. interpersonal, small group, whole group,
panel, round table, debate) and for different
 inform
 persuade
 relate
 entertain
RLA.O.10.3.02 formulate and deliver
grammatically correct messages, as well as
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
evaluate and adapt strategies for developing
credibility, such as speaking truthfully and
creating clear and logical messages (e.g.,
supporting ideas with evidence and emotional
appeals in light of purpose, audience and
RLA.O.9.3.01 plan, prepare appropriate
background information on a specified topic
and communicate effectively in different
settings (e.g. interpersonal, small group, whole
group) and for different purposes to
 inform
 persuade
 relate
 entertain
RLA.O.9.3.02 formulate and deliver
grammatically correct messages, taking into
consideration the purpose of the message and
the speaker’s and the listener’s culture,
knowledge, beliefs, feelings, and life
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
B7. Participate
productively in selfdirected work teams for
a particular purpose (for
example, to interpret
literature, write or
critique a proposal,
solve a problem, make a
decision), including:
 posing relevant
 listening with civility
to the ideas of others;
 extracting essential
information from
others’ input;
 building on the ideas
of others and
contributing relevant
information or ideas in
group discussions;
 consulting texts as a
source of ideas;
 gaining the floor in
respectful ways;
 defining individuals’
roles and
responsibilities and
setting clear goals;
 acknowledging the
ideas and contributions
of individuals in the
 understanding the
purpose of the team
project and the ground
rules for decision-
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.10.3.01 plan, research background of
topic, and communicate in different settings
(e.g. interpersonal, small group, whole group,
panel, round table, debate) and for different
 inform
 persuade
 relate
 entertain
RLA.O.10.3.03 model a variety of roles in
various settings to listen actively, understand
the intended message, evaluate, enjoy and/or
respond to an oral message:
 critique oral/visual information
 relate experiences in third person
 collaborate to achieve a goal
 mediate to reach a consensus
 deliver an extended extemporaneous
 participate in a panel/round table
RLA.O.9.3.01 plan, prepare appropriate
background information on a specified topic
and communicate effectively in different
settings (e.g. interpersonal, small group, whole
group) and for different purposes to
RLA.O.9.3.03 perform a variety of roles in
various settings:
 critique oral/visual information
 relate personal experiences
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
21C.O.9-12.1.TT9 Student uses advanced
telecommunication tools (e.g., email,
video conferencing, interactive
websites, newsgroups, video phones,
chats) to create collaborative projects
that are relevant to real world
situations and contribute to the
communication process among various
21C.O.9-12.2.TT2 Student collaborates
with peers, experts and others to
contribute to a content-related
knowledge base by using technology
to compile, synthesize, produce, and
disseminate information, models, and
other creative works.
ADP B6 is also represented in
Speech standards; see
SP1., SP1.,
SP1., and
Note that collaboration is
emphasized in West Virginia’s
learning and technology
standards that are included here.
The technology suggested by
these statements goes beyond
the focus of the ADP English
21C.O.9-12.2.TT3 Student uses multiple
electronic sources of information and
multiple technology tools and
resources tools (e.g., digital cameras,
graphing calculators, probes, mp3
players, handheld devices, other
emerging technologies, simulations,
models, browsers, word processing,
authoring tools, spreadsheets,
databases) to collaborate with others,
to formulate a hypothesis, to solve
problems, make decisions, and present
and justify the solutions.
21C.O.9-12.3.TT2 Student works
collaboratively to acquire information
from electronic resources, conducts
online research, and evaluates
information as to validity,
appropriateness, usefulness,
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
 maintaining
independence of
judgment, offering
dissent courteously,
ensuring a hearing for
the range of positions
on an issue and
avoiding premature
 tolerating ambiguity
and a lack of consensus;
 selecting leader
/spokesperson when
C. Writing
C1. Plan writing by
taking notes, writing
informal outlines and
West Virginia ELA Objectives
 collaborate to gain consensus
 mediate
 speak extemporaneously
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
comprehensiveness and bias.
21C.O.9-12.3.LS4 Student demonstrates
ethical behavior and works responsibly
and collaboratively with others in the
context of the school and the larger
community, and he/she demonstrates
civic responsibility through
engagement in public discourse and
participation in service learning.
21C.O.9-12.3.LS5 Student exhibits
positive leadership through
interpersonal and problem-solving
skills that contribute to achieving the
goal. He/she helps others stay focused,
distributes tasks and responsibilities
effectively, and monitors group
progress toward the goal without
undermining the efforts of others.
RLA.O.12.2.01 compose using the five-step
writing process (pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing), critique and
evaluate narrative, informative, descriptive,
persuasive and functional writings that
include a letter of job application, a
scholarship application/essay, and personal
RLA.O.12.2.05 use, plan and incorporate varied
note taking skills to organize and synthesize
information from print and electronic primary
and secondary sources (e.g., Internet,
reference books, electronic databases for
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
periodicals and newspapers) into an outline
(introduction, thesis/hypothesis, main points,
supporting details/examples, conclusion) to
develop a composition or research project.
employ the five-step
writing process (pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing) for developing
narrative, informative, descriptive, persuasive
and functional writings that include a letter of
job application, a scholarship
application/essay, and personal letters.
RLA.O.11.2.05 plan and incorporate varied note
taking skills to organize and synthesize
information from print and electronic primary
and secondary sources (e.g., Internet,
reference books, electronic databases for
periodicals and newspapers) into an outline
(introduction, thesis/hypothesis, main points,
supporting details/examples, conclusion) to
develop a composition or research project.
RLA.O.10.2.01 define topic from assigned
subject/prompt and compose narrative,
informative, descriptive and persuasive
writings using the five-step writing process
(pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing,
publishing) for specific audiences by
employing writing strategies that are modeled
in various types of literature.
RLA.O.10.2.05 plan and incorporate varied note
taking skills to organize and synthesize
information from print and electronic sources
(e.g., Internet research, electronic databases
for periodicals and newspapers, print
reference materials) into an outline for a
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
composition or research project (introduction,
thesis/hypothesis, main points, supporting
details/examples, conclusion).
RLA.O.9.2.01 compose narrative, informative,
descriptive, persuasive writing from a prompt
using the five-step writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,
C2. Select and use
formal, informal,
literary or technical
language appropriate
for the purpose,
audience and context of
the communication.
[ADP Core]
C3. Organize ideas in
writing with a thesis
statement in the
introduction, wellconstructed paragraphs,
a conclusion and
transition sentences that
connect paragraphs into
a coherent whole. [ADP
RLA.O.9.2.06 incorporate varied note taking
skills to process and organize information into
an outline for a composition (introduction,
main points, supporting details, conclusion).
RLA.O.12.2.10 demonstrate use of precise
vocabulary, figurative language and literary
devices to establish credibility, authority, and
authorial voice to suggest an attitude toward
subject matter, create mood, and carefully
appeal to the audience:
 imagery
 rhetorical question
 connotation/denotation
 irony (situational, dramatic, verbal)
 setting (geographical, historical, political)
 symbolism
 extended metaphor
RLA.O.12.2.02 generate a clearly worded and
effectively placed thesis statement to develop
a document (e.g., composition, essay, literary
critique, research paper) that has a clear,
logical progression of ideas in the
introduction, body, and conclusion.
Some statements from the
Speech standards apply; See
SP1.O.12.1.03 and
RLA.O.12.2.08 evaluate the effectiveness of
and apply various forms of transition in a
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
sentence links
repetition of key words or phrases
restating of main/key ideas
inferred transitions
RLA.O.11.2.02 generate a clearly worded and
effectively placed thesis statement to develop
a document (e.g., composition, essay, literary
critique, research paper) that has a clear,
logical progression of ideas in the
introduction, body, and conclusion.
