2010-2011 Innovations Zone Grant Application Mrs. April Haught (Principal) Ritchie County High School 107 Ritchie School Road 304-869-3526 304-869-3031 Ritchie County High School Innovation Zone Application B. Applicant Information: Entity Applying for Innovation Zone Designation _____X______School Name of Entity Applying: Ritchie County High School County: Ritchie Superintendent: Edward Toman Principal: April Haught Number of Professional Personnel: 37 Number of Service Personnel: 6 County Location: RESA V _125_____Number of students served/affected by the proposed Innovation Zone plan. _37______Number of teachers involved in the proposed Innovation Zone plan. _ 5____Number of service personnel involved in the proposed Innovation Zone plan. C. Narratives for the Innovation Zone Application: Part A: Creative vision for the project Because Ritchie County High School’s 5 year strategic plan focuses on student achievement, RCHS hopes to increase literacy comprehension levels and promote reading by using enticing and engaging technology tools and strategies along with cultivating the positive, innovative goal that student literacy success can be rescued beyond the 8th grade level. “The link between literacy and the dropout rate is staggering. Students in the bottom quartile of reading achievement are 20 times more likely to drop out than those in the top quartile. A student’s level of reading achievement in the eighth grade is the single biggest predictor of his or her ability to complete high school (Scholastic, 2001).” The International Center for Leadership in Education in its white paper, What we Know About Adolescent Reading (Daggett and Hasselbring, 2007) cite the following common exemplary adolescent literacy practices used by the nation’s most successful high schools: 1) Utilize a shared, conceptual model of reading and literacy; 2) Expand the reading curriculum to reflect today’s broad text sources including document literacy, technological literacy and Ritchie County High School Page 1 quantitative literacy; 3)Use proven, research-based instructional technology tools based on sound pedagogy; 4)Help all teachers in all subjects assist their students to become competent readers; 5)Establish a School or District-wide Literacy Plan; 6)Utilize the Lexile Framework; 7)Implement research-based intervention programs for struggling readers. Last year, 12.097% (15 out of 124 students) were retained in the 9th grade as they failed 3 or more courses. The overall retention rate for Ritchie County High School was 3.09%. The following chart presents trend data of failures for the freshman class in the area of Reading/English Language Arts: Time Period Freshman Class of 2008 1st Semester Freshman Class of 2008 2nd Semester Freshman Class of 2009 1st Semester Freshman Class of 2009 2nd Semester Freshman Class of 2010 1st Semester Freshman Class of 2010 2nd Semester Number of Students 62 Number of Failures 6 Percentage of Failures 9.7% 66 3 4.5% 57 3 5.3% 70 9 12.9% 52 3 5.8% 94 10 10.6% 9th Graders Reading/Language Arts Course Failures Correspondingly, our percentage of 9th grade students who have failed social studies courses is increasing dramatically. Our students are aware of the reading skills needed to succeed in Social Studies courses and have expressed the concern for opportunities to enhance their literacy comprehension. Time Period Freshman Class of 2008 1st Semester Freshman Class of 2008 2nd Semester Freshman Class of 2009 1st Semester Freshman Class of 2009 2nd Semester Freshman Class of 2010 1st Semester Freshman Class of 2010 2nd Semester Number of Students 54 Number of Failures 9 Percentage of Failures 16.7% 79 11 13.9% 65 21 32.3% 68 12 17.6% 86 14 16.3% 66 18 27.3% 9th Grade Social Studies Course Failures Ritchie County High School Page 2 WESTEST2 statistics indicate that only 35.92 percent of the current 9th grade students were proficient in Reading/Language Arts Decrease in Graduation Rate 95 90 85 80 75 (current Class of 2014 as 8th graders). Last year, only 28.78% were proficient (current Class of Class Class Class Class of of of of 2007 2008 2009 2010 % of Graduates 2013 as 9th graders). Our graduation rate is also decreasing. We have shown an approximate 7% decrease in the graduation rate in a four year period as indicated in the above chart. Similarly, our dropout rate is steadily increasing: Class of 2005 1.9% Class of 2006 1.7% Class of 2007 1.9% Class of 2008 3.2% Class of 2009 3.6% Recent MAP benchmark assessment (NWEA) scores indicate that 48.45% of our present 9th graders are reading below level. All of the above data indicates that sizeable populations of students entering Ritchie County High School are identified as at-risk students and are in need of reading strategies to reach academic success. The committee formed to organize and drive this grant will consist of school and county administrators, teachers, and student leaders along with our elementary reading specialists. A grant coordinator will be assigned the responsibility to oversee and lead the direction of the overall project goals. The team will meet regularly to design, execute, and monitor the implementation of the Innovation Zone and RCHS’s action plan, outlining goals, objectives, and activities set by the school to improve student outcomes. Regular time to collaborate and for staff development will be provided for all teachers within the instructional day if possible. For example, our building supervisors are designating a “Tech Thursday” schedule lead by our county’s TIS to provide training on technology strategies. Stipends will be provided for sessions that cannot be scheduled during the school day. Ritchie County High School Page 3 Part B: Goals and objectives for the project Decrease failures in 9th grade Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies by 35% Increase the graduation rate by 3% Increase MAP individual students test results in increments of 5 points Increase WESTEST scores by 10% to ensure reading proficiency Goals and objectives are based