RLA.O.11.2.06 develop personal style and voice
in writing, and create a clear, logical
progression of ideas in argumentative writing,
research writing, literary analysis, and creative
and reflective writing.
RLA.O.11.2.08 evaluate the effectiveness of and
apply various forms of transition in a
 sentence links
 repetition of key words or phrases
 restating of main/key ideas
RLA.O.10.2.02 construct a clearly worded and
effectively placed thesis statement to develop
a composition that addresses the assigned
RLA.O.10.2.05 plan and incorporate varied
note taking skills to organize and synthesize
information from print and electronic sources
(e.g., Internet research, electronic databases
for periodicals and newspapers, print
reference materials) into an outline for a
composition or research project (introduction,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
thesis/hypothesis, main points, supporting
details/examples, conclusion).
RLA.O.10.2.08 incorporate different transitional
sentences to signal progression of ideas within
and between paragraphs as well as appropriate
phrases to signal organizational patterns.
RLA.O.9.2.03 construct a clearly worded and
correctly placed thesis statement to develop a
composition that addresses the assigned topic.
C4. Drawing on
readers’ comments on
working drafts, revise
documents to develop
or support ideas more
clearly, address
potential objections,
ensure effective
transitions between
paragraphs and correct
errors in logic.
RLA.O.9.2.09 create and apply transition
sentences to signal progression of ideas
between paragraphs as well as appropriate
words and phrases to signal organizational
RLA.O.12.2.01 compose using the five-step
writing process (pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing), critique and
evaluate narrative, informative, descriptive,
persuasive and functional writings that
include a letter of job application, a
scholarship application/essay, and personal
RLA.O.12.2.09 revise, edit and strategically
employ a variety of sentence structures to
improve variety and create more precise and
concise language:
 compound-complex
 coordination/subordination
 parallel structures
 appositives
 rhetorical questions
 word/usage/choice
 passive/active voice
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.12.2.11 use proofreading and editing
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage and mechanics.
In the editing process, integrate print and
electronic tools:
 dictionary
 thesaurus
 spell check
 grammar check
 thesaurus
 Use peer editing and collaboration
techniques to correct errors.
RLA.O.11.2.01 employ the five-step writing
process (pre-writing, drafting, revising,
editing, publishing) for developing narrative,
informative, descriptive, persuasive and
functional writings that include a letter of job
application, a scholarship application/essay,
and personal letters.
RLA.O.11.2.08 evaluate the effectiveness of and
apply various forms of transition in a
 sentence links
 repetition of key words or phrases
 restating of main/key ideas
RLA.O.11.2.10 use proofreading and editing
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage and mechanics.
In the editing process integrate print and
electronic tools:
 spell check
 grammar check
 thesaurus
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
 dictionary
 style sheet or guide
 readability score
RLA.O.10.2.01 define topic from assigned
subject/prompt and compose narrative,
informative, descriptive and persuasive
writings using the five-step writing process
(pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing,
publishing) for specific audiences by
employing writing strategies that are modeled
in various types of literature.
RLA.O.10.2.09 revise sentences to create
specific effects, variety and more precise and
concise language:
 gerund phrase
 participle phrase
 infinitive phrase
 clauses
RLA.O.10.2.10 select revision and editing
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage, mechanics and
spelling. In the proofreading process,
integrate the use of
 dictionary
 spell check
 thesaurus
 style sheet or guide
RLA.O.9.2.01 compose narrative, informative,
descriptive, persuasive writing from a prompt
using the five-step writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
C5. Edit both one’s
own and others’ work
for grammar, style and
tone appropriate to
audience, purpose and
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.9.2.10 use pre-writing, editing and
revision techniques to construct complete and
varied sentences, eliminate organizational
errors and use more precise and concise
RLA.O.12.2.01 compose using the five-step
writing process (pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing), critique and
evaluate narrative, informative, descriptive,
persuasive and functional writings that
include a letter of job application, a
scholarship application/essay, and personal
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.12.2.09 revise, edit and strategically
employ a variety of sentence structures to
improve variety and create more precise and
concise language:
 compound-complex
 coordination/subordination
 parallel structures
 appositives
 rhetorical questions
 word/usage/choice
 passive/active voice
RLA.O.12.2.11 use proofreading and editing
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage and mechanics.
In the editing process, integrate print and
electronic tools:
 dictionary
 thesaurus
 spell check
 grammar check
 thesaurus
 Use peer editing and collaboration
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
techniques to correct errors.
RLA.O.11.2.01 employ the five-step writing
process (pre-writing, drafting, revising,
editing, publishing) for developing narrative,
informative, descriptive, persuasive and
functional writings that include a letter of job
application, a scholarship application/essay,
and personal letters.
RLA.O.11.2.09 revise, edit and strategically
employ a variety of sentences for improved
variety and more precise and concise
 gerunds
 infinitives
 subordinate clauses
 adjectival phrases,
 word usage/choice variations
 passive/active voice
RLA.O.11.2.10 use proofreading and editing
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage and mechanics.
In the editing process integrate print and
electronic tools:
 spell check
 grammar check
 thesaurus
 dictionary
 style sheet or guide
 readability score
RLA.O.10.2.01 define topic from assigned
subject/prompt and compose narrative,
informative, descriptive and persuasive
writings using the five-step writing process
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
(pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing,
publishing) for specific audiences by
employing writing strategies that are modeled
in various types of literature.
RLA.O.10.2.09 revise sentences to create
specific effects, variety and more precise and
concise language:
 gerund phrase
 participle phrase
 infinitive phrase
 clauses
RLA.O.10.2.10 select revision and editing
strategies to correct errors in and improve
organization, content, usage, mechanics and
spelling. In the proofreading process,
integrate the use of
 dictionary
 spell check
 thesaurus
 style sheet or guide
RLA.O.9.2.01 compose narrative, informative,
descriptive, persuasive writing from a prompt
using the five-step writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,
C6. Cite print or
electronic sources
properly when
RLA.O.9.2.10 use pre-writing, editing and
revision techniques to construct complete and
varied sentences, eliminate organizational
errors and use more precise and concise
RLA.O.12.2.03 identify, evaluate, and analyze
information (e.g., primary and secondary
sources, print and electronic media, personal
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
21C.O.9-12.3.TT4 Student adheres to
acceptable use policy and displays
ethical behaviors related to acceptable
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
paraphrasing or
information, quoting, or
using graphics.
interview) and recognize the concepts of
intellectual property and plagiarism in all
media (e.g., media copyright laws,
private/public domain).
RLA.O.12.3.06 properly use private and public
RLA.O.11.2.04 formulate a working research
question, organize and consider the relevance
of information gathered through the research
process, create a detailed outline and produce
a research paper with documented and cited
sources, using an accepted format (e.g. MLA,
APA, Chicago, ASA) with an accompanying
multimedia presentation and/or Web page.
RLA.O.11.3.06 properly use private and public
RLA.O.10.2.07 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in a
writing/research project in order to avoid
plagiarism; recognize copyright laws and
public/private domain.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
use of information and communication
technology (e.g., privacy, security,
copyright, file-sharing, plagiarism);
student predicts the possible cost and
effects of unethical use of technology
(e.g., consumer fraud, intrusion,
spamming, virus setting, hacking) on
culture and society; student identifies
the methodologies that individuals and
businesses can employ to protect the
integrity of technology systems.
21C.O.9-12.3.TT5 Student models ethical
behavior relating to security, privacy,
computer etiquette, passwords and
personal information and demonstrates
an understanding of copyright by
citing sources of copyrighted materials
in papers, projects and multi-media
presentations. Student advocates for
legal and ethical behaviors among
peers, family, and community
regarding the use of technology and
RLA.O.10.2.11 develop a research topic,
select approaches, write and publish a welldeveloped research project with documented
and cited sources and computer-generated
graphics, following a specified format:
 Chicago
RLA.O.10.3.06 properly use private and public
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
develop research topics, select
approaches, create, and publish (e.g., word
processing and desktop publishing) a well
developed paper with documented and cited
sources and computer-generated graphics,
following a specified format:
RLA.O.9.2.08 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in
writing in order to avoid plagiarism; recognize
media copyright laws and public/private
C7. Determine how,
when and whether to
employ technologies
(such as computer
software, photographs
and video) in lieu of, or
in addition to, written
RLA.O.9.3.06 properly use private and public
RLA.O.10.2.03 evaluate, analyze, and
synthesize into one’s writing a variety of
informational media using primary and
secondary sources.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT1 Student makes
informed choices among available
advanced technology systems,
resources and services (e.g., global
positioning software, graphing
calculators, personal digital assistants,
web casting, online collaboration
tools) for completing curriculum
assignments and projects and for
managing and communicating
personal/professional information.
ADP C7 is also represented in
West Virginia’s Speech
standards; see SP1.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS2 Student analyzes and
interprets visuals and recognizes the
impact digital media influences (e.g.
design, technique, and rate of speed)
have on audiences. The student’s
visual products reflect a sophisticated
understanding of subject, digital media
and design techniques.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
C8. Present written
material using basic
software programs
(such as Word, Excel
and PowerPoint) and
graphics (such as
charts, ratios and tables)
to present information
and ideas best
understood visually.
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.12.2.01 compose using the five-step
writing process (pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing), critique and
evaluate narrative, informative, descriptive,
persuasive and functional writings that
include a letter of job application, a
scholarship application/essay, and personal
RLA.O.12.3.02 plan, organize, adapt and
deliver a grammatically correct presentation
using a variety of media (e.g., live
performance, video, PowerPoint, Web pages).
employ the five-step
writing process (pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing) for developing
narrative, informative, descriptive, persuasive
and functional writings that include a letter of
job application, a scholarship
application/essay, and personal letters.
plan, research, organize and
deliver a grammatically correct presentation
using a variety of media (e.g., live
performance, video, PowerPoint, web pages).
RLA.O.10.2.01 define topic from assigned
subject/prompt and compose narrative,
informative, descriptive and persuasive
writings using the five-step writing process
(pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing,
publishing) for specific audiences by
employing writing strategies that are modeled
in various types of literature.
RLA.O.9.2.01 compose narrative, informative,
descriptive, persuasive writing from a prompt
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
21C.O.9-12.1.LS2 Student analyzes and
interprets visuals and recognizes the
impact digital media influences (e.g.
design, technique, and rate of speed)
have on audiences. The student’s
visual products reflect a sophisticated
understanding of subject, digital media
and design techniques.
Student makes informed choices among
available advanced technology
systems, resources and services (e.g.,
global positioning software, graphing
calculators, personal digital assistants,
web casting, online collaboration
tools) for completing curriculum
assignments and projects and for
managing and communicating
personal/professional information.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT4 Student uses audio,
video, pictures, clip art, moviemaker
programs, webpage design software,
electronic documents and other files to
collaborate for the creation of
electronic products that inform
multiple audiences both inside and
outside the school environment.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT6 Student uses advanced
features and utilities of spreadsheet
software, (e.g., formulas, filters, pivot
tables, pivot charts, macros,
conditional formatting), to perform
calculations and to organize, analyze
and report data.
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
using the five-step writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
21C.O.9-12.1.TT7 Student uses advanced
features and utilities of presentation
software (e.g., slide transitions, master
slides, narrations and timings, creating
web-enabled presentations, creating a
non-linear presentation) to
communicate ideas to multiple
21C.O.9-12.1.TT8 Student uses advanced
features and utilities of database
software (e.g., to create tables, forms,
perform table relationships, advanced
queries, and simple reports) to test
hypotheses or research questions and
to report results.
C9.Write an academic
essay (for example, a
summary, an
explanation, a
description, a literary
analysis essay) that:
• develops a thesis;
• creates an organizing
structure appropriate to
purpose, audience and
• includes relevant
information and
excludes extraneous
• makes valid
• supports judgments
with relevant and
substantial evidence
and well-chosen details;
RLA.O.12.2.01 compose using the five-step
writing process (pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing), critique and
evaluate narrative, informative, descriptive,
persuasive and functional writings that
include a letter of job application , a
scholarship application/essay, and personal
RLA.O.12.2.02 generate a clearly worded and
effectively placed thesis statement to develop
a document (e.g., composition, essay, literary
critique, research paper) that has a clear,
logical progression of ideas in the
introduction, body, and conclusion.
RLA.O.12.2.13 compose an analysis of a
literary selection with precise literary
terminology (e.g. symbolism, imagery) to
establish credibility and authority, to support
interpretation of the text, and to appeal to the
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
• provides a coherent
conclusion. [ADP Core]
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
audience’s interests.
RLA.O.11.2.01 employ the five-step writing
process (pre-writing, drafting, revising,
editing, publishing) for developing narrative,
informative, descriptive, persuasive and
functional writings that include a letter of job
application, a scholarship application/essay,
and personal letters.
RLA.O.11.2.02 generate a clearly worded and
effectively placed thesis statement to develop
a document (e.g., composition, essay, literary
critique, research paper) that has a clear,
logical progression of ideas in the
introduction, body, and conclusion.
RLA.O.11.2.06 develop personal style and voice
in writing, and create a clear, logical
progression of ideas in argumentative writing,
research writing, literary analysis, and creative
and reflective writing.
RLA.O.10.2.01 define topic from assigned
subject/prompt and compose narrative,
informative, descriptive and persuasive
writings using the five-step writing process
(pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing,
publishing) for specific audiences by
employing writing strategies that are modeled
in various types of literature.
RLA.O.10.2.03 evaluate, analyze, and
synthesize into one’s writing a variety of
informational media using primary and
secondary sources.
RLA.O.10.2.06 classify and prioritize different
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
drafting strategies for specific writing tasks to
frame a clear, logical progression of ideas in
argumentative writing, research writing,
literary analysis, and creative and reflective
RLA.O.9.2.01 compose narrative, informative,
descriptive, persuasive writing from a prompt
using the five-step writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,
RLA.O.9.2.03 construct a clearly worded and
correctly placed thesis statement to develop a
composition that addresses the assigned topic.