on the freshmen focus group and following years Part C. Activities necessary to implement and achieve the goals/objectives of the innovation initiative Activities Staff Development Invest in Reading Software/Program Design/Evaluate Courses On-site visits Simulate Pilot Program Scheduling/PrepTime How activities will solve the stated problem Changed, sustainable mindset Flexibility Prepare staff for implementation Reading levels and attitudes can be changed at the high school level School cultural change – not “another educational initiative” Change in current curriculum and teaching strategies Incorporate state of the art software proven to raise literacy levels Identify specific concerns and evaluate ways to address those within new course offerings Observe researched-based software utilized in schools that have seen an increase in literacy levels Provides guidance and direction for teachers and students Based on current assessment scores, RCHS will offer opportunities for students to increase in literacy levels Literacy comprehension can increase with the use of technology New school curriculum Teachers use innovative methods of teaching coupled with traditional methods Allows administrators and teachers to develop courses that target literacy comprehension Teachers gain insight at national/statewide levels Ritchie County High School Fund off-campus visits to different districts in/out-ofstate school Pioneering ideas that effectively change teacher instruction Tolerance for room of inventive instruction Concentration on literacy Focus on reading Change in current operation Impact on student achievement Frequent staff development – teachers commit time during plan every Thursday for “Tech Thursday” & after-school once per month to meet a group; Teachers use online tools for instruction Better prepare staff to focus on individual student needs New school courses, classroom agendas, and standards Course design and evaluation will target areas of weakness and focus will be directed to increase comprehension Off-campus onsite visit additions Teachers gain cultural understanding to share with student literacy development Permission to change curriculum and state requirements Students will take reading 1st semester and ENG & SS 2nd Semester Allocates time to intensify reading skills Students will have accessible and multiple resources and they will obtain instant results Higher rate of passing Eng 9 and History Page 4 Activities Data Collection Order Supplies Inform Parents/Students of individual student performance for reading How activities will solve the stated problem Changed, sustainable mindset Flexibility Change in current operation Impact on student achievement Identify at-risk students and know their reading levels Teachers will be provided with the necessary tools Data used to schedule students Schedule consultation with student/parent Placement in courses that provide intensive literacy instruction Teacher/student resources Data analyzed for literacy specific purposes Funding methods Lack of funding Parents will be notified and involved in the process Students will be required to take reading course if under achievement mark as measured by WESTEST2 scores and MAP benchmark exams School/Parent relationship in student learning Requiring students to take a reading course Rigorous reading standards and concentration Students will be provided with the necessary tools Project Evaluation The project evaluation will consist of statistical data, surveys, artifacts, and interviews. Following the initiation of the required reading course(s), we plan to decrease failures by 35% in both Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies courses in the freshman class during the first year. Through the scores projected by the MAP test, students will be able to self-evaluate and see immediate results. Furthermore, we want to evaluate the effectiveness of the courses from both the teacher and student perspective by regularly conducting surveys. The data mined from these results will help us shape and develop the course. Another component of the evaluation process is “Tech Thursdays,” which will be part of staff development sessions. Each “Tech Thursday” will include a feedback component at which time teachers will reflect on effectiveness and communicate needs to enhance instruction. At the completion of the 1st semester, all of the data will be tabulated and presented in writing to all stakeholders. Scalability and Sustainability: Our goal is to effectively impact student achievement in Ritchie County by increasing student literacy levels. Student achievement is measured by a variety of components such as, but not limited to, graduation, classroom success, and reading proficiency. We want to develop a template that can translate to any school in the state of West Virginia. By adding an additional Ritchie County High School Page 5 required course(s) that focuses on raising reading levels of identified students and implementing reading strategies into all courses at the high school, we hope to challenge the widely held belief that students’ reading skills cannot be improved after 8th grade. Ritchie County administrators, teachers, stakeholders, and coordinators will continue to collect and analyze data for upcoming freshmen. Through sustained parent/student involvement, the scheduling process will allow us continue to target areas of literacy weakness and focus on student achievement. The commitment of the school community in addition to staff development will help us direct our vision stated in the 5 year strategic plan. Ritchie County feels confident that the proposal will sustain itself once the students begin to show success. When looking at our current allocations of funds that are being used to re-educate failures and provide alterative learning placements, the expense can then be redirected to this preventive program. Abstract RCHS plans to develop and implement a project that focuses on strengthening literacy instruction will occur in the spring 2011 