C10. Produce workrelated texts (for
example, memos, emails, correspondence,
project plans, work
orders, proposals, bios)
• address audience
needs, stated purpose
and context;
• translate technical
language into nontechnical English;
• include relevant
information and
exclude extraneous
RLA.O.9.2.07 examine and prioritize different
drafting strategies for specific writing tasks to
structure a clear, logical progression of ideas
in argumentative writing, research writing,
literary analysis, and creative and reflective
RLA.O.12.2.01 compose using the five-step
writing process (pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing), critique and
evaluate narrative, informative, descriptive,
persuasive and functional writings that
include a letter of job application , a
scholarship application/essay, and personal
RLA.O.11.2.01 employ the five-step writing
process (pre-writing, drafting, revising,
editing, publishing) for developing narrative,
informative, descriptive, persuasive and
functional writings that include a letter of job
application, a scholarship application/essay,
and personal letters.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
21C.O.9-12.1.TT7 Student uses advanced
features and utilities of presentation
software (e.g., slide transitions, master
slides, narrations and timings, creating
web-enabled presentations, creating a
non-linear presentation) to
communicate ideas to multiple
21C.O.9-12.1.TT9 Student uses advanced
telecommunication tools (e.g., email,
video conferencing, interactive
websites, newsgroups, video phones,
chats) to create collaborative projects
that are relevant to real world
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
• use appropriate
strategies, such as
providing facts and
details, describing or
analyzing the subject,
explaining benefits or
limitations, comparing
or contrasting, and
providing a scenario to
• anticipate potential
problems, mistakes and
misunderstandings that
might arise for the
• create predictable
structures through the
use of headings, white
space and graphics, as
appropriate; and
• adopt a customary
format, including
proper salutation,
closing and signature,
when appropriate.
[ADP Core]
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.10.2.01 define topic from assigned
subject/prompt and compose narrative,
informative, descriptive and persuasive
writings using the five-step writing process
(pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing,
publishing) for specific audiences by
employing writing strategies that are modeled
in various types of literature.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
situations and contribute to the
communication process among various
RLA.O.10.2.03 evaluate, analyze, and
synthesize into one’s writing a variety of
informational media using primary and
secondary sources.
RLA.O.9.2.01 compose narrative, informative,
descriptive, persuasive writing from a prompt
using the five-step writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,
RLA.O.9.2.03 construct a clearly worded and
correctly placed thesis statement to develop a
composition that addresses the assigned topic.
RLA.O.9.2.07 examine and prioritize different
drafting strategies for specific writing tasks to
structure a clear, logical progression of ideas
in argumentative writing, research writing,
literary analysis, and creative and reflective
D. Research
D1. Define and narrow
a problem or research
RLA.O.12.2.04 refine the research question
through pre-writing strategies by considering
whether the thesis claim is personally
relevant, interesting and meaningful, is
relevant and meaningful to the audience, is
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 Student recognizes
information needed for problem
solving, can efficiently browse, search
and navigate online to access relevant
information, evaluates information
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
aligned with purposes and goals, is logical
and can be supported within the limits of the
assignment and available resources.
RLA.O.11.2.04 formulate a working research
question, organize and consider the relevance
of information gathered through the research
process, create a detailed outline and produce
a research paper with documented and cited
sources, using an accepted format (e.g. MLA,
APA, Chicago, ASA) with an accompanying
multimedia presentation and/or Web page.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
based on credibility, social, economic,
political and/or ethical issues, and
presents findings clearly and
persuasively using a range of
technology tools and media.
RLA.O.10.2.04 formulate a working research
question and identify, organize and consider
the relevance of known information to guide
further research.
D2. Gather relevant
information from a
variety of print and
electronic sources, as
well as from direct
observation, interviews
and surveys.
RLA.O.9.2.02 develop research topics, select
approaches, create, and publish (e.g., word
processing and desktop publishing) a well
developed paper with documented and cited
sources and computer-generated graphics,
following a specified format:
RLA.O.12.2.03 identify, evaluate, and analyze
information (e.g., primary and secondary
sources, print and electronic media, personal
interview) and recognize the concepts of
intellectual property and plagiarism in all
media (e.g., media copyright laws,
private/public domain).
RLA.O.11.2.05 plan and incorporate varied note
taking skills to organize and synthesize
information from print and electronic primary
and secondary sources (e.g., Internet,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 Student recognizes
information needed for problem
solving, can efficiently browse, search
and navigate online to access relevant
information, evaluates information
based on credibility, social, economic,
political and/or ethical issues, and
presents findings clearly and
persuasively using a range of
technology tools and media.
ADP D2 is also represented in
West Virginia’s Speech
standards; see SP1. and
21C.O.9-12.3.TT8 Student uses
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
reference books, electronic databases for
periodicals and newspapers) into an outline
(introduction, thesis/hypothesis, main points,
supporting details/examples, conclusion) to
develop a composition or research project.
RLA.O.11.2.04 formulate a working research
question, organize and consider the relevance
of information gathered through the research
process, create a detailed outline and produce
a research paper with documented and cited
sources, using an accepted format (e.g. MLA,
APA, Chicago, ASA) with an accompanying
multimedia presentation and/or Web page.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
technology to seek strategies and
information to address limits in their
own knowledge.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT10 Student implements
various Internet search techniques
(e.g., Boolean searches, meta-searches,
web bots) to gather information;
student evaluates the information for
validity, appropriateness, content, bias,
currency, and usefulness.
RLA.O.10.2.04 formulate a working research
question and identify, organize and consider
the relevance of known information to guide
further research.
RLA.O.10.2.05 plan and incorporate varied note
taking skills to organize and synthesize
information from print and electronic sources
(e.g., Internet research, electronic databases
for periodicals and newspapers, print
reference materials) into an outline for a
composition or research project (introduction,
thesis/hypothesis, main points, supporting
details/examples, conclusion).
D3. Make distinctions
about the credibility,
reliability, consistency,
strengths and
limitations of resources,
RLA.O.9.2.04 identify, evaluate, and analyze a
variety of informational media using primary
and secondary sources.
RLA.O.9.2.04 identify, evaluate, and analyze a
variety of informational media using primary
and secondary sources.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 Student recognizes
information needed for problem
solving, can efficiently browse, search
and navigate online to access relevant
information, evaluates information
ADP D3is also represented in
West Virginia’s Speech
standards; see SP1.
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
including information
gathered from Web
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
based on credibility, social, economic,
political and/or ethical issues, and
presents findings clearly and
persuasively using a range of
technology tools and media.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS3 Student creates
information using advanced skills of
analysis, synthesis and evaluation and
shares this information through a
variety of oral, written and multimedia
communications that target academic,
professional and technical audiences
and purposes.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT10 Student implements
various Internet search techniques
(e.g., Boolean searches, meta-searches,
web bots) to gather information;
student evaluates the information for
validity, appropriateness, content, bias,
currency, and usefulness.
21C.O.9-12.3.TT2 Student works
collaboratively to acquire information
from electronic resources, conducts
online research, and evaluates
information as to validity,
appropriateness, usefulness,
comprehensiveness and bias.
D4. Report findings
within prescribed time
and/or length
requirements, as
D5.Write an extended
research essay
RLA.O.12.2.06 plan, develop, and write a
focused research project that has a clear
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 Student recognizes
information needed for problem
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
(approximately six to
10 pages), building on
primary and secondary
sources, that:
• marshals evidence in
support of a clear thesis
statement and related
• paraphrases and
summarizes with
accuracy and fidelity
the range of arguments
and evidence
supporting or refuting
the thesis, as
appropriate; and
• cites sources correctly
and documents
quotations, paraphrases
and other information
using a standard format.
[ADP Core]
West Virginia ELA Objectives
thesis/hypothesis and logical progression of
ideas supported by relevant details with an
accompanying multimedia presentation and/or
Web page using an accepted format (MLA,
APA, Chicago, ASA).
RLA.O.12.3.06 properly use private and public
RLA.O.11.2.04 formulate a working research
question, organize and consider the relevance
of information gathered through the research
process, create a detailed outline and produce
a research paper with documented and cited
sources, using an accepted format (e.g. MLA,
APA, Chicago, ASA) with an accompanying
multimedia presentation and/or Web page.
RLA.O.11.2.06 develop personal style and voice
in writing, and create a clear, logical
progression of ideas in argumentative writing,
research writing, literary analysis, and creative
and reflective writing.
RLA.O.11.2.07 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in
writing in order to avoid plagiarism.
RLA.O.10.2.07 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in a
writing/research project in order to avoid
plagiarism; recognize copyright laws and
public/private domain.
RLA.O.10.2.11 develop a research topic, select
approaches, write and publish a welldeveloped research project with documented
and cited sources and computer-generated
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
solving, can efficiently browse, search
and navigate online to access relevant
information, evaluates information
based on credibility, social, economic,
political and/or ethical issues, and
presents findings clearly and
persuasively using a range of
technology tools and media.
21C.O.9-12.3.TT4 Student adheres to
acceptable use policy and displays
ethical behaviors related to acceptable
use of information and communication
technology (e.g., privacy, security,
copyright, file-sharing, plagiarism);
student predicts the possible cost and
effects of unethical use of technology
(e.g., consumer fraud, intrusion,
spamming, virus setting, hacking) on
culture and society; student identifies
the methodologies that individuals and
businesses can employ to protect the
integrity of technology systems.
21C.O.9-12.3.TT5 Student models ethical
behavior relating to security, privacy,
computer etiquette, passwords and
personal information and demonstrates
an understanding of copyright by
citing sources of copyrighted materials
in papers, projects and multi-media
presentations. Student advocates for
legal and ethical behaviors among
peers, family, and community
regarding the use of technology and
21C.O.9-12.1.TT8 Student uses advanced
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
graphics, following a specified format:
 Chicago
RLA.O.9.2.02 develop research topics, select
approaches, create, and publish (e.g., word
processing and desktop publishing) a well
developed paper with documented and cited
sources and computer-generated graphics,
following a specified format:
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
features and utilities of database
software (e.g., to create tables, forms,
perform table relationships, advanced
queries, and simple reports) to test
hypotheses or research questions and
to report results.
RLA.O.9.2.03 construct a clearly worded and
correctly placed thesis statement to develop a
composition that addresses the assigned topic.
RLA.O.9.2.07 examine and prioritize different
drafting strategies for specific writing tasks to
structure a clear, logical progression of ideas
in argumentative writing, research writing,
literary analysis, and creative and reflective
RLA.O.9.2.08 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in
writing in order to avoid plagiarism; recognize
media copyright laws and public/private
E. Logic
E1. Distinguish among
facts and opinions,
evidence and
inferences. [ADP Core]
RLA.O.4.1.08 interpret and extend the ideas in
literary and informational texts to summarize,
determine story elements, skim and scan,
determine cause and effect, compare and
contrast, visualize, paraphrase, infer, sequence,
determine fact and opinion, draw conclusions,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
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Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
analyze characterize and provide main idea and
support details.
RLA.O.9.3.04 use active listening strategies to
analyze the message, formulate a response and
react to
 determine purpose
 make predictions
 differentiate fact from opinion
 construct meaning of discussion, speech,
or media
E2. Identify false
premises in an
E3. Describe the
structure of a given
argument; identify its
claims and evidence;
and evaluate
connections among
evidence, inferences
and claims.
RLA.O.12.1.12 analyze and evaluate persuasive
language and techniques(e.g., advertisements,
junk mail, web sites, news stories) for intent,
purpose, audience, type (inductive or
deductive) and effectiveness.
RLA.O.11.1.12 evaluate persuasive language
and techniques in literature and informational
texts for intent, purpose, and effectiveness.
RLA.O.10.1.11 critique persuasive language and
techniques as found in literary and
informational texts and media.
E4. Evaluate the range
and quality of evidence
used to support or
oppose an argument.
[ADP Core]
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 Student recognizes
information needed for problem
solving, can efficiently browse, search
and navigate online to access relevant
information, evaluates information
based on credibility, social, economic,
political and/or ethical issues, and
presents findings clearly and
persuasively using a range of
technology tools and media.
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
E5. Recognize common
logical fallacies, such as
the appeal to pity
(argumentum ad
misericordiam), the
personal attack
(argumentum ad
hominem), the appeal to
common opinion
(argumentum ad
populum) and the false
dilemma (assuming
only two options when
there are more options
available); understand
why these fallacies do
not prove the point
being argued.
E6. Analyze written or
oral communications
for false assumptions,
errors, loaded terms,
caricature, sarcasm,
leading questions and
faulty reasoning.
E7. Understand the
distinction between a
deductive argument
(where, if the premises
are all true and the
argument’s form is
valid, the conclusion is
inescapably true) and
inductive argument (in
which the conclusion
provides the best or
most probable
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.12.1.12 analyze and evaluate persuasive
language and techniques(e.g., advertisements,
junk mail, web sites, news stories) for intent,
purpose, audience, type (inductive or
deductive) and effectiveness.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.11.1.12 evaluate persuasive language
and techniques in literature and informational
texts for intent, purpose, and effectiveness.
RLA.O.10.1.11 critique persuasive language and
techniques as found in literary and
informational texts and media.
Alignment only found in Speech
See the following statement:
SP1.O.12.1.09 demonstrate
critical listening skills by
separating fact from opinion,
and by identifying propaganda,
distortion, and faulty reasoning.
RLA.O.12.1.12 analyze and evaluate persuasive
language and techniques (e.g., advertisements,
junk mail, web sites, news stories) for intent,
purpose, audience, type (inductive or
deductive) and effectiveness.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
explanation of the truth
of the premises, but is
not necessarily true).
E8. Analyze two or
more texts addressing
the same topic to
determine how authors
reach similar or
different conclusions.
[ADP Core]
E9. Construct
arguments (both orally
and in writing) that:
• develop a thesis that
demonstrates clear and
• structure ideas in a
sustained and logical
• use a range of
strategies to elaborate
and persuade, such as
descriptions, anecdotes,
case studies, analogies
and illustrations;
• clarify and defend
positions with precise
and relevant evidence,
including facts, expert
opinions, quotations
and/or expressions of
commonly accepted
beliefs and logical
• anticipate and address
the reader’s concerns
and counterclaims; and
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.12.2.01 compose using the five-step
writing process (pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing), critique and
evaluate narrative, informative, descriptive,
persuasive and functional writings that
include a letter of job application, a
scholarship application/essay, and personal
RLA.O.11.2.01 employ the five-step writing
process (pre-writing, drafting, revising,
editing, publishing) for developing narrative,
informative, descriptive, persuasive and
functional writings that include a letter of job
application, a scholarship application/essay,
and personal letters.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 Student recognizes
information needed for problem
solving, can efficiently browse, search
and navigate online to access relevant
information, evaluates information
based on credibility, social, economic,
political and/or ethical issues, and
presents findings clearly and
persuasively using a range of
technology tools and media.
West Virginia clearly expects
argumentative writing, but
standards may not be as explicit
as ADP Benchmarks in defining
the characteristics of
RLA.O.11.2.06 develop personal style and voice
in writing, and create a clear, logical
progression of ideas in argumentative writing,
research writing, literary analysis, and creative
and reflective writing.
RLA.O.10.2.01 define topic from assigned
subject/prompt and compose narrative,
informative, descriptive and persuasive
writings using the five-step writing process
(pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
• provide clear and
effective conclusions.
[ADP Core]
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
publishing) for specific audiences by
employing writing strategies that are modeled
in various types of literature.