at which time stakeholders will examine assessment results from WESTEST2, MAP, and benchmarks of each 8th grade students. Upon analyzing data, students with low proficiency levels in literacy will be required to take a reading course in the fall before taking the core English and Social Studies class. Ritchie County proposes to waive seat time minutes in order to gain flexibility to put in place an intensified course and extend the intensified elements of reading in other courses to raise reading proficiency. Budget Justification Since planning is so critical to the success and sustainability of the Innovation Zone Grant, the committee at Ritchie County High School is requesting the amount of $48,465 to be used in the areas of release time, resources, stipends, supplies, travel expenses, and staff Ritchie County High School Page 6 development presenters. Stipends will pay for the time committee members and others work on finalizing and evaluating the plan, studying the data, and sharing/receiving knowledge. Release time will allow the teachers to examine and evaluate the available software and reading programs, receive training on the chosen materials, and visit 2 high schools that are currently using the curriculum materials. Through release time teachers analyze students’ individual data from MAP benchmarks, conference with the student and parent, and schedule the student into the appropriate courses. Special Education teachers will also need time to rewrite IEPs as well as assist with scheduling concerns for their caseloads. The Project Coordinator will organize the weekly and monthly staff development sessions, collect artifacts and data, and communicate findings with the administration and RCHS teachers. Computers will assist the lead teachers and Project Coordinator in evaluating software and other resources, communicating with one another and administration personnel, preparing surveys, analyzing individual student data, and preparing notices and reminders of meetings and events. The purchase of sample software and technology tools will also us to evaluate the products as we use them and allow us to then gather information to make a decision concerning their effectiveness in our school. Budget Item Narrative Description of Item Release time Substitutes for 5 lead teachers for 2 days to investigate various reading programs/software to determine one best to fit our needs Substitutes for 5 lead teachers of training on the software programs for 2 days Substitutes for 5 Special Education teachers to schedule courses and training for 3 days Substitutes for curriculum team – 7 teachers, 1 counselor, 1 administrator for scheduling students and conference sessions with parents – 3 days Cost to NWEA to provide 3 benchmark tests for 124 Freshmen and 73 Special Education Students Stipends for 35 teachers, 1 counselor, and 1 administrator to investigate, evaluate, and design Release time Release time Release time Cost of Benchmark testing Stipends Ritchie County High School Proposed Amount Funded by Others WVDE Office Use Only 5 @ $135 x 2 days = 1350 5@$135 x 2 days = $1350 5 @ $135 x 3 days = 2025 9 @ $135 x 3 days =$3645 200 students @ $11 =$2200 37 personnel @$50 x 10 meetings=$18,500 Page 7 2 Site Visits: release time for 5 teachers, and 1 administrator to visit sites using Reading software and curriculum materials to examine for courses Reading Specialist/Coordinator Purchase 6 notebooks/I-pads for 5 lead teachers & project coordinator Reading/software purchase for Pilot Reading Rescue Course & curriculum materials for reading strategies in all core courses the Reading Rescue classes ($50 per meeting after school) once per month Substitutes 6 @ $135/day X 2 days =$1620 Travel, food, & lodging-$1500 Will plan & implement staff development sessions for afterschool and those during ”Tech Thursdays” & keep administration and counselor informed or Project progress; Computers will be used to tabulate data, analyze software, and communicate with leadership team Purchase software/curriculum for Pilot Reading Rescue course & materials for staff development sessions during weekly “Tech Thursdays” for all teachers Total $1620 $1,500 – County Staff Development Funds $4,000 6 Net books/I-pads @ $500 = $3000 $15,000 $48,465 $30,000 – grants, STEP 7; Textbook funds from Levy; 35,725 Indicate the policies or code that prohibit or constrain the design: ____Specific waiver requested of county policy _X___Specific waiver requested of WVBOE policy ____Specific waiver requested of WV code/statute Please record policy or code waiver requests in the following chart: Innovation Zone/School Consortium State Code Waiver Request (specify section and article) Ritchie County High School-Carnegie Unit8100 minutes per course credit rule 345 Instructional Minutes Daily Ritchie County High School State Policy Waiver Request (specify section and article) 2510, 5.6.6.b 2510, 7.2.4.c Impact of the waiver – What will the waiver enable the school to do differently? Infuse reading into social studies, vocational, and science courses Flexible use of time throughout the school day Page 8 Ritchie County High School Page 9 Ritchie County High School Page 10 Ritchie County High School Page 11 LSIC AGENDA December 2, 2010 1. Select officers President: ___ Vice President: Secretary: ___ 2. Review Code of Conduct , How it is carried out: This year's data: 3. Proposal for Class Recognition 4. Innovations Grant / 5. School Updates 6. Next Steps Next scheduled meeting February 14, 2010 8:00am Innovation Zone Grant(Circle One) December 9, 2010 Yes No Innovation Zone Grant(Circle One) December 9, 2010 Yes No Innovation Zone Grant(Circle one) December 9, 2010 Yes No Innovation Zone Grant(Circle One) December 9, 2010 Yes No Innovation Zone Grant(Circle One) December 9, 2010 Yes No Innovation Zone Grant(Circle One) December 9, 2010 Yes No Innovation Zone Grant(Circle One) December 9, 2010 Yes No Innovation Zone Grant(Circle one) December 9, 2010 Yes No Innovation Zone Grant(Circle one) December 9, 2010 Yes No