RLA.O.10.2.06 classify and prioritize different
drafting strategies for specific writing tasks to
frame a clear, logical progression of ideas in
argumentative writing, research writing,
literary analysis, and creative and reflective
RLA.O.9.2.01 compose narrative, informative,
descriptive, persuasive writing from a prompt
using the five-step writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,
RLA.O.9.2.07 examine and prioritize different
drafting strategies for specific writing tasks to
structure a clear, logical progression of ideas
in argumentative writing, research writing,
literary analysis, and creative and reflective
F. Informational
F1. Follow instructions
in informational or
technical texts to
perform specific tasks,
answer questions or
solve problems.
RLA.O.2.1.05 describe a purpose for reading:
 for information
 for pleasure
 to understand specific viewpoints
 to follow directions
RLA.O.3.1.14 use reading skills and strategies
to understand a variety of information resources
to support literacy learning (e.g., written
directions, captions, electronic resources, labels,
informational text).
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
21C.O.9-12.2.TT3 Student uses multiple
electronic sources of information and
multiple technology tools and
resources tools (e.g., digital cameras,
graphing calculators, probes, mp3
players, handheld devices, other
emerging technologies, simulations,
models, browsers, word processing,
authoring tools, spreadsheets,
databases) to collaborate with others,
to formulate a hypothesis, to solve
problems, make decisions, and present
Expectations related to
giving/following directions
appear much before grades 9-12.
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
and justify the solutions.
F2. Identify the main
ideas of informational
text and determine the
essential elements that
elaborate them. [ADP
RLA.O.9.1.05 locate and analyze the author’s
use of specific information in text (e.g.,
author’s purpose/perspective, main and
supporting details, specific facts, statistics,
RLA.O.12.1.09 assess the importance and
effectiveness of organizational patterns (e.g.,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect), textual
features, graphical representations (e.g.,
tables, timelines, captions, maps,
photographs) and ideas in informational and
literary texts for intent, purpose and style.
21C.O.9-12.2.TT4 Student uses
technology tools and multiple media
sources to analyze a real-world
problem, design and implement a
process to assess the information, and
chart and evaluate progress toward the
21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 Student recognizes
information needed for problem
solving, can efficiently browse, search
and navigate online to access relevant
information, evaluates information
based on credibility, social, economic,
political and/or ethical issues, and
presents findings clearly and
persuasively using a range of
technology tools and media.
RLA.O.11.1.09 evaluate and justify the
effectiveness of organizational patterns (e.g.,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect), textual
features, graphical representations (e.g.,
tables, timelines, captions, maps,
photographs) and ideas in informational and
literary texts for intent and purpose.
RLA.O.10.1.09 analyze the organizational
patterns (e.g. problem-solution, cause-andeffect, textual features including table of
contents, headings, sidebars, marginal notes,
graphical representations such as tables,
timelines, captions, maps, photographs) and
ideas in informational and literary texts.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
F3. Summarize
informational and
technical texts and
explain the visual
components that
support them.
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.9.1.09 recognize and examine the
purpose of organizational patterns (e.g.
problem-solution, cause-and-effect, textual
features including table of contents, headings,
sidebars, marginal notes, graphical
representations such as tables, timelines,
captions, maps, photographs) and ideas in
informational and literary texts.
RLA.O.12.1.06 formulate, in a critique,
supportable conclusions, summarize events
and ideas, construct inferences and
generalizations, and interpret character traits
from explicit and implicit ideas.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
analyze the organizational
patterns (e.g. problem-solution, cause-andeffect, textual features including table of
contents, headings, sidebars, marginal notes,
graphical representations such as tables,
timelines, captions, maps, photographs) and
ideas in informational and literary texts.
RLA.O.10.2.07 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in a
writing/research project in order to avoid
plagiarism; recognize copyright laws and
public/private domain.
RLA.O.9.1.09 recognize and examine the
purpose of organizational patterns (e.g.
problem-solution, cause-and-effect, textual
features including table of contents, headings,
sidebars, marginal notes, graphical
representations such as tables, timelines,
captions, maps, photographs) and ideas in
informational and literary texts.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.9.2.08 summarize, paraphrase, and use
direct quotations correctly and effectively in
writing in order to avoid plagiarism; recognize
media copyright laws and public/private
F4. Distinguish
between a summary and
a critique.
F5. Interpret and use
information in maps,
charts, graphs, time
lines, tables and
diagrams. [ADP Core]
RLA.O.12.1.09 assess the importance and
effectiveness of organizational patterns (e.g.,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect), textual
features, graphical representations (e.g.,
tables, timelines, captions, maps,
photographs) and ideas in informational and
literary texts for intent, purpose and style.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS2 Student analyzes and
interprets visuals and recognizes the
impact digital media influences (e.g.
design, technique, and rate of speed)
have on audiences. The student’s
visual products reflect a sophisticated
understanding of subject, digital media
and design techniques.
RLA.O.11.1.09 evaluate and justify the
effectiveness of organizational patterns (e.g.,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect), textual
features, graphical representations (e.g.,
tables, timelines, captions, maps,
photographs) and ideas in informational and
literary texts for intent and purpose.
RLA.O.10.1.09 analyze the organizational
patterns (e.g. problem-solution, cause-andeffect, textual features including table of
contents, headings, sidebars, marginal notes,
graphical representations such as tables,
timelines, captions, maps, photographs) and
ideas in informational and literary texts.
RLA.O.9.1.09 recognize and examine the
purpose of organizational patterns (e.g.
problem-solution, cause-and-effect, textual
features including table of contents, headings,
sidebars, marginal notes, graphical
representations such as tables, timelines,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
F6. Identify
between and among
ideas and concepts
within a text, such as
F7. Synthesize
information from
multiple informational
and technical sources.
[ADP Core]
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
captions, maps, photographs) and ideas in
informational and literary texts.
RLA.O.6.1.10 evaluate connections (e.g.,
cause/effect, order) among the facts, ideas,
events and concepts of literary and
informational texts to self, to other texts and
to the world.
RLA.O.12.1.09 assess the importance and
effectiveness of organizational patterns (e.g.,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect), textual
features, graphical representations (e.g.,
tables, timelines, captions, maps,
photographs) and ideas in informational and
literary texts for intent, purpose and style.
(And see parallel statements on organizational
patterns at grades 9-11.)
RLA.O.12.2.05 use, plan and incorporate varied
note taking skills to organize and synthesize
information from print and electronic primary
and secondary sources (e.g., Internet,
reference books, electronic databases for
periodicals and newspapers) into an outline
(introduction, thesis/hypothesis, main points,
supporting details/examples, conclusion) to
develop a composition or research project.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS3 Student creates
information using advanced skills of
analysis, synthesis and evaluation and
shares this information through a
variety of oral, written and multimedia
communications that target academic,
professional and technical audiences
and purposes.
RLA.O.11.2.05 plan and incorporate varied note
taking skills to organize and synthesize
information from print and electronic primary
and secondary sources (e.g., Internet,
reference books, electronic databases for
periodicals and newspapers) into an outline
(introduction, thesis/hypothesis, main points,
supporting details/examples, conclusion) to
develop a composition or research project.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.10.2.03 evaluate, analyze, and
synthesize into one’s writing a variety of
informational media using primary and
secondary sources.
F8. Draw conclusions
based on evidence from
informational and
technical texts.
RLA.O.10.2.05 plan and incorporate varied note
taking skills to organize and synthesize
information from print and electronic sources
(e.g., Internet research, electronic databases
for periodicals and newspapers, print
reference materials) into an outline for a
composition or research project (introduction,
thesis/hypothesis, main points, supporting
details/examples, conclusion).
RLA.O.12.1.06 formulate, in a critique,
supportable conclusions, summarize events
and ideas, construct inferences and
generalizations, and interpret character traits
from explicit and implicit ideas.
21C.O.9-12.2.LS2 Student draws
conclusions from a variety of data
sources to analyze and interpret
RLA.O.11.1.06 formulate supportable
conclusions, summarize events and ideas,
construct inferences and generalizations, and
critique character traits in a written/oral
literary interpretation.
RLA.O.10.1.06 create supportable predictions,
generalizations, opinions, inferences and
conclusions based upon an analysis of textual
F9. Analyze the ways in
which a text’s
organizational structure
RLA.O.9.1.06 formulate supportable
predictions, generalizations, opinions,
inferences and conclusions based upon text.
RLA.O.12.1.08 evaluate and critique a variety
of texts according to content, structure,
purpose, organization of text, and tone.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
supports or confounds
its meaning or purpose.
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.12.1.09 assess the importance and
effectiveness of organizational patterns (e.g.,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect), textual
features, graphical representations (e.g.,
tables, timelines, captions, maps,
photographs) and ideas in informational and
literary texts for intent, purpose and style.
RLA.O.11.1.08 analyze and evaluate a variety
of texts according to content, structure,
purpose, organization of text, and tone.
RLA.O.11.1.09 evaluate and justify the
effectiveness of organizational patterns (e.g.,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect), textual
features, graphical representations (e.g.,
tables, timelines, captions, maps,
photographs) and ideas in informational and
literary texts for intent and purpose.
RLA.O.10.1.09 analyze the organizational
patterns (e.g. problem-solution, cause-andeffect, textual features including table of
contents, headings, sidebars, marginal notes,
graphical representations such as tables,
timelines, captions, maps, photographs) and
ideas in informational and literary texts.
RLA.O.9.1.09 recognize and examine the
purpose of organizational patterns (e.g.
problem-solution, cause-and-effect, textual
features including table of contents, headings,
sidebars, marginal notes, graphical
representations such as tables, timelines,
captions, maps, photographs) and ideas in
informational and literary texts.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
F10. Recognize the use
or abuse of ambiguity,
contradiction, paradox,
irony, incongruities,
overstatement and
understatement in text
and explain their effect
on the reader.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
Irony is included in the
following statement, but
the implication is that this
is for analysis of literary
texts – not necessarily
informational texts. As a
result it is not included
RLA.O.10.1.07 interpret and
explain the author’s choice
of literary devices used to
construct meaning and
define the author’s/reader’s
F11. Evaluate
informational and
technical texts for their
clarity, simplicity and
coherence and for the
appropriateness of their
graphics and visual
RLA.O.12.1.08 evaluate and critique a variety
of texts according to content, structure,
purpose, organization of text, and tone.
RLA.O.12.1.09 assess the importance and
effectiveness of organizational patterns (e.g.,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect), textual
features, graphical representations (e.g.,
tables, timelines, captions, maps,
photographs) and ideas in informational and
literary texts for intent, purpose and style.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS2 Student analyzes and
interprets visuals and recognizes the
impact digital media influences (e.g.
design, technique, and rate of speed)
have on audiences. The student’s
visual products reflect a sophisticated
understanding of subject, digital media
and design techniques.
RLA.O.11.1.08 analyze and evaluate a variety
of texts according to content, structure,
purpose, organization of text, and tone.
RLA.O.11.1.09 evaluate and justify the
effectiveness of organizational patterns (e.g.,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect), textual
features, graphical representations (e.g.,
tables, timelines, captions, maps,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
photographs) and ideas in informational and
literary texts for intent and purpose.
RLA.O.10.1.09 analyze the organizational
patterns (e.g. problem-solution, cause-andeffect, textual features including table of
contents, headings, sidebars, marginal notes,
graphical representations such as tables,
timelines, captions, maps, photographs) and
ideas in informational and literary texts.
RLA.O.10.1.05 evaluate the author’s use of
specific information in text (e.g., author’s
purpose/perspective, main/supporting details,
specific facts, statistics, definition,
figurative/nonfigurative words).
RLA.O.10.1.09 analyze the organizational
patterns (e.g. problem-solution, cause-andeffect, textual features including table of
contents, headings, sidebars, marginal notes,
graphical representations such as tables,
timelines, captions, maps, photographs) and
ideas in informational and literary texts.
RLA.O.9.1.09 recognize and examine the
purpose of organizational patterns (e.g.
problem-solution, cause-and-effect, textual
features including table of contents, headings,
sidebars, marginal notes, graphical
representations such as tables, timelines,
captions, maps, photographs) and ideas in
informational and literary texts.
G. Media
G1. Evaluate the aural,
visual and written
images and other
RLA.O.12.1.12 analyze and evaluate persuasive
language and techniques(e.g., advertisements,
junk mail, web sites, news stories) for intent,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
21C.O.9-12.1.LS2 Student analyzes and
interprets visuals and recognizes the
impact digital media influences (e.g.
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
special effects used in
television, radio, film
and the Internet for
their ability to inform,
persuade and entertain
(for example, anecdote,
expert witness, vivid
detail, tearful testimony
and humor). [ADP
West Virginia ELA Objectives
purpose, audience, type (inductive or
deductive) and effectiveness.
RLA.O.12.3.04 critique and create examples of
the wide range of purposes embedded in
media communications.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
design, technique, and rate of speed)
have on audiences. The student’s
visual products reflect a sophisticated
understanding of subject, digital media
and design techniques.
RLA.O.11.3.04 analyze and create examples of
the wide range of purposes embedded in
media communications.
RLA.O.10.3.03 model a variety of roles in
various settings to listen actively, understand
the intended message, evaluate, enjoy and/or
respond to an oral message:
 critique oral/visual information
 relate experiences in third person
 collaborate to achieve a goal
 mediate to reach a consensus
 deliver an extended extemporaneous
 participate in a panel/round table
RLA.O.10.3.05 understand, evaluate and create
media communications.
RLA.O.9.3.03 perform a variety of roles in
various settings:
 critique oral/visual information
 relate personal experiences
 collaborate to gain consensus
 mediate
 speak extemporaneously
RLA.O.9.3.05 understand, interpret and evaluate
various media communications.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
G2. Examine the
intersections and
conflicts between the
visual (such as media
images, painting, film
and graphic arts) and
the verbal.
G3. Recognize how
visual and sound
techniques or design
(such as special effects,
camera angles and
music) carry or
influence messages in
various media.
G4. Apply and adapt
the principles of written
composition to create
coherent media
productions using
effective images, text,
graphics, music and/or
sound effects — if
possible — and present
a distinctive point of
view on a topic (for
example, PowerPoint
presentations, videos).
[ADP Core]
RLA.O.12.2.06 plan, develop, and write a
focused research project that has a clear
thesis/hypothesis and logical progression of
ideas supported by relevant details with an
accompanying multimedia presentation and/or
Web page using an accepted format (MLA,
APA, Chicago, ASA).
RLA.O.12.3.02 plan, organize, adapt and
deliver a grammatically correct presentation
using a variety of media (e.g., live
performance, video, PowerPoint, Web pages).
RLA.O.12.3.04 critique and create examples of
the wide range of purposes embedded in
media communications.
RLA.O.12.3.05 plan, compose, produce,
evaluate, and revise an age appropriate
product from various forms of media
communication that demonstrates an
understanding of format, purpose, audience,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
21C.O.9-12.1.LS2 Student analyzes and
interprets visuals and recognizes the
impact digital media influences (e.g.
design, technique, and rate of speed)
have on audiences. The student’s
visual products reflect a sophisticated
understanding of subject, digital media
and design techniques.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS2 Student analyzes and
interprets visuals and recognizes the
impact digital media influences (e.g.
design, technique, and rate of speed)
have on audiences. The student’s
visual products reflect a sophisticated
understanding of subject, digital media
and design techniques.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS2 Student analyzes and
interprets visuals and recognizes the
impact digital media influences (e.g.
design, technique, and rate of speed)
have on audiences. The student’s
visual products reflect a sophisticated
understanding of subject, digital media
and design techniques.
21C.O.9-12.1.LS3 Student creates
information using advanced skills of
analysis, synthesis and evaluation and
shares this information through a
variety of oral, written and multimedia
communications that target academic,
professional and technical audiences
and purposes.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT1 Student makes
informed choices among available
advanced technology systems,
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
and choice of medium.
RLA.O.11.2.04 formulate a working research
question, organize and consider the relevance
of information gathered through the research
process, create a detailed outline and produce
a research paper with documented and cited
sources, using an accepted format (e.g. MLA,
APA, Chicago, ASA) with an accompanying
multimedia presentation and/or Web page.
RLA.O.11.3.02 plan, research, organize and
deliver a grammatically correct presentation
using a variety of media (e.g., live
performance, video, PowerPoint, web pages).
RLA.O.11.3.04 analyze and create examples of
the wide range of purposes embedded in
media communications.
RLA.O.11.3.05 plan, compose, produce and
evaluate an age appropriate product from
various forms of media communication that
demonstrates an understanding of format,
purpose, audience, and choice of medium.
RLA.O.10.2.03 evaluate, analyze, and
synthesize into one’s writing a variety of
informational media using primary and
secondary sources.
RLA.O.10.3.05 understand, evaluate and create
media communications.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
resources and services (e.g., global
positioning software, graphing
calculators, personal digital assistants,
web casting, online collaboration
tools) for completing curriculum
assignments and projects and for
managing and communicating
personal/professional information.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT4 Student uses audio,
video, pictures, clip art, moviemaker
programs, webpage design software,
electronic documents and other files to
collaborate for the creation of
electronic products that inform
multiple audiences both inside and
outside the school environment.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT7 Student uses advanced
features and utilities of presentation
software (e.g., slide transitions, master
slides, narrations and timings, creating
web-enabled presentations, creating a
non-linear presentation) to
communicate ideas to multiple
21C.O.9-12.1.TT8 Student uses advanced
features and utilities of database
software (e.g., to create tables, forms,
perform table relationships, advanced
queries, and simple reports) to test
hypotheses or research questions and
to report results.
RLA.O.10.3.07 plan, create, organize, and
present an age appropriate media product that
demonstrates an understanding of format,
purpose, audience, and choice of medium.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.9.3.07 plan, create, organize, and present
an age appropriate media product that
demonstrates an understanding of format,
purpose, and audience.
H. Literature
H1. Demonstrate
knowledge of 18th and
19th century
foundational works of
American literature.
RLA.O.12.1.03 extend the amount of
independent reading with emphasis on
American, British and World Literature, and
informational texts.
Independent reading does not
suggest that students will have
knowledge of a set of
foundational works.
In addition, from a measurement
standpoint, the West Virginia
statements here would be
difficult to assess – what is the
baseline expected? What does it
mean to “extend” or “increase”?
What skills or knowledge are
students expected to gain from
this independent reading? How
would they demonstrate these?
RLA.O.11.1.03 increase the amount of
independent reading with emphasis on classic
American, British and World Literature, and
informational texts.
RLA.O.10.1.03 extend the amount of
independent reading with emphasis on fiction
and nonfiction.
RLA.O.9.1.03 increase the amount of
independent reading with emphasis on fiction
and nonfiction.
H2. Analyze
foundational U.S.
documents for their
historical and literary
significance (for
example, The
Declaration of
Independence, the
Preamble to the U.S.
Constitution, Abraham
Lincoln’s “Gettysburg
Address,” Martin
Luther King’s “Letter
from Birmingham
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
H3. Interpret significant
works from various
forms of literature:
poetry, novel,
biography, short story,
essay and dramatic
literature; use
understanding of genre
characteristics to make
deeper and subtler
interpretations of the
meaning of the text.
[ADP Core]
H4. Analyze the setting,
plot, theme,
characterization and
narration of classic and
contemporary short
stories and novels.
West Virginia ELA Objectives
RLA.O.12.1.02 analyze, evaluate, and critique
literary styles according to genre:
 author’s use
 elements
 expectations
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
RLA.O.11.1.02 analyze and evaluate literary
styles according to genre:
 author’s use
 elements
 expectations
RLA.O.10.1.08 interpret and explain the
relationships of the literary elements (e.g.,
setting, plot, , point of view, theme, conflict,
characterization, voice, tone, mood) within
specific genres.
RLA.O.9.1.08 recognize the relationships of the
literary elements (e.g., setting, plot, narrative
perspective, point of view, theme, conflict,
characterization, voice, tone, structures)
within specific genres.
RLA.O.12.1.06 formulate, in a critique,
supportable conclusions, summarize events
and ideas, construct inferences and
generalizations, and interpret character traits
from explicit and implicit ideas.
RLA.O.10.1.08 interpret and explain the
relationships of the literary elements (e.g.,
setting, plot, point of view, theme, conflict,
characterization, voice, tone, mood) within
specific genres.
RLA.O.9.1.08 recognize the relationships of the
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
H5. Demonstrate
knowledge of metrics,
rhyme scheme, rhythm,
alliteration and other
conventions of verse in
West Virginia ELA Objectives
literary elements (e.g., setting, plot, narrative
perspective, point of view, theme, conflict,
characterization, voice, tone, structures)
within specific genres.
RLA.O.5.1.12 read and understand various
types of poetry.
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
Statements on poetry appear
below grades 9-12.
RLA.O.6.1.12 characterize and classify various
types of poetry.
RLA.O.7.1.09 read, compare and interpret types
of poetry (e.g., narrative poems, ballads, lyric,
epic), and recognize the elements to derive
meaning of poetry.
RLA.O.8.1.11 read, compare and interpret types
of poetry (e.g., narrative poems, ballads, lyric,
epic) and interpret elements (e.g., lines,
stanzas, rhythm, meter or rhyme) to derive
meaning of poetry.
H6. Identify how
elements of dramatic
literature (for example,
dramatic irony,
soliloquy, stage
direction and dialogue)
articulate a playwright’s
H7. Analyze works of
literature for what they
suggest about the
historical period in
which they were
RLA.O.12.1.01 research, evaluate and critique
the historical, cultural, political and
biographical influences to determine the
impact on literary works.
RLA.O.11.1.01 research, analyze, and evaluate
the historical, cultural, political and
biographical influences on literary works.
RLA.O.10.1.01 research and analyze historical,
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009
Appendix B: Side-by-Side Chart for English Language Arts
ADP Benchmarks:
West Virginia ELA Objectives
West Virginia Standards for 21st
Century Learning
cultural, and biographical influences on
literary and informational texts.
RLA.O.9.1.01 examine the social, historical,
cultural and biographical influences on literary
and informational texts.
H8. Analyze the moral
dilemmas in works of
literature, as revealed
by characters’
motivation and
behavior. [ADP Core]
H9. Identify and
explain the themes
found in a single
literary work; analyze
the ways in which
similar themes and
ideas are developed in
more than one literary
RLA.O.10.1.08 interpret and explain the
relationships of the literary elements (e.g.,
setting, plot, point of view, theme, conflict,
characterization, voice, tone, mood) within
specific genres.
Report on West Virginia’s English Language
Arts and Mathematics Standards
Achieve, January 2009